"Clarity That Silences Satan" | Power Hour | Ep.80

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi par our family in facebook and youtube land it is the second what is it it's wednesday night day but it's definitely the second of september and i have the gorgeous nate the ever veteran and delightful sarah jane and we are here again uh to talk about clarity that silences satan that is the theme so hi norway hi london hi bath and wisconsin they're still they're still wired for rise and shine linda in wisconsin if you didn't join us we're praying in tongues it rise and shine it's called half eight in the morning till nine super impressed with how many people have got up in the middle of the night but boy was it powerful oh it's been great it's been great very helpful i know people keep saying do more than five days so we'll see so why are you guys doing in your ever diminishing uh packing or ever increasing i don't know which way is it going sir jane your pack it's definitely increasing i was saying i just realized i forgot to pack under the stairs and i was like rats yeah one of those one of those jobs still to do but yes we are nearly done and we've run out of bubble wrap for the second time buying more bubble wrap is on the agenda today what would we do without it reads of the stuff but yes i'm surrounded by boxes and bubble wrap so that's been my life the last few days i packed up your crystal and uh you know was wrapping it and wrapping it and thinking oh if it breaks it's my fault so i was doing extra bubble wrap so um anyway well well we have insurance for breakages so that's okay hopefully nothing will break but i'd be amazed if if an 18-ton lorry or whatever it is that's coming to get filled over the next couple of days um will will have everything intact but you can pray with me that it will all arrive safely you know emma when we travel we always pray we will see our luggage at the other end there will be no play i'm praying that over the move i will see everything i own at the other end without breakage so like that must be said you know you and i stand in at more airport counters than i would like to tell you about and the usual thing you and i say is this luggage is coming with us in jesus name is usually the thing we agree over it isn't it oh yeah i mean can you imagine the worst thing turning up to to do a few days of conference or something and your luggage hasn't arrived that would be just the pits we've not had to worry about it happened to me once when we were going to florida and i had got on it was the winter here and i got on in full winter regalia no luggage in the summer sunshine and i was stomping around the beach in winter woolly boots gosh i know this time when we we went back to states at christmas thank god we were able to um but when we got back every one of our suitcases two of them um the one had two tires literally ripped off the bottom of the suitcase there was two that were partially attached and every other one was cracked or busted or missing tires and so i was obviously um not too happy because when we go there's four of us and we stay normally you know a couple weeks and so and normally when families wanting to send more stuff back so we had four big suitcases well you know you rely on four wheels to push those things around okay you got two wheels you can't really do that and so it was um thank god american airlines did uh refund us you know um money but it just took some time so we did we're slowly buying nicer ones this time to hopefully last but it was a bit devastating so we pray favor over your stuff sarah jane of nothing will be destroyed but you know what i've been doing this morning i've been do you remember ron cannoli from the 1890s rock and rolly ron cannoli so i can only i have been having a retro worship morning and leaping around like a big egypt you know on uh do you remember and then and then i've got all my favorite who remembers these we bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the lord who remembers happening to that that's such a golden oldie and then i had a fair old go shine jesus shine because we used to have reactions to that yeah did you i was having quite a fun morning to myself uh so um yeah wrong cannoli that kind of going up to the high places [Applause] is it just me sardine you're looking like what she on this morning well i'm thinking work out with emma and and ron cannoli sounds a good half hour after rise and shine i'm up for that but one can only run could always be for my time because i wasn't um born again at that point knowing one cannoli the only bit of cannoli i've heard is the the temple song that we used to do in the in the previous building on occasion on staff meetings but the cannoli that i love is the italian dessert that's the cannoli i like they are delicious anybody eating a cannoli that's where i'm thinking when i get cannoli maybe maybe that's what we need to do emma is after rise and shine then we do like a john or um joe wick's show and play all the old ron canole songs because there's all emotions to every one of them wake up with emma crazed wake up and shake up do you remember that exercise routine matthew mark look and john work that fat until it's gone [Laughter] oh dear well who's signing up for that one yeah somebody's saying thank goodness the music's evolved but you know you know actually i was in such a worshipful place with do you remember you came from heaven to earth to show the way that that i that has an anointing on it that's a good song less of the singing uh but now some of you are going to be doing your your retro