30 Days Of Glory Service: 10-7-2019 | Day 4

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[Music] Yanik angular deborah Kosuke and every new hire colada bar on a melody mumm-rana calleda baba yaga Lorena catalan damaja the Word of God has free cos among us tonight and the Word of God is glorified among us tonight thank you Lord for reveal knowledge flowing freely in this place tonight Mangala to Billy Gary say Kalina man again lady Morocco's caitelady Brina kaya we praise You Lord Jesus blessed be a holy name in the name of Jesus father will receive tonight from the excellent Ministry of Jesus revelation knowledge and I decree that your people are built up and edified by your word but in sang uke's are destroyed whatever is not planted by God is rooted out equip your people edify your people and Jesus glorified among us we give you praise for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer cz powerfully may lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the one of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believers is a powerful amen what one welcome every one of your journey knows where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube all the platforms and all our campuses around the world lot of everybody connected get ready it's another touchy days of glory service tonight and we're gonna have a powerful time in the world of His grace can I get powerful amen are you excited about the gift of eternal life on your inside can we give the Lord a shout and celebrate the gift of God in our hearts the glory somebody shot a powerful amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self tonight let's get in the world hallelujah second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 read for me and that's from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus faith in Christ is salvation next was all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness profitable for instruction spiritual growth spiritual growth instruction in righteousness then we began to deal with a number of things yesterday we saw the prophecy in Matthew chapter 4 verse 16 Matthew chapter 4 verse 16 the people which starts in darkness saw a great light and to them which starts in the region and shadow of death life is sprung up for those in the shadow of dead light is sprung up so the believer is not in the shadow the believer is in the light the believer is in the light light has come no darkness at all and in God where we are there is no shadow of turning he's the father of lights he's the father of lights no more shadows our fellowship is in the light our fellowship is in the light and in the light there is no occasion of stumbling in the light there is clarity in the light there is no ambiguity in the light there is revelation that's why Paul prayed for that show that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light because in the light there is no shadow there's only clarity you know this precise understanding there's comprehensive insight in the light so let's get into our study where we stopped yesterday and let's look at death we started looking at death yesterday and we began to study today we're going to continue from the four Gospels alright so the word death is used eleven times in the book of Matthew eleven times in the book of Matthew and the four of them refer to Jesus for of that eleven refer to Jesus in mark the word death is used ten times and three of it refers to Jesus in Luke chapter 1 verse 79 Allah caused to read that one Luke chapter 1 verse 79 to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace to guide our feet into the way of peace and in the shadow of death all right which is spiritual as a prophecy so the word death in Luke is used 10 times and three times it is used for Jesus in the book of John the word death is used 12 x + 2 times refers to Jesus in Acts of the Apostles the word death is used 12 times as well let's look at Acts chapter 2 verse 24 Acts chapter 2 verse 24 whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding him it was not possible that he should be holding of it referring to Jesus acts 1328 Acts 1328 under they found no cause of death in him yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain they desired that he should be slain even though there was no cause of death referring to Jesus in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 2nd Corinthians 11:23 are they ministers of Christ I speak as a fool I am more it Labor's more abundant in stripes above measure in prisons more frequent in deaths of in deaths often in deaths of whom second Corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 but we had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which way that the next was who delivered us from so great a death and just deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us he deliver he deliver he will yet deliver us sentence of death against apostle's this is attack persecution against preachers of the gospel second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 so the one we are the savour of death unto death and to the other the savour of life unto life and who is sufficient for these things death unto death is spiritual all right second Corinthians chapter three verse seven second Corinthians three seven but if the ministration of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away the ministration of death talking about spiritual death in the Old Testament spiritual death in the Old Testament 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 11 for we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh dealing with physical death 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 a lot of scriptures but good for your health for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh it what could dead first Peter chapter 3 verse 18 where Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust as he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened - the death of Jesus here right so in 1st Corinthians the word debt is used 8 times and there are two instances we will see and you will find six of those instances in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 alone 2 of those instances in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 