Circle Prospecting Real Estate Webinar

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this is how you actually create relationships guys this is how you stand out by having a different script than every other real estate agent out there this is how you actually build a big business and show prospects that you actually care about what's going on in their life this is how you approach people low pressure this is how you show them that you don't care about a deal that you're not there to do a deal because you didn't even ask them if they wanted to do a deal what's up everybody welcome to the zurna diamond podcast I'm the host drinky-poos I'm on a mission to help reduce the failure rate in the real estate industry by helping you master your skills on the phone coffee your peers and changing their mindset list it into the show guys what's happening welcome to the webinar today I want to give it a second for everybody to log in and you know get get online here and and get tuned in so we can get started hope everybody is doing super well give it a few minutes and I'll kind of get into kind of I'll briefly explain kind of what we're gonna do today and then from there we'll just jump right into it what's up what's up guys what's happening somebody comment yes or me if you guys can hear me okay on Facebook Instagram can you guys hear me all right give it a few minutes for everybody to log in comment with the yes or me if you guys can hear me cool cool cool awesome awesome okay there we go here's all the comments popped in all on one it's cool so I'm gonna give it a few more minutes here let everybody log in hope everybody is doing super well in a day it's a beautiful day down here for me it's about 70 degrees on the beach I'm in armes Beach Alabama super happy to have you guys with us while I'm waiting on everybody to show up let me kind of get into kind of briefly explain what I'm going to do here today this is going to be a QA like well like I'm gonna do some Q&A right so feel free to ask questions I'm gonna I'm gonna briefly kind of give you a background of my story and I'm gonna get into all the intricate details of my business my phone script what I say my mindset how I follow up what not to say voicemails the whole nine yards everything you need to know to effectively circle prospect but I do want you to know that the circle prospecting is it's zero to Diamond is not just about circle prospecting it's it's a mindset it's like a way of life it's a lifestyle it doesn't mindset it can be used for any avenue of not only real estate but business in general you got real estate of relationships over transactions is the biggest like key always value relationships over transactions right everything in real estate is a win-win there's no way to lose in real estate Colton says why is it called circle prospecting you know I was circle prospecting from day one back in 2002 when I got in real estate I didn't hear the term circle prospecting till about eight to ten months ago and it you know to me it's you're calling in a subdivision around a listing or a sale right it doesn't have to be your listing or sale just market activity you're calling around that market activity and you know asking people what you can do for them you know how are you how can I help you I'm going to get into my phone scripts but basically you're calling around market activity in a particular subdivision or neighborhood so let me give it a couple more seconds here before I really get into it you know one thing I want you guys to concentrate on is I really want you to line I want you to start thinking about this I want you to line up who you are as a person who you are as a real estate agent how you are as far as you mean well you want to help people you're a great person you're dependable you're hard-working you're everything that a person want in a realtor really is a friend I want you to start lining that up with how you're communicating with your prospects and clients I think the problem is that most Realtors mean well right they want the best for their clients but they haven't really been trained how to effectively communicate who they are right and use their strengths use their personality to line up with their communication so that they can effectively create relationships and make people feel comfortable with them and be likeable right I think when you you want it so bad most of the mainstream training out there is about handling objections going for the sale going for the appointment going for the listing that doesn't really line up who you are with how you're communicating and the prospect can fill that they can fill you you know go on for that sale they can feel you going for it so it kind of turns them off there's a lot of Realtors that give them that feeling that they just want the deal so they're looking for something different they're looking for somebody real they want somebody with real personality who is their self and is actually out to help them not necessarily concern about the deal you see my philosophy is I'm okay with if someone decides that they don't want to do something you know like like if they don't want to do it with me that's fine I don't really have a problem with you know if someone decides to use another real estate agent and that's what they think is best for them I had one today right I had I had a guy today we had a we had a miscommunication it wasn't you know we didn't really start off on the right foot and he straight-up told me I don't think this is a good fit and I told him I completely understand and I could completely appreciate that and good luck you know I wish nothing but the best for him it was a half a million dollar listing right so that kind of hurt you know like a lost wine it doesn't happen very often but you don't connect with everyone but your job is to figure out who you do connect with so I want you guys to know too this is not something where I'm going to ask you to pay any money at the end this is absolutely free I'm going to tell you everything I'm never going to charge you a dime my coaching is completely 100% free you can go to my website zero two diamond comm and download all my scripts watch videos of me making calls I have an online course I have a 90 day action plan to have 30 day jumpstart program I really have all the tools right there that you need to go crush it and it's everything that I've built my business with how I follow up my weekly email so on and so forth it's everything that that I have learned over 16 years crammed into a website for you to go and learn everything that it took me 16 years to learn so why am I doing this right my mission statement is to effect a million real estate agents right and I want to reduce the failure rate in the real estate industry point-blank that's that's it that's the bottom line I want to reduce the failure rate in the real estate industry and how am I going to do that if every time you turn around I'm asking you for $50 $200 $500 that's going to turn most people off you're gonna go somewhere else and I'm not gonna have the effect that I could have if I just give you everything for free because here's the thing guys everything is already out there for free go to youtube go read books talk to successful real estate agents they are willing to help everything is out there for free already so why are people charging for it well people are charging for it because people want to be close to whoever that is they want to really find out what made them successful I made a million dollars last year I don't need the money right but I am probably where a lot of you guys want to be yes there's plenty of real estate agents that have made more money than me right last year plenty of them I'm a single agent I'm in Alabama I did 130 deals last year just me and one assistant and it took me 16 years to figure out the secret to relationships over transactions so it's something I want to share with the world and what I want in return I want you guys to succeed I want you to send me an email said I just got a listing off of using your phone script or I'm doing your weekly email and I've been doing it for three weeks and I just landed a buyer or I did a hundred deals this year you know in three years you're gonna email me said did 100 deals this year and I did it based on your 90 day action plan right that's the kind of stuff I want to hear what's gonna happen is is I'm gonna be a speaker right I want to speak on a right that's where my passion is get in front of people showing them the energy giving them what they need to go succeed that's what it fires me up okay so sitting here trying to convince you guys to give me a couple hundred dollars is not my style okay so enough about that I'm gonna teach you guys today everything about my business and how I created a million dollar real estate business you know I did a million dollars last year I was the number one real estate agent in a number one Remax agent Alabama last year so I'm very humble I don't like to brag the number one last year to me really means it really what it stands for is everything I went through to get there right I started to know - I was twenty years old aroof houses before that with my father I got nno - I did really well it took me eight months to make my first sale but once I started going I was off to the races I'll learn really early on that conversation conversation real conversation is the key to all closings voice to voice contacts is the reason why technology is has not and will not replace real estate agents there has to be a conversation for there to be a closing I don't care what your avenue of business is online leads for sale by owners expired sign calls whatever it is circle prospecting there has to be a conversation in place and a closing is nothing but a conversation that was converted into a relationship every single time so what real estate agent talks to and has the most conversations with the most prospects and you market wins it's really that simple so I learned that early on right but I didn't I didn't have it all down like I didn't understand everything the market blew up 2003-2004 prices doubled I made a ton of money when the market crashed I crashed I lost it all so Tom I'm 23 I'm a self-made millionaire by the time I'm I'm 25 I'm broke and bankrupt and that was the moment of truth for me I really had to dig deep and it was the best thing that happened to me because I had such a desire to figure out what I did wrong how I was going to come back and stay back so I read a hundred books I did this I did that I asked questions I studied the market and I came back in 2008 I went back to roofing