Christocentric Meal (February, 24th) | You Have Authority In The Name (13)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome to the Christmas centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus either that Mina is my name and he looked there is gonna be another exciting time of studying and learning and being equipped in the word of His grace you need to invite friends loved ones and family members grab somebody with somebody from sleep this morning let's feast in the word of His grace you need a copy of this devotional for yourself because this is a resource that will serve you for eternity I mean it's one material you can't do away with and we're excited to have my wife co-hosting with me this morning and I'm talking about dr. Richard I mean our only good morning good morning everyone and welcome to this morning's episode amen tremendous ready to get a father will rejoice we rejoice and we are glad glad in the realities then we have this common and found in you by reason of what you have done in us yes 2,000 years ago and we pray today for everyone connecting revealed knowledge is gifting them there is full of the eyes build an army of people all over the world they through this teaching let revelation knowledge grow big on the inside until nothing else matters and we give you praise for answered prayer today in Jesus name we pray amen amen praise God now we've been dealing with this authority of the believer from different aspects as it relates to the believer in Christ Jesus and just before we proceed to the on I like it read for us Ephesians 1 16 to 19 because whatever belongs to us in Christ will be based on the death burial resurrection officials 1 16 to 19 seed not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory we give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that even know what the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrote in Christ went in raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly world who believed the working of his mighty power to us-ward who believe like I said whatever belongs to Christ belongs to us okay and what belongs to us is what Christ obtained in his death burial and resurrection and forget we established that it was going to be based on the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow the width the power doxa the width the power the glory the influence and the authority of Jesus Christ that's a glory that followed his resurrection and we have said that when he rose from the dead he said all power is given unto me in heaven and on earth and now he taunted the believer and said go go in that power given to me which is given to you given to Christ which is given to the believer so it is important for the believer not just to know he has authority in the name of Jesus but more importantly to know how to use that authority remember we began to deal with your attitude to that authority yesterday which was predicated on knowledge which is confidence that knowledge gives you confidence but Paul said we are always confident knowing these what you know says the premise on which you are a working confidence in boldness and authority or you walk in fear in cowardice you know that sanity and uncertainty you know God has not given to us a spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind the believer in Christ Jesus has a sound mind and that some man comes into effectual 'ti when that sound mind is educated in knowledge but a poor cause is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him if you have something you don't know to use it you will never maximize you and we make good sad by not utilizing what he spent his life is entirety for chasing for yeah you do not utilize your authority the instead of opinion authority did that was just messing around with you Putin you are on sending you are on punishing you around unfortunately he's very unfortunate you are the one in authority my vision of what Christ has done yes so whatever was written in the Bible was first spoke then it was written so that it will be spoken it was first spoken yeah then it was written so that it will be spoke his words are a symbol of authority words words very important observe when Jesus was tempted Jesus spoke the scriptures the words of the scriptures are false and the scriptures are inscribed with authority you know Tom he just came to my mind authority stems from relationship for is that a parent to a child the parent has authority over the child yeah like is that delegated all that inherent to the child yes you know because Jesus first delegated to us then when he rose from the dead he made us sit in authority with him so a parent when he rose he joined us and then so now you have to have relationship with the one you are but having authority with or having authority over when you know that thickness disease have been conquered you can't by Jesus you can't authoritative Lee speak the way you say to sickness go or to demons leave leave this environment is we we reflect how much confidence or how much from which point from where you're coming from if you're coming in your own strength or your own party you be nervous you will be unsure but if you are coming in this trend of the finished work in the comfy that Jesus perfection gives you yes there's the way you address the situation and it just leaves that demon Osito problem of water right is out of your face so you need to understand that being connected to Jesus gives you absolute right you have the right to speak and the things to be good yeah it's you're really they resist you know the devil is an offshoot exactly because of a union yes because of the union with God so it's not based on that yesterday I did make mistake