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[Music] what's going on youtube marketing here i hope you're having a wonderful day so today we um successfully caught a nice monster guard i don't have my measuring tape i did not measure him but i know he's in about five and a half feet long more or less that's what i um estimated so that's that's what it is so as you can see we caught this beautiful alligator car this is one that we caught we caught it with lcd 956 liters and it's the m2a leader should be in here somewhere so if you want to get your hands on some of these awesome leaders visit our website at www.lcd956 once again that's www.lcd956 bait and do not forget to hit the subscribe button visit our facebook page our instagram or tiktok and our youtube at los canaletos 956 all right so let's get started so today's video is gonna be cleaning an alligator gar i'm gonna leave a link below on my prior video so you can see another video that i did a couple years ago but this one's gonna be a little more sophisticated you know we got some better cameras this time we have a nice lighting going on and a couple more years of experience right which didn't make much of a difference but we're gonna go ahead and clean this alligator car for you so we're using a cleaver a lot of people in my old other video say man you need to be careful you know chopping away i can use snips but you know what the thing about snips is you're going to be snipping snipping snipping snipping snipping snipping snipping slipping slipping and slipping by the time you finish doing that you can already um do it faster with this one and you get a a wider a wider cut on top of his uh skin so before i board y'all to death let's get started let me get my ride real quick remember you want to get some of those awesome leaders please excuse my dirty shirt but lcd 956 bait and visit us at los canelos 956 let's get started all right everybody so let's start by cleaning our alligator guard so basically what we're going to do is we're going to take this top layer of skin off and we're going to chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop until you get to the head clip it off and then you're gonna start um separating your skin from your meat this hard uh shell right here that i have we're gonna separate that hard shell from its skin but let's come over here you're gonna start at the tail you see where the toe is maybe like the last little gap right here it's gonna easily cut like butter and then you wanna get it right here and get your cleaver and this is where it's gonna go now if you have pliers it's to work a lot easier if you have pliers it's going to work a lot easier because you can get a better grip but i'm doing it bare hand and then i'll probably get my towel right now all right so let's get started let's get started all right so you can see the cut it's already going pretty well now let's get my towel so i can get a better grip i don't wanna it's gonna be in the way so i'll keep on going without it you want to chop upwards chop upwards right here because you want to get this hard thin bone right here so you're going to want to chop once you get that up upward cut then you're just going to follow it and you're gonna slant it slightly up but not too much because then you're gonna clip off the the little little piece that you have that's open here let's get our rag so we can get a good grip and hopefully i can do it all right let's do this once you get past this hard fin bone right here this hard fin bone right here once you get past it just go chopping away all the way to the skull now keep your knife downward a little bit because if not you're going to clip off that skin like i just did right there you see it's very difficult but if that happens you just get yourself some more leverage right here some new leverage another strip okay this is a bigger car so it's not going to be as easy as my other video but we're gonna do it for you so [Music] catch a little break and do it again we're almost done remember you want to get get it to up to here right here there you have it all right you bring it back up here i'm taking my time everybody i'm not trying to be in a hurry because we are a little tired and we're going to do it without leaving as much meat so now you're going to get any basic fillet knife i've used little bait knives that are sharp just make sure you have a sharpener sharpen your knife and you want something short the reason why you want something short is because it's going to give you a better angle and having something long you kind of have to pick at it from from far away and with a small one you kind of get in there and go about your day right so let's start up here this is where you're going to start separating your shell you start at the top just to get that leverage once you get that leverage you run it all the way down remember you wanna when you do this slant it towards the shell and not the skin or not the not the meat towards the shell and not the meat because you go towards the meat you're going to dig into the meat we're trying to leave as much meat as possible once you get to this area right here it's a soft spot so your sharp knife is going to be able to cut straight through it you see go straight through it and then you have this leverage right here that you did at the top bring it all the way up just be very careful and not cut yourself this top this top um where your starting point is the very top of where the shell begins where you cracked it it's going to be kind of tough but once you get that past that first level then you're just going to go a lot easier down i'll show you so you can see what i mean you see so you want to show them in here you see it's a lot easier so let's get leverage over here let's get leverage remember you want to slant or tilt your knife towards the shell and not the meat let's see when you get to this point right here it's going to be kind of hard so what you're going to do is you're going to want to call it butterfly i call it butterfly the the shell so you're going to butterfly it check it out cut it along the ending of the skull all the way down towards the ending of the skull all the way down your butterfly then you get more you clean more down in here in here all the way here so just like um just like algebra what you do to one side you do to the other right i saw that in one of my comments this guy reminding him of algebra last time i said that what you do to one side you do it to the other so it's pretty self-explanatory what you did right here you're gonna do it to this opposite side same thing you did all the way down once you get that that first level you get leverage you see you get leverage you scrape towards the shell you scrape towards the shell and not the meat gotta get past the first level right here i call it the first level right because this is where it starts your skin where it starts that's the harder part once you open it a little bit through the top where it starts and it's a lot easier on your way down soft spot over here remember i mentioned that soft spot let's come over here and go under the belly as much as you can we're going to separate this this shell from the guard we're almost all the way through so basically you just want to keep you separate the shell all right so let's take off all the insides from the alligator car remember this is your belly right here you want to go down the middle sometimes you split with your fingers work and you slowly and carefully just go down the middle so you use your fingers as a guide use your fingers as a guide and just slowly go straight through the middle remember you got to be careful guys be careful do some