Classic Hard Core Paladin Level 1-20 Guide

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all right ladies and gentlemen going to make a quick 1 to2 uh hardcore wow guide uh now that I've actually done it a lot of you guys were uh you wanted me to do this but I thought it was incredibly weird that you'd want to make uh uh make me do a level uh 1 to 20 guide because um literally that's like 20 hours of your of game playay time at best so if you die it's not that big of a deal like who cares live and learn but um you guys apparent it is a super dangerous time for Paladin you don't have a lot of talent points or anything like that going on so I will um actually make the guide really fast here um it's a very short and simple and sweet guide which is one of the major advantages so the first thing you need to do when you start a hardcore character like a fresh hardcore character is you need to find a way to make gold that's going to come in one of three options uh you're either going to mine for your gold and sell it on the auction house uh not really gold at that point it's more like silver um or you're going to herbalize um and then sell that on the auction house for silver or you're going to fish fishing also works I did some of that it's not the worst thing in the world um or you're going to skin and sell uh what you get from skinning either on the auction house or primarily to the vendors and uh you just need to make uh silver basically any any damn way that you can um the next thing you want to do um as a paladin is you want to buy um specifically male um gear uh level 10 green and you do not care what the stats are literally give no what the stats are okay on the gear don't care absolutely do not care what the stats are on on the gear whatsoever just get it cheap off the auction house uh green somewhere in the vicinity of level 10 so we're going to try this real fast I'm going to try to find chest uh I want a level 10 chest piece just so we can look at this real fast okay so we'll do the the the cadet's chest piece here uh the cheapest one might be a bid for for 12 uh 12 gold there uh this one's it's not too bad at an 11 silver uh buyout we get the idea um so the tldr here is that you're going to upgrade your gear um you want green male gear level 10 do not care what the stats are the reason why you do not care what the stats are is because your spirit regeneration at these lower levels is so high that it's basically like you are a stamina Spirit Paladin um from the word go you don't need any Gear to to help help you out whatsoever the stats on the gear don't don't really do anything at these lower levels I'm not joking your your base um uh spirit regeneration is absolutely insane at the lower levels um what does matter more than anything however is uh potentially the stamina on on the piece of gear and more more importantly the armor the armor is the most important stat on this gear so what I'm about to tell you is that oh yeah that's why we're not caring about the stats on this gear um the other thing that we're going to be doing that's weird is we're not going to upgrade uh this gear past level 10 until we hit Level 20 so the entire time that I was leveling I wasn't upgrading my gear uh past level 10 at all I was buying uh a gear in preparation for being level 20 which is uh level 20 is when you as the Paladin have to decide what kind of Paladin you're going to be are you going to be a stamina Spirit Paladin are you going to be a stamina intellect Paladin are you going to be a a two-handed paladin of whatever variant you want to be a stamina strength two-hander or a Stam in a spirit two-hander or whatever the hell right um so you buy the gear for the future why do we not care about leveling it up I want you to watch the armor here um this chest piece has 144 armor on it watch what happens if I'm like level 17 or or something I'm like wow this piece of gear is out of date by like 18 levels I really should think about upgrading it uh it went now it's 177 armor like what the hell okay 177 armor let's go back cuz even I for got uh compared to the cadet chest piece yeah so it went up 33 armor that's almost no armor whatsoever okay that armor increase uh is not worth the money that you're going to pay for it the stat increase is more valuable obviously right uh because if I go back over here the the stats went from like four total stats uh to um I did I did Defenders yeah to something closer to to uh what is this uh nine so went from four to nine that's a massive jump in the stats in the gear but it's not a massive jump in the armor of the gear um however we're still so low level that the spirit regeneration is still so high that the stats don't really matter all that much they they literally don't matter all that much the armor is by far the most important thing so again I'm I've I've already done this I was level 18 all my gear was like super out of date and I was just I just it