yesterday I didn't pray no is be and that union is permanent so you can't speak from anywhere from what I in the in the bathroom in the cold and wherever in the face of turmoil problem calamity you can't speak that's why Jesus you know sir to the stop peace be still it is they where latest on past then I will speak in you can speak from anywhere any situation and it will be you and God the authority is biggest is tell me from your union that Union yes you need to remember that it's a no hmm so you aren't you should be confident that's right she walk in that confidence down understanding that's right observe when Jesus was tempted Jesus spoke the Scriptures the words of the scriptures are for us to speak for example Jesus on several occasions for who he was he consistently said I am because just like you said authorities tell from a union therefore Authority has its expression in our identity em are you if you don't know who you are through that Union you want to bet you go to cool even begging gotta do something it begins with you understanding your identity who you are let's see the way Jesus operated his authority and how it operated with the IR John 14:6 you will see that Jesus consistently declared who he was in John 14:6 jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me I was article saying because authorities stems from identity once you are an identity crisis you can't function in authority that's why it begins with by and you cannot exercise authority in the absence of identity very critical so Jesus kept saying I look at John 6:35 and Jesus said unto him I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst I am the bread of life either come back to me shall never hunger I am the bread I don't have bread that's where Paul II read for us john 8:58 jesus saith unto Him verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am before Abraham was I so Jesus walked in that reality I am I am i that is identity he knew who he was now he was spoken of as one who spoke with great authority look at matthew 729 for he taught them as one having Authority and not as the scribes you know because I think describes you used to quote Moses yes you know it is written the law moody said no so but this one he was speaking as one having Authority yes he said you have heard that it was said but I say unto you you know he was he was speaking as one has say you have a heart it has been said of oh I say he spoke with authority hmm because he knew who he was yes he knew that he was God who became a man he knew that he was the word became flesh so he spoke authoritative Lee he knew that Moses spoke of him he knew that the Prophet spoken give you know he was the message of the scripture so he did not speak with apology his pocket or eat it with confidence when you know huh that's what we need to do today yes as Jesus recognized himself in the scriptures we need to recognize ourselves in his finished work yes in his yes so you need to speak also as Jesus spoke because now we also we have authority because of his authority dance giving I remember as he Swami Hwy yes look at Matthew 21 23 and when he was come into the temple the chief priests and the elders of the people came on to him as he was teaching I said by what authority doest thou these things and who gave thee this authority by what authority they do you especially not with no beginning that's inter yeah he spoke with authority it was both the good world you know what said concerning him in his mouth yeah through the words from the scripture who put in his mouth and declared it he spoke with such authority and if you look at mark 11 22 to 23 he explains how he used that authority hmm that he had and Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God for verily I say unto you the whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but I believe that those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said therefore I say unto you what things soever ye desire when ye pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them he does finish speaking to a fig tree on the field fig tree dried up ooh and Peter said master III you cause is jesus said have faith in God or have the faith that God gives or have gods faith if you shall see because that's how God's feet function you see you see that so Jesus explains the use of authority that is I took authority over the fig tree by speaking authoritative when you have authority over something you speak to it you speak to it you don't speak about it like we said some weeks ago you don't speak about it you don't matter it about it you don't complain about you speak to eat a mattress 17:20 oniy and jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible onto you and nothing shall be impossible to you you say it should obey and not II shall be impossible you say it should obey so authority is exercised via world yes you speak to the object and the object has no option because the object is under your authority and you speak with confidence and you speak knowing that it has no choice is done to obey mhm in Matthew chapter 8 verse 5 Jesus father explains to us how Authority functions and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum there came unto him a Centurion beseeching him and saying Lord my servant lieth at home at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and Jesus said unto him I will come and heal him yes the Centurion answered and said lord I am not worthy that thou has come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed where I'm a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I said to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he commits and to my servant do and he do a tease