Classic WoW Advanced Shaman Leveling Guide

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The guide is looking awesome so far, thanks for all the hard work Melderon!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cairne_Bloodhoof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for your guides, i watched a few so far and they where really helpful. I decided to roll a shaman in classic. Quick question, is it possible to heal lvl 60 dungeons with a hybrid ele/resto spec? I think it would make solo content more enjoyable to have some points in elemental, but i'm worried that i can't heal stuff like strat/scholo/brs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dondo_2112 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how a bunch of well edited optimizing spreadsheets are flying by and i'm currently thinking: "yeah, but i'm probably just gonna hit a dog and hope it drops the meat for my quest only to realize I need the other brown doggo" till I hit 60

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kyderra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Melderon, I appreciate this guide so much and all the diligent attention to detail. You & Defcamp are by far the best YT channel for Classic WoW. Thank you

edit: spelling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/9babydill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for all your work, these guides are awesome!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lvl70Mohawk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was EXTREMELY good I'd say. Very well thought through and it felt like most things you'd like to know as leveling shaman was covered in just 45 mins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vertcat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Melderon, can you tell me why didn't you stack improve ghostwolf?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LovelySAmmich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude I found your channel about 3 weeks ago and have been devouring everything you make about Shamans and otherwise. Thank you so much for everything you put up, it obviously takes a lot of effort.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spikey101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent guide! I am contemplating leveling as Resto and was a little sad to not see a resto leveling path to see how it compares. Watched your leveling resto video where you mention the speed isn’t all that much different so would have been nice to see it graphed out for cost/speed/etc.

Otherwise excellent content that I will put to good use.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Exoden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
greetings everyone my name is Mel Hren and welcome to another classic well dot live guide I am very proud to present the advance shaman leveling guide in this guide we will go over all the things we'll need to know to level your shaman efficiently in classic Wow we'll go over things like talents builds leveling speed economy while leveling rotations totem loadouts totem priority stat priority both world and dungeon group leveling and more I also take this time to announce that we over classic WOD out live have a free interactive leveling guide for both factions all classes and even supports group content after viewing this and getting your general idea of how you want a level your shaman head over to class squad live and use our free tool as with all my guides time stamps will be available in the can comment below and slides will be available via Google slides links will be in the description let's get started I like to think about the class fantasy when I think about leveling and there are three basic archetypes for shaman levelers the first is the elder shaman someone who's wise understands the elements and nature itself and these are more of the elemental shamans they're more learned and have more wisdom however a lot of people had to go the warrior shaman route this is the two-hand and enhancement shaman with a big two hand or axe or mace maybe even estate and you're gonna be using big hits either with rock butter or wind fury to bring your enemies down and finally we have the Guardian shaman these are shaman that use a shield to increase their armor and reduce the damage they take and could even be shaman tanks and dungeons or something like that when you're thinking about your shaman I think it's very important to think about which archetype speaks best to you now realistically I understand most people just want to get this 60 fast and I totally get that and I provide data to help those people out as well but I want to try to mix a general guide for anyone pending on which aspect you're interested in in the leveling process class fantasy speed PvP prowess economy anything you can think of so we're gonna cover all those bases and since we have three general archetypes we have three basic shaman leveling paths we have the elemental the two-handed enhancement and the one hander plus shield enhancement so we're going to be talking about these different hats a lot during the presentation blue is gonna be elemental green is gonna be to an enhancement and red will be the Guardian shaman one-handed plus shield enhancement and we see these are three different route three independent routes but in reality during the leveling process you may switch back and forth depending on your availability or general speed and effectiveness of each build or talent specialization and the two hand one hand and enhancement are pretty interchangeable you can keep will shield one hander in your inventory and actually recommend doing that for a couple of reasons and I'll get into why but you can freely move about that space simply however elemental will require a respek you may consider a respect depending on how you're feeling or the data that I'm about to show you ensure this guy its goal is to determine the path of least resistance to 64 you depending on what you hold important and riffing off that we can consider what the word optimal really means optimal means different things to different people and we can discuss optimal and basically four different terms speed economy or cost group potential in PvP and we have two different pie charts here the top pie chart holds speed at a very high value and because of that holds more of the pie charts available space and in the second example we have someone who really values economy over speed again the data I'm about to provide you will show you the most optimal route for you depending on what your pie chart looks like before we getting the results I think over the methodology of how I tested this so I tested each on path the three we talked about in the beginning using the following metrics overall speed or time to kill ten units I also recorded DPS and drink consumption and I did this at five level intervals from level 5 to 59 5 10 15 20 so on and so forth the reason I stopped at 59 is because most shaman will respect at 60 so I don't really see a point in testing at 60 now I use what I learned from the classic log beta to create a more accurate testing environment I used uncommon Green Bay stat gear only it did not use