just didn't matter because my base Spirit regeneration is insane and I know what the hell I'm doing all right so that brings us to what the hell else do you do um Shields Shields are a different story um The Shield armor actually does increase uh relatively considerably over the over the course of the leveling all right so we'll start with a veteran Shield it's uh 328 328 328 I need to try to remember that 328 you guys don't need to remember that but I need to remember that 328 we'll find a level 18 shield and it went from 328 to um 460 so that's like 120ish armor increase so that's the equivalent of uh of uh of at least four pieces of upgraded gear from Level 10 to level 18 you get where I'm going with this right so um if the tldr here is if we're leveling with a two-hander which you should not be doing um if you're leveling with a two-hander early on um then upgrading your gear your your gear is important because um uh the armor is important however if you're using a shield you get to take advantage of of The Shield um which is that um you don't need to upgrade your gear so much you just need to uh uh keep your Shield relatively up toate which is very easy to do off the auction house especially since you don't care about the stats you can pick up a shield for basically a pennies and the dollar you'll just find one for like uh 11 silver on the auction house that's like you know uh spirit intellect nobody nobody wants an of the owl Shield but somebody's trying to sell it anyways but you don't care about the stats all you care about is is the fact that it has um a massive chunk of armor on it all right let's talk about the weapon so don't upgrade the gear upgrade the shield all right let's talk about the weapons the weapons follow a a a a virtually identical story um you get a very drift wood I need to be careful not to press the P button because that will pause the video and I had to remake this video already cuz I screwed it up so your two weapon choices are to pick up a Driftwood Club at level 10 you can see this is a pretty Speedy weapon at 1.7 speed or specifically to pick up a um a defas uh Rapier which is usually more expensive for some reason I'm not entirely sure why I think Rogues like it or something stupid like that or to pick up uh the defas uh Rapier so you either get a Driftwood um club or you get the defas Rapier basically you're trying to get the fastest one-handed weapon possible these are really the only two options the the uh from 1 to level 20 there isn't anything faster than these two weapons here and you can get them at a very early level all right so why is that absolutely amazing well in order to show that I have to kind of log over well I don't have to log over right now but okay number one um you get seal of righteousness rank three at level 18 um so at worst what's happening is your your main your main hand weapon is getting more and more out of date uh as as you don't upgrade it over time um and it's getting worse and worse compared to the other weapons that you could buy that yeah they're like 2.2 speed but they're doing much more DPS and then all of a sudden you hit Level 18 and level 18 suddenly you have seal of righteousness rank three and suddenly the spell power ratio on your seals goes from 10% to damn near 19% and the next thing you know you just want the fastest one-handed weapon that you can possibly get your hands on right so the very moment this thing starts getting out of the fast one-handed weapon starts getting out of date um next thing you know um she she's back in in style again and will easily carry you into level like you know 20 22 24 something stupid like that until you can actually get a good uh one-handed fast weapon or like I like to do um is a is a cheap um uh fast two-hander off the auction house usually in the form of a uh spear because nobody wants the damn Spears um so for example example if I go over here and I click weapon I just go search and I set it to I want to set it to Rarity I think so we're going to click Rarity yeah there we go and I just scroll down I'm looking for a cheap blue-handed two weapon uh at roundabout level 20 let's just do that real fast here just for shits and giggles okay cool one more all right prospector axe 12 gold hell no um see anything cheap here we want something around about 1 1 five gold do you see anything do you see anything what do we got going on here those are wands uh searing blades like six gold a Razor's Edge for two G's is worthy of consideration one-handed 2.4 weapon speed strength Spirit not the worst idea in the world um the Reaver uh 42 gold um Twisted staff not the worst thing in the world I want to go back one scroll down and it won't take long before you start skeletal Club that's not that slow and it's a one-handed weapon but very very quickly you just end up on you always end up on gargoyle's bite and gargoyle's bite pretty fast two arm it's got armor it's got strength stat it's a