Classic WoW: Warlock Leveling Guide - Talents, Rotation, Pets & Wand Progression

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[Music] alright guys my name is Damita goblin and today I'm gonna be giving you my warlock leveling guide for classic world of warcraft as always this video will cover a number of topics first we'll have the FAQ section mostly talking about pets venom I'll go through the optimal talent build and then I'll go through the rotation in place now then we'll run through the gear and stats section and then I'll probably finish off talking a little bit about wand progression and money saving and just prefer jumping guys please do give me a quick follow and twitch and on discord the first big question people ask when it comes to leveling a warlock is what pet should I use and people asking this question a lot more recently especially as the IMP has become a more prospective option you know due to its high damage I would say both devote voidwalker and the empower viable options it depends on your personal experience of the game and your current environment you know if you're new to the game I'd recommend using the wot voidwalker first until you become more familiar with the class event you might want to switch to an imp and try it out and if you you know your if you're on a high populated PvP server it may also be the better option to go for the void Walker to use it sacrificed ability to save your life in a PvP ganking kind of situation and obviously in more difficult questing areas you will be expected to take down more of one enemy devoid walk it is going to be more useful and let that pro process easier for you so it's your decision really but personally I would only recommend going for the IMP if you're a little bit more of an experienced player and you're looking for something a little bit different so let's run through the talent section there's a lot of debate in the walk community over the best talents which means there are a number of different options available to you and it's really down to your preference for example a lot of people like to go for the improved drain soul talent for the mana regeneration but then other people argue about when they stack spirit the mana regeneration from drain soul isn't really that useful because you've just got enough mana regeneration anyway so so gonna depend on what can I build you're gonna go for you're going to go for the standard build you're gonna go for a BM you know the boot build would be when you're using the inferior I might go for a build week you're trying to multi target you know as often as possible talk about that more in the playstyle section anyway I'm gonna you know go through the build talk about my preferences talk about you know over different options available to you but overall I'm gonna give you the most standard kind of leveling build that most people are probably gonna go for so everyone has you know their own personal preference of how they like to order their talent so I'm gonna tell you my personal preference and my reason for from you know the end of the day if you've seen another guide with something slightly different that you prefer to go for then you know just go for it there are a number of key tones but I would really recommend them in whole philosophy of warlock leveling as you get a little bit demonology to begin with to get the improved voidwalker so you know you don't pull on off your void walk everything you're just kind of speck in to affliction to increase your dock damage when you finish off in demonology to just increase your pet damage slightly so now let me show you how I like the spec I like to go for file corruption and then I'd like to go to demonology a little bit earlier right and you can pick whatever you know for tier 1 in demonology you can get the enhance stamina it's quite useful I personally prefer the utility of improved health stanbury's from PvP situations and obviously I like having improved in for when I'm in a dungeon group so now right now I have the improved voidwalker available but I'm not necessarily going to get it okay I'm only going to get the improved voidwalker when I start pulling our grow off the void workin so if I'm just you know I'm in combat chain pulling mobs and leveling and you know just going about my business have an awesome or a up a pulling algorithm a voidwalker and it's happening quite offered now it's happening quite consistency consistently not out of 20 polls I've poured aggro of my void Walker about five times so that's when I start the spec in to improve void walk I don't just do it manually or you know straightaway kind of blindly I only spec in to improve voidwalker when I need it when I feel like the void Walker is not holding our grow effectively enough then I'll start putting points into it and I'll carry on spec in into the affliction tree so from here you know you spec into affliction you pretty much gonna have to max out suppression especially if it take down higher-level enemies there from here you have a number of options from here a lot of people like to go for improved rainsoft in a minor regeneration some people don't feel like it's necessary because of a stock spirit gear you know that's up to you I think if you're going for a really hardcore speed leveling playstyle but the improved rinse I'll probably be quite useful to you because you're going to be burning man acquire a lot and you may want to get it even earlier than when you when I recommend it to spit us back into demonology then from here you know improve kosovo agony just a little bit of extra damage can't moan about that little bit of grim reach so we can get into combat even earlier some people also like to get amplified curse you can get it even earlier than this if you feel like isn't it's very good for taking down enemies very quickly you know particularly like 1v2 situations and when you take it down quest enemies from here I think the most useful talent is probably going to improve life top the reason why I don't go for nightfall is because in my experience of the instant chernobyl always seems to pull aggro so I don't generally go for it body improve light up it's very effective you can also go for that earlier than grim reach if you want to then from here gonna get