Chumlee Was Fired From Pawn Stars After This Happened?

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ten things you didn't know about Chumlee hey everyone and welcome back to the screen e the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop is pretty much a family business but after years and years of hanging out around the Harrisons Chumlee became a part of the family despite his obvious lack of expertise and tendency to mess things up his bestie big Hoss and his dad Rick are still keeping him around in addition to being a comic relief of the series he's also a fan favorite and Pawn Stars can't get enough of his epic fails this popular reality show told us almost everything we need to know about chum but there's still a few things he's managed to keep hidden let's take a look at ten things you didn't know about Chumlee before we reveal some of his best hidden secrets make sure to subscribe to our channel to find out more about your favorite TV stars number 10 Rick wants him fire you know you're not allowed to play with it first off there's no longer your sword I sold it Chumlee has millions of fans around the world but Rick Harrison isn't one of them chums reckless behavior rubs him the wrong way and it's the root of the animosity between the two men who've never really seen eye to eye it doesn't take a genius to realize Chumlee didn't get his job because he's an expert he's a childhood buddy of Rick's son Corey and their long-standing friendship is the reason why Chum started working at the store he was usually behind the counter at the beginning but once the Harrison started developing the show they asked him to join them in front of the camera if he was working anywhere else Chumlee would have been fired by now but the popularity of Pawn Stars made that practically impossible he's a reason why fans still tune in to the show on a regular basis and they don't seem to mind the fact that he's completely useless Rick Harrison probably doesn't feel the same way but he stuck with Chum and he knows firing him wouldn't be good for the show number 9 rule breaker someone pawned the bass and set it in the back room and it fell and then I don't know who collected the parts and just put it in a box it's no secret Chum likes to mess around behind the scenes and Harrisons even caught him in the act after reviewing video footage from the warehouse they discovered their clumsy employee was the one responsible for breaking several items while playing around this wasn't even the first time Chumlee trashed valuable items and Rick and his family got used to it over the years one of his most disastrous missteps took place years before the show's inception but his friend Corey still remembers it like it was yesterday after one customer pawned a valuable bass guitar Chumlee leaned it against the shelf and walked away only to see it shattered into pieces after he came back instead of admitting what he'd done Chum put the pieces into the box and pretended like the whole thing never happened when the guy came back for his item the Harrisons had to cash out $20,000 because the bass was completely destroyed number 8 big loss [Music] I swear to God making terrible deals is one of the very few things Chumley's actually amazing at his lack of knowledge is usually the main reason why he's buying worthless items but that's not always the case chum is obviously the least experienced of all the Pawn Stars and it's obvious his co-workers take him as a joke even his childhood friend big Hoss often makes fun of his incompetence and perceives lack of intelligence just like everyone else that's the reason why Chum has an enormous hunger for approval and acceptance and it cost him a lot in the past trying to impress his bosses by buying amazing items usually backfired in Chumley's case he ended up acquiring fake or worthless artifacts and hope Rick Harrison will give him a pat on the back but that never happened thousands of dollars went down the drain because Chum skipped inviting experts to help him appraise items he even proved to be incapable of following the simplest directions when Rick gave him a vintage Bob Dylan album and asked him to get his signature instead of getting a simple autograph he made a huge mistake by telling the legendary singer to make it out to Chumlee Rick was pissed and told him to keep the album because he could no longer sell it to everyone number 7 childhood nickname Austin Lee Russell is a name barely anyone uses these days to address one of the biggest Pawn Stars but that wasn't always the case Chumlee was given his trademark nickname when he was 12 and there's a funny reason why little Austin was hanging around one of his friends when his dad joked he looks like The Walrus Chumlee from the animated TV series Tennessee tuxedo the little boy wasn't offended by his remark and actually thought it was quite cool as time went by this nickname kinda stuck and after a year or two he started introducing himself as Chumlee the handle his childhood friends dad assigned to him turned out to be very catchy and the lively teen wanted to see who this Chumlee character is turns out he's a TV star with millions of the bank account so bad at all number six legal trouble despite being a fan favorite on Pawn Stars Chumlee has a pretty lengthy criminal record he got into some trouble after Las Vegas police raided his home after serving a warrant in relation to a sexual assault case things have only gotten worse for Chumlee from that point on because the police ended up finding marijuana crystal meth and an unlicensed firearm after searching his Nevada residence he was arrested after the raid and released