Discovering Where You Truly Belong | Dr. Cindy Trimm | The 8 Stages of Spiritual Maturation

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hi this is Pastor Ryan here and we want to welcome you to the four points broadcast with dr. Cindy trim you're in for a real treat tonight because we are in our series the eight stages of spiritual maturation and dr. trim is continuing tonight and and we want to encourage you to invite friends onto the broadcast with you we're going to be releasing some details in the weeks to come about how you can start a small group right there in your city based on the teachings from the four points broadcast so we want you to stay connected and guess what we also want you to download the brand-new just released Cyndi trim ministries app whether that's from the Android or the Apple Store it's going to bless you can stay up to date on all the messages you can also engage in the blogs and you can connect to groups that are maybe starting in your area but tonight is going to be fantastic I'm gonna waste no more time I'm going to bring right to the platform herself dr. Cindy trim we are so happy to be doing life with you and today is going to be a special day because we're going to talk about the second stage of spiritual maturation which is the stage called Tito very important stage is the shortest of all of the stages of spiritual maturation because it is referring to a covenant or being able to bond with a God appointed individual that is assigned to help you to mature in the things of the Lord and so this Tito stage is the stage that we're looking at today let's pray our Father that God will give you praise and honor we thank you for the time that you have a lot Adana sign for us and we prayed at the time that we spend together will be a time where we can ask you make the Word of God and that we can feed on this word as milk and it's meat that those things that you have desired for us to have a greater understanding that through the anointing today you will anoint me with a fresh anointing to articulate even those things we pray that I would be able to yield completely to the Holy Spirit that you would think through my mind and speak through my lips let there be none of me all of you those that are tuning in I pray that they will get answers and father that today will be a day of deliverance and a day of healing not only of Revelation but a day that of spiritual maturation bless our time together in Jesus name Amen we're going to go to the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 16 a very interesting text that is there and you can read straight through in your own time straight through to verse 27 but for the intention of today because we have so much that we want to talk to you about we want to just stick with a shorter shorter text in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 16 the Bible said again the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man cost to rossum to know her abominations and say thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem thy birth and thy Nativity is of the land of Canaan my father was an EMA right that mother was a Hittite and as for thy Nativity in the day that I was born thy neighbor was not cut neither was thou what I washed in the water too supple P that was not salted at all nor swaddled at all none I pitied thee to do any of these unto be to have compassion upon thee but that was cast out in the open or you were abandoned a field to lo - to the loathing of that people in the day that thou was born and when I passed by thee and so they polluted in thy own blood I said unto thee when thou was in thy blood live yay I said unto thee when thou was in thy blood live now this is this is a very very important text because it simply says that the parents did what they had to do they they performed the first stage of maturation and that was guest her and they allowed you to to grow and and then they pushed you out and when they pushed you out or when they birthed you they didn't even stay with you in your second stage they abandoned you and they left you to fend for yourself and this is what's happening in a lot of instances with a lot of ministries in a lot of churches with a lot of people's lives they have that testimony yes I was born again but nobody came to seek me out and so today I want to talk to you about confronting the spirit of an orphan we've been talking about spiritual maturation and were on stage number two that stage Tito that's the stage for bonding that's where you connect that's where an individual that is a life source to you helps you from one stage to the next until you're able to fend for yourself and the book of John chapter 14 verse 18 it says I will not leave you orphans or I not leave you comfortless in our tax in the book of ezekiel we see that this baby was born the parents did exactly what they had to do in at least providing some form of nourishment and nutrition so that this baby could grow but as soon as the baby was was birth it was left to fend for itself they didn't even clean it up they didn't even cut the umbilical cord the umbilical cord is left the baby is lying in its own blood and this is a lot of times this is what happens even in delivering services where people are open up but they're not closed back because of the lack of maturity of the ministers even in terms of understanding the different phases and forms of deliverance not every deliverance is is about demons coming out some is a midwife that is assigned to you to push you from one realm into another realm you don't have to have demons it's just a stage of maturation so the t-coil stage is about covenant the covenant that an individual makes to you to help you to progress spiritually now the spirit this particular