SHAMAN on TURTLE WoW: What Has Changed?

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hi guys this is Sheldon and in this video series I will try to go over each class on turn while covering all their changes their new abilities and how these might affect their capabilities in both leveling PVE and PVP as well as how they might create new opportunities for new builds and play styles and in today's video we'll be taking a closer look at the shaman here here in Turtle Wow first of all we'll be taking a look at the new abilities that the shame has received and after that I'll be covering their talent changes and lastly we'll be taking a deep dive into each of the Shaman's three specs element enhancement and restoration [Music] I used to play as Orcs back in Warcraft 3. I especially loved the shamans with their bloodlust and thrall with his wolves and chain lightning so when World of Warcraft came I was so hyped to play my Shaman expecting to be dual-wielding claws casting chain lightning casting bloodlusts and so many wolves you can imagine my disappointment while I leveled my Shaman just to realize that he didn't use claws he didn't have bloodlust and he couldn't summon Wolves at least that could cast chain lighting ships though bloodlust and wolves came in later expansions I always wondered why it was a part of the shaman toolkit from the beginning why were these abilities not Baseline But Here we are now on Turtle wow and I can finally play the shaman that I always wanted to play back in Manila all while it still feels like vanilla without all the gangan from later expansions but that's a rant for another time for now let's jump into the game and take a look at the changes made here until a while but first let's read the words of the Developers Elemental and enhancement both have struggles in PVE that can be addressed somewhat easily restoration is pretty solid in Manila but its talentry leaves a lot to be desired something to keep in mind for the future definitely the enhancement shaming for PVE needed a lot of of help and the biggest problem with elemental was probably Mana or PVE at least Elemental is quite strong in PvP in my opinion but let's see here they say changes to Baseline spells and then they write storm strike now has two ranks Rank 2 learnable at level 60 cooldown 12 seconds as opposed to 20 seconds for rank 1 and Rank 2 costs 12 of Base Mana as opposed to 21 of Base Mana at rank 1. so reduced cooldown reduced Mana cost for the new rank which is learnable at level 60. and one or more as thing to note about the the reduced Mana cost you have to remember that base mana and total Mana is not the same base Mana is the amount of Mana that you have without accounting for gear while total Mana is the amount amount of Mana that you have both the base mana and the Mana you get when you have all of your gear equipped right moving on to new ratios so just like the different types of Shaman in Warcraft 3 have different abilities the different types of Shaman here on third wall also have different abilities through a long Quest chain specific tool each sharing race they will learn their new race specific Shaman ability orc shamans learn feral Spirit summons two spirit wolves under the command of the shaman for 20 seconds costs 21 base Mana cooldown 5 minutes wait that's wrong it's actually four minute cooldown [Music] and as you can see this isn't a huge amount of damage but it adds some flavor to the class and it's probably very useful in PvP against casters with the constant interruption [Music] foreign [Music] moving on to the torns the tauren shamans learn Spirit link linked the spirits of an ally and their three closest allies within 15 yards together when linked targets take damage 15 is distributed among the other linked allies lasts 20 seconds cost 21 of Base Mana cooldown 10 minutes and that has actually also been changed so now it's 20 seconds instead of 10 minutes so that's a pretty big change for uh for our tauren Germans here and then lastly we have troll shamans they learn hex transform the enemy into a frog that cannot cast and thus 60 percent less damage for 5 seconds only works on beasts humanoids and critters cost 21 base Mana cooldown five minutes and your Shaman racial ability can be acquired through a quest which becomes available at level 40 from your Shaman class trainer I gotta say I just love the idea of of race specific abilities for for shamans it's uh it fits really well with the lore overall it just creates more immersion in the game so I'm a big fan and and just like the priests because before it was only the priest that had these race specific abilities but now also the shame and has them so it's a it's a nice little thing all right moving on to new abilities and these are the abilities that every Shaman get no matter your race some of these abilities you have to be at level 60 to learn them and I'm only level 49 so therefore I have recruited the help of my fellow content creator PB Arcadia PB Arcadia have recently been streaming a lot of turtle wow on his channel so if you are interested in seeing some live Turtle wow gameplay and some shame and tanking then make sure you go check out his channel Link in the description of this video hey what's up I'm PB Arcadia I play an Enhancement Shaman named Pine on Turtle wow and stream my adventures on YouTube shelda asked me to help him out with the shaman video guide and I'm happy to provide some clips of how the new turtle wild Shaman abilities work please Earth shock that like button if you find this video helpful if you see me in game don't be afraid to say hi so first off we have calm elements calms the target reducing the range at which it will attack you by 10 yards only affects Elemental targets from level 70 or lower last 15 seconds