houses and worked on an oil rig I got back in a a and it's very unique what I did a no wait to come back into the market actually purchased with my oil rig money I purchased a million email addresses and I emailed every single one of them in 2008 and I said hey the the condos on the beach or half the price there were a couple years ago who wants some out of those million email addresses a thousand of those people emailed me back and 20 of those people bought something that year and that was my foot back in the door that was me getting back into real estate thanking God for this second chance in real estate something I love I love real estate I love the thrill of the deal and helping people right so when I got back in and I sold those those properties to those buyers that I'd emailed and started these relationships then the oil spill hit the BP oil spill hit our areas super super hard it was very it was a crazy time there was a lot of uncertainty it was really scary so I'm during that time we had a mini downturn we had a little mini recession so what I did is I took what I learned in the big recession and I didn't know if it would work but I applied it in this mini recession and so I was pretty excited for the opportunity to to try out my new theories on this mini recession and what happened was as I made more money in 2010 the year the old spill a down market year a scary year I made more money that year than I did in 2009 so that's when I had the confidence to go to remax I always wanted to be at Remax but you know I never really had the confidence with consistent closings to pay the desk fee so when I made it through the whole spiel that's when I have the confidence to move forward with that so how did I make it to the whole spiel I'll tell you guys real quick it's really cool you know theory of mind when when a market goes down there's actually more opportunity let's say the market goes down and you lose whatever amount of transactions you lose you lose more of a percentage of real estate agents in the area that leave the business so if you have a minor crash and you have 10% less transactions you probably lose 20 25% of agents what does that do that creates more transactions per agent for the agents that stay right so why do the agents leave right if transactions go up why do the agent sleep it's because when the market turns whatever buyers they were working with they change their mind and go away right and when those buyers go away it scares the age of so they leave the business to thinking there's nothing but what happens is is a different kind of buyer emerges the a different kind of buyer the the buyer that emerges is an investor right the investors during a downturn they want to buy and they want to buy right now because the markets down they want to get it before it goes up right and on the flip side there's people selling because either scared or in trouble right and they want to sell right now market downturns create urgency and if you understand this and you know how to communicate with with property owners and explain to them what you know what's going on you're going to get all the business and not only that when the market comes back from the correction you are going to have all the market share which by the way guys market share to me is not how many transactions you did not how many listings you have it's how many real relationship real relationships you have in place with property owners in the area whatever agent has the most real relationships with property owners in the area owns the market share because they've got all the future business we trade stocks on future earnings of companies I trade market share of an agent on future earnings of that agent through relationships with property owners in the area I don't care how many listings you got how many how many closes you had how many this how many that I care about how many actual real relationships that you're cultivating and nurturing into the future right so I came out of the oil spill I went to Remax and I combined my theories of relationships over transactions with one of the greatest brands in real estate and it created a monster 2014 I did a hundred deals 15 I did 105 16 I did 110 or so last year did 130 deals for over a million dollars and GCL was the number one Remax angeles state alabama which to me nobody cares that you're number one when i hit number one i started advertising it and i realized really quick that nobody cares that was the least engaged post and and i got the least amount of feedback off of when i rest said i'm number one so you know the number one thing almost discredit you because everybody says are number 1 you can tweak it however you want to and say you're number one at this or that right i think people are more concerned with the fact that you care you want to help them and that you're dependable professional knowledgeable and you're going to do what you say so the biggest takeaway the biggest takeaway was relationships over transactions I don't care how many appointments you got I don't care how many listings you got I want to know how many property owners gave you their email address or stead please stay in touch with me we'll contact you when we get ready you're going to run into deals today you're going to run into deals today your real estate agent and working your if you're talking to enough people you're going to do business guys business is a hundred percent unlimited there is more business for each and every real estate agent than they can and at all times therefore your success is only predicated on how much can you handle right I refer to it as a cup you know like everybody has a different sized cup your cup represents how much you can handle at one time my cup is really large right I'm still doing a hundred thousand a month while I'm building a coaching business for free right so that I can in turn build a great speaking business and author right I want to be a great author and speaker so I'm doing this at the same time I have a very large cup I can handle a lot you have to figure out how big your cup is how much can you handle I think the problem is most people are scared to overwhelm themself with business to find out where their breaking point is you have to overwhelm yourself you have to just go for it overwhelm yourself so that you can figure out how much you can actually handle and how much you can handle is good is going to dictate how successful you're going to be it really boils down to that and in a sense in a very simple sense it really boils down to that so that's kind of a little bit about my background and a little bit about my philosophies up through in their um comment right now and just tell me real quick or give it 10 seconds why you're here like why are you watching me right now what's motivating you is it your kids going to college is it your you want a bigger house is that you want to go on a vacation you just want to be a millionaire you want to help people you want to feed people for Thanksgiving why are you here you know you want to build more business why why I want to know why this helps me get to know you guys a little better I know that there's probably half the people watching have already been following me for a while the other half are probably brand-new and so we're all getting to know each other here and I want to know a little bit about your why I'm gonna scroll through some comments right now and see if there's any questions I need to answer before before I go any further Michael wants to know how much did a million emails dresses cost I get 400 here 200 there 500 there was about three dollars at the end of the day Joshua wants to know what were the most helpful books I will I'll be the I'll be honest the most helpful books for me there was three that really hit home for me there was the there was the 10x rule Grant Cardone that one was like a game changer slight edge I'm gonna talk about the slight edge later slight edge is was is the best book I've ever read by Jeff Olson it will change your life its mind-blowing and it talks about the simple things every day that add up to something huge in the end right so CC revenant wants to know where is the weekly email I'm going to post a copy of my weekly email in the Facebook or I do post it every single week on Wednesday in the Facebook group for you guys to check out so you know you let's see how do you make yourself more likable Cece says by not pressuring them to buy or sell and actually asking them why they're wanting to buy or sell right finding out what's going on in their life deep in their life that's causing them to make that decision and actually focusing on that instead of the fact that they want to buy or sell that's how you become likable let's see looks like looks like the video is freezing for some people I'm sorry about that I don't think it's on my end let's say Colton okay cool cool cool let's see here Ricky how do you deal with someone who calls to list two properties everything goes well and then he just stops communicating back when it's time to list you couldn't get me and you can't you put a gun to somebody's head right you got to keep moving forward the thing is is that you have so many prospects and so many deals going on that one deal is not true make it or break it you got to do what's best for your clients and you got to keep moving forward at the same time okay Matt wants me to post a list of the of my top books I will do that in the Facebook group after this webinar we'd like to build a multi-million dollar business getting back in the business after being away for a while was very successful want to learn while market is now vacations you're obviously great at Facebook marketing can you help us with Facebook marketing I can't help you with Facebook marketing absolutely I can help with Facebook marketing Craig Moore says we're going to get the emails I just googled by emails right and they're just bought emails a lot of more focus but some of them were good it's like when you buy phone numbers online of most of them are bad but there's some good ones in there and those good ones are what you work with let's say I want to help people I want to become the best circle prospector I want to produce like you Ricky let's see let's see 100 plus a year 100 plus transactions I like to be a bigger cool guys I appreciate all this it's helping me I'm gonna go through all these afterwards because I want to read each and every one of them and I want to get to know you guys more and more and more okay alright so the first thing I want you to know there's probably a lot of newer agents on here whatever the first thing I want