Christocentric Meal (January, 24th) | How Quickly Do I Use My Words?

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning what it dare to be alive praise the Lord for evermore David will say praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits we want to welcome you to the Christocentric meal a daily devotional that reflects our true identity in Christ Jesus unto me I'm so excited friends evil demeanor is my name unity invite friends family members loved ones everybody around your neighborhood let's fellowship together in the word of His grace even as your day begins and joining me here on the broadcast this morning is my second daughter who is standing in for her mother and I'm talking about Jesse mail email demeanor yes morning good morning what's up so what you know he was expecting around the world today well we've been having a very awesome time every morning and this is just January already this deep in the word viewers you can expect some more word mm-hmm much much much more word you get ready is gonna change your lives forever let's pray together father we rejoice and we thank you for the privilege of learning the privilege of being equipped we thank you Lord that we are not here us only we are doers of the world scripture tells us whosoever looketh into the perfect law of liberty he not been a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man this man oh thank you Lord Jesus this man shall be blessed in his deed so we are blessed in our needs we are blessed because when I just hear us we are doers of the world we do the word naturally the word finds expression through us every day and we thank you for for the privilege of learning again and decree that everyone watch it be strengthened with might in the inner man by the spirit be strengthened with might in the inner man be strengthened with might in the inner man by the Spirit Christ dwells in your heart by faith you are rooted you are grounded in love you are rooted you are grounded in love you are rooted you are grounded in love Monta suka Lana bring a kill Adebayor Jorge Alcala de buri casket ill and a bar a katana member Onizuka lady bomb bro shackle attack Anglin minglee de barros Oh golly named and Moshe the bomb brother zu colada bring a kill anima hyah you are strengthened with might in the in amount Christ dwells in your heart by faith you ask Trenton for the next 12 months strengthened with might to do the impossible I decree and I declare that you have all you require to rise into the fullness of God's purpose for your life and we decree that the enemy shall not exert upon you not a sort of wickedness afflict you you are delivered from every trap from every snap from every conspiracy every tongue arises against you in judgment is condemned right now in the name of Jesus every tongue is condemned we render useless every device every cost piracy and every network of darkness and we decree that you are kept by the power of God and because you're not just a hearer but a doer of the walk you are blessed this day great Grace's upon you and your family and we rejoice that you are gifted revelation and the Word of God comes alive in your heart to be a lamp unto your part and a light unto your feet in the name of Jesus thank you Father for answered prayer in Jesus precious name Amen Oh hallelujah whoa I tell you I tell you is a great day to be alive all right so we've been looking at faith and the authority of the believer you know yesterday were sharing with jail here about about the woman with the issue of blood who spoke put the mountain she didn't speak about the mountain she spoke to the Mountie many believe us today they like to talk about the problem you know you just go around in circles I don't know where things are no working I don't know why things I just thought I don't know why things are so rough the devil has been after me the devil has been attacking me they've said nothing but I say in the midst of so many words nothing is being said because they are not talking to the mountain the scripture says you shall say unto this mountain unto this mountain the woman with the issue of blood said she said if I can touch them she super imposed the end result on the existing problem she took the resort and spoke it on top of the problem and she kept speaking until the resort swallowed the problem she spoke until she saw what she said that's the way the woman function when they show blood all right so now we concluded a syllabus in the words of faith must be home and bigos clear-cut instruction insisting on what must be done so how quickly do I use my words how quickly do I use my words which was mark 11:14 and jesus answered and said unto it no man eats fruits of the hereafter forever and his disciples heard it you know that it is we talked about this a little bit earlier in the devotional yes we were discussing how Jesus you know exercised his ability or his right to say yea and he spoke to the tree as soon as he saw that it didn't give fruit he spoke to it immediately yep and that is how quickly he tapped into his authority to speak so when Jesus found no fruits on the tree he spoke to the tree yeah this means that the tree communicated words to him so circumstances also communicate words to us what Jesus spoke out immediate yeah this answers the question how quickly do we use our words we must as soon as the the the situation is communicating that negativity to us that possibility that doubt we speak immediately but if it room open fire straight when they circumcised you will not get employed you will not get employed because when you apply and this in is no job if the situation telling you and I'll get employed when you go to the doctors and the doctor says your sickness has no medical cure it is the situation telling you were dying the sickness when you are believing God for money and the money is not for coming it is money telling you we were not come so they are talking to you you must answer you know the Bible says and jesus answered III yes so he had the machi and he had the three saying to him you will not eat anything from you know eating even so he answered no man eat fruit of D forever he answered instantly Jesus spoke out immediately in mark 5 Jesus was already on his way to jairos his house when news gotta gyros that his daughter was dead notice that Jesus spoke immediately read for us mark 5:35 while he yet spake there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why trouble s now the master any further as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe