People Buy Feelings, Not Things

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now Steve's a dear friend of mine and when he was building to win I'll never forget he was at my home in Sun Valley it just got to meet him it was New Years and everybody else was standing watching the fireworks and I was singing the table I was basically doing brain melt sucking out of his brain everything I possibly could how do you think about this what do you do how do you market and here's what I learned from Steve people don't buy products they buy feelings people don't buy products they buy States people no buy products they buy identities and he and I went back and forth for about two and half or 3 hours and became lifelong friends the last decade and a half and what I learned from him is how many of you know the six human needs let me see your hands Ranger if you know the six human aid so real quick for those who never heard it before what's the first need that all human beings have is not a goal it's not a desire it's a need what is it quick certainly everyone has a need for certainty that they can avoid pain or ideally they can have some pleasure but that's a survival instinct if you have total certainty all the time you will feel completely wet bored so what's the second human quick I'm the certainty which other a friend certainty is variety the need for surprise who here loves surprises say I mold you like the surprises you want right surprise you don't want you call problems but you need them to to be alive and business flights plenty of variety right what's the third human need they need to feel significant significant is the third team to need to feel significant unique special important significant who has the need to feel significant who who everybody what do people say I don't want to feel significant that's how they get significance by saying I don't need significant I'm more unique than you you have two significance I don't some people get significance by buying a $500,000 or a million dollar car some people get significance by saying I don't spend any money I don't need a nice car I'm so special I don't need a nice car it's called a reverse ego symbol same need they just go about it a different way but if you're totally significant and unique and special that feels good but then you feel alone because the fourth human need is need for connection and love who needs connection love everybody number and by the way those first needs everybody gets certainty uncertainty a variety significance even if you have to make up stories about yourself you'll find a way to feel significant alright and a feeling of connection if not love the final two needs are the needs of the spirit you must grow is number five you grow or you if a business is not growing what is it doing that's a fact there's no such thing as a stable business you're growing or you're dying there's no plateau that you can stay at and stick around and the law lastly number six you got to grow and with what you grow you have to contribute because everything in the universe is either growing or dying everything universities contributing or its eliminated by evolution if nothing else we're made for that having said that when I was with Steve that night I explained these six needs as I'm explaining them he grabs me physically by the shoulder he goes that one that one I just said significance heals that's where I've made all of my money in my entire life he said people will pay disproportionately to feel significant than for any other need he said people will spend more money people want love but they think they'll get love of their significant or at least they'll get laid if they're significant he said so I built the most expensive hotels in the world and I charge more than anybody else and he even with Las Vegas in 2008 went through it's drawdown Steve kept this prices high why why he wanted to still be the most special place he came to this seminar sat in the front row and I'm not there's almost nothing that makes me uncomfortable I'm like what am I going to teach him but he sat on this event at lunch took me to lunch egos this is the most valuable session I've been in the last ten years I know I'm gonna do this was in 2008 he said here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to when all my competitors are shrinking right now because they're trying to survive I'm going to go build this giant beach club that goes right to Las Vegas Avenue I'm going to build this new entrance I'm going to up my services he said I'm going to do what you teach what is the fundamental success to becoming wealthy it's only one thing if you want to be wealthy after you more for your clients at who than anyone else you have to add more that is the entire secret to wealth in business you want it in one sentence it's simple do more for others than anyone else is doing add more value and you will own them and you own the marketplace he goes you know I'm gonna do Tony I'm gonna when everybody else is shrinking I'm going to add more value so all the high end people are going to see how I'm doing more and they're gonna come to me and this down period is going to be the most important period of my entire career because when the economy comes back and those guys start giving services I already own these people they're not going to leave me on their home you got to ask yourself what do I do to add more value than many of you think adding more value means cutting your prices or doing something of that nature sometimes adding value is raising your price it's crazy raising your price can increase your sales if it's the right piece now if you raise your price and do more no question that could be the right thing in some cases some of you your market is the cheapest price maybe it's time to change that business model because unless you're Walmart or Amazon or somebody that can do things that massive volume and lose money and sustain it you might need a thing called a margin if you're going to be successful in business you want a high margin high margins come from high human needs being met
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 375,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, business mastery, business strategy, customer experience, significance, 6 human needs, entrepreneur
Id: 1iRUJv6knQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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