25 THINGS to know about SWITCHES - PART 1 (new video 4K) CCENT CCNA

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welcome to another badass video from network engineer Academy now this video it's all about the 25 things to know about the switch about switches now probably you're thinking call him I know that you just uploaded a video the other day about the same topic so what's going on well let me tell you you see I went through that video and I'm like and by the way that's because I edit my own videos and I'm like you know that's a good video but I know that I can do better I know that I can make that video a badass video and that's the reason why I decided to film that video all over again so that I can give you more content so that I can give you more value more information that's gonna help you for you to get this topic about switches really well and for you to select the big picture and not only for you to know this technically in your mind but also for you to be able to communicate it to other people because that's exactly what's gonna make a difference in your IT career now the other thing that I will do is I will break down back content that I have into videos obviously this video video number 1 and I want to do this because I wanna make sure that I take that time to go over that 25 things in detail again I really care about you and you becoming a high-paid a badass network or system engineer in the IT field now if this topic about switches is new to you I'm gonna ask you for you to go through this video not once but twice and obviously for you to take note now if you think you know a lot about switches because that's probably something that you've been doing for a few months maybe a few years when in the IT then I'm gonna ask you this question and please engage with me right now ok so let's say that I come up to you and I ask you can you tell me 25 things up switches would you be able to do that and by the way how would you answer that question first would you be able to come up with 25 things about switches and second how would you answer that question you see because proudly do you know a lot about switches but maybe it's difficult for you to communicate that to other people for you to be able to teach that to other people and let me tell you something at one point in your IT career you will have to work and talk to project managers maybe executives and obviously at one point you're gonna go through the job interview process and you better know how to communicate how to sell and how to market what you know the experience that you have to other people because that's exactly what's gonna make you different from the other 10 or 20 candidate and that's more likely why you will get the job so again even though you know a lot about switches go through this video and I know that you will be able to learn a lot and how to put what you know so far in a way that you can communicate this topic and that's because I way that I'm gonna teach it or whether I'm gonna approach it that's based and that because whether you learn a technical topic the way that you process that information makes a huge difference so again this video video number one out of two videos out of this topic that 25 things to know about the switch about the switches so let's get right into it so number one switches work as soon as as you take him out of the box now we can probably move to a second right but now let's take a minute and talk about this how can you communicate this to someone else you know whether they can see it you know whether they can visualize that and I believe for them to get it you know because it looks simple right I mean you take the switch out of the box and it works now how can you communicate that to someone else and probably this is something that you know but again when you are able to connect information relate it to a topic oh my god it makes a difference for you to be able to recall this information in a way for this is gonna allow you to apply that in real life so again right so a switch works as soon as as you take get out of the pot now this is something and how we'll come up to someone and say you know you have lost five computers right now in order for those five computers to communicate with each other they obviously need an IP address provided the way we need to think about how to connect them with each other and a way for you to be able to do that is by you're getting a switch now I switch to something that you get you plug it in and you don't have to do really anything to it you just plug it in and it will work and what that means those five computers that you have will be able to communicate with each other and they will be able to share that internet connection that you have you see how can you put something so simple and I wait for someone else to like see it that's exactly what makes a difference now let's move on to number two switches connects and allows and devices to communicate with each other and devices that's computers that can be servers that can be or other network devices printers right so again this is so simple but how can you communicate this to someone else well let's say that you come up to me and you basically ask Jorge can you just tell me two things of switches well right away like you you get the sweet a brand new switch out of the box and guess what it works you plug in a few end devices and they will be able to communicate with each other obviously as long as those end devices computers have an IP address and that's exactly what I switched us you know that's the second thing it's gonna allow these computers to be able to communicate in the network and by the way that one internet access that you have at home is gonna basically you will be able to allow to share that connection to that five or seven computers that you have at home again this is so simple that proudly I know that you may that you know this but how can you communicate that to someone else that's exactly what makes a difference now let's move on number three switches read physical addresses MAC addresses now what else can you tell me about this because this again basic but what else can you say that you will look at an expert you know I'm gonna see you as an expert but only if you tell me more about this right