"Essentially Spirit" | POWER HOUR | Ep.33

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good mornin al good afternoon everyone it's after 12:00 get out in power our family we're here for a Thursday the 21st of May is our seventh week number 30 whatever of Power Hour I'm really excited to be with you again I am impressed with Meg who's always on commenting first on every single live that we ever do how do you manage to get to so quickly but please do it let us know where you're joining us from Taylor's your nation your setting and please as well if it's your first time joining us today then let us know and we just gave you an extra-special welcome today if it's your first time with us we had a really sunny day yesterday it was nice that any of you managed to do anything they say say there were you stuck in front of your computer no mainly in front of the computer righted manusia and our weight but we're so pale that an R I already have a small tan line you know because we're the palest people on the planet the Irish in this cottage aren't away we did have the barbecue and but I have to say the Sun had gone behind a cloud by the time I got outside but it was still it was nice and I was outside walking the dogs till late because it was a beautiful evening really gorgeous here I have to say that we haven't really commented on this but David I love the music and the little video beforehand I know I've seen that video before but I just I'm really getting into the the pipes and the music I'm thinking I would love to get in the hills I would love to go walking I'm so looking forward to the day when we can get out you know into the proper countryside and and hopefully that soon and we can tell you something a bit more interesting than we've been in the garden but my dad had the boys like on their bikes they did a long cycling yesterday and Samuel our youngest he got so hot and so when he came back bright red like a bellezza beacon and he went stomping off the stairs of the house I want to live Alaska where it's coldest known on our one sunny day I my god that's a true Scot Samuel is 222 degrees we complain if it's too cold and then we complain when it's running 4,000 books delivered to your front doorstep yesterday as well where you didn't realize it was so many they were screaming for ages into the house respect absolutely everywhere so yes thank goodness it wasn't raining order both ice and soaked books and then I said on live stream yesterday not realizing quite why we're saying that I would sign them all you guys oh my goodness mom I know I committed to some kind of courtesy nonsense so yes anyway I was supposed to be preaching in and South Africa last night and then we completely mix up the times and 8 o'clock their time so I thought that's 9 o'clock my time no that's 7 o'clock my time so it's two hours late to preach so they finish their broadcasts as I arrived which was all a little bit embarrassing it's yes so we are you know and actually the crazy thing is I spent so much of my time looking at my world clock phone because we're continually in a different time zone you know so why that didn't quite dawn on us I know I don't think they were very impressed with me but it wasn't deliberate so and I kept myself going and alert till 9 p.m. thinking I'm preaching 9 o'clock at night and then yes as I watch an episode of Anne of Green Gables instead I have to say I'm not I still can't get my head around the difference between Pacific Time Eastern Time Central Time I just need to sit down and work it out and draw myself a little diagram I think you Americans I'm sure get it really well but if working it out is not easy and you know even reading your comments like good evening from New Zealand you're you know it's just it's great that was such a small world on the Internet aren't we I still have to giggle every time to forget our tame differences I just I can trust my head otherwise I would be way out like that yeah so is our I don't even know what number of episodes are as I'm sure absolutely times can you believe that 30 times since we started something quite a feat and it's been a great journey for us blessing you and just ministering to you and we have really grown as a family and I love seeing names that we get to see every day and names that are becoming familiar to us and kind of recognizing some of your pictures as well because what one begs family know today you'll of noticed that we have titled essentially spirit we love our punchy beg titles for a theme for the day we do really love a good title so that's our title for today that we are essentially spread it and we want to talk around the three of us this concept of living from spirit first rather than flesh first and actually dealing with the meth that it's really really difficult for you to be spiritual but actually as believers as those who are saved and who are filled with the Spirit of God who are made alive with Christ is easy for us to be spiritual because of that and so we want to talk around that and give you some practical keys because it's really important in terms of crisis that you understand how to live spread it first and above your mind above your flesh above your emotions that you left from the superior reality that is your sped-up so am I wonder if you can just introduce and bring some context and for why we're going into this area today I don't know how you've been doing navigating your emotions through this pandemic and you know the the the facing the reality that we're going to have to navigate a man or very extreme emotions as some of the economic stuff really starts to bite in our nation's and I was almost some of the British Isles councillor profits and earlier in the week and it was several of us girls who were on together one was feeling very weepy I was feeling a bit drained and other was feeling a bit overwhelmed and so I think there is this sense is reflecting on why why we're feeling like that that we are human that we are flesh and blood and so that is natural human emotion