3DS Max - Open Subdiv - Part 1

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hello in this video like to show you a few more things about 3ds max 2015 and then show you how you can use open subdiv so let's say that I create a plane now remember remember if you watch my previous videos that we have every polygon has a front face in the back face however in previous versions the back face was black and now it's the same color its green so we can't really see the difference between a front face and a black face well we can do can go under click the plus configure viewports and then visual style appearance and here we actually have we can illuminate with one light or two lights now by default it used to be one light but now it's two lights but you can switch it back to one and if you click on OK you notice that the back face is now black so you can easily see it so I prefer to see this some people like to go to for example object properties and then backface cull which will pretty much make the back face invisible but this I find a little bit a little bit distracting so I like to actually see it so I like to keep backface cull off and have just a black back face now if you notice that when you open up to dias max that everything looks a little bit pale a little bit too bright it may be because need to go under rendering and then gamma LUT setup now by the font gamma correction will be on and gamma set it 2.0 now if you want ultra realistic rendering you may want to keep this on you can see that it makes everything a lot paler so notice difference in the color and notice how these colors here look now when I'm modeling actually at the colors to be a little bit darker although proper gamma of 2.2 can be very helpful for achieving photorealistic renders when you're modeling you may just want the colors to be darker so you can go here in the rendering you get my LUT setup and simply remove the checkbox here and now notice the colors are back to being darker and there are other ways to have proper Gama aside from going in there and setting it there you can use the render settings next you want to disable the keyboard shortcut over I toggle because it can make a lot of the hotkeys and shortcuts not work so you want to make sure that's off and in the previous video told you that if you hover over something and then scroll wheel use a scroll wheel it will zoom in on that location we can see it's not doing that now I just start to turn it up because I found it very distracting and hard to maneuver around my scene so I actually prefer just to zoom in on the center of my selected object and not where my cursor is so to disable that you can go under customize customize user interface and on the right we have mouse so the two options that were enabled by default is zoom about Mouse point orthographic and zoom about Mouse point perspective so you took off the checks here now let's look up the check at autofocus viewport so pretty much disable all of this and I find this to be a lot more comfortable if you like the previous setup you can just activate those options and that way when you scroll wheel use a scroll in your mouse it will zoom in on your where your cursor is all right so I'll make this gray and let's get started with open subdiv so what exactly is open subdiv it's a subdivision algorithm developed by Pixar and it's meant to address a few problems that's other which normally has for one let's say I create a cylinder here and I will Center it here and I just give it eight sides and just decrease its radius all right and then I will delete the end guard on the top and bottom like so and if I apply a turbosmooth for example you can see what kind of result we get so now I will turn through smooth off and export this as an obj and I open this up in ZBrush and Here I am in ZBrush here's the same cylinder I now click on divide which will subdivide the mesh so notice what happens the mesh is still subdivided however it's subdivided in a different way so every program has its own method for subdivision and although sometimes they may look similar it's actually using different algorithms so a cylinder in ZBrush will look different in the cylinder in 3dsmax once subdivided now open subdiv is open source which means that anyone can download it anyone can download the code and implement it into any program which means any program with open subdiv the meshes will look the same you can import an export and the subdivision will make it look the same and also the textures will be applied the same so it means that it's a lot easier to share models and textures between programs open subdiv also makes extras look a lot better it makes them fit on the genre a lot better once it's subdivided if you select service mode sometime we should get stretching and distortion in various areas and the texture will kind of be distorted with open subdiv that is greatly reduced and lastly it makes adding detail and working with edge loops and topology a lot easier faster simpler so I'm actually using a plugin for open subdiv one that's made by a company called magic picture studios and you'll find a link to that plug-in in the description to this video simply put that in your plugins folder your 3ds max and then plugins well first I'll show you the oath of the vision method in case you're not familiar with it let me just set the length segments to 1 and width segments to 1 as well and i will apply at a poly and begin doing some basic modeling here so i will exclude this up and extrude this right here and simply delete that okay so if you apply turbo spoiler you will get pretty much this result right here and you can sharpen this up by inserting one or two or more loops through here and I notice that it's nice and sharp so in this case the simply adding loops works just fine but let's say you have something a little bit more complex I will make a clone of this and here I do send a little bit more complex so I'll kind of move this up here and just kind of extrude all right and I'll also platter or smooth here just to give myself more geometry to work with all right and then I will simply collapse that make sure it's edible poly all right and let's say I go here and I inset and then babble okay so I've got this detail here and I can apply turbo smooth once more all right now let's say that I want to sharpen this area so in the previous example it