"Bringing Strength To The Weary" | POWER HOUR | Ep.94

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good afternoon are our family around the world on facebook land in youtube land it is great to be back with you for another week and my comments are broken so i cannot see a single thing you are typing right now but i'm sure the ever present husband will come and fix it uh how are you sam and nate today yes super good i am happy to be with you all and excited i can't see the comments either i think our magic comment system that we have restream isn't working today so we're just we welcome you from all over the world wherever you're joining i was going to see if i could remember some names that are normally joining i think that's too much of a stretch for me today i know meg chocolate usually comes first i was about to say her name yes yeah and so often is in there as well how are you nate nate your wife has gone off to america for two weeks yes yes i dropped her off this morning so she's gonna go be with her mother over the next couple weeks so i'm manning down the fort here with my two lovely children so we just celebrated my son's birthday which is nine now so party for two weeks with him oh so it's a party i was gonna say to you are you sobbing into your porridge in the mornings now that you're left alone or is it party land oh me and the kids we're gonna make it a party land i mean it is sad but it's all right we can survive and um you know kids may or may not get to bed on time every night and things like that but that's okay you know my question is does the food does the foods change when it's just dad at home because that's the defining characteristic of when a mum goes away the cupboards are filled with different sorts of foods so when dad does the shopping i mean we get old-school biscuits treats everything you could ever want when mom does the shopping it's a different kettle of fish uh well we kind of mix honestly since i've i've went keto the last year so um i kind of do a lot of the shopping anyway half the time so honestly the kids will ask me all the time there's a spa next door which is like a little convenience store and um so the kids are always asking me can we go get some snacks can we go get some sweeties you know and i'm like no we got some there's biscuits in there we're not buying anything else you know so uh you know which i will be able to stay up on it a little bit better because the kids always you know if they'll get one sweet you know they're allowed one sweet when they get home from school and then after tea which is dinner um they're allowed to have something else but what they do my daughter more than my son will get a sneak sweet with me and then she'll go upstairs to mommy and say hey can i get this and shoot mommy be like yeah sure nikki yep yep so i always ask i always ask now i'm like what did what did mommy say did you already have something what have you had what did mommy think you know what i mean so we always bounce off each other but now they can't do that because it will just be me so good well i had a lovely weekend i went through to edinburgh my daughter has been in quarantine for two weeks off she went to university in edinburgh to do her journalism degree and she was only there two weeks and then somebody in her flat got covered in fact half the student population got and they were all locked in their flats i mean the whole thing got ludicrous because i'm on the phone saying jessica how are you eating and she says there's no delivery slots from the supermarkets and the university won't bring us food so all we can do is get uh you know a curry or a pizza delivered every night you know and then she says mommy we've got a toilet roll crisis you know there's not nobody in the flat has toilet roll and we're not allowed to leave the flat and i'm like surely to goodness you can put on a mask and one of you can go and buy toilet rolls surely toilet rolls a life essential you know she's my daughter is such a role keeper i mean i am a rule breaker to my core i am a rule breaker uh don't nod and smile uh you know when it says keep off the grass i just like oh i just like to point one little toe on the grass is that really nothing it's like wet paint do not touch it's an invite is it really wet you just i know i mean you don't want to be rebellious or break the laws of god can we just be clear on that uh i'm like goodness sake just go just going no mommy no mommy i've been told i'm not allowed to i do not want to break the rules and i'm like hi have i raised such a compliant child you know so anyway uh that that is that is my daughter and uh of course none of them are christians in her flat so she's navigating all of that uh which is fascinating just as they grow up isn't it though she's like please can you take me clothes shopping so uh yes she's now got all her winter wardrobe do you know but you know i give her money you know i give her money every month but then when i turn up it's extra money for makeup and clothes although my event of the weekend was i got a new outfit right a new ensemble it was approved by jessica stark and she said i had hit peak fashion and she said i looked very edinburgh uni student which i was like i don't really know if i want i feel like slightly offended by that i'm not eddie edition but i was like jessica stark because at all honestly i i mean i gave her the kid that she's the most fashionable person i know but she approved yes it's from your family um and she approved an outfit that i had chosen so i felt chuffed i had a big grin on my face if jessica approves this outfit then i have come up some levels you know actually we walked down this really posh street i don't even know what it was called in edinburgh and she's taking photographs in the shop windows of the designer shops and she said sam would like that sam would like that so she's nothing to send you them i was like i would like that you know me so well but i didn't know whether to be offended or not i was like as she now in her peak fashion stage trying to tell me that i need to come up some levels i was like what's going on well i'll buy it if it helps she says apparently skinny jeans are out i feel like i've just embraced skinny jeans i think i'm behind the tray mommy's skinny jeans are out nobody you can't wear skinny jeans anymore