Warlock Leveling Guide for Classic: The Drain Tanking Guide

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hey guys it's Eric and with this video I wanted to present dives renting guide and discuss why it's so powerful for level and in classic now there has been much discussion in the world community about the various ways to level and although there is no true way to level drain taking might be the most viable option for leveling 1 to 60 so let's talk about it drain taking is a method of using damage over time spells combined with life legion spells such as drain life and siphon life to kill mobs while maintaining life and mana resources to minimize downtime a warlock who properly maintains their health and mana pools should be able to completely avoid having to eat or drink for indefinite amount of time here's how it works your health stone siphon life drain life and death coil for your life gaining abilities you sacrifice your health in order to gain your mana back with life tap and with dark pact your pets manner becomes your mana now because a dark pact the succubus actually becomes a demon of choice for drain tanking the reason being is she does very good damage up to 25% of your overall DPS and doesn't spend any mana doing so as long as you have her abilities off auto casts she'll never run out of mana like the employed making her great for long killing sessions and acting as a mana battery as an added bonus she provides utility with seduce and eye damage for world PvP encounters where Lasha pain ability is an incident to act on a 12 second cooldown and should be used when the succubus almost has full mana this is to prevent her from wasting region and maximizing her DPS plus invisibility makes the succubus invisible making your combined Aggra radius smaller this should be kept on manual as it'll waste mana to cast after every fight soothing kiss will lower the succubus is threat and is occasionally useful to prevent her from taking damage since her damage is front-loaded the other two pets that are viable to drain tank with are the IMP in the filter the IMP has among the best warlock demon dps when talented he provides a fire shield and book pact but his fatal flaw is that he runs out of mana his regeneration is faster than any other demon which makes him a great man a mattering but you sacrifice his DPS the falender is a decent pet for drain tanking having fairly good DPS without having to spend any man he also region's mana a bit faster than the succubus but the perks of having the falender is the option to spell lock abilities and the ability to devour magic the main problem with the Palantir is the quest as it is fairly long and out of the way for most quest routes so most warlocks speed leveling wait until 60 to get this pet now the least viable drain tank demon the voidwalker he does low dps generates mana slowly and can't hold a girl few if you are doing a drain tank rotation but the voidwalker is fairly useful when you need to complete difficult quests with multi mod pools now that you understand the concept of drain thinking let's go over the core talents in this bill improve corruption will allow you to cast corruption while moving giving you more space to drain tank improve live tap increases your life to mana conversion efficiency making one life equal to 1.2 mana suppression increases your hit rating with the fliction spells three points invested will allow you be the captive installed mobs yellow to you bail concentration will light eaters at 70% of spell pushback when channeling drain spells this talent is the essence of this build and you should not start a drain taking until you have it grim reach hooks in the distance of your affliction spells about 20% it allows for safe poling gives you more distance between you and your target to apply dots and begin life draining siphon life is basically the damage over time form of drain life and is required to learn shadow mastery shadow master is gonna increase all your damage done by your shadow spells in dark pact will drain the mana for your pet returning it to you our complimentary talents are gonna consist of improved drain life which will increase the amount of life drained by 10% amplify curse which gives you a nice boost to your curse of agony every three minutes improve house tone which will increase the health return by your house Sun by 20% and since health stuns our mana neutral this makes your health stone aimed at gaining resources in demonic embrace will increase the stamina making you more tanky now there are also a number of optional talents you could spec into that this guide highlights but the one I want to briefly mention is approved Green soul so improved reinstall will double your normal mana regeneration with not casting spells and allows no more regeneration to continue while casting it was concluded that in the early levels when you're primarily using your wand you don't get much value from improved green soul unless you exploit the five-second rule and reduce your kill speed this means drain soul for a few seconds ideally around five before the mob does I do not cast for the next 10 seconds you give very little value out of improved in soul due to the high cost and the later levels when you are primarily using drain life you'll get a reasonable amount of value from the crew Green soul the extra mana regen contributed during that wall casting phase seems to be about 30% of the regeneration from drain life this is before considering external factors such as damage taking dodol overkill speed personally I would skip the salen as there are too many variables to make