WoW Classic Race Picking Guide - Alliance

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[Music] hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you I'm sure a lot of you are still working out on what class that you're wanting to play for classic and of course what race is always the next question so I've been wanting to go over all eight races in the game they're Rachel's and how they affect each class today everything's pretty balanced and it's more based on aesthetics and personal preference but in classic the Rachel's were much more impactful in general I'd say and it could have big implications for your gameplay in both PvP and PvE at the end of the day you should pick what you want some people like to go for looks or role playing and some people like to optimize things this video is mainly for the latter I think it'll still be useful to the more casual audience though and shed some light on some of the more powerful combinations especially if you miss vanilla and you're coming from the current crowd so I'm not necessarily telling you what to pick the main goal here is to arm you with the information for you to make that decision yourself the way I'll split this up is class by class and give you my top picks for both PvE and PvP since I want to be pretty thorough here I'll just do Alliance for this video and I'll save horde for the next part each race does have specific starting stats which do have a minor impact here's a table showing all of them courtesy of the vanilla World of Warcraft wiki I'll have a link to that in the description in the grand scheme of things these aren't as impactful as the Rachel's of my opinion like trolls have a higher agility than undead but as for points really worth not being able to negate fear effects like an onyxia or Mei Badar to have that DPS of time I'll take these stats into consideration still they just aren't that important to me and because I put a high value and utility so first let's just take a broad look at all of the Rachel's one by one to get a better understanding you're gonna see humans at the top of a lot of these lists simply because they have really good Rachel's for pretty much every class we have diplomacy which is insanely good especially for vanilla 10% increased reputation gain you want to be a scepter Bearer go human you want your eternal quintessence sooner go human classic World of Warcraft has a good amount of reputation grinds to do the Argent on the winter saber trainers the pvp factions although they're not out at release and more they're all very time consuming and ten percent can save you days and even weeks of farming it makes this very powerful racial even through just round numbers now like I said the PvP gear won't be out on launch so this might vary depending on when you're watching this video but these factions can give you some pretty good gear and the faster you get in the bigger impact it will have on your damage healing or tanking the only downside I can say really is that assuming that classic never gets updated it'll eventually be a dead racial once your exalted with everything we also have the human spirit which is a 5% increase in spirit pretty self-explanatory here it makes them regenerate health and mana more quickly mainly useful for priests on the alliance side though not really for everyone else as I'll explain in a bit gnomes are generally the better casters if you like to optimize things we also have perception which is increased stealth detection for 20 seconds obviously a PvP oriented ability here very useful across the board but some classes get a little more benefit from it than others as I'll explain later and lastly we have one of the best in the game for PvE and as their sword and mace specialization increased skill swords and maces both one-handed and two-handed by five Vanilla World of Warcraft had something called weapon skill and another stat called defense there are also attacks called glancing blows which are basically normal attacks that do less damage the higher your weapon skill in comparison to it targets defense the more damage you'll do through these glancing blows that alone is a very noticeable difference but it also affects your chance to hit and create a point zero four percent increase in all of these stats per weapon skill above the defense skill of your target there's a ton of math and equations that go behind it and it's something that's become very confused and convoluted due to private servers calculating things incorrectly and sort of muddying the waters to sum it up though weapons skill is very important to have for any melee dps class like I said it can even change your best in slot list there's a set of level 44 male gloves that non-human furry warriors considered to be best in slot for quite a while simply due to the fact that they have increased weapons skill that's how important it is anyways next up we have the dwarf first we have increased a gun skill now a ranged weapon skill isn't as useful as melee weapon skill simply due to the fact that there are no glancing blows for ranged weapons you'll still get the added benefit of a higher chance to hit but it's not anything huge some would even say negligible and I'll go into further detail with that when we get to the hunter we also have stone form which makes you immune to bleed poison and disease effects for 8 seconds also increasing your armor by 10% this is great to have in both PvE and PvP in PvP it clears things such as the ropes crippling poison along you decayed and Undead priests devouring plague which is big and in classic there are a bunch of really horrible diseases that lasted