Classic WoW Advanced Shaman Guide 2 of 2 (Stats, Weapons Buffs, Spell Coefficients, Totems)

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You're an absolute legend my dude, keep up the awesome content!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Krogothian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Melderon, you’re one of the best shaman theorycrafters and guide-maker whose opinion I value. Can’t wait to watch this one and take notes.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/99_Gretzky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for all the great vids Mel

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh thank goodness. I needed something to pull me back from playing hunter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/siyahlater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So hyped for another video only to see I've watched it already the day it was out. Please do more, I'm hungry for wow

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wouo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great guides, very clear voice, recommended.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Helsafabel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Melderon is No.1 YT channel for shamans! For Da Hor!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nakeza πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good guide, playing shaman as my 1st alt.

Excited to be on the same server. Herod ftw.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ethanthehead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Your guides had a huge influence on my class choice :)

Shamans have so much depth :-*

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flo-joe86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
greetings everyone Melda ron here and welcome to the advance shaman guide part 2 this guide has been in work since the beta was launched and I couldn't have done it without the immense amount of help that I received from the shaman discord particularly ace l TM b ath and other friends of the channel including pilgrim disappearo and meiji thank you all so much for providing the help and getting this guy done I wouldn't be able to do if it wasn't for everyone testing things and submitting video footage so thank you all very much and again thanks again to the shaman discord this video serves as a supplement to the advanced shaman guide part one where I go for updates and confirmations from the class of all beta for things like spell coefficients spell talent and stat mechanics weapon buffs and a lot more as with all of my guides this will be all on classic wat out live and in a pen comment below and in the description you'll find a link to Google slides if you want to go through the slide your own pace and time stamp so you can navigate this guide more efficiently with that let's get started so again this is part of a greater story I would first check out the advanced shaman guide part 1 and my totem guide which is available on classic wat alive or my channel to get a basis for this guy right so most of the information from the advanced shaman guide part 1 is still relevant and valid for things like stats rachels most of the spell coefficients most of the mechanics spell and imbue details and totems however there are some idiosyncrasies and confirmations that are going to be going over in this guide to supplement part 1 because there are some core differences between classic Wow and private server vanilla well so now let's go over we're gonna be talking about in this guide where are we doing spell coefficients when we're talking about internal spell scaling which is something pretty interesting and at least new to most people we're really going over our statistics course and weapon buffs again we're gonna looking at differences in totem mechanics talent spell and stat mechanics glancing penalty which I did not cover in part 1 leveling and the new dungeon meta in classic wow some changes to ghosts will form some known issues that have occurred in the beta and have not been rectified as of yet and finally things that still require some testing so before get into spell coefficients in general let's go over some basics if you don't know a lot about spell coefficients remember not all of your spell power goes to your spells in fact spells interact with your available spell power through what we call spell coefficients here are two very easy examples for a normal hard cast spell you divide the cast time by the reference which is 3.5 to get the spell coefficient for instant casts they're considered 1.5 second spell so you do one point five divided by three point five that's a crash course that's not how all things are calculated Spokeo officiants have some weird wonky idiosyncrasies that you need to know if you want to actually calculate them there is a guide that Asghar and I have worked on together and a tool that we've created for down ranking I would check out the down racking guide and tool video on class cut live and there's also a written guide there as well there's the video on my channel and then there's a down ranking calculator which can be found it Wow down ranked comm and that was developed by Asghar there's also a pre level 20 penalty so anything you learn before level 20 will be penalized when down ranking also it's good to know that some talents can affect spell coefficients while others do not and we'll go over that as we go through each spell so how did I test you spell coefficients I tested them with every shaman spell totem and in view with as many talents as possible I did multiple replicates per spell 15 to 30 reps depending on the spell and in every available rank again the beta was going up to level 40 so I was only able to do spells 40 and below I accrued as much spell power as possible and I compared with theory from the theory craft add-on and from what I've found out from private servers so this is a comparison between what was known back in vanilla at least what was calculated back then what was calculated on private servers a point that needs to be made is that the beta itself it's not only a private server I can't spawn items in order to get the most spell power possible or the best items possible so I was able to really only work with what I had so I want to thank then I was listening to this from the beta PvE realm people were very kind and friendly and either donating pieces of gear so I can get the right spell power who were helping me obtain pieces of gear so thank you very much for anyone who's helped me on the PvE beta server a link to the spell coefficients spreadsheet that I created to calculate these coefficients is available in the description as first go over