Phase 1 Warlock Tanking Guide - Season of Discovery

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what's up guys so lately I've been seeing a ton of misinformation on YouTube about warlock tanking so I figured it was time for an in-depth guide to warlock tanking in this video I will go over everything that has to do with tanking as a warlock from consumes to runes talents rotations and pretty much everything else you'll need to be able to successfully tank as a warlock and seasons of Discovery I'll update this as we learn more and for the future phases as well before we begin as always please check out the Warlock Discord your One Stop Shop for everything and anything warlock related and I also stream over at twitch at CCS Vibes which will be a link somewhere everywhere so feel free to check me out so first off I want to talk about how tanking feels starting with the single Target threat it feels amazing I think a lot of people kind of feel that the single Target threat is good I don't have pretty much any troubles keeping threat off of most people every now and then I might have a shaman pull threat which I just taunt back but they're using double Rock B molten blast and Earth shotgun cool down and all those are extremely high threat generating abilities uh but you know that's what you have a taunt for you just simply taunt off and it's not that big of a deal I really haven't had too many issues myself or many of the people that I know that can successfully warlock tank have had pretty much no single Target issues at all and we also feel very tanky to the point where I made a video about the best talents that you could use for tanking and I could even change those up which we'll go over in depth when I go to the talent section but it's to the point where the healers are saying they pretty much are bored and have nothing to heal so a lot of the builds that I'll be doing now are kind of like I'll obviously show a good like a safe survivability build but I also think it's time where you can spec into more damage and more threat which will obviously in the long run be better right now we're all level 25 so you can only do so much damage and so much tanking and so much healing and what not from everybody else but when we get to level 40 and 50 and even 60 specifically 60 you're going to be a to build for much more threat than you are tankiness cuz that is pretty much how tanks are in classic as for AOE thread it's no surprise that this is where we kind of lack at blizzard has said not just to me but in the open world to everybody that they did not want us being monsters at AOE threat they wanted us to kind of focus on single Target threat because we do get very good AOE threat at phase 40 and above when we get Hellfire and our push back on Hellfire and everything else I think our threat is going to be phenomenal as for AOE threat right now it's not that bad it's definitely not as bad as what people are making it seem I think one thing that really really helps with AOE threat is the heavy Dynamite from engineering this is a very very very massive must need for AOE threat i' I've seen the DraStic difference from when I'm not using it to when I am using it heavy dynamites do a good amount more than an incinerate but it does it to all the mobs and it's buffed by your Lake of Fire as well if you are using like a fire right I would call this mandatory for holding threat on AOE it's just so much easier to sit there and be able to throw a bomb out there before you sit there and start painting all the targets I've had no issues at all with just throwing a grenade to pull aggro dropping a lake under me and then you know say there's three mobs and I have perfect thread on two but someone pulls another one and I can just taunt it back you know like I said you're always going to have a little bit of issues with Shaman because of the Double Rock biter molten blast or shock combination it's just so much threat especially if you're Shaman just running up there and attacking before you can really initiate threat also know that this is classic and it's okay if a melee or someone pulls thread on a mob or two they can tank that these mobs don't do that much damage right as long as you're keeping all the mobs off your healers and you're not really letting anybody die it works out great okay so while the AOE threat is not as good as a single Target threat it is pretty good and I'm not having a lot of troubles keeping threat off everybody like I said so as for list of consumables there's quite a few consumables that you can use at help but the obvious ones are going to be like the world Buffs which I guess wouldn't be a consumable but like you have World Buffs like this week that I'm making this video Dark Moon fa is up that's a nice little buff that you can get for some 10% damage more damage means more threat and obviously the Big World buff for the phase the Boon of black fathom which you get after you are done doing uh BFD there's a trinket that drops well it's a quest that turns into a trinket but when someone turns in that trinket it drops a world buff these are happening all the time and you can just AFK in the city and you will almost always get this buff it's kind of crazy it pops up all the time because there is so many bfds going CU it's not a hard raid right and the thing that I like to do is I like to get my world buff whenever it drops and then I