for a really long time it was so bad that if I was on my paladin in a major city back in the day I did whispers all the time from diseased people asking me to cleanse them so one of the best Rachel's in my opinion note that there is a consumable in the game called the jungle remedy which is sort of like a mini stone form this cures just diseases and poisons and it doesn't make you immune some people consider this as a half replacement to the Racial so you can sometimes sort of have the best of both worlds for this video I don't count consumables because really there are a ton of other ones do invisibility potions count as a replacement to shadow meld what about free action potions versus escape artists it's too variable to consider all of this so I think the best way to do it is to just assume it's an even playing field of just ratios versus rachels if you want to consider consumables like this I'll leave that up to you anyways back and subject here they also have +10 frost resistance which is useful more for the final rate of vanilla which is of course next ramus and also find treasure which marks chests on your mini-map kind of handy for gold making but one thing that sucked about it is that you can only track one resource at a time meaning that you'd have to choose between this or find herbs or mineral veins if you had herbalism or mining and next up we have the gnome first we have escape artist which is escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect 0.5 second cast and a 1 minute cooldown this is pretty useful I never really cared for the cast time you can't use it on the move and you're almost stunning yourself for half a second to clear a route or a slow and PvP wise a lot of the slows that you'll be worried about will be things like crippling poison or frost bulb and it's stuff that's applied over and over anyways it doesn't have the benefit of stone form where it not only clears it but it also makes you immune for a short period a good trade-off though is the much shorter cooldown so it's still pretty powerful next we have expansive mind which is a 5% intelligence increase intellect increases your mana and also your chance to create so this makes gnomes an appealing choice for casters in particular they also get 15 more points in engineering which is definitely handy considering it's probably the most expensive profession to level in vanilla and lastly they get 10 arcane resistance which isn't too useful for classic you really wanted to either fire nature or frost since those are the most common spells in rating and shadow for PvP and this is kind of funny but back in the day when you hit water those deep enough to swim in it would knock you off of your mouth since gnomes are the shortest race they have the biggest trouble with this there are rivers or spots that you can jump across no problem and stay on your Mountain with every other race whereas the poor gnomes can struggle to keep up kind of silly but I thought I'd mention it in case it mattered some of you out there and lastly for the Alliance we have the Night Elves shadow meld is a stationary stealth it works just like the druid or rogue stealth except it's a bit weaker with the fact that it fades when you move and people can also see you from further away compared to the normal stealth also note that you can't use it in combat unlike how it is now but on the flip side it only has a 10 second cooldown more useful in PvP as you'd imagine getting the drop on people PvP and vanilla isn't like today fights ended in a flash so surprising and getting the opener and someone is hugely advantageous it ensures that you get a charge off as a warrior or maybe you're a hunter defending the flag room you can also eat and drink while it's active which is also very useful we also have quickness which is one percent dodge pretty handy for tanks in particular which puts them at or near the top for protection warriors for a lot of people although I think humans are generally picked due to that weapons skill you also have the wisp form when dead which increases your movement speed by 50 and arguably more useful in vanilla since you'll be dying more often especially for that death run to Ironforge if you plan on doing that and lastly they get 10 nature resistance mainly handy for aq 40 here for who who run and a couple of other fights so those are all of the Rachel's by now you might have a basic idea of where these really shine for what classes but let's go over them one by one starting with the rogue talking swords here humans obviously for that weapon skill but honestly it's not as powerful as it could be for the rogue and that's because of their weapon expertise talent which increases your skill with swords fists and daggers by five with two points you do still get benefit but there are some diminishing returns at higher weapon skill levels I think it's somewhere around a two percent DPS change partly due to the fact that your best offhand changes from the hunger and cold or malla death which increases your sword skill to something like a bliss which turns out better for humans due to the stats versus that diminished benefit from weapon skill for me I still keep them on top because it is still an increase and that reputation bonus is still big and I know I mentioned in but don't get too caught up in best in slot lists because remember we're getting progressive raids so I talked about the Black Moon lair and extremists but it'll be a while before they're even available so try not to worry about that stuff too much dwarf stakes second mainly because I value stone form quite a bit being able to clear some of those