next up here we have water Shield the Caster is surrounded by three Globes of water when a spell merely all ranged attack hits the Caster 83 Mana is restored to the Caster this expands one motor Globe only one Globe will activate every few seconds lasts 10 minutes this is a little bit more Mana sustained it isn't really the same as what we got in in burning Crusade because in the burning Crusade if you remember there was a passive MP5 component to it moving on to Earth Shield the Caster is surrounded by a earth and shield giving 30 chance of ignoring Spell interruption when damage and causing attacks to heal the shielded Target by 150. this effect can only occur once every few seconds three charges lasts 10 minutes in burning Crusade you get water Shield Baseline but Earth Shield has always been something that you had to go into deep restoration to get now it's Baseline for all shamans plus the 30 chance to ignore Spell interruption which is huge when you're as Elemental casting your your spells getting less pushback is is going to be really good for especially for PVP another thing that that we found with Earth Shield here is that it actually scales with your plus healing gear so in this case PVA has equipped 100 plus healing gear and as you can see it's giving him a bit more healing every tick it seems to be scaling with around 30 with your healing power and it's also able to crit and then lastly there is totemic recall returns your totems to the Earth giving you 25 of the Mana required to cast each totem destroyed by the atomic recall I think it's the exact same as we got in in burning Crusade it's really nice to have because in raids if you've ever rated sscm and or arithm and there's there's always somebody who pulls with the totem to prevent that you'd always have to replace your totems as soon as you arrive to say you're moving through Black Wing layers what's the room called with all the welps and all this that keeps responding I can't remember but you keep moving through that and if the chairman he puts down and told him and if he doesn't replace it every time he arrives at a new stop or a new destination that previous totem is going to pull the entire room and the back end so with totemic recall just like in in burning Crusade you can just press to make recall and it will destroy the totem so it won't pull anymore and now let's take a look at some Talent changes first off enhancement two-handed weapons so now two-handed weapons will be learned on character creation instead of being acquired from bro 3 in enhancement now whenever you create a shaman you just learn a two-handed weapon specialization or two-handed weapons before you had to get to level 15 before you could actually start to use two-handed weapon and then you had to put a Talon in to get it think Shaymin is probably the only class in the game that had to spend Talent points to use a specific type of weapon while all other classes could just visit the weapons master and learn whatever weapon specialization the shaman had to spend a talent point in order to to get your your two-handed weapons so it's it's a needed change in my opinion but it was here and now we have Thunderhead here the Thunder head allows your lightning Shield to be cast on allies and reduces its Mana cost by twenty percent only usable at one Ally at a time and then the next one that got removed is Perry Perry will now be learnable at level six from your class trainer instead of being quiet from row five of the enhancement trick making room for Newton and as you can see storm strike has been moved up to replace this um Harry Talent so instead of of Perry you have storm strike and you get storm strike now 10 levels earlier so now I get storm strike at level 30 instead of level 40 and that is to make room for a new Talent at the bottom of the tree which is blood loss increases merely arranged and spell casting speed by 15 for a Target party member within 30 yards lasts 20 seconds so this can be cast on any party member or can be cast on yourself but it has a five minute cooldown so that's a really long cooldown another talent that has been changed or remade before you had anticipation here now you have ancestral guardian and anticipation usually only gave you one Dodge per point but now it also gives you increased armor from from items and so it's actually toughness and anticipation that has been merged into one called ancestor Guardian which now gives you up to five percent Dodge chance and 10 extra armor from from your items and that is to make room for a new Talent where toughness washed before now we have Spirit armor increases the armor gained from Shields by 10 20 and 30 and actually shamans are are actually decent dungeon tanks in classic they can actually produce a lot of threat from Rock biter lightning shield and then also you have Earth shock which also causes a high amount of threat combining this with chain lighting so say your pull with chain lightning and you use Rock biter and and Earth shock to to generate extra threat combined with the extra Dodge and armor now you get from from your items actually capable tanks now or at least they are slightly better tanks than they were before with this extra armor buff because they are still using male armor compared to paladins and warriors who are using plate armor I'd say that the Paladin received more Buffs on and overall a stronger tank than the shaman still so think they could do more to increase the Shaman's tanking capability so that you'd have equal amount of tanks on both horde and a line size I don't think he'll be able to survive as much as they uh say a paladin or a warrior wolf but also the shields are are fitting for tanking increasing Health from whenever you get hit with a short intern or cooldown of course and also