and natural human grief that is a really authentic response to what's happening in the world around us and that sense of I have to grieve the year that I lost I have to grieve the things that will not happen and will nine ever happen and that is okay and and grief is a weird emotion if you've ever lost anybody is a weird emotion and you don't even have to have lost a human being to understand grief but sometimes you think well I'm quite happy to be with my family I'm quite happy to be in my house but why do I feel like this and you can't quite pinpoint why you feel the way you do in any particular given moment you just feel and you feel differently and you feel extremely differently on occasions and there is that sense of where we have to own that human frailty but I was really struck by 1st Thessalonians 4 where it says we don't grieve as those who have no hope we don't grieve like the rest of the world now I know that that is in the passage particularly pertaining to the coming of Jesus and the loss and the going to paradise of those who have died but I think that the the template in Scripture can be applied here we do not grieve as those who have no hope and so I really want to leave this morning into that sense of I must steward my emotions well I must acknowledge my mo I don't want to kind of squeeze them away in the box and say they're not important but actually I must acknowledge a higher reality that I am essentially a spirit being I am essentially a spirit being and so let me just you know spend two or three minutes on why I say that and you are essentially a spirit now you're gonna think I'm playing with words here but stick with me man does not have a spirit inside him man is a spirit that happens to temporarily live in a body I hope you got that and we think of ourselves as flesh and bones we think of ourselves well well I got a deal with these emotions because I'm primarily emotion and flesh and bone and and what I feel in touch here is dominant no you are dominantly primarily a spirit being who has a temporary shell of flesh and there are other scriptures that allude to this Ephesians you're seated in Christ with heavenly praise places now that's crazy because you know your flesh is here but you are by located scripture says you are seated in heavenly places so if you've never thought of yourself as being bi located you've got to know that script knife that is a difficult one to unpack but we just have to go we take it this truth it is in Scripture and so we know that when John and revelation is told to come up here his spirit travels to be in the throne room with God and in the same way you your flesh sees here's relates to the spiritual world relates to what's going on your spirit man can see and hear and relate to the spirit realm where God also dwells and so when I understand that I'm essentially a spirit being I can put emphases on that because that is the bit of me that is anchored in hope I do not grieve as the rest of the world grieves why not my circumstances are any different not because my bank account is more robust not because my physical body is stronger you know because the rainfalls and the just and the unjust but I have hope because my spirit is dominant and my spirit is tied and linked to the spirit realm in which I have hope and so we balance ourselves we balance ourselves by saying yes I don't deny my flesh on occasions it's neat to process but I fix my eyes on the spirit realm so 2nd Corinthians 4:18 really is our anchor Scripture 2nd Corinthians 4:18 David I know you're in the end that we're going to start calling it the bat cave but I know you're in the man cave with all the tech stuff two rooms away but can you just fit up set in Corinthians 4:18 because that is that the scripture so we fix ourselves not fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen for what is seen all of this stuff is temporary but what is unseen is eternal so this command that I have got to be one who understands the dominant reality of the spirit realm it's not just I gonna have a look it's not just being a seer although it is that is I've got to understand the dominant reality and truth of the spirit realm in which I will live forever because I am essentially a spirit I am predominantly a spirit I am first a spirit before I am flesh and bones so that really is kind of the base level understanding for the whole rest of our conversation today because and if you want another scripture just kind of to reinforce that Colossians 3 verse 1 set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God again David if you have that one that's Colossians 3 verse 1 cautions 3 verse 1 set your mind on things above not on earthly things so you see in Corinthians our eyes are supposed to focus in Colossians our hearts in other words our emotions are to focus on the spirit realm and our thoughts so our sight our hearts and our thoughts must be predominantly orientated to what is happening in this spirit realm what is going on there because that is my hope and that is my security okay who so some of us are so raised in Greek thinking churches in Greek thinking schools and education systems but what that has done is you know it's taken us that whole system and I'm just gonna get these deep here and and we're a whole being but that whole system has ripped us in half and it said to us look we're going to train your mind we're going to train your body we're gonna have you think that you are only about flesh and blood and we have almost thrown away the spirit element and forgotten that we are we are both these in these spirit and flesh beings and that makes us whole being spirit and flesh but actually it is not the body that is more important it is the spirit that is that is more important and so our education system throws away spiritual matters diminishes spiritual matters you know destroys creativity and imagination and says you know you have and so what we grow up is we think it's hard to be spiritual that's the lie it's yes nephesh is a turn that needs to be