aq forty poisons or a bleed for a clean vanish is pretty handy metals do take third for me as a rogue or a druid you do get a stealth boost from shadow meld and it's pretty major it makes pickpocketing or just stuffing through dungeons much easier plus the Dodge is always a nice bonus for solo play and gnomes come in fourth for me talking escape artist here with proper talents you can already clear routes and snares with sprint and vanish anyways I'm of the opinion making your weak points stronger not buffing yourself in areas that you already excel in for PvP I like dwarf first because of their stone form pretty much like I mentioned you can use this to get a clean vanish off which is really useful against rogue force rogue or any class with poisons or bleeds for that matter it even clears blind since that's a poison as well which is another huge advantage like I said stone farm is an amazing racial and classic it was only nerfed years later and the wrath of the lich king expansion because death Knights were complaining that they couldn't kill dwarves all their damage was dependent on having diseases on their target so that's when they finally saw the nerf bad but it's back to its overpowered selfing classic which is a good thing for Alliance players humans are also nice because perception as a rogue has a higher value for me you know the old saying in vanilla what classes can beat a rogue well a better rogue of course and anyone who's played one will know that road first rogue is all about who gets the opener for players of equal skill and gear the opener always wins if you play things right so perception which is usable in stealth is hard for me to beat in PvP also of course handy for druids trying to sneak a flake pick up in the worst on Gulch plus when those PvP factions come out the faster you get that gear the better so I do also consider diplomacy here gnomes do take third for me like I mentioned I don't like escape artists for rogue because we already have great mobility but in the PvP scene you got to bump it up a bit as strong as rogues are they're really cool down dependent so if this can save you from burning a vanish or a sprint that's still really handy and Night Elves are trailing behind here at number four for me shadow meld as I recall is about equal in power to perception I personally like perception for rogue force rogue since it increases your detection rather than increasing your stealth so we're not just wandering around cheap shot as much but on the flip side Chernobyl does have the advantage of being useful against everything else such as warlocks and their invisibility detection they're good I just like the other ratios more for PvP and as for daggers humans do get bumped down to bed since they no longer get that benefit from weapons skill I imagine if you want to optimize things PvE wise you're gonna become bad swords but I just thought I'd mention it to be thorough next up we have the warrior here my lists whether you're two-handed or do wielding like I said you'll see human at the number one spot for a lot of classes since that weapon skill is so good even more so for warriors since they don't have any talents that increase it and the rest is basically the same reasons for rogue and PvE I have dwarves at number two because stone form is so good and I do have gnomes above night elves because I think Escape Artist is a little more valuable as a warrior since they don't have as many mobility tools as a rogue it could help for some fights and on the PvP side of things once again I like dwarfs the most for that stone form so you can kite rogues and get a free intercept basically since you can go immune to crippling poison keep devouring plague a fuse and Shadow Priests are probably one of the best 1vs1 classes in the entire game and so on gnomes take second for me being able to clear a frost Nova or a wing clip rune it's nice as a warrior so really either of those are great choices I think third place is a tough choice for me but I go with human personally I like popping rogues out of stealth I guess so I like perception overshadow melt here but I think what puts it over the edge for me is that reputation bonus there's some good played from both Aarthi basin and the Warsong Gulch reputations which is sort of an indirect buff since you'll get it sooner as a human for tanking he have a few choices here I think human is sort of agreed to be number one due to that increased weapon skill for more rage and threat generation and considering that thunder fury is like the holy grail of tanking weapons it lines up perfectly I didn't tank back in the day but I think warriors started to have rage generation problems as they got geared up since they weren't taking as much damage so because of this and their other bonuses I have them as number one for the Alliance an idols takes second place for me due to their 1% dodge and also nature resistance which is notable for a q40 Dorf is third for me you do get 10% armor from stone form plus the debuff clears and some frost resistance it's more situational though whereas humans and night elves and get their bonuses in pretty much every situation and gnomes come and last the only positive thing you can say really is escape artists but I mean if you're tanking you're probably gonna have a paladin in your aid so any movement speed or rude is a non-issue anyways since they have blessing at freedom or just dispels in general and the last thing you want to do while tanking is to cast something which makes you unable to dodge or parry so they take a distant fourth for me next we have the Paladin usually relegated to healing in