Cirrus SR22 Flight & Pilot Interview

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I'm Brian and this is my Cirrus sr22 this is one of my favorite general aviation airplanes it's a Cirrus sr22 in my opinion they were one of the first production airplanes to introduce composites and full glass avionics Brian was nice enough to fly down from Denton to mesquite Airport to meet me to do the interview in flight my name's Brian Turner I've been a pilot since October of 2013 something I wanted to do I was fascinated with anything that flew since I was a baby I guess as I was getting out of college I went to some of the different flight schools and said how much does it cost to learn to fly and I cost $15,000 or some crazy number on my Cadillac so and they were gonna do this and then my wife for one of my birthday's got me a discovery flight and I remember going into it with a little trepidation thinking I hope I don't hate this being in a small plane I hope it's not bumpy and scary because this dream I have of one day doing this like if I hated that that dream is over but I fell in love with it and I was like okay I got to figure out how to do this and so I started stockpiling money to figure out how is gonna come up with this you know 15 grand to pay for flying cuz that's why I heard it cost this is kind of goofy and on paper it sounds dumb but I got on Craigslist and started searching for flight instructors and I found this guy to Gainesville named Brandon airs at year's aviation I was like okay I called him up and I said can I just pay by the hour and he goes absolutely that's how it works I was like okay so well I went up to her and started I didn't introductory flight with him and then I would save up enough money to do you know five or six hours of fly and go do like two flights a week so it took me I tell you bout a year before I got my license my father he used to fly in the 80s and he quit he decided he was gonna get back into it and so he purchased a Socata tv9 and i flew the wings off that thing just any time I don't care if I come home from work hey honey can I go get in the go fly I go function a flower on the front what did any excuse to be flying it's just racked up the hours of that we've got this Cirrus from Ocala Flordia purchased from John Travolta's next-door neighbor I'm just kind of interesting going out there and picking it up and going out I've seen I've seen that house on the internet before it's very fast it's very easy to fly it's not very complicated and it does have the added safety of the ballistic recovery chute so if something you got that you know my dad was concerned if something happens to him mom can you know for whatever and I certainly like that feature this is a fantastic cross-country plane I'm on a lot of flying forms and you have different flying's that you go to and so I've taken this one out to guest and so I can saw through fly-ins there so anytime people are gathering somewhere that's a really long distance or if I'm taking my wife and kids we tend to take this plane just because it has the added safety so it's definitely a get there plane best thing about this plane is the creature comforts it is a extraordinarily roomy comfortable ergonomic aircraft for the pilot for the passengers it's got the side stick instead of the yoke so if she wants to read a book or whatever there's not a you know yoke just because of my personal flying because style I don't like that I'm not supposed to take it into grass strip because I do like to go to some of the restaurants and stuff where they've got grass strips one minor annoyance the controls are spring-loaded and so you know people will kind of rag on that because you don't get tactical tactic tactile I don't know because you don't get the feedback when you're flying slow your controls don't get mushy there's still that's that spring in there but it really does if you're flying in a long cross-country you're like I'm just gonna use the autopilot this is this is kind of annoying and this is an IFR pilots aircraft this is designed to get up and go you know it doesn't have retractable landing gear to mess with it's got the constant speed prop but there's no you know I don't got to deal with that it's handled by the the plane itself takes care of that for you so I always plan for 165 knots and that tends to be about where I end up on this I'm burning right around 14 gallons per hour and cruise again I know very little about the 20 and from what I've heard from people who know about both planes anytime someone pops on the forum st. ham deciding between a 20 20 - everyone's like if you can get the 20s get the 20 - because I understand the useful load is higher the speed is higher and so it's you know if you're already spending this much if you can you know spend that much more and get what this has to offer people say go for it so my youtube channel is just plain silly and it started as a fluke I used to write a lot on airplane form because I love writing and I love satire and that was just my my thing to do and so when I started flying this plane there is this little niche group of pilots that were just like angry and like I can't land a plane without a chute and you know you give me a set of tundra tires and I can put any plane and just macho a co-pilot stop it was like I don't know why bother being graded I mean I've never used this I don't even know it's in there there's a sign that says it is but no I was just flying from dead in to Gainesville there's a 20-minute flight one day and I said you know I'm just gonna make a joke and throw it on this forum where I've been flying just like I'll show you how to land a serious and so I made this video most of it I just did on the fly I kind of added some stuff after the fact and then I posted it up on YouTube and on the pilots of America calm and within a couple of days they've had 800 views and some were like you got the things that 800 views it's taken off I was like oh my god 800 views I'm famous not really but but I was like and then and then just grew and grew and grew and grew and I was like man I'm gonna try to do this again and so I made a video how to preflight a series and the same thing happened like okay so I never had a desire to create the YouTube channel but I love satire I love writing satire I don't know it's got some momentum and of course I enjoy the feedback and I have a blog just plain silly calm which I update once a year very pretty rarely I'd like to do it more okay aren't you like a fly baby yeah we can fly we'll probably have to Scud run a little bit out here and then we could probably get on top so we'll do is we'll take off that way and maybe get about this mass I got weather on here so okay yeah and I kind of like this this obviously got the feed pages over here a lot of most of now have both frightened of glass but I always like just going to one instrument for one piece of information right to try the fly with a friend what he's gonna sound like I don't know what all right alpha hold shorter Delta so I guess that's one of the things that a lot of people like about this airplane is being a high-performance airplane yet the the prop is connected to the throttle you don't have to mess with some profit on that yeah we got a real problem you make it to a video hopefully not bad gets used abused yeah no that would I'm sure I'd be a costly thing to do though