Classic WoW: Warrior Leveling Guide - Talents, Rotation & Weapon Progression

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[Music] alright guys my name is a metal goblin and today I'm gonna be giving you a classic World of Warcraft leveling guide for the warrior class so for this guide will have six sections one will go through all the essential information like what weapons should he use and what stunts should you be in then we'll go through the optimal talent bills to which there are a few options we will then go through the how to kill enemies fast section with the optimal dps rotation and placed our tricks like hamstring kiting from before we'll go basically talk through gear and stats faithfully I'll go for a weapon progression list and lastly I'll go through some tips to save money for your mount it is worth noting guys I've had this video basically overlooked and evaluated by a worry expert by the name of Atticus he has his own YouTube channel has some great content over there so definitely go and check out his videos when you have the time just before jumping guys please do give me a quick follow on twitch cuz I'll be streaming over over there more often quite soon so the first question people ask when it comes to leveling a warrior is what weapon should I use a two-hander or should i do wield alright a two-handed weapon is always going to be better this simply because of the offhand weapon for a warrior has such a low chance to actually hit the target will expand more honest in the talent section that ideally what you want is a slow weapon because this will increase the damage of basically all of your abilities which are based on weapon damage rather than attack to power so and what stunts should you use via stance you should use is battle stance the main reason for this is because of overpowered rocks when an enemy dodges you you have a chance to well you will get an overpower proc and it just basically means more damage however at level 30 you may want to go berserker a little bit until he gets about level 40 because then things change entirely and we'll go over that in the DPS section it's also important to know that you were gonna be in Berserker stance for when you do an AoE damage a game we'll talk about that in the DPS section but now we have to talents so there's two builds about you can go for as a warrior the first build is the most popular build you basically go into fury until level 40 then you respec into arms as soon as Montrose trap becomes available or you can spec into arms throw it away but it's only optimal when you're doing a hamstring method which again we'll talk about pretty much straight after this so let me go through the fury build that most people go for basically max out cruelty in max out booming voice and then from here you can get I ever get piercing howl straight away because it is quite useful talent you can get blood crates for the extra survivability me personally I like to play a bit more risky and they actually go for flat-out damage bonus of bowel shout but again you don't have to do that you can get the survivability talents instead then I like to go for a max out in rage and allowed to get def which soon as possible I'd like to get execute taunt as soon as possible and then I'll probably get a little bit of blood rage just to get me down with tree if I'm gonna max out flurry and then pretty much at this point gonna be going back to class trainer to get arm spec so let me run for V arm spec you imagine you've just respect and this is vital and build but you're basically instantly going to get because you've just respect and you have 30 talent points to spend what you can do is you're gonna go in to improve round straightaway in reason when we get improve renders because of deep wounds which is a massive damage bonus you won't actually be using brand that much let me get deflection is to get us down with tree gonna go for tactical mastery and then anger management stance dancing will be used a little bit as well which is why this is a damage boost this is a huge damage boost because it helps you bank your rage and help you save rage and then from here you want to get deep wounds you want to get a little bit of improved over power which is also really nice impale 200 weapon spec and then this at this point it really depends on what about weapons you have and what you know it fight your weapon progression is going to be because you're gonna choose basically based on what weapon you have but you're not going to max out without telling straight away I'd recommend getting 200 weapon spec for a meanwhile and then I recommend getting two points and improve charge make sure you're getting 2 points of improved charge before you run outta talent points because that is quite important because at rank 4 recharge and improve charge basically on your first charge you will have enough rage to use a mortal strike which is a massive damage boost in we fight basically increase your berth DPS and then from here you know again it depends on what weapon you have but make sure you get mortal strike pretty much as soon as it's available then when you ever need to start filling out for talents from here you obviously want to spec deeper into fury and basically pick the towns I would pick before the damage boosting talents until you get to level 60 obviously here you can opt for the survivability talents and piercing howl if you prefer those talents I prefer playing a bit more risky and going for flat-out damage flower damage bonus my battle shell and just getting them raged until I finish off this on screen right now it's pretty much the early stages of the hamstrung kiting build it is pretty much the same as the typical arms respect build that we've used and why I just talked about but what we'll be doing is making a more detailed guide on my hamstring method very very soon so watch out for now so let's finally go through the DPS section first of all wide recommend getting a swing timer atom no matter what place are you going to go for so you have two choices you can engage your enemies normally and use abilities to consume your rage intelligently or you can do hamstring kiting where you strafe between your weapon swings and this only works well with a to slow two-handed weapon it's good for increasing survivability reducing downtime between not knobs no mobs but also requires it requires more focus and engagement from the player and your wrists and fingers might also hurt for a while so it is up to you so let me go through the rotation a standard rotation that is for level 1 to 40 fury two-handed the rotation is pretty simple I will talk about you know hamstring kiting a little layer because where things get a little bit more difficult first of all check battle shell charge in and then do a heroic strike while charging so you get that heroic strike as your first melee hip girl just basically gets you doing damage faster then you do a melee hit Vindu heroic strike and then you may want to execute however it is actually better to bank your rage for the next mob so you can fit it in about early heroic strike right so you can use execute if you have to stop the food or something you have to wait or mobster respawn something like that but it is better to Bank your age and blood rage is also a little bit better used between poles also because it gives you an extra rage buff and then it stops