you to realize is that okay wait a second 10 actual slight edge and oh the third book was Gary Keller's shift Gary Keller shift really really changed a lot of stuff for me because that was when the market was down when I read that book and shift was about when a market shifts how to handle it what's a watch for what's do it and it really broke it down for me and it really was an eye-opener so I really enjoyed that it made me feel good even though I was on working on a oil rig and I was down and out and I was feeling you know like where's my life going and I read that book on the old rig I was I was in my bunk in the old rig reading this book and it really made me feel good about life I felt so confident that it was going to be alright and I was gonna do real estate again and I was gonna I was gonna crush it let's see let's see um let's see all right just making sure there's no questions here I see John John has a question but it's really long list I don't have time to read all that John John so just get with me afterwards or I'll come back to it at the end I want to get into my content here I know a lot of people we're 24 minutes in so here's the thing okay one question I answer hey Ricky do you crop circle prospect and higher price ten points yes a circle prospect in several different price points this is why because like I want to diversify my farm I don't want to just be stuck on million dollar or 500,000 or 200,000 I would like a subdivision in 201 and 501 and a million that way my price range of my different I'm diversified my farm portfolio is diversified that way if it's if it slows down the million dollar stuff the 500 up its up if the 500 stuff picks up and the 200 slows down I'm good to hundreds and everything else is slow I'm still good so I want to create relationships across the board in all those different price ranges okay so the first thing I got I want you guys to know is is that if you look in your MLS you'll find that closings are happening every single day every day tons of closings every single day right so you know when I talk to agents about getting our people come to me asking me about you know should I get a real estate I'm scared it's not consistent right the thing is is Real Estate's one of the most consistent things in the world there's closings happen in every single day regardless right regardless of what's going on so that's something very important to know and to realize and I don't think anybody might never even told set it like that to you but closings are happening every single day business is a hundred percent unlimited it's all predicated on how much you can handle so when you break it down like that what does that really tell us right that tells us that business has happened and we're just not doing the business because we don't have the experience yet right that's all it is that's only difference between you and doing the Hills is experience to figure out how to do the deals so like as far as like there's two ways to learn stuff right and in real estate you have to have both there's there's the way of webinars like this reading books watching my YouTube Instagram you know all the different going to seminars all the different ways that you that you you know learn okay all that stuff and you can learn real estate within like a week or two you can learn all about it and have really have it down but the other part of how to learn is through experience you can learn all you want to but without experience you don't have anything and that's what frustrates new agents because they come in they learn everything on YouTube or read a book and then they think boom I'm fixing to crush it but then they don't sell anything for three or four months or five or six or ten months right and they get frustrated they're like what am I doing wrong I'm doing everything that the thing said but nothing's happening it's because you have to learn the process you have to learn exactly what what the process is you have to gain that experience you know what I mean it's it's so so I want you to know that as well even though you might think that you know everything that you need to know about real estate in your mind you also have to realize that without gaining the experience you need to actually make it happen on a consistent basis it's not going to happen right this stuff is all mindset even even the hard work part even even the physical hard work part is all mindset right the mindset is is that number one the real estate is a win-win there's no way to lose every single loss is they win when you lose a deal when you're going after a listing and that that owner decides to use another agent a lot of agents get hurt they're hurt it stings and they're down on their self they don't you know they're just they think about it a lot here's here's that here's the act here's the reality of it number one there's the cliche stuff about you learn something right and it's true you learn something and you need to take that and every little thing you learn it molds you into a better agent but here's here's the big thing the big thing with losing a deal what's the most valuable asset to us right the most valuable asset to us as humans is time right you can replace all your money you cannot replace time now you know as far as being alive I mean if you die then of course your health is actually the most but but time is the most valuable asset so when you lose a deal when you lose a deal that is the only situation where you actually get time back you get future time back that you don't have to spend on that deal anymore you don't have to go get the listing sign take pictures put a sign up show the property negotiate the deal deal with the desk deal with of that go to the closing there's hours and hours and hours that you get back and when people lose a deal they're so down on their self right they just they're they're hurt you know when your reality they should say okay I'll learn why I lost it now I have all this future time let's take advantage of it let's go let's go let's go right let's go let's keep going let's live who else can I talk to who else going to talk to I'm not going to make that mistake again but I want to take advantage of all this future time I just got back because I lost that deal every loss deal is great because you lost something you get future time back if you would really get that in your head if you really get that inside your head it's going to help you a whole lot because because this is where a lot of people go wrong they start dwelling on the one that got away instead of focusing on the good ones that are that are coming and also the ones that they don't see yet because they need to be calling new people and talking to new prospects and creating new business right stay positive keep moving forward don't move backward don't think about that learn from it and use that a future time to move forward I lose people a lot on the future time thing and a lot of people hear me say you know when you lose a deal that's great and a lot of people don't con date it's hard for them to comprehend that but I hope you guys get it because it's an amazing thing and once I actually learn this my whole life changed because every deal I lost I was like yes and then I just went to another one yes and I got it and I got it and I got it and I lost one oh well I don't have to spend time on that one anymore I'm gonna go get some more so take the time that you that you get back from losing a deal take the new knowledge that you got from losing a deal and go get five more deals in the same time that it wouldn't took you to do that one deal might drop so closings happen every day business is a hundred percent unlimited okay so the common denominator okay between all closings I'll take five seconds type it in real quick what do you guys think is the common denominator between all closings I'm going to scroll through some comments here so you've got any questions while you guys are janji says Ricky will this be posted later yes it's on Facebook live here and so you can watch you here forever it'll be here and also on YouTube I'll have it up on YouTube probably Sunday or Monday Elizabeth said just be careful not for me not to get caught up spending so much time with webinars and classes then you'll become information overload and this stance steel trust me I will not stand still do you think farming is a lost art because the internet seems to be in my area yes I do I think a lot of people shy away from farming you know they're being taught to call for sale by owners and expireds and to do internet leads and I think all those things work guys let me let me make this clear I believe that everything works I believe everything works for sell my owners internet leads expireds circle prospecting whatever it is I believe that everything works it just there's two things one I believe consistency with anything works too you need to be to figure out what's most efficient for you and I think you should have a mindset focused around relationships right there's four keys to long-term success in my opinion you have to believe right a hundred percent fully committed you have to work hard right you have to adapt as you go along try to think see what works don't do the same thing and then you got to be patient right if any of you guys or I could talk to anybody for five five minutes or so anybody who thinks that they're not successful or not successful as they want to be I can talk to you for five minutes and figure out which one of these four you're lacking in believe work hard adapt and being patient four keys okay so some of you guys say relationship with a client some some people okay as far as common denominator of a closing some people are saying relationship you got to work for it you just have to be consistent build future relationships agent service can consistency keep in touch with the agent person-to-person contact a lot of good answers some people are actually saying the right answer because they follow me and they know what they know what I'm fixing to say but it's conversation there's no I said it before earlier there's no closing that has ever happened in the world of history that hasn't happened with the conversation in place right so close these are conversations that are converted into real relationships with people you got to find out why people want to buy or sell not the fact that they do right you have to how can I say this you just have to be you and you have to be carried right like I said earlier you have to line up who you are with how you communicate I'm gonna get into my phone scripts in just a second I have a phone script that I have