How to Find Property Owners Phone Numbers

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what's up everybody welcome to another video I'm Ricky Carruth and today I'm going to teach you how to find real estate leads on a red X alright I hope you're doing super well today so in other videos I'll talk a lot about red X and that's where I find phone numbers for owners to cold-call so today I figured I would do a screen share and do a tutorial on exactly how I use red X Gio leads to find these phone numbers and at the end of the video I'm going to show you how to get a big discount with red X so that you can start collecting these phone numbers with the click of a mouse start calling these property owners and creating these lifelong relationships that are gonna pay you dividends this is exactly how I built my real estate business except for back in the day when I started there was no red X there was no way to find phone numbers with the click of a mouse I had to do it the old-school style on white pages Bigfoot calm even Spokeo it took me hours and hours and hours to five phone numbers where now I can just click the mouse a couple times find a couple thousand phone numbers if I want to and get to work immediately so because of red X what used to take me 5-10 hours now takes me a couple of minutes it amazes me how many agents out there not taking advantage of this opportunity also compared to other sources I feel like red X has the best data a lot of their phone numbers are cell phone numbers and I will say some sources give you unlimited data they'll give you unlimited phone numbers red X only gives you 2,000 a month and if you want more you have to pay for it the reason for that is is because it's not cheap you get what you pay for red X pays more money for that data that's why also red X is must a month whereas other sources want to charge you a whole year upfront because they know that their data is not as good and they got to get that money upfront so that you don't get in for one month and then find out and then cancel the contract so as a disclaimer I am gonna feel for redex but my advice to you is is give it a try try all the different resources and figure out which one you thinks the best but I've already put the working for you already know which one's the best and here it is okay so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the red XCOM th e re d XCOM you're going to login you okay so once you're in the vortex we're going to click on geo leads okay geo Leeds is the feature that you need to find property owners okay here's the search bar you're gonna put any address you want into this search bar okay we're just going to put a road name in here okay so as soon as you put the address or the road name in here it's gonna bring it up on the map and it's gonna pee okay this is bear point area in arch Beach okay so the next thing we want to do is is is right here you can pick how long they've owned the property okay this is your choice you can pick you know if you want to if you want to target certain people that have owned it for a certain amount of time go for it I don't I want to call everybody I never know when somebody's gonna want to buy or sell something they may have bought something two weeks ago now they gotta sell it for some weird reason you never know okay I always do two phones Pearlie eat okay you can do three do one you know I just leave it at two then you can do search neighborhood starts boundary search Street search one property okay so you have the different options there okay I'm gonna search the neighborhood on this one okay and then you can pick how many up to five hundred twenty-five fifty hundred two hundred three or four to five hundred I'm just going to do 50 for this example okay and once we have all that set up we're just gonna click preview ok when you click preview it's going to tell you it's going to show you on the map and whenever are you picked okay now let's pick 500 and preview that okay so it's going to pick the closest addresses around the address of street that you pick you put in the search bar okay let's go back to 50 that's somebody I'm actually going to get okay boom okay once you see this and you're happy with what what it's doing we're going to click get leads mmm it'll take it a second it's importing them right here in boom there they are this is the 50 people closest to that Street on that street or closest to it it's gonna put it into there's a folder up here Gio leads and there it is there's a street name right there it creates the folder for you and the Gio leads folder from there you can do whatever you want with the leads okay so from this point you can click these boxes okay that's just checking those people so you can go through this list and there's people on there like Realtors you know or this is where you're gonna find the listings you should have a list of what's on the market and you're gonna find the address you know right here and we're gonna click there on the market oh they're on the market we don't want to call the people who have their properties list or if there's a ruler say this person's realtor boom okay once we've checked all the people we want to take out of the list before we make your calls we're going to check them off and we're going to click other okay and then we're going to hit delete just to lead them out right there so it took those people out okay now we have our list totally narrowed down okay now from here you have two options you can use the storm dialer with red X here or if you want to take them to another dialer you can do that one of two ways you can just check them all right there you can click other and go to export export them onto a spreadsheet and then import them into your other dialer or mojo syncs up automatically to red X so you can sync it up to red X and they could be automatically imported from red X to mojo you can use that dialer if that's what dollar you're going to use so I really don't care what dialer you use what I do care about is the quality of the data that you're using and the quality of the phone numbers that you're calling come in I really feel like red X has the best data so that is how you find property owners with a few clicks of a mouse using the red X Gio leads feature cool so I hope this helped you navigate red X a little bit to find owners phone numbers watch me make cold calls and get my full scripts in the description below also my red X affiliate link is in the description below where they will waive the one hundred and fifty dollar startup fee take advantage of those savings and get to work right now and as always reach out with any questions we'll talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 25,497
Rating: 4.8393884 out of 5
Keywords: how to find real estate leads, real estate leads, how to find phone numbers of proeprty owners, real estate coaching, real estate, how to find property owners, real estate agent, real estate scripts, cold calling, find property owners, calling expired listings, real estate coaching and training, how to find phone numbers of property owners, how to find real estate leads online, real estate coaching videos, real estate leads for free, cold calling real estate
Id: F29fxBZuJ5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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