Burning And Digging On The Forgotten Pond

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[Music] so i'm out here on my job with the uh 220 and this is the pond that i cleared around last weekend it rained again everything's a nice swampy wet mess like it was when i got here i think i picked the bad way to go here but uh let's see if i can get around i want to try to burn today i'm gonna go down here to the backside of the pond dam and dig a little bit of a hole and put some of that dryer stuff in there the wind's blowing pretty bad today but i think it's so wet it's not going to be a problem i don't know maybe i'll just try to burn right here in the inside the pond that might be the thing to do the wind's blowing that way so i could sit right here i think i'm gonna do that i'm gonna burn right here on the inside of the pond right there yep that's what i'm gonna do i wanna bring all that stuff right here and uh burn it right there and then whatever's left dig a hole back there and get rid of if i do it right there the wind's gonna be blowing at me and i'm gonna be uh downwind of the fire and i don't want to do that so i'm gonna come around grab some of that dry stuff and get a fire started right there well that's how deep the pond is two feet i think i can dig out everything from the level of the water out this way and uh leave that goopy stuff out there but take all this and that should get it deep enough not to grow any more junk hopefully well it took about an hour but it finally got nice and hot burning that small stuff now so before all that burns up i'm going to go over here jump the ditch i dug and start grabbing these piles and bringing them over here to get that stuff uh put on the fire and uh burn up i gotta go up there and take three more trees down those three right there um and get those on the fire so they can burn down tonight so it'll still be nice and hot [Music] well my gopro's about dead but i got everything on the fire i just stacked it up it's smoking pretty good but at least the smoke's going up and uh it should catch up there pretty quick but it's about to be dark so won't nobody see it anyways i got a one grapple full left of trees right here i'm gonna walk over there and throw down there beside it you know it's pretty much gonna be it for today well that's gonna finish out the day right there let that burn down i don't know why i watched the machine getting it all sloppy and muddy but uh that'll most of the way burned down tonight there'll be some ends and stuff i can round up tomorrow but uh i got a little project to work on in the morning then i'll come over here and probably put the grading bucket on and i can go out there that stuff isn't that deep and uh lay some of it go around here and lay it up here to the shoreline and stack it up where it'll drain a little bit dry out and pretty much what i'm going to do is like this dirt right here uh i'm going to add that all the way around here and use the mud to raise that up i'll put a covert pipe in there and pretty much just raise up a make a little pond here um a hole kind of raise everything up around it and then funnel all of this run off everything from all the way up there through the woods i'll do a little swell or something and then threw a pipe into the pond so should be at least four feet deep when i'm done with it that should uh those will be deep enough to keep the crap from growing in it so back at my little pond here this afternoon and uh me being me i accidentally deleted the gopro videos i took yesterday of stacking the fire up but it did burn down gosh i don't know if i can walk over here looks like it burnt down some decent there's still a fair amount left but the smoke's blowing directly there's some houses back over there i'm not going to smoke them out on a sunday afternoon so i'll just let it be and uh it's supposed to rain later yeah i can't even walk over here at cidade limb wet but uh it's supposed to rain later next week i mean it's not like i can set the swamp on fire anyways but i'll come over here next weekend and finish burning that but uh this afternoon i'm gonna go up there and put my grading bucket on i'm actually gonna go down here in the pond and lay some of that material back against this edge here so it'll drain out a little bit and uh just kind of stack it up so it'll dry out some because i'm going to use it see this ridge right here and kind of finish filling all this in and uh rebuild the pond dam next weekend i should get it knocked out here if i can figure out how to get back to the machine mud i mean this is this dirt the previous neighbor that lived over here had a backhoe and he you could tell where he dug a hole over there i gotta be careful of that and maybe some right here but uh the dirt's good once you get it higher than the uh ground water so i took that bucket off to put the grading bucket on and my stupid quick connect where the hydraulic is bound up or something and it won't connect i think the fitting's gone bad it's giving me problems with the you know they'll spring back out once you disconnect them or got to where it wasn't let's bring it back out and i think i've beat it one too many times there and now it uh is jammed up so i can't get another one of those today so back to the uh digging bucket we go it is what it is come on just how it goes not everything goes right so i'm going to try to go over here and venture down in there and see what i got first i'm going to go over there and uh just check on the fire see how it burns all right so i'm gonna drive off out into the pond here and dig around a little bit i went over there and just kind of pushed the pile up just a touch let it do what it's gonna do i don't want this one too bad almost like rock that's why the ground's so wet the water can't get down in there to it or can't soak in anybody ask me if there was any fish out here no there's no fish in a little mud hole like this but there's a few turtles they'll have a nice deeper pond here before long i'm just going to kind of dig this out a little bit probably don't need the water to flow in here just yet and i'm just going to file this up along the edge [Music] see if i can take this push that water back out a little bit i can dig that out well the good news is i don't have to worry