spirit is a spirit that is an abortive spirit so it means that the enemy could not abort you when you were being incubated but now he comes with the spirit of an orphan so that you feel as if there is no one that understands you you're all by yourself and you're isolated from everyone else so you have things like Church hurt and rejection and abuse on every different level you've got abandonment you've got neglect and this is not just spiritually this is also naturally it's possible for a person to be an orphan even if they have both parents because if one or both of the parents say for instance are alcoholics or drug addicts they're not emotionally available to you so that they can help you to develop as a mature individual have a sense of community a sense of connect tivity a sense of belonging and so there were so many people that I come across that that feel isolated they they're there they're there with their families but they don't feel connected to their families they're married but they're not connected to their husbands and then there are some parents that have no connection to their children and what happens is this spirit wants to cause us to believe that we are disqualified from finding true authentic relationships and friendships and long-lasting intimate mutually mutually beneficial types of relationships and and and usually this spirit operates so bad once you join a ministry once you become a part of community that you will feel insignificant and so the feelings of intense loneliness psychological disconnection from people have caused so many people to abort their destiny and they end up living with the spirit of an orphan Paul experienced this in ministry when initially there was no one that believed in Paul and he was birthed out supernaturally can an encounter with God but when he went to join the church the church rejected him so he he understood the pain that goes with spiritual rejection or debt goals with being a spiritual orphan and so that means that you've been abandoned you've been abandoned emotionally ministerially you know and then a lot of times if if you're an individual that is being used by God and to this defy the status quo or even start a new movement the old movement is going to reject you and a lot of times too sometimes we're attempting to join ministries and fellowships that don't have our DNA so so you know you know if God is calling you into a kingdom ministry you're beginning to use the kingdom vocabulary but you're in a church that is maybe assigned to get people saved and that's their that'sthat's their assignment but you're talking about something that is matured and a little bit more deep your going to suffer from rejection because you you you are pitching in with with with a group of people that don't have your DNA so it's it's it's twofold here and so one of the things that God did for Paul he provided Timothy he provided mark he provided Luke these individuals became his spiritual children and he had an opportunity to pour into them and also to heal from the rejection that he experienced when when heaven burped him out now these individual actually provided encouragement and refreshment for him during times of trial and you can read about this in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verses 9 to 18 now there's a lot of issues that that arise when you're abandoned in our story where the second stage was critical that Tito stage that stage where you begin to bound the stage of covenant the scripture said that this child was just abandoned and that there was no one to suckle it there was no one to establish this covenant and and the Bible said that God came along and saw you laying in your own blood you didn't have the ability to thrive and God took that baby and and cleaned it up and swallowed it and nursed it and dressed it in the finest of gold and jewelry but because the spirit of an orphan had been had been penetrated into their spirit when they matured then they ran off into whoredom and and it was coming not because they didn't love God but because of the initial abandonment they never matured through that peep-toe stage and so there's a lot of issues that arise that there and i and i and i know that this is hitting of Kord for so many people today because once you suffer from abandonment you there's the inability to trust so you can see now if you read in our text you can keep reading that where they should should have been trusting the Lord they didn't trust God they trusted themselves they end up in all kinds of relationships because this spirit was driving them so they have the inability to trust they learn how to manipulate they walk around with shame they have a fear of rejection there's this loneliness their suspicion then there's the codependency with which they end up in and codependent relationship you know that relationship is going to take you nowhere but you can't control yourself so you end up in these codependent relationship where people are using you you know you're being used but you don't have enough strength to walk out of that relationship and then the you and you end up with addictions because you're trying to get rid of the emotional pain and and you use substance and you use people and then you end up with in maladaptive sets of behaviors that interfere with your ability to foster future healthy relationships and loving relationships and then you go from one friendship to another and and even if people don't hurt you you end up hurting them because you can't believe that someone just is loving you just for who you are I have talked with individuals who have been adopted but they still battle with the spirit of an orphan mindset and their parents love them but but they just can't shake this spirit off and this is