Classic WoW Queue Times Are Insane

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classic Wrath of the Lich King login cues are insane what is up guys Stacey if you're so I know all of you can probably guess what this video is going to be about I wonder Island forms the classical bottleneck forums all the classic subreddits all the classic discords and I'm sure all of you guys are in are all talking about this very very annoying impactful issue yeah that is the login times now the classic wow Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch has released in the last couple days look at that 13 000 people that's too many [ __ ] people like I don't understand like it's like nobody wants to be on the dead server is it is taking this forever it's not even out yet to log into some of these Mega servers so I'm just going to jump right into the video which is pretty much me complaining it is very hard to imagine that this is the reality of a service that you are paying a monthly premium for imagine that you had to wait several hours before you were able to load up a Netflix video or an HBO video it well it's also like yeah it actually is a really that's that's a really good [ __ ] point I was gonna say it's like paying money to stand in line at the DMV but that's actually a really good [ __ ] point yeah wow true is frankly absurd that this is the current state of classic wow in the year 2022 yeah and it is so absurd in fact that a lot of people are actually using things like remote desktop and various other similar programs I would do that well I I remember the night that classic came out I I had my mom stay on my account and keep me from being logged out that's how I was able to sleep and then wake up and stream again without sitting in the queue it's kind because I had her keeping me in the game and I would do the same thing like I remember as soon as I would go offline I would log back in and that way I could be online by the time I came back to bypass the login queue I.E using these functionalities to just never log out and remain logged in 24 7 which is why your login queue is so high probably because other people aren't logging out as naturally as they should be or they're putting themselves in the login queue that's a good point yeah it's like people don't want to log out because they don't want to be stuck in this [ __ ] queue again I think that's a really good point it increases the Q it people are not playing the game in a natural way like I'll tell you guys like whenever we do a new world I'm probably not I probably will have to log out a while because new world is pretty Graphics intensive but like uh I might not just so I can prevent myself from being knocked offline or having to sit in the queue again three or four hours before they get home from work they're sitting in their office at work and then they remote desktop log themselves in so that by the time they get home they're ready to game Google's gone out in a lot of ways these login cues are about as large they're very reminiscent of the logging cues that we experienced in 2019 yeah when classic Wow first originally came out classic vanilla just about three years ago but you would think that over three years of classic wow and analytic information that blizzard has gathered from us and the way that we play the game that blizzard would have implemented some extra precautions or extra server capacity in the last three years to help very uh excite exciting and so this is something stay safe welcome to my world welcome to my world where whenever you are in a 20-man world PVP encounter in retail World of Warcraft the servers stop working [ __ ] you can do an AOE pull and the server's lag I feel like the servers are using all the same hamsters that they'd started with whenever the game came out except for now they're all dead and this is what we get it's insane it's absolutely crazy how bad these servers are meanwhile you can go over to uh ashes of creation Alpha and they can have a hundred people fighting a dragon there's no problem how does this happen hype periods like right now now beyond that I've got to say and this is probably the most frustrating part in my mind things are probably only going to get worse Wrath of the Lich King hasn't even launched yet we are right now in the first couple days of pre well keep in mind not only has it not even launched it's 20 days away from launching it's not like oh it's gonna come out in three days no this is like three weeks repatch which leads us into the actual hype event which is classic wrath launch in about three weeks from now now if we look at the history of the private server the classic Legacy while private server Community there is a very very real chance that classic Wrath of the Lich King will be even more popular than classic wow vanilla or at least various points of it maybe older launch or maybe the the first couple days of classic wrath no promises but regardless even if it's not bigger than vanilla it's going to be pretty pretty big definitely bigger than classic TBC additionally as I think that could be true I do I mean it's like I think that for me I might have underestimated a little bit of how many people actually started