googling in spotify oh no retro googling is that can you google in spotify who knows clearly i'm not technically rich you can search for more stuff yeah anyway yes uh right so and of course last weekend was jessica's birthday this coming weekend is peter's birthday uh so my uh my son is gonna be 14 on saturday and of course we've just been put back down into lockdown in glasgow i'm sorry for you i've got the the teepee yurt thing bell tent built in the front garden and now uh it's um it's banned uh having anybody around again so anyway that's a real shame yeah glasgow and western barnshare i think we're not affected by that um but yeah that's that's rubbish for all those people that had events and celebrations planned this weekend oh all cancer so i don't know what i'm gonna do for a 14 year old's birthday where his options are to look at the face of his mum and dad for the whole weekend dear love him shame oh right let's do something spiritual okay i know clarity that sees to satan's downfall that's where we're going uh this morning clarity that silence is satan and this really came from this morning where the lord said to me emma who are you talking to and who are you listening to who are you talking to and who are you listening to and that sense that we are living in this this this bubble of noise from the news that we are living under the shadow of newscasters reports and the lord started to say to me that that satan has been exhausting the nations with noise satan has been exhausting the nations with noise and i don't know whether you have felt that uh but satan exhausting the nations with noise and that satan is speaking very loudly at the moment and we are in the days of a demonic amplification and god is saying put the devil in the naughty corner and put him on mute put the devil in the naughty corner and put him on mute and do not let him exhaust the nations with his noise and of course i don't know about you but how many times have we released words about there's a new sign there's a new sign there's a new sign i mean it seems to be like a prophetic take every prophet oh i don't know what to say or prophesy by a new sign you know it's to the point where i'm like well what is the new sign but actually satan has heard that there is a new sign coming from the church and he has amplified himself so that we can even hear ourselves think in this season on the earth so that we don't ever rise up because of the cacophony of chaos that is swirling rind abide him and so we're just going to i mean god is saying whose report are you believing so we're just going to start right now and i am going to pray these other guys can pray with me to silence the voice of the enemy in your life and even when you're listening to newscast and broadcasting programs that there is enough of this prayer hanging in the atmosphere that you can filter what is demonic and what is not that you would be one who is energized by truth not exhausted by demonic noise so let me just start to pray around that right now she allah i just speak over your lives right now that where the enemy has been a noise of chaos a noise of exhaustion an amplification that has brought weariness into your life i silence him and we put him on the naughty step right now and we say satan you have a ring around you by these fiery prayers you are limited you are contained you are silenced and we put a gagging order on you right now and we say you may not speak chaos you may not speak such riddles that bring confusion you may not amplify your voice in the homes of these dear ones right now in the mighty name of jesus sj nate john to add to that yeah we pray for discernment right now we pray for that discernment of spirits to know when the enemy is speaking to turn away and to turn off from his voice to switch off where that sound where that voice where that conversation even is going that you will know how to discern the the voice of the enemy above other voices that are speaking to you other human voices and to make agreement with break agreement with that in jesus name so we say we break agreement with the voice of the enemy and we choose to turn away from it and its effects in jesus name so we release that discerning of spirits anointing afresh upon you in jesus mighty name nate do you want to add yes so father for every every lie that we hear every every lie from media from news from things that we've read we just say right now that we just begin to release truth within that father that every lie that we hear god that will be able to receive the word from you that will release truth to the land that will bring life to the land to life to family situations life does to people father god to everything that that god that there's so many lies and chaos throughout the land right now but father that's why you have created prophets that's why you've created christians that carry your word father carry the very word that you have proclaimed the relief to bring life father to break down every lie from the enemy that because where truth comes every lie is decimated right now so father we just release that father that every lie we just shut down we turn off right now in your name jesus we pray lord have your way throughout each and every one of us today god see you and then thank god thank you god started to speak to me about something i never heard him say before he said to me this morning emma do you remember that you're all seated in heavenly places well we all go yes but the lord said this to me he said you're seated in heavenly places have you not seen that heaven has news alerts that heaven has