uh you you know so i'm like well what what are my options straight leg jeans straight jeans mommy i'm like oh man can we not just dress to what suits our body shape nate you were wearing one of our um uh sweatshirts let's see yeah yes great you can get those in our shop it looks nice actually that's right yeah yeah there you go so if you want to wear a fearless hoodie like nate the the flash the fashionista is that what we call you all right so we're going to do something spiritual right now and uh again we're just in prophecy mode i feel like we're working a little bit blind because we still can't see any of your comments we can see that there's just shy of a thousand of you on but as to what you are saying who knows today but keep typing and david is figuring it out he says uh so uh i have pages of notes as ever and and i've already heard what nate and sam are going to bring sam why don't you kick us off and liberate us from this fatigue and slumber that seems to be insidious in this on the earth it's so strong and i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to say please comment as you go and just see in the spirit what you're commenting well well we go because we can't see it in person but i don't know if you have felt over the last 24 to 48 hours an unusual weight of fatigue and slumber come over you that is out of the normal if that is what you have been commenting it's feeling comment we can't see it but other people can and the aim really of doing that i think is to see that you are not just in an isolated moment of you feeling tired because you lack sleep or it's a tired day but there has been such a sense of the enemy releasing a demonic onslaught of slumber and fatigue to the nations of the earth over the last couple of days and for the last 24 hours i have had conversation after conversation with prophets all across the world who have been saying they felt this i've felt this fatigue i've seen it it's unusual and when one person that i talk to say you know says oh i'm feeling it i'm like well okay but when i had about seven conversations with seven different people that aren't connected to each other saying i'm like right hold on a minute what is going on here and how can we be a solution to the spirit and david's typing in the private chat saying you're agreeing with what god is saying about this good we're on the right page and there is a slumber in the earth realm right now that is demonic at its root and the enemy is trying to lead you into a lack of productivity take your eyes off the prize and the lord is saying it is time o people of god to dress yourself in war and get ready to push this demonic spirit of slumber off you and i heard the spirit of the lord say this about it do not be misguided for though there is a tiredness the tiredness is a fruit and not the root the root is actually an assignment of distraction from the enemy for distraction is the aim of the enemy's game and i heard the spirit of god say that this morning then i had a text from one of my best friend prophet friends taylor who said he woke up with a vision of a wolf in sheep's clothing and god said the sheep was the tiredness where it looked pleasant it looked harmless but the wolf that was actually behind the clothing of the sheep was distraction that was harmful and that carried a bite to it and god is saying at this time look you have felt slumber you have felt tiredness even over the last few days but the root of that is distraction as the enemy is trying to steal your productivity steal your pursuit steal your determination but we come today as prophets of war to kill that assignment of distraction and oz guinness he says this about distraction the enemy's number one weapon is to use weapons of mass distraction the enemy's number one strategy is to use weapons of mass distraction and that's what we can feel in the earth right now so i want to speak before we even deal with that on a warfare basis i want to just speak to those of you who have felt as though your momentum has been robbed in the last 24 hours that feels as though you have somehow partnered with a level of tiredness that is stolen your productivity and say you're not alone in this and that god has a solution for what you are feeling right now and what you are feeling is not a personal or an individual attack it is this mass onslaught from the enemy that is over the nations and so we want to just war for you in a minute around this whole idea that distraction has given birth to slumber and to tiredness but emma i don't know if you want to add on to that at all before we kick it out yeah i mean i've just managed to get some comments up on my phone uh on multiple devices here and the number of you who are saying certainly on my page you know uh uh how much you've been talking about to this and i mean i felt war night as well and that's not like me actually and you just know that we're in battleground mode right now as we talked about in previous weeks to anchor ourselves in the hope that is set before us to anchor ourselves into eternity and uh to actually contend uh around issues of restore to me the emotions god of my salvation because because uh you know [Music] the word of god talks about joy being uh linked to salvation um restore to me the joy of my salvation uh as david talks about and i think we're in a time where we have to actually grab scriptures like that and say god i need emotionally reset i need a restoration of the emotions of my salvation in the here and now because if i don't have your spirit restore them from within me i am in danger of being wiped out by the spirit of the age um by the tumultuousness of what is happening in the planet and don't forget that we've just watched a national leader get covered over in america and it doesn't really matter whether you like him or don't like him or what your political persuasion is we know that actually when leaders look frail it shakes us and it shakes an entire planet when senior leaders look frail and you know that's just the reality of how the world works uh we we struggle uh in in leadership frailty it's why when people fall who are in senior leadership we get really really rattled and so there is this need to come back to the leader who is christ and to say you are the rock under my feet you are the unfailing god and i anchor myself in