just go buy a Chrono Boon off the any reagent vendor for 20 silver or whatever and just Boon it and just save it so you don't need to really worry about it but like I said you can get these all the time I have had no problems going on the day of my RAID a few hours before and getting a buff drop somewhere in the world because there's just that many you also have the black fathom oil which is 2% hit in some MP5 that you can put on your weapon that you should put on your weapon cuz as we'll get into in the talents this will help your hit out a lot and obviously you want to be hit capped which is 5% the warung battle drum is a really nice one that you get from a quest you get one of the drops from the mobs when you're doing the Ashen Ville event and then you click it it turns into a quest you can turn the quest in and then you get this battle drum which is just really nice it increases all damage and healing by 5% for 2 hours it only comes with one charge and if you die it goes away so you know stay alive the next one is a greater healing potion which is kind of expensive so you can definitely use the regular healing potions if you can't afford it but either way this is just kind of an emergency button if you see yourself getting low for whatever reason or maybe your healers aren't paying attention or they're out of mana and you're on a long fight or you know one of the many reasons why you would need health you can just pop this which is really nice uh you also have Mana potions as well which obviously go hand inand with this if you ever need Mana like I would just tap but if there's a situation where you can't tap because your Mana is low you can either choose a health potion or Mana potion you know next one is a free action potion I don't think there's a lot of use for this right now but there definitely will be in the future I know people are uh fapping I think phase two of krus which I don't agree on because you could just Shadow prod it and which leads to the next consumable which is the shadow protection potion I use this a couple times in raid the main one is on Twilight Lord kis because you can just kind of do it in the second phase to negate some of the Mind blast damage and also just help your healers out so it's kind of nice you can also pre-op one before you start the fight so when you need to use it in phase two it'll just be back up your food buff should be the heavy crocus stew this gives you eight Stam some Spirit which is a little bit better than the clams they're kind of expensive but you can also use the goblin deviled clams which give you two less stamina but they're kind of like significantly cheaper of course the rumy rum which is 10 stamina for 15 minutes this is just a nice another stamina buff and of course it's always good to have more stamina as our main stat the more stamina you have outside of your gear the more that you can kind of swap stamina on your gear for spell power which we'll get into when we get into the gear section you also have elixir of Defense which helps a little bit if you have no scroll protection to which is 30 less armor anyway as well as elixir of lesser agility if you're not using a scroll of agility and you have no hord a lordon in your group you can use elixir of wisdom as well if you do not have a mage because it does not stack with Arcane intellect and obviously strong trolls blood potion is amazing because it gives you some Health Region and then elixir of minor fortitude which is pretty small but pretty helpful as well and the last one is the elixir of Firepower which I would say is mandatory to use in raid they're not they're not that expensive it gives you 10 fire damage which is nice because searing pain is fire damage as your main threat generator so just you do more damage with it so as for talents so there's a couple things that I like in my last video I kind of defaulted to this which I think still this day is the best like survivability build like if you're trying to just survive I like this a lot because you get your stamina there 15% stamina improve corruption which is amazing threat and amazing damage the one point in suppression is Big because this will make you hit cap this makes you to 5% if as long as you're using the black fathom oil which is 2% you get 2% from this and then you get 1% from your epic boots this will at least hitc cap you with Affliction spells now obviously as you're pressing incinerate as you're pressing Shadow bur whatever your build is for your tanking and seing pain as well those are destruction spells so this 2% is not going to help those spells out but this does help your corruption if you're using corruption there's a build where I'm going to talk about where you don't use corruption but if you do use corruption this is going to help your corruption this is going to help your drain life it feels really really bad missing a drain life it feels really really bad missing a taunt taunt is Affliction spell this will hit cap you on that making it far less chance for you to miss your spells your important ones at least so at this point I think this is the most safe or most like tanky build that you can take my thing is so where a lot of us are now where I've talked to a lot of people who feel the same way is we're overly tanky almost too safe so at this point you can start losing some of your survivability and turning it into a threat and you have a few options