moments of broadcasting and decree that heaven has a news channel and that god loves spreading news that god is a news broadcaster god is a news anchor and god says i am employing in this season a host of new newscasters that i am syndicating my programs to them and the lord says it is the day where you become a news broadcaster a news anchor and i will give you the news alerts of heaven to speak in the earth for the lord says did you not read in my word that i have already established syndicates of news on the earth where i say to the heavens that they must now tell a story an alert a broadcast of my glory the lord says have i not told you that i sent gabriel as an archangel to be in charge of an army of communication announcement and pronouncement angels that i have a whole angelic host dedicated to news broadcasts in the earth that i have media spokespeople since before you even knew what media was who's turned up and brought the word as a news alert and the lord says did you not read in scripture where it says signed the trumpets in zion that that was my way of saying alert news flash pay attention here is a notification on its way from heaven to you the lord says do not be dull to see that i am a news writing news broadcasting news communicating god and the lord says whose news are you listening to and then i heard the lord say this just as i sent gabriel to mary in a time where i needed a new broadcast the lord says so i am now sending the broadcasting angels to minister to the saints that i said in hebrews 1 that you may have a partnership with broadcast angels as the saints of the most high god that i may partner with you afresh that you may become broadcasters in word in signed in song says the lord and the spirit of the lord says i am pulling my broadcasters up from where they have been silenced and they will speak with and sing with such clarity and there will be a new release of broadcasting news of the truth of the kingdom of god in this r says the lord wow huh nate you had a word about the catapulting words that god is gonna give can you just unpack that for us yeah right now it is in this place of you know such a dire time such an imperative time that we receive the miraculous words that will catapult people and churches and businesses and governments and forward because it's just time that that if we're not an alignment to receive actually the new the newscast that the lord is wanting to give us to release it will not go forth and so we have to receive so that we can actually begin to receive not just not just a good word of like oh they'll make it through this week or something like that and it's great to have hope but i'm talking about miraculous words that shift people and if you're watching i'm sure you know the difference between a good pat on the back and an actual miraculous word that actually sends you forth because you've been like god i need to hear from you and and you get in this desperate place and so sometimes sometimes god will use other prophets or people with gift of prophecy that will release these miraculous words that actually align with what god's already been telling you but what it does is it actually gives you a a supernatural hope a supernatural peace that catapults that sends you forth you know even as as a as the beginning of this year um back in november i had an amazing woman of god prophesy over us in um the end of october actually jane hammond which it was amazing but um she prophesied and what was so amazing is it described the very season the last like five six months without realizing and it really for me we grasped a hold of that it was a miraculous word that sent us forward and so it's so dire that we push out the lies from the enemy and receive a fresh word a fresh word that we can actually release not only for ourselves because we have to know and be directed but for the ones around us the ones that aren't christians so that they can know jesus that they can be directed that they can be guided that you know it's so imperative that it is always a fresh word it is always receiving because if not if if people aren't if if people are listening to the lies of the enemy it is easy to get in that place of no hope and and die or need and and the chaos that's going on really all over the world but just if you watch the news five minutes you know it's something bad going on definitely in america i feel like right now anytime you see anything it's just so negative everything but god actually is bringing a truth god is actually moving across the nation and and god is moving in a way that is so supernatural that we if we're not careful and if we're only listening if we're listening to the lies of the enemy we're not able to receive the truth that he is actually pro casting and he is sending out because there is so much going on and you know you look through even within that the history of of there's several different forms of of of prophecy but when you begin to look in that you know a couple of them is is that guiding people how many of us have needed that word as i've kind of talked about how many of us have needed that word that helped guide us that shot us off how about that you know those times when you're trying to connect with people another way is that instantaneous because you got a word of knowledge a word a wisdom that instantly connected you with someone that automatically shifted their life that that that one moment you know i heard a story once of a guy that walked out and there was these these girls hanging out and he was actually out of his hotels like 10 11 o'clock at night and there