you i get my joy restored so that i can hold the ground that i'm supposed to hold and not be an enemy casualty and i prophesy over you this morning you are not going to be an enemy casualty oh come on you are not going to be an enemy casualty you are not going to be a casualty of this war that we are fighting you are not going to be taken out you are not going to be oppressed and removed from your place you are not going to have uh your destiny robbed you are not going to be taken out of a church that is advancing in the earth right now and this morning i heard the lord say here comes the church here comes the church and so we are just going to war for you that that slumber that that weariness that that all that internal machinations of grimy you know thinking of of diluted and polluted you know mindsets that make you flat and make you low we are not gonna lift these off you in the name of jesus nate do you want to add to that yeah i think even within that and i'm i can't remember if you said this earlier sam but you know within within that distraction there is a place of anxieties and so it raises up these levels of of frustration this fresh this this place of even me over the last couple days you know i've had higher ex you know almost anxiety i'm like god this is not me and i am not receiving this and no matter how i feel no matter what uh this is not me so i kept like just giving it back to the king because within that distraction it almost creates that anxiety within that and so it almost if you if you if you don't notice it you know which which honestly is a big part of how you notice is is when you're praying continually when you're praying in the spirit and you're like wait why am i feeling this overbearing thing but today he's saying look i am releasing you from this anxiety i am releasing you from this distraction and i don't know if sam if you are wanting to pray into that at this point can we can we just can we just say you know hear us hear the three of us hear the anxiety and the exhaustion and fatigue as our own battleground and actually the beauty the beauty of the honesty and that i love it i love when we're able to be honest and and uh our humanity is there and uh actually and we go my goodness you know there's been a bit of a fight around uh we have got to be more integrally honest with each other don't we so let's let's get rid of it but take a design take it as a sign that this is a um uh you know an enemy attack to stop the church being the church come on yes that's the long and the short of it because i must say i felt probably ten days two weeks ago something really significantly just click and shift spirit and that god had really come to a place where we were in the last stages of dismantling um and we were about to enter the a new season of the building post dismantling this is a really pivot uh pivotal two or three weeks that we are living together and it's at that effectual door that there's always much opposition okay uh so uh sam and nate just just go to war and let's deal with it yeah so good and i totally agree about this three week window that we are in of an intense dismantling and that's why god is saying i am killing this root system of distraction that produces fatigue once and for all so that you will not have to fight to keep your eyes on me and keep your eyes focused on where they need to be so right now in the name of jesus where the enemy has birthed a spirit of distraction that is causing your anxiety that is releasing to you fear that is releasing to you slumber we right now list the light of christ to expose it for what it is and in jesus name we say distraction you must shift right yes and i just go in the spirit to all of you watching and i pull that weighty slumber off of you right now i left it up and off of your mind off of your soul off of your body off of your emotions i left it up and off over your house i'm just hearing the spirit of god say even after this power hour you're gonna have to go around and anoint your home again and just speak to that spirit of slumber and tell it to go and welcome my life in and so i left that slumber off of each and every one of you right now and i decree over you this is not your burden to carry this is not a personality trait this is not just part of who you are this is not an unexpectable thing this is not an unhealable medical condition in jesus name i decree that slumber is shifting right now and i lose to you the capacity for your eyes to be fixed on jesus and for that to release a momentum to your movement and i'm just hearing the spirit of god say there is a rapid momentum that is coming behind dismantling that is coming behind dismantling these next these next three weeks and then the lord says that will only just be followed by a rapid momentum behind building and so where the slumber wants to slow the process down we say enough where distraction wants to slow the process down we say enough in jesus name and i loose to you an ability to work with god's momentum as he dismantles and has and as he builds in jesus name so uh nate do you want to add anything else that prayer um no i think we can go yeah i just speak to your emotions right now and in the name of jesus we go right to the very core of all of our beings minds sands mates and jurors and collectively as this family of par are across the internet and social media we now speak to every emotion that is flat every sadness and weariness in hearts and collectively come on you join me with your prayers because we're blessing each other here across this part of our family we now say that we will be those whose emotions are blessed by god to come into joy whose emotions are going to rise to the level of king jesus who knows what it is to walk on the top of a storm and not be splashed and destroyed and consumed by it and in the name of jesus that fatigue and that sleeplessness comes off this entire par our community in the mighty and we speak an ability for energy and an ability to steward life and an ability to steward rest come on i feel like several times but it's like we're cycling these kind of things and we say we break even these cycles that you may be those who march in time with one another who march in time with the ecclesia that is rising who march in time with the church that is on the move who march in time with a