happening even in church where you know you were bending in one church rejected in another church you go to another church and then you still can shake that off because at a critical stage of your maturation there was no covenant there was no bonding that took place and there is something that happens when a child bonds the wiring the emotional and psychological wiring becomes healthy but if a child child grows up with with the spirit of an orphan the wiring is not there and so it affects all areas of their lives and the reason why this is close home very close to me because I grew up with the spirit of an orphan my father left my mother with seven children and just walked out all together and and and never came back and so that means that where I should have been connected peaked oh are you with me peek toe with my father it wasn't there and so the wiring you know that should have occurred as a result of that it's just not there and some of you understand what I'm talking about you know it's not that you have psychological problems but it's challenging because your level of trust in relationships is not there now when I talk about trust I'm not talking about you not trusting them I'm talking about you not trusting you in their hand are you with me now you know I trust you but I just don't trust you with me yes yes and so this this period is a serious spirit so within our communities and churches we have many leaders and believers and children who are often unable to connect with others uncomfortable with building and throughout building and and thriving in a community they are uncomfortable but in spite of having both parents alive living with them under the same roof surrounded by people who genuinely love them then it's difficult for them to build community you see love requires that you become vulnerable and a person that suffers from the spirit of an orphan will never be vulnerable you know you'll know some things about them but you'll never know them so when it when it comes to this stage Tito stage Tito is about building community and building community hinges on two things number one individual character and individual capacity and so you know a part of this stage is to begin to build capacity so that you can live in a healthy community so because people are plagued with the orphan spirit they have to wrestle with feeling the feeling of being alone unwanted awkward you know a lot of people that suffer with the spirit of an of an orphan they feel awkward in relationships or they feel awkward with people and it's not like they're shy they're just socially conscious so the more people you add the more self-conscious they become and it's almost like no matter what they accomplish no matter what God does for them it's almost like they're afraid that someone is going to find out that they're an impostor and so they work hard that you know everything is driven if I do more if I get more if I dress more if I wear designer clothes people are going to like me if I if I hang out at a certain place if I talk a certain way if I wear my hair a certain way people are going to like me and they're not going to find out that I'm unlovable and they always feel as if somewhere they're a fake and someone is going to you know pull the covers off and expose them for being something that they are not and this happens this happens with successful individuals this happens with wealthy individuals this happens can happen with any anyone sometimes because of abuse and neglect in our story this child was neglected nobody even knew where the parents where they were missing in action and missing in action doesn't have to be physically missing in action they could be missing in action emotionally missing in action spiritually you know when you need that spiritual guidance they're not there when you need spiritual correction and I'm not talking about abuse here you know when you need spiritual discipline discipline is not the same thing as corporate corporal punishment discipline is when someone sees your potential and they structure the relationship to pull the best out of you and that's the most uncomfortable you see a person who is it has an often spirit when it comes to someone structuring the relationship in such a way that they start the maturation process to pull the best out of you to show you your potential they're going to run and if they don't run physically they run emotionally they shut down have you ever been with someone that just shuts down you're having a conversation or you're having an argument or debate let's just put it a healthy debate and you're trying to point out and all of a sudden they get defensive you know and they want to fight back and and your own you said was I think that you can do so much better but what they heard is you are so bad you are worth because of the spirit of an orphan the spirit of an orphan now that this peak toe stage is a stage that the baby cannot remember but it helps to form their their core values their belief system it helps to structure their there's their psychological reference point and it is this stage where they that someone says I love you someone says I care for you and remember Tito you've got to be weaned so if you're talking about a woman a woman bears herself to this baby totally exposes is totally vulnerable to the baby and when it comes to healthy relationships a part of healthy relationship is being vulnerable but people get afraid when they're vulnerable because of this spirit one of the things that I believe that in our generation I believe the spirit of revival and renewal is going to be characterized by the spirit of adoption if you look at the old path prophecy where Malachi had prophesied this is Malachi chapter 4 verses 5 to 6 he said behold I will send you