because if you just tell me this I'm like okay that's yeah that makes sense but once you are teaching means something related to that topic that's when I'm like wow automatically my mind goes on you are an expert you are a badass so one way for you to come up here and be like okay you know what switches read physical addresses MAC addresses and by the way a MAC address it's a 48-bit exit assimil number and it's called a physical address because let me tell you like that computer that you see over there well that computer has a MAC address and then that Catron it's a physical address what that means you can take that computer you know back home or to the next office and down my character is the 48 bit exam decimal number will never changed that's why it's called a physical address you see how from something very basic I was able to come up with a story I was able to put something out there for the other person to see it to visualize that's exactly what you need to do that's exactly what you need to do you know how to when you approach the process of learning when you approach it this way the way that I'm teaching you right now again makes a huge difference so let's move on number four switches can be managed or unmanaged managed or unmanaged probably again this is something that you know already but probably this is something that you didn't come up you know when I asked you you know can you name 25 things about switches this is why when you connect information related to that topic makes a huge difference because you are able to have a better conversation you know so what would you say to make it this so simple in a way for someone else to see it so again switches can be managed or unmanaged and one thing that you can say is like you know there are unmanaged switches yes but more likely the ones that you wanna find out there are managed switches and obviously one of the big brands out there they're the Cisco switches just like this one this is a Cisco switch ingests you can manage this switch and by the way right you take the switch out of the box you plug it in and boom it works but you can do a lot more but only if you connect and remote in for you to obviously configure the switch now an unmanaged switch that something probably that you can get embed by you know it's gonna probably cost you like forty sixty eighty dollars maybe you know you bring it home you plug it in because probably you have like six seven computers you know you have like many kids like me right so you need like a small sweet and I'm like okay so I mean I don't need that to be that technical I just need something that I can share that connection well I'm just gonna go to bed so I get this $60 and manage switch I plug in that computers and boom they work they can communicate and they can access the Internet you see right how can you put it in a way for someone to be like oh like I mean I got it before for now I see it and that's exactly when you're able to do that when they're able to connect with you ingest you want them to connect with you okay so let's move on to number five five now okay let's talk about when you manage a switch well when you manage a switch right the first thing that you need to do is to connect to it and that through the console port so that's another thing for you to say you know about switch as well you know we have unmanaged and managed switches but let's talk about the managed switches you know and let's say that you have a Cisco switch well you have to connect in right locally and that's through that console port now the console port is this one this is the console port and that for you to connect in for you to remote in now that type of cable that you use is this one okay this is the type of cable that you use now this is that console cable this cable goes connected or this connection goes connected to your computer but obviously more likely and your laptop you don't have this serial connection so now you have to go on Amazon eBay and then get this adapter right so you're gonna put it here now you have this adapter you're gonna plug this one to your computer and then the other end this one you're gonna plug it in right here so you can start logging into the stream for you to be able to manage that switch now here I have at 3750 okay so this is at 37 50 switch this is like really a good model now you don't see that port like in the picture here if I go in the back right right there somewhere that's the port so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna plug it in right here BAM and now I can go and plug in the other end to my laptop and voila I will be able to remote in okay so again this is something for you to like okay make sense I'm telling you one thing is for someone to be like I get it but when they when they are like I see it like I see it happening you know that's when you are a badass communicator and you better be a badass communicator you know based on what you know based on what you are learning the experience that you have because that's exactly how can you like you know go from where you are right now and accelerate your IT career you know and be ahead of the game than most people in the IT community they have no idea how to communicate what they know how to sell what they know how to market what they know okay so again from this point on we have two options because obviously you don't want to connect to that switch all the time locally right that's on the server room you know so you wanna obviously go back to your office and be like okay I wanna connect back to a switch but I don't want to go all the way to the server room so you first locally connect to it and you have two options and that's telnet and ssh telnet port what number come on tell me what number 23 right now SSH that's port 22 right again what else can you tell me more about this something that probably you see oh this is so basic working okay what else can you tell me yeah in order for me not to see it basic you know the more you talk about it obviously related to this topic more than I will see you as an expert as a badass so again right well okay you kept telling it and this is port 23 and by the way that uses TCP port you know SSH the same you know TCP port but port number 22 and by the way that one secure shell secure