Mana Shield which will help with him sustaining Mana when when tank is also quite useful but I think slightly more could be done especially deep down here in the in the tree maybe something with totems increasing uh the tanking capability of shamans and just maybe overall more talents that have a more more emphasis on tanking so you'd have to sacrifice offensive abilities or tanking abilities because of course if the shaman is just as strong in offensive abilities than he is in in the defensive capabilities then he'd be overpowered and too powerful in in PvP but you could balance it by giving by creating more talents which require many Talent points so you have less Talent points to spend on on things that increases offensive abilities if that makes sense all right moving on to Elemental they've actually only made one change in the elemental territory which is Elemental Focus before the change it gave you a 10 chance to enter a clear casting state which would reduce the the Mana cost of your next spell by 100 but it only had a 10 chance of blocking and it was a random drug it wasn't dependent on anything in burning Crusade they changed that so that every time you would get a crit it would reduce the cost of your next spellcast and they've made the same change in here so after landing a Critical Strike with a fire Frost or a nature damage spell or melee attack have to put emphasis on decks we'll dive into that later you enter a clear casting State the clear casting State reduces the Mana cost of your next two damage spells by 40 so this is close to the change that they made in in in in the burning Crusade but it has another component to it in the enhancement tree there was a a talent called shamanistic Focus which was the one in the burning Crusade which replaced the two-handed weapon specialization there and that Talent whenever you gained a and whenever you after landing a really Critical Strike you would enter a focus State the focus state would reduce the amount of cost of your next shock spell by 60 so these two in a way has been moved into one talent in the elemental turn entry called Elemental Focus so now elements focus it works not only from spells but it also works from militech creating with a melee attack reduces the Mana cost of any of your offensive spells by 40 so now when leveling you would probably go for for this Talent before anything else but that's pretty much it for for the changes in in the elemental territory nothing else has really changed and then when you look on their web page it doesn't say anything about wrist Rich so there are no changes in restoration according to their web page but there actually is a little chain they've just moved around two tenants so Nature's guidance was down here before and has been has changed places with ancestral healing so these two have just swapped places this makes it a lot easier to get your three percent extra hit than it usually would so now you get extra hit earlier in industry and this is hit with both spells and melee attack which is very useful when when leveling and I think this is also made to to make it easier for end game when playing enhancement in in raids so now you can get hit easier when she leaves more talent to be spent in the elemental talent tree when I can actually get both the extra hit from Nature's guidance you can also get elemental Focus while in the end having 31 Talent points in in enhancements so getting bloodlust getting your hit and getting Elemental Focus within one spec and this helps Enhancement Shaman in in PVE a lot Elemental Focus being huge for for Mana sustaining and in longer fight and the Nature's guidance to get hit capped as enhancement alright that was it for the changes made to shamans here on Turtle wow now I'll be covering some tips and tricks for leveling as well as some Theory crafting for raiding and end game builds let's start with the end game stuff and then we'll move on to the leveling tips after so let's start off with the enhancement this build will likely be your will go to support build we get the extra 3 hit for both spells and PD attacks in the restoration tree and you should only get this hit if you are below hit cap and then we go for most of the support talents in the enhancement tree the goal with this spec will mostly be to support the raid while your own damage will take a back seat if you're already hit capped then the eight points in the restoration tree could be spent Elsewhere for example in the elemental tree to increase your own damage by going for Elemental Devastation or you could go with even more support talents in the enhancement tree but let's say you don't give two parts of piss about your raid you just want to do as much damage as you possibly can well then I think this would be your go-to spec with this spec you're going to get both strong strike and Elemental Fury in the elementary this spec also assumes that you're already hit capped and this would likely also be your go-to PVP as enhancement now let's take a look at your options for Elementals there are in my opinion now two options you could go either with the classic Elemental build or a Elemental enhancement hybrid build since you now get storm strike earlier in the tree so as many of you probably know both your tier 2.5 but also your PVP gear is actually optimized for both enhancement and Elemental making this hybrid build a pretty viable option on your tier 2.5 you have a lot of strength and Agility also you have some crit with both melee and spells and this is especially also true for the rank 13 PVP gear the hybrid version of this build probably wouldn't be great for PVE at least not when going for the lightning bolt chain lightning talents because every time you finish a lightning bolt or a chain lightning it resets your