that you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the Great and dreadful day of the Lord and he will turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the hearts of the children to their father in other words God is going to heal us of the spirit of an orphan you are not going to feel like an orphan another day in your life God is going to be releasing the spirit of adoption there's a story that is a magnificent stories the story about a jephta and Hebrews chapter 11 I love this this business chapter of the Bible so much because it talks about men and women who did these amazing things and they became history makers in their generation and one of the history makers that has talked about in hebrews 11:32 was jephta and his story is amazing and so his father has this one-night stand with this prostitute and the prostitute has the child and and the father takes the child home and wants to connect but his half-siblings his half-siblings chased them out of the home when he matured and rejected him and said you are going to have no part in that the inheritance of our Father it's ours not yours for you are the son of another woman and so this is in judges chapter 11 so so when that happens enters the orphan spirit adapte is this hartnett his rejected his wounded in his father's house and there were so many people that are being wounded in our father's house they are suffering from being rejected because they don't look like everybody else they don't sound like everybody else they don't act like everybody else so they become spiritual outcasts so what he did now he rebelled and he I'll show you he was not only at outcast but he was an outlaw and he resided in this place called taupe and the Bible said that there he bended together with worthless men what happens when you have gifted people and talented people and anointed people and then they end up and you look at them how did they backslide it I believe a lot of times is the spirit of an orphan that drives them out and they're saying well if you think that that's who I am in rebellion this is what they do so the Bible said that that he bands with these questionable fellows right because he questions himself he suffers from an identity crisis the spirit of an orphan strips you of your identity you no longer know know who you are so because you're strip then you're looking to other people to define who you are and that's the worst thing that you can do because hurting people hurt people and you can only attract to yourself who you are not who you want to be and and and you've got to until you deal with your shadows though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil that shadow it ain't a demon spirit that shadow is coming from you whenever you stand in the presence of the light of God a shadow is cast it are you with me the children said nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus so if nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus that means that the devil cannot be between you and Jesus and if he's the light of the world that means the blocking agent is not the devil is you you got to stop shadowboxing when you are taught to reject yourself other people will be taught to reject you as well it's like it's like it's like a David remember Saul his adoptive father rejects him and abuses him and he runs and the bible says i think this is 1st samuel chapter 22 verse 2 that he joined himself with everyone who was distressed every one that was in debt everyone that was discontent how could a person that is anointed as a king join himself to individuals who were beneath him that's because they were reflecting to him how he felt about himself that means that in order for you to have the right people attracted to you you've got to be healed from the spirit of an often one day the father came looking for him because they needed him he was exceptional he had exceptional leadership skill and now the nation needed him and when he shows up you know the first thing that he's going to deal with and he's going to confront them he said to them this is judges 11 verse 7 he says to them did you not hate me expel me from my father's house what have you come to me now when you were in distress remember when Tito shows up the manifestation of the sons of God God removes the veil and takes you from a place of obscurity into a place of prominence and Tico has to do that there has to come a time where you have to make a decision as a mature as you mature in the things of the Lord do I want to go on to maximize my potential and to fulfill my purpose or do I want to just keep roaming around until it's too late so the spirit of an orphan is cancelled by the spirit of adoption God has adopted you into the family of God and this is spiritual whereby you can cry out Abba Father you don't have to walk around with the spirit of an orphan any longer so what is this a spirit of open orphan or what is spiritual what is it what does it mean to be a spiritual orphan so a spiritual offering is a person who feels alone one who feels that they don't fit in that they do not have a safe and secure place in a healthy mutually beneficial relationship that affirms that protect that provides and that expresses love to them they feel as if they do not belong anywhere they are driven by fear anxiety insecurity and bitterness let's deal with the whole issue of building bitterness because jacta was bitter jephta was plagued with bitterness bitterness begins with hurt then the next stage of bitterness is anger and confusion then anger and confusion turns into resentment resentment turns in to vindicate vindictiveness like I'm going to get you back I'm going to hurt you because you're at me and then it turns into unforgiveness and indifference and then it becomes bitterness