Classic Wow: Paladin Leveling Guide - Talents, Rotation & Weapon Progression

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[Music] [Applause] alright guys my name is Amanda Goblin and today I'm going to be giving you a classic Wow paladin leveling guide just before jumping guys please do give me a quick follow on twitch as when the game comes out I will be streaming a lot more on Twitch and it's important to note that I've had this guide basically looked over and approved by a paladin expert by the name of mouse and he basically has his own YouTube channel and he also streams on Twitch so you should definitely go and check out his content so the first thing to know guys is I'm gonna be giving you one of the most optimal leveling builds for leveling a paladin right and it's probably the most standard build that you're going to get I'm aware that there are alternative builds that spec into holy and you know aspects of spec deeper into protection but there's a for the sake of keeping this video short and sweet I will make you know separate niche build guides in future videos so stay tuned for those but for this video I'm going to be giving you your bread and butter two-handed deep retribution build so this video is going to be separated into seven sections first of all we'll have an FAQ section you know over questions that people ask like what weapon should I use what seal should I use what all-russian I use that kind of thing then we'll go through the optimal talent build I'll have a rotation section just how to kill stuff really fast and optimally will have a gear in stat section we'll go for the weapon progression and then lastly we'll finish off with some money-saving tactics so the first question people are probably gonna ask is what weapon should I use the answer is a big meaty two-handed weapon and slower is always the better it's the same as warrior slow would have better the world sealift command proc is based on weapon damage service loader weapon the more damage to seal of command is going to do I always recommend keeping the shield on you as well just in case he on a tank in dungeon and people want under weapon on you too or you know there might be a situation where you doing a elite questing zone where you just need a tank so the second biggest question is watch seal should I use the answer is simple you should use a seal of command pretty much all the time if your weapon is a 3.5 seconds or faster you may need to experiment know if you have an oddly fast two-handed weapon I would experiment with seal of wretchedness righteousness but normally seal of wretchedness is not gonna take over on DPS and it is also important to know they are always going to be opening with seal of a crusader on your first judgment to get the holy damage debuff but we talk more about vying the damaged section the next question people are going to ask is what aura should I use sanctuary aura is basically the worried away to go into single target fights in the rare circumstances that you might be a Ewing then you want to go retribution aura but that probably won't be very common next question is what buff should I use most of the time you're gonna be using blessing blessing of wisdom to reduce your downtime between mob pools but if you feel like a manor isn't a Valmont to an issue then you know because well just because you're being very manner efficient you may want to try putting on blessing of might so it's the point the point is that you kind of have to feel the waters a little bit so now we're going to go through the talents in this video I'm gonna go through the talents quite quickly because all I want to do is show the order of atone spot you should be getting as you level up we'll be doing deeper dives and talking about talents in more detail in later videos so first of all you the main or the first goal really is to get seal of Commander Percy of Justice as Hugh fast as humanly possible so you get improved blessing of might you get the improved seal of crusader and improved judgement heavenly get seal the command straight away and then two points and Percy of Justice this is really useful for what was getting around faster especially in caves and stuff like that so event at this point you know if you go into tank dungeons I'll go for rebuilt but if not if you're gonna heal if you know pretty set your mind on healing or dpsing and dungeons then I'd go for devotion or and then what you wanna do here is get precision right because we just need this hit rating it's gonna be very very beneficial so I'm gonna take it on mobs higher level for you so this point watch feet how I tell it very carefully what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tell it into a conviction and eye for an eye and then two free points in the weapon spec actually note just two points so when you reach level 39 it is time to go up to a class trainer and respec because of this point it's basically more beneficial to have vengeance fully talented so you totally respec you go back down the tree and you know you get everything as you did you got it the first time obviously it doesn't really matter but Sooners conviction becomes available which is going to be here one point in sanctuary aura when you get one point in deflection and then you get decked out in vengeance over at this point you pretty much leave the retribution tree behind and you go back into precision what you can basically what you're doing is vengeance fully stacked out is more beneficial than having precision maxed out at that point that's my week a sacrifice precision for a few levels so again just go back and get precision then at this point you actually going to go into the holy two because there's actually some really useful DPS talents and military gonna max out divine intellect and divine strength everything get consecration because I'll probably come in useful at this level and then you ditch for last two points pretty much wherever you want you can go for increased parry chance because when you parry you basically reset a swing timer and it can increase your DPS marginally or you can get reduced mana cost on benediction but it's only velocity points so really it's up to you so let's go through the rotation in this section I like to teach people just how to kill mobs as fast as humanly possible because I was - the faster you're killing mobs the faster your leveling time is going to be so rotations pretty simple the play style involves buffing your auto-attacks with a seal and then burning and consuming that seal with a judgement for some flat-out holy damage or a debuff and then use reapply that seal to keep your auto-attacks book you should always be keeping a seal up to keep your bows auto attacks both with damage so first of all what you're going to do is check e buffs blessing a wisdom or placing of mites and sanctuary over then what you're gonna do is before you even get into the fight you want to have a seal of a crusader active on your character having you're probably going to open the fight with a judgement let the melee swing happen as well having your gonna immediately buff into seal of command straight after you've got that debuff from seal of across a doron vitally because it can increase your holy damage which firm or increases your seal of command damage but it says you've got a seal of command or he pop a hammer of Justice to storm a target have any judgment during that - when a mob is stunned the that's gonna increase damage of that judgment and then from there you pretty much finish off with hammer of wrath if it's available you may not want to spam judgment since it does actually consume mana quite quickly so don't use it for instance when the enemy is low you might just want to finish him off with melih attacks depending on your level in gear there will be like a sweet spot for the number of judgments you're using a single fight so it's up to you to find that