Rebuilding The Broken Pond Dam

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uh tall truck warming up excavator warming up back on the pond project down there on the bulldozer getting the [Music] all right we got the damn bladed off here i'm going to run down here at the excavator to the area where the old standpipe was where it's been cut in half dig all that um mud and everything out because what we've got to do is get good dirt from the borrow pit some good compactable clay and bring it down here for this and then obviously all this mud is going to go back in that hole and we'll use the extra dirt obviously we got a whole lot more mud than uh dirt i'm going to need to fill in this cut right here and we're going to widen the dam out a little bit on the back and some on the front just kind of make it a little bit more wider than what it is now so here is the area in the pod dam that is broke i'm going to start skimming out all the grass and mud and what i probably need to go ahead and do is just go ahead and cut a core trench in here so we can go ahead and put our clay back get rid of all this mud first go ahead and back the truck back down in here and start filling this back up because pretty much what i've got to do is fill this in [Music] uh with clay to be able to get my road back across and have a spot to dump all this stuff a lot of water in here pretty pretty muddy i threw up some dirt there to stop the runoff from up through there coming down here so [Music] [Music] dip and pop that's what i'll do i'll probably scoop all this mud out and then pull this back so that i can ramp it down in there get that taken care of there's really no need to dump a bunch of dirt up here still have no access to get down in here i think that's the best plan let's get mud out build a ramp in there cut the core and go from there so i cleaned out the ditch and cut this slope down some kind of cutting a little bit of a core trench and what that is it's just cleaning it out down through original ground so when you put the dirt back you're not creating a scene say as all the years that wash some sand through there well if you just put dirt right on top of that sand what would happen is as the pond filled up it would hit that layer of sand and that water would just seep right directly under the pond dam so you've got to go through here and dig it out like i'm doing and get it down to a good original solid ground or two or three feet below it whatever really works out just kind of i can look at it and tell when it's good good enough see everything to the left is good enough and to the right is not good enough that's why i'm still digging it out and what i'm going to do is pull that dirt down kind of track it in a little bit and then get on that side and cut that back um just so it's a nice ramp in here and the dump truck can kind of drive through here and pack it in and be able to dump over there as well and i'm not putting the dirt in here right here on a vertical wall have hit some sort of groundwater hole or something that stuff is pouring in huh but it's not like we're backing up the hoover dam here we're only backing up about an acre of water so it's not a tremendous pond dam and it's going to start filling up rather fast i mean i already got a good little puddle where's all this water coming from must have been a pocket there or something all right well i got that cleaned out pretty good i'm going to pull some of this clay down right here wall of clay at least it's dry and dusty that's a good time get a bucket of dirt just sit here and pack it with the back then on the next lift i'll be able to track it through there all right let me pack this and i'll go ahead and get that ramped up and start moving dirt here all right i got the pond damn veed out now and tracked in so we can now start bringing our dirt down here backing it in here with the dump truck and getting it put in place i'm gonna track over here to the field where i'm gonna dig the pit to get our good clay from start loading the truck and letting him bring it down here we stripped all the grass off this little section of field and we're going to be digging a borrow pit right here along the tree line getting our good clay to fix the pond it'll bring all the mud and uh everything that was laid up out of the pond back up here to fill hole in that way it'll keep some nice uh topsoil up here for the hay field so it'll just all blend back together when i'm done it appears the mud's winning i have to scratch that condom off a little bit better still a little slick it looks like looks like you got into a stump hole over there pull the truck out and then cut a little groove what it is is the ground's really hard and it's got slimy mud on top of it and between that and the sun directly in the mirrors you can't see [Music] and uh that truck weighs so much once it gets the slide it just ends up over there so what i'm going to do is cut a little we'll flatten the top of the dam off so that it's like a little bit of a crown on top of it and that should keep the truck from sliding let's go ahead and throw some of that in there in case he ends up back in that hole it'll always be a dryer material so so i'll just skim it down and kind of flatten it up a little bit and with it being rougher it'll have a