swing timer so therefore you would rather count on your shock spells than doing lighting chain Lightning's boss unless of course you stand at a range and do DPS but in that case pure Elemental would be better so in the end this will probably purely be a PVP spec because of the dynamic stuff going on in PvP all the time you have to suddenly you have your enemy at a range and sometimes he's a close range whenever he Gap closes you you'd have to hit him with a powerful two-handed weapon especially if he's a Caster that you don't need to shield with the extra armor you'll want to have a big fat 200 weapon to hit him and hope for a win Fury Pro combine that with storm strike you would have Auto attack and a storm strike so that's twice the time the chance of getting wind Fury and if he ranges you let's say it's a major Nova shoe now you still have chain lightning and lightning spells and shots shock spots that are very powerful in in this case to to handle him so as soon as the enemy is at range you play as a element Shaman and you weapon swap between a one-handed and a shield and a two-handed weapon depending on on the enemies that you're facing combined that with the shock spells and and the fast lightning chain lightning spells you'll be a formidable foe in PvP especially if you're wearing a PVP gear rank 13 PVP gear because that gear is not only optimized for for Elemental but it also has a ton of stats for for enhancements so it's it's a mix of both and as soon as you're at range you're an elemental shaman as soon as you're a close range well then you're an Enhancement Shaman especially with this spec because you get the storm strike you get pretty much everything you would get from the old enhancement trading classic and you get most of the most beneficial stuff from from Elemental except of course Elemental Mastery and for Resto not much has changed so this would likely be my go-to spec for Resto unless I'm missing something but uh yeah I think that's it moving on to leveling and for leveling um the two general ways of leveling is either you go with at least on the early levels either you go with a fast one-handed weapon and a shield or you go with a two-handed weapon for the really early levels I'd recommend going with a two-handed weapon because the armor you get from Shields early on it's just just isn't that much so two-handed weapon until around level 15 maybe 20 and then I'd go with a one-handed weapon and a shield I would probably if you're going to go with a shield and a one-handed whip then I'd go for Elemental Focus as the first as your first build because now as we discussed earlier this can proc from melee attacks and a fast weapon equals a greater chance to get a Critical Strike within one mob kill forward in one fight and therefore you're going to get many more procs which will make your shock spells much cheaper to cast you could optimize this constantly casting a rank 1 shock spill hoping for it to crit in order to proc Elemental Focus combined with your constantly Swinging with a fast one-handed weapon will also increase your chance of of getting a Elemental Focus proc and that way you could prog elements of focus more often but I think that would overall you you disobey the five second rule and you'd be losing too much Mana because you wouldn't be you won't be regenerating enough so just as cargers says front load most of your spells your DPS and then wait for procs and use them if needed the other option is of course going with Shield specialization and thundering strikes improved ghost wolf which is the classic enhancement go to build and this just continue down until you get storm strike and then when you get storm strike you could consider do I want to continue in the enhancement 3 get elemental weapons or do I want to go over to get elemental Focus [Music] and quickly covering gear Elemental focus and blurry it procs off of crits so your primary attribute wouldn't be strength it would be agility especially at lower levels agility scales much better at high levels at level 60 I think it's 20 agility equals one Critical Strike chance at melee for shamans but at lower levels 10 agility would be enough to get one Critical Strike and even less at even lower level so a Galaxy it is the real needle mover here because more crit equals more procs of flurry and more procs of Elemental Focus which will increase your attack speed which will again further even more procs and more crits so that's an endless loop you get many more especially if if you're using a one-handed weapon a fast one hand weapon with a shield you'll get a ton of rocks and also if you're using wind Fury in this case you get even more procs because each of the inferior profit and also proc flurry or Elemental Focus so you'll have a constant uptime of these two when going for a fast one-handed weapon and a shield I hope you enjoyed this video right which class you would like to see next down in the comments below thank you for watching Remember to like And subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video foreign [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Shjelde
Views: 15,115
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Keywords: world of warcraft, Turtle wow, Turtle WoW News, Turtle WoW Fresh Server, Turtle WoW Private Server, World of Warcraft, Vanilla +, vanilla plus, classic +, Classic Plus, turtle wow review, turtle wow 2023, Turtle WoW Torta, world of warcraft news, wow news, turtle wow update, turtle wow undead hunter, fresh server 2023, hardcore news, hardcore wow, hardcore turtle wow, SoM 2, Season pf mastery, Shaman changed on turtle wow, classic wow Shaman, turtle wow shaman racials
Id: meed1VOefec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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