what that means that information it's going from let's say your laptop to that switch it's encrypted now telnet it's not encrypted someone can tap tap in and get that information and they will be able to see exactly what's going on you know what commands you know are you sending and what information that switching is giving you back based on that commands and you're putting in oh okay you see like how something that basic I was able to take it to the next level and I where for not only for you to see it but also for you to be like oh like Jorge like you know and that's exactly what the way that you need to approach when you are talking to someone else you know for them to be able to see you know like well that was basic okay I get it instead of like man this guy or like this girl Wow a badass you know I got it and I was able to see it happening that's exactly what you need to do okay and it takes time sometimes depending on where you are right now it's all about practice it takes time but once you are able to do that boom huge difference that I make that that will make in your IT career so let's move on right so switches work at the layer 2 of the OSI model and probably this is something that right away you know come up in your mind you went through your mind oh ok come on like switches work under layer 2 of the OSI model and that's that data link layer so we have seven layers you see that at this point when you have to tell me more related to this basic you know answer oh it works on a layer two of those madam what else can you tell me obviously I'm expecting for you to tell me that like can you tell me a few things about switches well one thing I can tell you is you know they work under layer 2 of the OSI model okay that's it bla bla bla but that's it based on that like I'm expecting for you to say that but what else can you say that I'm gonna be like woah right one thing can be like Oh porky you know switches work under layer 2 of the OSI model and by the way Louis Romero ate paste and seven layers the top three layers data the bottom layers you know layer four three two and one that's transport network data link and physical you know that's basically where you know everything is happening you know for us and network engineers because let me tell you one thing like routers they work on the layer 3 of the OSI marrow and they only care about IP addresses but now when we're talking about like switches that the inner link layer of the OSI model I'm it's only one thing ok you know like we have a Cisco I mean we have a layer 3 switch and it's a come on let your three it's as a router in a switch in one box right so that means it's gonna work on the layer 3 of the OSI maro and that's a reason why they call that switch a layer 3 switch you see how was able to come up with so much information just based on this basic answer and probably right now you're like wow that I mean I knew that okay but can you communicate it to someone else for someone else to see it and obviously for them to see you as an expert that's exactly what makes a difference okay so again switches work at the layer 2 of the OSI model that data link layer now let's move on 6 have a different models and let's focus and Cisco obviously let's focus and Cisco because that's the biggest brand out there you know so if you come up to me you know and let's say that I'm the manager and I'm asking you know a few questions because by other way you're going through a job interview process and you're like oh you know like man like I know how to you know work with switches with routers with firewalls you know I know how to do this and I know how to do that I'm by the way know how to do that too I'm like okay that's good you know that's really good but can you tell me some of the models of switches they have you worked on would you be able to answer that question because if you're not able to answer that question what that means to me is that you are just based on book knowledge maybe some video knowledge for not really hands-on and you may see how probably things work in that technical level or not in real life you cannot put yourself outside the box for you to think okay so what's going on because this is another issue big problem there many people in the IT community have and that's a that when they have an issue a networking issue they always approach it on technical level they never not all of them put most people in the IT community they don't think about like okay let me step back let me see what's going on let me see like the big picture about a problem now based and I'm like okay now let me do this first Oh probably the first thing that I need to do is to ask a few questions before I go all technical more that's a big issue and this is not because oh I know everything no because I asked the right questions when I talk to managers when I tag two team leads and they basically you know Jorge like when you get those really technical like analytic it's really hard for them to step back and see the big picture there to focus and the technical level and that's good but I mean not that good again I'm really giving you gold through the and throughout these videos and I know if you listen and if you apply this and your IT career and some other things in your personal life your life and your IT career will never be the same without because the same thing you know you are approaching this completely different so have different models right Cisco switches like this one right here this one is at twenty nine sixteen model 29:16 model what else before I pull out some of the models we have that 3550 models we have that 3750 models you know we have like the 4500 and the 6500 models that some of the models out there for Cisco obviously the higher you go the better they are the more money you pay the better support you get as well now based on this let's say that you are able to come up with this you know I like that's great you know that's great me thinking what that tells me that you really have work and some of the switches okay so now let me ask you this question can you tell me you know one of the big difference between you know 2960 and 3750 one big difference can you tell me what would you answer me so right away probably Kirkuk come on this is so easy at 2960 like this