god who is saying here comes the church yeah come on it's name i lose that to you something there nate you've got a prophetic word about dismantling man-made structures go for it yeah yeah i heard this relording lord say this morning i am bringing healing to the church to relationships come on you have disconnected yourself because you have put your trust in man or in the church and they have failed you but today i am bringing healing to relationships healing to the church to work as one body truly unified in one accord and let me just tap into that unified is is i've seen unification be so much of like the church of just saying well this is what unity is is where we all come together but there's a place where you know it was like a uni well you couldn't pray this way you couldn't pray in tongues because it might offend these people you couldn't pray like this and this and it was like this is not unity unity is where you go before each other you respect each other's levels where you're at and you can come together as one body but i believe there is a place and what he is saying is that actually he's bringing healing within these relationships that actually is going to help raise them to a level of that supernatural glory of that unity and so as i and continuing on here it says as i bring healing i am bringing fresh revelation and enlightenment come on you said they don't understand me gosh how many times have you said that they don't agree with me shift to only receive acceptance from me today i am the all-giving activating igniting king as you shift to receive your acceptance from me i will bring a true understanding of what is going on in the church i am bringing light to what is going on in the church come on this is this is the dismantling part that's a bit but it says i am dismantling the man-made structures making them supernatural kingdom structures um but then he warns us and he says be warned for a moment it will seem like chaos but i am filtering the church to be a true representation of me gosh and what what uh you know i have a bit more to go go into that but but within that that place of of god saying look i am taking back i am destroying some structures because i need to realign them to a supernatural kingdom structure and what a statement when he says be warned because it's going to seem like chaos and i think this is the warning that we're going to begin to see some shift in some churches that that seems like i can't believe this happened i can't believe that happened but make sure you don't focus on what the negatives but look to see what god is doing in the spirit realm because he's realigning these things to to to bring us back to a true representation representation of who he truly is did you guys want to chip in before i move on with that i i think it's really powerful nate i think what strikes me what you're saying is that dismantling and deconstruction uh is chaotic and uh god doesn't mind holy mess and righteously orchestrated chaos it is just you and i who are control freaks god not a control freak and uh boy does this push buttons of our ocd and ocd we didn't obsess of compulsive stuff that we'd even didn't even think we had until god placed the press the button i mean look at us we don't even like it if we walk into a church building and somebody else is sitting in our seat we're not even comfortable with moving around the chairs in the church let alone a whole scale restructuring dismantling and uh some of us are you know politely you know are gonna jolly well have to get over ourselves and uh our need for uh control and uh on our need for some kind of unhinged unhealthy structure that is not actually how the kingdom of god works and the god is organized but let me tell you this is probably nothing like the organization you think it's like because we have layered a demonic uh nature to organization and uh god is in charge and god knows the order that things need to happen in but he was absolutely okay with the the the chaos of uh and the and the the mess that the the cross created in the lives of the disciples he didn't shield them from the brutality of christ's death because he knew it was in that act which must have looked like it was despair and the worst thing that could have ever happened to the disciples because he knew that there was a bigger picture that he was working to on the other side of it and we don't like we don't like when it goes too far we don't we wouldn't have coped well with the crowds pressing in on jesus we would have wanted a little bit more order and a little bit more while you come one at a time we wouldn't have liked that lazarus had to die to demonstrate god's resurrection power we would have wanted a sinner intervention we would have wanted kept meat and we would have wanted it kept tidy in a way that the kingdom of god rarely ever demonstrates and i and the stories like elijah you know where he is in the blood bath of murdering the 400 uh prophets of baal and the 400 ah how many how much blood is flowing by a single prophet in the murder of 800 other men you know at the absolute carnage and the sheer horror of that chaotic sight of the victory of god and elijah's that he couldn't have stood any other way apart from the stench of uh decaying bodies in the heat of the israel israel's son he couldn't have had any other way than his whole being caked in the blood of those who had been murdered by his own hands to demonstrate the victory of god and you and i like it more neatly packaged than god does and god says even at pentecost i didn't come with a light soft wind that just made you feel temporarily elated i came with a violent wind that shakes buildings and we're gonna have to start to yield to the fact that we're in a chaos season and we're gonna have to start to say god make me comfortable with your order god make me comfortable with holy chaos god deal with my peculiarities when it comes to control yeah eliminate yeah yeah let's pray into that right now and just begin to just um say god give me clarity but god let me be able to just let you create your chaos into me and then there's a place within that as well guys is is definitely if you've been in church for a longer period of time you are used to a structure you are used to something and so anything outside of that box you know anything that somebody says