the frost spells and the frost view frost brain weapon now for frost shock I tested rank one and rank two the theoretical coefficient is forty point seven one percent that's the cast time one point five forces instant cast divided by three point five but there's a five percent penalty because it has a slow of thing and my tested coefficients are well within range of both private servers and the theoretical coefficient from the theorycraft add-on notice that concussion does not alter the spell coefficient for frost shock it'll increase the base damage but not the spell coefficient now for frost brand weapon on private servers I got 25 percent spell coefficient now from the vanilla theater got that on it so it only should be 10 percent and that's what I got so it corroborates with the original vanilla the private server that I tested was much higher so that's something that can be a little bit different also notice that elemental weapons increases the spell coefficient of frost from weapon by 0.5% per rank so if you have elemental weapons you can get more out of your spell power for a frost brand weapon never flame shock which is unique because it's a hybrid spell meaning that it has an initial portion and a periodic portion now in private servers I got approximately 15% for anything above level 20 for initial and 13% for periodic the theory craft that on and the private server actually corroborate there however what I've gotten alone in the class is while beta is much different pre level 20 of course there is a penalty however by rank 3 you can see that the initial portion is about 21 percent and the periodic is only 10 percent so on the beta compared to theorycraft that on the initial is higher but the periodic is lower well that balance out I'm not entirely sure but as with frost shock concussion does not alter the spell coefficient now let's take a look at the fire totems there are three fire totems searing totem magneto and Fargo the searing first one with here at that on and on private servers you get about eight percent however on the beta it's closer to ten percent so it's about a two percent increase notice that call flame does not increase the spell coefficient for searing totem for magma totem we're supposed to get around 3.2 percent per tick I got a little bit higher than that closer to 4% so it's close that's why it's in yellow it's within the margin of error I may be a little bit higher on beta again call flame that's not affected the magnet so dispel coefficient now fire Adobe Toba is very interesting we're supposed to get about 50 percent for anything above level 20 we're getting less than that on the beta around 12 percent However call a flame seems to affect the spell coefficient for fire nova totem increasing it but not affecting the other fire totems this is very interesting i'm not sure if this is a bug but definitely something to check out when classic while launches see if you can cooperate this same thing now moving on to flame tom coefficient this is very very similar to frost brain weapon we were supposed to get around 15% from private servers again theorycraft addon corroborates the classic wall beta with around 10% and just as of within frost brand elemental weapons increase in the spell coefficient by 0.5% per rank up to a total eleven point five ish percent theoretical maximum so again if you want to get more out of flames on weapon more out of the coefficient if you have a lot of small power elemental weapons will not only increase its damage but will increase this bug coefficient as well now let's move on to the nature spells lightning bolt now lightning bolt is a three second cast without talents so we're supposed to get eighty five point seven one percent of anything above level twenty and that's exactly what we get we are within the margin of error private server fear and hook coefficient classic law beta everything corroborates now concussion as with the shocks concussion does not affect the spell coefficient however storm strike definitely does so this is a kind of a weird result as you know storm strike will increase the damage dealt by your next to nature spells by twenty percent but it seems to have a really big effect on the spell coefficient increasing it to one hundred and twenty percent this is kind of interesting it's a twenty percent increase in damage but the actual difference in spell coefficient is closer to forty percent so this is really interesting result this could be really cool when you're thinking about how to theory craft like enhancement elemental combinations and raids like the enhance them storm strikes in the elemental shaman kind of works on top of that she and artistically it's kind of me me it's kind of mid maxi but just really interesting thing to keep in mind a very similar thing exists when we look at chain lightning now we're supposed to get around seventy one point four three percent which is exactly what we get on private servers and when we test them in class of all beta same thing with concussion if this is not affected spell coefficient however storm strike does increase the spell coefficient for chain lightning not as much as it did for lightning bolt but still it is an increase now for lightning shield for a very long time Ben thought that each or perceived certain 3% of your spellpower leading up to 100% spell coefficient for all three discharges however the class of all beta has shown that it's lower it's actually around 27% per orb but interestingly with storm strike you get up to the theoretical 33 percent so it makes me think maybe somewhere way back in the day someone tested this with storm strike buff I don't know if that's true but it may have carried over until now so we're at 27 percent normally with storm strike you're about thirty two point four three percent close to thirty to thirty three percent now improve lightning shield is not affected spell coefficient I also tested with storm strike and improved Lightning shield to see there's any kind of weird synergistic relationship and there's not it's sold around 30 to 33 percent now moving on the earth shock earth shock is very similar to frost shock it is an instant cast so it's 1 point 5 divided by 3 point 5 deep the spell coefficient but like frog has an additional effect as a silence so it actually loses 5% as a penalty so that should be around 40% now interestingly the private server test I did was around 45% so what it would be if it wasn't penalized so maybe there was an error in the coding but theorycraft add-on calls for 40% and that's what we get in the classic wall beta as what the other spells concussion is not affected spell coefficient but interestingly unlike the lightning spells earth shock doesn't receive a storm strike