yep he did not wait for the words to settle or to linger on Jairus his mind so how quickly do I use my words immediately yeah what's the situation once you feel your head pounding and you know that this is not how my head should be it does speak it you don't wait until it has destroyed enough until the neighbors Boston know you must be practice the moment the situation is not looking like it you look you speak the words you speak will go England and I list it from the roots when Jesus spoke the words we went to the root you know of the fig tree the words went to the root read for me mark 11 Matt 11:14 and jesus answered and said unto it no man eat fruits of deed hereafter forever okay so read again mark 11 verse 15 16 and they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves with Muscatine and the scribes and chief priests heard it I thought how they might destroy it but they feared him last 19 and when even was calm good he went out of the city and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the shadow from where so when Jesus spoke the word wings straight to the roots and killed the tree straight alerts it ended that he from the roots when you speak to problems your words go to the roots sometimes the fruits may stability minutiae but it is from the root that he starts working it's from the root and you know sometimes even when the root of a tree is dead the tree may still be standing for a while okay so sometimes you may not see physical results but you must have confidence in nothing what you are saying to be able to continue saying it can you see what you're looking for and life gives us so many opportunities to exercise or to practice our faith even with things we call tiny things like head ache or heartburn stomach ache or just you know small small things that we call small small things is actually opportunities for us to practice speaking because you notice I've noticed that some of the situation's like a slight headache or something once you speak to it is the ones that I speak to I forget about that healed immediately because as soon as I speak to it I forget about it I'm carry on with my day find it I'm like ah was even be looking for the headache is not disappeared because you've been you've spoken the truth of your own situation so that's right yeah so that's problem so most practice speaking immediately it comes up not after it has become in my green before you speak as soon as you feel the symptoms something is not right even in your finances and your health and your family all these institutions of life as soon as something look suspicious you point that I speak to it immediately all right so much you eat eat okay daddy I would like to read this Matthew 8 verse 5 okay and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum there came unto Him a Centurion beseeching him and saying Lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus saith unto him I will come and heal him the Centurion answered and said lord I am not worthy that thou should just come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for I am a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and so my servant do this and he doeth it when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and jesus said unto the Centurion go thy way and as thou has believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the South Sea hour and there's quite a few things here apart from Jesus's instant response to the Centurion situation just like he did with Jairus he didn't let the situation settle before he addressed it the Centurion himself was a lesson in for all of us just as Jesus pointed out because he understood the basics of authority we as believers must understand that it's not until you're sitting or you're the general of an army or or you're the head of a church or you're the your bishop or a pastor of the youth you as a believer without the title that title of believer is the only title you need that's right because that's where the authority is is in your faith you believe in Christ therefore you already have the authority to speak and to change situation right so as soon as you realize your authority just like the Centurion say I told you those don't bother yourself I being Centurion I know that when I speak to my servants or my subordinate once he instructs he doesn't now watch to see whether they did it or not he knows that the instantly respond because of the office he has been given yeah and he knows there are percussions I'll go to them if they don't respond that's the same kind of confidence and authority we must but we must speak or speak on because when we speak we shouldn't we should we should we should know that the situation is finalized yes no what if no no no no no no room for doubts we must speak it as do it is final because it is final it is final I'm here in this and here later on in in verse 16 after he healed Peters mother mother and I'm just read Everest yeah when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick he didn't think about the situation or dance about Jesus cast out the spirits with his word he didn't think this did the spirits away he spoke his world and the Bible says that he healed all that still that were sick right if we don't learn to speak we will be sitting in the same place and fighting with the same but fighting the same battles that others who are not in Christ that fight yeah people when people ask us what is the difference between me and you it should be that we have learned how to exercise the authority we must learn to speak because that's was tightened down a lot of people these days they don't know who they are first and then if they don't know who they are then they don't even know that what they should say what to speak or that they should even speak twenty situation happens right in when Jaya was here the other day she said lots of people are waiting for their pastors or the the Geo's or whoever to speak on their behalf but the authority lies with you right you must speak for yourself for those around you for situations even situations that far from you tsunami situations that they are not related to you personally that Authority that we that we think really the pastors have it's in us right that's doubt most leave us at that fear you know we must take us to our place right and like you always say it's pride that makes people you know shy away from speaking out because yeah that's what even fearing that once you feel that what you're going to say will feel you've already