alone 15:26 he says and death an enemy death an enemy first Corinthians 15 physical death throughout is used five times bet where is your thing is dealing with physical debt and in the book of Hebrews it is used eight times death and only twice was not the death of Jesus only twice out of the eight times in Hebrews in James 1:15 James 1:15 then when lust has conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth bring it for death James 5:20 James chapter 5 verse 20 let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins save his soul from death and hide a multitude of sin then there is another one now you write this for your personal story 1st Peter 3:18 1st John chapter 3 verse 14 first Peter 3:18 first John chapter 3 verse 14 first John chapter 5 verse 16 and 17 and all of those are spiritual first John 3:14 first John 5 16 and 17 in the book of Revelation that is mentioned 17 times and the book of Romans that is mentioned 21 times in the book of Romans 21 times so when we come to the epistles remember we've been dealing with a question what was the death of Jesus for alright so when we come to the epistles the focus is you know of the pistils is the death of Jesus not the focus of the epistles the death of Jesus look at Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 let's begin with the key text Hebrews 2:14 explaining the concept of death 2:14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil that true day he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil now please listen carefully your understanding must be clear who had the power of death ah the devil alright Hebrews 2:15 read for me verse 15 deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage first Corinthians 15 26 enemy that shall be destroyed is that the last enemy on the line last enemy enemy on the line the last enemy so death in the mind of God is something that ought to be destroyed is something that ought to be destroyed the last enemy that shall be destroyed is dead so in the mind of God death is something that ought to be destroyed remember our inquiry is what did Jesus died for did he die for God to be satisfied they did die to appease God did he die to meet the demand of God that's what we're investigating here very carefully Romans chapter 5 verse 12 will help us Romans chapter 5 verse 12 read for me wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned remember the book of Romans contains the best explanation of death so your understanding must be birth from this text your understanding of death must be birth from this text wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have seen so seen came from the house sin came from the outside which means seeing brought death seen brought death that must be settled in your thinking that death came by seeing dad came by seeing so let's look at the motions of death how they interplay good enough brother James gives us an explanation of the motions of scene in James chapter 1 verse 13 James 1:13 lets no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil like you to underline God cannot be tempted with evil God cannot be tempted with evil and I'd like you to underline neither tempteth he any man neither tempted he anima so temptation never comes from God God can never tempt anybody Christin Cena non-believer God does not have temptation in his composition there is no temptation in God so he calls scene evil he calls scene God cannot be tempted with evil he calls scene evil the word tacos in the Greek kak os caucus in first corinthians 10:6 i like you to read that for me first corinthians chapter 10 verse 6 don't lost after evil things talking about sin sin is evil sin is evil so the first thing he wants us to know is that God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man all right then he now says but every man put off a minute James chapter 1 verse 14 I like you to now read for me verse 14 James 1:14 tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed so first of all God does not tempt anybody God cannot be tempted there is no temptation in God so God exonerated but every man is tempted that what every man is a Greek word because to us it means each man which shows a general thing each man every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his all laws three key words drawn away of his own laws when he is drawn away of his own not Satan of his own laws not Satan and enticed now look at the use of words they're all lost is the Greek word epitome I if I tell you ma I use 36 times something you are eager to do I lost something you are eager to do all and uncontrolled desire something you personally want to do lost something you your own desire that you want to give expression to all right so all lost is something you want to do but it's an uncontrollable desire number 2 use of word drawn away drawn away is a Greek word as a co e ex e I came all and it's used once to be taken out of your place drawn away means you are taken out of your place because of an uncontrolled desire your desire was so strong it could not be controlled that the desire took you out of your own place I was still in the building alright so we are investigating why did that come and who you know why did Jesus that all who did Jesus died for the set of things were looking at now there is a whadya every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own laws and that and is clear that is drawn away of his own laws that is enticed that is entice all right now to be an ties is useful to be an ties if you observe when we started looking at the motion of seen it didn't start from seeing it didn't start from seeing it began with desire it began with uncontrolled desire it didn't start from seeing it began from uncontrolled desire so now he summarizes vast at him and then fourteen know seen look at at him again let no man say when he is tempted I'm tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man all right no Satan dia but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed there is no sin in verse 14 there is still no sin he is drawn away of his own laws and he is enticed are you still here so no seem he starts with a desire but the desire had no check the desire had no check until it