unpacked you're right and the first being the word for spirit in Scripture but we grow up thinking it's hard to be spiritual we grow up fighting ourselves the whole time when in when the reality is that it's easy for me to be spiritual because I'm essentially a spirit being you see that is gonna revolutionize our thinking I am essentially a spirit being and it's easy for me to be spiritual some of you going to have to to type that it is easy for me to be spiritual on that truth it is easy for me to be spiritual because that is the declaration right out of the New Testament of who you are it is easy for me to be spiritual it is not locked away from me a spiritual dynamic so what I would say to you is you are not a flesh being looking for a spiritual experience you are a spirit being who is temporarily having a fleshly experience that must come into balance so that I know I took a long time to kind of set this scene so over to you guys some and I think that's so key what I'm oversharing there particularly I of a you know sense since you have been raised with Christ etcetera etc set your mind on things above so sense so that he's already been happen sense he's already been half happened since your spirit is already alive then you have to choose to set your mind on things above and this pathway into understanding that you're essentially spirit isn't the pathway of another baptism of this better or another although that's good or you know lots and lots of ministry actually as a pathway of daily choice I am continually choosing every single day to be more aware of my spirit and of what is going on in the spirit realm than I am of my flesh and what is going on and the physical realm and it's not that you're not aware of the flesh realm but that is underneath your awareness of the spirit realm and I feel like we just have to pray even together as well wake me up to the superior reality of the spirit wake me up to the superior reality of the Spirit you see when you look in the matter you are more aware of your body than you are your spirit why because you see it there but actually you are a spirit first as Emma was saying and we feed our bodies we clothe and we look after them we like to wear crazy bright jacket it's just to make us feel a bit more alive when you're locked indoors we exercise to look our absolute best on our physical bodies but how much attention do we give to our spirit how much attention do we give to feed our spirits to grow our spirits to engage in the reality of our spirits I'm really a key verse now I I just want to unpack for a few minutes on this theme of waking up to the reality of this better Zechariah 4 verse X and you'll know it well not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord and may and power really they talk about human effort my own human effort my own human giftings my really hard work my talents my abilities it talks about whale that talks about the ex and excellence and all these other things as well and gotta sing endless fairs through the Prophet Zechariah and through is a rubber will here look those things they're not gonna get you anywhere actually they're not gonna get you anywhere good the key ingredient for you to move forward as a spirit reality as the explosion of the spirit as engaging with the spirit and what's interesting because this is a rumble we're talking about here as he really he's a pioneer of pioneers he's a great man a great leader in Scripture he's in several books of the Bible and his job is to lead the first group of Jews from exile out of exile from Babylonian captivity but he's also someone who's laying the foundations for the temple and in this particular scripture he's laying the capstone for the tape their temple their final of the foundations and it's at this point that God says not by might not by power but by my spirit and he's being trusted by God to stirred the new dwelling of his glory he's been trusted by God to lead people into new waters into new territory and God says to him if you want to understand how to move for you've got to understand that your sped it and then it's by my spirit not by your own human air for not by your own hard work not by your attention really hard and trying to put all your human well into it it is by my spirit and that actually we have to pray as I said at the beginning there that God wake me up to the superior reality of this better that you restart to learn what it means to as some of you go back to work after lot don't work in the spirit what does it mean to have family time and the spirit what does it mean for your marriage to be in the spirit what does it mean here's a here's one that we need to look men astray truly and the spirit how we minister to other people not just of our learned ideas what's it mean to create and this better and really to pray around this of wake me up to life and the spirit and to the superior reality of this better as a hinge prayer that we have to partner with in these days if we want to be like surah Mobil who was able to them partner with a new expression of God's glory in the air sitting or you I think the really important thing what why are we bother bothering with this this should be fundamental understanding you see you and I are born into a fallen world we understand it's systems are dysfunctional we understand the fragility sometimes of what we have put our hope in and boy are we learning about the fragility of systems that we have put our hope in too and so yes we are those who are supposed to transform the world but it starts off in a fragile and the broken it's a full and environment now if I do not understand that I'm spirit I can get completely overwhelmed by the fullness of the world that I live in and really what we're teaching you today is that sense of I want you to be a victor I want you to overcome I want you to know what it is to be the head and not the tail as you tirana may says I want you to be the one who is able to have victorious lifestyle 9 what that means is I have to understand that I am I am tied