failed yeah you must have absolute faith that what you say of the past and the only way that that faith is strengthened is by continuous immersion in the word because that's what gives you that confidence you can't be touch on boo you never stand strong right it's continuously looking into the word that makes you stable enough to speak and and let the situation go very that's why you must also surround yourself with people who are also doing same as you would like to do because at the end of the days iron the sharpens are seeing faith in action encourages you to put your own faith into action we can't be in places that's a devoid of faith new places that are shocking the faith because if you're doing if you're in that situation when situations come you will be empty you don't have what to to tap into you don't have what to exercise you don't have that that assurance of your faith that you should have two four seven anywhere you are with you because life doesn't prepare you for things that we can contact you can't just be walking on the road I see someone who needs the touch of God we shouldn't say oh this person then look for someone that's more equipped we should be fully equipped 247 yeah with faith with power as Christ wants us to be able to speak at any moment in time and be confident that we receive a result just like Jesus did he never saw Jesus doubt himself no he always always spoke with authority as though he was the head of the situation because he knew he was the head of the situation was there it was that's our motto yeah not anybody else around us doesn't say oh but my friend did it like this doesn't matter other people's formulas our model is Christ and we must look to him and emulate him in all areas very true and you must remember that Fiat Allah rated his faith contaminated once you tolerate fear and you hunger and fear and your hunger on believers who are full of fear who are victims of identity crisis they may even be members of your church they may be believers but there are still far from the truth that is in Jesus the moment you hung around that environment you've sense in that environment fear certainty you know lack of boldness and confidence and if you stay in there it will soak your own confidence it was soaked your own confidence you've got to know that once you tolerate fear you have contaminated faith you must stay in absolute field and you do that by immersing yourself in the Word of God every day and every time so imagine it it but Speak the word only my son we don't force the Centurion understood that Jesus did not have to be physically present for his words to work yep words are the tools of authority your words are just as valuable as your status the words would work on the issues in your life it will walk on the issues in your life God his words are just as important as his presence yes because even if he showed up he would still have to speak yes his presence would still require his words but his words would do the same as though he were physically present as though he was physically present so what is what will do his presence may not do it because he can come physically I may not see work yeah but once he speak words his words are potent with his presence and power so that's what this insurances don't come to my house you need to stress just pick the word there's no distance in the realm of the Spirit there are no barriers no barricades no walls no oceans in the river visible you just pick the world the Bible says Jesus book and that same hour but it took effect he didn't waste time because words carry power words are containers his words are just as important as his presence as a believer I must see my words as powerful enough to make things better or grew was I must not speak without thinking and if I'm gonna think before I speak I must think in life when they finished work of Christ I must think in line when they finish work of Christ I must not speak Foreman and boast of emotions my words are my authority over life's circumstances and when doubt fear are communicated to me by our circumstances I respond immediately with the world Reed Falls Hebrews 13:5 let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he had said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what a man showed once he had said that I may boldly say I say what he has said is a Greek or homology to say the same thing in two places my heart my mouth I believe in my heart with my mouth I believe him I remember homology oh he has said that I may boldly say my boldness would be in what he has said what he has said is the platform for my boldness so I will say what he has said because I heard what he said and because I heard what he said I will say it boldly the Lord is my helper I shall not be afraid what man can be - when you begin to say what God says you begin to read you begin to you know declare what God says you are walking in your reality because in Christ your reality is what God has said as revealed in the New Testament your righteous so he has said that I may Buddha say I am righteous you're holy he had said that I may boldly say I am holy you're sanctified oh he has said that I may boldly say I am sanctified whatever he said in his word as revealed in the New Testament I must boldly be confident in what he has said enough to see it move now that is what creates for you your word that is what forms your war as a believer your word is formed by when you speak words those words take effect and come for you a world that you live in if you are living in the world of poverty is because those are the words you have spoken over the years you know this sign shall follow those I believe so whatever follows a man is a sign of what English whatever follows you if sicknesses follows because you believe in sickness if poverty is follows cause you believe in poverty and in surah T is following is because you believe in authority this side shall follow those that believe what do you believe what you believe is what you say and what you say is what you have so you here to think right to believe right to say right you hear the word of God rightly divided not the Word of God jumbled but rightly divided and when you hear that word that is rightly divided you now say what you heart then you see what you said that's a process it begins with hearing right to thinking right to be living right to living right do you see that I go over the process here it begins with here we write as I said take heed what you hear for the sink with the same measure you