come up with that's been working incredible for all kinds of agents it's a hundred percent everything I do is free again by the way and it the the script it begins a real relationship let's see you don't mean to be cranky but I just came for the circle prospecting webinar and I need to get into another meeting so hope you little beat this will be on a replay guys you can watch this right here on the Facebook group anytime you want to okay conversations are the key to all closings now now who are the highest quality prospects type that one in I'm going to give that five or 10 seconds who are the highest quality prospects in the market in any market I see you guys on Instagram okay a question on Instagram how do I avoid complacency I've never had complacency I don't understand that because I'm so happy like I'm so happy in life I'm just so happy period happiness is what motivates me I love what I do I love helping people I love selling real estate I love doing webinars I love all of this stuff so so you have to do what you love to do and I know that sounds cliche but when you deeply love it so much that it energizes you and it comes out of you that's how a void complacency okay a lot of people are saying property owners because I'm sure they follow me yes property owners property owners are the highest quality prospects okay guys they they buy and sell I focus only on property owners I don't do buyer leads I don't advertise for buyers whatsoever I concentrated on property owners as my source of buyers and sellers a lot of people think of property owners is just sellers but really they're buyers and so they're your best buyers they already know all the ins and outs of ownership they already know the property taxes maintenance insurance utilities they already know all the stuff that the first-time homebuyer is going to ask you and you're going to take time for you to research you don't have to go through all that education time they already know what they want they already know how to get it they just need a real estate agent to help them complete the transaction so property owners are your best buyers right and there are source of listings listings are the greatest multiplier of time in the history of real estate you can pile up listings you can get or you can grow a nice inventory of listings and have plenty of time every day to continue building more business while those listings are being sold by the thousand or 2,000 or 20,000 agents in your market it's it's an incredible philosophy and setup for us as real estate agents it's amazing we can work a deal with the seller put it on the market and then thousands of agents are trying to sell the force while we go get more listings now if I run into a buyer great I don't discriminate I'm not a listing agent I'm not a buyer's agent I'm a real estate agent I love helping everybody but I'm gonna be most efficient that's how I do so much so many deals is because I work very efficient and I'm super smart about where I delegate my time right and I know where to be where not to be and I know how hard I need to push on certain things I know what's worth pushing at you can't push it everything and a lot of people are pushing at things that aren't really the right places to push on stuff I think another big thing on a side note is reputation reputation with local agents is huge even if they piss you off you need to keep your cool and and smile and be and and take the take the high road with with local agents because you're going to deal with them again and you always want you want everybody to talk good about you right if somebody gets on your nerves or does something wrong in a deal just just handle it very professionally be professional okay so okay closings happen every day conversations the key to all these closings property owners are the highest quality prospects you see where I'm going with this and really to be honest with you I don't care if you do for sale by owners expired or sort of a prospecting right it's all the same if you approach it in a low-pressure manner and find out why they want to do what they're doing and then help them accomplish that and then follow up forever my follow up I'll tell you is a weekly email on the same day of the week forever it's been going on since 2007 it is the secret of my business the weekly email report I posted in this Facebook group every Wednesday you can scroll down after the webinar you can scroll down and see last week or a couple days ago no I didn't post it because I was in Ocala doing the doing the speech I'll post it when I get off here I'll post my my weekly mail I'll post it the grips you I can see it but it is the secret it's the glue that holds everything together I have over 10,000 people receiving this weekly email I have made a hundred thousand calls of my career circle prospecting out of those 100 thousand calls I've collected 5,000 or some odd email addresses I've collected another 5,000 some odd email addresses through people that just inquire about buying or I got the email address from wherever right so I have about 10,000 people that receive this email 3,000 of these people open it up every week it goes out every Wednesday since 2007 it will go out for the rest of my life because that's how I keep relevant with my clients I'm in front of them every week giving a market information new listings feature properties closed sales articles on the area pictures of the area you know what I've sold everything is right there for them to stay in tune with me and the market and they know it's not high pressure I'm not saying buy now sell now I'm buried I'm just trying to provide information I'm trying to provide value I see myself as an information provider who just happens to be a real estate agent who will do anything to help you right okay so my circle prospecting process is really simple okay research roleplay right I make the calls right I'm on it I'm going to create relationships right and then I want to convert the conversion happens now or later right it may not happen today it may happen today or it may happen later most of my deals most of my deals come from people like cold called years ago right they come from cold calls from five years ago 10 years ago right or am L out or a postcard or or a Facebook ad from years ago well I've been doing social media for a year but you know phone call postcard or I've done Facebook Ads for about a year and I've got people that have been touching it for a year who call me so it takes time to build up and here's here's the magic that everybody misses they see all this they see how it takes a long time to develop and they think I can't wait that long I need business now the thing is that I want to get into your head is that you're going to get business now if you start doing if you start contacting people people want to buy or sell those closings happening every day who who is buying and selling all this property like people are buying and selling property now you're not just going to be in a market where closings are happening every day and you're calling hundreds of people and just not run into anybody that wants to buy or sell anything not going to happen right most of them we're not going to want to buy or sell today but you're talking to them anyway why not take that time that you're talking to me anyway cultivate a relationship for the future because here's here's a here's a breakthrough here here's some numbers for you less than 1% of people will buy or sell the first time you talk to them less than 1% right but I believe that a good twenty to thirty percent of people you talk to like you enough to do a deal with you they're just not ready yet I believe twenty to thirty percent like your personality they see something in you that they like that they would do business with you just not ready yet they haven't decided it's time they're gonna do something in a year two years three years next month right but if you don't pressure them you establish a relationship you send them a weekly email every week on the same day forever who's going to be their agent when the time comes you have a very good shot trust me this is what I did this is how I do it this is how I create business okay so research and roleplay make the calls create the relationships and then convert through the weekly email that weekly email develops the relationships for you right when it comes on the same day of the week forever a week like clockwork it proves to them how consistent and hard-working you are professional knowledgeable dependable right it does all the heavy lifting for you to develop that relationship you don't have to worry about it you can just let them get that email they'll call you when they get ready that's the business I feel people that call me when when they get ready I made a hundred thousand calls I did you know five hundred deals through that and then after that I've done about a five hundred more of people that just call me from the hundred thousand calls they get a weekly email from me that's really kind of like the the found a like that's kind of that the time line you know of events here so okay what not to say right I'm going to get into the script I want to say what not to say first and I want to say about voicemails because we've got a lot of questions about voicemails five times a day I get an email about what about voicemails so what I don't want you to say is I don't want you to call up and say hey I'm calling every all the other I'm calling every owner you're never that are on call on the neighborhood or I'm just calling the the owners in your neighborhood don't say this because that's telling them that hey you're just another number I'm a big list of people I'm just kind of going through the motions here or calling all the neighbors and all your neighbors so you're just I'm just you're just another number to me you don't want to do that you want to make them feel special that maybe you they're the only ones that that you called even though you know that they know that the tone of your voice that's how you communicate remember lighten up who you are with how you communicate right and it's the little things it's the words you're using right when they say they're not interested in doing anything do not say who do you know that might be interested in buying or selling because when you say who do you know what that's really telling them is is hey mister owner you can't help me right I'm only looking for somebody that's going to help me so you can't help me so do you know anyone else that can help me so you turn in the whole conversation into it's about you instead of where it should be which is