were prostitutes outside and the pimp you know obviously was trying to sell these prostitutes off um but the but this this man of god heard the lord to prophesy over her and instantly she became free from this addiction this this thing this this and and within that she didn't have hope because he first i think he was asking her so what what what is your dream and she's like i don't really have any and he the lord spoke through him and helped her receive the dreams that she had actually had but had been shot down that had been killed by the enemy but had released her at this point sent her forth away from all of this sin all away from this things that that she was not moving forward in hope but actually was set free so it's that instantaneous connection with people forecasting the nation there's so many different forms of a place of actually hearing from the lord but actually stepping in the gap and i feel like it's so imperative us as us as christians the ones that really are core that's really being receiving from the lord in this time because this time of lockdown and you know i heard glass goes back in a bit more crazy lockdown and things you know but this time if we're not careful the christians that have been actually using this time to go deeper and receive can actually help the ones that have just lost their way along the way i have friends that are posting things and saying things all the time that is just literally they're they're like you can totally tell that they've they've received nothing from the lord in this time because they become hopeless they're like this is crazy and everything is so negative but it is us that have been able to be equipped by the lord to help steer people to help direct people not just to pat him on the back but actually send them forth so that they can run in the supernatural run and forth and every bit of what god has called for them i i think you know what you're saying there is the weight of i will that we will have catapulting words miraculous catapulting words inside of us that god uses us as broadcasters to broadcast truth that will shift people and you're not just saying that we're going to have words that move them a little bit of a step you're you're hearing from god that you and i are going to and you watching are going to have words in us that are like a broadcast alert that shift people miles back into the truth yeah it's interesting god had said some very strong things to me this morning and i'm going to keep prophesying here and then sarah jane if you come in on the back of it the lord said this do not become a ten spies generation do not become a ten spies generation and do you remember when the twelve spies go in sent by moses and to skype out the land to come back with a good report but 10 come back in fear and trepidation and the lord says do not be a ten spies generation who are prone to pessimism who are prone to the glass is half empty who are prone to criticism who are prone to negativism and if you are finding yourself prone to negativism and criticism and oh my goodness is it's all going uh to hell in a hang bow if you are like that if you find right now that you are finding it difficult to speak a positive word that and it may not just be you know you know personality orientation but that actually something of melancholy has landed on you by a power of darkness i speak a freedom to you right now and where there is a half empty kind of oh pessimistic spirit i kill that in you right now i want you to receive a liberation this morning from being a ten spies person where you are going to the worst case scenario where you've been bitten by a lie of satan that it is going to be difficult and hard work wherever your hope has been deflated we turn it around in the name of jesus and we speak over you this afternoon that that ten spies generation anointing that satan wants to slime you with i burn it and i pull it off you right now i say you are free of that and in the name of jesus i say hope is rising and an ability to be a two spy person who believes what god is saying i loose that to unite sarah jane is gone i'm just gonna keep prophesying i heard the lord say this and and this is deep stuff in culture he said this to me the majority report isn't always right the majority report isn't always right you have to be careful and guarded by what you think is the majority report on the on the news and then the lord said this to me he said culture doesn't often change by the majority view now you've got to hold on to this because we're going somewhere culture doesn't often change by the majority view now we believe i think a little bit wrongly that if we get sufficient people saved you know if we're really good at discipling if we are really outstanding at winning souls and i do want you to be good at that but if we do all those things super well then we'll have sufficient people believing who will produce change that some high will get enough people in a nation who can tip a balance that our campus will be changed that a city will be changed the family will be changed just by agreement of numbers can i say you and i believe that you you and i think that's right that it's somehow like a numbers game and something will tip can i tell you i think that is a lie i think i tell you why i think that is a lie because most people even christians who witness the greatest of miracles still struggle to believe in the fullness of the power of god most christians tend towards scaremongering they tend towards conspiracy they tend towards passivity they tend towards gossip rather than kingdom communication