blue two-handed weapon nobody wants the damn pull arms because uh you lose your your human um racial ability uh kind of terrible um the other option of course is you hold out for a level and you get a twisted blade uh you can see I can pick up a twisted blade here for uh two two gold and 75 silver no problem I could probably get the bid price um even cheaper um it's it this this weapon will carry you uh uh damn near to like level 27 or something stupid like that because it's the fastest one-handed weapon you can get for a very long time it's also got stamina and spirit which is kind of awesome right okay cool so that's basically um what you do um what you do and I'm going to show it over here on on on my main really fast is you hit Level 10 uh you do whatever you need to do to get some silver you buy a set of level 10 gear you do not care yeah I know I reported people thank you very much um you do not care uh do I want that or do I want this um you don't care what the stats are you're just interested in the armor you get the fastest one headed weapon possible and you get a shield and you just uh do the judge Crusader use seal of righteousness for ation um all the way um oh the the other thing I want to talk about is these my bad the sharpening Stones um the sharpening stones of course increase the DPS of the faster one-headed weapons uh by a ton and they're absolutely cheap as all hell and what it also does is it makes uh just just plain seal a crusader um do even more DPS so this is another reason why you want the fastest one-handed weapon possible so when you get when you first get the fastest one-handed weapon possible they're absolutely amazing because you have sharpening stones and you can use them in conjunction with seal of Crusader to beat things to death or you can you know judge Crusader and use a seal of righteousness and it's just awesome as the weapon starts getting more and more out of date um it starts to suck but then all of a sudden you get seal of righteousness rank three and uh you're back in business again so I'll show this real fast here uh just for shits and giggles uh what I want to show you guys really quickly to make sure this video is still recording is let's go to seal of righteousness rank two uh my Crusader has not upgraded uh in a million years I think I get a new rank of it at level 22 I'm really hoping I do um so she's out of date like like crazy but let's just show this real fast all right so this weapon that I was using was um a level 14 I screwed up um I didn't stick with my Driftwood Club I didn't stick with my uh defas Rapier but I picked this up for like um 10 silver so I was like yeah whatever let's give this a try uh turns out it's a bad idea all right so here's your rank two just base it's five damage uh here wait yeah okay I don't have red or on uh rank three is doing seven uh let's judge Crusader and let's use a rank two so it went from from five to nine with the Crusader let's do rank three real fast it went 12 right so one second let me finish this guy off really really quick here uh boom so my rank true two seal of righteousness went from 5 to 9 with the Judgment of the Crusader uh but my rank uh three went from 7 to 12 so you can see the massive DPS increase and that DPS increase off of Judgment of Crusader is irrespective of weapon speed so for example if I was using a really fast uh one-hander like the 1.6 one-hander um it wouldn't be uh the base damage would be closer to six and uh the the full damage it wouldn't be 12 it would be more like 11 but that would be at like a 1.6 speed which is actually ridiculous and if you put a sharpening stone on it it makes it equally uh just as uh completely ridiculous um it's insane so uh this is a very cheap and easy way for you to build up your Paladin um you can see all my gear here is level uh uh 20 hopefully I already I talked about that you know blah blah blah blah blah because I plan planned ahead it for level 20 stuff that I'm missing I I literally have in my mailbox over there waiting for me to become level 21 so for example I have a cape uh waiting to be level 21 I have an extra ring waiting to level 21 I am doing the stamina Spirit Gear Paladin um once past level 20 um you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want as a paladin uh but it is highly advised that you do some variant of a stamina Spirit built uh whether that's uh silver bronze gear which would be strength stamina Spirit uh but you get that at like level 21 level 22 level 24 like you know somewhere in that you just search in the auction house uh uh silvered bronze and it it'll pop up um whether you're doing that or the other things I actually kind of want to use this sword because I'm going to be stuck out here for a million years I might as well train up my damn skills um I also got of course I got my blue uh um Pike off the auction house for like one gold um I completely forgot I had to spend a gold to uh research