psyphon life you know - life you can start implementing into irritation we'll talk about it more in their rotation section but it is a very useful from here you've got two options you can go for fel concentration which is quite useful when taking down multiple enemies and you need to face tanking enemy and so just a little bit of extra survivability there some people like to prefer good - you offer curse of exhaustion instead and because you can kite enemies quite effectively of curse of exhaustion it can save your life in number of situations particularly in PvP so that's up to you and obviously you max out shadow mastery because you know it's just flat-out extra shadow damage you cannot complain at it so from here I like to max out fel intellectually surprised how much mana light your void Walker consumes when he's using wise abilities so if I can coming quite useful because you don't want him to run out our mount of a manner and then be unable to actually taunt you know because when you're going to pull aggro off your void Walker serve as that and then you can go for fellow that domination if you want basically you just have a cool-down where you can quickly summon your pets very useful in tight PvP situations from here you can get more stamina but like I prefer to just get one point in the first time and Evon out I'd to finish off the build into unholy power just to increase my damage of them avoid walking because I do feel like that's the most useful but anyway it varies for telling us for the walk let's move on to V rotation and placed our section just won't blossom before we move on guys it will have basically this build in the description but also be alternative in talent build in the description as well so the wall rotation is very similar to a shaman rotation because we will be front-loading our damage dot abilities and then finish our finishing off the enemy with a wand so I'm going to give you two rotations one rotation will be the lower level rotation before you can get your void Walker then we'll have a higher level rotation you know post a point where you get your void Walker but I'm gonna finish off talking about V in higher level playstyle and the more advanced multi target play style all that kind of like speed leveling play stava is available to you so the low level rotation is pretty easy basically gonna use a bit of an agro trick with you're in first of all we send you infantry combat let them cast a fire bolt to pull aggro you my strafe to the left or right few meters when you cast your shadow ball the mob should bounce a bit between you and your imp and Gaelic confuse which means the mob isn't gonna be attacking you in the face and which means overall you're gonna take less damage and have to spend less time stop in to eat and get your you know your health back you may want to start using your docks a little bit but my experience your spamming Shadow Ball is fine even if you have too hard cast you know he would the mob basically attacking you so let's start talking about a standard rotation you're going to be using most of the time while you're leveling the rotation will focus on front loading your dots on the target and finishing it off with a wand first of all you command your pet to attack when you cast it emulate while the pet is running towards a target then you pop a curse of agony the reason why we use cursive agony earlier than corruption is because we're dying to ramps up so just something to bear in mind I'm only gonna use a corruption then you're gonna basically stop casting all your abilities and start using your wand and then if you have drained soul use it on very low health like ridiculously low health because you want to be using the wand as much as possible so I'd recommend putting health percentages on your unit frames so you can kind of see where the enemies on really little hell it's kind of tapped drain soul to get the benefit of the you know improved drinks all-time you may want to start using siphon life it's what a top would be health if you know you've used a few live taps but my experience it just tend to pull aggro sometimes so you know do be careful you may want to throw in the old shutter ball now and again if you have the mana for it especially if you're taking down low-level enemies because I died so fast it's important to note that sometimes immolate becomes very manner inefficient depending on what level you are so always feel free to kind of fill the waters of your rotation adapt to your situation by taking out of your rotation if it's costing too much mana I'm just going to very quickly explain your mana regeneration ply style what I always recommend you to do is use a life tap / stop into drink or drain manner and if in like that just life tap even if it means you get to low health and then bandage and you can use your bandage while your pets attacking so you never really stop attacking you can kind of just spam some life tabs use a bandage maybe a siphon life or a drain life just the top of your health up a little bit but be mindful about that it will pull aggro well has a chance to anyway so that's how that's how can I have a default strategy to get your money back is to kind of use your health as a resource rather than you know just stop in to drink you can stop to drink obviously if you really need to and if you're gonna do it always make sure your pet is you know doesn't be a pet does need to stop and drink so you may as well put your pay into combat while you stop to drink so let's talk about V in playstyles basically the same as a standard playstyle but you're going to be counting a lot more and body tanking more which means bandages psyphon life and demon armor become very important components of the playstyle you can also use a tactic similar to how hunter kite hunter kiting strategy by you know strafing between your wand attacks to prevent like a couple more melee hits before the enemy gets to you you know into melee range when it comes to multi tanky situation some warlock speed level has made taken down two to three enemies you know at once the default place down the default rotation so they will always be taken down to mobs at once which is very useful for getting quests don't faster basically follow the same procedure as a standard rotation