any spell power or any blue gear I wanted to try to make this as comparable as possible for enhancement I use the set priority of agility over pretty much everything else and then armor stamina and strength and we'll get into why later elemental I use intellect over stamina and armor which were held at equal weights the race I used was torn because they have no direct offensive rachels and I do not use worse time and the weapon in view I used was rockbiter weapon the reason is because I already tested weapon DPS across weapons in the class of all beta and rock butter had the highest average DPS and also the highest consistency so I used that across the board no matter what build I used you may think well why don't you use flame Tong or frost bearing with elemental because I didn't use any bonus spell power if you want to learn more about what I've learned in the class while beta not only with the weapon in views with a lot of different things check out my advantage shaman guide part 2 link will be the description below this results in a total of 180 independent tests I did five replicates for each test and if you want to look at this data on your own I will provide a link to the datasheet in the description below so you can look at the data what I use the gear I used town specializations all those things will be in the spreadsheet so I will not go over all of my testing parameters because it's already available publicly on the spreadsheet so with that let's look at the results the first thing we're gonna do is time to lab in ours this is basically a very simple calculation I took all the replicas times of my time to kill ten and extrapolate it out to level using the total XP requirements to level and you'll see this recurring theme red is 100 plus shield green is two-hander and blue is elemental now this is leveling speed so the lower you are on this chart so the lower your time the more quickly you're going to level as you can see elemental is pretty slow starting off it's actually the slowest but around level 40 it starts to pick up and this has been corroborated on private servers this is a very common thing you'll see is that elemental as soon as you get a lot of your talents it really really speeds up and I saw that in my results and once you get elemental mastery and you have all that crit and you have a lot of intellect you can really burn some people down pretty quickly this comes at a cost and we'll talk about that in a second but just know from this data elemental is not fast at all but it becomes the fastest build and the fastest leveling path around level 40 to 45 two-handed enhancements pretty average and one-handed plus shield really starts to slow down after level 40 and I think this is primarily due to storm strike storm strikes effectiveness is higher the slower the weapon speed is because the higher the top end the more impactful a hit is you know if you miss an attack with the two hander and I know all you guys can feel like oh man I missed that attack that's a huge waste of time and conversely an extra attack with a fast weapon it's just not as impactful so storm strike is a much more impactful Talent when you're using a two hander and this data actually crop right set and shows this now this is the same data but I transformed it in the way that's probably a little more appealing to most people now the higher you are on this chart the faster you are so I took the inverse of the average level in time and multiplied it by the total XP to level to make it more digestible so as you can see here is actually on finer scale you'll actually see things a little bit clearer to enter enhancement is the fastest up until around level 40 and it stays pretty fast around level 45 but around level 45 elemental takes over so this is the same data just a different way of looking at it on the right-hand side of the actual raw values if you want to look at them this is called speed score so that I've just made up to show you this data so either way you look at it elemental takes over around level 40 to 45 two-hander is the fastest up until around that point and still remains pretty high though and then 100 plus shield really drops off around level 35 to 40 it becomes the slowest way to level however speed is not everything ladies and gentlemen we can also consider being optimal in terms of not spending gold to drink to buy water right no surprise here the fastest way to level is also the most expensive elemental you're gonna be stacking intellect of course but you're still gonna run on the mana if you're constantly fighting and you're gonna have to drink more than the other builds about 50% more than two-hander enhancement at the end and double of one-hander plus shield so even though 100 plus shield is slow it is the most economical way to level if buying water pisses you off it does bother me too as well 100 plus shield is a way to go but there's also somewhere in the middle there to intervene hansman it's still pretty fast and way more cost effective than elemental so this is just another thing to look at again what's more optimal to you finally we can look at one more term we're looking at DPS of each spec or build on the y-axis is DPS and on the X's level around level 30 even though elemental is not the most efficient speed wise it's still is producing a lot more DPS and to hand enhancement and it's interesting because elemental has to produce a lot more DPS because you're sitting down for longer periods of time drinking you have so much intellect that you need to go through the full beverage duration to get your full mana back it and sometimes not even your full mana back whereas the enhancement bills can sit down and drink but get up a lot quicker add that to the fact you're drinking more often anyway with elemental and it has to produce that much deep has to be the fastest so it has a lot of burst potential perhaps even more than one fury can rob a twin fury in that circumstance one gentle ml mastery you have that high crit percentage from your talents you can really blow mobs up pretty quickly so it's interesting to see that dps actually increases significantly in elemental before it becomes the most efficient speed wise so something to keep in mind but of course we should see it if the highest DPS will be elemental if it's also the fastest from these results we can derive three stereotypes if you will for each of these different builds or specs so I like to call the one-hander plus shield Old Faithful this is the low upkeep it's like that old pickup truck just keeps on running just put oil in and every once in a while and it keeps going consistent DPS not the highest but consistent it's pretty quick leveling from 1 to 40 comparable to two-handed enhancement and it has low to mid PvP potential now usually you want to use a two hander for PvP situations throw in wind fury and just pray and so hopefully just one hit someone but when you're fighting classes like warriors feral druids and rogues having a shield can be pretty beneficial especially against rogues and feral druids so you may want to consider throwing on a shield sometimes you were getting attacked too depending on the class now let's move to the jack of all trades but master of none