um using Pikes which is another uh reason why pole arms I mean um why nobody uses the damn pole arms but since I know I'm going to be using a lot of pole arms while I'm leveling uh this is just going to be a thing I'm as well training to up right right then and there uh what else is there to say um unless you want to it's looking like with the with the economics of the classic World of Warcraft hardcore servers you're best off using a stamina Spirit uh build Paladin in in order to level uh and this is irregardless of your you whether you're using seal a command or not so for example if you're using seal a command you're going to want to try to find the gear that has strength stamina a spirit on it wherever possible uh you're going to uh and then from there uh you're going to fill it out with a mix of strength stamina gear and strength Spirit Gear just trust me on this uh once you start stacking up Spirit to a certain uh Point you'll actually struggle to use uh to convert all that Mana into damage uh which is fascinating but it is what it is um of the eagle gear while you're leveling on Hardcore is just going to be super expensive the only thing that you cannot do the only difference between a stamina Spirit geared Paladin and a stamina intellect geared Paladin while you're leveling on Hardcore is you can't heal dungeons like like you can't can you take dungeons absolutely all you need is Consecration and you can tank dungeons no problem um consecration synergizes spectacularly with the stamina Spirit uh spirit build gear uh gear consecration is also with the Spirit Gear is also amazing for for being a DPS Paladin in dungeons so you can DPS you can tank and dungeons uh uh you just can't heal because you don't have that that intellect gear um this is one of the things I always found really stupid about the um about the r Paladin uh about the red heads what what what they say about Paladin they'll say stupid things like oh yeah you play Red uh it does tons of damage uh while you're leveling you can tank you can heal you can DPS and dungeons in order to heal all listen to this part because they blow right over it in order to heal in dungeons all you need is an entirely separate set of gear that has intellect on it and my brain melts immediately because what you're telling me is I either need cloth leather or male Gear with intellect on it on top of the fact that I'm paying for a bunch of of of gear already right it's like okay so I already bought all my gear that I need to level and now you're telling me I needed to buy another set of gear just to heal in dungeons now it uh it in theory it would be a cheap gear but that's not how it works whatsoever because you're talking about stamina intellect gear if I go and I look up St cloth stamina intellect gear that's going to be the most expensive gear on the entire auction house because that's what Mages use for AOE farming right that's that's the Mage gear that's the most expensive gear you can possibly buy on the auction house holy crap okay so it's not going to be cloth gear cool that only leaves leather and maale gear all right well the leather gear might be a a lot cheaper but it's kind of hard to find it's not the easiest thing in the world to find in the auction house but you can find it but very quickly it'll be like I spend two gold on a piece of of strength stamina gear and I spend two gold on on a piece of of the Eagle Gear so I can heal in in in dungeons leather gear uh meanwhile the the maale of the Eagle Gear will cost four gold and I could just level in of the eagle gear and heal in dungeons it get gets really stupid really fast um they they they blow over the fact that oh you just have a an an an offset of gear for healing in Dungeons and I'm like my brain melts cuz I realize that's going to cost a ton of gold um or the other option of course is to just buy the dam of the Eagle Gear at its exorbitant price and then just level in that right obviously uh but of the Spirit Gear is just fine you just can't heal in dungeons uh that's like literally the only thing that you can't do and it's not that you can't heal in dungeons uh it's just that you're not going to be uh super amazing at it so for example if you had two uh spirit paladins and dungeons uh you could easily um just say that you have a Healer because uh two paladins can easily heal a dungeon it's not not the uh the worst thing in the world um but yeah consecration synergize to spectacular please please please uh buy the uh Spirit Gear um but yeah early on your stats don't matter I wanted to try to keep this video short so I'm going to end the video here but I could you know me me being me I could ramble on forever uh D fol boys
Channel: Pallytime215
Views: 5,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9kGnBNvzngc
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Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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