one it's a layer 2 switch switching now this one that 37 the 3560 it's a layer 3 switch what that means working is the it's a router and a switch and I will be like that's great but what else can you tell me what else can you tell me again I'm expecting that I'm expecting that so I'm not going to think of you like high-level because more likely the other 5 10 candidates will more likely answer the same question that way so again what else can you tell me because I'm expecting that answer because you are CCNA terrified by the way that's a Cisco certification that's CCNA routing and switching so because you CCNA I'm expecting for you to know that but what else can you tell me now the other thing that you can probably come up with was like Colgate you know obviously a layer 2 switch a layer 3 switch blah blah blah and by the way that 30 said that thirty five sixty it's a switch when you take him out of the box it's just a switch but if you want that switch to be a router as well you need to type that command IP routing you know that's an issue that I had you know when I was doing some labs you know I'm like this is not working it's not giving me some of that commands that I wanted to see and then I did some research and I'm like oh my god I forgot to type the IP routing because that's exactly what makes this layer 3 switch our router as well and now at that point I'm like whoa now you differentiate yourself from the other ten candidate and guess what I'm gonna remember you and damn now imagine if you answer all of that questions that way and by the way it's a science behind on how to answer yes I said it it's a science behind on how to answer technical questions and I teach a lot and I will teaching a lot more in that membership side so you better join that membership side so that I can walk you through a lot more technical topics and non-technical topics you know something is going to help you on how to accelerate the process of learning for you to have the right mindset that right beliefs for you to approach your IT career the right way so you can accelerate the process to make things happen and many more things that way that you market yourself that whether you're gonna position yourself that what are you gonna go to a job interview process that way that you're gonna reach out to people the questions you need to ask and a lot more anyways back here okay so again right so that's one of the things to differentiate for you to know now let me give you more content and more info so you come up with that answer am I like wow like I like you so far I like you well now let me ask you another question you know what will be the difference between 2 layer 3 switches based on 1 the model being at 35 60 and the other one at 37 15 only one of the main differences remember both layer 3 switches what will be the difference and the answer is come on you know this is stacking right that 3750 sr4 stacking and that can probably with your answer again what else can you say well you know a stacking that's gonna allow you for you to manage 3 switches 5 switches up to 9 switches as one there physically you will see like 5 switches but you will manage them as one now that router that I have here this router I mean switch my back switch okay so this one is at 3750 maro and if I go back here okay like right there it has for you to stack you know one switch on top of the other and that's something they do better no really well let me tell you why because any company that I have worked for they all have it all of them they all have stacking switches and now we needed something that you better know how to do that you better know how to configure that you better know how to travel should Pam okay so another thing for you to know so let's get moving so number seven switches have an operating system okay so we have unmanaged and managed switches and managed you take them out of the box you plug them they work you can really do anything with those I mean digit they just work but managed switches like the Cisco I mean I really have to have something in it in order for us to man h-back sewage well that's basically an operating system and that's the iOS now what's the evasion operations that you have worked with now if you're not able to answer me that question then that means they do have no idea you know a lot about real life you know probably you're like book-smart be real smart but real life you never went through that process and that's because I go back to the same you focus too much on the technical you never step back and that's something that I tell my students you need to step back and be like okay how can I process this information and now what is gonna make sense to me now whether I can probably communicate this to someone else you know whether I'm like okay how can i connect it with other related topics so that I can remember so that I can communicate it in a way for someone else to see it what I just give you it's cold I'm telling you what I just give you that whether you go through that information and learning it's cold now versions let's go back to the versions if you're not able to come up with oh you know I mean I don't know very soon 10.1 like Cisco like no all right I mean we have 12 point one three five that's many versions to twelve point and on now that new one they came up with was fifteen point one and on you know different versions but again that at least gives me an idea now if I ask you oh that's really good answer but how if you have a switch right now in front of you how will you know what type of iOS version that's which has would you be able to tell to say that command and that will be sure Christian right like that's one way what's a few ways right but again once you tell me one that's more than enough but you see it's not for me to ask you that's for you to tell me oh by the way one way for you to see like the version of that switch because I have work with you know twelve point one or point three or the other day I was working with fifteen point one I was in some lab and blob you see like you are teaching me you know so and that's exactly again the way that you need to approach it so let's get moving so a so switches have a cam table and that's content addressable memory content addressable memory so what that means