Cessna TTx - Buy This Airplane?

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I'm Daryl Taylor with Van bordel aircraft and this is the Cessna TTX the Cessna TTX began life as the Columbia 400 which is the certified aircraft division of Lance Air but was sold to Cessna in 2007 after a few stops and starts and name changes the first TTX rolled off the Cessna assembly line in 2013 and continued into production until 2018 it's a four-seat aircraft with very advanced avionics from Garmin it also has a twin turbocharged fuel-injected 310 horsepower engine from Continental this aircraft is for sale there's a link in the show notes if you'd like more information so let's learn more about this aircraft and then take it up in the air van portal aircraft were the largest single engine Cessna be learned everything from 172 is 180 news 206 is these Cessna TT X's and 400s and the Caribbeans I mean anything else anything that we take in on trade we always have hundreds of airplanes coming through here we're located in Arlington Texas at Arlington Municipal Airport about 15 minutes from DFW so the Cessna TTX is also commonly known as the the Cessna 400 or even the Columbia 400 has a little bit of an identity crisis because it's been bought by Cessna and Cessna changes the name a few times but the TTX is the latest model was manufactured from 2013 to early 2018 full no nice capabilities utility category certification very very strong airplane and it has the G 2000 Garmin G 2080 on our suite which really is just the G 3000 that they're putting in the Jets minus the copilot PFD it's a very advanced system the TTX excels at in the flying qualities one the airplane is extremely strong we took the wing to 26 GS and certification testing back in the Columbia days dual carbon-fiber spars you just can't break in I mean you're gonna break long before the airplane well the other thing at the end the flight controls real positive feel there's no slop we pull that stick up the airplane goes out it's just yeah beautifully Hana later yeah so book numbers at 25,000 feet this airplane was supposed to max out about 235 knots and it'll do it it'll do it but you're but running it pretty hard you're up at 25,000 feet typical cruise operations for most of these owners and high teens they're gonna see right around 195 to 205 knots and that's not pushing it too hard that's that's baby in the engine really it is a continental powered engine tsio-520-c mags common engine found on Bonanza syriza's lance air KITT planes Continental been building the 550 for a long time it has a balanced induction system with with match tuned injectors I don't know if you've heard of gamma injectors but it's a Continentals factory system it's very similar to a gamete runs great Lena peak so anywhere from you know on the rich side at 24 gallons an hour to the lean side at 15 and a half it just it runs smooth very very nice very reliable engine yeah even though the airplane is out of production it is really nice to have cessna behind you but but with Textron aviation cessna it it is really nice because you can always get anything it you know we have a 1980 Cessna conquest over here that's been out of production for almost 30 years and if we need parts we get parts you know if you've got an old 170 or 180 you get parts so it's really nice to have it behind and then of course fam bordel you know we're the largest shop in the world for these largest service center and then with our sister company air power parts anything you could need and we have well over a million dollars of stock on parts that that can go on this airplane so we're keeping them flying a lot of owners that buy this airplane grew up in the Cessna family they have a 172 182 206 they're familiar and they like to stay with it there's pluses and minuses for every airplane right the Sirius is a great airplane no problems with it but where we excel as I spoke to earlier is the flying qualities of the airplane the strength the handling it is an absolute dream to fly it trims out it's just it's it's fun right it's very sporty and I think that's why people tend to tend to gravitate towards this airplane this one is a 2016 model has 172 hours on it really lightly used and most of them are pretty lightly used you know typically people that buy these airplanes are busy right you know they've got a business to maintain so it's really common to see and fly in that 50 to 100 hours a year range this one's loaded again it has a peaky system it has tactical weather so a storm scope XM weather 80s be out capable again G 2000 a very very very capable airplane this is our 400 maintenance facilities so all of these airplanes are either our aircraft that are prepping for sale or their retail customers that come back from for their annual inspection one unique thing about us is that these guys fly from all over the country really all over North America we have customers from Central America Mexico bringing back theirs from Boston and they fly it back to us at least once a year for their Angeles I've got a few samples of components of the airplane and this is a wing spar so we've got two of them one here and one here and they go the length of the wings and as you can see all the layered carbon-fiber in there these things are strong this weighs nothing and I can't I can't move it I mean it is it is beefy and again we took this wing to 26 G's on a NASA jig and it did not break and then here's a cutout of the flap you can see carbon-fiber on the outside with a Nomex in core inlay and a little bit flexible you can squeeze it but really strong and really lightly the thing about fan portal and this is one of the reasons that I enjoy working here love working here is our commitment to the customer we stand behind these airplanes every airplane that we sell comes with a 100% money back guarantee you can fly it for a little while if you don't like it you can return it to us we have a phenomenal shop that maintains more of these than anybody in the world and our tech support forum is great our part service is great we're really committed to making these guys making the customers happy let's go flyer okay let's do it it was time to pull the aircraft out go fly him [Music] that's cool so it's got the alright we had this has the NOS the garmin charts but you can also get jab charts in here I mean it's gotten your airplane on there oh yeah you have all geo reference to reference and you can have so icon like I miss I mean you've got the PFD you've got