we tend to think about ourselves selfishly first of personal salvation rather than kingdom of god advancement and and so what we learn about culture i hope you're learning this morning this afternoon is that when you look at who has the greatest influence in society it is never really those with big numbers when you think of what the amazing jewish community have done in shaping culture and yet they are always a small percent and yet they have understood how to shift cultural dynamics look at the lgbtq movement only ever three percent of a population but yet their effectiveness is phenomenal and i said to the lord what what do we need to know is are we is it just a numbers if we get the right number of people voting if we get enough of a majority will this spin things and god said this no it comes in two forms it is those who will believe who i am it is those who will believe who i am because we believe in jesus as a savior but most of us don't care to go the distance in believing jesus as a lord over a nation and three times it says in scripture you know both in the old and the new testament who has believed our report isaiah john and paul who have have believed our report and i think the lord is speaking right to you will you believe who i am will you believe the report of the lord and then god said this to me and i'm kind of a little bit like whoa he said this i will put effectiveness for national transformation into the heralds i'm gonna unpack that effectiveness will be given to the heralds and the lord says i will give an anointing to be a herald and the heralds are the people who make public declarations who have the ability to make proclamations who have a forerunning communication gift who shift nations by the level of their clarity and god said this it is he who has clarity who leads and shapes i mean that's a might drop from god right there god's might dropping himself today okay god said to me this i written it down he with clarity leads and shapes he with clarity leads and shapes come on he with clarity leads and shapes and god said that's what happened to the lgbtq that community that's what happened to the jewish community they got their movements where they got because they led with clarity they had a herald anointing to speak with such clarity with forerunning clearness that they shaped a culture and the lord said to us communication has been a problem in the church and he said to me you have blamed leviathan but you never contested for good skills of clarity you have not pursued clarity church in your message and the lord says stop blaming a demon and start asking for a heraldry anointing a herald anointing that you may be a clarity speaking people that you may shape the culture by your clarity says the lord sir jane i didn't see you for most of that you were in a nightmare in a night do you want to comment on that and add that and pray around that yeah so powerful so powerful um and i think the whole the whole message today is we have to be and have to be those who have clarity to give clarity we have to hear god clearly to be able to speak the word of the lord clearly to be a herald we need to hear what the king is saying and then release it and so how do we hear what the king is saying and i i love how emma and nate i have heard everything you said even if i was in and out i was hearing it all i love this idea of the catapult words and i think married with the herald what a shift in nations we would see if we married this force of god and his word with the clarity of the herald and shooting out those words of god that bring discipleship that bring direction that bring order into people groups and nations and this thought of the catapult yes it shoots out but what does it do first and this image that i have is very much what god has been speaking to me about that i want to share briefly before we pray is the drawing back before you get shot out of a catapult you have to be drawn back and so this drawing back that we need to do that nate was alluding to this drawing back to hear the word of the lord to get the breaking news from heaven to hear what the king is saying we need to draw back with him we need to meet with him in the secret place and god has been speaking to me about that uh about this invitation to all of us to bring ease into our lives to bring ease into our worlds absolutely but to bring direction into people's lives and people groups that will accelerate and give us momentum as nations in this aligning period of uh time on the earth and so this invitation to meet with god is present to you who are watching right now is important to the church those who know god already those who know jesus already and those who don't yet who are about to know him this invitation to intimacy this invitation to get close to him so that we hear even if jesus whispers something even if the king even if god himself from his throne room utters two small words with us with a whisper that we will be so close that we will hear it so these two invitations are really from the word of god the first one from john 10 which is dawn 10 27 when jesus said all my sheep hear my voice and i know them and this this image of jesus the shepherd who is with his sheep and remember the old way in the in the middle east was to sleep with your sheep was to live with your sheep and the shepherd was with them all the time 24 7. there was this living with your shepherd image that is in the knowing and the hearing and we only get to know and hear if we're spending time with the shepherd and you'll say to me sarah jane i know jesus i know he's my savior