so it starts with someone hurting you then you're angry and then you resent and then you're going to get them back and then you're just indifferent you can forgive them and then you end up bitter and there are so many believers that have been in relationships and they just don't know what to do with the hatred they feel towards someone or the resentment they feel very pure of of us having not true to admit that that's how we feel how do we know when we're unforgiving and indifferent when when when you hear of that person's name if something happens on the inside of you when they see you something when you see them something happens on the inside of you and there are so many people that have that feeling even towards their parents because they can't get over it with their parents did what their parents didn't do with their siblings whether it's what their siblings didn't do and they carried it over into their spiritual walk and if once you get to the point of bitterness then you get into stress-related illness there are some illnesses that can be cured by forgiveness [Applause] arthritis one of the causes of arthritis the emotional cause one of the emotional cause of arthritis is unforgiveness you have to ask yourself who do I hate who do I you know and angry with and I'm telling you when it comes to forgiveness is not the easiest thing it's not easy because there are some people that have hurt us so deeply that we don't even want to hear their names well you know and you know if something bad happens to them we celebrate that's God God you should not done that to me that's God and that's God's judgment and so many people need to be delivered from this emotional state they need to be delivered and and embracing you see you can move from where you are until you acknowledge where you are you cannot be delivered from something until you acknowledge that you have something you're going to acknowledge it and in acknowledging it you're 80 percent there you just got 20 more percent Jeffster wasn't often he was abandoned by his primary caregiver his attending his family and at his rejection he fled he had to fend for himself you know and he had to have gone through those phases it's likely he became emotionally unavailable so he's just going through the motion why because if I can't trust my family and my caregivers Who am I going to trust so he becomes self-centered indifferent and probably violent so he hangs up with a gang he starts his own gang and he becomes violent why because he does not feel connected to anyone now one of the things that is important is this that God's kingdom is a family and and if this happened in your first family it doesn't have to happen in your second family if it happened in your first house it doesn't have to happen in your second house and the second house that we are talking about is family of God and the house of God you know one of the things that that Paul was able to say this about Timothy Timothy connected with Paul and Paul was able to say Timothy a true son in the faith you know he's connected to me and I know that he's my son and Paul was able to say that though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ you do not have many fathers and so you can have a lot of people that instruct you but you've got to be able to identify who's your spiritual father who's your spirit your mother who are they and then don't jump though this week if this is your spiritual father and then five weeks later this is your spiritual father and ten years later this is your spiritual father look you only have one father my father was a deadbeat father but he was my father are you with me I didn't have a second one or a third one or a fourth one I wasn't confused he might have been confused but I wasn't confused are you with me and so we lead ership may not always get it right but at some point and I'm not talking about a leadership that abuses you so I'm not talking about you staying in a relationship with a leader that abuses you I'm not talking about that because you're a grown adult are you with me so when it comes to spiritual fathers fertile mothers they must treat you as spiritual children but not as a child there's a difference you're wrong woman you're wrong man make some decisions okay now we become orphan when those who are caring for us abandon us so it could be natural abandonment it could be spiritual abandonment you know where they're indifferent with some with a lot of people you know if they did good the parent would would pay attention to them if they did bad they were ignored so they learned that I've got to do in order to be loved and there are so many people that buy people's love they buy them with gift with time you know you pay for people's attention and you know that's not a good place to be so let's look at how some of the characteristics of a person that suffers from the spirit of an orphan and and and you can analyze your own self number one as children and adolescents and adults they idolize others then they quickly devalue and reject them when they're disappointed so usually they idolize a person and then when they're disappointed that person is a demon they are angry with others and they become so angry that they can't even see their own hurts and pains that they inflict on other people other people are always hurting them but they can never see they could never see how they're hurting other people they are emotionally hypersensitive you got to walk around they wear their feelings on their sleeves their lives are emotional roller coasters you know if someone hurts them they have a bad day if someone doesn't hurt them they have they're emotionally roller coasters it's always tied to something that someone did it's tied to the rain it's tied to things that