that's different or weird or whatever peculiar you're like oh that must be blah blah blah but it is a place of receiving god what are you saying god what are you doing so right now god we just receive your holy chaos upon us we just receive your holy chaos god let us shift our trust from my man-made perception of the church to your kingdom structure father that we have your perception in how you do things that father that it in in the in the physical it may look like a chaos but father to you it is your kingdom structure of what you're wanting to do father god we lift you high right now so if that's you just begin to type that in begin to just say yes god give me your holy chaos right now yeah they are i'm watching on comments they are yeah awesome i think i'm going to shift over into finishing with ratify and then i'll come back but you know as continuing on what i felt like what i heard the spirit of the lord saying was he's saying i have come to eradicate which means to destroy so i can ratify which then ratify means to what to give consent to to sign off on something and honestly these are words that i don't even normally have in my dictionary and i'm trying to figure out how to process them because god's starting to give me words that i literally have to look up because i'm not sure how they use and then i begin to type them out but anyway so but what he's saying here is i am scraping back what is not of me is what he's trying to say and then he says i am eradicating what is not of me i am destroying what is not of me and he says i am i am destroying what is not of me within the church within our perceptions he says i am bringing this ratification i am bringing the sign off to the church first and then to the world as ratification comes reformation can come as i sign off and give consent you can receive the glory of reformation which i don't even like to use that word sometimes because we think of different denominations and different perceptions on things but reformation is a place of reforming what god has actually destined us to be but he is reforming us so he's saying i am scraping back the church to be able to sign off on the releasing of my glory don't you want to receive this glory i don't want any false false perception of who he is or how he acts and he goes on saying i am bringing clarity of me i am shifting people out of the unfocused to the focus out of the fog into the clear of light out of the congestion into the clear out of the situations you have no answers to when i give consent i always bring my promises we have to receive his consent we have to be willing to receive because he scrapes back what is not of him so that he can write off and say i have anointed you i have called you i am moving you forth and anytime he gives his consent he always brings his promises [Music] but it is in the clarity of me that you can see the ratification it is in the radical exposure of me that i clear out the fog in the situation of issues and distractions so dive in deep with me worshiping me schedule times of just time with me so that you are able to experience this radical exposure i want you to be able to walk in this radical exposure but first you need to realign with me so you can experience it first to clear it all away this radical exposure everything away that shouldn't be there in and around you and it brings everything you need it is the course correction of my glory so can so i can make you who i have made you to be and so i think at this point and unless you guys want to add on we i just want to pray into that for a moment did you guys want to chime in yeah and i think for for absolute clarity's sake you know the phrases you're using in your hearing are fascinating to me that god said i'm scraping back that that's done with knives you know that you know that's the reality of it god's scraping uh back uh things on us uh like we've almost got you know mold growing on us or mosques growing on us you know or liking and god's scraping back that which has grown on us that is not of him that's that sounds like i'm being skinned alive that the word scraping back sounds like god's saying i'm gonna skin you alive that's what i don't know that i'm going yay to that i'll certainly go yay to the next bit where you're saying so that i can sign off on a new level of glory that god has documents of ratification that he's going to say stamped signed sealed approved for another level of glory i think we'll all go yay to the level of glory but i don't know that we're going yes god take the knife and skin me alive but i but i think what we're learning from what you're hearing right now is that the x the extra weight of glory comes to those who have been scraped back as you put it skinned alive by god yes just pray and then we're gonna uh uh i'm gonna prophesy yeah yeah yeah yes so father right now we just come before you god we give you permission to scrape back to destroy anything that's in our life or if you're a pastor if you're a leader scrape back anything that i'm leading as a leader or pastor or maybe it's an organization that's not even a christian organization but god i give you permission to scrape some things back destroy the things that aren't of you so that i can realign so that you can give your consent and that i can receive the promises that you have brought for me so right now just receive from the lord receive right now the promises that he is giving you because you are letting him you're giving him permission to cut away this uncomfortable state sometimes and it makes create this create chaos but father we give you this permission right now father and we just come before you father have your way in us father have your way in us as someone put skin us alive yes it is live yet what a prayer amen i know i know for prayer okay let me let me uh uh prophesy i have something to release to you i want you to get something uh a new capability from the king today that you're going to need in this next season of time so let me build uh there and take you with me so that you can receive what is absolutely fundamentally imperative for you as a blood-bought saint of the most high god and i heard the lord start to say to me actually yesterday morning emma how do you think i measure successful church how do you think i measure as god a successful church was the question