CISCO CCNA Full-Time VS Contract Position | The BEST and FAST approach to a $100,000+ I.T. job |

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welcome back to the six-figure blueprint training course I step-by-step roadmap to your six-figure battle job your dream job in the IT and by the way I hope that you end up already that three books that I asked you to order in the previous video and if you did once you get them you better go through them now once twice and I'm not asking you for you to go all in on each book I'm asking you for you to only take 15 to 20 minutes each day for you to go through the books and because of that compound effect eventually you're gonna go through book number one and then book number two but you better not only order that three books but go through them because that's exactly what's gonna help you a lot for you to be free in shade yourself from everyone else and now you know better so you better do something about it so now about this video now that you have a detailed plan of action and exactly what you need to do and how to go to your IT career from this point on and for you to accelerate the process and you're getting a high paying job in the next two the most three years they will pay you more than 100k so let's now talk about this because you need to see the big picture remember we went through this exercise by reverse engineered your IT career that would you know what you need to do and win so let's talk about this because this has to do a lot on how fast you can go through your IT career and obviously by doing it the right way so let's talk about a full-time position versus a contract position now before I go and talk about this let's go through the big difference and I know that probably this is something that you know by now a full-time position that basically will pay you a salary right let's say 80k per year and they will give you benefits right like health care you know you will be able to get medical you know dental vision and then you get pto you know they give you days for you to take off you know they give you you know good things you know in a full-time position and a lot of people go through their IT career by only going and getting full-time positions and a lot of it has to do based on and it's scarcity mindset they just want to be secure again under scarcity my cent that's not good and you're going through your life or your IT career having that having a scarcity mindset but you know better you're going through the entire video training course by now so you know better and I know you're not gonna go through your IT career thinking or being that way but there's a full-time position will offer you that you know like the benefits pto and all the good stuff now let's talk about the contract position you get paid per hour so what that means if they're gonna if they're gonna pay you $30 per hour that's exactly how much they're gonna pay you $30 per hour and only for the hours that you work so what that means if you are sick I'm Friday and you don't want to work you don't get paid that simple right and right now they some companies give you some type of benefits not all of them but more likely you may not get benefits so obviously for many people is better to run the full time and if they have family and the significant other not working yeah probably getting a full-time position is better but not all the time and let me tell you why people don't see like the big picture they don't think through okay what that means is they seen this a lot not just once or a few times a lot even in my IT career okay so let's say our full time a job that you're going to go and update you're going after it will pay you pay you 50k with benefits and all of that right 50k that's about around $25 per hour you know about that $25 per hour so you have a job they will say hey you know we got we can get you this offer of $25 per hour and a full time 50k obviously 50k it's a lot better because you get the benefits and all the good things but what about if you are able to get a job they will pay you $30 per hour compared to the 50k as a salary it's the same now why because those five dollars that you are making earning more you can put that back and getting your own insurance if you need it depending if you have family if you have children okay and the other one too for you to put some money for those days that you will not go to work because you want to take off but you see many people don't think that way they don't they go based on again safety safety safety and a lot of that safety that's gonna equal for you to be proud so now that you know better Kanna between these two now let's go through and what would I do and what would I advise you to do on how to go to your IT career now that you know better now that you know exactly what you need to do a next few weeks the next few months and the next two three years the most for you to get a high-paying job in the IT so let's go through it let's go paced and a full time position now the esta nari of that I'm gonna go through that paste and someone going through their IT career that all way but someone they really wanna go all the way to the top you know as you know most people in the IT community do not want to get to the top they are just average that's the way they think they've been a nighty for 5-10 years you know earning crap 6070 K even though they've been a ninety four five for more than changers they will never get to the top so this process that I'm gonna go through our for those they are going through the IT career that old way but they want to get to the top so they will do whatever it takes the difference is going through it the old way so let's go through it team focus and just getting a job it's a full-time position because I know it's a lot of advice out there that advise you you better get only full-time position because you never know if that contract ends you're not gonna have no job yeah that's you because you're so up that you don't have the value to offer to the marketplace you will you will know you will not know what the to do to get a better job because you're going through it in outer pilot right but you are not one of them because you know better now that you went through this video training course so they get their first job their first job and they're gonna stay and a full time first job for about one to two years because you know people that have them they tell you basically you know if you're gonna get your first job you know in a full-time job you better be there like for one two years because now it's gonna look bad on your resume you know if you get a full-time job and then you take off in six months so yeah you better be there like one two years and because you don't question it they're like okay that's what I need to do okay right so one two years a entry-level position and that's like a helpdesk a computer technician