they can control are you with me their emotions shift quickly you know like one one minute they're happy the next minute they're sad it's almost like they're there they're on both ends of the continuum in a five minute in a five minute time they become afraid to hope in others for fear of being disappointed so that they don't they don't trust anybody's word if someone makes a promise they don't care often they don't trust their relationships so they don't trust that their relationships are going to last so they pick fights they manipulate situations they sabotage the closeness that they fear that will inevitably and so they sabotage that you oh and and so with each new separation they say I can't trust anybody there they're going to assault people they grow close to often verbally or physically so you know a person that suffers from the spirit of an orphan they're verbally abusive they're just angry people and then they're going to justify their actions and the reason is because you make me mad or you make me sick or it's the way you looked at me so they vacillate a lot the people that suffer from the spirit of often now people for them are either good or bad those are bad people those are good people and that's how they that's how they think you know that and then they have these they live in these psychological prisons so that they can escape from the responsibility of relationship and forgiveness is a foreign word I'll never ever forgive you I've never forgive them for what they did and they live in the realm of consistent persistence these individuals are independent lone Ranger's they're self-sufficient you know they'll help they'll help you but they're not going to let you help them I'll need anybody to help me nobody's going to say that they did anything for me and they buy love people that suffer from from the spirit of often they buy love they buy people's love they buy people's attention there's a tendency to love loosely and to be emotionally available so if you're ever in a relationship with them they love loosely they don't care if you go or if you stay there's very loose they live behind emotional and psychological walls they have to be in control these people have to be in control all the time they shadowbox a lot you know they blame their shadow on you and you can be standing next to that you can say no this is my shadow right here no that's your shadow in other words it's projection they project you know you hate me no I wasn't thinking about you all day I promise I haven't put that much energy into hating you are you as me so they always they project the hatred that they have won themselves they project it onto you they are easily manipulated and they use manipulative tactics to get their way conversely they can either be distant or they could be clingy so if you ever fall in love with a person that suffers from the spirit of an orphan there they're either distant or they're clingy they're very clingy stay with me I don't want you to go I got to go if I don't go I can't return but but they're really clingy that they're afraid to be alone so so at night they sleep with their TV on they sleep with the radio on they gotta have noise they got their on the phone talking to someone because they hate to feel alone so something has always play music TV always going people that they're afraid to sleep with the light off so they sleep with the light on and they walk around with a chip on their shoulders and they always get communicating cues wrong they connect to others and when they connect to others is very fragile can I give you a few more things a person that suffers from the sacrum from being a spiritual often cannot recognize the love of the Father so the love that God wants to give them and offering them they cannot recognize it they're afraid and so they're going to be distant from father figures and they would transfer that one to God spiritual orphans cannot accept what God has done for them and neither can they accept what God has for them until they are healed because they have issues that a deep set it and it's the hidden source of pain within them and until they're able to address it they will not accept the love of God and spiritual orphans there is always the feeling as if you are an outsider even in worship which requires intimacy with God there's a tendency to remain in the outer Court when it comes to God's presence as a form of self-protection your relationships are approached with a closed heart so you don't have an open heart you you shut people out as soon as you meet them spiritual orphans are lone Ranger's they usually have none trusting attitude towards and and find towards and find it difficult to submit to any form of authority primarily because the mission involves having an open heart which involves trust the removal of psychological walls but because they have these walls they cannot fully engage in a healthy relationship so submission to them is the hardest thing they're going to show up in the place but they're not going to show up with their heart they're going to keep their heart to themselves spiritual orphans have this in dispensed bending spirit as you mature in the things of the Lord there's an interdependence II but but when they are orphans they manipulate the situation so that they can feel in control and then if they are restricted or self-conscious they're going to have passive aggressive activity so in the front of your face they're going to be nice but behind your back is a different story so you know they have these two different personalities spiritual orphans are also Masters of Deception they are chameleons they're able to change to suit their surroundings and environment they keep their distance from those who have Authority or those who have the gift