Classic WoW: Feral druid (bear) pre-raid BiS discussion

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hey guys scotum here so today we're gonna be going over the druid period this for feral specifically for feral bear for tanking and I'm also gonna redo the warrior one because my old one my other warrior previous video is outdated and out because of the recent information that we got from Blizzard as far as itemization goes so I'll be redoing that video as well but for now we're gonna focus on druids and before we get into it I want to really stress the importance of knowing why the gear on this list is good for the actual video I'm only going to be going over what gear I'm gonna personally pick for peer abyss I'll explain why in a moment but you just know that like which stats are good for Druids for example for mitigation druids mitigate damage through armor stamina and dodging attacks agility provides dodge or just you know straight dodge percentage on gear and they generate threat through attack power which you can get from strength as well one strength equals to attack power and crit and hit that's what drew is generate those are the stats that drew in right threat from and so note that agility is both the mitigation and a threat stat because it gives 20 agility gives one percent crit and one percent dodge so it's a Julie's really great it's a one of my favorite stats because it gives both the you know mitigation right and instead of if you're gonna commit anything to memory as far as like oh this piece of gear is this this piece of gear is this what I would do first is which I'll show you right now so here we are in classic database I also have a towel drills pre 8 bits list for feral druids of all specs actually I'm gonna link this in the description it's a very handy list I'm just gonna pull up one example real quick let's look at the hands her bare tank most of these as you see or slight high Gaunt's of the whatever slight cuts like high firm which goes all the way down the list ticks on most of the spots reason why it takes up most of spots is because these gauntlets first of all they have really high armor higher than anything you'll get until aq forty and they have a random suffix as you can see of defense of the way old eagle whatever you typically want of the monkey is the one the want but even if you don't get the monkey all these are pretty great too well let's say you can't get your hands on fly kite at all what else is good well this list doesn't really leave much room for for gloves because like HUD takes up most of them so what do you do now well let's go over to the database and go to items go down an armor go down a leather go down to hands simple now we're gonna see all the hands the leather hands in the game and we can even do filters which you know level the car level let's do you know 50 to 60 there's no gloves from quests so but if there was we could do item level you know whatever filter one you could do a G let's just do a G and stamina cuz we don't necessarily need strength from one to know twenty just to make sure it has a G and strength on so now we're searching all gloves from low fifty to sixty they have a G and stand on them all the other gloves let's apply the filter and here we go alright so that's a much shorter list we have twenty-one gloves and list so you can see our slider well actually they're not on here because they could have random stats but we are know that they're good from this list yeah this quick draw gloves which are C's gloves they're eight a G some string some stamina dodge they're decent as well as gargoyle shredders these are also pre decent gloves they're nice for threat too because they give crit neither of those gloves on this list so you won't know they existed if you just looked at this not to say it's not good list in fact um I'm not definitely I'm saying that in fact you only really come into problems with the hand section because like I takes up most of it but regardless it's good to be able to know how to use this search filter the search function on a database and just look at every because even this is almost kind of easier because you can just see for the ease you have to UM you have to click on the link to uh you know I mean to see what gloves there but for this it's just you can just highlight it really easy just scroll down and kind of look at you know what's good for you where drops etc so it's handy to even these aren't bad these screen gloves are here so it's a it's useful to be able to use the database like this if you're gonna commit anything to memory don't commit certain pieces of gear commit you know how to how to find those certain pieces of gear is what's really important because something else to really keep in mind is that for for tanks for dps it's pretty straightforward what pieces of gear better than other pieces of gear because people you know if calculated you know with like how much DPS certain stats add you know like for example like 14 attack power I think for warriors made for rogues or which classes really but like 14 attack power equals 1 DPS you know 1% hit equals the certain amount of dps so it's easy to calculate what piece what items are best for damage it's easy it's pretty straightforward for tanking though you don't only have to worry about one thing you have to worry about surviving and holding threat so you kind of need you know you need a balance you know a mix of threat and mitigation steps so that's why like when I go to my list I'm gonna you know to show you what items I'm I pick out and why but you don't have to pick out every single item I do you can mix and match and the you know really just remember have fun with it have fun experiment with different items for different counters try to after you you know do rate or a five-man you know a few times try to commit to memory what mobs what bosses do what so that you know you know hey if we're coming up to this boss that really doesn't do a lot of damage then I can wear more threat gear or if you know this boss does a lot of damage I'm gonna put on Maxima negation gear and maybe even let the right know to chill on threat for a second because the boss it's hard and I'm wearing a you know full mitigation gear but yeah just have fun get a feel for it and you know don't be too lazy to do the research it doesn't take very long but with that being said let's get into the previous list all right so here we go first we have a mask of the Unforgiven which with a eight stamina enchant this is a really nice helm the 2% hits just too good for me to pass up next we have talisman of evasion which 13 ad G 1% dodge no stamina but those are both really nice stats for mitigating damage and also creating a little bit with the aji alkalis polish to the monkey these have high armor for shoulders at gene stem