that he posed to me and he gave me two answers and uh he said this how do you think i measure success he said the first is radical abilities to build radical abilities to build and i said to the lord surely god you want us to be radical in our influence we want to be radical transformers or radical influencers and god said this you cannot have radical transformation and you cannot have radical influence if you have not first built if you have not built under an anointing of radical building you do not have the uh influence and the stature to then uh start to spread out and shape nations in the way you want them to be shaped and so the spirit of the lord said this to me he says you have little influence if you will not build because building demonstrates the kingdom of god and by building the lord is saying have you built your expertise have you built your specialities have you built like joseph built who was an expert in dream interpretation and experienced even in his childhood with his brothers so that when he was catapulted into pharaoh it was catapulting because he had an established built expertise so that he was useful when he turned up at pharaoh's ear and the spirit of the lord is saying you know to us through the life of joseph that it was not joseph's first dream interpretation it was actually well down the line he'd even had to go to school in a prison and learn dream interpretation there he had built on the inside of himself and expertise so that there was influence when it mattered and so many people say to me you know emma i i want my platform i want my influence and i'll say well what do you want to do and with your life what's what's the call of god in your life and loads of people say to me things like um well i want to do what you do emma i want to be known and i want to travel the world and i kind of snort and laugh at that because actually what will the world do with you and what will you give the world and what will you sow into the world and why would people make a withdrawal on you if you just want the influence without the building god will not bless that and god is saying church i now need you to come into building mode because if you receive a building anointing it will build you into impact and influence this is the word of the lord for this morning but i don't just mean terms of building expertise and specialization that you need too but i actually mean building entire ministries businesses and structures for the spirit of the lord is saying to us this morning do not prop up the world's systems for the lord says have you not read in my word that the world systems get judged and get torn down have you not understood in the reading of revelation that the world systems collapse under my power and my fire and my judgment and the spirit of the lord says it is time for you to create the systems and to build the structures that people can migrate to that our kingdom of god and the spirit of the lord says your new building anointing will enable you to build structures that the old or the world can in interface with but you will be an infection to them and the spirit of the lord says i do not want you to take over a system that jesus my son did not author the lord says there is no need to take over you make the world systems redundant by building the kingdom of god structures alongside them and the spirit of the lord is saying build the banking systems build the new economic systems depopulate the world systems by the building anointing that i am putting on the kingdom of god none we have some amazing friends and uh i have some friends who are creating christian banks it's taken them years it's a battle to create an entire structure around finances that has nothing to do with babylon because you know uh even a top line reading of revelation 17 and 18 says full and fallen is babylon the great and of course babylon is the financial and the banking and the economic structures that the world uses and gaza has fallen fallen she has become a home for demons does that sound like the banking system and for every evil spirit a hunt for every unclean and detestable bird all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries this is revelation 18 i'm reading the kings of the earth committed adultery with her that sounds like our leaders doesn't it and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excess of luxuries and there is this this hand of god that says i will not bless these man-made ugly systems in fact they are houses for demons that make you behave like adulterers and so when the lord is saying build it it's built according to your skill set and some of you need to build banks and some of you need to build economic systems we have another friend who has set up a foundation in geneva and he is reframing economics in the world he is teaching and leading the way in biblical economics leviticus um 25 jubilee economics the economics of mutuality god has these people already in place who are building economic systems according to scripture who are building banks according to scripture that we may interface with the world system and depopulate the world system as people run come on god is changing nations god is changing the world right now and the lord is saying i want you to use your energy to partner with a new building mantle do not fight what i will dismantle because the grace is on the build right now you can feel the weight of the glory of god it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter what is in your hands right now it doesn't matter how educated or not you are do not measure yourself by those things it is that there is a resurrection of your dreams and an ability to build into them that you may interface with the world systems and pull people from them i'm just going to keep going because we're on a roll no i'm fascinated by matthew 16 i will build my church yep i will build my ecclesia and i kind of want to say to jesus why did you not say i will lead my church surely as the great king who we follow you would expect that to be the terminology or i will shepherd my church or i will nurture my church but the lord says i will build my church that sense of living stones that sense of constructed and constructed that sense of having within us an understanding of building and the lord is building and prophesying right now a