you command your pet to attack the first target and you dot the first target up and you just kind of leave the pet to finish him off while you dot up a second target okay from here you can pop a second target into a fear but you know if it's not safe to do so because it might pull another enemy or we just need to save on your manner then you can just body tank the second enemy but remember you know if your body tanking like I mentioned before psiphon life or bandages and demon armor are quite essential you may or someone like us are using drain life and you've got fel concentration talent like I mentioned earlier that's going to be even more useful to you if you're gonna go for this light hardcore speed leveling playstyle where you're pulling as many fingers as you can and faith tanking a lot more I mean some people being over get the pet on one target they have put one target in a fear with a dot top of any body tank a third target so some people play in a play style with a basically near enough most of the time taking down free enemies at once and if you imagine that's basically free pulls and you've probably completed a quest in free polls so you can kind of see why that is very beneficial to us you know leveling time so when it comes to gear you've got a number of options of what stats that you want to prioritize what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go for every single star just kind of explain the advantages and disadvantage or disadvantages of each so first of all we've got spirit like most people are gonna start spirit very high because it significantly reduces your downtime between enemies you know chain pulling and all that kind of thing so it massively increases your mana regeneration and it's probably the most efficient staff that you can stack when you're leveling some people also like to go for spell power the reason why I've allowed to go to spell power I've recommended this in previous guides it's scales of life top which means you get more mana back from life top and obviously you get increased damage which means you kill enemies faster the issue is about power volt in my experience is that you simply just generate a little bit too much power grew because of the increased spell damage so that is something to bear in mind so the next two stats are stamina and insula to recommend stacking enough stamina just to get around about an extra life tub because you don't want to be spamming life tough but then just end up with no health because that can't you know you can get into a risky situation pretty quick so I'd recommend stacking enough stamina just further increase survivability in an increased lifetime when it comes to intellect I find intellect to be a very useless stat the reason why is because when you're leveling you're gonna spend a large amount of your time out of combat which means you're gonna benefit from your mana regeneration give a boy your maximum mana regeneration you and your spirit start so which means you're probably not going to be draining your your manner that far down and even if you do you can use your spirit stack to regenerate it if you think about it like intellect is useful for very long fights where you can't regenerate your money you know if you're doing a raid and taking down a raid boss you can't regenerate your manner you know naturally with your gear the only way to do it as a warlock or DPS class in general is to do it with a mana potion so that's the only that's funny it's situation where intellect becomes very useful is in a long raid fight whereas leveling it's it's just much less useful you know you you will have to stack enough intellect to get a decent mana pool but it's not a huge priority and you are gonna find in select pieces you know because you're gonna find it on your spirit gear so it's just going to be there and it's going to be useful but it's not as a stat but you need to prioritize over other stats it's not going to increase your spell power like it does on retail it just increases your chance to crit with spells which you know isn't it's gonna you can it's gonna be pretty difficult to stack that high enough to make a significant difference when you're leveling off anyway let's round this off my start priority would be spirit then stamina then intellect and then if you're playing of an imp then you will probably want to use spell power spirit and then stamina let's go through one progression guys basically I've already got a Google Drive document you know I'm ready to go which basically tells you best the best ones that are available to you and the list kind of prioritize is quest rewards rather than dungeon rewards because I know about loot from about drops from dungeons isn't like a guaranteed drop chance and obviously farming a dungeon over and over again we aren't gonna be a bit of a time waste so just prioritize quest rewards and potential auction house their purchases that you can get as well and that's pretty much it you know about some description of the video I finished my guides talking a little bit about money saving but as for the Wallach you don't really need a say for amount at level 14 because you get a cheaper alternative but nonetheless I would recommend saving money a little bit I do have a video for that as well it's basically how to get your mountain level 40 but you can kind of apply those strategies to you even though you're not saving for the mount and what I recommend is saving money basically you know so that if when you get finally get to level 6 so you can have a bit of a pool of money and I recommend prioritizing that money on the speed leveling your professions because getting your best in slot or pre rare best in slot gear if your tailoring is gonna be quite useful to you or if you want to straightaway you know power level engineering that can be extremely useful in both PvE and PvP environments so yeah that's pretty much where I'm gonna end the gut and in the video guys my name is meadow gobble until my next video sure
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 49,489
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Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: 4D7gRLdnQOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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