bonus to its coefficient it's still approximately 40% it's about a percent higher but that could be due to sampling error I don't think that's enough to really make a call so 40% it is for earth shock now moving on to the healing spells let's do healing wave first healing wave is a 3 second cast theoretically should receive eighty five point seven one percent it corroborates all the way through actually all the healing spells really is not much to cover here but one thing important to covers that purification is not affect spell coefficient and increases the effect of your heal but it's not increase the spell coefficient so healing wave gets what we thought it would as does lesser healing wave and Shana heal as your healing wave should receive 42.86 percent we're well within that range and chain heal should receive seven 1.43 percent and again we see that as well purification also does not affect spell coefficients of either of these spells last but not least we have healing stream totem healing stream totem should receive about two point one six percent per tick and we get very very close to that two point three seven to two point eleven percent again purification does not affect this tomb spell coefficient all right let's talk about internal spell scaling this is a very interesting thing so what I'm talking about here is scaling with in ranks not across ranks so as you level as your character levels the effectiveness of your spell's increases it's almost like mini ranks now this affects lightning bolt Chain Lightning weapon and views healing spells and possibly even shocks we didn't get a chance to test everything but I do have a spreadsheet the link is in the description so you can see what I'm talking about this internal scaling occurs up until you receive the next rank so for example let's say Rank 1 earth shock it'll keep accruing additional min and Max damage range until you are at the level where you will receive earth shock Rank 2 and then it'll stop scaling so this is an interesting thing it keeps your spell's more relevant as you level and it really limits that stepwise nature that ranking has what's really interesting is that I do not remember seeing this in tooltips and then all well I did not play shaman though this could have definitely happened and I just missed it but in classic Wow and the beta you'll see it right in the tooltip you'll see the numbers changing each level now what's really interesting is a pogrom back to our PTR are based on a certain private server and he was able to determine that internal spell scaling was also occurring but it wasn't overtly showing tooltips so this is something that is likely quartz vanilla well private server is also coded it properly but the only big differences is now we're seeing the changes definitely when as your leveling just hover over your spell's and look at the differences and you'll see them actually increasing as you level and this kind of plays into why weapon views are balanced because you would think if I train my newest flame song at level 18 let's say and then I got a rock biter at level 20 well the rock writer has to be better right because I learned it at a higher level well this internal spell scaling would say that they keep them comparable at a much finer scale so I think this internal spell scale is a way to normalize things like weapon abuse and stuff like that but I don't think this is just shaman I remember people talking about this on paladin's as well I don't think this is just a shaman thing I would definitely look into this in your class as well especially if they're a mana using class and see if this is also occurring on your told okay it's now time for my favorite part of the guide testing the webinar Muse now if you remember from advanced shaman guide part one I did some ANOVA's which analyzes the variance between weapon and views and I showed that nearly doesn't matter right DPS is very well normalized across these different weapon and views and across weapons speeds so one of the tests is again the classic well beta obviously because it's a different system and it might have some core differences so I did ten replicates per weapon speed per imbue and I tested across nine weapon speeds now I just want to say that I did all the weapons feet in the first event shaman guy because I was using a PTR and I was able to spawn weapons by key command he can't do that on the beta so what I did was I scoured the world checked the auction house checked giladhiz got as many weapons act as I could possibly get and I was able to get across in nine weapon speeds and I tested it with flirt because I did not test with flurry in advance Jean got one and flurry could have some important synergistic effects with wind fury so I wanted to make sure I test that as well and what I did was I put on my gear white hitted the enemy and recorded the DPS and the enemy I chose was the sawtooth croc Liske there are level 38 39 I was level 40 their armor value produces three 1.2 to thirty two point seven physical damage reduction which is pretty average it's more of a leather male wearing is just kind of what we're going to do and the reason I picked something in the middle is because I didn't want to over represent physical verse magical weapon imbues the magical weapon of use do much better on higher armored targets and the physical weapon in views like rock fighter wind fury do much better on the lower armor target so I want to make sure I got in the middle and I verified this with Beast Lord decipi that was nice enough to go in there with his hunter and verify these armor values so there is a spreadsheet to show you the tests that I did and all the math and what I was wearing and my talents and everything so if you want to click on that spreadsheet the link will be in the description so let's get into what I found first let's look at cross all weapon speeds so this is all DPS per weapon and view averaged across all weapon speeds so when you do that there is no significant difference in DPS between in views to go over what this is this is a boxplot if you don't know how to read a box but there is a picture in the previous slide to show you what they are but essentially this is the spread of the data and E color represents one of the imbues so as you can see there are four A's on top and what those letters mean is that if a boxplot shares a letter with another boxplot they are not different from each other statistically okay I'm using a nova and an alpha value of 0.05 as a cutoff for my statistical significance so there is no difference when you look across weapons speeds but what if we look within weapon speeds the next slide shows that green line is rockbiter blue is frost brand the orange red is flame tongue