NEW! Weekly Email Ideas & Retention of Clients

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people are putting so much weight on the content yes it's important okay but even more importantly is the fact that you're sending something out this is what I believe I'm sharing that with you for nothing just get out there and succeed what's up everybody riki truth here welcome back to my channel so today I want to talk about my weekly email I want to give you a couple of ideas that I've been incorporating into my weekly email and also at the end of this video I want to share with you a clip from a recent Q&A that I did where an agent was asking me about the content that I create and how retain clients how I use the email to retain the clients how do I keep people interested in the email week after week after week after week so that's something that I've really executed really well is keeping people's attention every single week keeping them engaged keeping them involved keeping them wanting to open my email to see what's gonna be there I think that that's key but I don't feel like that's the whole thing okay so many of you are worried about the content and what you don't realize is most of your clients who are gonna do business with you in six months to a year to five years out aren't opening your emails right now they see it in their inbox they know that it's consistent they're just not ready yet they're gonna open it when they get ready in six months to a year to five years they're gonna start opening it then people are putting so much weight on the content yes it's important okay but even more importantly is the fact that you're sending something out so step one is to get consistent with the email regardless of the content okay I just want you to start pushing something out don't wait I think that's the biggest problem because every week that you wait there could potentially be someone that's in your database that's looking to buy or sell that you're missing out on that's gonna go to another agent because they're forgetting who you are little by little okay so the whole point of this weekly emails to build personal brand personal brand is the main point of this okay and to build personal brand you have to have original consistent content on whatever platform you use whether it's email social media you know of texting phone calls postcards you know whatever it has to be original consistent content that's the two ingredients of personal brand so a couple of new ideas have been incorporating in my email lately is I've been doing a restaurant of the month every month so you have four weeks in a month one of those weeks I'm doing a restaurant of the month I've been doing this for about two months now is just something I'm just kind of testing out I'm always trying new things I figured I would share it with you you can try it out on your email and test it out and see if it's something the people like I normally have a picture a link to their website and their their menu and then also I'll write a little story maybe like two or three sentences about how I've been going there or me and my wife went there and we're real I like this or we do this or whatever it is just a little story people love stories another thing I've been incorporating also on top of the restaurant of the month I've also been doing a listing of the money okay so I'm gonna showcase a listing this could be your listing could be someone else's listing you can showcase anyone's listing in MLS okay anything in MLS you have the right to market that if it's not your listing it would be good to contact the agent and tell them you're gonna do it they're gonna want you to do it they're gonna want you to advertise their listing but it'd be good to at least notify them that you're doing it before you do it if you do it okay but they're gonna be happy with you doing that so anyway pick out a great listing you don't want this to be just an ordinary average listing pick out something good because something unique pick out something interesting that's gonna draw attention this will one one attention okay so those are two just ideas that I've been using here lately just to kind of mix it up a little bit that you can start incorporating into your email I hope that sparked something for you and you can kind of incorporate that on what you're doing now as far as what I incorporate in my weekly email content top to bottom and what I do to actually try to grab the attention and retain those people and my clients and my prospects and my friends these people should be an extended part of your family anyway here's the clip of that Q&A how I retain clients and all my content from top to bottom please do me a favor like this video shoot me a comment let me know what you think and enjoy every email has a big picture at the top of the beach or something in my market it's always different so concerning your weekly emails I guess this could go for all social media but in particular when I'm doing my emails every week the one thing that I am running into a problem with is creating original content that I feel like I'm keeping my clients engaged and they want to continue opening up my email I want to keep it on brand with Who I am what do you do or what types of things do you put in your emails to keep it so that it's not the same thing every week and you're keeping it fun and exciting for your clients change your question every email has a big picture at the top of the beach or something in my market it's always different and so the first thing they see when they open up the email is something different every time okay and then they scroll down then there's links there's links to the new listings for the last two weeks close you can search property and then there's a webcam a live cam okay then I have two columns one column is everything for sale it goes to the different links in my area I have three different subcategories of areas so they can click on that it goes to a web page that shows them all the complexes all the subdivisions they click anywhere they want to see what's for sale in those different places the right column is what I spend the most time on each week besides the picture at the top and this is where I may talk about square-foot prices this year compared to last year or I may talk about you know tourism up or an event in the area or what I think about the market or something I see or I show to buy or something and this is what happened and so that that is where I can throw little pieces of my personality in there in that little area on top of the fact that they they know that I'm changing everything around different pictures different different contents someone asked me earlier about my email because I had an article about how there were 10% more rooms bugs last year to this year is because of sports tourism went up way up in my area year every year and she said where did you get that information I literally googled my my area Orange Beach and hit and clicked news and then all these articles pop up then you read through them and find something very interesting right so you can do that one week you can evaluate the market this year compared to last year so you're always switching it up where you have the analytical people they get what they want and the people that want to know about you know different things it's all there so when people open in my email the reason I'm able to retain have such a great open rate it's because it gives you a look at everything so some people open it up because they want to see what that pictures going to be they literally just want to see what the new pitcher is going to be or they want to know what the new listings are for the last week or the pin to close deals in their subdivision they check it every week and so there's there's a little little pieces of different things where I can capture a real diverse audience you know I can retain a very diverse audience with one email and that scales my business it makes my business of fishing because I send one thing to my entire database and it captures everyone so I think the creating creating it every week is a big huge thing for me because that creates the retention because it's nothing they've ever seen before when you do the drip campaigns where for realtors are sent out to the same person on the same day at the same time and now they see your name that's actually hurting your personal brand because they just they said they see that they saw that 44 agents in a tow home at the same time as same email you know the drip campaign type say they can be utilized and be effective but this is just something that's work for me [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 11,727
Rating: 4.9783783 out of 5
Keywords: email marketing, customer retention, social media marketing, client retention, email marketing tutorial, email marketing for beginners, real estate coaching, real estate, real estate training, real estate agent, real estate scripts, real estate success, tom ferry, real estate listings, real estate marketing, grant cardone, circle prospecting, real estate agent scripts, tom ferry show, sales training, real estate agent tips, how to sell real estate, ricky carruth
Id: GtbaC0lvQh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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