about them right and you know we're trying to get emails that's our thing right we want to get the email I'm going to show you how in a second but we don't want to say hey is it okay if I send you a market report can I email you my market report every week there again that's telling them that they're on a big list of people and they're just another number to you you want to say hey I want to stay in touch with you is that all right what's your email address that's how you get the email okay so voicemails real quick voicemails people really get stumped the voicemails I get the question all the time all the time is crazy with voicemails for me it's just a branding tool I'm not trying to do anything special I'm not trying to get them to call me back I'm not trying to I just want them to hear my name phone number company you know and that I'm working there now because I'm calling people that's what I want I don't necessarily if they call me back great if they don't I'm not that's not my focus my focus is just brand myself with them through the voicemail so I'm going to say hey this is Ricky Carruth / remix of Orange Beach give me a call back when you get a chance about whatever subdivision you can reach me at this number I'll talk to you soon it can be as simple as that I do switch it up but it's basically that and then just hear my name if they hear it enough and they see my signs and billboards and Facebook ads and emails and postcards and letters it's all going to add up right all the little little things are going to add up to the whole which is you are real how do you stand down real estate you stand down by being the most consistent guy there's so many fly-by-night Realtors and the owners are tired of they don't want a thing I think they have a new realtor come in like oh yeah you're new you know had never never heard never heard your name before so you know okay and then they never hear from them again cuz they got out of business right or they're there for a year you know but they're gone but the real owners that they see consistently right for three four or five years ten years twenty years people know that that realtor is here to stay knows what he's doing is successful and will get the job done right that's how you stand out being consistent staying in front of them over the long haul and now lasting all the other Realtors all right let me see if there's any quick questions and I want to get right into let's see okay this person says don't talk like you're reading from a script' we're going to get into that see what's up Zack Manik [Music] okay Craig says how long were you calling how long were you calling per day when you first started eight hours yes look I didn't have a dialing system when I started real estate there was no Facebook Zillow dialers any of this stuff I had to look up a hundred numbers all night and call them all day that took me eight hours cuz I had a dollar with my finger a hundred calls every day [Music] okay it's my email automated or customized by you I sit down for an hour to two hours every Wednesday or whenever I do it and create that email I sit down and create all the content of my email that's what makes it unique that's how people feel a little personality in the email and that's how they really that's how that's why it works right because I work for it I'm not looking for a quick eat I'm not looking for something easy and I want something that works I don't care how hard it is and that's why it works do I use an email widget or tool to I use Constant Contact guys know I do I always use my listings in my email or new listings on MLS I use all the listings in the whole areas on every single email of mine I'm just do some of the comments here before I get into my phone strip what are the best ways to make money in the early years I'm telling you go to zero do dahm dahm print out the 90 day action plan and get to work it's totally free to ever call the number if you ever call the number again after I leave a voicemail no they did an answer for a reason they're just notorious non-answer herbs so I'm not going to call them again I'm not going to waste that dial somebody that might actually answer I'm going to keep moving forward can I use your shear script for door-knocking should I leave the information about the home that I'm telling them about that listener sold yes my script can be used for door-knocking expires for sale by owners buyer leads anything my phone script is universal Jonas says he picked up for seller leads today using my strips ok cool that looked just like all the questions for now I'm going to get into my scripts oh here we go alright so I've done I've done the research right the research to me red X is the best for a ok go where for the 90 day zero to diamond comm just click on the free training sign up and download all my phone scripts videos of me making calls 90 day action plans all that stuff Jeff Maclaurin says what dollar service do I use I use red X or mojo ok so check this out guys the way that I find my numbers is through red X like it is the best way that's the height the highest quality phone numbers that I've found and I've tried a lot of different ways some of them are cell phone numbers the quality is the quality is you know you're finding them online so it's not there are bad numbers in there but this is the best quality you find the most good ones in red X it's really really good if you go to 0 to diamond and sign up there's a link there with red X and they'll wave $150 startup fee for you ok all my members get to save 150 start up beaver edex get geo leads geo leads you get to put an address in the search bar and then find up to 500 Eleanor's around that address and one click of a button get all their phone numbers right then you can get the storm dialer if you want to call them from red X and start dialing them right there there okay so that's how you find the phone numbers you're going to research your MLS right you're gonna find out what price range you want to be in find out what subdivision you want to hit and you're basically gonna gonna look up to all the numbers in that that's subdivision and you're going to pull up all the comps all the comps in that subdivision you're going to see like the past year worth of sales everything pending everything active you want that in front of you in on one sheet of paper that way when you're talking and you need to they ask you a question about the market you can jump right on it okay so you got the number you found the numbers you got them hooked up into the dialer you got all the comps right in front of you and you're ready to start making your calls ring ring ring hello mr. Johnson I like to say mr. Johnson with a question mark because I want to make everything short and sweet no Eric there's no reason why I didn't mention cold really cold cold really does the same thing right they like there's several of these mojo finds them cold relative onyx I guess I'll see you coming onyx red X right I just like red X to the best I've tried them all and I feel like red X has the best quality that's why I use them so let's see Elizabeth says what about the do not call this they mark do not call this and that's just a personal decision you have to make I'm not telling you I'm telling you not to call do not call this but I will tell you I'm not worried about the do not call this I have called the Do Not Call list I've never had a problem what about onyx for emails never tried onyx for emails okay so phone strip let me get through this mr. Johnson yes mr. Johnson hey mr. Johnson this is Ricky Carruth down the Remax of Orange Beach how you doing today oh we're doing good about you yeah I'm doing good too and join the day isn't it gorgeous outside yeah yeah it's a good day yeah uh okay so if you notice guys the beginning of the call is a question right you make sure that you're talking to the right person then we introduced ourself and ask them how they're doing today right we're going to use very nice tone when we're talking to people who want to be in the same Zen same mindset as if we're talking to our mom or dad or brother or cousin or some family member that we've known forever best friend from high school that feeling when you're talking to your family that's how you want that's the tone you want that's the feeling you want that's what you want in your stomach that's how you want to be very calm and very friendly and very inviting right so when we ask them how they're doing that is a setup to read them we want to see how they're doing today literally we want to see if they're busy happy sad mad right so hey yeah this is Ricky croutha remix of Orange Beach how you do today yeah we're doing good oh good look yeah I meet me too I'm enjoying the days and a gorgeous outside so right there what I'm doing is is I'm as I'm saying something about the weather and I'm asking a question at the end that is another setup to see to read the person on the phone and to throw them off a little bit loosen them up by not talking about real estate immediately I don't want to go right into real estate right this is you want to approach them like they're a friend or a family okay so mr. Johnson yes person hey mr. Johnson this is Ricky Carruth than a Remax of Orange Beach how you doing good good yeah me good me too I'm just enjoying the day isn't it gorgeous outside or I'm just trying to stay dry isn't it nasty out there war I'm doing good too man how is your how is your four how is your New Year's how is your Christmas you getting ready for Christmas right it can be anything it needs to be a question and it needs to be designed to not go right into real estate loosen them up right and read them this phone script is really deep there's a lot of is why I have every little part of the phone script okay so right there comes the awkward here comes the awkward part of the call when you set something about the weather and then it's like yeah the weather you join it what do you call them before kind of thing right that's the first transition of the phone call that's when you're going to say I got you we'll look I don't want to take up too much of your time today but a house down the road from you just sold and I didn't know if there's anything I can do to help you today all right we're not asking what they want to buy or sell we're asking if there's anything we can do for them today right so see what I did I transitioned from the weather a transition to that as I got you well look I don't want to take up too much of your time today that's what you got to get down right there that's what you got to be ready for you get me ready to jump right into that I got to look