Cindy Trimm - Power Of Intercession

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today I want to talk to you about prayer there seems to be such a mystery around prayer so many people do want to pray but they're wondering okay is prayer effective how do I pray are there any fundamentals to me prayer is not just a serious thing is fun but you cannot have fun without fundamentals and so in this series I'm going to talk to you about the fundamentals of prayer to give you a broader understanding of how impactful prayer really is and why you should pray in the book of Matthew 16 and 8 it talks about Jesus building the church upon a rock and the gates of hell not prevailing against it how can we at just manifest that you can manifest it through prayer why I call this a kingdom technology because the kingdom technology is a conglomeration of pragmatic or Universal spiritual principles that are industry specific it could be apostolic or prophetic or didactic or pastoral or evangelistic or medical or scientific but it's something that God puts in our hands that we use to apply and in order to effect positive change in our world's marketplace social structures our institution so that we not only participate in a global economy but we also create additional channels and avenues for many things for wealth creation and distribution or redistribution for the acquisition and advancement of intellectual properties that enhance human development or productivity or even the quality of life it is used for the acquisition of real estate property for globalization and the District distribution of a primary commodity which is the message of the kingdom the Christ message that empowers people to discover and live life on purpose to maximize their potential to live morally and ethically with meaning and dignity and a hope and this also means that is we use prayer where is a technology that can increase the quality of life for all and to raise the level of consciousness that respect respect for the sanctity of life which is the key to all human progress and sustainability the moment we lose the respect for the the the sanctity of life is the moment you will see our entire civilization shriveling up and dying prayer is the key this is our technology and when we use this technology we're able to advance the message of hope and dignity for all humanity until what revelation 11:15 declares the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ this message is about human development and empowerment and the way that we can advance that is through prayer here's the principle whenever God wants to transfer wealth he does it through technology and our technology ladies and gentlemen is prayer and one of the most powerful technologies made available to every believer or even humanity is prayer and intercession one of the things that I found out is that God shapes the world through prayer the more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be the mighty the forces against evil this is what II am bound said it all starts with prayer if we are going to see our nations turned around God needs you praying I believe that we don't know how powerful prayer is little did Abraham know that when he was praying God's secret weapon would be birth through intercession but once God gets involved once there is intercession that is involved in the game we are able to see that prayer is a game changer nobody can count you out if God has counted you in and through prayer God will as the enemy to to suffer either for them neva or he will blind the enemy so that he does not aboard the purposes that God not only has in your life but your children's life and future generation prayer is heavens technology the second thing about prayer that I want you to know is prayer is a spiritual discipline and I hope you're getting that prayer is a spiritual discipline in the Book of Luke chapter 11 verse 1 the Bible said and that came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he had seized one of his disciples said unto Him Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples and he said unto them when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is in heaven so in earth give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we are also forgiven everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil now this is importing teach us to pray prayer is a discipline in order to learn how to pray you got to pray teachers to pray he said when you pray say in the Book of Luke chapter 11 it also goes on and says that and I say unto you ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that asks receives and he that seeketh findeth in him that knocketh it shall be opened unto you if a son shall ax bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone or if he ask the fish will he for a fish give him a serpent or if he shall ax an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask now this is very important because if you are praying God is not going to play games with you he said if you learn the art of prayer I will answer your prayer just like a natural father won't give you you a stone if you ask for bread or a snake if you ask for meat when you begin to pray you could pray with confidence in knowing that God answers prayer this is why it is important that you have to learn how to pray prayer is a discipline when you learn to pray when you learn how to pray it's like practicing I guess for the Olympics prayer is is hard work it's not easy if it was easy everybody would be praying I agree that the vast majority of Christians want to know how to pray but they don't because just like you're training for the Olympics it takes discipline discipline anyone that wants to learn how to pray has to be willing to make the necessary sacrifice in the book of Romans chapter 12 verses 1 to 2 it says that we should present our body a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is a reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind your mind is going to be transformed the moment you choose to make the sacrifice and sacrificing your body takes a discipline and if you want to learn how to really persevere in prayer one of the things that you have to do is to discipline yourself learn the fundamentals and then when you learn the fundamentals you will begin to have fun you cannot have fun without fundamentals and you can transform the discipline of Prayer from being a chore to being an exciting way of life now there are so many analogies that I can give you to encourage you in the discipline of Prayer and these are realistic and they're attainable in general everybody knows that if you are out of shape physically you're going to have to go through a phase that is real and painful and it's a struggle to get back in shape before you enjoy the benefits of a buff buddy a refined buddy a figure eight and everyone knows that that is possible but if you are overweight you will struggle through a very difficult time of changing your eating habits disciplining your appetite losing the weight before you enjoy a transform strong chiseled