to be able to do that the first thing that I would do cuz I feel pretty tanky right now before we talk about the other builds cuz the other builds are kind of funky and I just want to let you know heads up they're experimental this is like the what I would say the cookie cutor build is for me the first thing is that I feel really tanky like I said I would removed the five out of here put three in the the improved imp and put two in the improved life tap and I would run that I used this build and actually ended up getting rank one in the entire world for warlock tanking so I like am a big fan of this build imp is really good damage he has fire Shield which doesn't stack with drw thorns but if you're not running a Dro with that you're not getting Thorns with obviously then you could use this for fire Shield which is really nice and would help with threat but also blood pack gives you more stamina because of this and blood pack sacks with Fort so this makes it really nice this is the next most comfortable thing that I know that would be good right before we talk about the experimental ones coming up cuz they're kind of wild so something a few of us have been working on right now is this and it's actually surprisingly good on threat after some people have been doing some research and showing me it actually surprised me about amplify curse and improve the agony cuz by itself I call these bait talents because they're seriously like I've never liked these talents by themselves they're not that good but they were showing me that with Amplified curse Agony that first Agony you put up on the boss actually is a ton of threat it actually ended up being one of the highest threat per cast that we had out of our abilities when you look at Plateau threat over snap threat right obviously snap threat you're going to steing pain but when you have a nice little comfortable decentish lead and you on pull and you can afford to put some dots up at that point obviously improv corruption is Big cuz that corruption is tit fortat with that one Amplified Agony so you can run this for that first Agony it's actually big threat and then obviously your last point in a reach cuz like you can put it here if you want but that's up to you the only problem that I have with this is I still don't like Agony um I'm mentioning this because there's been a handful of people who showed me the numbers on this and I get it so I want to show here just for the people that like running the Affliction build here but I really still don't like Agony I don't like casting that spell it gets little value on trash you have one good pop out of it which is nice but I will pay respects for this cuz it is a decent build and you can run this if you want to and for those wondering why you don't do nightfalls because your Shadow bolt turns into Shadow cleave so Nightfall doesn't really get any bonus out of it another build that I want to try really bad is this right here I feel like this could be fun to do Shadow burn is just good snap threat it's not the best in the world but on pool you can just put it up there to get some threat or maybe like on a trash pack or something like that it's nothing outstanding by any means but it's something and then you can go into four in the devastation and then go put your last point in steering pain this is just a little bit more crit on your steering pain this I just just want to try this it just looks fun this is now by the way this is just speculation that first build I showed with Master Channeler and demonic Embrace is what I suggest people do until you feel comfortable with your tankiness but I feel like this would be a fun build to do too because a little bit it's not that big of a deal but it is 2% crit on your main threat generator and obviously we want that to crit another option that people do as well is they run improved imp because imp is very very good um if one fire Shield doesn't stack with thorns but if you're not running a drw which a lot of people aren't running a Dro you get fire Shield fire Shield helps with thread out right and also blood pack that stamina buff one it's buffed and two it Stacks with Fort so that's also really nice as well so this is another build that you can kind of Ft with you save a little bit of Mana it's not that much Mana cataclysm is kind of cheeks but it's better than nothing this doesn't help that much at all cuz you're not casting a shadow bolt and emulate like me you cast emulate after incinerate but like emulate still feels like ass even buffed like it's not that much damage and Shadow burn once again is just for immediate snap threat like you can just get it right away it's kind of helpful it's not that much damage at all um but it is kind of helpful with the snapart like I said and then imp improved imp is nice too and then obviously the last two points you can put one here just to kind of help your thread out a little bit or you can put it in here you kind of wherever you want to go you can also just buff your imp up if you want some more damage on him as well this is a purely experimental uh this is what I'm personally going to try I just like the way it looks oops I just like the way it looks uh I want to try it cuz I'm telling you I felt stupid stupid overtly tanky when I was running the first build I showed you guys the Demonic Embrace in the master Channeler it was crazy threat and with this build obviously