the two-handed enhancement build has a medium upkeep drinks a little bit more than its one-handed relative has quick leveling from 160 pretty good average between these 3 specs would pretty fast in its own rights and high PvP potential because of wind fury this is going to be pretty good in open world scenarios against most classes and is a solid choice all-round then we have the late bloomer this is the spec didn't get invited to prom but now as a CEO of a fortune 500 company and as high levels this elemental build is able to really produce a lot of burst dps at the cost of very high upkeep and downtime so if we use the car analogy again this is more of a sports car has the fastest leveling from 45 to 60 and also has extremely high PvP potential from 40 to 60 once you have elemental mastering you have those talents and you have the fast cast speed of your lightning bolt abilities and can combo with Chain Lightning and shocks you can devastate players and one-shot them pretty easily maybe even more easily than when you're here because it's a guaranteed explosive power that you have especially if you have critical mastery up so these are the three stereotypes I think you should really think about what is more important to you if it's speed then you know the answer you level up to around 40 to 45 is to an enhancement any shift elemental but again there's a lot of idiosyncrasies here and maybe some hidden potential that may be important to you so it really spent some time to think about what's most important to you when leveling your shaman so this is essentially our summary slide there are three possible paths you can go and leveling your shaman you take the speed route the economy route or the balance trail the speed route you're gonna level up to around 40 to 45 and use primarily two-handed enhancement and then pay respect cost around that time to go elements we may think yourself man I don't want to respect that close to 60 well you said about 50% of the way to go even though your level forty to forty-five most leveling process and most of the time come is gonna happen during that time so you'll be elemental effectively just as long or maybe even longer than you were two-handed enhancement so it's not something you should worry about you should definitely put out that money to respec at this level you can go the economic route in level one hand and shield the whole way and spend very little on water we could also do that as well and you can load the more balanced route and this the average speed and average gold expenditure so this would be your two in enhancement all the way through so these are the three basic paths we'll go over some possible ones that may be a little bit more advanced but these are your three basic paths for loving your shaman okay before we have the talents let's go over a few caveats to an enhancement and one-hander plus shield enhancement are actually pretty interchangeable the talents are very similar just because you're doing the two hand that route doesn't mean you can't pull out your shield in one hand or you definitely can and there are times where you may want to shift weapon loadouts due to mob type is it a normal versus elite mob have high armor maybe you want to use a one hander and shield and one of them down if it has low armor you want to burst in now the two hander the amount of mom's you're fighting multiple mobs can be really hairy and tricky and having a shield can really reduce the amount of damage you're taking the mob level you shouldn't be fighting a mob level higher than you with a two hand you're gonna be taking a lot of damage so you're only users shield in those situations your group composition may be you need to like kind of off tank or emergency tank you're gonna want to pull that shield out if you're in a group with a mage and you gotta fight a leet or something or a priests better you're taking the damage than the caster's pull your shield out for that situations and finally PvP as I said before there are certain situations where she'll be beneficial against melee classes like warriors rogues and feral druids so just keep all these things in mind when you're out in the world as an enhancement shaman always have a shield in one-hander for any circumstance let's go over talent builds so the first most common talent build and this will mirror our fast route up to 60 will be the enhancement into elemental pros fastest leveling high DPS cons is mana inefficient and especially at high levels we saw that already so you're gonna fill up your enhancement first I wouldn't respect at 40 I would probably get storm strike field out a little bit see if you like the enhancement and then respect around 40 to 41 maybe 42 to elemental you're gonna fill up always a storm strike if you go past 40 just put some points anywhere and then you're gonna respect at some point two elemental you're gonna go all the way down to elemental mastery and then pick up the extra cred from restoration make sure you get the nature's guidance for the hit rating which is very nice as well so this is a very common build I think most of you probably will do this and this is the fastest way to 60 the next build is enhancement elemental melee hybrid so this is you're going all the way to storm strike you're primarily using a two hander but you're gonna fish for spell crits using rank 1 shocks rocking elemental devastation which will increase your melee crit by 9% so whatever you have from agility already or from crit you're gonna increase that and really increase your flurry uptime so this is gonna be a really interesting build the only thing that's issue with this is that you're losing out on the hit rating from restoration but you're also not gonna have a lot of spell crit it's gonna be great when it happens with LML devastation procs but it's not gonna proc often unless you can have a significant amount of spell crit which is really hard to get early leveling the only really bases you're in get from crit from spells is from in select and you need a lot of intellect to get the spell crit so this is a potential build it has the potential to have some really crazy DPS again this is more of a fringe thing some of you watching will be really interested in this so I provided it in here the next is a one-hander melee Hybrid build notice this is not get two-handed weapons this focuses on using a one hander and shield all the time and you go deeper into the elemental tree you can pick up elemental devastation you don't have to use all in the station guys any of these builds I provide you feel free to move things around you can take those 3 points and put them elsewhere but this is a interesting bill it's more of a pure hybrid and I know it worked but enhanced will have had a lot of success with this built they really enjoy it but this is an interesting build you're gonna have clear casting or have either storm so you can get some no push back spells and because of that you can throw out some chain lightning and lightning bolts to be a lot of fun and again feel free to move those three points that elemental devastation in to call thunder or something that you might want like the extra crate for your lightning spells totally up to you next we have the