met it shall be measure here in regulates receiving here in regulate receiving so you here right you think right you believe right you say right you have right did you see that you hear right you think right you believe right you say right you have right you have what you see so before it gets to the point of you saying it you must have heard it you must have taught about it you must have believed it to be able to say it and the moment you now say it your varnish authority to create it words create our world whatever world you live in was created by words and this day you must go through the deep speaking world right world the Bible says house for simple are right words right words are full of force they are created they carry creative power to create our desires it's so important that's why when we meet people who say a lot of negative things a lot you've just heard the process which by which something is for thought is formed yeah before it comes out of your mouth if someone keeps speaking negativity you're wrong things or you know cracking horrible jokes it just tells you just how much is inside that person or what the person is made of truth what is you know their substance is which is why as believers we must be very concerned when we are quick to say abusive words or quick to say things that don't edify it just shows what influence we have stuffed ourselves with for so long that when we are poked you know we say something that is not as if believers should say which is I remember the example that Giles I give them my mom always shared she says if you feel a jar with marbles and stones when you depending on how much you put of the marbles and the stones for example you put 50% for 40% stones and then maybe another 60% of the marbles when you put your hand in you're most likely to touch a marble because it is just more in quantity than the stones so if we fill ourselves up with the world and then once in a while we sprinkle maybe on Sunday we sprinkle the word on Wednesday you know we just touch it up make it look nice and nice on the outside when trouble hits or when we're pushed or poked or somebody presses or smaller steps on our toe it's the stones that are going to come out yeah because that's what we're really made of so if we find ourselves speaking words that's a you know they're a great tree or or or non edifying we must watch what we stuff ourselves with because you may think okay thirty minutes in the morning I've done my devotion for the rest of the day I'm social media is what I feel myself up with by the time you ought to speak or to edify it's the social media or whatever else you do stuff that's what empty really be empty and that's why we must must not speak without thinking you must say words that we know that we want to come to pass because what you say you will have whether you whether you is the love of speaking yeah because it's words that created this world yeah so that's Dolores in authority now so when you speak it will happen what we are and it's important for you to God what you speak so if you're not serious about it then don't say don't take that thought take no thought say you take it thought by saying that thought and so to our today make sure your thoughts are guarded make sure your utterance is guided make sure you say what you believe and don't believe something and be quiet don't believe something I'm required if you believe something start saying it's that speaking start calling start announcing it start creating it start forming it's not making it until you see it come to pass all right so he has given me words so that I may boldly say littles in a confession yes I respond immediately with faith filled words I respond immediately with faith filled words two seconds us I do not allow words filled with fear I do not allow words filled with fear doubt and worry doubt and worry to linger around me I feel my mind with who I am in Christ I feel my mind with who I am in Christ I am who God says I am and I have what God says I have and I can do what God says I can do praise God wow what a day we want to pray for the people that uh you know with us this morning want to believe God will do something you know who who I've been saying and saying and say and somewhere along the line they allowed themselves to get overtaken one rebuke all of those negative things maybe every negative word spoken reverse it and cancel its influence and release them from every form of the attention especially people that have been on the abusive environments people abused you people tell you you can never amount to anything people tell you you're useless people tell you you're good for nothing people tell you you're an empty shell all those words they've been speaking it I have never said anything to make it them you just keep quiet and you nod your head but that means you have agreed because silence is consent we want to pray right now and revise those words around him break it in place yes let's briefly viewers Lord just as Jesus who when he was about go fully into his ministry was taken and tempted by the devil just as he insisted and gave the last word yes which was the final word does set his ministry Lord we speak to those who have been letting others have the final word yeah who have been letting situation and oppression to have the final word yea Lord we speak to those people and we ask that they realize the power yes the same power that you use to create the earth as a goat ability galaxy was that power Linda burrows Porton again yes yes yes to speak over the situation's of your life we do down yes yes have kept you quiet let's have kept you taking what you should have been refusing we ask that you tap into that power amen amen bucola the power resides in you it's around you it's tangible students happen to it right now in the name of Jesus amen no longer will you be quiet quiet that is not your other social you start to speak up they got mono mono most a man hello choco just as Jesus did for all that He healed you will speak in authority and that situation will change in Jesus jesus name amen amen I will declare the cleaner your testimony that release right now receive your healing receive your job receive your job receive your checks side receiving receiving received a phone call you've been waiting for in the name of Jesus started a little but no clue to circle and a bring a platter and Abba receive that check receive it in the name of Jesus that phone call you've been waiting for for an appointment the appointment has just been