you wouldn't put up corruption if you're running this you would just incinerate emulate and spam searing pain till your heart's content right which we'll go over to when we get into the ation section now once again before we leave this is purely experimental so don't flame me if you do it you can't hold up I just think this would help a little bit more with threat and you'd be doing more damage which is nice next up we can talk about the runes for your hand Rune obviously you have no no choice but to use metamorphosis we're not going to waste that much time on there so to talk about the chest runes Master chanler obviously we know it's op feels broken it's really good turns your drain life into a DOT it's amazing it synergizes weal with improve drain life we love it so the other thing I want to talk about is Lake of Fire Lake of Fire is what I would call the best in slot Rune you I feel like at this point you don't need the survivability like I said from Master Channeler um there's if you want it there's no problem taking it it is nice to take it because you're healing shft more it's allowing you to tap more without hurting your healer mana and obviously if the healers have extra Mana or they're bored they can DPS instead of heal to kill the bosses faster which is really good Lake of Fire is really nice because it Buffs your seering pain by 40% not just your steering pain but also your all your fire and your pet too if you're especially if you're using that imp build I was talking about right here and you have lake of fire going down it's actually really really good the problem with Lake of Fire is it's very Mana intensive and it's starting to get a little bit better because we're getting more Gear with int you know and we're getting more spell power so our life Taps are giving us a little more Mana but also the fights are getting shorter cuz everybody else is getting gear right so Lake of Fire definitely has some play you already see fire dcks using Lake of Fire on a handful of bosses so you definitely have action to use l a fire on the bosses this is very good for threat this is something that I would have to leave up to you personally only you know how you're feeling with your Mana I'll be trying this as well with the with the Imp build I was talking about and that pestal build I was talking about as well um but yeah those ones are kind of up to you it's always going to be kind of like that for legs I will pretty much always use incinerate I love incinerate I don't care what anybody says you get to pre-pull with it so you have instant 25% fire damage on your abilities when you go in there sack that with like a fire when you get the boss into position and it's really really nice yes there is obviously the downside of having to cast that when you're getting hit there are sometimes that you can kind of watch the cast of the boss and know that you're not going to get hit soon but I honestly just cast this and keep it up full time the downside is once again if you're casting you can't Dodge but I feel like you're still okay you have healers like like see yourself get a bubble cast incinerate I have no problem casting this the other downside is while you're casting incinerate you're not able to be spamming searing pain during that time right too but I think it's still worth the threat trade off um demonic Grace I just don't like I never will like it this is on a gcd so you only get four and a half seconds of it because a gcd is one and a half seconds I just really don't like this that much um I have flirted with this on AOE where I just pop it on when we pull right away after I throw my Dynamite I pop this and then I have you know hopefully going to crit my stearing pains while I'm pulling the mobs right but still I just really don't like it that bad you don't need the Dodge for it at all it already feels pretty safe the other thing is Everlasting Affliction um I this is going to sound weird but I kind of like Everlasting Affliction not on single Target obviously because of incinerate but I kind of like it on AOE packs um I've noticed that you can put Corruptions up corruption is Major threat major damage and if you get a few Corruptions up you can just keep that up with Shadow Cleaver while you're pain spamming and not have to worry about wasting those globals cuz it doesn't feel that bad putting corruption up while you're running into the mobs or while they're getting to you but it does feel bad when you need to reapply them the only thing that doesn't really matter kind of about this right now is mobs aren't lasting if corruption's 15 or 18 seconds I think it is not a lot of mobs are lasting long enough to where you need to reapply Corruptions and if they are up that long they're pretty much dead at that point and there's not really a point in wasting the globals of putting a corruption up just to get that maybe one tick because of how long it takes for corruption to tick but I think this will be bad wait why does it say Everlasting Affliction or C's Mage wowe you got to fix that bud anyway I feel like this come in handy in the future obviously in nomer we don't know much we don't know how long the mobs will stay up or even at 60 but I feel like this could help with the AOE threat this is just purely me speculating by the way but I just kind of like that you wouldn't have to reapply Corruptions but you know anyway incinerate pretty much I'm