but how much do we really know him and how much time are we really spending with him how much clarity do we know on a day-to-day basis of where our lives are going on what god is doing in our own lives and in the lives of any nation or any people group or any city how much time are we spending just sitting with jesus as the shepherd the other scripture which is really really intense right now as we're in the hebraic month of elul which is all about song of solomon and this invitation into the secret garden and i don't know if you're of that era or vintage that knew the children's story of the secret garden but god keeps speaking to me about that invitation into the secret garden that we read about in song of songs chapters four and five and jesus says in verse 12 of chapter four to us you are a garden locked up you're a fountain and closed you are the the place that i want to come to and meet with and so we are invited into the garden but we are to meet jesus in the garden so this meeting place this drawing back this meeting with jesus as our lord with the most high god the living god who wants to speak to us who is his friend who is our friend rather who is the one who speaks to us we need to draw back to get that clarity we have to silence the other noises of other people's voices who give us great advice sometimes but actually we need to draw back we need to silence the voice of the enemy and we need to draw back and spend time dwelling with the lord in the meeting place and our response i think emma i'm gonna hand back to you after this i think my response should be and our response should be not just okay lord i'm coming to the meeting place but we should be rushing into the secret place we should be rushing into that meeting place where we dwell with god and say awake north wind and blow on my garden come in my garden come into everything that is life in me come into me that is full of your spirit that is connected and one with you in spirit and make me alive and let the fragrance of god come out of me to brings transformation to the word let the fragrance of god come out of my words because i get the clarity in the meeting place to bring a direction that has your fragrance on it because let me tell you brothers and sisters you have the garden of the lord in you the spirit of god is in you the fruit of god is in you and he wants to come and blow on that fruit he wants to blow on that seed and send it abroad and he wants it to come out of our mouths he wants that river of life that fountain of life to come out but many of us have got stopped up many of us have got stuck and he's saying come back come back to the garden come back to the place of meeting come back to the secret garden push the door and come in and let me meet with you and you meet with me and so we have to have this violent apprehension not just a well god if you want to meet with me here i am no we have to push the door we have to push the door open and see that jesus is waiting there and i encourage you to read and get lost in song of songs but particularly chapters four and five in jesus name it is time to respond to the invitation to the secret garden so jesus we just speak uh over our own lies and over the lives of our listeners father we want to run back to intimacy some of you may need to type that jesus we want to run back to intimacy father we want a reset rhythm of intimacy we want to find you in a garden enclosed where it's right together oh jesus we are loved sick for you and we pour out our love sickness collectively and we say jesus we want to meet you with a freshness with a realness of heart-to-heart connection jesus would you reframe our lives and would you take us into the deep places where deep calls to deep father we want to come in deeper further more than we've ever done before father we are fed up of our shallow living we're fed up of our shallow living we're fed up of our lack of authenticity our authenticity with you father god and we say catch us up catch us up to where you are that we might be with you where you are father that we may not be living on somebody else's vision or somebody else's story but that we may have a fresh encounter ourselves yes make us love it oh um shaken this morning when god started to say to me that the church had lacked clarity and we all do our best don't we i mean nobody's being deliberately lacking in clarity and nobody seeks to communicate badly as a lifestyle i mean we we don't we don't do we but yet the lord is saying you lacked clarity and you did not contest for good skills in clarity of communication that satan and some nerdy wells brought greater clarity in lies than we brought in truth and i felt like such a chasing in our own my own spirit that we do need to repent for not being those who said god give me a clear message god make me a voice not just a spokesperson because i think we probably all said that god you know it's time for my platform a number of us will have prayed that kind of thing but god it's time for me to be clear god it's client time for me to know clarity to be clear to be schooled in clarity by you to have clarity in my thinking to have clearness in my head to have a clearness coming out of my mice because if the lord says to me and i'm going back to it that it is clarity he with clarity leads and shapes can we have that back on the screen he with clarity leads and shapes we must contend for that again and i i did a brief study this morning through scripture and i kind of think how did we miss that him with that is he with clarity that leads and shapes because right back in the in the old