body and good health everybody knows that is possible if your finances are in shambles and you want to endure the pain you you're gonna have to endure the painful trivet process of digging your way out of debt before you enjoy liberating your your pocketbook and your wallet until you are able to own no man nothing everybody knows that it's possible to live debt-free but most of us we want powerful prayer available to us at 3 no hassle credit card payments on a high interest spiritual plastic of course we want overnight shipping available with no extra charge and if you ever see that it's a scam don't fall for it prayer is a discipline and one of the things I want you to do even if you are listening to this or watching me as I teach this message I want to stop right now and let's pray together let's start right here and pray together and let's pray lord help us just for today to determine to exercise our prayer muscles father we ask you that we will have discipline and that as we exercise our prayer muscles today you will give us the courage you would give us the commitment you would give us the strength to wake up tomorrow and to do it all over again we asked you to help us every single day until prayer becomes a way of life and so it you might have source spiritual muscles just feel a little while but as you trust God and as you discipline yourself in prayer eventually God is going to bring you to a spiritual place of power you are going to be able to live a fulfilled life and prayer is going to become an exciting way of life now my sole reason for this and for teaching this is because I believe that God desires to bring you into a new realm of glory a new realm of power and a new realm of authority and when you recognize that this is possible you are going to be able to press into prayer now just before we end this I want you to think about this and contemplate and really ask yourself this question do I consistently live a life of prayer do I pray on a daily basis if your answer is yes congratulations but if your answer is no and you really want to learn how to pray and pray consistently I want you to believe that there are no shortcuts no tricks no special skills needed to have a consistent prayer life you know you can do everything that you need to do in your prayer closet join dr. Cindy trim for these next five appearances where is LANs declaration of its dependence on God in the United States of America there is probably one of the most sophisticated documents called the Declaration of Independence but in the kingdom prayer is our declaration of dependence we don't want to act as if we are independent of God we want to depend on God and God loves that in the book of Psalm 25 verses 1 to 6 here's David praying unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul o my god I trust in thee let not my enemies triumph over me yay let not they that wait on thee be ashame let them be a shame which transgressed without a cause show me thy ways o Lord teach me thy paths lead me in the truth and teach me for thou art the God of my salvation only do I wait all the day remember O Lord thy tender mercy and thy loving guidance for they have been ever old in the book of Psalm 65 verse 2 it says o thou that here is prayer unto thee shall all flesh come and so when you pray your prayer is your Declaration of Independence the next point is this prayer is legislative power it is given to the kings of the earth in the book of Revelation chapter 1 verses 4 to 6 it says John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in our own blood and had made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and Dominion for ever and ever amen verily I say unto you whatsoever you bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed and have again I say unto you here's the scripture that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done of my father which is in heaven for where with two or three gather together my name there I am in the midst of them this is exciting news because a king legislates and this is where you get your kingly Authority your kingly power so that you could decree and you can declare when you pray you were able to rise up into the realm of authority that place where you are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and you are able to legislate now prayer is an expansion of supernatural power the Book of Luke chapter 11 verse 1 to 2 says and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of the disciples said unto Him Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples and he said to them when you pray pray say when you pray say when you pray say say this is important because a word is a spiritual force it is energy it is a container of thoughts intentions and meaning Jesus himself said that the words that I speak are spirit and they are life it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing this is what the Bible says proverbs 18:22 21 says that a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit there off when you pray prayer works wonders or they will create blunders either one or the other use your words as a prayer weapon this is what happened the Bible said on the day of Pentecost the disciples prayed and the power of God fell when you are prayer less you forego access to the power of God that your words are able to shape your world you've got to understand your words are driven by power and you can attain to a place where you have prayer power just by constantly understanding the power of the spoken word now my next point is this prayer is heaven's elixir for troubled souls Wow that means that you can find solutions for your soul the Bible said what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul there's one thing for God to have control over your spirit but who has Oh what has control over your soul and in prayer your soul can be restored prayer is pure miracle working power in the book of Acts there is an account of Paul visiting a region and the Bible said in the same quarters where possessions of the chief man of the island whose name was Publius who received us and lodged us three days courteously and it came to pass that the father of Publius lay sick of the fever and of a bloody flux to whom PO and Riaan and prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him so when this was done others also which had diseases in the island came and were healed prayer is pure miracle working power it releases the power of God not only over your life but also in your family in your home in your community and I tell you if there's ever a time that we need miracles we need miracles now we need emotional miracles we need financial miracles we need miracles in our children we need government to have a miracle as well and I'm dee crying and declaring that as you pray as you find your place of prayer I decree and declare the miracle working power will premiere your home your community your government you will have miracles in your finances I decree that you will have uncommon miracles as you pray the next thing that I know about praying I've learned