pretty much using incinerate fulltime though I just wanted to talk about the other runes next up I want to talk about the gear and some options and maybe throw some previous for you now this is the phase one base in my opinion now before you freak out because you're not seeing clam weave tunic you're not seeing a couple pieces that you're used to seeing just let me go over it and I'll break it down okay starting with well I guess we can talk about it the clam weave tunic now clam weave tunic is very good it's 117 armor 11 stamina y y we know it's very good to refer back to what I said in the talent section I am really tanky I don't think I need that armor it does not feel like I need that armor right I know this is a chunk more arm what what 70 more armor or whatever and I know that that armor is good obviously and if you're in a situation where you are having trouble living or with survivability or getting chunk too hard or the healers are having trouble or maybe there's a part of the dungeon where you're pulling an AOE pack and you're going to get hit a lot you can definitely Swap this on I personally am going to run with Twilight invoker robes cuz not only is it eight more spell power than clam weave but you also get the two set with the nine spell power coming from the invoker Shaw and the chest combined which is nine more spell power so you're getting 17 more spell power in the trade-off of that armor right yeah there's two more stamina on it too but who cares about that agility agility is nice but the armor is not multiplied by meta which whatever so I personally like this cuz it's 17 more spell power and that's a chunk a huge chunk of spell power and that's going to help your threat out significantly so I'm personally going to run this as for your Helm obviously you're just going to use Twilight and vocer STW for everything that I just said you also have the rakars tattering thinking cap which is good it is more spell power it's coming in at seven more spell power than the Twilight invoker Shaw but the problem is it has no stamina obviously I want some stamina but and the two set bonus you get from wearing the invoker's robes um until you get both of these more like a previous thing you can get the Green Tinted goggles from engineering which is eight Stam three eight Stam seven Spirit oh not every slot has uh green Eagle Boe but a lot of the bo until you get any of this is just going to be like anything that you can find with stamina on it so it' be like how they have the suffex the suffixes where it says like of stamina or of the eagle or of power whatever you want of the eagle or if there's no of the eagle in that slot just start throwing of stamina for your neck you just want the jagged bone necklace this is straight to the point this is the only one you want it's six spell power you do have the black shroud choker which is only Shadow damage right but it does have four stamina and five Shadow R so if you're if you don't have anything good to put on you could slap this on this will help a little bit because you are and with some of these builds you are putting up corruption you are putting up Agony sometimes and so it could help a little bit but you just really want the jaged bone necklace void Walker bro is another good alternative that I would talk about if you're feeling UNT thany if you want if you need to feel like really really really more tanky has six stamina which is great but also four defense defense isn't that bad we have a couple more defense pieces we'll talk about as well um and then obviously the droplet choker which is six am six spirit I personally just think you should get dragon bone this is much better than the rest of them but like I said there's some tanky options here if you want some tanky ones for your shoulders you have The Fray Chestnut mantle with five spell damage and then you have The Magicians mantle for five spell damage as well these are this is on the auction house this is from a Quest from BFD um this has two stamina this does not so you want this one that's simply put but I mean this isn't this skin isn't that far ahead of Frid until then just pick up one of the of the eagle greens off the auction house cuz it won't be that much with the six Dam six just make sure it rolls high for your cloak pick up Sergeant's cloak you need to be Sergeant Rank and PVP to get it this is definitely worth it it's four Stam four in four Spirit four strength four agility all those stats help you besides strength so just pick it up if you can until then just once again pick up an eagle piece off the auction house row we talked about for bracers you have the Phoenix bindings with their 13 fire damage which are really nice so you have to choose between winning the 13 fire damage or the eagle bracers for the stamina and int for definitely if you feel comfortable don't worry about the stamina int from Eagle and just use the Phoenix bracers for the threat and the Damage for gloves you want the black fingerless gloves this is a 9 in for Spirit six stamina one but also comes with six spell damage it's very big for threat very big for damage you have the handra of beile water which I wouldn't use at all cuz it's a shadow damage just letting you guys know this is Shadow damage it does have 69 armor which is pretty good though but I mean it's Shadow damage it's not helping your main threat regeneration out you want spell damage or