of discernment or those that are prophetic they're going to stay away from those people because they don't want them to see the weakness their handicaps their tenderness or even anything that is wrong with them because they're afraid of exploited and misused they will exploit they will misuse but they're not going to be exploited or misused spiritual oftens orphans find comfort in titles so their identity is found in a title and in material possession they are good with looking successful because they are into outside appearance meanwhile they struggle to deal with the pain on the inside they also have the tendency to an emphasis themselves through addiction alcohol drugs food entertainment work exercise sex and they always seek recognition praise you know and from someone in authority or someone that they think is powerful they self promote by manipulating others and when they manipulate others they're going to point out what's bad with the others so that they can look good so they can never satisfy so even say for instance if they're in a choir they're going to say oh did you hear that she cracked on that note you know and the person could sing beautifully but they're going to always find something wrong if you were a black suit and the black suit is a designer suit and everybody's saying it looks good they're going to find a lint on the black suit spiritual orphans can easily become slaves to religion and can see themselves as a son or daughter of God they will perform duties and tasks but they cannot see the freedom that comes with the relationship with God usually people that suffer from the spirit of an orphan they're very religious folk is either black or white they're into legalism they have dysfunctional relationship and you know they miss the purpose of everything and usually they don't make much progress so ten years from now they might be in different relationships but the relationships are still the same as the ones that they got rid of ten years before what how do you get rid of the spirit of an orphan you get you get delivered by the spirit of adoption God said I'm not going to leave you as an orphan that means that you have to open yourself up to God the scripture said for as many as are led by the Spirit these are the sons and the daughters of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption by which we cry out Abba Father the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children than ears ears of God joint ears with Christ if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified we it is all about God allowing you to be participant in his glory he wants to transplant you from the spirit of an orphan and Transplant you by the spirit of adoption so that you can understand that other people may rejected you they may have abandoned you they may not have done anything to make you feel as if you were in what you were born that you are part of a community but in this stage of teto know that you are going to fight the spirit of an orphan and know that God is going to deliver you because he has abducted you as his smile halleluyah halleluyah it Rahul sang this song I know who I am I'm yours and you are mine I love that song he's a song that speaks about being adopted the second stage of spiritual maturation the first stage is guest where you're incubated or something is incubated the second stage is Tito this is the stage of joining of connecting when God spoke to Saren said Sarah by next year the spirit of bondage or the spirit of Baroness will be broken off of you it took her a while to connect Tito took a while to to connect with purpose and destiny to connect with the Word of God but that's what she got it right and the rest is history you don't have to live with the spirit of an orphan you can be delivered right now as you embrace the spirit of adoption in Jesus [Applause] [Music] let me let me let me ask you a quick question because this business this is this is a message a see designed so that you can locate yourself you can only grow from where you are you can't grow from where you're not how many of you have suffered or are suffering from the spirit of an orphan yes either in your home either growing up and it translates this is close to me and dear to me because that's the spirit that I had to be delivered from and it was instituted when my father abandoned all of his children and it's interesting because I translated that to God and God had to heal me he had to show me that I'm your Abba Father I'm a covenant keeping covenant making covenant keeping God and whatever I promised you I'm going to bring it to pass and got it to heal me of that so that I could trust him I used to be indifferent so if I get a prophetic word I was indifferent I just let it fall to the ground why because you couldn't trust my father's promise so how could I trust God's promise but this was not conscious it was all unconscious you see so the spirit I had to be delivered when I found out that I have my Heavenly Father now this is very vital important if you're you're in ministry if you're you're in ministry and you know that you've been rejected because of your call it's imperative that you find your place at the foot of the cross to deal with the hurt and the bitterness because you want to go on to the next stage of spiritual maturation because you are suffering and have suffered you know the pain you know the emotional pain you know how hard it is to connect with people you know you know what happens when someone argues with you and you shut down you know what you do you know manipulation you know how you buy love what the Lord was showing me that many of you buy people's love and you buy people's attention this how you buy it whatever you think they want want to hear that's what you say that's