was pretty simple just inserting two loops through here and they gave us a sharp result and here I will do the same I'll apply a poly first then go under edge and ring and connect to through here and then we use swift loop to insert a loop through here and through here alright so notice that sharp in the area but I also gave us it also sharpened this area here because of course whenever you have multiple edges together it creates a sharp effect so you notice that it kind of ruined the smoothness of the rest of the model right here so definitely definitely notice up here a little bit and down here and of course it becomes more drastic when you get more and more complex and start dealing with more intricate geometry of course there are a number of ways of removing this for example I can select this and then apply swift loop and that kind of helps to fix the problem you can see it's no longer creating that sharpness however when you're dealing with something complex it's a lot of work to balance out all the loops and this is just a very simple example if you're something a little more complex we'd have this here a lot of time fixing the loops what open subdiv gives us is the ability to not really worry about loops and then have to put them in the first place so then I will select all of this and remove it and this time instead of using turbosmooth i will activate the open subdiv modifier open subdiv mps I will turn off Iceland display and I will apply to celebration levels so let's say three so here we go I notice right now it's behaving the same way as turbosmooth in fact if I copy this over here and delete open subdiv and apply it service with instead and apply three iterations you can see it's pretty much give us the same result so how do we really use this so what I need to do is here under edge crease I can activate this and you notice it changes so I can use crease for both vertices and edges in this case I'll select edge crease simply put a check mark right here now I'll go back to edit poly and collapse this and edit poly if I switch to edges it has an area here you can input weights increases now we'll just be using weights we won't be using the crease values so if I switch the vertex you can see how I have an intern area here four vertices and four edges so first thing I'll do is simply select all the vertices and just make it the weight zero and I'll select all the edges and I will select them all and make the weight zero simply right click here to make it zero all right so now that all the edges have a weight of zero I can now control how sharp and edge is by selecting it and increasing the value here so what I can do is select all of these edges here and these like the ones that don't want to be sharp and let's say why do you select these right here all right now I will activate in showing results and turn off the cage and notice as I increase the weight now and become sharper so this is zero this is one two three now if I enter in four and the rest nothing really happens one thing to understand about weights here is that they have a lot to do with the subdivision level so if the level is three if I enter in three here for these edges it will have the maximum sharpness so notice that now it's pretty much perfectly sharp here if I in decrease it so somewhere about 2.4 you notice that it's not sharp three perfectly sharp four there's nothing however if I increase the left subdivision level to four now you notice that the three value here is no longer creating a pretty sharp results now if want to be perfectly sharp we need to end we need to enter in four here and once again is perfectly sharp so whatever number you have set here for subdivision levels if you enter in a value of 4 if you enter in that number here in weight that would be the maximum sharpness however I recommend not using the maximum sharpness at least have a little bit lower because usually nothing is ever perfectly sharp there's always a little bit of a chamfer there alright and next let's say that if you want this to have a little bit of roundness here you can keep these settings but what you can also do is let's say select these edges and then increase the weight for them as well to get hard surface here now I notice that when I increase the weights I get this effect because what's happening here is that this whole area here is being smooth but we do have a sharpness here so what you may want to do is kind of rethink the way you think about topology and that is before you would have to for example inset now you can simply not inset and simply have the topology be like this so I can simply weld like here and then remove these edges and as you can see this little gives me those strange results so just kind of have this kind of topology it's a lot simpler it's not going to pretty much have whatever small detail I want without having to worry too much about where the edge loops go so let me create some more details here I'll turn on snaps make sure that vertex snap is on and then say snap right here and then I will select these edges and apply extrude and then just going to fix up the topology a little bit no weld right here weld right here you all right here's what I have so far now what I recommend is actually not worrying about the weights until you finish modeling because as you model here and perform various operations the weight should be all over the place so I recommend saving the setting the weights until you've already finished all your modeling and I'll set this to zero and it looks like the ones that actually sharpen up right here select these and loop and then I can simply increase the weight until I get the desired amount of sharpness here and there we are and let's say they also want some sharpness right here so I'll select these edges and these edges and increase the weight for them and there we are and as you can see we have very nice smooth results
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 135,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free, online, education, learn, class, lesson, arrimus, tutorial, walkthrough, max, 3d, 3ds, open, subdiv, subdivision, plugin, modifier, model, modeling, computer, graphics, visual, mesh, topology, geometry, tool, help, tip, how to, download, link
Id: QFckVSyvVy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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