that's one of those things I've always heard even though these airplanes have a shoot if you can even if you lose the engine if you can land it without using the shoot dudes if you're better off there with that because if you use the shoot you're basically totaling airplane for the most part let's be grantors t5 Mike Victor's holding short of Delta to make Victor continually shorted Delta wrong is coming out here shortly cheers - 5 Mike viktor mirskiy towers their direction of flight be apart apart of the south - 5 Mike Viktor suicide Mike Viktor wind one seven zero day guests one six sound scimitar tonight under age that text approver we want any clear for takeoff proceed on course all right back next approve one a take on a lot of course do you got my picture so there are eight fourteen serious that have had shoots blendin's that are back in operation and so the fourteen shoots have deployed they've been told all up for what now there's a fourth or fourteen that are still flying Oh guys might know that I forget how many deployments but uh depending on how it how it comes down something they're able to if you want to spend the money yeah you know back in flying condition again but for the most part the rule have done another total all right shrimp said make sure he's rich few of my bond flaps are set to half all right make sure rich out feel my mom everything was good 50 everything I saw a hole right over there yeah that's pretty all right let's go up [Applause] that doesn't use a whole lot of runway not at all sirs five might lift auricle exchange proved I think that every date you've got my picture oh man this is gorgeous at night day beautiful day to fly now yeah right now we're 140 knots 65% power yeah that's pretty good okay [Music] so go back to I was saying earlier kind of the unique thing I serious for the people that don't know is that the most high-performance their airplanes do have the adjustable pitch prop and it's kind of a pain to manage for a lot of pilots sure cuz it's another well you gotta just every time make a power Justin all that yeah I have a I I was kind of joking I've got house somewhere between five hundred six hundred hours and I stood on how to use a blue table I've never used one I don't have but this so like that the prop is you know the Cirrus I guess it just has an automatic governor that governors the prop pitch itself and its victim with sprawl yeah it's connected the linkage yeah and I think it's interesting I do have a manifold pressure gauge but there's nothing I can do it right right you probably just required by the FAA to have a manifold pressure gauge I always liked these series sister I mean it's it's you know hands off and I can turn the editing on I didn't just go down the commercial said you know yeah the autopilot think it isn't like it's on Rails man laughed it off and so I'm burning twenty gallons per hour I'm gonna pull my mixture back you're gonna see my exhaust temperatures rise right so people on the internet like the fight about Lina big versus Richard big right so we're gonna go lead a peak though it's gonna look for the first cylinder to peak and then it's gonna look for the last cylinder to peak and then about 30 to 40 degrees past peak it's gonna say best economy really and so it does it automatically what no I'm doing it I'm regard me I'm saying but you don't have to it just may take the guesswork out of it for you yeah so there's the first peak and the last one peak so now here's the temperature past big 10 degrees 11 12 13 now when it gets down to I think 30 there you you are you taking it for lean yeah gently very bit so best economy so now what it stabilizes I'm gonna ignore --ml eyes that's gonna create the dude normal and so now anything hot or cold or they'll just still want to dip it down a little bit and what'll happen is now when I go back to my map my soda and temperatures are there my gut temperatures will go up and down so now there might one of them at minus 10 and so I kind of I know work that so as I descend these numbers will go up or go down and so it's not like most planes where you just go full rich and land i I lean as I go down yeah and so you're always had a in channel yeah that's cool yeah so well you know I I said one of the things that dislike is that the controls are spring-loaded but it's nice because normally we do steer plane and yoko kind of hang there since these are spring-loaded if I'm gonna roll the planes okay so when I turn it kind of locked to the positions so it it's almost like they go back to neutral so it put it that's cool yeah yeah these series is I mean they were you know the first real production airplane that kind of really took aerodynamics into their you know design for the fuselage and stuff and all that of lightning I love the point man this plane just really does everything and I give your in-flight like I could get the charts for the airport I could go to trip I get info get the runways the frequencies all I kind of stuff to play for being a small GA aircraft it really does a lot yeah [Music] misty tower stairs - 5 Mike Victor is right there sirs - 5 my glitter mesquite tower now see if I'd like Victor is a miles south-southeast valve with Federation Romeo Tyrion are left now enter one a report mint dill salad 1/8 perform it feels like Victor I don't think I've ever been out here sir sighs Mike Victor and we want a clear land in sight one one six zero one one just one six one ain't clear landscape up like the dirt all right everything looks good air speed looks good flaps down her face birds up here yeah I've hit birds at my in that Gulf Stream and such but never in a little bling I take that back I hit a little sparrow or something one of my Comanche bounced off the wing Oh bleep that out sorry well because of that bird this is gonna be ugly hey it's our fate I'd rather not hit that rather yeah I have an ugly landing and I did not read a bird hit a hawk and the Gulf Stream right up in those ones being even well here's the crap out of me not too bad right air speed looks good right over right or bird stammer all right well done sir thank you that's where anytime I fail but do you think I never make the center line oh you're right no it's like okay good write it thank you to mark this frequency to you by Mike Victor all right Brian thanks so much man all right thank you for having me it's pledge that they do a great airplane and love flying in we're gonna fly it again sometime all right man have a good way thank you well thank you for watching another episode of flying doodles we have more content coming every week we'll try to be putting these out faster faster as we can so if you want me to go fly with you in airplane Simulink a message in the link below and thank you so much if you are enjoying the channel please consider becoming a patron there's a link in the show notes for that thanks so much guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Flying Doodles
Views: 154,963
Rating: 4.9253139 out of 5
Keywords: cirrus, sr22, airplane, cirrus sr22, aviation, cirrus sr20, sr22t, flying, cirrus jet, steveo1kinevo, flight vlog, vlog, avgeek, cessna, cirrus aircraft, pilot life, aircraft, atc audio, becoming a pilot, texas, faa, mraviation101, flying doodles, sailing doodles
Id: N3-KFKQivt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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