is that when you connect switches and by the way I have another video that it's focus on switches like why are switches this is 25 things about switches but on the other video that I have on YouTube it's about how switches work okay and I go more in detail and a process and a function of a switch now here I have a switch da right obviously so when you connect a computer so let's say let me go through this process really quick so this is a new switch I plug it in new switch out of the box I plug it in so I have ah a computer and I will plug it in now that computer is off off the switch is on so I go to that switch and I type you know show MAC address table show MAC address table and that's gonna be nothing I'm not gonna see anything connected even though I have a computer connected to it but why because that computer is off now once I turn on that computer that computer is gonna send a broadcast okay it's gonna send a broadcast and more likely that broadcast will be for that DHCP server asking for an IP I too like hey when I connect to the network but by the way I don't have an IP address I don't have a subnet mask I don't have none of that tcp/ip settings help me out so it's basically saying that broadcast right so that's which is gonna get that broadcast and it's gonna send it to every single device that is connected to that switch obviously at this point that's no other device connected to the switch I'm just giving you an idea but right now the switch will know hey I'm poor - I have the following device with the following MAC address and that's because remember at that point that computer connected to the switch and now I can go back and be like okay show MAC address table and boom I will see port to with the MAC address of that device let's say that computer and that's exactly what's the call that can table a lot of people call it that cam table because they want to look so nerd like gig like yeah you know and all the details and everything but most normal people like us it's just a MAC address table okay so and obviously this is something that switches have now number 9 so switches make a smart foreign decisions okay well that's something good for you to tell me you know like switches make a smart forwarding decisions based on wild based on what what else can you tell me again every time you're gonna answer something always always remember what else what else can I say obviously related to this topic so if you're saying you know like walk okay and you know you were asking me about switches well one thing that I can tell you is they make SMR are forwarding decisions okay like I get it but I cannot see it can you tell me something so that I can see what you're talking about oh yeah yeah so it makes you know forward decisions based on physical addresses MAC addresses again this is something that I previously told you hotel you know physical address that's 48 bit except decimal number that don't change and the end device and by the way it makes for smart for win decisions because another thing that I was you know talking to you previously it has that MAC address table and it will know like okay if you want to communicate with that computer let me see if I have that computer based and the MAC address and my MAC address table and if I do no problem you send me the message and I make sure that I'm gonna send a message to that computer and that computer it's imported say 420 but now if I don't have it in my MAC address table more likely I'm gonna send a broadcast and that's just basically me saying hey you know I'm looking for Johnny who's Johnny oh that's you great where are you Johnny oh poor 21 great now next time someone has to communicate with you I know where you are and I'm gonna send it to port 20 and that's how they make a smart forwarding decisions you see I see it now ten-forward broadcast messages whoa forward broadcast messages so that's something that I previously told you right like if that switch and the MAC address table cam table don't have that MAC address of the of the other computer that that computer wants to communicate with its gonna sent our broadcast now when it set forward broadcast messages what that means is this right so we have the switch and let's say the on top of this which we have another switch and on top of that switch you have another switch and by the way they're not stacking you know their stand alone bet on we don't manage that switch as one you know stand alone switches so one switch is connected to the other switch and it's connected to the other switch probably because each of those switches is a different floor so we have three floors so let's say all the way to floor number one you have this computer that wants to communicate with you know a computer that's all the way on level three I'm floor three so because probably at that point that computer is new this switch may not have that MAC address so when it doesn't have it again it's gonna send that it's gonna broadcast it and be like hey you know where is Johnny and Batman stitch is gonna go to the next switch again the other switch the same it's gonna forward that broadcast a it's any Johnny and floor number two no but it's gonna go again to that connection base and the switch stream and then switch three will be like oh I got a broadcast hey anybody Johnny here yes that's me I'm the new guy Oh were you connected to I'm port 17 great and then he's gonna send it back and be like hey I found Johnny and that's all the way over there so a backbone what's gonna happen switch one we'll have that will have not deport 17 will have the port where that switch is connected to the other switch so let's say that we use port 24 to connect switch one to switch a two and switch two we use a port 23 to connected to port 23 and and and switch three the top floor so I only care about switch one right where is that connected to and switch to amp or 24 so that's exactly and now obviously and out port I'm gonna have not one but a lot of mic addresses because that's a lot of MAC address is coming from that connection so that's one of the things for you to think about about broadcast messages if for worst broadcast messages you know because let me tell you how here routers do not routers do not forward broadcast messages if a router gets a broad