The Power of Ele/Resto Shaman in WoW Classic (30/0/21)

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greetings everyone melter on here and today I'm leave something a bit different it's a short video just talking about one of my favourite specializations in classic Wow now in most of classic well most classes are pigeonhole to use one talent build for certain things one for PvP whether in battlegrounds around the world one for PvE whether that be TPS or healing and one for tanking if you're a tank very rarely in this game do we have a build that can really excel in many different facets and as you know I'm a shaman player so I do a lot of shaman Theory crafting and moving different talents around this build is on new by any stretch of the imagination however I want to just talk to you about how potent this build can be for a shaman an endgame especially in phase one or phase two when MC is on form or in other phases when your raids are on farm shaman as I'm sure you're aware by now are relegated to mostly healing roles in endgame PvE content and full resto is not the best build who walk around in the world with order to battle grounds with honestly it mean it has some great healing potential but there's another build that can really fill any role pretty damn well and that is the 30 0 21 build or the elemental resto hybrid build that goes into nature swiftness now I'm sure you've seen this build before it's a very popular build variants of it are used for leveling and for PvP but I'm gonna just talk about all the different things you can do with this build now what's really cool about this build is it gives you a lot of Creek potential burst potential and some survivability if you want to go out and farm unfortunately dire Maul as we have seen recently all the Lasher packs are nature immune so unfortunately we can't be farming in the Armagh with this build and shamans really can't farm them all at all but you can form anywhere else with this build let's go over each facet PvP first world PvP or battlegrounds this build is extremely versatile because of your burst DPS thanks to things like call a thunder elemental theory and lightning mastery these towns allow you to get your lightning bolts out quicker and their crits will be much more impactful and will happen more often but then you also go into the rest retreat you get yourself more crit and some healing potential and because of that healing potential this build for PvP is not only good to burn your enemies down quickly but it's also good for healing in fact most shaman that go in for healing roles do so with this bill because they have some Sarala tea and defense a full rest of shaman is kind of a little bit clunky in a pvp skirmish because most of the deep resto talents rely mostly on boosting your healing wave healing wave is a very long cast you're not gonna be using it most pvp scenarios room using something like lesser healing wave which is much quicker so because of that this build is much more used in PvP skirmishes by shaman and then of course because of nature's swiftness you can throw out some insane damage in very short periods of time you can lightning bolt Chain Lightning shop and then you can immediately throw another lightning bolt or you can do instant cash Chain Lightning when enemies are packed together and you have throw an emergency heal on yourself or someone else you have that capability this build is very very good for PvP because it produces a lot of damage very quickly and can also heal very well now let's move into farming the build I use always takes improved fire totems over storms reach now storm's Reach is good because it allows you to get further away from mobs and this could be really good in PvP situations but improve fire totems reduces the time that fire Nova takes to explode down to one second now this is great for PvP because using that in a PvP skirmish can really throw out some burst DPS in addition to your lightning spells however when you're farming and you're getting packs together like multiple mobs I'd use rock butter WEP on your main hand to establish a good amount of threat now if you do or don't know in classic well fire totems cause a lot of a threat on their own table they don't add to your threat so if you throw a fire Nova totem down it's very likely that the mobs will kill it and attack it very soon this is due to two reasons it produces a lot of threat but it also produces what we think is some kind of proximity threat so the closer mobs are to the totem more likely they are to kill it if you have a lot of spell power of course you're probably using flames on weapon but I highly recommend if you're farming to use rockbiter establish as much threat on the mobs as possible turn your character around 180 degrees and then drop fire Nova it'll be farther away from the mobs and it will still hit them using your combination of fire Nova ends Chain Lightning due to eye of the storm you can get zero pushback so if you're getting hit by multiple mobs chances are they will be creating you and once they do create you either saw naproxen you can throw out a Chain Lightning without suffering any pushback you can also use nature swiftness to throw out an instant cast Chain Lightning so if you pair all these things together using your fire terms effectively throwing down fire nova and then following it immediately by a magma totem using your chain lightnings using your powerful hits with rockbiter you can really mow down a lot of targets and if you're farming single targets like those essences of waters and fellow wood your single target kills speeds are the fastest compared to any other shaman build so you can kill things very quickly and it's especially important when you're farming areas where there are a lot of people trying to tag mobs you have your instant cast shocks the tag and your lightning bolts and chain lightning will make short work of them so this is a very good farming spec unfortunately we won't be able to use it in dire in law because in nature resistance but there are a lot of other places to farm in the game and there are a lot of resources for that check out frost Adamas he has got some great videos about where to farm an elemental shaman really excel at this just make sure you're wearing a shield because increasing your armor is very important as you'll probably be wearing a lot