it effective but if you want a more in-depth explanation check the description down below for a better breakdown as I've only scratched the surface now there are three options presented in this guide comes to order of talents but understand there are many variations to this option a has you put two points in to improve corruption three points in to improved in three points back in to improve corruption and three points in the suppression this allows you for extra talent points to spend where you want before he speck an option be at around level 24 when you get your succubus option B has you put five points into corruption and three points in suppression two points into improve life tap and five points in a fill concentration even though we've invested five points in a felt concentration we still want to be using our wands early on when we look at this chart we see that it compares one dps versus dream-life dps by level the grey dots represent wands obtainable by most people such as quest rewards and binding equipped ones the blue dots are ones that are obtained from dungeons or require you to complete dungeon quests the green lines represent the DPS of a drain life at any given level you'll notice that early on bonding is extremely valuable while drain life is not worth using however drain life begins to pass bonding around level 30 and 38 depending on your wand with that explained let's move on an option see eventually option B will lead you an option C which will take you to level 60 option C has you put two points in a grim reach one point in amplify curse two points in an improved Rhian life one point in the siphon life three points in improved you in life one point in the nightfall five points in his shadow mastery and one point into dark pact at this point we are level forty and we switch over to the demonology tree and put two points in an improved health stone and five points in demonic embrace after our last points in a demonic embrace we have thirteen points available to invest for a more defensive play style invest your points into the demonology tree and for more aggressive playstyle invest your points into the destruction tree also feel free to dip back into the affliction tree because in the end it's up to you how you want to play the final topic I want to talk about is the spell rotation for this build learning how to drain tank evolves learning how to manage your resources and understanding which part of your kit increases or decreases your overall efficiency as we want to be killing as fast as possible now the rotation we use will vary a bit as we level and the variety of mobs would kill for example some mobs might be tightly clustered or mean to your dream life with that being said there's no absolute rotation and you should always think about adapting depending on what enemies you face your exact rotation will depend on four factors the first factor is the difficulty of the enemy you face the second is the life / manner you have the third is the one you have versus the rank of dream life you have and the fourth is the spells which have the newest ranks the generic rotation is starting the fight with immolate that gets in corruption the either casting drain life or wanting your target of death if the enemy is much harder to kill start with agony and siphon life cast corruption then begin draining life with higher difficulty mobs add emulated the siphon life route and possibly keep the enemy feared if you're fighting a mob and all your dots fall off you should usually only refresh corruption now the decision of whether to get straight life or one can be summed up by two considerations the first consideration is if you have much more mana than life cat stream life if you have much more life than manna shoot your wand you never want to waste the opportunity to drain life for HP recovery and you never want to wander when you have full mana when handling elite enemies remember that if you can fear it you can kill it and when handling multiple enemies use all your dots on one target then fear that target within pool and drain take another target while your dots tick away on the fear target just be careful not to put more when fighting ranged enemies it's important to drag them away from their position by using any damage / townsville and running away or by simply line-of-sight in them I hope this guide helped you there's a couple of things I brushed over did not cover when making this video so I highly recommend everyone watching to check out the description for the written guide I also want to give a special thanks to die for making the written guide and go Asia for providing the footage used please remember to like the video and subscribe for more content and join the world like discord for more guides and resources thanks for watching all right yeah yeah all right item item let me see if there's any very powerful mobs up to the top keep hiding - Ramos keep yourself filled up line a site if you're low enough to where the soul devourer will kill you is there anything powered by a mob no there's nothing here it's just Eric okay
Channel: Erik The Warlock
Views: 154,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warlock vanilla, vanilla warlock, warlock guide, tips for warlock, staysafe, asmongold, drain tank warlock, warlock domination, best pet for warlock, best pet for leveling, warlock guide and tips, tips for new walrock, classic world of warcraft, world of warcraft beta, beta warlock, warlock testing, warlock speed run, warlock pvp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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