the PvE scene but I thought it covered DPS as well because why not human is a clear winner here for that weapon skill especially for retribution paladin's since they're so dependent on auto attacks anyways you really can't beat that in my opinion I say the same thing for PvP as well and that's because the dwarf stone form isn't as vital as a pallet and I think you can already cleanse poisons and diseases and you have blessing of freedom for any movement and pairing abilities again I like covering weak points instead of adding two strengths so having that perception against rogues and druids and Night Elves and duels is a nice bonus for healing your first thought is probably human for that bonus spirit but it's not as big of a bonus as you think since I think paladin's got most of their mana from crits via talents the reason why I said this is more catered to priests earlier is because not counting mana per five you're locked out of regenerating man a caster unless you don't cast something for five seconds it's called the five-second roll and priests get around this via the meditation Talon and they also have another one that gives them some spell damage and healing through spirit so because of this spirit in general is much more valuable to them paladin's is on the other hand and don't really have any bonuses like that the weapon skill is holy is also pretty limited if you're going to be healing so either human or dwarf I say they're pretty even really for healing you should just go for the utility rachels rather than the numbers if you want more reputation and perception go human and if you want stone form go Dorf you can also tank as a paladin depending on your standard for the word like I said Warriors were the tanks in vanilla I think the most of the pallet instinct really were five man's and maybe a few odd fights here and there like maybe the twin Emperor's due to their spell effects don't quote me on that one though I'd say human once again for the weapon skill but I'm afraid I'm not much help here sorry anyways next up we have the mage two choices here no more human the impactful ratios for the gnome are 5% intellect which boosts your mana and current and also Escape Artist which is just an added bonus whereas humans we have spirit which is pretty negligible for caster DPS in comparison to that bonus intellect for PvP I think it's another one you can go either way with without too much regret it's basically perception versus escape artists and some intellect it really depends on how much you fear rogues I guess if you want a more all-around useful racial escape artist is the way to go personally I prefer perception over escape artists in this case but then again you also have the bonus intellect like I said for PvP it's a tough choice I guess I pick gnome if you force me to choose though next we have the hunter for both PvE and PvP P my choices dwarf again for that stone form having that gives you an ace up your sleeve against rogues which is doubly important for hunters because remember they have that dead zone if something gets too close to you you can't shoot it so anything to keep people at range is extremely valuable for PvP Plus as a hunter one of your jobs will be to take down Shadow Priests with your mana drain so having stone form against Undead what they're devouring plague will work wonders for you and it's still useful in PvE as I discussed idols can do some pretty nifty things in PvP with feign death and shadow meld and if you get a stealth pen you can really catch people off-guard if you're guarding a flag in the irathient or Warsong Gulch to me though I just think that stone form is too strong to pass up if you want to optimize things as for the doors + gun skill like I mentioned earlier ranged attacks don't glance so they don't get as huge of a benefit as compared to a melee weapons skill they still get added bonus from the increased chance to hit 1/9 but it's not really a huge deal + add to the fact that a majority of the hunters best weapons are bows and crossbows anyways just takes away from it even more most of you will be using rocket alar for a while since the quest starter is a 50/50 chance from the majordomo fight that's pretty easy to get and after that the main upgrades are crossbows or other bows as far as I recall and you wouldn't really think in but even the sound of guns is a big turn-off for a lot of people it's not like today where it sounds like a stapler [Music] [Music] it's a musket and it can wear on some people especially if you're rating for a few hours it doesn't really bug me but I thought it just throw it out there for you metals do have their pluses as well like you saw in that table they have a high base agility which is of course the main snap for hunters and like you said shadow meld is great for PvP and getting the drop on people really I think this is another one that you could go either way with without too much regret I just like dwarfs because I like stone form so much plus they can bench more winding down here though just a few more to go next up we have the warlock choices our gnome in human just like the mage and it's a lot of the same reasoning gnome is the go-to for PvE for that 5% intellect it Dwarfs that spirit in comparison especially considering that warlocks generate mana through life tapping anyways which if you have more mana you'll even save some global cooldowns and on the PvP side of things you can already detect stealth as a warlock which lessens the value of perception in my opinion as for escape artists this gets a little more value compared to my logic with mages getting a fear off and clearing any