or a field technician IT field technician or maybe like a desktop support that's a entry-level position and you're gonna stay there Oh in this s scenario they're gonna stay there for one to two years and remember this guy let's say it's going through it because he really wants to get to the top right but don't know any better so then he get that second job so now he move up so now he gets like a network admin or probably like a system admin position something related to us second positions and he's gonna stay there for two three years that way he can get certified he can get more years of experience because that's his belief you know years of experience matter a lot for me to get all the way to the top and all this BS right so once he goes through that two three years now he's gonna go and get to a third level position so now going from let's say system Network admin now he's gonna go and get like a network engineer or system engineer position right and he's gonna stay there so he can get more hands-on experience two to three years now I hope that you adding these numbers because finally he got like a network system engineer position but right here if you add the numbers it's about six seven years six seven years that's not good now let's move on because he wants to get all the way to a senior level position remember this guy wants to go to the top and he will get there but he's going through it the old way right so now he finally gets a senior network engineer job position or a senior system engineer one lead technical engineer position right he's gonna stay there three five years so he can get more hands-on get certified and all that good things right now he finally at one point he will be like I'm ready let's do this and he's gonna go after a job they will get paid about 120 up to a hundred and forty K and that's good right but now if you add these numbers let's say one year here and let's say two years here and let's say three years here and let's say four years here it's about chain years same and probably this is you that's okay you know like Jorge like I'm right now I'm not earning like damage you know in my IT career or this chapter has nothing to do with IT and I'm 22 years old you know I'm 25 so that means when I'm 30 to 35 I'm gonna be able to earn like a hundred twenty thirty Capeman that's really good man like that sounds like but what about if you do the right things and you can cut that in half got it now dangerous but five years don't you think that will be better I mean you're going through this process to be all-in right so why 10 years why 15 years why not get here in the next five years and by the way you cannot get there in five years if you only focus on getting full-time positions you cannot get there like that now let's talk about contract positions okay let's talk about contract positions and how can you combine both by the way that I'm gonna tell you right now because that's exactly how I will go through it okay and for me this is the more a smart intelligent and extricating approach for you to get there now let's think about this too before I tell you how to move on how to go based on a contract position let's talk about this who do you think has more value to offer to the marketplace and take a minute for you to think about this okay let me ask you again who do you think they has more value better opportunities you know for someone to get a high paying job now both have five years of experience five years of experience both okay now candidate number one he's been working in 95 years and he's been in only two jobs I teach ups to the full time positions so now he wants to get a third that his move up obviously this job will be his third job NIT a full-time position as well now you have candidate number two now this person been working at five different companies natural five different companies so what that means that this person candidate number two then working on different environment different infrastructures as well different projects different technologies because if human and IT you know this that more likely you're gonna go and you're eighty career and that position that you have at a point and doing the same again and again not all the time but most of it the same again and again so obviously this candidate number two will have a lot more value to offer to the marketplace to that position that he wants to get because he's been and more handsome and different technologies than only this guy every manager knows that every manager knows that every executive knows that this case candidate number two has a lot more to offer because he's been in different technologist projects a lot more and remember both like both candidates when an IT for five years the big difference this one five different jobs because not all of them probably three of them four of them were contract positions so and one contract was working and servers I'm building servers virtualization probably another contract you know what's working probably with routers with switches setting up you know wireless access points probably in another country was more prototype of a management some upgrades and hardware based on that data set I mean that's different ways and how we can go and candidate number two compared to carded candidate number one that yes five years of IT having five years of experience in IT but only two different jobs and each job more likely doing the same again and again I mean come on okay so let's go through and how I will go through it okay I can't track position so in this case based on that did your plan of action then now the uk-based and all the videos that you went through you know that once you get your first job right and if you follow my advice you will not go through your IT career if you are new and getting an entry-level position that's up I told you every student they already got a job in IT none of them when I'm getting an entry-level proq position they went on getting a second level position so going back here right so you're gonna go do because you know better I'm getting a second level position and that's like an app and network IMing and network support nothing to do with health tests and nothing to do with desktop support none of that right and you're gonna go and the process that we went through eight to ten months for you to become more valuable to the marketplace for you to reach out to right people for you to get that certification that you know you need to get and going to rent the right way because now you know better placed on the skills that we went through and then after eight to ten months and I will go after a contract position in this case and then I'm gonna go and get after level my second Japanese and that would be a third level position and that will be something like Network admin oh my bad like a network engineer position a system engineer position okay and you see I have another