and the purple is Wynn fury across the x-axis are the nine weapon speeds I tested going for one point four to three point eight and DPS is on the y-axis don't look at the increase from one point four to three point eight that's due to the weapons DPS well you're really interested in is comparing the four weapon amuse with in the dotted lines now what you'll probably immediately notice is that rockbiter consistently had the highest average DPS however when fear is affecting the scales with weapon speed this slower the weapon was the closer wind fury became to the top weapon imbue and closer to Rock later this is very important to realize because I did not see this on private servers and there could be a lot of credence to the idea that a slower the weapon the more impactful windfury could be because of the huge variance in attack damage that can occur with wind pure weapon procs remember the slower the weapons speed the higher the top end so if you are waiting for your proc the ability to do a lot of damage occurs with slower weapons with wind fury another thing you'll notice is that Faline tongue weapon consistently does not do well it doesn't scale with weapons speed at all faster weapon speed does not mean it's a better thing to use classically a lot of people have thought that flame tongue scales great with faster weapons and that just isn't the case thats pinging outperforms in almost every scenario frost brand to me is a much better magical thing to use and we'll get into that as we go into each weapon speed but just to take home messages that i've seen so far from that so just have a look at this graph see what is happening we're gonna over nine more slides with each weapon speed but it's kind of as a summary slide ok so if you go to one point four seconds this is what it looks like i'm gonna go through them pretty quickly and you can stop and look at them if you want at your own pace but remember if a box shares a letter with another box like flames on cross spray and wait if you're all have a be above them that means they aren't different from each other statistically however rock butter has an a meaning that it is different from the all other three another way to say that says rockbiter is statistically significantly higher in DPS than the other three webbed imbues at one point four second speed can move the 1.6 seconds things even out a little bit rock butter is higher than wind theory but fling tongue and frostburn are not different from either rock butter or wind fury at one point nine seconds Rock later again is number one at 2.3 seconds rock butter again is number one at 2.7 seconds rockbiter is the highest but it's not significantly different from frost brand but it is different from plain from flame tongue and wind fury at 2.9 seconds rock better at wind fury are top they're not different from frost branda but they are significantly higher than flame tongue at 3.3 seconds rockbiter wind fury again our number one very similar scenarios into 2.9 seconds at 3.5 seconds rock witters number one followed by frostbite and wind fury followed by flame tongue and finally at the slowest weapon speed rock fighters number one fought by wind fury and frost brains so as you can see rockbiter is consistently the highest dps high it's average DPS across all the web ensues I tested wind fury is probably the second-highest followed by frost brand and flame tongue is pretty much left into the dust you may be considering is it even worth training flame tongue and honestly looking at these results guys I really don't think it's worth it if you're worried about magical imbues if you need a magical view for a really higher armor target use for us pray I mean you won't get to level 20 but if you can save money while leveling do it and these are pretty interesting differences from private servers on private service I tested every single weapon speed and there were no significant differences between weapon and views none not a one in this in the beta there are clear differences between weapon amuse both rock butter being the top table I win fury so you know the slower weapons speed or the more impact you're getting out of wind fury the more potential impact you're going out at a wooden period but again if you value that consistency rock butter is gonna be your best bet and this wasn't due to scaling or when I acquired these weapon and views I got the most recent rock butter level 34 I got wind fury at level 40 I got flamed some 136 and I got frost pray at 38 there was no correlation between when I learned them and the DPS output because mostly because of internal smell see I remember these are all being scaled internally so they all should be at a consistent level again what do you value do you value time of engagement do you value consistency do you value having the ability to one hit someone slow consistency rockbiter if you really want burst DPS win fury and if you need a magical and view for some reason go with frost brain that's my recommendation from the statistics and from the data that I gathered on the classic wall beta now let's cover Toyota mechanics there are some core differences between private servers and the classical data concerning toe mechanics so let's go over one by one first earth spine cutting is not as effective due to quote unquote leeway now if you don't learn what leeway is I would definitely go to a perplexities channel he has a really interesting video that goes over how leeway works but essentially the mΓͺlΓ©e ranges of both players and NPCs is a lot greater on the classic well paid and compared to private servers because of this it's really hard to get out of the mobs range you can still do earth button cutting however the damage reduction is not as high as it was on the private servers just something to keep in mind another really interesting point if this stone claw totem is much more robust compared to private servers it seems a lot more tanky and is also it's taunt seems a lot more reliable if you are in a situation where you need to kill more than one mob definitely your stone claw took them to get other mobs attention and Whittle one down first another really interesting thing is that totems can be cleaved now originally in the classic wall beta all alias X kill totems and that was hard to deal with but that was fixed however Cleaves do kill totems so say you're fighting a warrior for some reason he cleaves you if you're standing up near a totem it the cleave will hit the totem as well and kill it so something to keep in mind there are some NPCs it also cleaved so if you are dealing with an NPC that Cleaves just know that your tones are going to be cleaved as well the next thing is is that friendly totems and searing totem their ranges aren't