about getting stuck since the ground so hard [Music] so i don't want to push it on out there so i can dig as much as i can out and just smear that back around so that ground is like incredibly hard i like the machine it's kind of struggling to dig it [Music] well i guess i'm glad i did put the grade bucket on because it wouldn't huh well the good news is that will dry out and make a decent shoreline material if i mix enough of this mud in with it it should grow grass [Music] hopefully [Music] so i'm not trying to dig a lake here just trying to get it cut down so that it's got some depth to it keep that crap from growing and if i can get it that deep all i'm doing is just pulling myself around here i'll be happy [Music] [Music] you see the smoke like i actually was digging up some rock oh they never thought even living next door that this would be this hard i figured everything would just be swamped energy [Music] well at least i know i got a good solid uh foundation for the box i'm gonna keep on uh working my way backwards and see how much mud i can or mud dirt oh that's the water flowing in ready for that and uh at the end it's gonna be a lot of this mud but maybe if i stack it up like this it'll dry out a little bit it seems pretty sandy this kind of reminds me of that first pond that i dug it had so much ground water going into it uh it was literally the material was this hard that 36 inch bucket was struggling to dig [Music] [Music] but at least i'm taking a couple feet out and i'm going to raise the water up so that'll that'll put a good little amount of depth to it [Music] i just can't stay still or where i dig it just pulls myself [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] push out as much as i can that way i can dig that a little bit deeper too [Music] yeah four inches of water out there [Music] [Music] there's a little bit of duckweed right there and i really want that to blow out and maybe it won't recontaminate the pond i don't know stuck weed for people who don't know it's kind of like a green algae that grows on the surface of the water and uh but it reproduces like very very quickly so like it doesn't take long for the whole top of the pond to be covered in it and then it looks just really unpleasant [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] so look at how fast this is filling back up it's also pouring in over there too this is actually going a little better than i expected i'm going to push a little more of this out i can dredge right here without being in water and i'm not letting i kind of keep keep it dammed up so it doesn't flow back in i want it to flow out that way when i do cut this over into there um it should drain that down or if i need to push some of that or dig some of that out i can go ahead and do that as well just making sure i'm not pushing so much that it starts to flow back in that right there is some soupy stuff [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so sunshine is a beautiful thing [Music] so i got to leave one spot so that uh everything running off that hillside can run into the pond and not get dammed up that would make a huge mess for me to have to deal with [Music] pretty crazy how hard this material is [Music] that would definitely explain while everything's so wet water can't penetrate it which means it's a good base for a pond so [Music] [Music] so oh so that might be closer to five feet out here when i'm done with it because it's probably two to three feet deep and uh i'm raising the water level up a foot from where it was and i'm digging it out probably 18 inches almost two feet gonna be a decent little water hole i mean all it's gonna be is just uh something ready to look at maybe a little small fishing but you know there's no creek that flows into this and if we do get a drought it may dry up to where it really won't withstand fish so i wouldn't put no trophy bass in here pretty much gonna be a minute pond i've cut a pretty good little section of pond out and laid it all against the shoreline all the way probably i've done about a third of the pond left the opening right there so that all that runoff can come in through there and drain into here but i'm sitting about two feet lower than that water and that's kind of some nasty stuff so i'm gonna see if i can't go ahead and push that over and uh maybe try to get all that pushed out and take this and lay it up over here so that uh um it'll dry out a little bit it might have been a mistake washing the machine before i brought it over here a little wet but uh i got all that liquid mud um kind of pushed over here in the water got it out a couple turtles right there but uh what i'm gonna do now is just come out and dig dig some of this dryer material pile it up and uh just let the mud spread out down there in the bottom because uh when i come back it'll be full to this ditch because that's the lowest point so i kind of got to get all this laid out before all that goes underwater next week [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] so so [Music] so so so so so [Music] so [Music] so so so so so [Music] so so so that's gonna be a wrap for today so not bad for a couple hours worth of work this afternoon coming here and got all that uh head section dug out and laid up on the bank or the shoreline so it can kind of drain out pretty much i got most of the bottom dug out all this right here was above the level of the ditch anyway so i can just sit up on the bank and dig that out when the time comes but i got the center for the most part dug out all this i can reach from the edge right here so that should start filling back up and the five turtles can go back out there and have a nice little deep section now uh they'll just have to bear with it over tonight and uh i'll worry about burning the rest of that next weekend and should get this wrapped up looks like a disaster but it's coming along
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 518,678
Rating: 4.9358835 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, stuck, mud, digging, dredging, pond, lake, excavating, burning, tree, removal, clearing, fire, grading, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: Jy7jiIy8wxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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