of leather and cloth to increase your spell damage and intellect so I definitely would wear shield when you're farming or in PvP shields are very very important I can't stress that enough another facet we can talk about is dungeon DPS now as you can see in the clip here element arrest so hybrid or elemental shamans do extremely well in endgame dungeon DPS especially scholomance Stratholme movers Elbert none of those mobs are really nature resistant except for a few fights like the chromatic dragons you fight in the rend arena but other than that almost all the mobs you fight have no nature resistance so they can do some extreme damage and dungeons we always love to have an elemental shaman our dungeon runs usually me obviously but we usually go you know double warrior elemental shaman priest and in some of the DPS not only can you do extremely high DPS be also win fury totem so if you have the capability of pairing an elemental shaman with some melee DPS you can mow through in-game dungeons finally let's move on to PvE roles let's do DPS first now surprisingly especially in phase 1 to phase 2 MC fights especially boss fights are very quick because of this you really don't have to worry a lot about mana management you've probably heard tying up their time again over the years that elemental shaman around left man a very quickly therefore they can't really compete with mages warlocks and other casters however because the fights in MC are so short anywhere between 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes you're really able to go through your rotation use your max rank lighten spells and last the fight only use Chain Lightning when elements will focus procs so you can get that free Chain Lightning and just continue to use max rank lightning spells moreover a lot of the mobs in MC don't seem to have a very significant nature resistance to them so you're able to do a pretty good amount of DPS in our rate we have an elemental DPS shaman who does very well on most fights and the parses in phase one and phase two especially when the fights are shorter elemental shaman really shine as a PvE DPS role now let's talk about healing in our raid we always have at least six shaman in the raid out of those six only one or two or actually deep resto and T presto is very very good at tank healing thanks Dan sexual fortitude and thanks to healing away but if you have one or two tank healers you really only need one honestly an MC the rest of your shaman can go elements on rest of hybrid this 30 zero 21 we have nature swiftness we can use a quick heal if we need to and we have a lot of other healing talents that reduce our mana costs and our healing effectiveness so you don't have to yourself as a shaman in a raid by going full resto you can still compete in fact I've competed very very well with full rest of shaman and all of the raids we've done and I'm elemental resto so think about how powerful and versatile this build can be you have one spec that can really shine in every facet of classic Wow this to me is one of the most priceless things that a class can get because as you know being pigeon-holed and using one spec or one town build for certain things and respecting every week can get very very expensive and it really puts a lot of time and you farming gold just to respec and if you're on farm status if you've cleared all the bosses you're confident in your rate you can switch to 30 zero 21 and still effectively heal your raids and protect yourself in PvP skirmishes so I just wanted to talk about this it's a very important thing I think most shaman should realize is that you don't have to be full resto to heal especially if you have full rest of shamans in your group you can even rotate who gets to go full resto one week and who doesn't have to so you can spread the love another can go for him and PEP and be content now briefly over some a very few cons with this build obviously you're not gonna be able to tank heel as a elements or resto shamans it's not very good you're not gonna have healing away you're not gonna have any sexual fortitude drinking also could be a little bitter problem whether you're farming or dungeon DPS you're gonna be drinking after every poll you do a lot of damage but that comes at a cost of mana so just make sure you have a lot of mage water we have the level 55 water now in classic Wow so you should be totally fine with that just go pay a mage gold or to get some water and you'll be content for a very very long time and last but not least you will come across the mobs that are nature immune it happens feels like crap especially when you're ready to put on a lot of DPS and you see that immune pop up or you see half your damage get mitigated it's something you have to deal with just kind of know beforehand when aq comes out you're gonna be having a really hard time until you get that spell penetration gear but that will come out and once you get that you go right back to your normal expectations of damage just know the nature resistance is something you have to deal with is an elemental shaman well guys that does it for me keep on the lookout for new videos now that things are slowing down we're gonna be putting out more videos now sorry for the hiatus but as you can probably imagine we've been playing a lot and we've been really really enjoying classic well we heading the Blizzcon next week and we are going to have some exclusive content coming from that we're very very excited to do that so keeping a lookout for the next following weeks for Blizzcon and for more molten core guides and for more death camp streams well guys keep on keep on and grindin peace my Shaolin brothers and sisters may the ancestors be with you I hope you're having a great time in class as well and great to talk to you guys again see on the next one peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 174,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow classic, classic wow, vanilla wow, warcraft classic, wow, shaman, elemental/resto, 30/0/21, ele/resto, hybrid, restoration, pvp, pve, farming, gold, healing, gold farming, frostadamus, endgame, raid, Nostalrius, azeroth, asmongold, alexensual, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Tips Out, Kargoz, dire maul
Id: 28F_02cm8Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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