tried and true enhancement resto build so this goes all the way down a storm strike and then it goes into restoration to pick up nature's guidance for the extra three percent hit and also some nice healing utility for dungeons so this is a really good all-round build high utility pretty mana efficient especially with 100 shield the cons is that you're sacrificing potential speed for liability so this is a build that I usually use because I really like dungeon healing and I really like having high utility so something you might want to consider it could be an excellent build for some of you out there here we have the pure elemental build this is going elements all the way from 1 to 60 you're gonna go down to elemental mastery pick up all the relevant talents increase your crit reduce your cast time increase your crit potential you create bonus then you're going to go into restoration pick up nature's guidance for the 3% hit extra credit as well from restoration for your lightning spells and some killing potential so this is just your standard elemental build it's gonna be super duper slow before level 40 if you want to level elements all the way this is how you're gonna do it the pro is a 40 plus this will be the fastest leveling speed in the highest dps cons or it's mana inefficient and the slowest leveling from 1 to 40 finally we have cargoes as a favorite build cargoes has some really interesting points when it comes to the first and second tier of enhancement there's really not a lot there if you notice in all these builds I did not put any points in ancestral knowledge it's pretty much hot trash you don't get a lot of intellect from it you don't have a lot of bonus intellect it's just it's a really bad talent for 5 points I always go shield specialization because having a shield on you and being able to block for more and a higher chance the block is just better than that small increase in base intellect cargoes is ideas like won't you just go into elemental pick up things that increase your shock and lightning bolt damage go down to clear casting pick up some spell crit and then when you hit around 25 to 29 which is when you would put points and flurry and enhancement you respect to enhancement pick up flurry use that up until 40 or 45 and then go into L now I want to make sure I say the elemental prior to 25 29 is not a castor elemental you're gonna be mailing but using the elemental talents to boost your magical damage so you're not gonna be casting spells like a caster for the first 25 levels you're gonna be like a normal male a shaman but using the benefits from the elemental tree you're gonna respect a 25 29 to pickup flurry go down the storm strike or around that time you're gonna respect elemental to pick up that caster wave and you're gonna be able to really effectively level the fastest this could potentially be the fastest way levels of shaman cargoes knows our stuff about leveling so I would definitely listen to it and this could be a great way to really shave off some time if you're really trying to get a 60 quick now it sounds all about rotations let's do enhancement first this is a standard enhancement build first as with everything your lay down your toes and apply your weapon in view if it's about to fall off it's very important that your weapon and Bute is not fall off at any point during your adventure to 60 not sure afk next you're gonna apply lighting shield lady shield is kind of interesting you want to reapply it immediately after killing the last mob so you can regen while traveling in most scenarios you're gonna kill them up and you're have to travel some distance to the next mob if you immediately put lightning your shield up it guarantees them as soon as you leave the five-second rule you'll start radiating mana and that's important because the more amount of regen the more free quote unquote at lighting a shield cast just became however if you didn't do that and you're applying lightning shield right before you're about to engage the mob that's totally fine too as long as you're doing it either before you're doing damage or immediately after taking damage don't be running in the middle of the field and then putting it on interrupting at your mana regen if you want you can also flame shock in the beginning of the pole however remember if you continually flame shock and lightning shield you will run a mana pretty quickly lady shows a higher HP MA especially since you have the it proved lightning shield talents which I highly recommend getting because it has a higher HP than flame shock but you can flame shock if you want to create even more additional damage I highly recommend pulling the mob with Rank 1 lightning bolt very cost effective also very quick cast so if you want to just pull them really quick it costs almost nothing especially for high level and you're gonna be saving man in that regard next no surprise you're gonna begin white hitting and you're gonna Forge last pray for flurry and or prox depending if you're using Winfrey weapon Fleury procs are your bread and butter you want to keep them up as much as possible it's one of the few mechanics of haste and vanilla well and shaman habit so if you can increase your haste do it it's a huge bonus to your DPS and your leveling speed really strong strike you're gonna use immediately after your first Auto Attack couple reasons why if you're using Winfrey a storm strike win fury proc reset your swing timer so if you swing and then use storm strike you want to minimize the amount of DPS lost due to a swing timer reset second reason why you want to front-load all your damage in the beginning of the pull so you can regen through the rest of the pole you don't wanna be casting anything after the initial burst in the beginning called front-loading put everything you got out right there on the front regen everything during combat time that's why you're gonna storm strike after your first auto attacked immediately after it if he reach full mana which doesn't happen often but if you do max rank earth shock or frost shock whichever one is doing more damage at that time depending on the rank you have earth shock and frost shock go back and forth in there total damage so use the one that does the most damage now let's go over the slightly different hybrid melee rotation as with before lay down your totems and imply your weapon view apply lightning shield either immediately before or immediately after combat and you can put flame shock up if you wish for maximum damage if not you're gonna pull with max rank lightning bolt because you have more of the lightning talents here in this builds you're gonna be producing more damage with your lightning bolts and enemy fishing for crits so you might as well use something more powerful then when the mob race you're gonna begin white hitting and you're gonna also pray for flurry and our wind fury procs depending on what weapon you have now the big difference here is you won't regen a lot of mana because every time shocks off cooldown you're gonna use a shock to fish for a spell crit know the most mana efficient way to do this is use a Rank 1 earth shock it's the cheapest shock in the game but if you want to maximize damage you can use higher