Why I Bought A Cirrus SR22. Dan

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my name is dan this is a 2012 cirrus sr22 it's a gen 3. recently we checked out the cirrus sr22 a g3 model cirrus is well known to be the premium brand when it comes to piston engine aircraft some of the cool features in the sr22 includes air conditioning and a parachute and for this particular model you even have a third seat for three people in the back today we meet the owner of this beautiful 2012 cirrus sr22 i started flying in 2012 so about eight years ago it's something i always wanted to do as a kid my wife was tired of hearing about it so she said to me finally why don't you just go do it um and i did um i learned to fly in cessna 172's pipers piper piper warriors piper archers after i got my private i bought a grumman tiger with a couple of partners and mike actually reviewed that plane um and interviewed one of my partners who's one of the owners in that plane and i flew i probably put 200 hours in that plane um just flying i got my instrument rating in that plane um and it was great it was a great plane um you know it was for for what it was it was fast it was inexpensive to operate especially in a partnership it was a very good capable cross-country plane um it's good for learning um you know ifr and getting my instrument rating um got to the point where for work and for family uh for just traveling uh it was a little small it was a little bit slow and it wasn't the most comfortable for a long trip we wanted something faster we looked at a lot of planes we looked at bonanzas we looked at saratogas looked at cherokee sixes and you know i don't have a need for six seats um i didn't really want uh the ongoing cost of managing uh retractable gear um like the technology uh of the cirrus uh like the speed it was fun to fly um and so ultimately we decided that for business and for for family and just enjoyment purposes um the uh sr-22 was the right was the right plane for us so i bought this about three four months ago um i've put about 50 hours or so on it so far and so far we're loving it so you know the mission for this plane and one of the reasons why we really started looking um you know outside of or to upgrade from the grumman primarily you know business day trips um in the southeast area um and then you know family trips down mostly to south florida but to sort of the popular destinations around uh around the atlanta area hilton head charleston um you know going down the fort lauderdale miami area um you know and and you know what could be a five and a half six hour trip in the grumman is about a three and a half four hour trip um in this plane has more fuel capacity so we can fly without stopping um and so for us you know the mission was twofold it was on a business uh side you know being able to go and come back in the same day having you know event more advanced avionics to to be able to go you know handle ifr conditions um so that we don't get stuck places um and just making longer trips more comfortable for for the family um and just you know more capable didn't really consider the sr-20 i think for the comparison the grumman uh was a much less expensive alternative with i mean it's not the same but with relatively similar performance um you know really going up to the high performance airplanes um i think what you know it just i i flew a few different planes and i just i don't know i just like the cirrus my wife i like the series which probably had a um had a had a factor in that uh we didn't have a need for six seats um so once we narrowed it down to cirrus um you know the the question then becomes the different generations right um gen one gen two can be can be purchased for less than gen three and up obviously because they're older um the earlier generations use the avadyn avionics suite which is which is a good uh i mean very good suite of avionics um but for the purposes of what i was interested in interested in i decided that the the g1000 or series calls it garmin perspective um which is essentially the same thing uh was the right avionics sweep for for for me um and so then it you know became a question of which generation um this gen 3 is it's a 2012 it's the first year that they have the fifth seat um in in the back if you can call it that um it it has a 60 40 fold down for cargo purposes just like you would have in a car it does have the fifth seat the fifth seat is uh for a kid who's small um but it's just nice to have that option um we fit a car seat back there for my daughter perfectly um and you can fit another adult back there and that's comfortable five would definitely be a squeeze this is a normally aspirated version of the sr-22 so it has an i o 550n engine from continental we didn't have a need for turbocharged here um being in atlanta there's not a lot of terrain that we that we need to worry about or get over i'm perfectly happy flying at 10 12 000 feet you know and not really going higher than that it does not have built-in oxygen most of the turbocharged versions and turbo normalized versions do we'll typically crews i'll operate at lean of peak so we will climb out at about 28 29 gallons per hour once in cruise we will operate about 50 degrees lean of peak it'll burn about 13 to 13.5 gallons per hour sometimes a little bit less depending on the temperatures in your altitude and we'll do about 165 knots true i could probably get about another 5 to ten knots out of the plane by running at rich of peak but i'd be burning somewhere around 18 gallons per hour so for me you know adding 10 15 20 minutes of flight time but burning a lot less fuel is a trade-off that i'm willing to take um there's a lot of debate in the cirrus world and probably in the continental i o 550 world about running lean versus rich of peak and you know i've found like most serious owners that that the lina peak seems to be where it's happy so this plane is 50 certified um when we were looking at a