testament you get god commanding the trumpet players and i like this because david is a trumpet player you know i married a trumpet player uh you know that the difference i actually feel like david i need you to get your trumpet out you're it's a flugel horn and the shofar if it's to ha to hand because i actually believe that we i i know that takes you off the computer stuff but if you get all our faces set up equally and then run and get your flugelhorn or your shofar because i think i'm gonna get david to blow the trumpet over us that blowing no i'm not joking he's typing in the private comments you're joking right i'm like i'm so not joking david so he's like oh man but i really feel like in numbers 10 oh he says the shofar is in storage well go and get your flegal horn that numbers 10 and you know it where god says to the trumpet players give a long blast and then give a short blast and alternate the long and the short blasts because each trumpet signed gives different directions in other words what god is saying to the trumpet players is do not give an uncertain sound do not give right back in numbers god says don't give an uncertain sign and then we we jumped loads of scriptures we could go to but we jumped to first corinthians 14 and you'll know it well because probably corinthians is a book you've read if the trumpet does not signed a clear call who will get ready for battle that's first corinthians 14 if the trumpet does not sign a clear call who will get ready for battle again it's saying god saying you need distinct notes you need to follow through with your conviction and where you are muffled and where you are indistinct god is breaking that off you right now where you have tried to speak and it fell to the ground where you thought your communication was going to hold something in the atmosphere and shift something and it didn't the lord says today i'm going to marry you to the clarity that i speak about all the way through scripture do you love him he's he's now standing oh boy we're going to play it in a minute but i want to have a cup two verse two we we we talk about you know writing down revelation why make it plain says god so a herald may run with it in other words god says you've got to communicate your vision with such clarity that there is no disputing your message a lord of mercy on the church where we mixed up what grace was and wasn't where we were sloppy with our grace and nobody knew what sin was or it wasn't god of mercy with our lack of clarity about whether sex before marriage mattered oh god of mercy where we didn't instruct people how to be healthy and well that mixed messages were what we were known for that in fighting was what the church was known for in the world oh father god of mercy that we did not communicate with clarity and so there was no hope for a dying world who could not get the correct message because we couldn't be bothered to speak with clarity god of mercy he with clarity leads and shapes do you two want to pray let's not change the theme but do you two want to pray on the back of that before david plays his trumpet over us and begins a new season of clarity i think we respond and pray yeah i just i'm very aware of feeling nauseous right now and asking god what's what's happening in the spirit as we're praying for clarity for ourselves and for the church and the lord is showing me that we've been a gluttonous church in the sense of we've eaten things that have distorted our clarity and we've put in things that have not been truth and we've swallowed truth therefore we have been unable to speak with clarity and to speak with truth and so lord we just want to repent for everything that we've eaten with words everything that we've taken in everything that we've spoken everything that we have released god in in your name which didn't come from you lord anything that we spoke that was not clear but was rather just something to satisfy and fill a hole for ourselves or for others lord we repent in jesus name and how we have partnered bizarrely with the spirit of gluttony over eating whatever suited over swallowing truth whatever fit for the day that we received it lord we ask permission and now we're asking lord for that vomiting anointing to vomit up god everything that we've swallowed as church that has filled us um that you are saying now you want to make room for to fill us with your clarity and with your truth and what i what i see god releasing is this this sparkling crystal clarity like when you ting a a crystal glass and it makes that perfect sound but we can't do that if we're full of rubbish or trash or it's just it's horrible i can feel it in my spirit so why don't you just get your hand on your tummy lord i repent and i let go and i vomit up spiritually everything that has filled me that is not clear truth and is not of you in the name of jesus we just spit it out and we say we will not partner with it anymore we were announced and we break agreement with everything that is not of you and we welcome in that crystal clarity that comes from your spirit some of you might actually be feeling physically sick if you're a feeler like me and you might actually just want to give yourself a wee cough just to cough that up that was super unpleasant and we just break that spirit of gluttony off our lives we unhook ourselves from it and we shut the door on it in the name of jesus thank you god yes so father we just received the clarity father god we just asked for that clarity of of god really a creative um really your dictionary your encyclopedia of your words that you have proclaimed even words