from jail only a day later after his lawyer posted a sixty-two thousand dollar bail Chumlee appeared in the court shortly after that and decided to plead guilty to attempt a possession of a controlled substance felony weapons charge and unlawful possession of a firearm taking a plea deal meant that he'll be able to avoid jail time and injure 3 years of probation and counseling instead Chumlee definitely dodged a bullet with this one especially since the History Channel lets him keep his TV job number 5 king of merchandise watching Chumlee on Pawn Stars makes it seem like he's completely useless but that's just a facade he actually has a knack for business and has found many ways to profit from history's hit show that the rest of the co-stars didn't think of he was the first of the Pawn Stars to brand himself and earned a fortune thanks to doing so being the show's breakout character helped him secure several profitable deals and start his own merchandise business he founds great success selling novelty items including t-shirts of his own design but couldn't handle the workload on his own after a while Chum sold half of his stake in the company to Rick Harrison for 155 thousand dollars and started selling his merchandise more efficiently at his beloved pawn shop his t-shirts quickly became a big hit and they attracted more customers than any other items in the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop number 4 candy shop owned after doing a top-notch job with his merch Chumlee decided it's time to explore new business endeavors he opened Chumley's candy just across the street from his workplace and this via location meant that thousands of tourists who visit the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop every day we'll probably come over to his store as well his brother sage helped him run the candy biz but they were off to a rocky start making a website to promote his business online should have been as easy as taking candy from a baby but it turned into a nightmare after Chumlee announced that he'll be opening the store on Las Vegas Boulevard one Internet user decided to make things a lot more difficult for him Patrick Keyes who makes a living buying and selling domain names immediately purchased two domains that Chum could have used for his business instead of spending thousands of dollars to buy them from him the Pawn Stars retton's that he'll take legal action unless keys hands over the rights to these websites number three aspiring DJ in addition to being a reality show star and successful entrepreneur Chumlee also tried to become a DJ at one point he probably came to the conclusion his reality show Fame won't last forever and decided to explore a potential second career in music but it didn't take long for him to give up on that too in the beginning Chumlee seems pretty devoted to the whole thing he attended DJ school spent time working the turntables at home and got ready to perform in public for the first time things got tricky from that point on Chumlee turned out to be a real diva and came up with an outrageous list of demands that includes everything from Girl Scout cookies - beautiful waitresses to escort him to the stage some of the club's at the Las Vegas strip were fine with meeting his demands but his passion for DJing quickly faded away he was no longer in the mood to do it after his arrest and cancelled a major appearance at Tru nightclub because he just wasn't feeling it number 2 shoe collector these are Jordan number 5 I have 40 pairs of Jordans that's it and our only 40 pairs of sneakers are one of those rare items Chumlee actually knows something about he's been collecting them for years and currently owns more than 200 pairs if not even more Chum has a separate room in his house where he keeps all of his shoes and most of them are still in their original boxes so they won't get damaged or gather dust Chum admitted that he has more than 40 pairs of Jordans alone but he's also a fan of Vance Nike and a d-des his sneaker addiction has toned down recently but he still has a hard time saying no to an amazing pair of new kicks number one weight loss Chumley's weight has fluctuated over the years especially after he decided to completely alter his lifestyle habits losing his father to pancreatic cancer in 2009 inspired this pawn star to take his health much more seriously he lost 75 pounds in a year by exercising six days a week and improving his diet by drinking more juice beating more vegetables and abstaining from red meats unfortunately Chumlee didn't stick to this routine and gained 50 pounds back because he got tired of eating chicken and vegetables six times a day out of Tupperware his doctor told him it's only important to pick away he's comfortable with and stay there and that's what Chum is trying to do right now thank you very much for watching today's video make sure to subscribe to our channel for more amazing content and don't forget to check out what are the other two videos on your screen
Channel: TheScreeny
Views: 2,099,829
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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars chumlee, pawn stars rick harrision, pawn stars editing, pawn stars fired, rick harrison, chumlee, chumlee fired, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars full episodes, pawn stars biggest deals, rick harrision firing chumlee, is chumlee fired. review, top 10, top 5, countdown, viral, new, education, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, thescreeny, the screeny
Id: Wj2hyeBFxy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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