became uncontrolled the word enticed the word he is entice is a Greek word iesous ele is that all whenever it is used it means something is hidden and thais means like a bait there is something behind it it's like you put together a trap for a rat and then you put meat on top of the truck you use Mitch to cover the drop that Mitch that covers the trap is entice because when the meet when the rat comes to the mix the comment to the meet is a common to the trap so behind the meet is a trap when you see the word entice behind the entice is the trap drawn away of his own lust and enticed he's using 2nd Peter chapter 2 4 and 18 you can write down for personal story so something is hidden in the desire that the person who wants it cannot see something is hidden in the desire that the person who wants it cannot see so what is hidden in it he will show you what is hidden don't forget God cannot be involved in it God does not tempt and God is not tempted so all of these motions is within the activities of a man without the interference of God or even the interference of Satan it is man it is man that is drawn away it is man that has the lost it is man that is enticed are we still in the building it is man all right now please pay attention it is man but something is hidden in the desire that James now explains give me that verse 14 and 15 read for me 14 and 15 then when lust has conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death well lost has conceived the word conceived is the Greek word apathy leo apo te le o it means well lost is fully dawn that means sa process you look at it you want it a process is on that point of one team there is missing at the point where you wanted there is no scene because even Jesus was tempted to a point where he didn't want it he didn't want it I don't want this cop but that was not seen so to the point where you want it it is still not a scene it is still not a scene that you want something that is not right does it make it a scene but when it is full where you are want becomes full to a point where there's no more control where there is no more control the resultant effect of lack of control would be performance it will be execution it is at the point of execution that it is seen are we in the building okay now Luke chapter 13 verse 32 shows you the use of the word up or tell you there's now a performance looked at in verse 32 behold I cast out Devils and I do care today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected there shall be a performance in full performance is given so temptation starts with a desire but now is fully formed now when a temptation starts with a desire to a point where that temptation is fully formed what does it produce talk to me George what does he produce it produces same is not Satan that produced the scene it was man's desire it was not God that produced the scene it was man's desire and seeing when it is finished produces what death so lust is conceived and what it is conceived it brings forth sin sin when it grows it brings forth death that is the motion of seeing so now you discover that God is not involved at all so that comes by seeing death comes by seeing a sin or sin comes by an uncontrolled desire uncontrolled desires come from desire uncontrolled desires come from desire zina sin comes by uncontrolled desire uncontrolled desire comes from desire so desire uncontrolled desire sin and death does emotion desire uncontrolled desire sin and death so God is not involved desire uncontrolled desire see and that God is not involved and you find out why in a few in a few minutes this totally what you are hearing me say huh please pay attention this totally upsets many of the reformed theologians it upsets the reformed theology because the reformed theologians said or they stipulate that in the sovereignty of God God is responsible for everything that's reformed theology God is responsible for everything so reformed theologians attribute everything that happens to God good bad evil is all God you break your leg they will tell you God did it for a purpose you're sick they will tell you God is teaching you a lesson in humility your business stops working you're not making money they will tell you them proud as somebody that has money so God has to teach you humility with poverty or they will tell you God knows that if he allows you to keep making money you will forget him that is the theory of the reformed theologians and what we just explained has debunked not only debunked it does rusticated not only rusticated it has eradicated not only the eradicated it has obliterated not only obliterated it has worked out the theology am i communicating here desire from man uncontrolled desire from man produces shame and sin from man produces death is that clear here and if you observe carefully James gives a witness to what Paul said in Romans we are for us by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin therefore all have seen same thing Paul said James I mean class somebody got angry who used to follow me on Facebook got angry because I said God is not sovereign over everything passengers got angry you know some people just humble oh my teachers on Facebook because felt out with their empty empty mindsets what they have taught them inside church that has not been proven by sounds theological argument so let us jump in and they think we're playing cinema tanana here so when they jump in and they a statement instead of coming down and blame a part of wisdom to hear me arrive they start robbing their own school theories only a foolish person will come into an environment of world like this and start running his mouth common sense you tell you you should cool down fast and listen for some days before you even introduce yourself that is before you say Abel is here keep quiet fish hide in the shadows and listen for some time am i communicating here don't let ignorance undress you where [Applause] God cannot do everything say that with me very loud and that is what got the person angry with me how can you say God cannot do everything can he steal can he fornicate can he be tempted can he do everything God cannot do everything it's not a tyrant he's a father it's not a totalitarian is a totalitarian