that that god that we wouldn't necessarily say or think but father that they are clarity from you god that we can actually bring the word that you have proclaimed god it's a double-edged sword that comes straight from heaven god that's that separates that breaks down every kingdom that breaks down every thing that that god that that the enemy has built up but because we are speaking with the clarity that we've received from you because god we've humbly come before you we've spewed out we've released god the the gluttony of what has been poured into us god or we've received we we let that go so that we can make room god and so god we just ask you pour into us god creative words pour into us this more supernatural words that will break god every stronghold every situation that father that we go back into a place of believing god of a place of really believing who you truly are that you didn't just come to save us so that we could go to heaven one day but god that we can be ambassadors that we can be heralds that can go forth god with your double-edged sword and break down any situation any lie from the enemy anything god because of the clarity of knowing who you truly are and what you're doing through us father so god we receive that right now in your name we pray in jesus name there is such an anointing on this i think we have hit one of the big issues in the church this morning our mixed poor communication that others uh who had clearer communication though it was flawed and actually demonic they ruled the nations because they had clarity and so what david is going to do right now and i want you to i know we run around while we're listening to facebook and youtube but i want you to pause where you are right now i know there's over a thousand of you on our different channels watching live and many thousands more will watch this but when you are watching this i want you to pause i want you to stand if you can stand up uh with me and i want you to raise your hands because dave is going to blow a trumpet and there is going to be a call that comes from heaven into your life and you are going to receive a new ability for clarity of communication that what you say is going to hang in the atmosphere and have effect that you're not going to be one who mixes up your words that you are not going to be a miscommunicator but right now you're going to hear god and you're going to speak as a broadcaster in a new way this is going to release a fresh ability to you for clarity in revelation and where you've been struggling to hear the voice of god this is a moment of a sign of a reset kiana nasikiri [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] we receive the reset right now we speak that we receive the clarity for communication we receive the new anointing for revelation we say we are reset the mind of christ is in us afresh and an anointing for clarity comes to us receive it and lead receive it and shape nations in jesus name sir james you want to add to that before i just promote some things wow wow wow we just seal in that clarity that clear crystal clear sound we bless you to resonate the sound of the voice of god with crystal clarity we bless you with crystal clarity of sight of hearing of perceiving and of understanding and we loose the spirit of revelation and wisdom over you to understand and perceive what the lord is showing you to speak it with clarity and say clarity in your work conversations clarity in your family conversations clarity in your planning clarity in your leading clarity in your parenting clarity in your homes and in every place of influence that god has given you we say let the herald that is crystal clear come forth from your mouth in jesus name amen amen well what what a day let me just remind you that in the mornings half eight to nine and british uh summertime uh that's five hours difference from eastern standard time and six hours difference from central standard time now that's the middle of the night you can join us for half an hour of tongues rise and shine in the mornings and um we just have a couple of products because i know er er you see all my cups i drink from today this one's actually on our shop it's a big chunky anybody like a big chunky mug it says loved oh it's got my lipstick on the top of it you'll not get one with lipstick on it obviously that would be weird um but you can get a big chunky mug that says loved on it which is uh how we feel about you guys you are loved by god and by us so you can have that in the heist that's new in our shops mottled there you go but what sarah jane and i love is tartan scarfs and throws so we have a massive massive this is just in it's a big square massive big square target love it it's the kind of thing you would pray under uh or put in the end of your bed but it's actually a scarf too and uh you know what sam says about prophets and scarfs so it was really it's a it's a bit as i think because it's got so cold here we're not into like thinking about winter i know some of you are still in 1890 degrees we have torrential rain and wind so uh uh by all means uh go and grab a tartan scarf and uh and a loved mug as we propose we really are in our autumn mindset here aren't we you know hot cups and rats so um anyway so uh thank you for journeying with us and another awesome day and i've got my dad on tomorrow is my daddy yay you'll get my dad on tomorrow and we'll see you tomorrow [Music] bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 10,975
Rating: 4.9226308 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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