Should You Play Paladin in Hardcore WoW Classic?

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who would want to play a class with no movement speed increasing Buffs and literally Auto attacks their way to max level as you might guess almost nobody this class is the third least popular when it comes to hardcore but it is also tied for the most likely to reach level 60 without dying right next to priest which is why you should play it most people think Druid or Hunter is the easiest just because they can reach level 60 the fastest but according to the death log those two classes aren't even in the top three most likely to reach level 60 but Paladin is tied for number one so if you're looking for your best chance to get to level 60 on Hardcore you should actually be playing a paladin I want to share six important tips for succeeding as a paladin and it's not the obvious stuff that you might think now why is Paladin the worst class for hardcore and why is it so unpopular well Paladin in vanilla is notorious for being one of the most absolutely boring classes to level you cast judgment and then you Auto attack rinse and repeat there's no Divine storm no Crusaders strike just judgment eventually you can get consecration once you go with holy subspec where it's a talent but that's not to later on and exorcism can only be used on Undead or demon targets so you're left just judgmenting and auto attacking your way to 60 which is really boring most players recommend having a second monitor to do something else while you Auto attack your way to 60. this could be risky and hardcore but as a paladin you're actually really not very likely to die not only is it boring to level a paladin but it's also really slow with a subpar movement speed increasing talent and only Auto attacks paladins clear monsters slower than other classes and ultimately take longer to get to max level than other classes paladins also don't have any slows or snares but that doesn't matter too much because they make up for it with other abilities it also because CL of command's proc is based off weapon damage paladins are Gear Reliant on having a good weapon or their damage will suffer now why is Paladin secretly overpowered there's really no secret paladins are op for hardcore actually Divine Shield gives paladins 10 seconds of invulnerability which is plenty of time time to solve whatever problem you got yourself into even if that's on cooldown you can use blessing of protection for a physical damage and vulnerability and then even after that you have lay on hands for a full health heal you basically deserve to die if after all those cooldowns you still haven't gotten to safety this also means that paladins are able to solo difficult group quests thanks their many cooldowns blessing of freedom is also another life-saving ability getting you out of snares or slows instantly allowing you to get away from a potentially lethal situation which there are plenty in a massive Boon of playing a paladin is the free Mount at level 40 this alone is a convincing reason to play Paladin because while other classes might struggle to afford a mount at 40. you'll get it guaranteed every single time this also means you don't have to worry about which spells to learn as you level which is helpful because there's so many available and by the way Paladin Buffs are the best in the game in vanilla thanks to blessing of Salvation which reduces threat generation Blessing of Kings regarded as one of the best player Buffs in vanilla and blessing of wisdom might and Sanctuary long story very short Paladin Buffs they are amazing and a big reason why a lot of players choose to roll Alliance in vanilla wow and since retribution is the fastest way to level in vanilla you'll end up getting repentance which is a 20-yard range humanoid crowd control paired with hammer of Justice with stuns any enemy Paladin has two reliable forms of crowd control now let's talk about Paladin weapon progression because we just talked about how it's so important and honestly my favorite part about leveling is getting a huge weapon upgrade it feels amazing to feel your power your character get stronger and for paladins your weapon is extremely important again because of ceiling Fan's proc being based off weapon damage you'll want the highest DPS weapon which usually means the slowest attack speed something like a two-handed x check out this visual here these are weapons you can seek out not shown here but also a great choice is mograine's might a powerful level 39 mace that you can get from Scarlet Commander mograin from Scarlet Monastery Cathedral what I really love about this is that at level 4 you can pick up a wooden Mallet this is actually sold by weapon Merchants so you can pick this up right away guaranteed every single time and get straight to 5 DPS weapon nice and strong now I do see a lot of players actually pick up blacksmithing in the beginning to actually make a bunch of gear that's pretty dang good at level 8 you can make a copper battle ax which is 9 DPS almost double what you were just using for the wooden Mallet do you have to get blacksmithing up to 35. if you're a human then edge of the people's militia will be really easy to pick even if your dwarf you could take the tram and head to Westfall edge of the people's militia is very strong you will have to level up your two-handed sword weapon skill it's a quest reward though so guaranteed every single time then from there you can go on and continue using sword strike of the Hydra as a drop drops aren't guaranteed you can only run a dungeon one time a day at hardcore so maybe not going to be as easy to get then there's corpse maker really really strong bone biter this is actually a quest reward so this one actually is probably something you should try to get because it's guaranteed from that Quest you're gonna have to run Scarlet Monastery for it and then we've got ravager could potentially drop from the Armory Excalibur this is a very nice two-handed sword from race Downs if your alliance could be a bit of a trip to get there and then at 39 again we talked about mograine's might from Scarlet Cathedral also a very very nice two-handed mace diabolic skiver this is a gonna be another weapon skill leveling by the way leveling weapon skills sucks as a paladin because you don't have any spammable skills just an auto attack so if possible if you if it was me I would just stick with maces as often as I possibly could in order to not avoid leveling up enough different weapon you know that's why we've got the rock pounder uh you can get this from arcados and older man there's Gator bite Ax from rot grip and maradon Princess theradross scepter dropped from Princess theradross and moradon then dreadforge Retaliator from Emperor dagrin thoracan