hindering effects will definitely be handy and lastly we have the priests I saved this one for last because it's a bit of a special case one of the cool RPG elements back in the day was that priests got special abilities that depended on their race and in general these eclipses the normal ratios for alliance in my opinion you have three choices here human dwarf and Night Elf let's just go over the special abilities first humans get desperate prayer which is an instant self heal at a 10 minute cooldown and with no mana cost you also get feedback which is a defense of managering with some damage lasts for 15 seconds at a 3 minute cooldown dwarves have the same desperate prayer and also fear ward witch makes her target immune to the next fear with a 30 second cooldown and ten minute duration and night elves get a looms grace which reduces arranged to damage taken and gives you ten percent dodged for 15 seconds with a five minute cooldown and star shards which is a channel to arcane damage spell the highlight out of all of these is this spell right here you may have even heard of how good this was even if he never played classic it was so good in fact that in patch 2.3 Blizzard made it available to all races it was way too imbalanced fear wart by far is the best priests racial for the Alliance so much so that it even used to guarantee you rate spots it didn't matter how poorly geared or unskilled you were if you were capable of pressing this button come on in this was so useful to have for both PvE and PvP the onyxia fear becomes a non-issue for your tank the magma dark fear and plenty of others I'm sure I'm not thinking of and combining that with stone form just makes them way too powerful in my eyes for those wanting the absolute best mana regeneration human is a good choice for that 5% spirit I talked about this during the Paladin section but I'll say it again just in case you've been skipping through the video not counting mana per 5 you're locked out of regenerating man as a caster unless you don't cast something for five seconds priests have a talent called meditation that gets around this which allows for a little bit of mana regeneration even through casting and another one that gives you spell damage and healing based on spirit so at the 5% bonus you do see some added benefit from humans some people think that trumps fear Ward but personally I'm dwarfed all the way as for the other rachels the runner up here is desperate prayer in terms of usefulness no mana cost which is notable so just an all-around crap button to have which is really handy and the other ones are just little buffs that are pretty mega triple in comparison star shards isn't that useful because it's arcane damage if you're a shadow priest you want that shadow damage obviously and feedback and des lunes grace are just kind of little buffs to throw on too short of durations and too long of cooldowns to really be that useful in my opinion PvP healing I have the same idea here utility over everything although do note that fear word is a magic effect and it can be dispelled so it's not all powerful I also have the same with PvP DPS and PvE DPS guilds sometimes take one Shadow Priests for their shadow weaving debuff I'm a believer that this time around things will be easier since these rates have been out for 14 years and therefore gilts will be more lacs and they'll take some of the lesser use effects more often so with that and for your word you'll be quite the valuable member in a raid even if you don't do the most damage and lastly we have the toughest choice and that's the druid I know a lot of you struggle with this one so here's my list for each category I'll leave you to guess why I made these decisions but anyways that's about it for the Alliance again at the end of the day you should pick what you want if you really like Arthas and you want to be just like him make that human paladin or maybe you are like me and you thought that dwarf hunter and the cinematic was really cool so you'll pick him just think carefully because there aren't any race changes this time around this will be the character he'll be spending 60 levels with again this video isn't saying you must pick these races the main goal was to shed some light on things then maybe you didn't know about I know a lot of you are probably coming from the current game and you skipped classic so maybe you didn't know about stuff like weapons skill or the priests ratios so hopefully you gained some insight by watching this hopefully I hit all of the highlights it has been over 11 years for me if I have any Corrections I'll have a pin to comment for you to check out if you have any suggestions yourself post them in the comments and read through them as well as I'm sure there'll be some helpful information in there I should be back soon with the Horde video I'll post it in the description whenever I get around to that if you favor that faction I hope you found the video helpful like it if you liked it and I'll see in the next one peace farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 681,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, 8.0, 8.0.1, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, bfa, World Of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, wow race picking guide, wow vanilla races, wow racials, best race alliance, best rogue race, warrior, warlock, mage, druid, priest, paladin, hunter, wow vanilla racials, best race class combinations wow classic, wow classic weapon skill, wow classic guide
Id: YyFN01p2xLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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