Vanilla Tanking 101: Deep prot talent build explained

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hey guys scarm here this video is a companion video I guess you could call it to my warrior Priebus guide this video I'm gonna be going over the deep prospect for a warrior and what you're gonna want expect when you first enter raid the first lot people been asking about like shaman tanks you know shaman tanks are they viable are they you know what can they tank up again questions about all the time so I just want to go over that in this video real quick before getting warriors so really the best way to play a shaman tank is to go over here to the delete button and delete that because shamans can tank with that being said let's talk about warriors alright so here we are in the talent calculator this is the build that you're gonna want that you're gonna want to run when you're first starting off tanking I actually like to as I'm leveling I like to respect to deep rot when I'm all 58 because when I hit a little 58 on a warrior that's why I respect deep rot and that's when I start running like Streatham scholomance you know dharmo when it's out it's like that just you know get practice in and also to start gain a head start on my previous four hit 60 so that being said let's start off in the arms tree like I said in the previous video since you want to focus more on mitigation at first especially when entering militant course like I said everything's me to taunt so threated it's not as important because you know you can just if you lose that you just talk and you don't always want to be losing but obviously but it's it's not as important in Multan courses later on so first we get 5 points a new deflection which increases parry by 5 that's just you know more avoidance and parrying an attack actually makes your next attack resets your swing timer so it makes your next attack come that faster so it also parry gives you a little bit that as well but mostly it's for avoidance next we want to go down to tactical mastery this is an amazing talent I just lets you retain something for H while you switch stances if you have to stand stance to either break fear or if mob gets away from you you have to intercept it this is just nice talent to have great five minutes it's it's nice and rates and we also need to get anger management which is I've talked about this talent before you despite what the tooltip says the tooltip is little confusing what it actually does is you generate one rager for three seconds which not only gives you a passive way to get rage Wan combat but it decreases your your rage what do you call it you don't you don't lose rage as fast while getting out while you're out of combat so between poles you get to retain Center for age which one of the things that you'll learn how to do is warrior is that before you before any pole really but especially before boss poles like that could be example when you're say you're taking a mob and the mobs at like 30 percent health and your way high up but they're on threat you know you're not gonna lose to that before does at that point you want to stop using any abilities at all and just Auto Attack it and let it hit you and gain as much rage as possible so that you'll have a lot of rage hopefully a hundred rage you'll have a lot of rage for the next book so that you kind of get a head start on threat and that's just this is something that you should get used to doing in general an anger management helps with that you lose rate you don't lose weight just fast while you're out of combat next we're gonna go into the fury to we're just can get five points in a cruelty because that crit does help especially if you don't have a lot of crap from gear you know 5% is just it's a nice boost and critics good for thread especially shield slam which we're gonna go on down to later obviously how shield slam works is that basically whatever damage you do a shield slam double that number and that's how much that you get so if you create a shield slam you just get a huge boost in threat so having crits nice moving on over to the prot tree first we're gonna get shield specialization just because we need to get improve shield block but this is a nice talent increases your block by five percent and you get 100 percent chance to gain 1 range while you block so for example between shield specialization and anger management those are just little incremental rage gains that will you know it just helps because when you in your deep pot you're not gonna take as much damage you know wearing a shield you and we focus on defensive talents and you're not gonna be dealing as much damage either because you only have a you know one handed weapon on especially pre best you're not gonna have a great weapon yet so every little bit of rage he get helps and something I want to get out of the way down while I mention real quick when comparing this bill to the fury prot belt that I've talked about before having when you're wearing full mitigation gear when you were in gear that doesn't give you a lot of crit that you know it doesn't give you a lot of Vettes that's deep rod is actually it's the better build for threat compared to fury prop so in other words if you have to wear fury props can generate a ton of threat when you're wearing appropriate gear when you want gear that gives you a lot of crit when you have a lot of hit rating that's when fear pot really shines but if you just have mitigation gear you're not gonna fear pot relies on for example quitting so you can get flurry procs getting crits so you can get in rage shots when you and blood rage cost 30 rage sorry but there's cost 30 rage versus shield slam the cost 20 rage so fear pot you just you need more rage you need to create a lot and you need a lot hit rating for it to be truly effective and if you don't have any of those things on your career yet you're not gonna generate a whole lot of threat for you're probably gonna be rates charged all the time you're not gonna be quitting enough for flurry to really really benefit from flurry so if you're just wearing mitigation gear as you should when you're starting out deep rod is actually just better threat because of like Shou shield slam works and you know some other things so that's worth mentioning anyway moving on we have a skin crew blood rage because we have to get last hand later and now we need three points to move down to the tree let's get armor for now we're gonna go back up here in a second moving on to the third tier your last stand of course that's just a great cooldown have improved field block having one point in it increases the instead of having one charge of shield block you have to which you don't need you have two points in it all that doesn't increase the duration which it's gonna it's a five second cooldown 5 second duration and only two blocks so before the five seconds runs up runs out you're gonna have blocked twice anyway and it's gonna run out so having extra duration on this does nobody any good just want one point into it next we have to get defiance that just increases all your threat by 15% this is every tank should have this talent of questions asked moving down we have 17 points in the tree let's go ahead and max out toughness and let's put a point in defense for now moving down let's get question below we need that for shield slam and if we look at the rest of these talents we never want to shield bash that's just it's not a good talent for reading improve disarms not good since we're warm mitigation focused because again this is Priebus you're going into your first raid excuse me you're wearing all blues you know you're kind of squishy compared to later on when you good epics we want to focus on defense as much as possible just really minimize the damage that we're taking as best as we can so