the you've got the chart you can also put them math you have engine information you've got your map with your flight plan text just like a traditional g1000 that you can have traffic you can have weather you could have a board detailed engine system set up so and then or you could blow like your map up to the entire screen right so it's pretty pretty slick all right let's pull so whether gin Texas automated weather observation one six five three Zulu win one four zero at one zero visibility one zero sky condition let the public know hood yeah 3,500 is this a touchscreen or is it both no so this isn't touchscreen I've only think this touchscreen is the controller down in here well yeah you don't need okay if you got a controller you control everything up here from down here exactly exactly you can I mean your transponder your transponder ident cops if you do want to load up a different con frequency we can just pick a pick a different Airport here I mean direct well let's just go back to a waypoint info Airport let's say I don't know let's put DFW in here KB if I can find the dub there it is DFW enter and then frequencies you know clearance you can click on that you can tell it where you want it to go boom comp to standby so it's a it's pretty slick I mean it's pretty comfortable it's like there really is like being in a car but my sports car yeah yeah I mean it's a it you know I can fly a thing across the country and you know what these seats and the air conditioning you know you're pretty pretty comfortable you do it no older you know even at 22 or 206 or at Bonanza it kind of beats yet you know after all day yeah my record personally is I flew one from bent organ non-stop to Fort Worth oh wow which is 1450 something like that yeah had a nice tailwind of course up up at the flight levels and I had the power pulled away back but yeah be really if it's 800 miles or less I don't really give it much of a thought just you could do it six-five tango Delta van Bordeaux with the weather we're taxi VFR to the southeast remember six five tango Delta Airlines camera my 1/6 X feet x 1201 6 V alpha bottom people don't learn all right here we go you've got speed brakes out there a lot drink up so really more like spoilers you know they'll have really helped you a help I'll sing throw up go anywhere in the envelope you know so anywhere from just just a stall to 2v Eddie you could use those things they really help you lose some altitude is it quick one of my favorite features up to karma products is that safe taxi being able to zoom in like that especially that complicated Airport entire six five tango Delta shorter one things alpha we're ready VFR southeast bound commute expand tango Delta and stair runway one-six cleared for takeoff takeoff only one 665 tango Delta all right flaps pop everything looks good lights are on of course on anything water the transponders automatic which is pretty cool that's cool it mean just shows the runway and everything yeah yes that's garments that ignition [Music] push back your seat a little oh yeah it gets with it tore off in under a thousand feet I'm at rate five - puppet runway one-six cleared for takeoff again hitting one eight zero 200 knots when I pick the flop set but he normally climb out at you know I I kind of like 120 to 125 V why is 110 but the nose is just so high you know here it is that's it's a cool day but you know we're still at 125 still doing a thousand feet up in it so it's it's plenty for me yeah and then on those summer days you get a lot better engine cooling - right this thing also has garments autopilot stability program so you know if I take you over there like a 50 degree Bank it will little creek you know it'll start giving me a little bit of an edge to cut back and of course if you're out playing around you can turn that off but it is a nice past 145 knots climbing overhead I'll be in a minute let's put in a minute pretty good yeah this is I guess you know five five six degrees of pitch is kinda what I like on a hot day we'd probably you'd probably give us more around 125 to 130 but now we're not going lady followers bringing their feet that one pig is ready to put it on and you can see how your airspace here all their space traffic you know it there so this displays a lot of information there there's a lot of airliners that are still flying around that don't have all the information at the g1000 G mm the autopilot the GSC 700 autopilot is just phenomenal it is in my opinion hands down the best cheating auto pilot out there rock-solid you go down an ILS and it's just there's none of it none of the little esther jour hunting like you get on a lot of the older analog auto pilots it's it's really nice and we're also doing it on under you know about 16 gallons an hour - yeah which is which all of us to see bit more impressive but a lot of people you know they don't put two and two together when they think about buying an airplane you know they want yeah there's lots of yeah but I've only learned in eight or nine gallons an hour but you're only doing hundred twenty-nine yeah yeah exactly man you're doing 170 98 at 60 miles an hour but you're good there 30 40 percent faster exactly yeah so what what is the real difference you know there's not a lot of piston engine airplane so airplanes in general certified airplanes where you could be in 200 knots what's 16 gallons an hour I mean that's just it's just unheard of you know they'll take off not too long ago flew from Vegas back to back Darlington you know 17,500 feet VFR non-stop you know we hold 102 gallons that usable fuel and you know how to rig the spare you know it should get a nice tail and it's just it's great about the useful load on this you know it's gonna be a rider at right around 1,000 and so I like to tell people to people normal bags and I'll really full tanks and I'll really worry about it you want to start putting into your third or all right talking about development you want to start you know loading it up with with more people or more bags you might start thinking about you know downloading your feel but again you do have a hundred and two gallons of usable here we are burning sixty gallons an hour you could make a big a pretty nice trade-off so I mean I can take my wife and another couple we can take off and go to new oil it's all four of us with our bags you know it's a two and a half hour flight you know plenty of fuel rich ass yeah most of these owners are flying these things the inside of three four hundred