practice before you get confidence in cutting away okay so you see we have all the insides here we're gonna go ahead and take them out so right here you have some tendons and organs and all that stuff you're just gonna go ahead and pull away and once you get up here remember you got to finish it with your little split all the way up okay [Applause] there you have i it all your insights in one piece but let's go ahead and rinse it since we didn't uh we did not bleed out our gum we're gonna go ahead and rinse it off [Music] good all right so i kind of fast forward a little bit all right so i kind of fast forward a little bit and i rinsed out the guard because it was kind of bloody but i rinse it off pretty good we're still going to rinse it off more but this is good for now all right so how we're going to remove the skull without using the cleaver or the head or whatever it's easy you want to come down all the way around and you want to go dig you want to cut down all the way to the bone do you see how i cut down right here you want to cut down evenly all the way around until you get to the bone probably got a little more organs and tendons and all that whatever you want to call that okay so you want to turn it around same thing you did to the bottom you're gonna do to the top you're gonna come here i'm gonna show them how i'm gonna get in here so you wanna come in here and you wanna come straight to the skull up and down you wanna cut all the way around evenly you're going to crack the skull with your bare hands without having to use a cleaver i'm going to show you how all right now of course you can do it fast whatever but right now we're just taking our time so we can you know show you all the best we can all right so it's all cut all the way around see i just want to show you the cut that i did inside you see you want to make it go all the way inside same thing on the other side and go all the way in to the bone once you do that you want to put your skull on the on the side of the table and there you go you cracked it down crack it up one time and there you go the rest of it with your knife [Music] this is a big skull so damn so this is how we're gonna do it and we're gonna take off the skull right here we're gonna show them this car down here we're gonna take off the skull and that's it he still has our leader right here i'm going to show lcd 956. so we're going to go ahead and get this call and we're going to take you with us because we're going to kind of do a little drying out taxidermy style thing this rinse off our meat and once i uh have it nice and rinsed we're gonna go to the next step right everybody all right so we officially removed the the shell the skin whatever you want to call it we officially officially removed it we beheaded and de-headed that'll get a guard we're gonna save this head we're gonna take it to a body of mine so you can work on it all right so let's get back to the to the piece of meat itself so if you can see where my where my fingers are sliding through this is your your skeleton your bone this is your skeleton or your bone whatever you want to call it so we have our sharp fillet knives and you're gonna come along your skeleton now you're gonna tilt towards the skeleton because this big piece of slab of meat is what you want to get off run it all the way down all the way down right let's come back over here you're going to keep on going down along the the the spine or the bone it's going to be inside inward you're going to curve your knife inward all right get it over here so you can see so you see all this is bone right here and that's what you want to separate from the slab and come all the way up here so we took out one slab one side of meat as you can see how big it is a lot of meat that's one slab but we're not done we still have another slab and we still have the belly meat this is a belly meat let's take off the other slab and then we'll move on to the belly me all right so now we're going to come on to the next slab all right you can grab your meat with your hand with your hand that you're not cutting with so you can kind of pull it as you go [Music] we have the second slab i call it the back strap a lot of people are like i didn't know fish have a backstrap but i call it the backstrap because you understand what i mean all right so we're going to cut the belly meat a lot of people like to throw this belly meat away and they like to throw a skeleton away but this skeleton as you can see still has a lot of meat in there and you can eat like baby back ribs just like i did in my prior videos so let's cut off the belly meat you're going to cut it off right here [Music] you have your belly meat if the if that slab is a backstrap this will be your tenderloin that people throw away so let's go ahead and get the other side check that out we're not done yet because this has this layer of skin or tendon or whatever you want to call it please correct me if i'm wrong it's okay but yeah you got to get you gotta fillet it's like a fellaine your fajitas right pretend this is the fat you wanna take the fat away you gotta take this off this layer of this tough uh stretchy skin you gotta take it off but that's why you're gonna fillet it so we'll get to that this is your skeleton meat a lot of people throw it away but if only if they knew this is the most delicious part of the garden when you fry it in in chunks and steaks so let's go ahead and come over here and fillet our belly meat you're going to go down as if you're going to fillet some fajitas or fish and you're just going to fillet it through this is what you want right here you got a little layer right there no it's not this ain't skin this is just like a little layer of fat but it's okay you can either take it off you want to perfect it you see we'll add this to the slabs now let's do the other side we got a lot more meat here so you're gonna get this stretchy piece and use it as leverage so you can go ahead and and fillet the rest of your belly this is your stretchy stuff that you can throw away this is your belly meat let's do the other side of the belly meat same thing you do to one side you do to the other check it out do the other side this is your stretchy uh skin both thrown away let's go ahead and show you what we got out of the alligator gar all the meat this is all boneless all fillet no bone this is your belly meat right here this is all your belly meat and these are your two large slabs and this is your skeleton meat so we're go ahead and rinse everything off for you and then we'll show you the final um masterpiece all right everyone i hope you enjoyed the video for today it's just something new that i thought i'd throw out for you all hopefully i'll get some nice um footage off of it nice viewing i hope the camera the video looks nice enough so anyway we finished the alligator car before i let you all go do not forget to hit that subscribe button hit like hit the little bell on the bottom so you can stay up to date to all of our upcoming videos and you can be the first to watch right we've got a lot of videos we've got a lot of videos of how to cook catch clean alligator gar a lot of good stuff going on so don't forget to hit the subscribe channel visit us on facebook los canaleros 956 same thing for instagram and tick tock lost on the level 256 you want to order our famous one-of-a-kind leaders that are sold everywhere visit our website lcd956 this is the final result of the alligator [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Los Canaleros del 956
Views: 8,151,856
Rating: 4.6446576 out of 5
Id: 19JEG7iwYv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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