little more traction to start with and he'll get some rut started then the truck will stay put [Music] a really nice vein of clay here so it should be pretty easy digging i don't know how deep i can go looks like i'm go down about six or eight feet and start to turn it into a different material so just trying to mix all the layers together trying to keep the consistency all the same my loading out more dirt probably maybe this one and one more then i'll have to go down there and rake in the new lift track it in and he runs over the truck so okay so as you can tell the nice red clay puts in a nice pretty lift the pond dams i'm gonna come down here with the excavator we got about six or seven loads dumped out break this out drag it in let him roll it in about probably two more should get us pretty close to great dirt doesn't quite go as far once you start coming up a little higher in elevation because obviously it gets wider versus that little channel i mean once you get to a point then it starts getting a little bit smaller pull some of this dirt back on exactly while we got it dumped way over here i don't really need it over there so that's got to come out wrong way then i'll do the same thing to the other half starting to fill in so i got that tracked over you'll run the truck over we'll put some more dirt on it and probably one more lift should get it level enough to take it on over there so stripping the topsoil off the other side of the pond dam on the other side of the trench that we filled in that way the dump truck can drive down here and get pretty much the wet top hole off the top leveling out throwing it on the backside of the dam and we will pretty much build our road dump some clay in here and uh we'll have a nice road and then to call out all the mud that i piled up along the shoreline last time i was here that's pretty much it we'll spread that dirt out and go ahead and start loading out that mud and take it up here to the borrow bit what i've pretty much i've got to do is get all the dirt i need for the dam so that i can start dumping the you know have a place to dump the mud i would like the mud out first but if you don't have a place to dump it it doesn't really matter i got a pretty good sized pit dug i'm going to stop digging for a little bit and run down here and grab some of this mud and start bringing it up here and putting it into the pit and filling it in some and i'll kind of be able to judge how much is left so how much more i need to dig out to make it all fit all right i'm going to grab what was left of this fire pile there's not a whole lot left we can get it put down into the pit [Music] i hmm mix a little mud in with those ashes and calm them down a little bit [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little dusty i probably should have scooped that up not pinched it that wasn't a very smart move was it [Music] we'll get on the other side of the wind [Music] we're gonna mix some mud in with that i'm not dealing with dust got too much mud over here to be dusting myself out evidently the dump truck didn't like my ram it won't come out evidently that dirt's a lot wetter than i was expecting that hole doesn't look that big did it you put the truck in there boy it sunk right on down didn't it huh i had to cut a little bit better ramp out well that didn't work like anticipated [Music] boy i didn't think that dirt was that wet down there [Music] i need to be trying to push out five extra tons of stuff [Music] i don't really like being this close to the edge of the hole [Music] [Music] i want to say that is probably not going to be the best idea he's probably just going to have to uh pull up here and dump in there then well they're trying to keep from tearing up the field so bad loading out mud now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm just glad the ground's holding up the weight of the truck and all this it's a little slick on top from the rain we had yesterday but all in all it's not sinking out of sight that's always a good thing [Music] a lot more to go load of mud going out so we're driving up there on top of the hill and dumping off into the hole so far is working but uh starting to come down here and load out all this mud that i stacked up along the pond dam it's now dried out some and uh putting it in the truck dump them in the hole and then we'll dig some more uh dirt from there and put it on the pond dam like we did on that half last load for today heading out so good productive day today got that much mud out the pond dam some dirt put back in that and all that dirt dumped over there so looks like a bomb went off but it's an organized bomb and once it's all grated out it'll be nice and pretty so i'm gonna go up here and fuel up for tomorrow and uh we'll probably finish hauling that mud out in the morning and cut some more dirt put it right here
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 133,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, broken, pond, dam, repair, fix, fixing, building, overflow, stand, pipe, drain, spillway, loading, off, road, dump, truck, stuck, muddy, bulldozer, dozer, crawler, tractor, heavy, construction, equip, equipment
Id: JYtVC4Ihuak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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