is there any I don't want to get too much of your time today what it does is is you're not asking them hey are you busy or hey is now a good time not asking them because they might answer and say no you're telling them you want to respect their time but a house down the road so didn't know if there's anything I can do for you right this is how you actually create relationships guys this is how you stand out by having a different script than every other real estate agent out there this is how you actually build a big business and show prospects that you actually care about what's going on in their life this is how you approach people low pressure this is how you show them that you don't care about a deal that you're not there to do a deal because you didn't even ask them if they wanted to do a deal can I get a Amen somebody give me an amen and hallelujah something so once I get to that part of the call and I say I got you we'll look I don't want to take it too much of your time today but a house down the road sold I didn't know if there's anything I could do for you they could say a number of things right there they could say yes if they say yes then we're gonna say I got you cool is there an agent that you're working with on that deal right is there an agent that you're working with on that deal you want to go down that road and see if there's an agent that they're working with and if not then hey I would love to work with you when can we meet when can we look at the property does it have it up right if they do have an agent then not much you can do if their mom is an agent see this is where a lot of people go wrong they have a great conversation with a prospect they think they have a brand-new client and everything is just going great and then but they didn't ask them if they have an agent that they might work with and now their mom's an agent they're best friends an agent there are brothers and agents their uncle's an agent and no matter how much they like you they'll never use you so you have to prequalify them if they already have a relationship in place with another agent does that make sense guys so let's see Instagram is off it only goes for an hour so Instagram is over okay so okay and see where was I oh let's see okay I gotcha we'll look I don't want to take it too much of your time today but a house down the road just sold or I just listed a house or I just sold a house or I just put a house under contract and I didn't know if there's anything I can do to help you today right Marta I don't know what you're asking me to say again please clarify it I will repeat if they say no if they say yes we're gonna say okay I got you a look is there an agent you're working with on that particular situation and just follow that rabbit hole see how deep it goes but if they say no which is the most the highest percentage response when they say no we're gonna say I got you we'll look is there an agent in the area that you would work with it'd be worded by ourselves something see what that does we're pre-qualifying them in this first conversation where we're going to have with them if there's an opening for a relationship with for us as the agent and them as the prospect yes so we're going to say is there anything to do for this thing down we say I got you will look and guys like I said you can download these scripts right off my website zero to diamond comm they're right there charge is zero because I want to see you guys when I come to your to your town or somewhere near you to speak I want to see you I want you to come out and I want you to show me some love that's what I'm after I'm after the love when I go speak in your town that's why it's free and you guys I can I can share everything with you if it's free I don't have to hold back when I was holding back because I wanted you guys to pay me because I wasn't giving you my scripts before cuz I wanted you to pay me that's not me I don't want to hold back I want to actually help you this is a win-win for me and you I get to help you you get to go succeed you come see me when I speak you buy my next book coming out so back to the script when they say no I got you we'll look is there an agent in the area that you would work with if you were to buy or sell something yes okay cool who is it oh my no go oh yeah I know them they're a great agent look if there's ever anything I can do for you you're a great hands but if there's ever anything I can do for you please let me know have a good day bye bye okay at that point even if they're lying about having another agent it's like you know if there's two negatives there they said they don't want to do anything by yourself and they said they have an agent so it was like there's two negatives that's not a moment to push back it's just not a moment to push back so but here's the other the highest percentage that I find is that people don't have a relationship in place with an agent they don't have an agent in mind that they wouldn't work with it for the word buy or sell right or at least that's what they say they don't have one so when they say and I'm going to go through this whole script here in a minute I'm going to go through here just a second we're going through the whole thing I'm just I'm just I'm just piecing it out in details along the way so you can understand the full philosophy behind what I'm doing this is not a cookie cutter vs foam script this actually creates lifelong relationships with property owners period so no I don't have an agent okay well look I'm sure at some point in the future I don't know maybe five or ten years down the road you might buy or sell something and I would just love the opportunity to work with you when that day comes would it be okay if I stayed in touch with you right what's your email address boom now there's 126 people watching right now live for you hundred twenty six people and all people are watching the replay I'm gonna release the next episode I think it's episode 54 of the daily grind I'm going to release it tomorrow on YouTube and Facebook and I did live cold calls at remix of Orange Beach in front of the whole company and it shows a live cold call I'll be doing this script and getting the email address so watch the daily grind when I post it tomorrow and watch this in action in a live call you can also go to zero diamond calm and and why there's two videos of me making about a hundred cause of peace live cold calls going through this entire strip getting email addresses creating business I even got a listing on one of those videos okay so here's the philosophy behind the end of the call you don't have an agent I got you we'll look I'm sure at some point you're going to want to buy or sell something I would love the opportunity to work with you and that day comes would it be okay if I stay in touch with you sure okay what's your email address what happens there is is I ask them if it's okay to stay in touch which is a non-threatening thing because I'm not asking for an email address I'm not asking for anything personal I'm just saying hey is it okay if I stay in touch they're thinking fun they're gonna I'm gonna call them every six months but they say sure you can stay in touch because we're thinking no harm no foul and then I drop the hammer on I'm gonna say great what's your email address that's how stay in touch with people and if you if you ask them if it's okay to stay in touch before you ask for the email address and you get them to commit to wanting to you just stay in touch nine times out of ten you're a-going to get the email address let's see Robert brings up a good point how many calls are you making these days per day do you still have to I don't make it because I don't have to because I made a hundred thousand everybody watching and everybody watching this on the replay needs to go make a hundred thousand phone calls over the next five years six years seven years and then if you do it right if you establish relationships if you do weekly emails you won't have to make any phone calls anymore and people just call you to do business all the time if you have more business than you can handle oh let's see so let me go back through the phone script from top to bottom real quick make sure everybody's got it um then I'm going to go through and answer some questions I want to get to all of your questions and and that would be a wrap okay so oh see we're going to start here ring ring ring hello mr. Johnson hey mr. Johnson this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing today good good yeah I'm just enjoying the day man it is a gorgeous day and I got you will look I don't want to take too much of your time today but I just listed a house down the road from you and I think if there's anything I can do for you today no I got you we'll look man do you have an agent in the area that you would work with if you were to buy ourselves something no well shoot man listen I'm sure at some point you're going to want to buy ourselves something in the future I don't know when but I would love the opportunity to work with you in that day college would it be alright if I just stayed in touch with you cool what's your email address boom that's that is the phone spirit now I love to take it a step further because I want to build that relationship really hard for I want to really go deep so what do i do then I want to try to get a lunch appointment right if we're really hitting it off and I get them talking see at the end when they give me their email address I want to see if they'll keep talking you know paternally maybe we connected with something maybe the conversation went some way you know that you're unexpected but I didn't have being something you connected on you need to take advantage of those situations you're going to run into people who you just connect with because you you went your way you went to the same high school or you went to high school with his son or you know this person or that person you both hunt or you like this or you like that you take advantage of those opportunities to connect with people and if you're feeling it don't do it every time but if you're feeling it say look what are you doing next week I love to catch I'd love to catch lunch with you you know get to know you a little bit put a face with the name hang out for a minute right no more no foul so I'm doing a lot of lunch appointments I want to get face to face with my clients I want to get them to know me and that way they feel very comfortable the more coffee your job as a Realtor is to make them feel comfortable with you that's your sole job to make them feel comfortable with you Michelle says do I have a script