and you know you want a monkey variant preferably or stamina and you stop out of sunken temple you can to man these or even sold them as a little sixty druid they have a chance to drop off of each of the six twelve mini-bosses so definitely worth taking the time to farm either by yourself or with a you know 'roger druid label stealth with you and avoid all the trash next we have a stone shield cloak which is a higher armor a little bit stand but as a lot of armor in phase two we're gonna get sergeants cape which is rank three pvp pretty easy to achieve it's less armor but a lot more stamina this is a little better as far as the overall mitigation goes annex blessed plate of bloodthirst this is expensive pristine I the beast but it's an amazing chess to last you until bwl has all the stats Pharaoh once if you can't afford this that's understandable as also for stats is uh if you get this chest it's worth putting four stats on that's also an expensive enchant but uh for budget in the meantime you can get mixologist mixologist tunic out of the Rd it's just a drop good stats and 100 health is a pretty cheap enchant blackness armed guards these have strength and stamina importantly they have hit rating or one person I hit hard to get for druid so uh you know that's nice so like I gauntlet to the monkey these are paying asta farm but they have really high armor these are like the best gloves until either aq forty or like rank twelve gloves no joke so these will last you a long time but they're uh you know I was easy to get you also devil sore gauntlets or worth mentioning for when you call it for threat as especially combined with the doubles for leggings you get two percent hit so for threat fights teaser very nice pieces both these and also you want seven aji enchant for the your gloves next we have claw drone or girl no stam but strengthen aji and a lot of armor this is the higher armor belt compared to anything else that your you can get at this point for legs you know we have double sore for threat come either the gloves but for a mitigation we have war strife leggings if you notice these these have 100 HP on them prepared a stamina because of the heart of the wild talent which increases as you can see right here increases stamina a bear formed by 20% right now we have 5503 health with a hundred health and chant if we shift a bear phone real quick on a key bond and if we put eight stam on this instead of a hundred health like I said we have 5503 hit HP before you change from 100 health date stamina and we still have 55 out through HP and that would be even higher with like blessing kings or the CG world buff anything that increases or Donnell buff even anything increases stamina by a percent but eight stamp comes out on top as opposed to a hundred health but really whichever one is cheaper it's not a big difference to everyone you can get your hands on and also a Taji for the like the doubles for likes having a edge a8 add you on those I'm sorry but that again that's just from that Libra in the bottom right hand corner or Arcana brother so for boots we have shadow craft boots which are really these are one of the only options in phase one and phase two we get a sh covered boots which are great have dodge on them but these are not in telophase to probably ringer protection is from a quest that's the end of a question battle of dark Shire this is a great ring if your horde you can also get those resolved from the different quest don't remember which one exactly I've never done the quest I don't know which one but they're always dissolve another great tanking ring but if your alliance you can get in a growing instead from BRD which is a another craving for failed tanks has armor Stan little nice learners in fact in some defense for trinkets you know we were smoking heart and market tyranny these are my two my favourite trinkets this requires enchanting smoking heart if your haven't level enchanting yet or you just don't if you feel like you have enough armor already mark the chosen is a underrated alternative from a quest while you're leveling it's from Mardon quest it's hard to categorize this in create like this lists because it's the trinket itself doesn't give any stats but you have a 2 percent chance of being struck in combat of increasing all stats by 25 for one minute that's a long time and oftentimes you'll get another proc before the first one expires and it will persist so this is just a really nice trinket especially when you're kind of going faster you have less downtime this will be up more often and so for weapons we have a ward staff you know if you can get your hands on this great if not you know it's a boe world drop so these will probably be expensive and faced that will be available from phase one though in phase two and diamo comes out you can get unyielding mul instead which is basically the same number weapon dps doesn't matter in bear form excuse me or cat form only the stats matter like for the unyielding Maul only the armor stamina and the defense are the only three relevant stats on this weapon everything else is completely relevant to speed the damage the DPS everything of course if you don't get your hands on warden staff and pays one you can get this thing which is armor and strength but it's a one hander so we can also equip tome of knowledge from style life decent alternative these two and of course we have the manual crab Palmer which you know as a bear as a tank you don't need to farmers made these as you might think getting to normal gun is easy for both factions Alliance can just run they're from iron for torch can horde can teleport they're from either booty be a ratchet one the two and yeah it's just for tanking if you need to use this at all which you might not have to because you know depending on any kills DPS you might be able to hold that anyway but if you need if you need extra thought for a boss ever usually popping one of these will be enough especially like early on like a molten core you mean vwl usually one of these is enough so you don't need to farm just a ton of these as a bear I would have at least two or three with you at all times but the grind the farm farm for these is not as bad as some people make them out to be anyway that's gonna be it for this video go ahead and you know leave a comment I'm gonna put my discord down in the description so you can find me on there ask me any questions you have you know why pick certain pieces on this list and tune in to my next video guys I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 124,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler, zg, zul’gurub, zul gurub, pre-raid bis, pre-bis, druid, druid pre-raid bis, druid pre raid bis
Id: bKLxwOjIMc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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