miles right every here to smoke the airlines every single time you're going down the Dallas to use it it's about an hour to happen this airplane me know about well I guess it depends but Eli West Houston are sugar and it's right at fifty fifty five minutes oh yeah I mean there's just no way you're gonna you won't you won't even left DFW by the time here you'll have it down there so it's pretty nice gonna try a little at all as we've been feeling it yeah you got it you're gonna point I have flown a side stick I guess a kind of a center stick yeah it's pretty responsive you know why we're here at 170 indicator bank now and you'll notice the controllers get a little bit heavy that's one thing I really like about this airplane is you could put me in an unusual attitude I'll close my eyes and I can feel the stick and I can probably tell you where we're at with in five or ten knots so we don't like some of the some of the other airplanes out there that kind of normalize the control forces you know it and I think that that's one of the reasons we have a non-existent stall spin accident rate it just doesn't happen at the same point because you have a ton of a background I mean it's I mean I'm barely moving it means think I'm moving it less than an inch you know 30 degrees bang yep that's one of the common things you have to work on transition and say I want you to order into this airplane is they're doing all they want all over correct it yeah you know they're coming down final it you know their nose is going back and forth and I always just take them out and all I'll usually stall the airplane we can do one right now and I have watch my feet my feet I move it maybe a quarter of an inch each direction and it's just it's a really effective it they've been I install an airplane - alright thanks you bet you got a bag I got the airplane ya know that's really I like the feel you want you want to show us all we got lots altitude we just pretty much clear the area nobody's around we're out the Bravo oh so I - looking out does look like we got some weather coming out there doesn't it yeah it is moving northeast yeah that I'll just do clean cuz we're out here this configuration already I've not done a stall yet well I did actually in the S 211 that was other Marchetti oh yeah yeah yeah that was kind of fun but haven't done one at all bad Montevideo yet so yeah it's it's a really benign airplane it's just so for the viewers install is when the airplane stops flying basically so that's what we're gonna do the airplane and he's gonna recover and hopefully we'll do our best my wife probably would be too thrilled if I didn't recover right well let's go pro survived we get video yeah I'm sure what good evidence to deny an insurance claim all right well I mean a you're doing a truly can't be against insurance to practice no definitely not there's your stall horn about seventy I give this is clean so your fastest all configuration so what the flaps up doing just a little bit above it now yeah so the stick is on the stock I've on the half stop right now I mean yeah you're basically just falling backwards yeah I mean that's yep I think I got two five five degrees of Bank right there I mean you we didn't there was the nose didn't even drop down kind of just sinking no you know you'll get a drop or more of a buffett if you do an accelerated stall right but really for them for this so just drop Liam power off stall it's just docile as can be yeah that was probably the most docile stall I've ever been in it was I mean it was almost it's like we're falling straight down Joe cool with the weather and bounce wholesome company six five tango Delta enter left downwind runway one-six altimeter three zero zero four three zero zero four I will join left in under one it was three zero zero nine it's dropping pretty darn fast yeah you can see it coming yep now this is perfect timing for us six five tango Delta is coming up abating the tower full stuff coming six five tango Delta run my one six cleared the land when one three zero one five goes to zero clear land one six four six five to go [Music] [Music] five hundred one thing that I really like on this is you know I kind of set us up so we're a little bit high and I'll just struggle speedbrakes and I won't change pitch and power and with those speed breaks up you'll just settle onto your glide path really nice again without having to make any flight control adjustments or power adjustments and when I want to where I want to be I just toss it down alright flats picks prop and we're clear to land [Music] try not to make a fool out of myself on camera here [Music] a pressure the side load Bay it's all right right on the center line though eisah don't thank you you're bad thanks for coming out let me take five tango Delta they said it takes away Delta takes his bark monogrammed it was a fun flight and a pretty nice airplane and back to the hangar hey Darryl thanks sir I enjoyed flying with you every day well thank you have this grateful a great airplane uh pretty impressive I've never been more come down anytime all right we'll do it and if you're interested in buying this airplane it is per sale we'll link to your website and there you go guys check it out it's pretty cool airplane thanks well thank you for watching another episode of flying to was really intriguing to fly us airplane pretty cool airplane if you like what you see and please click that like button and subscribe it really helps out and if you really enjoy it it's patreon.com slash flying noodles as little as doll or month we have a patron we just did a little bit of extra content stuff like that but it really helps us out to make these videos if you're really enjoying them and of course there's a link down to the website for this one paper sale check it out if you do end up buying a psalm flying doodle picture [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Flying Doodles
Views: 443,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cessna, cessna ttx, cessna 400, cirrus, airplane, flying, sr22t, steveo1kinevo, aviation, aircraft, pilot life, flight vlog, airplane for sale, aircraft for sale, planes for sale, flight, fly, private jets for sale, category: jet, avgeek, ifr, landing an airplane, plane, pilot, landing, mzeroa, general aviation, approach, runway, sr22, gopro, plane landing, best landing, takeoff, crosswind landing
Id: D-7a8B17TyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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