for door-knocking or have you Dornoch recently I've never door knocks but the same exact script you knock on the door hey mr. Johnson or hey homeowner hey this is Ricky crew 3 make some arms beats how you doing good good yeah I'm just enjoying the days and it gorgeous out here cool look I don't want to take up too much of your time today but I just listed the house right there and I didn't know if there's anything I can do for you cool do you have an agent the area that you would work with I got to look I'm sure at some point you're going to want to move or something it wouldn't be alright if I stayed in touch with you I love to work with you when that day comes cool what's your email address boom right expires hey mr. Johnson hey this is Ricky crude arena in Orange Beach I need you today yeah good me too I'm just enjoying the weather as a gorgeous cool cool look I don't wanna take this 2 inches down today but I saw your house expired off the market the other day and I don't know if there's anything good need to help you yeah ok cool is there an agent in the area that you would work with normally on expires there's go right into what's going on with the expire why they think it is cell death it ended up but listen guys it's the same thing every time same thing Robin says are most of your clients out in the area where I were to live close to them and do face to face meetings all the time and lunches but these condo owners live far away most of the time right yes so I say hey when are you coming down next yeah what are you coming down to the beach next I'd love to catch lunch with you right and then they say I'm coming down mid-may or I'm coming down in August then I make a note say okay cool I'm going to call you back a week before that and make sure that we set a time and a day to have lunch it's the same stuff people people try to they don't criticize but they question the fact that I'm in a second home market versus a primary market it's the same thing same deal relationships right so a lot of people ask me about open houses I don't do them because it's not big in my area but if I were in a market where open houses were big I would be the open house key period there was a I went to Ocala and did a speech the other day it's a big horse farm area you know 1 million 2 million 3 million but it but it costs a couple thousand dollars to advertise if you over priced it you might lose a couple thousand dollars I would adjust guys this it's the mindset right look believe work hard adapt and be patient see the adapt part that's what I'm a master of I'm good at adapting up to stuff I could go to any market I could go to any of you guys's market and crush everybody there that's how I just believe right I believe I work hard I adapt and I'm patient believe like I believe like I believed I was number one in the area I believed I was the number one Remax agent long before I was number one Remax agent and right now I believe I'm the highest demanded number one real estate speaker of the world I believe that even though I'm not there nowhere close I believe that already I know that it's going to happen I believe it so I know that I could go to any of your markets and crush whatever is going on there and sell more property than anyone number one I'm going to outwork them number two minute doubt faster number three I'm super patient right and I understand that closings happen every day and if I'm talking to enough people and we run into people that want to buy or sell today and build my business for the future at the same time that's where efficiency really kicks in let's see Robin says are they receptive to lunch with someone even if they aren't interested in selling soon yes they would love to get to know a realtor down here in the area and start a relationship who cares what they want to buy or sell now that doesn't matter what matters is that you create a relationship for when they do decide no matter when that is that's your job not to buy not to create transactions but to create relationships let's see Dave are you asking them are you calling them asking is earning they do for you but okay let's say day Craig more that's way to funnel on okay I don't know what you guys are talking about looks like y'all got another conversation going on and I see a lot of you guys saying love it and love your approach and all this stuff and I just want to say right now I love you guys thank you so much I can't read every single comment there's hundreds of comments so I'm just trying to go to the questions but I'm very humble the fact that you guys are even watching right now much less care what I have to say or feel like it's good information that's just me my personality let's see okay dave says I don't have 10 K to spin on violating the Do Not Call list it's red X scrub their phone numbers yes Dave red X scrubs do not call this and it tells you all the DN c-- says DN c next to it and so if you if you don't want to call them don't call them that is a personal call don't call okay let's see a lot of people are asking me to come to their areas Southern California Starkville Destin Orlando Texas Hampton Roads look guy set me up tell tell me who to talk to your board or the state or whatever I'm making calls right now to set up some speaking engagements all over the country but if you know somebody that can hook me up with a speaking engagement somewhere close to you please hook me up because I'll be glad to come and present and meet you guys and have a lot of fun do dinner the night before that they have whatever I just like hanging out with you guys and just I like spreading the wealth of the knowledge that I've gained over my 16 years of becoming a millionaire losing everything I've got climbing my way back up adapting learning and applying all from all the experience there's two ways to learn remember books seminars webinars YouTube podcast but then there's experience and without both you will not succeed so remember that start getting as much experience as you can as quick as you can okay Michael wants me to do a for sale by owner script example here's my for sale by owner stripped a ring ring hello hey is this the owner of whatever yeah hey this is Ricky Carruth a remix of Orange Beach how you doing today good good good yeah see you got your help from Sale By Owner I didn't know if you guys might be open to working with an agent cool look man what can I see the house boom for Sale By Owner scrub and what are we going to do it for Sale By Owner see we have a weekly email going right every single week every one of you guys needs to follow my action plan and get a weekly email in progress and so what's going to happen is is if you if you work if you do say 50% for sale by owners a 50% sort of a prospect you're going to put all of them in the end the weekly email and what happens is for sale by owners is is for sale by owners they're going to get tired of trying to sell yourself they may call you to list they're getting your weekly emails or maybe they'd sell yourself but then they need to agent to help them buy something so they call you for that right or maybe they were first somebody to you but concentrate on the relationship not necessarily getting that listing if selling the property their self is best for them that's what you should want for them but if you can help them buy the next property or think it's hard of selling it on their own and they want to they want to you know choose your realtor hopefully you've been consistent enough with them following up weekly emails phone calls etc that they choose you Pat Barry Jackson says do I include past clients in this weekly email I include everybody I know in the world in this weekly email everybody related to my real estate business gets that weekly email people that I meant 16 years ago when I started real estate get this weekly email I didn't start the weekly email until 2007 but every email address I have once I develop the idea of doing the weekly email got the weekly emails still get the weekly email that's something that keeps everybody hey what's up guys sorry about that my I don't know what happened my internet just went down and then uh it took it like 15 minutes to come back and now I can't get on back on the the live feed of the the webinar but uh anyway I wanted to come back real quick just to answer some questions that were there at the end that I didn't get to um we'll see Elizabeth wants to know she needs the part where I talk about where get the phone numbers the best quality phone numbers I found is red X go sign up for my program in zero to Diamond calm and there's a link where you can save a hundred and fifty dollars the hunt that the start-up fee is $150 they waive the start-up fee you know if you do it through my website as a member you save that startup fee let's see Mike says I'll post the video yes I'm gonna post that entire video on YouTube and it's on Facebook but it looks like it's running on the we'll come back so it's gonna take four hours for it to end and then I'll cut it and then I'll repost it ah let's see if you guys watching the nine people watching right now if you have any questions I didn't get to on the webinar again I'm sorry my internet just completely went out I'm really kind of glad I didn't go out till the very end we were about a hundred about an hour and a half into it so we were kind of coming to the end but but man I'm glad I got all the stuff it did get you know what I mean because there was some good stuff that was a good webinar I was pretty fired up all the information was real and I think it got my point across and I think I actually helped a lot of people today I think I really affected a lot of people today and I'm just super stoked about that I'm scrolling through some of the questions here that was on the live feed welling up and what's up Damon Robert saga said that I mentioned with Syria my use I don't have a CRM I just put everybody in constant contacts and I send them emails from there and then I have everybody in my phone and then you know my email stuff like that I'm not very organized guys that's the thing I'm not very organized I feel like organization holds you back to a certain point I'm just as organized as I need to be to be super effective right what's up hey Ron drops Brian eating plans to come to Chicago I hope so man book me a gig like hook me up with somebody that I could talk to that'll that'll send me out there and I'd love to come and I will be out there at some point I just you know Ingrid what's up Karen thank you for watching cool guys I'm just strong through so the questions I'm gonna left you from a phone here because my internet