Classic WoW Warlock Leveling Guide - *UPDATED* - StaysafeTV

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hey what's up guys stay safe here so in the last six weeks of the classic web beta I've spent around 25 days slash played playing leveling and testing warlocks and so I'm really happy to finally be able to bring you guys my classic Wow warlock leveling guide video in this video we're gonna be talking about leveling specs itemization class quests demons rotation gameplay mechanics professions and much more I also want to mention that my primary goal for you guys with this guide is to help you guys level quickly which means there are certain things we'll be skipping or postponing that you might be interested in doing if your focus is just to immerse yourself in the game if you're a new player maybe or if you just want to go a bit more slowly so with all of that being said let's go ahead and dive into it there is a lot of discussion in the warlock community about which oedema is the best to use while leveling alongside which rotation is best to use so I actually did a lot of testing with Floyd walkovers m4a succubus while also testing wandering verse Shanna bolting for a strain lifing in conjunction with each demon so I did several kill tests per variable and kept track of resource expenditure and kill speed and also did several grinding trials to measure effective uptime and kills per hour so long story short applying immolate curse of agony corruption and then wandering while using your imp is almost always the best approach to take if you have a bad wand or you know you can cast a shadow bolt without facing spell pushback or getting arranged by the monster a shadow bolt might be worth using if you have mana to spare it but drain life is pretty much never worth using your kill speed suffers severely while using drain life and the health you gain back doesn't come anywhere near compensating for it now let's talk about our talents so first I put two points in corruption three points in suppression and then I cap off corruption with five points and I go back to suppression and cap off suppression with five points now I spend my initial points this way because of my personal questing route and some higher level quests I do where it's nice to have the extra hit rating from suppression early on I've heard people say you don't need five at a five corruption because you only need two points to get corruptions cast time within the global cooldown that's this is true but the point of maxing this talent five points into it and making your corruption in stochastic so that you can corruption while moving which is very very very important it's very important for mobility at this point I'll put one point and amplify curse two points into life tap three points into improved imp now in the demonology tree two points into improved health stone five points into demonic embrace and then one point into fel domination so we're going to be playing m-spec while leveling but still dipping down into the demonology tree enough to get fel domination as a defensive cooldown if you get ganked and you to someone avoid walker to sacrifice and you get this in your early 30s which is when world PvP really starts happening for you now we're gonna go back into the affliction tree put two points in to improve curse of agony two points in to amplify reach two points in the nightfall four points back in the demonology tree to fail intellect two points in the master summoner three points back in the affliction tree to improve curse of agony one point in to siphon life one point in the curse of exhaustion three points in to improve curse of exhaustion five points in to shadow mastery five points into fel intellect now back in the demonology tree and then three points in fill stamina and now your level 60 so here we're rounding things off and hitting level 60 like I said now you have two points in master summoner for a 0.5 second voidwalker summoned which you can sacrifice with fel domination which is a very very powerful defensive cooldown if you need it curse of exhaustion has a lot of value because you can use it to kite very easily high level monsters or anything that you have to kite if you need to and now you have shadow mastery for the 10% increase shadow damage which is now worth the five talent points it takes because at this point you're going to have a decent amount of spell power I also want to quickly address why I don't get improved rain soul while leveling the best way to proc improved rain souls by casting wet rank one drain soul which cost fifty five mana and must be channeled and your target dyes higher drain soul ranks cost more mana and do more damage while Rank 1 does less damage and costs less mana right what I found is that one between my baseline spirit regen just from itemizing it and occasionally bandaging I wasn't really in a position where I needed anything extra and by channeling drain soul you do see a drop and kill speed which adds up and ends up being a pretty substantial decrease in XP per hour so now let's talk warlock class quests your first warlock quest is the summit imp quest technically a level one quest most people end up doing this level two or three get this done ASAP you're a level 10 warlock quest is the summon voidwalker quest now personally I don't do this quest until about eighteen because that's where it's convenient in my leveling route that I made for myself it's really important because we're going to be leveling him you don't have to get it ASAP but you definitely want to have it before 30 at the latest because that's when world PvP you really starts going on now you're you know going to stranglethorn Vale or the arathi Highlands etc and if you need to sacrifice a void Walker you want to have him at this point your level twenty warlock class Quest is the summon succubus quest I actually personally skip this quest it has you going over the place and it's just not worth I don't end up using my succubus while leveling either so I just skip on over it you're a level 25 warlock class quest results in the orb of Sauron rock personally not worth it I end up skipping it when I'm leveling you have to go all over the place you have to go to black fathom deep sand shadow fame keep it's just not worth it so I end up skipping it now this is an alliance only quest it rewards the dread mage hat you get this level 26 this is definitely worth it you do have to do a bit of traveling but this helmet will actually last you quite a while so I always go out of my way to make sure I get this done when I'm leveling I do it in the late 20s another class quest we're going to be skipping here this some and fell into a quest it's a lot of traveling you have to go all over the place I end up just not doing this if you really want to get your succubus in your fell under I would wait till probably 40 when you have a mount and then double back and get that stuff taken care of another quest I skip while leveling also is the completed robe which rewards the enchanted gold blood rope this requires a another robe to make and you have to