victorious church that is authentic and attractive and if you go into corinthians first corinthians 3 paul starts to call himself built on that revelation a master builder and god's saying it's not just that you're going to be able to build a little bit is that god is saying i'm going to put a master builders anointing on top of you that you may create great things now interestingly after paula said master builder this is first corinthians 3 verse 14 about how you are to build if what he is built this is talking about you and me if what he has built or we have built survives he will receive a reward did you hear that if you build right you receive a reward if you build and it survives there is a heavenly reward for you how do you measure a successful church you measure it according to scripture by the ability to build which generates eternal rewards boy have we been far too passive and i feel like the lord is saying to us you learnt how to build an empire of domination now you will build an alternative structure for liberation let me say that again you will no longer build an empire of domination but you will build an alternative structure for liberation wow and i heard well i'm just going to keep going because there's some things i need to have only got nine minutes um i heard the lord say uh that there is to be an end to what is calling the reminiscing church an end to the reminiscing church when you look over your shoulders and the lord is saying do not fight me do not fight me by wanting it height it was can we just talk about denominationalism for five minutes massive topic but i feel it it comes into this building anointing which these boys are going to pray about in denominationalism not hear me not the denominations are necessarily wrong because many of us have grown up or go to what would be classed as denominational churches i'm talking about the demonic spirit of denominating denomination can we smell and that kind of uh denominated my about my teeth around it that spirit of the denominational churches is incredibly defensive is we defend our truth and when you have a denominational demonic spirit it is all about defense but actually the kingdom of god is a bite forward thinking it's about offense you must understand different mindsets that the the reminiscing church the denominational church is all about protecting my own structures and defending whereas the kingdom of god is actually for thinking liberation movement and building the new yeah and the lord said this to me really clearly you have sinned by belittling my saints and calling them para church organizations i have never heard god as strong on this kind of topic and the lord said the parachurches were those who were snuffed out by denominational control and defensiveness and the para churches where my pioneering people who you critiqued and criticized and called them parachurch like it was a bad thing and the spirit of the lord says that the people of god doing the work of god are the church and in the bible there is no division between denominational church and parachurch the church is the church is the church is the church and when we slimed and criticized some people are saying they haven't heard parachurch but those kind of like you're not the mainstr i mean you're not in the main structure of church therefore your lesser is really what parachurch became you know you're not in the main heavyweights who have a long lineage in history i mean you're relatively a new kid on the block therefore you mustn't be as called by god or is trusted by god we have this two-tier mindset uh i'm hoping i'm explaining para church it's a very uh i look like it's quite a british thing but this sense of only the heavyweight who have ears unlock under their belt and have lots of people attending only they have any credibility and anything new and anything you know cutting edge and anything pioneering well you know we're just going to demean that a little bit and god was furious about it and all this kind of lambasting each other and saying well who are you accountable to and really what people meant was i don't like what i can't control and we've had tons of pioneering for thinking christians who have been demeaned and belittled who found the church painful to be in because they were outside of the demon of denomination denominationalism and the lord is saying that we have got to accept the pioneers again as core to the forward movement of the church do you know the thing i hear a lot and then sam sorry i just kind of whistled on the w what i hear a lot is um about pioneers they are self-appointed have you heard that that the pioneers are self-appointed you're self-appointed like how dare you and i feel like the lord is saying stop using those that those words that actually they're not self-appointed they're god anointed jeremiah in scripture was not picked by another man jeremiah was appointed and anointed by god at 17 years old to destroy and build up nations amos cries in amos 7 look i'm not a prophet and i'm not the son of a prophet in other words i'm not schooled by anyone god just said it was me deborah's the same thing when i deborah arose i just knew that god had a call in my life deborah's basically saying i just knew i was called by god rahab no school no church would ever endorse rahab the prostitute and yet she's the door opener for the salvation of a whole nation nobody would have gone with paul who was saul of damascus and what makes me giggle in all of this is that any long-standing church any denomination that we say all hail you mighty long-established church actually started with a man who was rebellious enough under god against the status quo and god is saying you've got too many problems with how i pick my team you've got too many problems with how i pick my staff and i feel like the lord is just saying liberation to the pioneers and liberation to the builders so i'm doing a con on that i talk for ages there i can't hear you oh i'm muted i'm yeti now can you hear me now that's probably one of the most anointed words i've heard in a long time emma and as you were prophesying there i was so aware of god in heaven opening up a book that i hadn't seen before and it was the book of genesis moments not genesis as in the book in the bible but genesis that means the beginning the form the building of