to the spirit realm where there is hope and beauty I am not just a regular a another person because I have the Spirit of God living in me and I'm dominantly spirit and so I've got to start to see and feel and sense completely differently sorry sorry Jana would you yeah I just love this that God said this morning the spirit is the me in you as he said to me the Spirit is the me in you and so when we look at Scripture we see that it is God's breath it is his life force it is his sustaining and breath that keeps us alive even before we even think about how we live in the spirit we need to understand that we were born even before we knew God before we knew Jesus Christ we were born of God's breath and his Spirit is in us job 32:8 says but it is the spirit in man the breath of the almighty that makes him understand so there's a sense of actually we know God already we have a sense of who he is so those of you who who don't even yet know Jesus or haven't been filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit as we learn in acts 1:8 the power of the Holy Spirit there is a sense of actually the breath of God is already in us is already sustaining life and I was there for it is really easy for us to be to be spiritual and to be spiritual people and this verse I don't know if I don't know if you were gonna unpack the Genesis 2:7 when God breathed into the nostrils of Adam this breath of life which is called an affair she mentioned that earlier this breath of God that is sustaining life yes we we have lungs and we have a heart that pumps our blood around but it's the the breath of God that gives life to us and so we need to almost like get into our heads that we are filled with the breath of God I mean how many of you think that every morning or even each day when you're breathing in and out I'm filtered that with the breath of God even before you get baptized in the Holy Spirit I think that's quite an incredible thought that God is in me in a very real way and still therefore it's easy for me to As Romans 8 says set the mind on the spirit that is life and peace because God's breath part of him is in me therefore it's easy for me to think about the spirit and be led in the life of peace and I think that when we move forward even in Galatians 5 where it's inviting us to walk by the spirit the the the mental part this Greek thinking that Emma was talking about stops us from that it's almost like our bodies and our spirit is in our core here and our heads override the leading of the Spirit and so often even when we're praying for people and to be filled with the spirit their heads can't allow that freedom to come to receive the Holy Spirit because they're trying to think it and receive it by thought we have the same problem and we're training in prophecy or seeing in the spirit people have tried to think revelation or think access because we've been so drilled in a logical training mindset but actually do you know what it's so easy to be led by the spirit and it's easy to be awakened to the spiritual things if we pray it listen you know already that I'm a a seer I'm a bit strange and I see things that not necessarily other people see but I see the Spirit of God in us in many of us almost like locked up and it's kind of surrounded by flesh and we go to those scriptures again the Romans eight where it talks about we have this choice we can choose to have our mind on things of the flesh the outputs death Romans 8:6 or we can choose to set our minds on things of the Spirit which is life and peace and so we have this this con context and contest in us to to be led by flesh or to be led by the spirit and for some of us it's really hard and some of you will have struggled to let the spirit out if you will to be led by the spirit and from me the song of songs is a really great place to think about that where in Song of Songs chapter 4 it speaks about this well of life this fountain of life this over following place the water representing the Spirit of God in us wanting to overflow wanting to to be released and to be flooding our flesh to be flooding our bodies to be flooding all that we are and it talks about the garden enclosed the garden locked up if you will and the the response of the lover is to say you know awake North wind's and blow on my garden come and awaken what is in me of the Spirit come and awaken what is in me of this fountain of life and I think there is a choice here friends there's a choice here to say I acknowledge the fact that I'm a spirit being essentially spirit first but actually then there's a choice of I want to be led by the spirit I want to move acknowledging and cognizant of the spirit so that I can live by the spirit and so for us it's almost a bit like learning to drive I think you have to think you know how did I get to this place but I of living by the spirit and in the spirit and being aware of the spirit all the time because you've done it so often but I think my encouragement to you would be to ask Holy Spirit to come and on a block what is locked up inside what is shut up inside of you because the Spirit of God is encased if you will in flesh in many of us and he the Spirit of God wants to move through you and from you and lead you by the spirit in everyday life and so we will come to pray for you in a little while but if you have that image the Spirit of God is in me but for many of us it's it's locked up around flesh but we're going to help you release that today now somebody's asking an outstanding question about demons and you you got to know us who are warriors and I'm about to explain some things and and take you into how you fight because this is not just you know oh isn't it nice I'm essentially a spirit this is and I know what neither I'm an essentially it's very and I what okay so let's go back into that Genesis thing that Sarah Jane was talking about so in the Garden of Eden your 3d okay your name's 3d you're not as big man to thing you're 3d but something truly remarkable happens to your 3d frame God turns out to justice and he