ranks but what you're trying to do is crit and if you do create your proc Alamelu devastation which will increase your chances of proxying flurry and synergistically you'll be using spell crit to increase your melee crit now let's go over the enhancement hybrid totem priorities from levels 5 to 9 you don't have an option you're gonna be using a stone skin totem from levels 10 to 42 however you have more totems at your disposal at level 10 you'll get fire totem and you're gonna use searing totem most of the time unless you're fighting multiple mob searing totems are great overall increase the DPS I would use it on every poll now strength of Earth totem is a great totem I would recommend using it most of the time the only time you will not be using is if you know you're gonna be traveling often strength of Earth lasts for two minutes putting it down to kill one mob and then moving to another mob it's really not mana efficient at all I know it increases your base damage will you really care about his crit potential strength earth is fine it's good and if you want to use it go ahead and use I'm just saying that if you're not using it to its full capacity it's a waste of mana if you're fighting multiple mobs I've used stone skin totem here for your water totem it's an equal weight with strength of earth because if you use mana spring totem on yourself you have to wait twenty seconds before you gain the mana back you spent to place it down in the first place if you're not gonna be standing around for that long do not use it if you're fighting multiple mobs however healing stream could be more beneficial now from forty two to sixty your main totem is gonna be grace of air it provides a lot of agility which will increase your crit and your chance to dodge and your armor it's got a lot of benefits I would definitely use it most of the time even if you're not around that for its entire duration you're next to me searing totem for the same reasons is above and then will follow a suit with the priorities above for strength of birth and mana spring totem now for the enhancement hybrid stat priorities before level 25 before you get flurry strengthen agility are pretty much equal i preferentially usually go for agility as I like crits more than base damage increase however it really doesn't matter you're gonna be increasing DPS any way you can you're not gonna have a lot of options in terms of gear if it's got strength it's got agility just take it the next step you're going to worry about is stamina stamina will increase your overall hit points and that's great and they'll make you more survivable pretty easy there in select is beneficial it definitely is the more intellect you have the more times you can potentially shock it's just going to be hard to get in select out there when you're looking for strength and agility but if you get some intellect it's always a benefit if it has other stats on it as well spirit is well and good if you can get some extra spirit again if it just kind of comes with the territory whether you're already picking up might as well have some it'll help you your mp5 regen when you're outside of the five-second rule and will increase your out combat health regen but remember shaman do not get anywhere near the benefit warriors do from spirits it's not something you really want to try to get level 25 plus things change significantly agility and crit become your number one priority the more agility the more correct you have the more flurry uptime the more flurry uptime the faster you will literally kill things it's very very important to have flurry up as much as possible I will go for agility even over armor the trip runner dungarees which are a drop from America and give Li eat 18 agility I'll keep them well past level 40 sometimes before I get a mail piece that gives more agility not being said though outside of agility and crit stamina and armor are your next most important things if you can get mail pieces that give you stats you need always get mail over letter even if it's like a difference of one agility let's say that a piece has mail and has 18 agility leather has 19 get the mail the extra armor is really helpful and we'll talk about armor is effective stamina little bit and they're gonna fall with intellect again more insight will help us increase our DPS we have flurry strength is a lot less important it's not going to help you really at all I would definitely stray away from strength and grab as much jewellery and credits you possibly can and it's an equal weight with spirit spirit is again not gonna be very beneficial for us now when it comes to weapons your priority for weapons is DPS over stats if a weapon has ten agility on it and only does 20 DPS when another weapon has 28 DPS and has maybe five strengths you're going to go with the 28 DPS weapon the weapon damage is very important you want to take that over stats now moving into elemental it's sort of the rotation first as with enhancement your lay down your totems and apply your weapon in view you're gonna cast max rank lightning bolt and so the mob gets to your melee range if you're in the middle of a cast and the mop reaches you finish the cast off if you're level 40 + and elemental mastery is off cooldown you're gonna combo lightning bolt and chain lightning on the pull you're gonna cast lightning bolt Q up elemental mastery cast chain lightning and then continue casting lightning bolt until the knob reaches you if clear casting procs elemental focus on pull if your before level 32 you're gonna cast lightning bolt but if you're after level 32 you're gonna use a stop cast macro shut down your lightning bolt cast it immediately switch to chain lightning chain lane does more damage and if you're quick you can cancel that lightning bolt relatively quickly classic well because you'll get the proc of elemental focus as soon as the cast is finished you'll know right away if you've gotten it stop cast macro cache am lightning you can put them in the same macro so you'll do for slap stop casting next line is forward slash catch table ending and you'll put it out very quickly when the mob reaches you you're applied lightning shield is not already up and you can also cast flame shock if you really want to do a lot of damage but again you want to try to conserve mana whenever you can next year we begin white hitting if elemental Focus proct off your last cast and the mob is may laying you in your before level 32 you're gonna max rank shock either frost or earth whatever one is doing more damage if your post level 32 use Chain Lightning now I find the storm procs that means you'll be able to cast without being pushed back and you have to consider what would you be doing if the mob is a trained you would continuously be casting lightning bolts so pretend the mobs at range when this procs you're gonna switch back to your casting rotation or a cast lightning bolt over a chain lightning because lightning ball has a potential to proc clear cast and if clear cast comes up after a lightning bolt you want to use that clear casts on chain lightning not lightning bolt this rotation there's a bit more intricate compared to enhancement enhancements basically just front loading and weight hitting