um just kind of just completely crashed oh okay hey a carpenter does opponent you up your chatter new please hook me up Lisa yeah hey what's up Carla so my internet just crashed all of a sudden but it was at the very end so thank God right but I'm going through some of the questions that I did it ain't answerin alive even though I'm live now it's like a double negative huh all right cool let's see okay Quan wants to know what's my follow up script look like after talking and they don't remember who you are not sure exactly what you mean but guys you always just play it off you always just if you find yourself in weird situations you just play it off but my phone script would be like okay cool yeah who is this you know what I mean be real with people if you don't remember playing off but be real with them what's up Rd Adair hey Ricky having a crazy productive day today and I hope you are no you are too absolutely let's see it looks like I got through all the questions I'm sure there was more what's up Colin I'm sure there was more since coming before that my internet just completely crashed but uh but it looks like I've answered most of them for now let's even let some Ruth Kai to keep up with your current sellers and buyers I just make a list of them I have a whiteboard you know and then I make a list of them like I have a list I'm a list with because I'm at the office but I have a list of all the like really hot buyers and really hot sellers I keep it in front of me and I just make sure I'm doing what I need to do with those people right okay Craig set random question how important is it to have a car I don't use mine and it's kind of expensive but agents keep telling me to keep it we have uber so the dynamics have changed any thoughts I think it's kind of per market you know I think I think hey get rid of your car you know I think if you can make Ober work and it works do it I mean try it you know if it becomes a problem go you can always go get a car if you need one if you feel like that's really gonna help you and you don't need it you really feel like you don't need it try it right see what you think now you know make a decision make it happen Colin says did a million this week my boy Colin did a million this week I don't know if he went under contract or closed but it doesn't matter dude a million is a million and that's all there is to it hey Ron says personal question of always scared when people say that not really when you were digging yourself out of that hole several years ago how did you move forward without letting your prior screw-ups bring you down let me tell you how I did it eh Ron because no matter what I'm doing I'm hard at it a hard-working like like I'm always like 90 to nothing and so when I was coming out of the hole it's no different than I'm doing right now trying to pull out of this hole to get to the next level being the the highest-paid real estate speaker in the world it's the same exact thing it was the same thing when I was roofing else's arms the teenagers the same thing when I was selling properties in the good market I'm always 92 nothing so nothing is different for me my mindset and my daily routines and what I think about the world and how I'm trying to progress and go to the next level than it isn't any other time in my life it's all these same people need to quit putting it in a box and saying that I'm down I'm up I'm this I'm that no no no you are everything all Internet that's kind of reasonable here we got a horrible internet down here in a Bama but yeah like it's all the same everyone like how you feeling you're down and you know trying to pull yourself out of something that should be the same mentalities you have when you're on top trying to get to that next level that next level there's no difference man I get a little passionate about that Rd says how how do you how do you deal with it on another agent so listening your current listed properties has that ever happened to you yeah it's happened to me I don't care let him do it I don't really care I'll tell I'll tell my owner hey that's against the ethics that's against the rules they're not supposed to do that it's against everything that's real order stand for but you know if you know whatever let them do it who cares if it becomes a problem and you need to report or report them but it's not a big deal who cares Ruth says thanks for all you do Thank You Ruth hey Ron says thanks man that means a lot thank you bro cool stuff any of you guys have any more questions I'm starving in that went down that was crazy I'll probably post this I'll probably add this video right here to the end that's what I'll do I'll have this video to the end of a live feed that way I answered all the questions and I'll put it all in the YouTube video and I'll have this video and that big that's great good idea Ricky you know you're welcome brian says how do you balance personal family time with work because there's no difference man like like like I'm giving it everything I got there's no work/life balance man it's all life I love what I do I love being with my family I love being at work I love every little bit of it my family supports me with all my craziness right so it's all the same thing there's no I don't I don't separate it I don't separate it and when I when I'm with them I give them all of me when I'm at work I give work all of me it's all the same thing here again we're set we're trying to separate things when there should be no separation you should be you you shouldn't have your personality when you're family you're perfect you should be you all the time Michael Sherman says how did you get in the right mindset when starting out but guys I was born this way bro I was born to two ones who dominate I was born to be number one I was born to want to work harder than anyone else I was born to want to help people on a massive level I was born that way and when you're happy happiness is motivation happiness gives you energy happiness gives you everything you need in life and if you're happy then then you have the right mindset and you're trying to move forward because you're doing what you love you're helping people and you know you're a good person Ingrid says think shariq enough to run will cut watch the replay cool guys so let me know if you have any further questions I really enjoy doing the webinar for you guys I'll post it once it gets done in like three and a half hours or whatever I'll chop it up and I'll break it down I'll add this video to the end of it and and then that'll be that let's see I didn't get to say the ending which is I wanted to tell you guys more about the free stuff everything's free so let's see where's it I got a zr2 diamond I have a 90 day action plan I have my phone scripts I have circle prospecting roadmap shows you all the different twists and turns of a conversation 30 day jumpstart you need to listen to one of those thirty there's eight of them you need to listen to one week videos we'll be making calls tutorials online course you get the red X discounts I've got two books zero two Diamond enlists the last and every single day I'm posting content on YouTube Instagram SoundCloud and iTunes right I'm everywhere for you guys to motivate you to take your business in your life to another level and I mean that's just I mean I've just figured out how to provide that to you and every which way possible so let me know if you guys have any last-minute questions if you miss a webinar I'm sorry you can't watch it right now it's gonna take three and a half hours for it to stop and start over so I really hate that the internet went down and all this happened the way it did but at least we got through most of the webinar almost actually we were at the very end Karen says you're doing what most coaches and top agents would never do Thank You Ricky you know what's so crazy is is I offer this to every single agent in my MLS every single agent in my MLS was was got an invitation to come to the webinar they can sign up for my coaching for free they can do every little thing that I do for free am I worried about competition no because there's more than enough for everyone and that's just all there is to it nobody's gonna do it anyway and if they do they're not gonna do it they're not gonna outwork me I'm sorry but no one is going to outwork me so why should I care what they're doing because the work is where the magic is that's where you get you get paid based on how much you do so whoever does the most wins no one's gonna do more than me Ricky you have more coming than you can imagine thanks brother absolutely Craig Julie the information is great very helpful Thank You Julie Mike Thank You Ricky thank you Mike cool guys I just I just love you guys and I just want you to succeed that's all there is to it just bottom line in the story I just want to see you guys succeed and I'm willing to give you everything I got to see that happen I hope you guys can see that and you feel it I hope you really feel it because it's real Renae says Ricky thank you for keeping it real what sets you apart from other coaches that you are still an active agent you rock and I'm always going to be an active agent period that's why another reason why I could do this for free it's because it's not my full-time job all right I have a full-time job selling real estate and making a million dollars a year so I have a job I don't need another job I'm doing this because I love to do it cool I think I've made all my points clear I do have more points but you can't get them all into a couple hours I hope to see all of you guys sometime soon in a city near you guys so you guys all get bit of emails from me you'll get youtubes you know you'll get notified when I'm gonna be different places speaking and I mean the bottom line is is that you got to build your business over the phone because your brain with everything
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 42,792
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Keywords: circle prospecting real estate scripts, circle prospecting scripts, circle prospecting real estate, circle prospecting, circle prospecting phone numbers, circle prospecting real estate webinar, how to circle prospect, real estate circle prospecting, real estate circle prospecting scripts, real estate coaching, live circle prospecting real estate cold calls, circle prospecting cold calls, live circle prospecting, circle prospecting script, circle prospecting calls
Id: TYvhwRsI_o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 10sec (5530 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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