magazaria because if you say God can do everything you met make mess of everything the Bible teaches you make a mess because if God therefore can do everything it means God is behind see that is why you hear people up to question where you go for vandalism if God knew that Adam will sing why did God create Adam have you had such questions they are questioning the integrity of God and those kind of questions add to question cause character if God is a good God like you claim and he's a loving father as you claim and he knows everything why did he create Adam and get him if for them to sin and punish them so now eat it eat eat eat mutilate God's character and those conclusions are coming from in it illiterates illiterates with every respect Amanda concludes like that is an illustrate with all respect I am up for the defense of God's character he's my father I know him and my mission is to defend this carrot you cannot mutilate cause charata in my presence and go free no no I will hold you and clean you before you go he's my father I know him well I know him well I know his character I can predict what you will do because I know him I know what my father cannot I know him that much that I don't need to close my eye to say he's not there that's how much I know him so don't don't try it I know him I know him he's my papa he's my daddy it's not about my Abba or summary shall our Father now so you cannot say God is involved in everything that will be an absolute error so if God is not involved that means God is not even involved in our desires God is not even involved in our desires because if he's involved in our desires that means is involved in sin because sin comes out of our desires did you watch the motions did you observe the motions alright lost uncontrollable desire that will produce sin that will produce death and all of it begins with man God is not involved it begins with man yes somebody say I wouldn't have done it if God didn't want it somebody will tell again if God want me to marry you without you like it or not all my past who are you intimidating with witchcraft it's like the lady who looked out I mean the young man looked at the lady in one church I had the story and those did the mama mama mama doe says the Lord you're my husband I mean you're my wife that the lady looked at him and how can it be me baby singing was gonna be is gonna be what girls up must come down was gonna be is gonna be and there's nothing we can do about it what thing soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive unusual what's gonna be it's not gonna be what we allow is what is gonna be what we stopped he stopped what we permit is permitted somebody shot I am in authority here hey man someone said after God in the world today the most powerful team is the media the most powerful team in the world after birth today is the media the media can do an undo but don't forget that the media is a product of man's will the media is a product of man's will man has proven to be able to do anything talking about to a point where a man has proven that there is no god yes they have proven it to themselves that's why there is a a religion of atheist these are people that have convinced themselves beyond every shadow of data there is look at us the level to which man has gone don't underestimate man don't don't underestimate man cool as I've imagined that a time will come where you will carry a piece of device and be seeing the whole world from your device sitting down in one place does man at work in fact I hear the same technology that they are working on they're almost through with it we are you enter a cube and lock yourself in the tube and you are in America without aircraft anymore they they want to remove aircraft you enter if you block yourself in the tube you are in America you do only want to do you enter the tube you are back in new you Oh somebody says can I hop oh you're joking who would I believe that a big a big ion will carry 800 people and suspend them in the sky for 26 hours who laughed out of that watch man the fact that you are just busy eating curry and a fun soup and you're happy doesn't mean that there are no people that are walking [Laughter] there are people who don't sleep they an idea brain is working they are checking they're calculating they are experimenting while you are sleeping the awake man it's called teleporting there's even teleconferencing that is all they teleconferencing technology such a technology that I can be in America on a Sunday morning all of you will gather here if we have 10 a teleconference in here I will just appear on this pulpit when it's time for me to preach and I will walk through this pulpit talking and you will see me like this and I will even be talking to you like this and you will actually think I am physically here because I am moving like this was seen me the only time you will know that I'm not in the service is if you try to touch me it's called teleconferencing it's already own man you don't know what God has put inside man forgot to hand over a planet as massive as this to man he says let them have dominion over it means put in man the configuration that can turn the planet and make the planet oby man am I talking to Samaria not please then he didn't give it to Christians he gets it to man Christian to manage this planet you just have to be a man and know how to engage your your love your mental faculties the most of the inventors are not Christians there are no Christians there people who dutifully give themselves to to to to to creativity imagine the only problem those teleporters are having is how to break mother how do we break matter for a man to enter a tube we break matter we take matter out for him to be a mystery that's what they are calculating now how to render matter metallus just like in aerodynamics they have succeeded in rendering gravity gravity less boom they suspended and they are gone and when they are coming they in digit and the come down so man's will is more powerful than you think now some people tell you where there is a will there is a way with man so man was made to be able to be tempted that way God created man he created man to be able to be tempted because if man cannot be tempted it means God