in Wrath of the Lich King so it's like their wrath is my classic you know what I mean because like a lot of people it's like they were the DK that was jimming uh intellect and attack power in an original wrath and now they understand the error of their ways and their back for vengeance of salt on the wound kind of maybe intentionally or unintentionally blizzard has offered free transfers to servers that are just categorically dead like literally pretty much no one is playing on them I I just I don't understand why blizzard can't acknowledge the obvious reality that players don't want to play on servers that are not Mega servers everybody wants to play on a mega server and what blizzard probably did is they listened to the player base big mistake never listen to the player base if you have data that can reflect the opposite if you have data versus what people are saying always go with the data because people are like oh I like my little server community and we're all just a little group of friends but you know since that girl transferred awful then I mean then the other guild transfer it off and now I think we're going to transfer off too and before you [ __ ] know it it's another dead server that's what it is I'm sorry but that's what happens and they listen to people that have no [ __ ] idea what they're talking about which is a complete non-solution as no one in their right mind would choose to play on these servers oh blanchy's dead bro this server is more dead than the whole retail why and it's an undead mount in retail wow who the [ __ ] wants to play on that 300 yeah 350 people on the server one that is aware of anything going on in this game would choose to play on a server that has this little population I'm going to throw them up on screen right here you can see pretty much no one is playing on the service if you re-roll or take the free transfer to these servers it is almost impossible to find a rating Guild to find a daily heroic group to find people for your Arena Team yeah it's just completely a non-viable solution calling it a solution it's like I remember back whenever I transferred over to kel'thuzad is like were y'all like maybe I had this experience right like so like thrall was a high pop server but it was like 70 80 horde and 20 Alliance I was on Alliance so like for the amount of people on my server I would always struggle to get groups for VOA I would always struggle to get groups for even of like a five-man a heroic right I go over to KT I'm like yo who wants to do ice uh no no not who wants I saw a group this is like the first day I transferred over people were making a pug for ICC heroic so I thought guilds couldn't even do that that's it's so hard and they're like yeah no we just go in there and do it I mean everybody goes in there they just do what they need to do and we we kill the bosses I'm like is that right they said yeah you want to go I'm like yeah [ __ ] yeah I want to go and we did it and so it's a night and day difference it's a difference between waiting 20 minutes and waiting two minutes and the reality is that a lot of the [ __ ] people that are there for Wrath of the Lich King Classic are like me and stay safe Boomers pushing 30 that have more life responsibilities than they want to have or maybe they like having them but it sure gets in the [ __ ] way of video games doesn't it and guess what they don't have as much time to play the game so the difference between 2 and 20 minutes is the difference between one and two dungeons nobody wants to go over to Old blanchey Let It Die get like give it some like let it just go out it's gonna die and like that horse dies in cataclysm anyway man like [ __ ] we'll move on all is generous now of course by the way I always thought that was [ __ ] up you know what I mean like they like of all the things Deathwing did like that was probably one of the worst ones like who the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] you kill all blanchy like what what is this like why always pay to transfer to a medium or other high pops or yeah but then you're essentially expected by a blizzard to pay to solve the problem that blizzard has allowed to manifest in the first yeah yeah you spend money over landscape yeah true this crazy server landscape that we found ourselves in over the last three years and of course on top of that you would likely be leaving your entire in-game social network and Community behind and you'd go to a new server where you don't know anyone and you have no friends and that's kind of the point of an MMO is that over years months you build attachments to the people The Guild the community that you're playing with on a daily basis I like the idea of like on the fresh server and like this is the same as like a new world and lost ark Etc these other MMOs I like the idea of it's a fresh start for everybody everybody starts from zero uh well not really because everybody got the paid start because you know gaming in 2022 but besides that everybody's basically like I like the resets I I like the [ __ ] complete resets the fresh resets I like I think it's uh it's interesting because it's like new social bonds form new uh relationships occur uh new friendships