immediately on/off and what I mean by that is you're probably used to putting a totem down you go to some distance it falls off and you close that distance again immediately comes back on the buff comes back on that isn't occurring what's happening is you leave a totem at some range in order to get back into the totems range you have to get much closer to it than you normally should and this could be due to batching and server pain we're not really sure where the mechanic is but it is noticeable and you can notice it with friendly totems and you'll also notice it with Siri a mob has to get really close to searing totem for it to start activating something that I've noticed and it's something that is kind of interesting and also annoying sometimes so just keep that in mind number five totem twisting is working great so we were able to test this with flame tongue totem and frost resistance totem you put flame tongue down you replace flame tongue with frost resistance and you have the frost resistance buff and you saw flames on your weapon so that's working great which means it'll work fine for wind fury and grace of air so that's really good news for enhancement shaman and shaman that army totem twisting and rates the next thing is that totems produce considerable amounts of threat if you go to fight a mob and you drop down like a magma totem or a searing totem or a fire nova totem if you are attacking more than one mob you don't have a girl on the second mob and you drop a totem they will immediately attack the totem and kill it it's kind of annoying when you're trying to screw up mobs and you're trying to AoE farm or you're trying to like use Farah Nova you have to hit each mob and then drop your totem and then it'll go off because they produce a certain amount of threat and the mobs will attack them as soon as you put them down another weird thing is that totems can be healed and I don't mean you know okay everyone knows you can target a totem but I don't remember being able to heal totems and as you see in the video clip I'm chained healing and the chain heal is bouncing to the totem I hope this isn't a current raids I mean it shouldn't because chained hail should be in its 1.12 state or it's a smart heal so it shouldn't jump to something that has full health but totems have less health than players so I'm hoping this doesn't happen and screw up in raids but something to keep in mind the next thing is that debuff sore and moving immediately at pend putting a totem down in private servers it was kind of wonky where you would place to turn them down and a wouldn't pulse right away and you wouldn't get rid of your debuff well in this video you see poison cleansing when I drop down and immediately wipes the poison I've also heard the tremor does the same thing with lifts the fiercely pinched arm so that's great as well so just totem seem to be working immediately as soon as you place them down non fire totems become an enemies if your mind controlled in this clip you'll see that the priest is mind controlling the shaman and those totems become the priests minions if you will so something to keep in mind when you're doubling priests or fighting people to have mind-control capability another interesting thing is that enemy and PCs that are shaman like NPCs like quill bar let's say they're totems Syst after you killed them now this isn't really a shaman totem thing but I thought it was interesting to add in here so you kill a quill boar then it's a shaman type Club where the totems that it put down will still be there after you kill it stone claw totem does not remove stealth even when the target is hit by the katana so in private servers this did work it was like a zero hit attack or something and it would take rogues out of stealth and druid that itself this is not working on the beta however magma totem fire Nova can take players out of stealth next is that searing totem and likely all fire totems follow the spell hit table and are subject to partial resistances so even though totems aren't considered spells when it comes to certain abilities and certain talents they are considered spells when it goes to their hits so a searing totem fireball can be partially resisted if that mob or player has some fire resistance the last thing is that cast sequence macros allow you to drop your totems in a sequence you can set up a cache sequence macro say drop these four totems and you hit that macro it will put the four to them down or every mini to them you put in the cast sequence macro moving on to talents spell and stat mechanics first one clear casting your elemental focus occurs when the cast time is complete not when the spell hits the target so if you're casting lightning bolt as soon as that lighting bolt cast is complete you'll see the clear casting proc this is actually better because then you can time when you want to use your chain lightning so it'll be sooner might increase DPS considering that you'll know that clear casting is practiced sooner next is that clear casting or elemental focus does not interrupt your natural mp5 region so if you proc clear casting and you cast the spell it won't interfere with your mana regen also very important flame tongue and frost brand weapon and fire totem crits do not proc elemental devastation I kind of talked about this in the previous slide totems are not considered spells but they are on the spell hit table so they do not proc elemental devastation so if you get a crit with the flames on weapon proc or a fire totem you will not gain that effect next is that lightning shield will discharge if you're sapped so this is kind of interesting considering that some rogues are gonna go into the talent that they can SAP and remain and stealth well you could get those rogues out of stealth if you have lightning shield on keep that in mind win fury extra axΓ© does not consume Fleury procs this is good but there's an asterisk here we'll talk about that in a second most circumstances if you have flurry up and you win fury the extra attacks will not consume flurry procs so that's good that's what we've seen in the past we know that from unbreakable video so this is excellent news also extra attack critical strikes proc flurry so extra attacks do not consume flurry but their crits will cause flurry to proc or refresh the next big piece of news will in theory is that there is no internal cooldown and there shouldn't be there was never one in vanilla the internal cooldown started in the Burning Crusade there was a change that when fury could not proc off itself in vanilla that can't happen but there is no internal cooldown you can win fury every Auto Attack with your main hand elemental fury grants to time crit multiplier to flames on your frost