cut message because you have that router connected to that switch that rudder will be like nah me this message and here I'm now going to send it to the other three four five six connections that I have for the other three four five six networks that I have connected with me ah Roger tell me more not just something basic now 11 frames and I'm about to finish this video you see I wanna I wanted to take that time to make this video probably 2025 minutes long and then the next video video number two I'm gonna go all the way through that next one's okay and so we get to number 25 so two more on this video this one frames 11 so that's another thing probably that you thought off about friends Jorge you know switches better link layer MAC addresses frames okay good I'm expecting for you to say that what else can you tell me okay you come up with friends for what else can you tell me about frames oh by the way core here you know we have these things called PDUs packet data units and that's a let's see at this this way jorge you know like we have the same arrow that seven layers you know and that's how one computer let's say communicate command computer a common to communicate with pewter beam so it's kinda has to go through last seven eight years of the awesome arrow and by the way it starts with number seven the application layer so it's gonna go through this process and every time it goes through I lay here it's gonna go through a PD you a packet data unit but by the way that's up three layers work it's just data you note that ones and zeros all data but once it gets that transport layer now that data gets put in a segment and then it goes to the network layer and now it's a packet and now once it goes to the network layer it's going to go to that data link layer and after data link layer it's called that PD you a frame and by the way Jorge and that frame you will have a few things one of them is that source MAC address I believe the Mac of that computer and the destination where it's gonna go to and by the way okay and that frame to it has the CRC and that's gonna check basically the DA frame gets exactly how left computer a to computer be ah you see one thing is for you to say frames and other for someone else the other candidate to come in and be like yeah frames and this and that and that's who and you probably laugh back conversation with someone else you'll laugh the interview thinking man I'm gonna get the job they ask me like I don't know seven ten questions technical questions and nine no they I answer all of them right yeah poor guess what probably the other ten candidates did too but that was only one that was able to talk more about that answer that topic based on that question and that's more likely who got a job and that was more likely me that's how I go and getting my job every time that I go after a better position again something for you to think about now let's go to the last one okay indeed video 12 port espied broadcast messages okay port a speed and broadcast messages now this is something that I did completely wrong yes I don't know why I put broadcast messages that probably was from the different life but again twelve port speed we have ten megabits per second we have a thousand that equals to 1 gigabit per second and then we have 10 gigabits per second now now more likely like this one right we have 12 12 we have 24 ports and this 24 port based on BAM arrow they are a hundred megabits per second okay a hundred megabits per second now we have here a cat this is by the way a cat 6 cable and that cat 6 cable depending it can go up to a hundred megabits per second or depending again and that category of the cable can go up to a thousand megabits per second and this is something more likely that you will plug in in any of these 24 ports going back here remember we have this and this one is for the console now here we have four okay these four ports that's for us to add what we call an add small form-factor pluggable oh my god I remember as small form I forgot you see a small for a small form pluggable let's say s FP and that's basically adding you know type of a connection called STP now SF Mike I got s FP and that's because you want to use fiber connection and we have different type of fiber optic connections you know we have this one we have this one so depending and which one you want to use as the type of s F P pluggable that you're going to put in right here okay and these four so let me take a look here okay so we have 48 ports they are a hundred megabits per second but then we have four okay here and that's what we're gonna add back a small form-factor pluggable connection there we go and again depending and what type of fiber optic connection that we want to use and plug in and that's because a fiber optic connection is going to allow us obviously to plug in up to that connection to be a one gigabit per second and up to 10 gigabits per second and that's more likely when you connect it to other switches Pam probably this video took about 25 minutes up to 30 minutes but that's fine you know I took the time to really go through everything that I wanted to go through and I hope I really hope that now that you're going through this content this video that whether IP that I'll walk you through will make a lot more sense to you not only for you to get it for for you to be able to see it for you to be able to process this information in a way this is gonna really help you to take your IT career to the next level it starts step-by-step right so that's it again make sure you comment this video take the time you know subscribe share the video and I will talk to you on video number two part number two and I will take you from number 13 all the way to 25 so I will talk to you BAM there
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 11,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccna, ccent, ccna videos, ccent videos, osi model, jorge armando navarro, network engineer, system engineer, maven engineer, ccnp, ccnp videos, ccie, cisco academy, packet tracer, routers, switches, network+, comptia, cbt nuggets, it certifications, ccne certification, cyber security, aws training
Id: zaJ4SM_TUfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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