even fire at some point right but until you get black fingers gloves you can pick up the shredder operator gloves okay this is just this is just some good Stam in but it also slid to some agility which slightly helps uh I don't know why these Falcons ones are in here just completely ignore that next up is a belt and you got a couple options the first one is guro s like I said this is the one with eight Stam eight intellect right which is obviously pretty good but another option is this is one of those situations where do you want to be tanky or do you want more damage and most of the time I'm going to pick this fire damage one right here this is 11 fire damage which is really nice um this is just one of those things where I said pick your pick your battles do you want the eight stamina or do you want the 11 fire damage completely up to you on that one for pants you want Soul Le pants right this is the 8 in six Spirit seven stamina one and 11 spell power which is Big the only ones that come close to that are the there they are Gaye dreamer leggings which is kind of the same stats a little bit more but less spell damage damage four less spell damage be exact so obviously Soul Lee is just a direct upgrade until then obviously go to the auction house and pick up some of the eagle for seven in seven Stam which is the high roll for boots really straightforward you only want extra planar spider silk boots you want nothing else you don't care about anything else that drops in that raid these are the only ones you want this is amazing stats also seven spell damage and 1% hit this will top off your hit cap for affliction spells like your taunt your corruption your Agony and stuff so you just want these right away you do need spider soak boots to turn that turn into these obviously since it's in the name you can tell so just pick up some spider silk boots off the auction house or since you need to be tailoring anyway to get these you need a hunter tailoring just craft these yourself um honorable mentioned the Twilight invoker shoes these are another of the three of the set that comes with these uh the three set is 1% hit which is not that bad but you're not going to have the problem with the hit and there's no spell power on these and then obviously until you can afford to get either of these just go ahead and pick up of the eagle rings are interesting you want no matter what sign of the Twilight Lord this is the best ring in the game six Spirit seven Stam or six Spirit seven spell power it's really really nice and your second one you kind of have choices here but I'm going to be honest with you I would just use advisor ring or I think the alliance version is low keeper ring this is five spell damage and two stamina one the two stamina is nice but it's also five spell damage making you do more damage and more threat which is really cool um some options is like I said if you're feeling really not tanky I think these will come into handy a little bit later than now but you know we have a 20 armor four defense ring with the Ring of Defense which is pretty good as well this kind of goes where I said that you have a couple defense pieces or like weaving that can kind of help you feel tankier if you're really really struggling I don't think that's necessary right now and I'd rather sack that 20 armor and four defense for threat because once again I feel extremely tanky especially if I'm running the Demonic Embrace and the master Channeler build with the Imp drain life um until then you can pick up the ples ring which is on auction house eight Stam 3 in you can also pick up the Cobalt one one of the eagle Rings up there until you can get advisor's ring because it is rep so you have the farm it and this is from The Raid so you don't know when you're going to get it trinkets are really straightforward you want and only want invoker's void Pearl nothing else matters you just simply always use this every single time this comes from the last boss of the raid he drops a quest item you click the quest you turn it in you have a choice of invoker trinkets pick the spell damage one for your second one I like the Rune of perfection because it it decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 10 which is pretty nice and then you have another option with minor recombobulator with this is an engineering trinket with 10 charges and each charge if it's on use it gives you some Mana back which is obviously pretty nice and then of course you can just use a PVP tricket for those hectic times to get out of slows and stuff but really I would just use these two unless your mana's absolute dog and then you can go ahead and use R bobul lator cuz it is pretty helpful for wands are pretty straightforward just use the Phoenix ignition this is a nice wand has five intellect does some good damage the only other options are the new gravestone scepter ring one Spirit five res or Shadow res and then obviously Deadlight until you can get those but U you know nothing big there for weapons now this is a little uh little kinky here obviously the best weapons that you can get are uh the dager Willing sacrifice and the to of Shadow Waring these are the best tanky weapons note tanky weapons you know it comes with 100 armor total on them what looks like SE eight stamina and some stuff like that 12 SW power or hear me out you can use the rod of ancient Sleep Walker this is up to you this is