this is more you have to be more reactive especially when things start praça what I would do is get yourself used to the sounds of elemental focus and I had the storm I just played those two sounds for you I'll play them again elemental focus I the storm keep those sounds in your head because when you hear them you're gonna know what you have to do if elemental focus proctor you catch chain lightning if i the storm proctor cast lightning bolt and pray that it were proc elemental focus you can cast the chain lightning i know it's confusing but spend some time looking at this slide and before long you'll master this it's really not that bad once you figure it out alright now for the elemental totem priority levels five to nine of course just like i'll enhancement you're gonna be using stones can totem now from ten to sixty it's pretty easy to use the same three totems searing tone was your number one priority because you have talents that increase its damage with multiple mob you'll use either fire and over a magma usually far ANOVA but searing tone will be your go to mana spring tone was your next important but remember you gotta be around it for 20 seconds to net gain mana from it so make sure to not use it if you're gonna be traveling from mob to mob very quickly and last but not least strength of birth - it's a little bit of an increase to your DPS not a bad idea to use it if you're staying around for a long time but it really isn't required notice the grace of air is not here because we do not have flurry of course agility will increase our armor and our dodge and a little bit of melee crit but it's really not worth it if we don't have flurry and I'll have a good base of melee crit to begin with now let's go over the elemental stat priority very simple you're gonna hold intellect and spell power equal weight as your number one step you won't easily come by spell power as you're leveling unless you're looking for specific loot and dungeon or if you happen to be lucky and get some of nature's wrath gear intellect is much more common so you're going to be primarily focusing on insulin however if some really good gear drops in a dungeon that provides spell power like the hypnotic blade definitely need on it because extra spell power is always nice to have your next most important stat is stamina and armor held pretty equally stamina and armor and creature survivability you're a shaman even though you're a caster you have the capability of wearing male and a shield if you have the capability to do so you should do it armor will really increase your survival out in the world and will absolutely help you in PvP skirmishes so keep that in mind next is spirit and mp5 the reason I keep an equal weight is because mp5 is extremely rare if you come across it you should take it over spirit but I wouldn't take it over spoken like them spell power because you really won't get a lot of it you'll get very minimal amounts of it on rings maybe three to four mp5 not a big deal and last but not least strength and agility these really don't benefit us at all if a piece of gear has a lot of in select and spell power and for some reason has strength and agility on it okay fine take it but this will not increase your overall DPS significantly now let's talk about armor and shields as effective hit points we talked about the importance of armor in a class that can use heavy armor and since shamans can wear male I highly recommend wearing is heavy armors possible even if you're an elemental shaman and you'll be surprised how much green gear out there is high armor but still provides intellect so if you can find that stuff I definitely take it in this example I want to show how armor can leave more room for a lectin spell power and reduce your need for stamina if we imagine a 10-second male counter at level 50 alone 50 mob with a 2.0 attack speed hits us five times in that ten seconds the total damage output to us is four hundred and sixty damage if we're in cloth and a shield we take three hundred and sixty-one damage if we're in leather and a shield would take three hundred and forty seven damage and if we're in male and a shield we only take three hundred and seventeen damage so effectively if we're wearing male we gain fourteen point three stamina during that time as armor so that means you have fourteen point three stamina to play around with in your gear for in select in spellpower just keep in mind that having armor can significantly reduce the need for us to acquire stamina and focus on stats that are much more important to us so if you're able to find stats that have intellect and have high armor try to always get that secondarily this shield is a significant reduction in physical damage I cannot stress enough how important it is as an elemental shaman to wear shield we don't have capabilities like frost Nova and blink and we know have a pet like a warlock does we don't have power shield like priests we need to use our armor as those abilities armor is extremely important Triathlon around and cloth as much you possibly can I know some great pieces or cloth but at least wear shield if you're gonna do that gotta protect yourself out there unlike enhancement are weapons that priority is gonna be stats over DPS we won't be mailing very often so you're more interested in with the stats the weapon provides then the dps it provides not saying use the weakest weapon possible but definitely think about the stats first now we're moving along to the towards the end of the guide and I want to talk about a few more things and points that are pretty important first is the importance of stacking your casts as a standard enhancement shaman or elemental shaman front-loading damages key any time spent outside of the five-second rule will out mana regen so healing and things like lightning shield are really part of this equation right you should only heal yourself or apply lightning a shield either immediately after kill your mob or when a mob begins melee on you or when the mob is travelling towards you after you've pulled them should never be healing and applying lightning a shield randomly while you're running around always either try to front-load mana expenditure or do it immediately after you kill something so you can regen as you travel generally I like to do it right before combat so I put my expenditure in the beginning also you want to think about healing efficiency or hpm a lesser healing wave is cheaper than healing wave but it gives less bang for the buck so you almost want to let yourself get to lower health spend the man on healing wave so you get more healing per mana so it's very important I would definitely think about that a lot and try to get as much out of your heals as possible less healing wave is a good emergency heal but you shouldn't be getting into emergencies that often if you know how to spend your mana correctly if you want to learn more about like h PM e and how that works you can check out the down ranking guide I worked on with Asghar the link to that will be in the description below now so about group leveling first-world group leveling this is cargoes his baby he knows this stuff like the back of his hand he was kind enough to give me some pointers about