happen I love that I think that's like that's what's beautiful about these games but this is like bro like this is like transferring high schools whenever you're a senior like this is your last year this is where you get to [ __ ] you get an off period that you get to hang with the boys at Dairy Queen on like you're not gonna be transferring leaving your high school after three years you've been on probably this server ever since like vanilla maybe late TBC like you are here to stay that's what it feels so server transfers especially free server transfers to unpopulated service it's a pretty unattractive solution like I mentioned a moment ago so there's not a lot of good options you have sometimes over 13 000 players just on one server that's just on benediction if I'm sure if you added up all the queue times all the people sitting it's like on the fresh server what the [ __ ] is this like on the fresh server I gotta wait an hour to log on to the game one hour to log on to play a video game holy [ __ ] we'd be pushing thirty thousand forty thousand players sitting right now trying to log into a server of classic wow they're sitting at the computer waiting to play this game that they're paying a monthly premium to play you're paying a monthly fee to play the game that originally came out 15 years ago mind you but and I just I really want to [ __ ] preemptively respond to any [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] who thinks that it's a good idea to say yeah but you could play on another realm and it would be fine it's a worse experience it is like imagine you played on benediction ever since the beginning of TBC or vanilla because your friends played on it so what what are you supposed to do you have to make a whole new character like what the [ __ ] but it's it's just such a ridiculous thing it's honestly ridiculous this is happening I don't understand it and Blizzard's completely dropping the ball like I don't care you guys have to understand this I don't have a job I could stay up however late and get up however early and do whatever I want but this is not good for everybody else they can't play for some cost-saving reason that Blizzard's uh uh analytic team has come has has decided upon right so to me it seems pretty clear that blizzard has not increased the server capacity because it costs money and most of the time that extra capacity isn't needed to be fair to both this happened uh in why this happened and why they had to increase server capacity then too you would be in an eight-hour queue answered so the cost therefore is not justified but maybe that justification made sense in classic vanilla three years ago but at this point we have a paid monthly cost we have paid server changes we have paid collectors editions and upcoming we have paid faction and race changes the least that's going to be done is to allow players to pay the game to play the game during points of extreme hype excitement like now during a pre-patch or a big raid launch or an upcoming expansion now I look back at Classic vanilla and there are a handful of servers my server was ferlene at the time this is one of the most popular uh uh so it was the streamer server right A lot of people playing on the server that had cues some of these servers just had cues for months the first several months of classic wow and blizzard just kind of let it happen so if you're expecting things to get better as we segue into classic wrath and we work through I think that it's different now because now there have been a number of changes like you were able to make the argument back in classic wow that it's like oh well it's gonna be like the old days it gonna be like the old day we had it back in the day it just gonna be about the same oh yeah that's right no changes and that's how it used to be and that's okay that was good for classic wow however at this point in Wrath let's make the game work uh how about that how about make the game more how about just maybe possibility the chance of the option that maybe just the game works you can play you log on play the game like we have that goal around we can go play the classic era servers make it work the rest of pre-patch I would not be so optimistic so I would just ask Blizzard at least offer free server transfers to some more desirable servers that are not these geriatric servers that literally no one wants to play on and I know nobody wants to play on that [ __ ] old Blanche [ __ ] nobody wants to play on any of these other servers like the thing is I think that if blizzard added another server and you could transfer it to another server there was also like pretty high pop people still wouldn't do it how many of you guys are on your server because your friends are on that server like all of my friends are on benediction and Sky Fury so I'm not leaving that server it doesn't matter if there's a 12-hour queue I'll just start the queue before I go to bed yeah I mean [ __ ] that because no one plays on them now to the players that are currently sitting in these logging queues that are trying to play on these servers that have just disgusting login cues that you should not have to sit through um things might get a little bit better over