Season of Discover Paladin Leveling Guide

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all right ladies and gentlemen figured I'd make a quick video um showcasing how to basically level as a paladin in season of Discovery um in the grand scheme of things it's it's it's pretty easy especially if it's your alt or um if you're fresh it's not the worst thing in the world as long as you get yourself some silver um probably the easiest way to get silver if you're like dirt fresh as opposed to and you don't want to interact with the auction house um because even um the copper ore is not not too bad to sell right now uh but if you're not interacting with the ox so just be um getting a skinning knife and skinning a bunch of beasts will get you more than enough silver to train uh the skills and get what you need um but the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to train uh two-handed axes as any Paladin in the game because those are going to be the weapons that you're going to um mostly level with you're not going to want to level with swords it doesn't matter if if you're human or if you're not human or like a dwarf like what I got right now the uh sword specialization the M specialization for human while it is good it's super good late game but in the early stage of the game uh primarily you just want to level with the cheapest slowest uh two-hander you possibly get your hands on uh that's almost always going to be an an two-handed axe off the auction house without exception two-handed axe off the auction house and I'll show you uh exactly what I mean up here in a second uh once you get Crusader strike you're going to want to go to Stormwind and do the Seal of marom quest which I will be pausing the video uh to to show you guys basically but once you get seal of martydom and you have Crusader strike you don't need any other Rune in the entire game in order to effectively uh level as a paladin and this will take you to level 25 and Beyond um easy peasy lemon squeezy no problems whatsoever all right so we're just going to go weapons we're going to go uh two handed axes and I'm going to set the range uh to be like level five uh to eight all right cool and I you can see here we have um an axe at my level for like five silver like it's literally nothing and then even when we go up there all right well that's not quite what I was looking after um stamina intellect is perfectly fine stamina Spirit uh would be preferred double stats not the worst idea in the world uh let's see if we can't get a stamina Spirit one strength Spirit stem Spirit stem intellect H whatever we'll just buy this one yep just get a 200 axe um now let's just look at prices for a second here so we see what the heck is going on let me make sure we're still recording because every time I press whoa how about remind me later thank you all right so let's look at the axe prices in general here you can see even the uh level 21 blue axes are quite cheap in the grand scheme of things uh if I scroll over a little bit come on scroll over a little bit you can see the prices are reasonable uh for twoand axes yeah level 17 twoand axe for like level 13 like 16 silver it's it's nothing right uh try this stuff with the two added Wards um it'll be a completely Dean ship Claymore is really good best level 26 uh you can see that the price is more than double if not triple already that's not half bad okay uh two but it's only 2.9 17 silver that's not the worst idea in the world um but traditionally the the 200 axes are significantly cheaper all right cool um now what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy some bags but I'm going to pause the video I'm going to do my whole alt thing where I buy a couple bags I'm going to go into Stormwind and I'm going to show you how to do the SE martydom Quest and that'll pretty much be all you need to get to level 25 all right give me a sec boys ah it does start recording again I was curious about that okay so the last thing I I forgot to mention is um standard rules apply for leveling as a paladin you just buy basically uh like some random piece of green gear off the auction house that's going to be like your level seven pants and your infantry men cloak um um chest piece mostly you're not after the stats at these lower levels you're literally just after the armor and basically you just get yourself like a a suit of like level 10 um is um green gear off the auction house it'll give you plenty of armor while leveling and you can take that all the way to level 25 I'm not joking so basically you just upgrade your axes uh from the auction house and um you just wear basically really bad gear all the way to level 25 and you'll be perfectly fine won't slow you down whatsoever you won't even uh really notice the difference if you actually upgrade your gear mostly because of how little um stats impact your overall uh performance and DPS and all that stuff so early on in the game um as you can see I'm still trying to buy a damn planes ring uh it might take a while but I'll get a planes ring eventually uh I've been spamming in chat for a while like a planes ring for like 100g and but then people started whispering me that they were going to report me as as a gold buyer even though I'm not a Gold Buyer I just have a very specific way that I've made all my gold in um season of Discovery um I'll make a video on that shortly but the gold farming method is still 100% viable uh I've only shared this information with my fellow guilds so basically T Rin and a couple of other people and they're other than the horde they're the only people I see out there actually using this gold farming technique um so we're going to milk it for like one or two more days I think and when I get like you know 200ish gold on my main Paladin then and I'll share it with you guys uh so you guys can enjoy the also the gold farming method um the tldr on the method is there's a cave that has a hypers spawning tin nodes and you can Farm the cave something stupid get like 100 T an hour uh kind of a deal um however it is in horde territory so make of that what you will and that's where I've been uh making my gold um I spent a bunch of hours mining the gold uh like early on like the reason why I didn't make videos I was just mining that damn cave because early on it was like six silver for a piece of tin or seven silver for a piece of tinor and I knew the prices would crash so I just wanted to be all over it while I could be uh the prices did crash like a day or so ago and ended up being like uh one silver for or two silver for a piece of tinor which is ridiculously cheap uh but it seems to have stabilized uh with the community around about 4.5 silver for a piece of tinor so it's still a pretty decent gold Farm it's like seven gold maybe an hour gold Farm give or take uh but you you can imagine how many hours like I'm sinking into that wherever possible it's it's really annoying anyways I'll pause the video here and uh we'll pick it up um the at the Cathedral of light uh when we're doing the Sea marom Quest all right we should be back okay ca marom Quest very simply come into the cathedral Light walk over this Dingus have a conversation with him he's like blah blah blah what's wrong yada yada yada goodbye I don't know if we need to talk to this guy or not but I definitely know we need to come down here and we need to get this letter so you come down here into the catacomb area it's perfectly safe you're not going to get murdered or anything and we are heading for this little uh burnt note then we have to head out into the damn world um elen Forest uh area kind of a deal uh this Quest can be a little difficult to do not a little difficult virtually impossible to do at such a low level I'm like level six right now um but it is right next to the uh hoger spawn area and because it's yeah so we came down here took a left turn right over here there a little note I guess you have to talk to that guy in order if there to be a note here so we got a nice little note here um it's going to be blah blah blah blah blah but it gives you the password as one candle is snuffed out another is lit sweet and uh what I was going to say is actually I should pause the video but what I was going to say is it's a hard it's impossible for you to do it level six but it it's right next to where hoger is done and you can easily um just socialize with people around uh the hoger area because there going to be like level 10 level 11 people in the hoger area or you can just wait for another Paladin to show up and help you with the damn thing or you can get a friend to help you like a one the two this is my uh third Paladin that I've done this on so um I I haven't had any problems with it so far I just grabbed the the nearest guy and asked them to help me out it's it's a rune Quest and next thing I know it's it's done so anyways I'll pause the video and I'll head out there and uh we'll get this over with all right we are nearing the area so I'm going to run out here and get my socialization on I am not usually a socializing person in classic world Warcraft but if I need to we'll do it so we're in the hoger area we need to go up this uh River um the location is just at the end of the hoger area we're in the hoger area uh just so we can find some body to ask for help and of course the sheer aced me pressing p and the word help uh bones me LOL indeed so it's just down over here ping the map for him is what it is Big juice huh big juicy LOL okay our boy is a paladin oh he should know this one what what caused what what did I press P where no this is what why whatever whatever we got a guy he's going to help us is what it is need help have a good one isn't ready Charing I can't is still what can I do for you hello well met be careful all right that's it all right so I'm end the video here and then I'm going to explain this guy how this works and uh D fa boys
Channel: Pallytime215
Views: 3,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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