just there's no stamina on this there's no armor on this but it has 14 more spell damage which is huge that's a lot of threat a lot of damage um I personally use the oneand main hand that's I don't know maybe I would swap the rod if it feels I feel pretty tanky I do feel pretty tanky but if I'm sacrificing a lot of these other pieces that I showed you earlier for and talents for uh some more damage or threat like if I go to that talent build not take demonic Embrace and don't use Chanel because I'm use like a fire then I probably would use the the safer build of the oneand main hand but I think Ro ancient seep Walker is great for tanking still because it is a lot of damage so if you I mean there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to get Dagger of willing sacrifice it's no longer a Boe it is Bop now but you can get it from the raid and nobody wants that really because everybody wants Caster wise and healer wise they went the rod of the ancient Sleepwalker so I would suggest is getting everything get the dagger get the offhand and get the rod when you can so then you when you feel super super tanky or maybe it's short fights you're using like a fire or whatever the Builder is that you're using you can slap on the rod of ancient Sleepwalker for professions which you obviously heard me a couple times say it you want engineering and tailoring engineering can help you with the Green Tinted goggles until you get the proper things in the beginning with preus and it helps you with uh minor recombobulator which is really nice and most importantly the most important thing is it makes heavy Dynamite which are absolutely massive for AOE threat I mean obviously you can use it on single Target too but it's really it doesn't solve all your AOE threat problems but it helps significantly I cannot stress that enough and then tailoring obviously simply only for your boots so you can make some tin slot bags too which is cool which is pretty cheap but obviously you just want it for your extra planar spider silk boots which you will need to be 100 for next we'll go over the rotation which is the single Target and the AOE rotation which is constantly getting worked on over at the Warlock Discord your One Stop Shop for everything and anything warlock related Link in the description so for single Target it's going to depend on largely what runes you're using like pretty much the basis it kind of depends on what you're going to go with right so obviously a lot of the builds run incinerate I suggest incinerate you're going to pull with incinerate like from afar as far as max range incinerate right after that I immediately emulate and this is the only emulate I'll will put up I don't think emulate is worth the cast time and the push back when you are sitting there tanking the boss to your face right so I emulate on poool just cuz it is decent threat it's not amazing but you can get lucky crit that first part and then it goes into the dot right and then I'll corruption if I'm running improve corruption and then I will Agony once the boss is in range of drain life you would use drain life if you're using the master Channeler Rune which a lot of people a majority of people are as soon as he gets into the range you want to put that up right away Master Channeler drain life skills with your spell power also if you're happen to be using the desro build where you're using Shadow bur throw a shadow bur in there at this point when you get the range as well cuz it's a shorter range and then spam seing pain to your heart's content um taunt when needed obviously that goes without saying and then obviously keep incinerate buff on I know this feels really bad but you should do this cuz there's 25% more damage on your searing panes the only reason I won't incinerate is if I already have a decent threat lead which happens a good amount of the times right say you're tanking and you have a good threat lead there's no point in you even incinerating because you can keep searing pain you know redo your Corruptions and whatnot right succubus and imp do Insane damage if you have improved imp it does more damage than the succubus if you don't have improved imp just use the succubus make sure they're attacking the whole time for your AOE uh the first thing you should do is throw a dynamite your max range is you're running up to the trash packs do not charge in I see warlocks charging in all the time charge is ass it does pretty much nothing you're not getting threat from it like that so don't just run in don't charge in throw a dynamite from max range that you can and then corruption a few of the mobs while they run in and obviously searing pain while they group up once they group up throw a lake down remember with Lake of Fire that you don't need to channel the entire rain of fire you just need to press rain of fire one time let it like watch the visual hit the ground and then leave right it looks like consecrate on the ground if you haven't seen it and then just Spam stearing pain on the Target that you have less threat on you should have which we talk about add-on section next you should have a weak or or an add-on to watch threat on the mob so it shows on your name plates Link in the description if you'll see who you're low on just searing paint that one you can tab searing paint which is nice but better than tab searing painting I like a mouse over searing pain which I'll put