the next couple weeks as we continue through classic wrath pre-patch but I'll tell you when wrath comes out things are going to get a lot worse so maybe start thinking and also like whenever a wrath comes out the thing is that wrath is not about the initial burst as much as it is about big like beats that happen later on so like we're talking all the war we're talking ICC like these points will probably see a player base size that is it depends on what happens throughout wrath but I think that is it could possibly be comparable to the release of the game I remember that how many of you guys were there three thousand years ago whenever all the war came out and you couldn't log in until until like 11 pm I was there it happened it happened 15 years ago and it's like they're we're getting ready to have this [ __ ] happen again man what is this and your friends and your guild and kind of start planning accordingly and yeah I hate that planning accordingly likely means paying to go to a medium or lower pop service no no you know what I don't think anybody should transfer I don't think you should pay okay 15 [ __ ] dollars or you should take a free transfer because blizzard can't fix this [ __ ] problem you shouldn't compromise on having a good experience with the boys that's what it's all about nobody should just yeah 20 you got to pay 25 to fix their mistake why don't they have a GoFundMe and everybody can pitch in 25 and they'll make servers good how about that you're currently on assuming blizzard hasn't apparently that's the only way they can do it some of these servers like they did to several of them is a medium puff server and blizzard locked it you guys couldn't even transfer here if you wanted you could I don't even know if you could make a new character but that is pretty much your only option other than sitting in login queues for several hours a day at this point things are looking pretty bleak unless blizzard decides to actually do something anyway guys I wanted to make this video to say that I see the complaints I feel your pain back in classic vanilla when I was playing on one of these very very high POP servers with just egregious login cues I would wake up at three in the morning I would play for 18 19 hours a day I'd go to bed at 10 pm or 11 p.m and I would go to sleep as the login Keys went down and I'd wake up as the logging cue is right there absolute lowest I would just ride out the entire wave and I wouldn't log out so that is that's actually what I did too because like I was waking up y'all remember this show like I remember I would go live whenever the sun was still down like I remember we would watch the sun come up on stranglethorne Veil I remember that very clearly and we hardly even had a login Queue at all it's [ __ ] six or five in the morning morning well he does this some good times the sun yeah I mean [ __ ] I hate the Sun I just got around the logging cues but like that's not normal that's not that's weird yeah right you're probably a normal guy nobody has to go to work or has a family or whatever and you get there's a lot of people that are not going to think about this you have to remember like a lot of people I'd say most people that are playing wrath classic they're just gonna be like well I can't log in I guess I can't play the game but [ __ ] maybe I'll come back later and then they don't come back that's what a lot of people are actually going to do five or six in the evening and it's like what I'm paying to play this game I want to just play the game and you can't you have a four-hour logging queue and by the time logging queue is over it's time to go to bed and do it all over again yeah so it's just it's just unacceptable if you don't like that anyway guys let me know what you think please drop a comment down below let me know what should blizzard do like what is the solution it's crazy right because like I went and I played on the fresh server I tried to log into benediction I couldn't so I Pro I started playing on a fresh server I'm like [ __ ] I guess I'll try this out I saw soda playing uh s fan playing [ __ ] like payo I think was playing I was like ah [ __ ] I'll try it out right why not Nick was there so I go and I log on and I'm having fun first few days now look at this horse [ __ ] and I've been here for 30 minutes I did nothing I didn't I didn't like it's all like I just made the character and the server queue went up that's nothing bro no it is not it it is nothing you're right it's nothing what I'm saying is that it's gonna get more crab us is 180 minute Q I'm gonna ask my friend Eric we [ __ ] uh we used to beat the [ __ ] out of each other in Middle School um yo how yo how long are your cues for grob people saying it's uh well y'all say six hours he's away I think he has like a job like some [ __ ] [ __ ] right so I probably won't get a response back for a while but yeah it's just nuts 6.5 hours it's insane man what a loser yeah I know true I just like and it's like it's Labor Day yeah well it says he's away like I don't know if he's on or not like he'll he'll message me back if he's there uh that's it the person uh problem is exasperated people log in multiple accounts keep them logged in well they'll