approved receive it in the name of Jesus non Gordo sukadeva and we command your body healed of every infirmity you are healed every week from your head to the source of your foot be healed right now in the name of Jesus now father we thank you for grace and mercy and a blessing and we rejoice today as we celebrate the finished work of Christ in Jesus precious name Amen whoa we're excited friends very very excited now it would have fellowship with you every day in the word of His grace make sure you don't go without this copy a copy of the Christocentric meal is a must-have for you your family friends loved ones get it out as it give to some people out there and just bless their life with this lifetime treasure get it out for some people and don't forget to order for my book on winning the wall that book will show you how to live in victory every day of your life order for that and this and at the end of the broadcast the announcer will show you how to get those materials sent where you live but we are excited every day we're able to bring the word of His grace to you and those before we go Jets one lost what father D was today well thank you for tuning in we hope you've been empowered to live a victorious day and just keep in the back of your mind always throughout today the authority that you have yes good word throughout today speak the words that you will have come to life and they will come tonight you make sure you speak the Word of God today and and and see it come to pass we're excited friends looking for you hearing testimonies from you don't go away because as the as a segments they're coming and the announcer to give you directions on how to order the booze bo want to become a Giri tomorrow we're so excited friends this is just email I build I mean on a build a meter see then the kingdom of God is in power hello everybody welcome to this segment of the Christocentric meal a bell domina is my name and I'm excited today to be able to bring you some clarity on questions you email to us questions you've asked concerning the things we teach on the message of Christ there's a mandate of my life to reintroduce Jesus to this generation equipping believers to know who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you and when we are talking about these were dealing with the doctrine doctrinal issues in the scriptures to establish believers with clarity in the message of Christ you know the essence of ministry and I'd like to read that for you quickly in the book of Ephesians Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 just listen carefully and they give some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers why for the perfecting of the Saints for the perfecting of the Saints the mature in the equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry the Saints do the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ so the body of Christ is built up charged till we all come in the unity of the faith and the unity of the faith is not churches coming together to be one name the unity of the faith he explains that is of the knowledge of the Son of God the unity of the faith is the knowledge of Christ that's why every church every Jesus is charged the diet must be Christ himself on to a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and not this is what happens to a man is not in a good church or a charge of Jesus or a charge where Jesus in the diet that we henceforth be no more children you remain a child perpetuate it child perpetually always needing somebody to pray for you or needing somebody to lay hands on you always needing somebody to say vision for you always looking for somebody to give you a prophecy it just toast one foe and that is a product of bad Pastore it means you're a product of bad Pastore it means you are not well pastored it means you're not in a church where somebody is pastoring you well uh it means you are not allowing yourself to be well passed on is one of the tools and I own a pastor that is not a proper pastor oh you are in a church where you yourself have decided not to make yourself available to be well pastor so he says you will be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine every wind of doctrine you become a victim anywhere it looks like something is happening you go do you become a seeker for miracles you just become a Christian doesn't really know what you're looking for you're toast one for your carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive they're just lying in wait to deceive you that was 14 I would like to read it from the message translation of verse 40 this is a no prolonged emphasis among us no prolonged emphasis among us please will not tolerate babes in the woods small children who are an easy mark for imposters an easy mark for imposters God wants us to grow up to know the whole truth and tell it in love like Christ in everything we take our lead from Christ who is the source of everything we do he keeps us in step with each other his very breath and blood flows to us nourishing also that who grow up healthy in God robust in love Lily Scylla no prolonged in fancies among us please will not tolerate babes in the woods small children one is the Mac for imposters those to and fro by every wind of doctrine it has like some of those crazy see places we're off you know in places like South Africa where people are given pitch roll to drink in a place called charge some drink alcohol after getting drunk with alcohol they now play music and dance all day and as they're dancing when people are falling they call it delivers to conduct madness all of that is darkness darkness be multiplied all over the place or churches where people go and the Prophet cannot profit lie until he stands on top of people so people have to carry him up on their back then when they are moving him are only profits if they bring him down all those are fraudulent places that's not the church the church has a mission to equip believers in the message of Christ the diet is Christ and if you reject being thoroughly disciplined to eat the Word of God by teaching and feeling if you develop in your appetite fraudulent appetizer encourage fraud appetizer make you look for signs and wonders at all cost then you become an easy mark for imposters you become a victim of being defrauded used abused and dumped but that's not the mission of Jesus or the church the mission of Jesus or the charge is that every believer should be equipped for the equipping of the Saints and when the Saints are equipped they