something and it was filled with seeds that god was getting ready to disperse throughout the earth and god was saying look i've not opened this book for quite some time but now i'm getting ready to disperse these seeds of building into the earth the seeds of planting something new and the lord is opening this book and i can hear it slamming on the table in heaven and there is such a force of god behind us where he is saying these are the genesis days not genesis the book in the bible or genesis the creating of the world but the genesis days of brand new formations brand new building brand new planting and the lord says let me deal with what image you're building in the form of the lord says it's not time to build in the image of a denomination or the world systems or over history or of your good experiences are of your last encounter or of the last outpouring the lord says these are the days where you are building in the image of me and the image of my kingdom and that's why the favorite verse of a prophet you know now a new thing's to spring up begins with do not forget the for do forget the former things do not remember the past and god is saying look i need to cut off from you the temptation to build in the image of your past the temptation to build and the image of a good experience or a good service that you watched and god says receive these seeds from the genesis book in heaven and they are the seeds of something new they are the seeds of what is actually new they are the seeds that carry the essence of my kingdom and what you plant and what you birth and what you raise up will be of the essence of the kingdom and not the essence of your history or the essence of your denomination or the essence of the world says the lord they will be the essence of me and son in the name of jesus i will because this is you know what building in your past is a natural thing to do and you're gonna need a supernatural weight of pioneering to resist the temptation to build in the image of your past and build in the image of the kingdom you can't do this in your own strength so in jesus name i loose to you a supernatural ability to resist building in the image of something that is worldly and in jesus name i lose a capacity to partner with the wild pioneering of god that builds in the essence of the kingdom of god and does not build in the essence of the kingdoms of man and i'm watching even as these angels are coming to partner with this book and they are taking the seeds out throughout the earth and as you are hearing this as you're partnering with this there is hope because god is coming with supernatural ability he's sending his supernatural hosts to partner with you in this building work and it is not something that you will generate out of your own good well it is something that god will generate out of his well in you very helpful nate do anything else to add and then i'll pray and release this building anointing yeah i i i really think that it's that part of that liberation to the pioneers is that place of liberating and so i think even as we go into prayer within that is that understanding that he is freeing us to be the pioneers that i even imagine you know thinking about people coming from you know i can't say this is an american i guess i'm but coming from england to america to separate and even with that what they built was similar to actually what they had seen before but god is saying something new and it's a place of actually receiving even that place of letting him that cut back as we were talking about to receive that fresh enlightenment as we've all really been saying is that fresh revelation to know exactly what he's saying of building and it is that understanding that look he is giving us liberation he is freeing us so liberation is you're locked up and now he says i am freeing you so receive that freedom today i know we're we're on time so let me just wrap up and pray where you have been wounded by the criticism and the belittling of you know your parachurch or you're too outside the structure of traditional church or you know you're too way out there and you're not really a proper christian or you're not really part of the the the the standard at church you know and that has been a um an unkindness to you i lift the effects of that off you in the mighty name of jesus you were always the church whatever you were doing wherever you are because there only is one option in scripture that the people of god doing the work of god are the church wherever they find themselves and i bless you to be the church wherever you find yourselves not beholden to the structure of a man that wanted to control but biblically literate and biblically alive knowing let me say it again that the people of god doing the work of god are the church and always have been now do you need accountability yes you do and do you need good relationships yes you do but i want to just release you from the pain that has come to you as you have tried to pioneer and in the name of jesus i list to you a new building anointing it will become an ability to influence it will become an ability to transform but it will start in the building and you will build expertise says the lord and you will build specialization says the lord and you will build banks and you will build theaters and you will build economic systems and you will build in even in the arts and entertainment uh remix and you will build says god ministries and charities and you will build a new wave of church says the lord so in the name of jesus i loose the building anointing to land on you own you infiltrate you saturate you and dominate your ford movement that you will be one who only knows what it is to build the kingdom of god and not defend what is old and obsolete in jesus name amen tomorrow sam you and me and sarah jane yes yes brilliant more tomorrow i've only got three again half my notes you didn't even touch half your notes sam i just marked there i touched two sentences of these four pages so that's why there's always all right we love you guys i'll see you tomorrow bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 10,330
Rating: 4.9396553 out of 5
Id: AXWswFo3bU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 51sec (4011 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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