sweet spot because you know you want to be minimizing your downtime and jump into the next mob very quickly instead of stopping to drink it is important to know that if you have to top-up your health with you know with the healing spell holy light or whatever I will do it as soon as the mob dies right don't like let them up dive and wait a little bit like running off and then heal what you want to do is want to heal as soon as humanly possible because you want to trigger a five-second regeneration you know mechanic as early as possible so you want to basically get the maximum amount of regeneration during that time or it takes to get to the next mob in the later levels you can also start to use consecration on vengeance procs that is quite mana consuming as I never lost two levels as well we also need to talk about demon down on dead because rotation can change a little bit there you can start to use exorcism you know when against demons at undead but be mindful that it is quite mana hungry I recommend only saving it for very difficult situations willing to burn out your mana do as much damage as humanly possible to kill a mob for instance before a patrol mob becomes along what I want to do lastly is briefly talk about the AOE rotation that's available to the retribution spec obviously ret won't be a crazy AoE family expect like the props but I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to do a wee but after level kind of like 55 ish you know you can alter 58 you can have access to consecration you'll have holy RAF which makes your a we pretend you a little bit more viable especially since you know and you after level 50 you will be facing more undead and demon mobs but I just wouldn't recommend doing at who a we farm in this rotation easy the problem of ret is just it's not defensive enough you just don't survive as a ret has taken off one enemy down as a ret and you just basically need a shield any protection talents to do AoE but there will be a number of situations where mobs will just be clumped together and you just have no choice but to do a wee damage otherwise you just won't progress your quest so knowledge of an a of a good a we rotation is essential because you're just going to get into the situations where your over pole mobs and you just need to survive so that's why I'm gonna put it into the video is quite straightforward your seal will depend on how much balls you have basically you know go for seal of wisdom if you want more damage book dofus seal for light for the safer bet and the more survivability and you could go for a seal of command for even more damage but you won't get massively - Taft it's very risky so I don't do that for manner or maybe if mana potions or you have some pally power like like lay of hands and stuff like that so first of all check retribution order you're going to switch over to retribution or getting your early consecration they have any gonna pop seal of light then you got a judge then you got a seal of light back on so you got maximum you know healing going on as you're taking as you're doing damage you pop your hodge just to reduce damage on you you poppy second consecration if vengeance procs because you want the extra damage buff on consecration and then you obviously do holy wrath on a vengeance proc as well just wait for the avenging vengeance proc to happen then just finish with hammer of wrath takes cue and you can fill in with exorcisms as well just you know if you're really struggling to kill the mobs fast enough and also you can heal when you can as well you might need to heal and remember that you can also use turn on dead and other pally power abilities like divine shield lay of hands to get you through really difficult counters like this so let me go through gear and stats for stat priority is going to be agility then intellect and then strength get a reason why we go for a high agility is basically for crits right one kurz do a lot of damage with sealift command and to vape rock vengeance proc so at level 35 when vengeance becomes available agility becomes even more superior but before you know before you hit that level there's no harm in stacking some big strength pieces because it probably going to be more readily available the point is you want to be stuck in high agility and intellect to play pieces they're quite rare to find but we're not impossible to find just get them well might when you can and then fill in with some strength pieces that I wouldn't use too many leather or cloth pieces just for the sake of getting these stats high because the reduction in damage mitigation and reduction in armor will mean that you take more damage which means more time healing you know drink in between poles so I would you know avoid stacking team without can I here I also recommend keeping some hein to let pieces in your bag you know if you intend to heal a dungeon now and again so yeah and obviously a shield in the one hand a weapon if you decide to tank so take me ages to go for a weapon regression list so what I'm gonna do as always very is gonna be a link in the description to a spreadsheet won't a spreadsheet but more just like a Google Drive document where you can see the web good work through progression list and it's basically seems to worry a woman but I've just taken a staff so that's that's pretty much it serving money is obviously a little bit different for Paladin since is not as essential as you know over classes willing to save money to get the mounted level for table paladins get a cheaper one at level 40 this means you don't have to focus on saving money as much but you still need to kind of upgrade your spell so it's important to get a little bit of money but up to you how you want to play you can try ad leveling as fast as possible to get ahead of everyone and barely bother to Lu or use any other tips I'm going to give you or you can try have saving money and use the money that you you'll be saving or not spending the full cost level 40 to get the amount at level 60 so really it's up to you but I would say like I encourage you after level 30 well yeah around about level 30 40 ish I would encourage you to start trying to save on one of em because that's when trashley becomes more expensive and you can really start to save money and it doesn't really increase or in-flight from there so yeah definitely level 40 I'd recommend that looting as much often as you can and save money from their book before and yeah it might not be as essential but novelettes here other tips you can get skinning and then vendor 11 that make you a little bit of actual money I recommend making friends of a tailor just so you can get extra bags means more bag slots means you can leave more which means you can sell more make more money for tip will be well fur tip will be just be stopped buying food ask a mage if you need food but obviously as a paladin you want to be avoiding drinking neat and as often as you can then I will check the quest item money reward you might need an add-on depending on how you know what a walkabout classic is going to be so yeah overall obviously check the vendor cost of all the items and then obviously get the most expensive one and then the last tip will be to quickly make a bank or were you know if you've found Matt's might you know will sell more on the auction house we can quickly just send them to your bank hole and you can just leave them in the mailbox you don't actually have to log into your bank home put them in your bank because they'll just stay in your mailbox for 30 days so that's pretty much been a video guys my name is Amira goblin to my next video ciao [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 159,008
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Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: NVF9Wm9OW7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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