now we have 25 points let's get improved one-handed specialization you're just doing 10% more damage every time you swing the weapon that increases damage increases threat increases rage in a raid from white attacks so this is just a nice talent to have of course we're gonna get shield slam this is your main ability you want to be using this every six seconds it's just it generates a lot of threat the only cost 20 rage which you know is really not too difficult to get so we definitely of course want shield slam so now we have four points left over we've gotten all the mitigation talents except for improve shield wall I've mentioned before that since shield wall so 30 minute cooldown not only are you not using shield wall very often but when you shield wall is typically because you're about to die or you're trying to get through like in your aged face which as far as the enrage phase goes yeah having an extra 3 or 6 seconds or 5 seconds according to this I think it's actually 6 having max time does help however when you shield wall when you're about to die when you hit shield wall either you're gonna get topped off or you won't and if you get topped off like you should having the extra duration is of course it's nice but it's it doesn't really often make a difference not enough to put two points into it when there's other moves that use way more often so I don't really like and proof she'll all that much and get if you want but I'm not a huge fan of it as far as other options go we have improved revenge which I've talked about that for the stun I believe the stun even if you use revenge which you should be using revenge every time it's on cooldown of course that lights up after you dodge block or parry an attack which is deep rot with the shield on you'll be it should be up in five seconds cuz you'll be you know blocking which improve shield block you'll be dodging and pairing enough so revenge is gonna be up every five seconds basically this is a great talent for trash that's that that are vulnerable the stuns cuz you know starting for three seconds it's nice that the stun also does not share diminishing returns with most stuns with most stuns so even if you like for example stun with the confession blow for five seconds and then you proc improve finish the three seconds is not gonna be diminished it's gonna be in the entire three seconds so that's nice to have and from what I've heard I love this is true not but the stun proc actually generates additional threat than what revenge normally generates even if the mob is immune to stun that may or may not be true but just having the stun alone is a nice lot of the time especially in five man's especially in rates with their snowball mobs so you could get that we haven't proved pot right here which is two seconds might not seem like a lot but taunt something that's obviously when you taught him a bit that goes right to you having that extra two seconds that you have to wait on it after you use it could be it could save someone's life so improved upon I've ran this talent for a long time I'm probably big fan of it also if you have just one point improved taunt something you can do is that the taunt debuff lasts for three seconds when you taught something assuming it hits for the next three seconds that mob will attack you no matter what so a cool trick you can do is you turn a mob a taxi for three seconds you switch to the battle stance and him mocking blow of course you can do that because you have tactical master you'll have the rage to mock and blow when you mock and blow the mob a taxi for six seconds and if you have just one point improve taunt when mocking blower is off tot will be back off a cool-down if you don't have any points in it you'll have to wait one second for talk to be off cooldown which like I said can make endure and make the difference between someone dying it's in the living so if you just put one point into it though you can taunt mocking blow and then taunt and if need be you can even challenging shout after that time for six more seconds and then taunt again so total that's three nine twelve eighteen this 21 seconds of the mob attacking you and only you and you don't have to be doing anything else to it you could be just taunting and then go to another mob it doesn't matter what your threat level is while those deep buffs are up so you know you can kind of tank without generating threat in the sense you can found cheez-it but so let's just put one point new poofed on for now i i'd like that talent and now we have three points left really we could either get improved rogue strike which reduces the rage by three proofs under which to reduce the rage across by three or improved revenge I would probably say either heroic strike or thunder for heroic strike you don't use heroic strike as much as deep rot as you do with favorite prot because I you just don't have enough as much rage to spend in addition since you're taking less damage because your mitigation orient didn't have a shield on part of your rage generate part of your rage is generated from what attacks which you don't get rage from doing heroic strike and heroic strike takes place for white attack so it's nice for the classless rage you might want to get improve sunder instead you might even want to get improved avenge my recommendation is you know play with it pick one of these talents play with it for a little bit and see how you like it if you find that you know you get hopefully improved heroic strike but you aren't using heroic strike that much because you'll have the rage for it maybe switch to improve sunder oh one more one more thing also I want to mention about heroic strike is that the one of the main functions of frog strike of course it generates more threat than your white attacks but heroic strike sends a special attack because it's yellow attack it cannot land a glancing blow what a glancing blow is is when you Auto attack with the white hit against the boss because the boss is three levels above you your attacks can glance which just means that they do not so two things about glancing blow is that it cannot crit you can never crit if you're with the glancing blow those two things can't happen at the same time and it just does less damage in general well baroque strike just gets around that entirely heroic strike cannot glance humans and works have plus weapons skill humans have maces and Swartz orcs have axes one of the big things that weapons skill does is it reduces the damage that you that you're glancing blows do or it reduces the damage reduction so you know increases the damage from a glancing blows essentially and so if you're human or an orc or if you have you know weapons go from some other source heroic strike is still nice but it's not quite as important if that makes sense so if you're a human with a sword remains for you know you're an orc with that axe at least when starting out heroic strikes not as important because you're white hits will generally do more damage so something to keep in mind as well but really like I said these last three points you can are somewhat interchangeable you can get you know either a food truck proofs under or improved bench so your builds either gonna be 14 5 32 with improved heroic strike or 11 5 35 with improve senator or approved avenge either one of those works we still have most of the bill just remains the same those last three talents though are pretty interchangeable and so that about wraps up for the covering the deep rot tree go ahead and leave like leave a comment let me know if you found this helpful and I'll see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 164,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler
Id: tmlcHhlDLVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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