blows and this breath this higher dimension from another round shifts into who you are and rather than just be a 3d being you get infused with this substance of another dimension and your 3d frame has a fourth dimension doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo the dimension of the spirit in it and so Adam at that point is remarkable a remarkable moment where we totally shift from 3d to spirit be nothing of God just glorious moment and so immediately Adam because he becomes a spirit being what do we reach he sees in this spirit he can feel in the spirit it wasn't strange to him so he's eating fruit and vegetables and whatever else in the flash realm but he's also completely connected to the spirit realm Genesis 3 verse 8 we really see it that he hears the sign of God in the color of the day he's walking with God in the cool of the day but here is here is the real important deal what happens he falls he eats the tree the fruit of the tree that he's not a light to eat and the three verse eight kicks in then the man and the wife heard the sign of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid from the Lord God among the trees but the Lord God called where are you it is that not weird have you not read that God did you lose him good why are you asking where he is God surely you know everything God have you lost me God can you see me God why on earth do you say where are you God that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable that God you're asking the question where are you you know God what is going on why on earth do you say where are you here is why that is in Scripture we think then and this is wild we think that walking in the cool of the day is about walking in an evening temperature rubbish be not thought trash that thought Americans ok been that thought of your Europeans the word for cool is not a temperature word in the cool of the day the word is rule which is NASA whoo ruah in other words God walked with them in the spirit he walked with them in the rule of the day he walked in the breath the wind the spirit God was looking for them and they walked in as wild thought he walked with them in the spirit realm that's where they hung out and that is where they communed and so when God says where are you he's not saying oh no I lost you he's saying you ate something you shouldn't and you switched yourself off from the supernatural spirit realm and you are no longer engaging with it and the first thing that gets lost at the fall is that unity with Christ God in this spirit realm and God says where are you in this spirit you've lost the spirit realm you've eaten something than you shut down the whole spiritual dimension and so of course Jesus comes and you and I hope you're getting excited about this Jesus comes and what he does is he resurrects the ability to ruler to walk with God in the cool of the day it is utterly remarkable you know as to why that verse 9 let's jump into John I'm really teaching you today let's jump into John 4 and Jesus in John 4 23 to 24 and again if we can see this because this is Jesus with the Samaritan women you know and you've got five husbands and the one you're with is no longer your husband it is a game game changer what we just said so you you understand that the context Jesus at the well was the Samaritan woman who's not particularly pure in morals but then Jesus says this yet a time is coming I'm reading from verse 23 yet a time is coming and has now come where the true worshipers will worship the father verse 23 and 24 in where are we gonna worship in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks no the wild thing of that is for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks and it's just the verse above the one that David and has highlighted there because it's talking about the father seeking in other words come the New Testament God is still seeking where in the spirit realm for worshipers do you get that that those who worship in spirit and interest in other words I am NOT just and knowing the truth of my Bible I am able to know the word but I'm able to worship and be in the spirit realm worshiping as a spirit being communing spirit to spirit with God and God who was looking in Genesis is still looking in John 20 3:24 for those who will be in the spirit realm with him and the first 24 God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and interest in other words there must be a reality of the spirit realm I must know what God is up to I must see the angels I must know that see where the demons are I'm but more than that I must have an awareness of the spirit realm where I walk with God not distant from him not divorced from him not in a flash way only God where are you I'm doing my due diligence of my quiet time but actually that I am so spiritually aware because I have sucked in the truths that I'm essentially spirit and I've washed myself with the trip that I'm essentially spirit so that God who is seeking to commune with me in this spirit may find me in the spirit realm oh that's a verse and a half John four okay so I've not even got to the warfare bit but some searching talk for a bit and and we lose surge in there so I didn't she's back now oh she's back so nice I had my teaching notes obscuring the screen listen like I divide it slightly mister and okay Sam take us deeper from that point and then we're gonna go on to the real bit of me needing to recognize you know I talked about the visor yesterday and it was loaded with lots of questions but I want to give you an understanding what scripture actually says absolutely and it is that verse really as been echoed in Romans eight at the entire passage about life and the spirit but Romans eight nine to eleven says that you are not in the realm of the flesh anymore but that you are in the realm of the spirit and that you are n thus better and the realm of the flesh really is that place of corruption is that place where there as decay as that place where as difficult to please God where there is death and this verse