line here so up to this point it's not even two years if you add this up it's not even two years and probably I'm already in my resume and my experience it's probably not two jobs it may be three just because probably this job was only a six month contract position and then I got another nine month contract position and then I'm on this one then I'm going through my process and right here I'm probably eight nine into it so you see not even two years and you've been working now and three different companies three different cultures as well projects so what that means is they at this point you have a lot more value to offer than going back in compared to the one they got an entry-level position a helpdesk working there for two years you see it's not like I'm a genius I know what's going on in the market I ask questions the right questions this is why I've been telling you that's a lot of BS out there in the IT community that will keep you broke I go pasted and faxed not based on what most people say that by the way most of them are broke so I go on and then I finally okay this is a good time for now for me to get a full-time position this is why different color because this is now a full-time position but this one now is a senior level position I'm now finally a senior network engineer or probably a senior system engineer or probably a lead technical engineer that's like a senior level position so I'm here and I'm going to stay there one two years because remember now it's a full-time position and I need to commit so now not now less than a year okay now from here now I'm going to move to that job that I wanted you know that's gonna pay me 120 to 140 K and I'm gonna stay there for two three years because now I'm in a high level when I'm gonna be working with a lot more projects so obviously that's gonna help me so if you look at it here it took me for me to get this job about five years for five years and yes I was all in going through my IT career by going through this process but for five years not sin and now I go and I'm like okay let me stay here two three years so I can finally get a job that will pay me a hundred and fifty 100 in 60k in the IT and it took me five six proudly years at the most imagine just imagine you having a high paying job in the next five years they will pay you a hundred and fifty K and if you think that some type of BS but I don't think because now you know better now you know what most people out there don't know and how to get there but if you still have that pinking remember it's all about the stories that believes that you have they're holding you back so that's the biggest of a difference so now you see I went through two full-time positions now it can look this way probably my first job it's a full-time position and probably Jess I'm gonna stay there that one year but then I go to a few contract positions and then I'm at one point I'm gonna get another full-time position so what that means this is not for you to go all in and be like okay only contract positions oh I'm gonna go all in and only get full-time positions no combine both but make sure at first you see at first now the way here at first you know going back on this scenario at first make sure you get more hands-on and different contract positions because that were you able to get more value than other people they only focus on full-time positions and remember one of the biggest reasons that people go after full-time positions is because they have under scarcity mindset they're too afraid up that once they get a job that if they let them go of that job was a contract position for them to be able to find another one in matters of two three weeks but that's because they're now going through their IT career and becoming more valuable to the marketplace they just go buy whatever happened happens but that's not gonna be you this is why it's easy for you to get to that table because no one wants to really go to the top and the ones they do they based on taking action on things that don't work in today's market because they don't listen to the right people they don't they listen to other people they are on the same boat they have the same job they are broke this is not difficult I was able to scale my life and that means my IT career what I'm doing that now with network engineer Academy because I don't listen to people on youtube I don't because a lot of them they're broke they give you advice they will not help you and that because they want to make a few pennies and beside this is why when you go to my youtube channel I don't have any advertisement of other people I do not endorse other people and I don't do that because I don't believe on what they have to offer and we need those youtubers that's what they do they want to make an extra buck and basically give me you some affiliate or mother links from Amazon let's say or giving you advice when they don't have the life that you want they don't and it's not only about having a high paying job in 90 but let's look behind the scenes how they go through their life do they take care of themselves or do they look up it's in their focus under marriage and their relationship kids too and going somewhere in life a lot of them most of them don't and they really don't care what other people may say about me because that do not affect my income my lifestyle I'm here to help you and that's up to you if you want to take advantage of it or not so now you know better and how to go on in your IT career now that you know better you know we are just a few videos away from this video just to for this video training course to be done but now do you know what most people don't know in the IT community they don't even approach their eyeteeth the right way they don't even mentally ready and how to what you do so it's up to you and this is exactly what I will advise you to go through based on your IT career I help many people and getting high paying chats by going through this so why not you be next so I'm gonna ask you for you to download the PDF go through our questions because remember it's not only going through the videos it's doing the exercises I will get you more thinking and once you're done go to the next video and I will talk to you there [Music]
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 4,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco ccna routing and switching, cisco ccna full-time vs contract position.the best and fast approach to $100 000+ i.t. job, cisco ccna full, cisco ccna full course, full time position, contract position, ccna training, ccna, comptia a+, comptia network+, cisco academy, cisco academy courses, cisco training, ccna certification, ccna study, ccent study, network engineer, system engineer, ccna training video, network engineer academy
Id: IfFwHVXzqMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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