brand if you have elemental fury and you create with your flame tongue or frost brand weapon that crypt will be a 100% crit bonus for trolls Berserker requires 40% HP or less to get the max 30% haste increase so if you are a troll and you want to get that you're gonna have to get to at least 40% health to get the maximum berserk in effect sip rockin does not work however it can be forced with a little bit of ingenuity thanks to batching in this video you'll see that the player is moving forward and sitting moving forward and sitting and this could be a way to proc effects that are needed for you to be crit this video is using a warrior but as you know shaman have either storm which allows you to get no pushback on casts if you're a victim of a critical strike this could be a way to force that proc Shaun will regen 12.5 mana per tick at level 1 and this rate will increase by 0.5 mana per 5 every level so just keep that in mind whenever you gain a level you get another point 5 MP 5 base weapons skills increase much slower and classic while compared to private servers when you're leveling as a shaman I highly recommend switching if you're using one hander and a shield sometimes and a two-hander other times if you're switching weapons back and forth I haven't recommend swapping weapons sometimes making sure your weapon skills are stay up and you use intellect buffs or gear to make this more efficient it takes a lot more time weapon skills in classic well completing a spell cast put you into combat so if you're casting lightning bolt as soon as that class is complete you will be flagged for combat not when the projectile hits the target this is a core difference between private servers so just keep that in mind last Winfree procs and hard casts reset your swing timer but shocks and buffing like Lightning shield does not if you are hard casting a lightning bolt that will reset your swing timer if you gain a win fury proc that will also reset your swing timer so in order to maximize DPS let's say you're fishing for wind fury with storm strike you want to use storm strike immediately after you auto attack so that you minimize the amount of time wasted quote-unquote from the swing timer reset if there are any warriors watching this or ropes keep that in mind as well if you're fishing for wind fury procs do it after you auto attack now let's move into something else with talents talents act multiplicatively so the question we had was Asghar knife for development of the dam ranking tool does healing way and purification do they act additively or multiplicatively as you know healing way with 3 stacks increases the effectiveness of healing wave by 18% and purification increases effectiveness of all heals by 10% so is it 10 plus 18 or is it 10 times 18 we'd used healing wave of rank 7 to test this Hillen we've ranked 7 average heal is seven hundred ninety seven health if it's additive it's seven ninety seven plus seven ninety seven times 0.1 plus seven 97 times 0.18 which will give a total of 1020 point 16 however if it's multiplicative it'd be seven ninety seven times one point one times one point one eight for a total of 1000 34.51 doesn't seem like a huge difference but we wanted to know this so we can calculate proper spell scaling with talents so after doing a lot of tests we actually determine that it is multiplicative so if there is a link to the spreadsheet in the description if you want to see the math yourself but we tested this to make sure i don't know if this is the same for every class but what we can say with confidence is how it works with shaman for healing wave and purification so if your another healing class or another spell damage class I'm not saying this is something you could take as gospel but it's something that you could test something you can also check out if you're interested now let's move on the glancing penalty you may or may not know that when you're fighting a mob higher level than you and we're gonna use a mob three levels higher than you for this example you have a 40% chance to glance or deal less damage now that chance drops the smaller the difference in level between you and the target you're fighting but we use three levels here because the bosses are three levels higher than you this is the most relevant reason why we need to know glancing penalties this only comes to effect when you're melee so this is for like an enhancement shaman which isn't a popular endgame build for shaman but we've also tested this in warriors and druids in all forms and druids as well and what we found was is that the reduction damage or the percent decrease in melee damage is 35% if at max weapon skill we've seen numbers thrown out 30% 40% I think the math wasn't done properly the correct formula is below we have to do is take the absolute value of the difference between non glancing average and glancing average divide that by non glancing average in times 100 that's a percent decrease calculation so he found was there's a 35% reduction in melee damage in warriors druids and shaman that corroborates in private servers and on the beta is the same number we didn't test pure caster we didn't enough time we wanted to test priests and see if there was a different penalty for pure caster classes we did not get a chance to do that another thing we found is that it seems like the reduction seems to shift nonlinearly which means that a point reduction and a point increase don't translate very well so for example I also tested this with one point below max weapon skill on my shaman and it was a 40% glancing penalty so just that one point gets you a 5% decrease in the decrease or reduction we also tested this with orc with axis since works havoc specialization they get a five point increase to their weapon skill and this decreased the penalty to sixteen point three percent that's an average of three point three percent reduction per point now the reason why I think it's nonlinear is because if it was three point three percent then the one point lower test should have been thirty eight point three percent instead of 40 percent this tells me that the scaling of glancing penalty is nonlinear this requires a lot more testing there is a spreadsheet the link will be in the description if you want to see the tests we did we did them both on private servers and we did them on classic while beta but the most important thing is that if you're at max weapon skill and you're fighting a boss you're gonna be seeing a 40% chance to get a thirty five percent reduction in melee damage unless you increase your weapon skills with either Rachel's or Gear and that could minimize your DPS loss time to talk about a subject that I really talked about leveling and dungeons what I can say with confidence