says you're not there anymore you're not in that corrupt realm but you're the realm of the Spirit you're in the presence of life and life felt every part of your body but actually you are endless better as well and I think we can kind of understand you know the Spirit of God fills me so I'm a container for the Spirit of God and you're filled with the Spirit the Spirit is in you but this truth has to also pare me as that we are also in their spirit we are nsaids the Spirit of God we are in the spirit realm and we are in the presence of life that fells every part of our body we are in the presence of life where every motion every movement every gesture we have is within that context and we have to understand and pre teach me how to live life in the spirit because that's where I am and just when Emma was talking about worship there many of you and the Spirit of God just started to speak have been struggling to enter into worship and I've struggled with worship for many many years because you have thought worship was just putting your hands in the air at a great climax and his song and God is saying no no no no that is an expression of worship possibly yes but they're actually worship is where you're able to say God I'm going into this better I'm becoming aware of yours better more than I'm becoming of aware of the world around me and so it's that place where all the distraction starts to dissolve I'm not looking at my desk or my phone for distractions or something like that I'm letting all this distraction of the world around me go and I'm becoming aware of your spirit of the movements of your spirit and it's in that place that I am letting my nsaids start to worship you and say glory your were they Romans 8 says it's behind the spirit that we cry out Abba Father that actually even that as a seal of our adoption into Christ is worship that when you become aware of the Spirit you start to worship hemmings better and start to let him know truth you know Abba you're my father you are my father you're so good god you're worthy your glories however your spit at me want to worship God in that place and so really that the lesson as an S is a lesson of everyday rising in the morning and not being aware not turning to something physical not turning to your phone not doing something super physical not doing something that is about the flesh realm but the first thing that you do in the morning to enter enter this reality being okay God what is your spirit doing how is your spirit moving what colors are you in this better what am i aware what is my spirit feeling and you start to do that throughout the day and you Cree and yourself aspetta consciousness and that's how you start to move towards living your life fully and the spirit surging I just really feel about you're talking sound there's this new depth of our understanding that God would want us to even walk in daily for those of us that are used to even walking by the spirit being led by the spirit that there is a new depth of understanding and reality day to day that he wants us to get ahold of and I really feel for me what's changed and I was trying to thank God what's gonna really help folk get hold of this I was understanding my citizenship you know the citizenship of heaven and is ours and this sense of the realm of the Spirit is ours it's our home and how many of us felt like oh I'm home when we when we were connected with God when we were connected with Holy Spirit it's just that sense of nurture and safety and peace and just wholeness because we are going home we are connecting more fully with home which is the citizenship we have in heaven and all that that is all of the experiences all of the the rights and access if you will that is granted to us as as citizens of heaven on the earth and so this spirit citizenship and the fullness of that I don't think the body of crisis is fully grappled with and I think we're on this new journey even at the beginning of this decade that by the end of the decade we'll have more of an understanding of what it means to live by the spirit and and you feel the pull of that that God is really inviting us into to say yes god I want to be one not just awakened to your spirit within me but I want to go deep into the things of the Spirit and I would say that there is an ease on that right now there is an ease on that for all of us just to say yes god I want to and I want to go with you on that adventure and understand more about what it means to live by the spirit to to be one in the spirit and to acknowledge that and as Emma was saying earlier not just as an afterthought of oh I can access the spirit realm because I am but actually come the other way I I live my life from the realm of the Spirit mmm that's that's a whole of the way of living and I'm excited about it and even what we're seeing God's God shift us into even in the last couple of weeks as we've been journeying this lockdown I think yeah it's going to be an amazing journey yes now here comes if you're not excited enough already the real wham bam exciting bit okay and why we why we build to this place today because of this sense of victorious living okay the whole way through the book of Romans you need to stay with me the whole way through the book of Romans we understand the concept that we are a new creation you are a new creation I am a new creation okay and so second Corinthians five verse 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we you and I might become the righteousness of God in other words you and I are righteous you and I are new creations and we have got to really own that I am a new creation I am a new creation and so when I understand that my old man is dead my old nature is dead that God is not window-dressing my old man he's not fixing it up he's actually murdered it and created me in a new way as a new creation of course a Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any wasn't in Christ the new creation has come the old has gone the new is here in quoting scripture to you so you are a new