created a robot the way man was made first Corinthians 10:13 read for me 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 taking you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it if man cannot desire something then God is involved if man desire they desire then it will mean the average in the happens God is responsible it is mass desire that exonerates God man's desire and if man deserve a desire the man is a robot and man is material robot eeeh the wheel man is a free moral agent scene is the Greek word Hama tire or Hamato Lowe's or Hammett on it means to go beside something sin to go beside something if it is God working in me I can go beside she that would mean God is responsible for what I do but the fact that I can go beside means God can be working and I can live God and go beside and do what I want to do without God interrupting me how many of you are aware that when Adam by Moses his vision was taking the fruit of that tree to eat God was watching and God didn't say I gotta disaster God Allah said not because God saw his desire and God does not intercept your desire because long before the desire went out of control he warned you about it so having known that if you set aside his warning and decide to nourish your desire he won't stop you that's why I'm early Adam seen the next he was good Adam where Adam he knew everything that was happening but he was not behind it he given the freedom to express his desire I will teach him here he gave man the freedom to express his desire that is no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man and what I'm teaching is important in understanding death very important because if you are going to understand it you must get this background because I'm getting somewhere with it so no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man the one common to man and throw pillows and throw pillows you know anthropology is man and throw pillows means it comes from man it comes from man there is no temptation that is not coming from man there is no temptation that is not coming from man entrepreneurs don't bring certain heat inside but Paul said God is faithful he will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able what he means is that temptation is we demands desire he will not allow you to be tempted outside your desire so outside man's desire there is no temptation temptation is within the confines of man's desire meaning man can control it that's what it means do not tempt above what you are able because it is within your desire which means you can control it because the desires are yours that what entrepreneurs is from man 1st Corinthians 2:13 you see the use of it 1st Corinthians 2:13 it belongs to man the also see the use of that word in 1st Corinthians 4 3 is of man it belongs to man is of man there is no temptation that is not man's so blaming the devil is temptation on his own blaming the devil is temptation on his own at 1725 at 1725 hands as though he needed anything think he giveth all life and breath and all things neither is worshipped with men's hands and topi knows Roman 6:19 I speak after the manner of men and kapinas James 3 7 for every kind of Beast son of birds and of serpents and of things in the sea is tamed and had been tamed of man they are termed of mankind all manner of beasts tamed of mankind so can we say that temptation is governed by man from the analysis we have done can we say that temptation is governed by man first Peter 2:13 for the Lord what I'd be to the king as to every ordinance of man submit yourselves so question we are did sin come from talk to me citizens let me hear your voices like you have some strength we are did sin come from we are did that come from no we are did sin come from where did that come from so sin is a product of man's desire produced death came so who gave man the ability to desire who gave man the ability to desire so that is where God's function stopped God as God gave man the ability to desire and when he gave man he left man to decide what to do with his desire so after God gave man that ability God left man so now man by his choice decides to either him his desire or latus desire become uncontrollable and produce sin which in turn produces death are we still in class it's called desire because it has governing principles it's called desire because it has governing principles the day you take desire away from man man stops being man the day you take desire away from man man stops Bhima where you are permitted a service tonight without fasting and prayer you chose the clot you wanted to wear did anybody advise you that was your desire whether you are red or blue or black or purple or yellow or green that was your desire that was your desire and those who even know that this conference is holding on who are living in this city who didn't desire to come nobody could push them there at all and they are not feeling bad for being upset that's their desire the day you take desire from man man stop SEMA you look at a lady you like her his mob daughter tells you Maria is you who like her and you desire she said to her hey babes was up and she says who's your babes you see I'm sorry what I simply said is my sister in Christ that's your desire you try to express your desire a rebuke you you apologize and still did it anyway in another form Mama's always find a way my sister in Christ is not my sister in Christ so because I call you babes are you not beeps okay grandma and then you start laughing together and they end up saying babes babes and the whole thing relaxes and she's no more angry you have worked your way around because of your desire no it's not a class on courtship let's get back to the scriptures so what makes man man is desire alright so now what was the evil in Genesis chapter 2 because he said to us that temptation to see him is evil what was the evil in Genesis chapter 2 do you know that the number one evil in the Bible is unbelief unbelief unbelief but the question will be was man never desired designed to seem was man never designed to see keep that somewhere because sometimes we would just you know make it look like once God sees is seen somewhere he turns around the jack the scene of Genesis chapter 2 verse 16 is unbelief the