is that dungeons are far easier on classic compared to private servers this is likely due to mob damage being lower so you need to heal less and drink less and I also believe that party DPS is higher now due to this and this has been talked about a lot you can generate a lot of XP per hour that even rivals optimal grinding and questing in the open world I would try to do dungeons as much as possible one because they're fun too because you're gonna give a good amount of XP and they have great quest reward get on the relevant quest do dunya's whenever possible and really try to enjoy them and this could be a really viable way of getting some XP and you may want to consider getting into a five man group prior the use classic why not live use discord or whatever to find groups like look for leveling groups get another four people and do like a dungeon leveling group the next thing I want to say is that myself def camp see do there's been a lot of people shaman tanking it is extremely viable it's extremely easy your threat generation is incredible if your survivability is really good I was able to heal a shaman tank wielding a two-hander like no problem see do and DEF camp and myself all shaman tanks in the beta it's very very viable and you know I know a lot of people scoff at it but it's like dungeons are at the point where you can blow through a lot of them and I heal tanks all way up to scrub the monastery armory shaman tanks and it was really fine just want to give anyone who's thinking about shaman tanking like it's never been easier just giving you guys a heads up there's an advanced shaman guide on my channel and I'll pass them out alive if you want to learn more about shaman tanking there's a huge leveling portion in the back that I did the end of that guide if you're interested I would definitely check that out let's go into differences in Ghost Wolf if America advanced shaman guide part one towards the end of the video I did ghost wolf what you can we can't do in ghost wolf well things have shift a little bit in the class while bata compared to private service what you can do is benefit from rockbiter there is no attack power penalty you get the same amount of attack power you would normally you could put rockbiter on it you can hit people just as hard as you would if you were Roque later in human form you can proc flurry you can swap from gear you can skin and herb you can block dodge and parry and you for some reason you can make bandages haven't figured out why you can do that these are some things you can do and go slow for them now let's go over what you can't it's interesting is you cannot benefit from wound fury for us brand or flame tongue so the only weapon of you that works in ghost wolf is rockbiter I think this is due to the fact that rock butter is an internal attack power buff you see it in your gear sheet when you open up your character sheet you see the attack power bonus we infer you frost man and flame tongue are more like auras or something and they don't work like rock butter does at a fundamental level and that's why rockbiter works so definitely keep that in mind you cannot communicate in ghosts well if you can't talk to flight masters you can't go to auction you can't talk to bankers you can't take your turn quests etc so you can't talk to anyone if you're in goes well for me you also cannot use any other abilities except just your auto attack you cannot use potions or consumables and you can't make anything else except for bandages I this could be a bug let me know if you guys also see this one classic wild launches I wasn't able to leather work so you can't make anything with bandages for some reason now let's go over some known issues things that are still kind of not working properly in my opinion one is that wind fury procs do not apply flurry if an extra attack is an overkill so what I mean by that is is like you attack a target you proc wind fury the first attack kills the target a subsequent attack crits you see it crit but the mob is already dead you do not get flurry I don't know if this is a buck or not it seems weird to me because you got wind fury and you critted so you shouldn't have gotten flurry but I don't see it occurring I'm not 100% sure this is correct next is that if you crit on an extra attack while wind fury is praΓ§a flurry stack has removed in other words if you don't have flurry and you run up to a target you auto attack it that first auto attack procs win fury and causes two additional attacks to come off if one of those crits it automatically removes a stack of Fleury only happens if it crits so this is kind of weird it's kind of wonky I've submitted all these things as bugs I don't think this is correct because you know going back to our videos in the past of unbreakable and stuff like that no extra attack should consume if a flurry proc and it doesn't do it if it doesn't crit only does it if it crits the next is that leeway affects both spells and melee attacks this might not be an issue at all but it's something that I thought would be interesting to talk about so in the clip here you see L and is na moving back and forth and you can see that the earth shock range indicator is turning white when he's moving back and forth so there is leeway even with spells this is an interesting thing so perplexities video is linked in the description check that out for melee leeway but this video is about a spell leeway the next one is the grounding totem soaks five spells currently instead of one this clip is from vanilla and you can see that the shaman places the totem down when the projectile is coming out the projectile destroys the totem immediately grounding totem should only soak one not five I know this is being rectified I think this was common at somewhere so I know this is an issue I can guarantee that it's a bug because of this old footage the next is that Farsight sometimes doesn't load NPCs and players only textures now this also occurred on private servers so I don't know if this is correct but it would seem to me what's the point of using Farsight if you can't see enemies or players right that's the whole point of Farsight an ego eye and stuff like that this also might be an issue as well finally there were things that still need testing Thank You ace and the shaman discord for compiling this list for talents we need to know does totemic mastery increased 30-yard totems to 40 yards as in private servers tremor totem already has a 30 yard range so totemic mastery and its tooltip says it increases off friendly totems at 30 yards but since tremor already is 30 yards on private servers it actually increases it ten more to 40 does this happen in classic does ancestral knowledge the +5 intellect is that base