on the screen and in the in the description as well this just makes it so you don't need to tab at all you can just literally hover over which one you want and press your steing pan button which is really nice obviously taunt when needed and now don't be afraid if you're pulling four five six mobs and like a a warrior or a shaman pulls one off you just let them tank it it's you can taunt obviously but don't freak out don't panic and don't blow your 10-minute AOE taunt on one or two mobs getting away from you to go to the shaman who's super tanky that's his fault he pulled the threat it's just going to happen with the shaman sometimes and as for the AOE taunt don't forget you have it I've been watching some runs and going over some VI review for some coaching and people are literally forgetting they have it like the whole run not using it it's a 10-minute cool down it's long wait for the big pack throw a grenade in there do your AOE rotation like we just talked about and if gets out of hand just blow an aoon you can even just go in there and tell your Shaman go tell your Shaman go ham let them go ham you just AOE taunted off of them for add-ons and recour you surprisingly don't need too many of them at all uh the main thing I would say to get is details cuz it has a tiny threat plugin which just comes with details and it helps you watch the threat on everybody and it tells you like how far you guys are up on threat so it's really helpful and then the other one is a weak AA so the add-on weak Ora but the import which I'll put in the description as well which puts the number of threat on there right next to your name plate which is beautiful and you can also use something like threat plates which also puts a percentage to tell you if you're behind or on threat which is really nice um there's probably better ones out here that say who has the threat which I guess I would actually like too if you have that you can link that please but just make sure you have the weak or any weak or something to track that so you know who to do it with this is probably the most important thing you can do as a tank because say you pull two three four mobs and you're comfortable with three of them you're like oh I have a good threat lead but you you know you see one guy over there going down to 200 100 and he's about to pull you know who to pump your sing panes into and lastly is just a couple tips the main one is downranking your life tap this is always important cuz there's going to be times when you can't Max rank life tap just throw a down rank in there you never know when you're going to need it and other one is a macro start attack into all your abilities and when you're in melee range you can melee with your weapon with a faster weapon it does dirt all damage but it's better than nothing I just I just put it in my steing pain my shadow cleave and stuff like that and then as for shadow cleave you notice that I didn't mention it in both rotations that's because it's cheeks I don't ever cast it on single Target I don't think it's worth it at all on AOE I the only reason I don't cast it on AOE is cuz I'd rather be spinning that Global using searing panes like period I I don't care about I don't care about Shadow cleave Maybe I'm Wrong in this assessment I just know that it's absolute dog water it doesn't do any threat at all besides that little bit of you know 15 to 20 damage or whatever it is and I just honestly would rather have because if you look at AOE group a lot of the times when you're losing aggro it won't be to like all four mobs it'll be like one or two mobs I'd rather Focus the stearing pains on those guys like I said yeah I'm going to have an entire different video for tips and tricks for warlock tanking but I do want to get this one up this is looking like an hour long edit I'm about to do so I'm going to cut it down and hopefully it's not that long for you you guys uh I really appreciate you guys sticking around if you did please let me know in the comments if I missed anything or if you want to add anything let me know your let me know your thoughts on the talent build I want to see if I'm the only one thinking of trying that deathro build my buddy winky is the one who brought it to attention and kind of makes me after he said it at first I was like no I would never do that but but after I did a run I was like damn I am not dying I kind of want to try it so let me know if I'm feeling a little drunk on that or what guys once again I appreciate you guys all the love all the support uh I'm going to try to spam as many videos as I can um you know check the stream out I appreciate it check the twitch out like follow subscribe all that cool and I'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: Crix
Views: 108,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk classic, wow wotlk classic, wotlk, wow classic, world of warcraft, classic wow, wrath of the lich king, wotlk phase 3, wow, wotlk classic goldmaking, wrath, wrath of the lich king classic, classic, wotlk pve, wotlk classic p3, wotlk classic togc, Lich King, ICC, BiS, Phase 4 Bis, Seasons of Discovery, SoD, Cata Classic, Cataclysm, Classic Plus, Classic +, Asmondgold, Warlock, Warlock Tank, Warlock Tanking, Affliction, Runes, Warlock runes, Demonology, season of discovery
Id: 4SODNcI2nEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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