do the walk of ministry so if any charge where you've been there for so long and up till now you cannot do the work of ministry you need to get out of that place you need to get out of that place and you cannot fortunately stay at home you can afford to just be you know hanging out of the gathering of brethren because that's living in disobedience to clear apostolic instructions look at instruction here brother power give in the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 4 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together when you are gonna assemblage there's a local charge and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together a my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ he's given apostolic credence to the father local assemblies and within the plant will in the intent of God don't let anybody this video contrary to sound and clear and concise apostolic instructions so what are those things to consider in deciding to belong to a local church the first thing is you must remember the mission of the local church it's not to give you gift parks food parks every Sunday you know every time you assemble you you you know you are you are you're pampered and meet to feel nice spend hours of singing and dancing that's not the mission of the church and don't get me wrong those things are not wrong but that's not the fulcrum the focus on the vision of the church you know the essence for church is to equip the scenes to Train believers to tree the church is a Bible School is a training center where believers are trade where believers are groomed in the message to go out and the con ministers of reconciliation that's what the church ought to be so in determining that the first question to ask is do I want to grow spiritually do I want to grow spiritually ethic criteria in deciding the church to belong number two do you desire to consistently see the hand of God in your life and experience victory in your day-to-day life that's the second one because it would take teaching and training to bring you to a light where you live in total victory above darkness number three do you want to walk in the will of God for your life and if you do then you know journey short then is in the will of God and were able to list out what is the will of God to have all men to be saved number one each other evangelizes and then number two discipleship and to have all men to come to the knowledge of the truth so we evangelize and when we bring the people into the kingdom we disciple them we teach them we train them to grow and mature with sincere milk of the word since you are not adulterated milk and for there to be a qualifier like I said the other day for the work for the milk to be sincere emissaries also knew since a meal it ain't just a milk he said is a sincere milk of the world so from the qualify the milk will mean that there is adulterated milk instance yeah milk there is fraudulent milk out there that people are drinking and the effect is that you will grow you don't be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine I your life is too important and precious to God for anybody to use you as a guinea pig for experiment you've got to go to shore step proven you know places where Jesus is the diet sound scriptural teaching of God's Word it's going on all the time when believers assemble the next one is do you want to live far above the forces of darkness of the world not to be fighting the most everyday warfare every day and what I mean by warfare is fighting said you know you want to live a life of victory wait don't fight Satan wait push you out come on and then they will obeys you where you live from victory where you're not fighting to win but you have already one way walk in the fullness of the finished work of Christ that's so important because your adversary the devil goes about seeking whom to devour and you must resist him steadfast in the faith but it will take a proper teaching charge to equip your ground your unestablished I'm a Christian believer who experiences victory every area of your life but apposite thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph always not sometimes so number 5 is what I'm going to be looking at today the 15 to be longing to a local church do you want to be a blessing to others and flew with the gifts of the Spirit do you want to be a blessing to others and flow the gifts of the Spirit if yes is your answer then you must attend a local church where room is given to everyone to express the things pertaining to the Spirit where room is given for you to express things button in the spirit tongs interpretation of tongues prophecies amongst others 1st Corinthians 14 12 he says there it was so he for as much as us new laws of spiritual gifts seek that you may Excel to the edifying of the church wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret for if I pray now no nun tongue my spirit prayer my my understanding is unfruitful what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray when they understand it also I will sing with the spirit and I was seeing when they understand in Austria where they usually split where your freedom to throw any gifts of the spirit where your freedom to edify the people of God why because things of the Spirit will only improve with practice teens of this period would only improve with practice tests Corinthians 12 says in verse 31 but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet I show unto you a more excellent way Corvette Corvette Corvette the best needs a messy hunger for it gotta be a natural such an environment is given to you where you can hunger for the teens on the spirit don't go to prophesy to tongue and interpret tongues you know you grow in brew spiritual where you exercise the gifts of the Spirit because they are given to every man to profit without first Corinthians 14 39 this is a wherefore brethren convert or prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues compare to prophesy Camacho's is not good or when it comes to the gifts of explicit convent desire Amos Lee taught prophesy and to speak in tongues hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 very important practice exercise is critical you can be in a short way or not allowed to practice it is but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil they have their senses exercised you've got to be in a church where you are allowed to exercise the gifts of the Spirit in verse 9 say for everyone die use it milk this one skilful in the world