Clash-A-Rama! The Series: Bowlers Anonymous!

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Hi! As the official explainer of the Village, I'd like to explain some things to you! Come with me. Let's say an enemy Wall Breaker blows through these shoddy gray Walls. You might think the thing to do is to just yell 'Attack!'. No, not a real attack. I'm just explaining. But that's the wrong way to do it. Cup your hands to your mouth and call out: 'A level three Wall Breaker has burst through the Wall next to the Gold Storage'. Dora, you try. A level three... No. Cup your hands. Don't put a lid over your mouth. Oh, your eyes are as dead as fish eyes. Why don't you take a break and we can try again! He shoots, he scores! Ooh, ooh, ooh. Oh, yeah! Who wants to play next? You? You've beaten me six times. I'm leaving while I have some pride left. I am... invisible! Someone's gotta want to play! Anyone? Anyone? How about you? You bowl all the time! You may be defined by your work, but I'm not. - Herb! - Dad? Bowling is only to be used for attack, not for fun. Look at all the damage you've done! It's time to put an end to this. Hi, I'm Herb, and I have a problem. I bowl... when I'm not supposed to. But I am here to tell you I am stopping. I promise not to touch my bowling ball for a whole month. It's great to see someone conquer a flaw. We're under attack! Way too general. Who is attacking? Where are they attacking? Why are they attacking? Unhelpful. We're getting crushed. And they are coming for the Town Hall next. I have to do something. No. When we're under attack, we sit and wait. Don't ask why, we just do it. Dad, please. I can bowl our way out of here. You made a promise. You said you wouldn't touch your ball for a month. I need something to bowl! Perfect! Your son's a hero. Yeah. Saving the Village was great, but I think I'm proudest that he kept his promise. All right. All right, your turn. Boo-ya! I'll talk to him about the darts. And the dancing. No, ladies. When you see a tree you want to clap at, hurry, but don't be the first one there. That makes you look sad and desperate. Then... plant your feet, get those elbows out, and clap six times, always six. Once Tina did seven. That's why Tina has a new job. - Thora, what is that across the street? - The Healer opened her shop. But... she only heals people in battle. Inside the Village I'm the doctor! Don't worry, your patients won't abandon you. Most of them anyway. Emma?! And after I reattached her left buttock. Ooh. Well, if she wants a healing war, she's got a healing war! Hello, John. You feeling okay? Sure, why? Nothing. I've just heard some chatter about Barbarians who've been treated by the Healer recently and got very sick. Really? Word is her rays are a good quick fix, but they disintegrate your spleen. I'm sure you're fine. Mustache droop is a symptom, and you don't have that, right? Uh-oh... Did you see the Healer this week? I hope it was worth having foreign objects left in your body. - What do you mean? - Only... This! And... Ooh... this. That was left in me? Well, well, well... Full house, eh? Yeah. Well, gotta stick with a doctor we can trust. Definitely! Good old-fashioned, honest medicine. Ah, didn't work out? No. My patients stopped coming. I had to quit because I'm deep in debt. Really? That's... Oh, I'm sorry. Not your fault. I have to work to support my sister who has... Healer's Madness. Oh, no. I'm going to try to find work at a Clash Royale Arena. There are no medical workers there. Really? None? No, I'll be the first one. Great pay, no competition. Listen, why don't you stay here, and I'll leave? Really? You'd do that? Oh, I think it's my moral obligation. That's very selfless of you. Thank you. He fell for it? Yes, he's about to see why doctors don't work in the Arena. Wait! Come back! A part of my hero stays with me! I have to find him. I need a plan. I'm going to get me a Princess. I gotta tell ya, Princess, it'll be nice to get my foot back, and have you and me live happily... Ow! ...Ever...Ow! ...After...Ow ow! Sorry, it doesn't fit. Okay, stop! Now that really hurts! Uh-oh. Ta-da! Why is true love so elusive? Oh, dear! Oh... May I? I knew I would find you. And so you have. No! You know, maybe some people just aren't meant to be together. Yeah, like maybe... you! I think it's a keeper. I think you're a keeper. I may have fish breath. I don't care. Tornado! Call me! How to properly use the bathroom. As soon as you enter, wash your hands! Think that everything you've touched Goblins may have touched. Next, if the seat is up, lower it with your foot. I think we can find the way back by ourselves. Wait, where is everybody? Hello? Unacceptable! The proper way to ditch your guide is: one, find a Wizard who...
Channel: Clash of Clans
Views: 59,898,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash of clans, COC, bowlers anonymous, clash of clans game, clash of clans show, Clash of Clans Gameplay, Clash of Clans Strategy, Clash of Clans Animation, Clash of Clans Commercial, Clash of Clans Attacks, Clash of Clans Town Hall, Hog Rider, clasharama, clash-a-rama, clash a rama, supercell
Id: _ak6k1sCbjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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