fall of Adam his own belief I mean I did exigencies on that in one of the suit areas his unbelief look at romans 5:14 read for me romans 5:14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression he calls it transgression he calls that sin transgression and I've explained this before what transgression is then look at verse 19 verse 19 disobedience many were made sinners then he calls it again this obedience transgression disobedience then in verse 14 14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's that have not seen after the similitude Hamma try so we have para basis transgression to deviate or to go against something para basis to deviate or to go against something oftentimes is used for the law oftentimes is used for the law you will see that in Galatians 3:19 for personal study Galatians 3:19 Romans 4:15 first Timothy 2:14 describing Adam's transgression Galatians 3:19 Romans 4:15 first emoji 2:14 describing Adam's transgression Hebrews two to Hebrews 9:15 you can study them personally Hebrews to to Hebrews 9:15 he needs to go against something the new Romans 5:9 T because it disobedience is a Greek word para Coyle PA RA koe refusal to listen well para coy refusal to listen well that means you were told something but you didn't do it you will see that in 2nd corinthians 10:6 2nd corinthians 10:6 and hebrews 2 to a coy means to listen well Perico means not to in well so dad is found in transgression that is found in disobedience that is found in sin but the unities that that is not found in God that is not found in God but death is found in scene found in translation and found in disobedience because that is not what God wants if that is found in the disobedience of his word if that is found in people not hidden to his reward how will he now demand for death if that is found in disobedience to God's Word if that is found in not hid him to God's Word how will God now be the one demanding death it doesn't make sense he is not involved in that he does not want that and is not the author of death God is not involved in that he does not want that he is not the author of that in fact in the mouth of Paul death is pronounced as an enemy as an enemy of God so it is clear that God could never have desired death because if he desires dead it are not what Jesus says about him if it was God that desired death the death of Jesus was to appease God then it allows everything that James is about God in James 1:13 James 1:13 let no man say when his tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any more because if his yes I need that if God says I need the death of someone to satisfy me hmm so that I can forgive man then the gloves are off it means God is not innocent because for God to be saying I want dead what God is saying is I won't see because it will take sin to produce that because there can be no debt until there is C and God cannot be tempted with evil and sin is evil now in class yes so if Jesus died for our sins and it is God I wanted that so he can forgive then God is the author of sin and if he cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth any man remember we have appeared the law that under the law human sacrifice was an abomination so even under the law God did not demand human sacrifice and Jesus came to fulfill the law so that the law is using death is not for sacrifice the Lord therefore is using that for justice so that is justice under the law and not sacrifice in man the death of animals is a shadow and the death of human beings is judicial murder or justice judicial murder or justice so it is clear are we together that God does not want death so if God did not want death are you still in charge who wanted the death of Jesus if God does not want death then who wanted the death of Jesus are why then did Jesus die that's our investigation was it suicide well Hebrews 2:14 will help us pay attention Hebrews 2:14 read for me he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death you know one of the beauties listen carefully one of the beauties of the New Covenant the epistles in particular is to clear their own perception about God the major assignment of the epistles is to to clear every wrong impression about God you know for example if we try to take this whole teaching from Abraham's point of view you will think that it was God that wanted Isaac is that true you would think so you think God was in let me see if we can do it and it will be was if we take our idea from Moses his judgment it will be worse if we take our idea from Moses his judgment because we can use Moses his judgments scale-like something like since they kill animals so let us kill Jesus that will be was so you have to know what scale we are using in Hebrews 2:14 it is clear read for me again for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil to understand verse 14 where we read we must look at the protects the protects will help us and that is Hebrews 2:9 hebrews 2:9 pay attention now but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for this ring of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every month that he by the grace of God he if your Bibles men I will circle it and look for a colored pencil that he by the carries of God that he by the breast the courage of God what is carries God's gift carries is God's gift God's undeserving gift a merited gift so Jesus does that death as a gift of God Jesus tested death by the grace of God the word casts the word test is useful in times it means he will experience death G normal means to experience for all what is on behalf of for example Hebrew 6:45 says they that have tasted of the heavenly gift so Jesus experienced death as the grace of God not as the demand of God as the grace of God not as the demand of God what is Grace the love of God grace is the expression of God's love so again we are back to why we have sin love again so he experienced that as the grace of God not as a sacrifice we are God needed the death not as a sacrifice we are God neither the dead but us the gift of God so he tested or experienced death for every man so vast 9 will help us to know verse 14 question who had the power of death doctor me George who had the power of death the word power there is not exuse