this duo and trio leveling so being in a group with one other person or two people can significantly decrease your leveling time and for dual leveling here are the best combinations the top tier is shaman warrior so if you have a warrior friend you guys can really significantly decrease leveling times each of you will fill in the other's weaknesses a warrior has no way of healing themselves and a shaman can provide that moreover you as the shaman can provide some really beneficial buffs like wind fury totem and strength of Earth totem it really doesn't matter what you choose whether your enhancement or elemental you could follow the rule like enhancement up to level 40 then switch to elemental you could have your own personal tank how awesome is that are you providing those totems to the world make them so much more effective and you be able to heal him you guys can really pull a lot of mobs at once second tier option would be shaman and rogue for the same reasons as the warrior wind fury tome strength of Earth and other benefits you can provide the road or really make your leveling process a lot smoother and double shaman having two different totem types of each element out is really helpful you can mix and match one elemental one enhancement the disguise limit really now trio leveling is also something you can do and the tiers are pretty much the same so the top tier will be any combination of water and shaman to warriors and a shaman to shamans in a warrior however you figure it out it will be extremely beneficial and then the second tier would be any combination of shaman rogue warrior 3 shaman 2 shaman rogue - rogue shaman rogue warrior shaman anything you can really figure out but those are the three classes that will synergize the best according to Cara's research so definitely consider if you wanted level as a group Goggan warrior and another shaman are gonna be your friends in a very similar vein let's go over dungeon leveling now I'm classic well it's been shown that dungeon grinding is a very viable alternative to world leveling or world grinding or world questing and shaman are really heavily sought after for melee cleave groups these are groups that are melee heavy and include warriors and rogues shaman are incredible because they provide excellent benefits via strength of earth flame songs totem from levels 20 to 32 and then after level 30 to win fury totem if you can get new a group with couple warriors couple rogues maybe a mage that provides some food and water you can really significantly burn through dungeon content very quickly probably the best would be you as the healer two rogues in a warrior two warriors in a rogue and a mage and that would be extremely powerful combination so if you're interested in dungeon leveling fear not shamans are really heavily sought after over the Horde side because of their totems I think that talent-wise you should probably stick to DPS talents make sure you get enhancing totems to improve the benefit of your strengths of Earth I would probably go in as an enhancement shaman but have healing gear so intellect here so you can still white hit and provide damage when you're not healing that'd be my personal recommendation for dungeon level ii doesn't mean you can't go a resto or elemental but I think enhancement might be the best at least early game before we get to the last slides I just want to go over some weapon progression for two-handed and for one-handed + shield now I'm not gonna go over all of them but these slides will be available for you to look at I tried to look at weapons it would be good progression for each build so - an enhancement it's pretty clear goes from 1 7 through 9 then I'll take you up the level 60 if you want to go enhancement all the way for enhancement one-handed + shield I kind of lumped in elemental weapon shield as well now you might look at these and say these are not good for elemental shaman but you got to remember that your shield is basically just a armor stick that's what it should be for elemental and one-handed shield the stats on your shield really don't matter the armor matters as far as the weapon is concerned stats are more important for elemental than for one-handed shield so if you see a piece on here that you're like man this is not good for elemental and you find a better piece fine go with that if you can find a piece that has intellect as I'm spell power on it change over but there are some great pieces here or elemental including the hypnotic blade the life force Dirk to charge stone Dirk so I try to combine as much as I possibly could for your one-handed plus shield builds let's go over some leveling tidbits quickly so I'm just gonna read these out these are little pieces of advice that I would give anyone that's gonna start leveling as a shaman brand new when you can get water from a mage if you can get water at reduced cost do it if it's a friend or a guilty that's providing it that's even better because maybe you can get it for free when fighting mobs in the open world try to drag them to your totems if you put totems down and you spent that mana try to go out pull with the lightning bolt and bring them back to your totems you can get more out of that mana cost I would kill mobs at your level or slightly below your level exclusively even though you get more XP for killing mobs that are above you your weapon skills will not be the point where you'll be able to do a lot of damage to them you'll miss a lot you'll glance a lot glancing is horrible it's a reduction your DPS always kill mobs or your level or below she can maximize your XP per hour and your hit and crit chances if you want to learn more about hit crit chance and glancing penalties all those things check out the melee mechanics guide I did with the Fight Club discord Meiji and vilius the information they compiled is amazing so if you want to learn more about how melee works check out that guide next you'll never be grabbed mana potions as your leveling from killing mobs use them you know don't just store them use them if you notice you can get a couple more kills without drinking by using a mana potion do it reduce your downtime and gold expenditure anyway you can again I just talked about this but keep your weapon skills up if you're switching between two hand or one-handed + shield do it frequently so you can keep that weapon skill up-to-date you don't want to lose out on damage from glancing penalties or from just flat-out misses or just reduce damage if you're going to respect say you're going to enhancement to 40 and then elemental start planning your gear progression early if you're doing dungeons and you say oh man I'm gonna switch to elemental in five levels or three levels it's gonna feel really bad if you switch elemental and have no gear for it right your stat priorities are extremely different so start to plan out your transition and get pieces of gear that will help you in that other spec only trained spells you need if you look at my advantage shaman guide part two you may not need all the weapon and views rockbiter wind fury and maybe frost brain or all you really need to get so think about maybe nixing one of the weapon abused century totem do you really need it all the