buy it you have to get a hold of it there's some other materials you need it's a big pain in the butt I skip this while I'm leveling this is a level 35 class quest reward the orb of dar aura hill technically level 35 I really recommend waiting until 38 or 39 to get this taken care of because you have to kill hey I think he's a forty one or level forty elite felguard in dust well a Martian it's very hard to solo you definitely cannot solo him at 35 38 39 he's as early as I think you're gonna be able to take care of that unless you have a friend that's helping you out but most of you are probably going to be taking care of this all by yourself so I recommend I recommend doing this this is an offhand that will very likely last you all the way to level 60s so getting this at 38 it's a very good time investment so I recommend doing this but definitely don't do it at 35 now of course the second you at 40 this is the first thing all you guys should do go to your class trainer and you will get a quest to go to ratchet you get your mount it's very very easy and I don't think I have to explain why you want to get this taken care of now MCs minion I don't think as a world class quest that will be available in phase one of classic Wow I believe it might be added in phase four of classic Wow but I wanted to throw it in here anyway this is something I would skip as well it has you go into sunken temple and get the feathers from the troll monsters in sunken temple I would skip this now if and when you do to this I highly recommend getting the abyss shard now some of you might agree and you might want to get the soul harvester because you think it looks cool the abyss shard will always have value the soul harvester only has limited value because you will replace that as a weapon very quickly so I highly recommend getting the abyss shard it could be in in phase one we just don't know yet and your final warlock class quest while you're leveling is the summon infernal quest level 55 you actually don't even need to do this you can go into lower Blackrock Spire and kill a scar shield warlock that drops the grimoire of inferno and this will teach you how to summon inferno you can completely bypass the quest altogether once again though regardless skip this while leveling definitely don't do the quest it's much easier once you're sixty to go into lower Blackrock Spire and just get the grimoire as far as your rotation goes you're going to want to make sure that you open with an MLA and at your first immolate lands before your imps first Firebolt lands to ensure that you have initial aggro because you're emphasizing to be quite squishy then you will play an agony then apply corruption and then you'll start wanting now I like to do what I call wand hopping where I slowly hop away from the monster and I'm wanting as I'm hopping while the monsters trying to make contact with me doing this will decrease the times the monster can auto attack me by two or three times per encounter as I slowly kite away from it if you can help it you want to kill monsters one by one because regularly using fear actually costs a considerable amount of mana and will increase your downtime in the long run now just like I said you might want to wand hop away from monsters sometimes you also want to wand hop towards monsters sometimes like if they're wandering away from you when they're low HP or if you did actually have to use a fear now I recommend one hopping to chase a feared monster over shadowbolt because often times fear will make the monster run away so quickly that it will actually range your shadow bowl cast whereas wand hopping is a great way to stay within range of your target now in general yours itemization is going to look like this spell power then spirit then stamina / intellect now you really won't start seeing much spell power on your gear until the late 20s or early 30s but spell power is very valuable because it skills not only with your damaging abilities but also with life tap which is huge spirit increases your HP and mana regeneration after going five seconds without casting which is very very common for you considering you're going to be wandering ninety percent of the time stacking spirit will increase your effective uptime significantly reducing the time you need to spend eating and drinking between spirit stacking and bandages you will very rarely have to stop to eat and drink and recover stamina and intellect are pretty close in value actual leveling with the methods in this guy you'll notice that you're not you're really using most of your mana a lot of the time stamina is quite nice for survivability and because you'll be getting 15% extra stamina from demonic embrace once you put five points in that talent and before you guys ask I know I just hyped up spirits so you're probably thinking why take demonic embrace for 15% stamina if it will decrease your spirit by 5% in addition the answer is pretty straightforward 15% stamina is worth more than 5% spirit to imply otherwise would be to suggest that spirit has three times or more the stat weight of stamina which is definitely not true those spirit is very very valuable so as far as professions go every profession will slow you down on your journey to sixty other than first day of course I highly recommend in fact I would say first aid is a requirement for leveling not just for warlocks but for everyone in classic Wow often times I'll see people argue in favor of gathering professions like herbalism mining or skinning but the truth is that even these professions will slow you down as well just a lesser degrees than leveling and chanting for example that being said as your leveling I suggest saving extra cloth and engineering mats because I recommend going tailoring and engineering for most morale for most warlocks once they hit level 60 I also want to address this idea that you should try to make your own wand early on in your leveling I have tested this several times and I've put a lot of effort into practicing and getting this done as quickly as possible and each time it ends up being slower than just continuing to level quickly and getting a quest wand at level 12 or 13 so guys my goal for this guide was to have it be very articulate concise and easy to digest so if you have any comments or questions go ahead and leave them down below in the video but really the best way to get in contact with me and have a dialogue about some of these issues if you want to talk about things in greater detail go ahead and find me on Twitch I scream full-time I'm here every day streaming warlock gameplay I'm at Warlock main I I'm always leveling or goofing around in the warlock so that's the best way to continue these discussions find me there guys thank you for watching and as always stay safe [Music]
Channel: StaysafeTV
Views: 269,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW, Classic WoW, WoW Classic, Vanilla WoW, Vanilla, StaysafeTV, Guide, News, Blizzard, Warlock, Leveling, Speed
Id: uc3advdw5RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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