intellect or is that all intellect something we have to test as well for totems will mana tide if there are two shaman in a group override another shamans mana spring totem can win fury and flame tongue totem affect multiple parties if you cycle the totem in and out of those parties as you know when fury has a buff if you remove win fury that buff still takes down that's all totem twisting works well can you shaman twist basically what this question is will arcane missles be cancelled by grounding totem arcane missles is a channeled spell that has individual packets of damage that come out similar to mine fly but mine Flay is one solid stream so if you place grounding totem down will it destroy one of the arcane missles and then will the other missiles hit you or will completely negate that effect similar to mine fly as well I guess next well grounding totem absorbed an in fireball or a searing to an fireball let's say you see that a warlock is charging up a shadow bolt and you want to ground that but the IMP is going to put out a fireball before that well the totem take in the shadow bolt or will take in the fireball that's good question and we're not sure about that one yet the next is kin grounding totem the gate blind and there are a lot of things we don't know about grounding to them so this is actually a catch-all what will grounding totem ground and whatnot ground next is spell power scaling do the read well club's scale with spell power this item could be really good for enhancement so we need to know if it will scale if we have extra spell power can win fury extra attacks proc chance on hit effects of weapons so say a weapon it says o has a chance of causing additional fire damage will win fury extra attacks be able to cause that proc to actually occur the next is to do several storm strike buff stack so as you know storm strike has a buff that increases damage for your next to nature spells by 20% if two shaman storm strike does that buff stack for Ghost Wolf are you immune to SAP seduce mind-control and ghost wolf can you be higher mated or scared beast in ghost wolf and what items can you use in Ghost Wolf I said you couldn't use potions or consumables but in privacy as you're able to use some engineering pieces and on use items so are you able to use those in Ghost Wolf and finally for engineering does world enlargers buff go away after giving or taking damage doesn't know miss battle chicken have good stealth detection what way is no miss deathrace scaling physical or with spell power and finally if gnome as Deathrays interrupted go into cool-down a lot of questions we don't know there's still a lot of testing we need to do in classic well if you're willing to help hit me up on this court melter on hashtag one two eight seven or come find me in the shaman discord link is in the description and if you're willing to help test some of these things I'm more than happy to work with you so just let me know we did it we've gotten through the advanced shaman guide part two thank you very much for sticking with me thus far there are a lot of other shaman resources out there quality stuff the egregious guide the rest of Shama is the best guide out there if you want to heels resto shaman in game you know says the restoration shaman throughput and efficiency calculator and other guys including the guide to wearing pretty purples check out orc bits and cargoes as challenge for more shaman guides including leveling pureed bits and a whole bunch of other stuff I have a lot of shaman content on my channel definitely check out my shaman guide playlist the link will be in the description below egregious has also created the rest of shaman progressive best in slot for pre raid in all raid tiers that guys on classic while not live hamster wheel also have some excellent shaman content over on his channel all these links via the description and finally come join egregious and I ace and the rest of the shaman discord where we have a lively community that discusses all things shaman all the time the link to the shaman this Court is in the description below with that everyone thank you so much for watching this guide if you like this content please leave a like below if you want to see more guides and more community pieces that we're working on drop us a subscribe to be on the lookout for more deaf can't melt or on TV classic pop content we also do two different podcasts good morning Azeroth and deaf talk what you're listening on google play soundcloud stitch your iTunes Spotify you can doing the death camp melter on TV community on Twitter and on discord and you can follow defconn my brother on his streams at slash deaf camp or watch them stream on YouTube the links to all that way in the description below and again this guide along with many others is available on classic wat live which is a community resource and hub for forums guides tools including our excellent leveling guide created by Navigant egregious where you can select your faction select your race and your class and select your group composition and get the most accurate quick and enjoyable leveling routes for you and your group it's very easy to use really highly recommend that I'm using into playing classic so if you want an excellent guide to use while leveling check out classic whattaya live last but not least thank you patrons for making videos like this possible and thank you for supporting the channel and also thank you for eating us in creating better content and thank you stream team regular contributors to deaf camp stream on twitch and YouTube thank you all so much for your support well that's it thank you so much for watching keep on keybinding and grindin peace my shaman brothers and sisters may the ancestors be with you and I can't wait to see you guys in classic Azeroth take it easy greetings adventurers Mel Doron here thank you all so much for watching this video if you'd like to support some official deathcap melter on t-shirts and hoodies head on over to brand them media's deaf camp melter on TV merchandise website the link is in the description below [Music] [Music]
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 65,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, classic, vanilla, classic wow, wow classic, shaman, advanced, pvp, pve, raids, dungeons, healing, dps, tanking, stats, spell coefficients, totems, spells, imbues, elemental, gear, talents, rotation, leveling, private server, Nostalrius, azeroth, lightbringer, kronos, asmongold, alexensual, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Retail, Tips Out, Kargoz, Alexensual, raid, enhancement, restoration
Id: iYJAkOZ4lXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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