few when we narrowed it down to a few planes we were debating between um going ficky or not decided ultimately it's better to have it than not have it even though we probably won't need it that much down here in the south so 50 certified it's certified for flight into known icing conditions provided that the pilot within the last 24 months completes the cirrus flight is no niceing course which they have available online which is an interesting tidbit that i did not know previously um so it's ficky certified um it uses tks fluid um sort of like an alcohol based fluid it's got panels on the leading edges of the wings in the tail and the horizontal stabilizer the vertical stabilizer it also has ice on the prop and on the windshield um you know my rule with with flight into icing is use the fiki to get through it not to fly into it um or you know stay in it um but you know it does give you adequate um adequate time to get through layers or you know get above it or below it um while you're flying today's video is brought to you by coal fly coal flight is perhaps the most important tool that you need for your aircraft maintenance think of it as a one-stop shop to schedule your maintenance coordinate with your ap mechanic and keep proper records of everything cold flight also has some cool features like keeping digital records of your logbook and a built-in schedule for multiple partners who may share the same aircraft the best part about cole flat is that everything is done by the tip of your fingers you can get started using code flight today absolutely free when you use the coupon code mojo grip you can get started today for 30 days absolutely free check out coldflight.com or use the link in the description below the used market for cirrus is is is pretty big i mean obviously sears has been producing a lot of aircraft so they're a lot for sale um most of the the you know examples that i was interested in were represented by brokers there's there's two large brokers that probably account for the majority of the users market so this one was the the seller was using a broker it was based up in raleigh um made an offer we negotiated a bit and landed on a price um and the process from there was was was pretty simple we had it i had it flown here um to atlanta to mccullum for a pre-buy inspection a couple small things came up on the pre-buy settled those up uh with the with the seller um and then at that point you wire the money to escrow and they transfer the title and you get the keys and you get in and leave training is different per insurance company i know that some insurance companies when it comes to cirrus want you to go through a serious specific transition course using what they call a csip which is i think it's a cirrus standardized instructor pilot or you can look it up but they want you to use a csip other insurance companies have different regulations or requirements cirrus offers a program called embark which is available to used cirrus um owners or people who just purchased uciruses where students will actually pay for your transition training with a c-sip unfortunately i purchased this plane during covid when the embark program was suspended um but on the flip side my insurance company did not require me to um go through the official transition training uh their requirement was i just needed a sign off from a instructor who met the hours required in the open pilot policy on my on my insurance plan so um i probably did about three or four maybe five hours of flying some instrument flying you know emergency procedures getting familiar with the g1000 or garmin perspective suite of avionics got a sign off and started flying two features that that that people like about this particular series is the air conditioning and of course the parachute the air conditioning is something that i didn't realize how great it was until we had it it works surprisingly well it's very efficient it keeps the plane um very cool on the ground you know once you're in the air you get some altitude it cools off regardless but it's it's a lifesaver for you know ground operations in the summer in atlanta where it can be you know 90 95 100 degrees and as soon as the engine's running it works very well um the parachute of course you know i think probably what makes people most familiar with cirrus um you know it's a nice it's a nice piece of safety equipment to have for sure um you know i think there are probably some pilots who fall into the trap of you know stretching their personal limits um because they know that they have a backup which is not the right attitude you know to have towards it but you know it's a good safety um device it's not the reason that we bought the plane but it's certainly an added benefit particularly when you're flying you know with your family um and you know when used properly it does its job and i know that cirrus has you know invested a lot of time and money in you know training pilots to use the parachute and when to use it and how to use it because you know initially the accident rate and cirrus wasn't great um and a lot of it was you know high performance capable aircraft faster aircraft a slick airframe um you know but pilots for whatever reason you know they've been trained you know without a parachute previously we're afraid to use it and you know since cirrus invested time and money and really educating pilots on the parachute usage obviously the numbers speak for themselves and it's a it's a valuable you know resource to have on board [Music] you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 110,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cirrus, cirrus sr22, cirrus sr22t, cirrus sr22 gts, cirrus sr20, cirrus sf50, cirrus aircraft, cirrus jet, cirrus perspective, g1000, lancair mako, cessna tax, high performance aircraft, cessna, mooney, piper arrow
Id: ri5_u7K6rKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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