Cleaning Up The Forgotten Pond In The Woods

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well i didn't have to come far for this job you can see my house in the background but i drove over here and be working on the neighbors pond this is going to be a an extreme pond makeover because it is a disaster um i've never never actually walked over here even though it's a quarter mile from the house here but uh here is the pond back here and what i'm going to be doing is cleaning up around it she wants to make it and turn it into a a nice little pond and it's all overgrown and you can't even see it for all the trees so i'm gonna come in here and clear out all these trees around it grate it out where it can be mowed and maintained dig out what i can widen the pond dam out a little bit put a new overflow in and make a nice little pond out of this overgrown disaster well put the drone up in the air and get a couple aerial pictures of it because this one's gonna look really good when i'm done with it let's take a little walk around here before i start tearing everything up but uh pretty much gonna leave these bigger trees right here get rid of these piles of dirt and as i dig it out i'm going to raise this up some and kind of build a road around here because you can see how wet and swampy it is um i'm going to raise this up a foot or so if i can get over here and get my feet wet and as i dig it out i'm going to raise this up and i'll put a covert pipe in down here to let the water into the pond and uh pretty much i'm just digging the pond out putting the dirt around it to raise it up enough where you can actually come down here and not be ankle deep in mud and water everywhere and just see how swampy it is but i'm just going to reach out there and dig out whatever i can get to raise this up enough very shallow i um might be two feet deep at the most but someone here is the uh creek channel so i'll put a cover pipe in here somewhere and it's not much of a pond dam just some old dirt pushed up and there's an old ditch right here it's pretty much just maintained the level of the pond so i'm gonna probably come down here where it's a little uh deeper i'm gonna clear all this off all this is coming out and it's got good flow coming out of it though and i'm gonna come down here somewhere in the center and dig it deeper to drain the water out of it so that i can dig it and not be under water and then there's a ditch here in the center and what i'll do is i'll clear this out and this will be the new overflow i'm just going to put a a horizontal pipe through there nothing fancy just get it cleaned up and whatever i dig out i'm gonna put it right here on the backside the pond dam to make it wider pretty much everything you see right here is coming out i'll do a burn pile probably probably somewhere right in here i think i'm far enough away from everything and uh yeah get all this cleaned up so i'm gonna clear around the other side and see if i can get this pond dam cleared off enough where i can get a ditch in here and get some uh this water out of here it's a mess back here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's get the knocking some trees down this thing is surrounded by these little birch trees i think it was cleared around i've been at the farm for eight years and i i never made it over here checked it out there's three different people have owned this since i've lived next door nobody has been able to come down here and maintain it so i want to try to fix that by cleaning up around it nicely where they came [Music] what i want to do is try to get some stuff knocked down this today so it'll kind of dry out some and maybe it'll dry out enough where i can burn it next weekend i can work for a couple hours today i'll get enough knock down to give me a head start for next weekend so [Music] gotta get all the mud off these this stuff is gonna be packed full of mud through this area [Music] just because it's growing pretty much in standing water i get them plucked out piled up inside on the higher ground maybe it'll dry out a little bit i'm not going to hold my breath to it though might be burning what i can and burying the rest back there's the windshield so i don't know what that thing is right there kind of looks like an outhouse i'm not going to go open it find out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me crazy and i can't get it out i figured eventually it would break off so i'll grab this little stuff right here just because it's gonna start encroaching [Music] all right let me get uh this little stuff ripped out and over here out of the way and i'll get into a little more interesting stuff when i get around the corner there well i've opened it up quite a bit here in uh just 30 minutes got that whole side done now but i knew that was gonna be quick because it was just little saplings now the uh the pond dam what a mess inside the i'll pond this out that'll help me get the fire going a little dryer stuff and then have giant piles of mud attached to the end of them i'm gonna run down here just pile everything up to the back side for now and then grab it when it's time to burn after i clear some stuff enough room to be able to pop it up [Music] so [Music] i'm trying to rake up every briar because i'm gonna dig all this stuff up throw up behind the [Music] and then bury it in the mud [Music] so [Music] [Music] now that stuff's gonna be muddy [Music] break off what i can and just pile it up and let it dry some pick it up drop it a bunch before i burn it that's all you can do with stuff like that so [Music] [Music] so break this down and off another feeling this is just a top soil dam but everything holds so much water around here it shouldn't be a problem [Music] pretty much all this pond is there's a hole in the ground anyway [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right let me get over here out of the sun so it's not blinding the view so bad i get a little more video once i second all right i've made it over here about here cut in the shade now so i took that layer on the glass a little i'm better trying to get as much dirt as i can off these balls [Music] amazing you take out one group of trees like that how much area opens up so somewhere in here i'll find the deepest part probably not where i'm going to put the new overflow pipe just so it's not all disturbed there and uh i'll just dig a ditch through here and let this drain out there's nothing but just fast poopiness down there so it's not really going to hurt anything [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] not much of a container [Music] so [Music] paper trees [Music] [Music] so [Music] there we go let that dry out better river trees do not like to break off [Music] pretty much have to just haul them up into a ball [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i like openness i like trees but i like openness around [Music] [Music] and i'll keep getting all this little uh stuff up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well i'm making really good progress around here gotten hmm three quarters of the pond damn cleared off i'm just taking everything and putting it in piles back here behind the pond dam and i think i'm gonna do a burn hole right in this area right here and uh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and i found about the lowest point digging a ditch through here uh just to keep it drained down because i filled in that other one and that's only probably a foot deep so if i get it down a foot uh it should drain out enough so when i run around here and dig out the edges i'm not digging into water making even more mud than i already have so let's go ahead and uh drain some uh swampy water out all right i'm gonna cut it over here [Music] is that one scoop first i thought he found me [Music] i can wait [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] at least there is some clay in this pot now i'm thinking it was mostly topsoil but i am seeing a little bit of clay well it's a whitish clay that's that's the dirt we have in this area [Music] it's some no draining graspy dirt [Music] but it holds water and that is good for a pond [Music] so [Music] here to get it to drain [Music] scratch a little of this [Music] just do a little bit at the time [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so well that shouldn't take too long to drain down it'll just kind of spread out throughout the woods down there and sink into the ground i guess there's no creek or nothing it just spreads out in the woods well that won't take long to drain down [Music] well it looks quite different now doesn't it i made it all the way around back up there to where i started [Music] this is still draining down decent it'll probably go down another six or eight inches i would say maybe about dig that little spot out right there it might go down a little bit farther it was pretty much cleared up and just running out like it always has except for it was running out over there and uh i got all the brush piled up over here when i come back um next weekend i'll probably dig a hole right there pile it up and burn it and uh get rid of all this stuff that'll give this a week to dry out and i can run around here and start digging this out i'm pretty much just going to dig out everything i can reach i'll probably go out there a little ways but that's probably deep enough out there get everything that you know from wherever this drains down to out down to that depth and that should prevent these weeds and everything from growing because i'm going to actually raise the water level up some once i raise that up and uh it should be deep enough it'll probably at least three or four feet deep when i'm done with it other than the two feet deep that it is uh right now all right i'm gonna call it a day
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 598,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, lost, farm, pond, lake, found, wood, clearing, tree, removal, dam, busting, overgrown, logging, cleanup, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: -RvWWaC8tR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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