creation not here is the really important thing when we live in a fallen world we know that we are in a battle grind and the battle grind is where it's all appear in the mind okay but I want to say this to you the thoughts that you are having are not your own thoughts they are weapons used against you why you're the righteousness of God why you're a new creation stay with me the thoughts that you have of grief and overwhelmed this and I'm a failure and I will never be a success or whatever happens to be coming to you the thoughts are arrows being sent from outside your new creation and they are weapons of war from Satan to lodge his thoughts in the mind of what is a new creation this is wild teaching here okay now if you are a soldier and you're at war do you spend all your time trying to catch bullets and oh there's a bullet oh there's a gunshot oh there's an arrow no no no you don't focus on that you actually want to take out the person who is firing the bullets who is firing the shots and the battle is in this spirit realm with spirits that your new creation is in conflict with and we are so spiritually dull that we think oh no I'm an awful person I've had this awful thought oh my goodness I thought something sexually impure oh my goodness I thought something you know is self-limiting oh my good and then you start to spiral down oh I could God ever loved me you know in this kind of diminishing sense of your emotional well-being because you had a thought and then you cursed yourself because you have a thought instead of going hang on a minute I'm a new creation that thought has originated over there and has been sent to me because Roman says about I can't remember number times like 40 something times that your old man is dead Romans is very repetitively clear on these principles and so that thought that is coming is is a oh is a pollution to me from the enemy which is why I hope I hope you're learning something here which is why if Asian says let your wrestle is not against flesh and blood is not an tu but your wrestle is what is against the spiritual forces are there that you should be beating up rather than beating up yourself so in times of crisis yes my humanity must process absolutely and yes I've got a steward some wild sense the things that go on but actually I go into the spirit realm I understand that some of the nonsense that is coming is being sent from demons towards me to weaken me and take me out and then Paul says in Ephesians 6:18 pray in the spirit I go into the spirit realm and I find the demon that is sending me that and I pray and I fight and I'm in the spirit and I cut its head off and I stay there until that demon that is sending me those things is completely assassinated and annihilated I pray what in the spirit okay as a new creation which is my we don't wrestle people we wrestle spiritual forces this should revolutionize your life okay somebody else is dancing it is it's mind boggling stuff which is why what we said at the beginning right right at the beginning in the arm 2nd Corinthians 4:18 it's already been on the screen we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is in this spirit realm so you as a spiritual being must learn what it is to pray the prayers that Sam and Sarah Jane have instructed you to pray that I must be so spiritually aware and spiritually alert I'm essentially a spirit that I can go and deal with these things and I want to tell you the book of Acts is not finished and stories of your faith and your victory are still to be written you are made to fight in another dimension and we've learned how to hustle and negotiate in the flesh but we have not learned how to hustle and win in this spirit and that is predominantly Hailu we're made to function so any church that is saying there's no such thing as spiritual warfare probably just hasn't read the Bible fully enough you are born in the spirit you are born by the spirit you are one with this spirit and some of the time we don't even realize there's a battle and we relegate things to the flesh to the mind and we try to console ourselves out of things that we should be killing and we go to anger management classes which is not necessarily wrong but it's just not very wise because I need to be going in this spirit realm to where the anger is an assault against me and I need to kill it in this spirit you are a destroyer if Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy you in His image are a destroyer you can't kind sell a demon aiight exactly okay kill it don't console it and I have to look oh I'm gonna get a little soapbox right here I don't want to offend you with this but I'm going to get myself bauxite so give me grace I did trained as a counselor when I was 18 19 into early 20s have a great admiration for counseling and and I see the value of it but I think we have spent years in inner healing and years in counseling when actually it was a spiritual warfare issue I think we have paid money to shrinks and psychiatrists who actually do some good jobs and that we don't want to undermine that at all but actually we have been held in this lie that there's something wrong with me when actually it's all about the enemy and I think there is this sense of I just need more deeper healing I just need more kinds like I just need now yes you need a community that you debrief with because yes wholeness comes in community you know wholeness can come in the corporate but actually what you need is an understanding that the thing that that will give you liberty and freedom is not more payment for an inner healing session as much as we love those but actually you understanding that you have to go into the spirit and deal with the in the spirit realm and that will revolutionize you and so many people spend years circling in deeper healing when actually they should be in deliverance ministry themselves little box moment some certificate why don't you pray for us and giveth prayers to pray mmm it's so good I think as well because so often we end up beating ourselves up