your rage from actually de plena Shing between mob pores you might have to quiet you know my my need a quite a distance to run before you guarantee an ex-mob however it does stop you from charging because it technically puts you into combat so you'll have to make cancel or a macro for it and cancel it before you charge back in however you can use it in the opener instead you can use it while you're charging so yeah that's another option so let me talk through the dps rotation for level 40 plus in the arm spec first of all check battle shout then charge then let one meli swing up and doesn't matter if mortal strike is available let the melee swing happen because if you use mortal strength too early you will clip your auto attack basically in your lures damage and then from there user overpower procs basically whenever they are available and then use heroic strike above 55 rage but only about 55 rage so it isn't you know it is important to know that when you get charged around free you will be able to use the mortal strike instantly after a charge book just hold back on using it resist for you to do it because you will be gimping your DPS okay and you will need at two points and improve charge anyway for this to actually work but it is good just have enough rate for that mortal strike in the opener you can also do a stand dance opener right it was a little bit more complicated basically you charge him with zurka stuns you pop berserker rage and when you quickly burn rage then swap in two arms and carry on with a normal rotation serve is also another option slightly run through very briefly hammer swing counting again I will make a bigger video for this quite soon first of all check battle shell then charge then do a melee hit then rend and hamstring venue kite when your wait for your melee swing to come back which will probably only work as met for the problem to work if you have a very slow to land it worth it anyway about free a second you also use overpower whenever it's available and then when you go back into melee range after kiting to get your next Mele hit on you also reapply hamstring and rend away from the mail I hate to happen first venues execute a heroic strike as a finisher okay over level 40 probably want to be using mortal strike as a finisher instead but like we've gone through basically it's better to go with arm spec from level 10 with a hamstring method for improved rend and deep wounds because it basically increases your dock damage as you're running away in kiting 4 last thing to consider is you're a hero a OE rotation you may be a number of situations where you just have to take down multiple mobs at once so it's important to have a good a wee rotation strategy and when your cooldowns are available it is such a quite easy to take more mob down so first of all you're gonna check battle shout then you're going to go into Berserker stance in a pop berserker rage then you're gonna probably charge in venues blood rage sweeping strikes and then sweeping strikes with whirlwind has a higher priority over mortal straight because whenever you're sweeping strokes at whirlwind but damage would duplicate twice so it's duplicated on each target which means you do one whirlwind and only four hits for special hits it's quite quite mental their mortal strike with sweeping strikes available and then do cleave to dump your rage if you have any excess rage because you're taking so much damage obviously pop all your core downs as soon as you have them available and yeah and I've pretty much covered everyone else on the script so for our fourth section we're going to talk about gearing up far as I can see you have three options you can stack Stroeve pretty high which is what most people are gonna do you can shave off about one to two seconds if you mob killing time or alternatively you can stack spirit and stamina to reduce your downtime massively or you can stack agility and strength to stack up your crit jumps in my opinion I would at least try and stack some spirit I would give the build a little bit of a go I think it is more optimal because the time spent between mobs is massively reduced less time eating just last time well in less time wasting time and then she stack spirit really high it starts with flight become extremely useful and it's far as private servers are concerned it does scale extremely well on a warrior so something's note so for our fifth section we have the weapon progression section I already have a video for this you can go and check out our video instead however I will put a spreadsheet in the basically description of this video if I haven't done it yet you know give me a slap on the wrist and remind me to do it so yeah and I'll just be a full out weapon progression list we don't need to talk about it for too long last tip I have for you is basically how to make money so you can save up for your mouth when the last time I live with a warrior I was like about level 45 and still didn't have a mount right which is it's pretty bad so it is really important to learn how to save your money effectively so he can get your mount straight away at number 40 otherwise you're going to be running around and you're going to severely damage your levelling speed so first thing I recommend is get skinning and then doesn't even recommend if you're gonna level skinning as a profession and I'd recommend just ven during the level because it means for each mob kill week and again an extra little bit of money second tip and make friends of a tailor and ask him to give you some bags and more bags you have and more basically slots you have which is more more trash Lee you can put there which in turn means more trash loot soldat mom when he made second tip first aid it means you if you stack at level first aid stack your bandages it means you're buying less food you won't need food as much number three do cooking you know to make food for yourself if you have too much but you can vendor it but again you're trying to avoid buying food because my fourth tip to stop buying food you know stuck my spirit start a scam agent if you see one cook any meat but you have available as save as much as you can you know when you actually get food from world drops and try to avoid using it as much as you can so you don't have to buy it and only you don't want to be buying food at all fifth tip tip is to check quest item money reward you will probably even ain't air basically an add-on for up so always choose the most expensive item event vendor it six tip is to quickly make a bank all right if you've got a little bit extra time make a bank hole and then for whatever mats but you want sell on the auction house cuz you know they'll make a lot more money on the auction house because we don't have a vendor price or something like that you can just leave them in the mail to your bank or even if the loggia bank out and but you will have to in within 30 days if he's sending it otherwise we'll get deleted so do take note of her anyway my voice has totally been destroyed because I have a rancid cold right now but I was determined to make this video for you guys anyway my name is Amanda goblin into my next video Christ chow
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 89,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: pQhLjzjFoik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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