how you act but on the inside you want to break away but it's too painful because you've been rejected and abandoned before and it's too painful for you now are you getting this you don't have to walk around in this stage spiritually God can heal you but first you gotta admit where you are who hurt you who do you resent who you bitter against what do you want it running from where did it start who are bended you growing up in your home growing up in your family were you the black sheep of the family or your other siblings where we were accepted but you were the backseat you're like a jephta you're like a David you don't fit in even in the workplace what's going on with you your place of truth is your place of healing and deliverance it is what it is and ain't one today Jesus Christ who was who answer is to come who you're going to become is not who you are right now let's give God an opportunity let's bow our hand and let's pray feel the feeling go there and let the tears come down it's hard talk to God I don't want to feel this way anymore I don't feel like I fit I don't feel like I belong now I got a pay paid people pay with my life play with my peace for someone to love me that's how I feel but it's a third of abortion and if the spirit of an orphan the enemy wants you to feel like an orphan like no one will ever love you for who you are and so you go through the motions titles are important to you even in ministry people have to call you prophetess they got a cold they can't call you by your first name why because it strips you and you're angry and you're hurt and nobody knows the pain that you feel nobody knows let the tears come down nobody knows what you've been through would you have to struggle with nobody knows what you what you struggling with right now nobody knows the verbal abuse the physical abuse that you've been through nobody knows how you're trying to Aneta sighs the pain and what you do to it to to to anesthetize it but God no our Father our God is we bow our hands you are a heavenly father it's a concept that we struggle with our first fathers our spiritual fathers they're struggling too but you are God that is our Heavenly Father and you have no struggles so right where I am I'm coming and I'm presenting the spirit to you heal me of it he owe me right now deliver me yes let the anointing break the yolks right now and let me feel your love let me experience it without fear let it start right here and father I know that you will heal every relationship and you will deliver me father teto is about bonding feeling a part of the community that part of the family of God you have accepted us in the beloved and right now you embrace it the wiring that we experience father rewire us let us love you so deeply and love us so deeply that the wiring that we missed as children we wire us as adults as we come as a little child bless us now and thank you for healing us in Jesus name Amen did you get anything out of this is it beginning to make sense yes in two weeks time we're going to go in stage three of spiritual maturation the first stage is gesta we want you to get the book push because that will give you all the wounds of the Spirit but tonight I want to strongly recommend that you read the book the rules of engagement for overcoming your path it's a thin book out there you can read it in the night because it goes into details about overcoming the spirit of an orphan I've discovered that most people carry the spirit around but you don't have to so out in the back right now my staff are there and they're going to serve you ask them for push prevail and overcoming your past the rules of engagement for overcoming your back ask them for those three books but it'll get you through this next section it's a pleasure to do life with you thank you for being a part of my life group and I'm looking forward to seeing you in two weeks please welcome back pastor Ryan Wow what I love about this message is she talked about that bonding process and we as the family of God we we have a bond that is unbreakable it's unnatural we want to invite you to be a part of that bonding process by becoming a covenant partner with Cindy trim ministries it's more than just sowing into the ministry financially but it's connecting to us in prayer we have intercessors ready to cover your need in prayer right now you can hit that prayer button but also we want to encourage you to sow a seed into this ministry that is preaching the gospel around the world we want you to bond with us we want you to connect by becoming that covenant partner and again it goes beyond finances because we're going to begin opening up life groups right there in your city and you can be one of our life group leaders and you can begin this bonding process with other believers right there where you're at and we're going to give you all the tools and the resources that you need to succeed and building disciples right where you're at you can gather your co-workers you can gather people right there in your neighborhood that's where the bonding begins do you feel the bonding process started in here that you're not in it alone we're here for you we don't want you to feel isolated and although you may be a thousand miles away you may be on the other side of the world we feel you we're with you we love you we're connected to you and we want you to keep connecting on this broadcast join us again in two weeks as we continue the series the eight stages of spiritual maturation it's live it's prophetic and it's all God god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 361,924
Rating: 4.8232985 out of 5
Keywords: cindy trimm, spiritual maturation
Id: L-ylU9pG_0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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