Cleaning Crappie The Old Fisherman Way

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hello folks hey do fish my back would you we had a great day late Monticello today and now I'm going to show you how I lay my fish and clean them whole of my crap is in the hell we gonna do crappy cleaning today and I'm gonna show you my techniques I do it with a regular knife I don't use electric knife but a cracked a little bit harder to fillet then some of the other fish but I'm gonna show you how I do mine you'll bear with me hey first of all we're gonna take this fine fine crappie right here nice crappie by two pounds and i'ma show you how for latent crafty we're gonna have him for the demo but I go in behind the head right here and I cut down and then I turn my knife and I hold it right against the the backbone and I try to go right against the boom and then I'll go by halfway down and I'll stick my knife all the way through and take it tighten all the way down so your crap is wide so if you don't do it like that you might miss some of the meat up so now I'm gonna take it and just cut right through that rib cage easy right on down and we come up with a piece of filleted crappie with the skin on it I'll leave the scales and the skin on it at this point now I'm gonna lay down to the side we're gonna do the other side we're gonna go in right behind the gill plate and go down okay we're going to turn on eyes and we're gonna go right against the ribs and the backbone right on out and come up with a nice piece one side of the crap okay now a lot of people throw this away right here I don't throw it away that is really good fried and I like to know on the tail known the fins what I'll do is I cut that off chop it off let's go to gut to the head side there i that old you got a nice piece of fish to eat okay now at this point we're gonna take the crap it fillet right here and I'm gonna take my knife right in the tail part right between the skin and the meat and I'm gonna work it gently all the way through all the way we cut this the skin off of this filet what we're doing so I'm told my is the skin of the filet and now we've got this piece right here now we're gonna cut the rib cage out right through here and right through here and I'll show you one come out I'll take it right on the side the rib cage and cut down and then I'll go okay I don't want to waste any meat and I'll cut on that side also makes a little being a craft and that's what you end up with right there a nice piece of filet now at this point to Friday's like I like to prime you can cut little pieces like that is what I like to do little nuggets and then you've got something to eat right here on a big crappie that's the way I do it fries up really good okay now on a smaller crappy like say for instance this size not much bigger than your hand what I like to do with them is you can take and fillet them the same way but a lot of people want those scales so I'll scale the scales off of them both sides and underneath the edges like that and then what I do is I cut down on each side defend I don't like those fins right there I like to leave the tail on it because I like knowing the tail but I'll cut each side and then I'll once they got it cut I kind of push and see the feeling comes out and the boom okay oh that to the side then we go to the bottom of it do the same thing the bottom fin cut on each side and we kind of push it and it comes out same way sit down comes right out and so now I could have crossed his head and then I take the intestines out and right is the reason then fish don't want a bite you see you've got a little bit of your shed in there that's why they don't want to bang now will notch on each side and you end up with a nice little fillet I'll do one more for you we're gonna take another big crappie this size right here we're gonna cut down we're gonna cut right on out don't each side you end up with a piece like this it's scales on it okay you saving the back boom so I'm gonna cut that off same way I did a while ago you end up with this alright now we get the fillet start at the tail between the skills and the skin and the meat right on through like that this is what you end up with okay see that piece beautiful there piece of meat all right we D it out the same way I did a while ago and that's what you end up with just a beautiful piece of meat hey the back which I had did late Carson coming riding up on me on the golf cart messed my whole video but in Hal was back to square one I'm taking this piece of filet I got left over and we going ahead and cutting it off Carson comes over two times a day once to aggravate me once to eat supper yeah every day itself a time he shows up within a half let's get back to fillet a take and cut this rib cage out all right and you end up with a mighty fine piece of meat people that will make you want to slap your mama you might get in trouble strong slap your mama but I'll make you one slap your mama now we're gonna do another fillet didn't get a little bit smaller now bestill nice crappie we've been try it again down by the head by the gill plate down at the bottom go to the backbone turn the knife and you go right out like that okay do it again on that side go to the backbone turn your knife and go right out to the back all the way down to the tail and there you go then you tell you not to waste anything we're gonna cut this backbone out and we like to put down here in the south south cackalacky we fry that okay and we call it crappie and not crop it for you people that don't think I know the difference between the two there's just how you raise is how you called it now we're gonna fillet this joker right on out smooth and easy as your skin throw it away then you come up with the rib cage and we're gonna make that little V we're gonna cut that rib cage out you can leave it in but I don't like bones and about everybody eats for me don't like bones unless it's the backbone you can take that and knead it pretty easy okay then you end up with a crappie fillet what's unique about the Krampus believes you got that little strip on the backside that's what's unique about a crafted collect now one do one more one might do several more but we're gonna do another and if we need real big but we're gonna play him we got to get enough with supper Carson probably come over and eat all my fish cut right down to the backbone right on out and folks you do the same thing with the backbone on this smaller one - yeah all right then we go right the tail right on out trimming out that on up got the skin again and we always cut the ribcage down like this mighty fine eat right there mighty fine all right let's go ahead and trim these other pieces we got flayed it up and get it all in the pot got cool water here when I throw them in there in cool water in the pan it firms up the meat make some cold see there that's what I'm talking about one more one more pull a left here one more side all right it don't take me very long to do this I could be faster but I'm talking losing my focus all right nice fillet one more now way I scale them I'll show you how you doing there we cutting the backbones out I meet the back fence out and the bottom pins out we scale the fish both sides cut on each side the pen push and hold pin come down see that well come out the whole pen comes out then you come to bottom fan cut on each side push and that one come out just like that then you go whack him across the head take the intestines out you can see how fat these crap is over there they get planted eating that lake right there he's got a stomach slam full of little shed and when I do that I like the notch them on each side and it caught it makes that breach Brown in there and it really makes it really good hey appreciate y'all being with me thanks for watching the old fisherman videos and go to Steve coming out of doc calm to bite you buy your t-shirts your hat whatever go to my store hey appreciate your support thumbs up please thanks for watching we'll see you on the next 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Channel: The Old Fisherman
Views: 374,331
Rating: 4.8726158 out of 5
Keywords: How to fillet crappie, How to clean crappie, crappie fishing, South Carolina, South Carolina fishing, The Old Fisherman, Steve Comalander,, fillet crappie, crappie, clean crappie, fish, cleaning fish
Id: ZHldgEM6z9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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