ranks of and sexual spirit do you really need to all your res ranks no there are things you can get away with so only train things that you need to save money you're gonna need it for your mountain of other things as well and finally if you're a shaman it's like a warrior not having a shield if you're a shaman you have capability to heal I recommend heavily trying to store healing gear in your bank if you need to Hill dungeons inevitably you want to do a dungeon and you have no healing gear and like we need one more spot healer and you're like damn I really want to get that dungeon because there's so many awesome quests I can do and you don't have any healing gear if there's gear that drops from mobs or from quests that you don't need but it has intellect on it and your enhancement keeping your bank definitely do it if your elemental does really matter because the gear priorities are pretty much the same but if your lovely enhancement in any way during your progression 260 always store healing gear last thing I want to talk about our add-ons there's really only a few add-ons that I really think are required for shaman we do have some unique mechanics other classes don't have like totems and webbing buffs so because of that I recommend getting a totem timer addon that lets you know how much time is left on your totem which totem is out very important especially for in-game when you're in raids next is weapon buff reminders it only has five minutes which is kind of annoying so you don't want to miss out on any potential damage or any other mechanic to do to your weapon imbues if you can get an add-on that bongs like or dings or something that can tell you that you need a weapon buff reminder highly recommend getting one of those next DPS add-on or healing out on it's good to keep track of DPS and healing especially if you're killing in a raid or doing DPS and raid it's very important to have that I like having them to see what things look like and how we might be able to improve on the next poll next is a thread add-on as a shaman you can pull thread of course you can produce DPS and healing that could be more than the tank or other healers or DPS so just make sure you're knowing how much stretch you're producing something that you should definitely have early on just to make sure you have it and last but not least the swing timer it's good to know when your next swing is gonna come so you can time some abilities like storm strike or something like that and if you're trying to earth buying kite which is not working as great as it used to in private servers but still if you're gonna try it at all you're going to swing time or do so these things are important these five add-ons I would definitely get if you're gonna roll a shaman if you're looking for a loans will in classic calm is a great resource of download add-ons for classic well the link to that website will be in the description below last but definitely there's some great leveling resources out there for you guys car goes has a great shaman leveling guide on his channel I would definitely check him out he also knows a ton about duro and trio leveling and the leveling process in general he's got some great streams on his channel to go over these topics I highly recommend to head over this channel if you can next I do have two shaman leveling guys this one kind of makes those obsolete but if there may be tidbits of information that you may be able to garner from those so definitely check them out keep in mind that some of that information is out of date look into it see what corroborates and what doesn't if there's something that you never heard before let me know in the comments so we can talk about it or head over to the shaman discord link will be in the description below the shaman discord is growing every day and we love to have new members so if you want to join us on this cord follow the link in the description below next I cannot stress more that the three leveling guide on classic watt life will significantly decrease the time you'll need to get to level 60 with the information you've learned here and with the leveling guide you can really become an efficient leveler classic one out live slash leveling my friends Navigant egregious have built it and al has taken their data and made it into an amazing tool on the website definitely head over there it's free to use and it goes from level 16 both factions all classes and even supports group content well everyone we've done it thank you for watching the advance show and leveling guide it took me a lot of time to make this guide I really hope you guys appreciated that the data collection probably was a 30 to 40 hours and I really hope that it provides a in-depth a summary of the leveling process and what are the best things you can do to increase your efficiency whether it's economy or speed or DPS or whatever you're interested in I hope this guide helped if you like this content please give a like below if you are interested in other types of videos we make and are interested in other types of videos we will be making definitely subscribe and stay tuned for more death can melt or on TV content including our podcasts deaf talk and GMA which are found on Google Play Spotify Stitch your iTunes and SoundCloud links to all those be in the description below and if you want to join the deaf can melt or on TV community you can do so by joining our disk or following us on Twitter links are also below and if you want to watch my brother death cam stream he streams regularly on slash death camp and on our youtube channel this guide along with many others will be available in classic wat live a resource for guides a resource for tools and a resource for forums that the community can engage in again our free leveling guide is available to assist you leveling in the world of classic Azeroth last but not least I'd like to thank patrons and the stream team for their amazing support and donations of death camp stream or the channel in general thank you so much for your contributions but if it wasn't for you guys our content will not be where it's at so we really appreciate it and thank you again everyone thank you for watching peace my shot and brothers and sisters may the ancestors be with you keep on keep on knitting runnin I hope to see you all and classy guys are off greetings adventurers Mel Doron here thank you all so much for watching this video if you'd like to support some official death canton Elder on t-shirts and hoodies head on over to brand them media's deaf camp powder on TV merchandise website the link is in the description below [Music] you
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 363,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic, wow, world of warcraft, vanilla, wowclassic, classicwow, shaman, leveling, guide, talents, rotation, speed leveling, duo leveling, trio leveling, stat priority, stat prio, elemental, enhancement, hybrid, advanced, dungeons, totems, gear, Nostalrius, azeroth, asmongold, alexensual, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Tips Out, Kargoz, Alexensual, weapon progression
Id: wp-1np_ZDwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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