about prayer is this that prayer is the turning of the human soul to a living God not a dead God a living God some twenty five and one says unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul you are lifting up your soul to a Living God prayer is an invitation to from God I just love that God always RSVPs he's never late for a date and he never misses an appointment the Bible said and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto Him where about and he said I heard the voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told thee that I was naked has now eaten of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil or the tree wherefore I commanded thee that thou should not eat how I mean you know when when when God acts at him where I thought was not that he didn't know where Adam was he just wanted to know if Adam himself knew who he was and this is a story that is told from out of the book of Genesis chapter 2 you can read it many times we don't understand that when we pray God is going to show up he's not going to be late the thing is are you going to be in that place of prayer meet God in in his face it's an invitation to from God prayer allows you face time with God everybody knows about face time and I love this prayer is a two-way communication with God and man and when you talk to God God wants to have an intimate conversation with you and he wants to give you information from his perspective he is your heavenly father but he's my heavenly father too and both you and I are able to have an intimate conversation with God Jesus said when you pray pray our Father is not just your pastor's father it's not just your priest father it's not just the a missionaries father it is our father whether you are new in the Christian faith whether you're a teenager whether you just got saved yesterday or today God is your Heavenly Father and he wants to have an intimate conversation with you prayer is communion with God it's not just a conversation it's communion prayer means that I am to be raised up into feeling into Union and design with God Himself that you you and I can enter into the counsel of God and so that we can carry out his purpose fully prayer is not a soliloquy like I said is a dialogue is not introspective alone but is looking towards the hills from whence cometh your health this is what Moody said 1998 to 2004 he said you are looking unto God looking unto the hills from whence cometh your health in the book of Genesis chapter 17 and 1 the Bible said and when Abram was ninety years old and nine the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect and I will make a covenant between me and thee and will multiply the exceedingly I mean what an intimate conversation it is not just you talking to God but God wants to talk back to you prayer prayer is a sincere heart study under heavens microscope I figured that some of you that are in medicine would love this because it is a divine and supernatural instructional exercise where God looks at your heart under his own microscope and gives you an ability to look at your own heart you have the ability to learn what it means to live with sincerity and honesty and authenticity you can understand what is going on in your heart and give up God and opportunity to give you a heart transplant and David was able to say create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me and God wants to give you instructions and that's what prayer gives it gives in and you are the ability to receive an instructional exercise of superb learning and supreme sincerity between heaven and earth between God and man through prayer we learn truth and information about ourselves which we cannot find and end it through any other source or any other means of exploration and the thing about it is this in prayer we disrobe ourselves of all artificiality superficiality falsehood pretense we could take our mask off and we could just let it all hang out why because God already knows everything about you and you can have an intimate conversation and God will not under any means just reject you because of what he discovers in your heart God according to Psalm 44 verse 21 knows the secrets of your heart so you might as well have a conversation with the God that knows the secrets of your heart know for certainty that prayer doesn't change just some things it changes everything you are a change agent and why don't you find that place of prayer so that you can find your place of power don't forget now it may take you many many days of being in heaven Jim but when you come out you're going to come out with strong prayer muscles build up your prayer muscles the world needs it your family needs it and most importantly you could change this world when you begin to pray the power to take on life's greatest challenges the freedom to experience the abundant life the joy to empower you to your purpose everything you need to discover true success and personal fulfillment begins with prayer instead of being a chore dr. Cindy trim wants to lead you into a life of prayer that is productive exciting and even fun in her brand-new book till heaven invades earth she reveals the power of every believer to bring about spiritual change in our physical world through prayer when dr. trim has taught us is to pray the word God has to honor his word my life has changed because every prayer that comes out of my mouth in her powerful direct style dr. Cindy gives you practical insights into the importance and impact of intercessory prayer for your life and the lives of those you love don't allow the devil to run free in your life discover God's best for you and your loved ones when you learn to pray till heaven invades earth as part of this special offer when you call today you'll also receive dr. Cindy's latest personal development series the power of prayer you'll be inspired to seek God like never before as she guides you to pray and get results starting with the productive power of prayer where you'll learn how to tap into the peace restoration and healing you need for your life moving on to the power of intercession dr. Cindy will show you how to apply those same principles for your loved ones your city and even entire countries I want you to understand this that prayer is a place of power prayer can change everything prayer just does not change something it changes every single thing this all-new collection including till heaven invades earth and the two-disc series the power of prayer is available today for your gift of $35 access the authority and Dominion that are your to find birthright is a child of God when you release the power of prayer in your life shut the door on the devil and experience God's best for you and your loved ones you are just one prayer away from the life you've always wanted call now and take your first tap toward the power freedom and joy you need to live maximized and fulfill Oh
Channel: Cindy Trimm
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Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2013
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