stay logged in on purpose that's what it is because like I actually I figure like because I would ask him like he'd like you know somebody's like he'll be oh I saw one of your videos it's like okay cool right right or he'll he'll [ __ ] get mad at me because I said that uh I beat him in Magic in in high school which I [ __ ] did by the way every every lunch uh beat him in Magic he beat me like three times out of four years but anyway so besides that like I mean he's basically a lot of pretty much a normal guy right you know he goes to work he's got social media I'm pretty sure but like not really and uh that's it so I'm curious like what what what his opinion is on it wasn't noticed I have not really offered a solution to video I'm not a server architecture uh that's not what I have my degree in that's not my field of expertise no but I can sure as hell identify a problem and this is a problem right so what do you guys think blizzard should do about this drop a comment thank you for watching I appreciate it guys and as always uh hey make sure to stay safe I was about to say he didn't even advertise the gum I was like wait a minute like what's he doing but there we go push the third yeah it's nuts man I'm gonna die of old age before this [ __ ] kid should be Ohio we have to log on man this is I'm glad to see uh stay safe making videos talking about this that's the video go ahead give it a like give them a sub he's been making classic content since before classic he was one of the original original Three of classic cast right and uh being accused so damn long today yeah exactly power gum's really good well there you go you take it take a look check it out man like I have no idea I don't really eat gum because of my teeth so uh or chew gum excuse me so I can't really say one way or another but what I can say is that this is so bad it is so bad they need to fix it I don't care how it just needs to be fixed and you can't expect players to leave their social groups because of it I'm gonna be honest that's such a bad idea let's see what people are saying in the chat hit the around the head only time to be able to log in recently is the weekend yeah off to Blizzard to solve this exactly they expect the players to [ __ ] accommodate them it's like hey we can't manage anything please [ __ ] pay us to solve the problem uh but please pay us to use our automated system to solve our problem that we've created uh one of the people whose Guild decided to uh dive to the roster boss in sunwell Plateau progression transferred two months ago to meet up with all guildy's now he can't play the game wow Chris Abercrombie well that's okay man I don't want to take the free transfer to Old Banshee don't Chris what the [ __ ] are you thinking why would you even do that yeah why would you like no shot you want to go over there no way they're not going to solve it though might as well yeah pay or don't play I think a lot of people like but who who loses there is like the player everybody loses with that option like blizzard loses players uh they lose Faith uh players don't they lose the ability to play the game like that that's a that's a zero positive situation so what's this here benediction starting on classic benediction watched it over times it came out as today an ally PPE server uh at first benediction was pretty healthy uh transfer over a bunch of players logic is you can actually play the damn game yeah I don't care about that I would rather not play the game than play on a dead server straight up I would rather not play the game there is nothing more [ __ ] depressing than logging into a game and it's [ __ ] dead I remember I did this in New World I logged on I was on Olympus and I hadn't been on new world for like three or four months it was a long time I logged back on the game and there's one level 54 at the auction house the whole other place was a graveyard and whenever I had left it was one of the most populated servers on the entire [ __ ] player base and I said you know what I logged off I was going to play the game but I didn't that day because it was so depressing and then I had to pay money to transfer over to Pluto and that was another server and guess what just like Pluto's on a planet anymore well Pluto is not a server anymore either it's [ __ ] dead that one died too so I had to pay another 15 to do it again so now I'm dropping 30 bucks because they can't keep people on One server server transfer shouldn't be a thing you shouldn't have to pay for it I think that there is a reason like it is a prohibitory cost to make sure that people don't just transfer willy-nilly back and forth I think it made a lot of sense in 2008 and I think it makes zero sense now it doesn't just let people transfer and go where they want server economies everything that is server based aside from maybe like server first achievements and stuff like that has literally in my opinion no value zero [ __ ] value all I care about is being able to play the game [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 294,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 0Lzasc8CKqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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