of righteousness for easy babe you know if you are still using milk you're not allowed to grow you're not exercising to grow spiritually you remain a perpetual babe in the common skillful the world of righteousness so staying committed to this local church must be with the understanding that the local charge is God's plan for the believer God planned for every believer to belong to a local church and they committed there to be dedicated there and serve with your gifts and serve the people of God with the ministry that is on your inside a place where you have a pastor who trains you a pastor who trains you spiritually who is responsible to bring to you correction reproof and instruction in righteousness in the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 it is all Scripture is given by inspiration of God you have to have a charge where you are trained they are profitable number one for doctrine for reproof correction instruction in righteousness that's the kind of church you should belong where you have a pastor that trains you sound training exposes you to sound doctrine and to sound doctrine you have evidence of Christ you are corrected your mindset is corrected concerning Christ and you are instructed in righteousness the local church therefore has spiritual leaders who have Christ authority to lead you it has a well-defined leadership it short must have a well-defined leadership so don't let anybody tell you I don't mind all these men a god then just looking for P no no no no you must belong to a local charge not a control center not a destructive Sanibel local charge that's what you prayerfully consider these things I've shared to help you look at a local church where you will grow and enjoy Christ and enjoy the finished work of Christ and also work in power and authority and fulfill your own ministry in that local charge you know if you read the book of Hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 he talks about the defined leadership that must be in the local church and he says the writer of Hebrews remember them which have the rule over you which I do rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God the only person that can rule over is the person fede one of that whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation the end of their lifestyle so you must submit yourself in a local church where the pastor spiritual authority to lead you there are spiritual authority to lead you and is responsible for your spiritual well-being and is responsible for your doctrinal persuasion those a critical point you know and your response to such leadership must be submission in love and obedience to God submission in love and obedience to God oh yes submission is an apostolic instructions in a local charge submission to spiritual authority its apostolic historic instruction sound doctrine Scripture the book of Hebrews chapter 13 verse 70 it tells you a response to that authority obey them that have the rule over you obey them that have the rule over you right in our own church a policy you can be a leader or a a worker in our church if I don't know you and if you have not been a committed person in the leadership committed in church committed in solving it committed in prayer committed in spiritual growth committed in service you've been submissive to spiritual authority it says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves submit yourselves for the watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you let me read that verse in the message translation be responsive to your spiritual leaders listen to their counsel they are a lot to the condition of your lives and walk under the strict supervision of God contribute to the joy on their leadership not is drudgery why would you want to make things harder for them why would you want to make things that they say obey them that have the rule over you so a good-looker charge of a place where you submit to spiritual authority and your pastor is training you watching over you he's holding you accountable where you need rebuked he rebukes you corrects you in love and helps you to grow into the fullness of Christ when you're in such a local church with these criterias I have dealt with your father you're growing you're maturing your father now you are able to bring people into the kingdom and disciple them and watch them grow and hold them accountable somebody's holding you accountable you can be an authority if you are not on the spiritual authority you've got to have an authority away so what are you listen to somebody you are accountable to who is also sound doctrinal not just if you go with only ministry that the man is 17 years in ministry doesn't mean you understand the message somebody can be in ministry for 40 years and it's lost somebody can be ministry for 55 years he doesn't know anything and somebody can mean ministry for five years and very sound doctrinal so a father figure in the ministry or a spiritual father who is a pastor on the leader of your church must be sound document is a condom body of double honor they would label in word and doctrine they would label a sound teacher on the one a sound pastor of a church is a sound teacher of the world the Bible says that the law should be found in the mouth of the priest is in a leader over a truck should not be a novice it should not be ignorant it should not be a novice it should be well established grounded it should be apt to teach skillfully in teaching so you get a pastor who is skillful in teaching who is able to teach you ground you and establish you and get you rooted in the message of Christ that is what makes a pastor or a charge is sound charge to attend not all these other extra things that can be gotten in a social club back under gotten in anywhere what makes this choice is what you can't find anywhere else what you can't find anywhere else but only in the Church of Christ like the message of Christ you come for anywhere else it's not taught in universities it's not taught in classrooms in this country school the message of Christ is taught in the Church of Christ all in Christ centered Bible schools you see the message prayer you know our spiritual gifts spiritual gifts exercising them switch our development and where you are taught to live in victory every day those are very critical fundamentals even if we only look at church not examine it in the light of things we have taught you so that you do not waste your life spending another year in a church that is actually not a charge a place where