when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you have not found so grateful I have not found such great faith no not in Israel why the man had soldiers under him and I was not I know you have taken what tell them what I said to one go he goes I said to one calm he comes when I say sickness be healed it gets here you know many people say if God wants its know it will happen God's wanting written here so you speak what you want from the what is the routine that's right and to change your situation that's right is what you say now you say that defines whether you are using the authority or not what you say and how you say Jesus publicly and everybody rowdy you're not in doubt he was confident he knew that it will happen he knew that there is no way it will not happen so he spoke with such authority confident his pocket confidence and he spoke boat and he believed it because jesus said you you you'll be hesitant to speak because of your unbelief yes if you do not have unbelief you confidently see us what you need to say right to the situation we say because we know it was so you say it and do not doubt in your heart what should I believe that what you say shall come to the park you believe it you think everything that you believe is that you think that when you can't see it you can't miss you have not believed in doubt right now you're in fear if we're ending no yes in ignorance if you're right ignorance I want any of those factors is it closes your mouth it is war Eliza's your mouth you can poach any authority is not for authorities for knowledge because if you don't have knowledge how you aboard you have been what yes but we are knowledge knowledge comes yes the goodness and come from knowledge of knowledge yes that's not necessary but wait you do have knowledge that is big arrogant do those opening apply if it does open it and shiny your view you can be wasted so that's what you must know what God says concerning and like I said it begins with again yeah well you know who you are then you know what you have then you know what you can prove is so critical and you can't function in full identity if you don't know Christ because the believer is in Christ like I always say is the revelation of Jesus that unveils the identity of you will never know you until you know him it is when crisis on bill that the believer in him is revealed and that's why every day we look into this Christocentric meal we seen Christ and seen ourselves in him and we're making adjustments and learning how to function in that authority that power that is ours in Christ because of His redemptive the Centurion said I'm in man and I said one these good come you know no we are on that authority as well as oh yes and so you can speak to the things that be Smith subject to you which is demon specified in the power situation negative anything that is you know unfit for your consumption yes gets it you have a 32 and he was confident that when he tells his seven come he will come you know why because he's been placed on that authority so you have to be confident that what you say to date all these things have been placed on the earth on the earth who answer to us when we see come right oh good right you have to understand that then you confidently exercise that authority every time and you must realize that whenever you speak you are using your Tori yeah every time you speak so mind what your spirit then also cannot afford to let evil communication proceed out of your mouth and proceed out of your mouth faster because what when you speak you are using your and if you speak evil you're giving your poverty a license an evil spirit carry on you will act in license it so that's what your words must be refined awards must be in accordance with the Finnish model defines yes it was very defined in a corner it or not yeah it was lying over question you must be what Christ means sacred what crisis not say you will not say hmm you will only speak what Christ will speak mm and you will not see what Christ will not say because when you're speaking you're releasing your yeah so it's not just good enough to you now you have authority you've got to exercise how you exercise it appropriately when you speak you and today you go around speaking all through the day keep speaking if you see things you don't like don't steal it yes speak to it if you see things you are not comfortable with don't completely reconstruct them because you don't even need a spatial environment you are you know Tori what you want nothing so it keeps picking I've seen it come to pass keep speaking I seen it come to pass and you shall have what you say see a little videos in the confession what I have in Christ is what he has done for me what I have in Christ is what he has done for me what you done for me it's not my position and position what he has done for me is now my position is given to all our viewers yes to see the full details so what has been done for them so they know exactly who they are and walk in that authority complete and in the name of Jesus we are agreed together with you today that the fullness of God's deposit all that Christ has accomplished in His redemptive work everything he has provided the weight of glory that has been available today believe in the authority determining the influence of Christ were find expression through you today onions and we decree that as you begin to speak words you will see those Wars my new full expression today you shall have what you see man in the name of Jesus man you shall have what you say men so we decree that as you speak words through the day you keep prophesied and declaring God's mind and goes intent concerned in every situation today we declare shall have a habit of your desires