and blackrocked up so those are a bunch of weapons you can go after as you're leveling your Paladin again your very weapon dependent if your proc is based off weapon damage and so you always want to have a really strong two-handed weapon to make sure your leveling speed is as fast as possible now you might be wondering what is the best race for Paladin classic wow unlike priest this decision is not very hard it's actually pretty black and white only two races can be paladins in vanilla which is dwarf and human well similar I would say it's pretty easy Choice human is best for PVE DPS which includes leveling thanks to the sword and Maze specializations the human spirit for more spirit and perception can be situationally helpful against stealth mobs dwarves are best for tanking but Paladin tanks aren't really a thing in vanilla but stone form which grants that 10 bonus armor also removes poisons and diseases while a paladin can remove that themselves they actually can't when they're crowd controlled so dwarf paladins can get themselves out of blind which is a poison in vanilla while humans can't so this makes dwarves Superior in PvP situations like a Makara but I'd recommend human for most players something that's really important for the Paladin is the talent tree and so we're going to start when the retribution tree starting with 5 out of five benediction this is going to reduce the Mana cost of your judgment and seal spells this of course is basically your entire rotation do you use your your seal and then you use your judgment so this is basically going to allow you to continue to use your spells over and over without having to rest 5 out of 5 deflection this is really great because if you mitigate an entire melee attack that's a ton of damage mitigation and then you'll also get Perry haste allowing you to attack faster which is really really helpful considering that's all you have is your auto attacks two points in a pursuit of justice for eight percent movement speed this is not just movement it's also mounted movement so once you get your free Mount at level 40 you're going to be moving at 68 percent increase movement speed so pursuit of justice is a very redeeming talent for the palette in helping them with their much needed Mobility problem one point in a seal of command this is the one we're going to be using to get that proc for weapon damage and why having a strong weapon is really important we're going to use this seal from now on Five Points into conviction for five percent more crit which is really strong then we're gonna go back up here and get improved blessing of Might increases the melee attack power bonus of your blasting Away by 20 we're going to be Auto attacking the majority of the time thanks to the five second rule so we're not like spamming judgments or we're really just Auto attacking and we're going to have blessing of might not blessing of wisdom just to make our melee attacks deal more damage from here we can finally unlock sanctity Aura this is going to increase holy Damage Done by 10 this is our new Aura replacing retribution Aura and it's going to help us do a bunch more damage from there we're going to pick up three points into two-handed weapon specialization increases the damage deal of two-handed weapons by six percent nice little buff there 5 out of 5 Vengeance for 15 bonus to physical and holy damage you deal after dealing a Critical Strike from a weapon so vengeance is very nice pick up repentance this is going to give us that ranged crowd control ability and then from there we're actually going to move over and pick up Divine strength now Divine strength is super strong ten percent more strength this is more attack power for us which is really nice we're gonna pick up improved seal of righteousness increases the Damage Done by your seal of righteousness and Judgment of righteousness by 15 so you you could at this point switch over from seal of command to seal of righteousness now that it's stronger depending if you want a more consistent play style if you want to stick with command like if your weapon damage fell off or something like that but I would stick with seal of command personally from here you can finally unlock Consecration and and build this into your rotation you could start doing some AOE polls as well pull more than one mob two points into improve lay on hands this is actually really good for hardcore reducing the cooldown by 20 minutes so it's pretty nice you also get a two minute buff to your armor after using it which is not bad and then three points into healing light so that your flash and Holy Light spells both heal for 12 percent more and then finally we'll finish off with two points and to improve judgment to decrease the cool amount of your judgment spell at this point you're going to have a lot more Mana available to you and you can definitely start using it way more so reducing its cooldown is nice and this is the final retribution talent build uh that I would go personally and I think it'll definitely help you very much on your leveling journey to go in this particular order okay all right with all that said let's talk about skills you can skip now because paladins get a free Mount at level 40 you don't need to be as picky about what spells to learn however if you still want to save your gold and not get every skill you can honestly skip almost every single spell besides your primary seal and judgment your important blessings like Bop Divine Shield blessing of Freedom lay on hands retribution Aura sanctity or a Flash and Holy Light resistant auras are nice like Shadow fire whatever they're nice but they're actually not needed while leveling honestly and I would say it's your call ultimately but I would say don't feel like you need to skip spells to save for your amount because it's basically free so you don't actually have to skip spells but there's so many and you might as well skip a few of them so in conclusion guys I hope you guys like this video and thanks for watching all the way through don't forget to subscribe if you aren't already and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 21,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, wow classic, classic wow, paladin, wow classic paladin, hardcore paladin, hc paladin, wow classic hardcore, paladin weapon progression, paladin talent tree, wow classic paladin guide, wow classic paladin spec, wow classic paladin leveling, wow classic paladin weapon progression, lay on hands, blessing of protection, divine shield, hardcore paladin guide, paladin guide, vanilla paladin, vanilla paladin guide, wow vanilla, world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic
Id: pfV7NGAPbL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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