you're not growing your loyalty should be to Christ and to his cause because that's the person who died free and that's the person gave instructions for local churches so your loyalty should be to him you only stay in a church as not because they diet on that church you feed on him every time you come not motivation speaking not some success formulas not some of all of those things I mean those things are good but that's not the gospel and you're not supposed to get any charge there are secular institutions where they do it very well very very well when I'm reminded of the story of dr. Paul Young he choked the past of the largest church in Korea actually needs to be the largest church in the world but you have many people who are claiming today that their churches and the lodges in the world so he used to be the pastor of the largest church in the world dr. Paul Young he - it's been a ministry for many years with servant of God and they said one day a leader in his joy decided that the husband should come to church he's been acting the husband to attend service yeah wonderful pastor she kept trying to get the husband to come take charge now husband would not come to church she kept trying finally one day the husband decided to come to our church unfortunately that day dr. Cho decided to preach a message on psychology a message on psychology okay you scriptures to backup settings ecology principles and her husband is a professor of psychology the man gotta charge they start out with a wife and the pasta was just double in Oulu by the place how she was just doubling the money please and she discover a husband was not exciting he was not even interested so after the sunny she said she where you bless it just looked at her and she said don't you want to meet my pastor so as she insists that he decided to meet dr. Cho so when dr. Cho to restore himself when they met you dr. Cho dr. Cho said oh she introduced the intervener don't you say oh I hope you enjoyed the message today and the man said no so why he looked at him he's a pastor you know a pastor stay with your Pastore stay with the word of God and teach it well don't try to do what you are not called to you see I hardly you were trying to teach psychology using the Bible to teach psychology and he said you just messed up because what you even taught is not psychology 101 so he just wasted my time that man wasn't blessed because that's not the message of the church that's not the message of the church the message that a pastor should center on is Christ his finished work his exalted glorified position and how the believer is in him that's the diet of the believer that will look into him until we see the totality of all he has done for us because you will never know who you are do you know who Jesus is if you don't know who Jesus is you don't know who you are you know who you are you must seek Christ and you can see Christ until Christ is presented to you all the time the more you see the more you know you the more you'll know you the more you know what you have the more you know what you have the more you know what you can do that's what the Church of Jesus or to Zoe the revelation of Jesus which unveils the identity of the believer so you must know those who labor in water and doctor you must submit to a pastor who Labor's in word and doctor who is committed to building you up spiritually and helping you to exercise and mature so you too can fulfill the ministry that has been given to all of us I want to close these questions by reading for you second Corinthians look at what has been given to every believer collectively chapter 5 verse 18 and all things are of God what reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the Ministry of a conservation he has reconciled us once you are reconciled once you are born again there's a ministry waiting for you it is the ministry of the constitution so to sit down in church armies enemy floor member means you a product of bank pastoring because the children are floor members you must be committed to an assignment you've got to be dedicated to the Ministry of reconciliation you are reconciled to reconcile orders your job is to go out in a dying world with the love of God God's heartbeat becomes your heartbeat when you're in the right charge soul-winning becomes a promise for you and you win suit all the time you use every extra opportunity you have to get people born again and bring them into the kingdom and disciple them I watch them grow that is the greatest assignment given to the church and a good healthy charge will have all of this needs met in that local assembly I hope I have helped you today if you are not in a good local church and you want us to help you can email me dr. evil demeanor at or you're a pastor you're confused we need some clarity you can reach out to me dr. evil demeanor and he how could that come and if there are those of your being following me and my teachings I want to be a part of our power city campus in your look on it all you need to do today is send me an email dr. evil the miniature hood that come with all your information and your location that we will be able to put it together connect you to people there who are already fellowship in as a campus and I'm just know we can start one so you can have brethren of like mine now you can tell oh over the Word of God and I would pray together God win souls is sacral them and establish them in the kingdom of God that should be your pursuit this year 2019 this should be a pursue this in the new year and I'm looking forward to hearing from you today I'm excited friends share with people what's going on here in Christocentric mill invite more people to be a part of it again tomorrow and I'm looking for to receiving more of your questions as I seek to bring clarity from the waterfall Almighty God till tomorrow enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed hello I hope you've been blessed by that wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to meditate and study his word you need to not only here but also read and see that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to study understand strengthen and build up your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer to order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel domina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is the first step to ensuring an enriched New Year and happy life [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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