the mere habit of all that crisis providing it is redemptive Socrates in the name of Jesus and we declare that everything that contradicts your position in Christ is banished right now yes sit and get your hands off our viewers will break and dismantle your network thank you for great grace father that is upon everyone watching this broadcast and today we will need you to fulfill and function in your full authority flourish thank you Father for the blessing in Jesus precious Larry I mean Amen praise God hey guys look in most order for this book this book is critical so you spend time to study the extra materials and spend time to keep meditating and going over and over it and he's a joy to be able to bring this warrior way and the announcer will have to order and how to order all the resources of our ministry so you can be enriched in all the things that God has gifted you with in us in the name of Jesus just before we sign off on Edie remember to invite more people to spend their money first moments with us every day as we look into the perfect law of Liberty and as when you see our true reflection in the mirror of the finished of our parents and those before we sign off only one more word for viewers I don't forget your position that you have acquired in Christ Jesus the position he puts you in is now your possession so make full use of it and enjoy the benefits thereof in Christ is your possession and to be walking the fullness of that we're looking for to hearing testimonies from all of you to become a gator with same platform tomorrow don't you ever forget the kingdom of God he's been power remember he that descended is he that ascended when he ascended up on high he gave gifts to men for what the perfecting of the saints and when the sense of effective what will they do they will do the work of ministry they will do the work of ministry so it's for joking around the church is a place for perfecting the Saints the ministry that Jesus has given to the New Testament church has his well-defined assignment no ambiguity the assignment is well spelled clearly spelled spelled well for the perfecting of the Saints not the entertainment of the Saints the perfection of disease not for the Saints to sit down and be watching is so common of God acting drama with so much so-called demons having a the idea we have 15 are you 15 or 16 cheresa we are 16 you're not telling the truth everybody shall fire 30 that no that is entertaining disease it is for the perfecting of the things and when the sins have perfected the resultant effect of perfected things is they do the work of ministry they do what officials of the four verse 11 in fact that is the mission of the church he that descended he see that was in it when he ascended up on high he didn't talk about what he a victory had how do you know if a man dies arises from the day what will be his pride in soukara your people have no idea when I died did you know what I saw if you think you say took tire will compliment see if you cannot die recording shut up and listen to me and everybody go home story story the first day the moment I left this world I began a journey to an unknown destination you can only see the beginning of the road the end you cannot see I imagine when Jesus rose as exciting as the story was that was not his focal point because that is not what matters the first thing he did was to give gifts to men why for the perfecting he was not bothered about entertainment he was bothered about perfecting man what are you talking about the mission of the church is not entertainment is equipping to equip the scenes so based on the kind of instructions you have received you can now be called a man of God fitted for special purpose fitted for special purpose so brother Paul is intimate by the time you have become skillful with the Scriptures you have attained you become a member of the specialized forces for global evangelization we find men immediate to preach the gospel cultured man trained equipped you can have an idea of something but doesn't mean you are trained in that team you know what I mean you can have an idea it doesn't mean you're trained amen you can have an idea it's like when people act movie and in the movie they are lawyers they didn't read law in school that does give them a little script to memorize and when they memorize it they come in there like lawyers and they argued a case very well and you go like wow I want to be a lawyer because you saw a man acting when the movie is over he cannot defend himself in the the man is acting in the movie he had an idea but that he has an idea doesn't me he has been trained now somebody's caught him by will anyhow doesn't mean he is trained you can be caught in Bible and use the same Bible to kill yourself Judas hung himself is it in a Bible go and do thou likewise is there something like that in the Bible what doubt Doris do quickly is there something like that in the Bible so you can combine the three yourself dad you have an idea does it mean your train there is a training hello I hope you've been blessed by that wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to meditate and study his word you need to not only here but also read and see that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to study understand strengthen and build up your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel domina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is the first step to ensuring an enriched New Year and happy life [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Id: JYxmPo7m9zE
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Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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