rather than destroying the enemy who sent these thoughts our way and these main sets our way and we then beat ourselves up you then beat yourself up thinking you're a failure thinking you're disqualified thinking you're a mess when actually was that about the just I thought you were going as I was out with a mouthful of teeth you end up beating yourself up and just qualifying yourself and thinking it's just some sort of personality trait that you need to put up with forever when actually it's a demon and you've already got the authority to destroy it so so good so I think we need to pray a couple of things how do you text and pong son was asking I don't know seen a question I do think needs answered where so many comments is all about demons and know clearly it's not clearly there there are there are human and emotional habits but really what which you do need to deal with and repent of what I'm doing is bringing balance to and bringing medicine to the fact that we have so fallen off into the it's me it's my emotions it's my humanity I'm overwhelmed by what's happening but what I'm doing here is a course correction with Sam and Sarah Jane today it's a course correction to put you into the place of understanding that you're a spirit being so yes you need to repent do you need to deal with anxiety and anger as habits yes you do but I think your start point for that must always be that when there's a demon around I go after and I wore in this spirit look you and I are not going to survive very successfully on planet earth was like this understanding of being a spirit village is not and in that sense that even I'm having to wash myself in because Christ is is Christ as its greatness you know for all of us that we don't none of us get to float above it but that sense of if I don't go back to the hope that I have in the spirit realm if I don't go anchor myself in eternity in the hope if I don't say in the spirit that thing is not allowed to come near me I am going to be completely overwhelmed by crisis and I will want to blame all sorts of conspiracy theories to make myself feel better you know but actually what we need to do is anchor myself as a spirit being mmm totally so good so I think we need to pray and even just that simple prayer of wake me up to life and the spirit and for that to be our prayer that you type but why don't you just lay a hand just on your kind of stomach with me it's not that necessarily your spread it's there but I think it helps because often when we lay our hands in our heads we think that we're waking up a mains change this isn't your main first we're waking up partnering with God for a spirit reality so in Jesus name God and you pray this for yourself I am asking that I would be a wolf awakened to the reality of the spirit life more than anything else and means God I want to be more aware of what you're doing and my spirit first and just like a many verses say we are and I am choosing to fix my eyes on things above and to fix my eyes on the spirit reality and to tune into the spirit reality right now in Jesus name and God I ask that you would sure each and every person watching what is actually just a little demon that's trying to distract them and make them feel like a failure that they already have the authority to say go and Jesus name and that will shift God which is shame your light on what the deep where the demons are and what they're doing so that these people know that they can say going Jesus name and not thought that that dream that idea that imagination that that image in your mind will share immediately and then image eases citizens you wanna pray songs and chapter 4 verse 12 over you that you are a garden locked up my sister my bride you are a spring and closed a sealed fountain and verse 15 goes on you are a garden fountain a well of flowing water and so we speak to that well of flowing water on the inside of you this Spirit of God that is on the inside of you and we say spring up or well spring up or well on the inside of each one of these people and way you've got your hand on your core you speak to yourself spring up a well spring up o spirit of God overflow out of me and make yourself known in a tangible way come out of me and we just remove every bung every stopper every cork if you will that is blocked that well of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you and we say come forth and flow forth and we release boldness courage to you to be people who will live by the Spirit who will lead by the spirit who will follow the spirits leading as we are taught in Romans 8 and that you would not just be people of the fruit of the Spirit but you'd be people who o who operate fully in the gifts of the Spirit and move completely in the senses of the Spirit that we would be there would be a divine reversal from living by the flesh to living by the spirit 24/7 and I bless you in that and I pray that for us too that we would be those who would be always living by and led by the spirit in Jesus name Amen well thank you for joining us for our 33rd episode of Power Hour where as fraida tomorrow silastic of this week for the 34th episode of our seventh week of doing these Power Hour sessions and do like and share as well once this videos over and let us know how we've been blessing you as well and just a reminder we are offering on our website medical clinic appointments online there are a few that are still available so if you would like a 50-minute prayer appointment online with one of our team members you can go to our website and you can find an appointment there to break and to book that if you would if you're in need of some medical prayers during this time but be blessed have an amazing day rest of your day wherever you are and we will see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 6,659
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Id: LyUYK7ltflo
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Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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