yeah the word power there is Kratos grottoes which means Dominion so again who had the Dominion the crotteaus of death Satan that word GLaDOS is unutilized power unutilized sorry is utilized power sorry the what kratos is utilized power something you are using the word had he had the Kratos had is the word echo is he his book it means to hold on to it it's not that is you're right it's just that you're holding on to it or you know it's like it's like your pen is not my right is your pen but you just allowed me to hold on to it so I'm holding on to your pen not because you give me is your right not my right but somehow somehow you allow me to hold on to it so I'm holding on to it for you you didn't give me but somehow somehow in the course of discussion I took it from you and you allowed because you could have held it back Satan Hart didn't say God gave him and it is a man living but he had the power of death obviously from man seeing death by sin sin by man so if Satan had the power of death obviously he must have gotten it from man who is in charge of sin and desires so Satan was holding it he had it he had it why was he giving it man allowed him to have it so he had on to eat Satan held on to it so now when he says Jesus destroyed him that had the word destroyed is a Greek okata Jew it means he inaud he neutralized he rendered it useless and no same word use in first Corinthians 15 26 - and no to destroy him such a roundup tonight are you blast a lot of thinking good for you so who has the power of death the power of death will be the cooperation it will be a cooperation of man would Satan okay that is the power of death a compression of man and Satan but who is the active user Satan so whoever has the power of death is that person that will have Jesus died whoever has that power of death is the person that will have Jesus died because God didn't have the power of death God didn't have it so who has the power of death again know from the scripture we read now stick to the scripture who has about that again Satan so who use that power on Jesus Satan how does that evolve from seeing seen from uncontrollable desire uncontrollable desire from desire desire from man so death is a cooperation between man and the devil that is why honey dad couldn't take Jesus the I was not seen in him he was tempted in all points yet without sin and where there is machine dead cannot rain so since dad couldn't take Jesus but that has taken man Jesus now say I learn my life so since that cannot carry me I carry myself and a hand over to dead I feel like I'm preaching here nobody took it from me I myself I lay it down so I know how are you still in the building if your understanding shot I hear I hear [Applause] because that has no such control over Jesus so you have to lay down we cannot find death in the Father what we can find in the father is life hey ba ba ba so God could not have wanted death God could not have desire death God could not have demanded death and God does not use that how only life in God John 526 what is in the father mine own a garage okay what is in the father no death in the father as the father hath life in himself so I see given to the son to have life in self-support father and jesus what do they have life so God could whom have been asking for death God is absolute life and no point with the father be responsible for death in the song because he doesn't have it the father does not require a debt my god does he orchestrated like that does he tolerate that God is our lights God is our life all light all life not death in him he is not light and darkness don't mind Isaiah Isaiah is confused tomorrow who would take care of Isaiah I firm light i firm darkness I create evil I create good hide a lot Isaiah you know Isaiah was a confused prophet because in the same Isaiah he will bring the law of Moses then he will bring the grace of Christ in the same book when he's talking to them he was said to them woe to you woe to you woe to you woe to you then when he wants to talk about evidently sacrifice he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities but when he wants to talk to them you call them whoa see Isaiah God is all light God is our life no darkness in God no variableness no shadow of Tony God don't mind the Calvinists don't mind the Calvinists who talk about the other side of God one of my songs was telling me this morning I pastor was tell him that God has another sight those are confused people any man of God reaching the other side of God he himself is a dangerous person to be around when you see God as another side what you are accusing God of is mental agitation it means God as a shadow of Tony it means you can't trust God because we are thinking it will come from this side it will come from the other side that both the preacher and his mind two of them are mentally agitated God is light and in him there is no darkness every good and every pass a gift cometh from above from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning he says I am the Lord I change it Jesus the same yesterday today and forever if he was good yesterday he is good today he will be good forever if he is life yesterday he is life today there will be life forever if he was like yesterday he is light today there will be light forever if you stand up I shout amen shining the mists of darkness there is no darkness in God I like you to shout it like you know what you're talking about says that in our God is total light God is absolute lights there is no darkness in God listen to me ladies and gentlemen God does not have hidden agenda God does not have hidden agenda so done don't tread with care don't come to God with here because you don't know what is behind this mind let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help I am Anna who is feeling what I'm feeling here no death in God no darkness in God only life only lights and only goodness only life only light only goodness for the rest of your life I want you to make up your mind as you are about to say this amen to the next statement I want to say I want you to make up your mind and I just say the Amen loud or not say anything at all for the rest of your life only good life and light , to you nor disaster will befall you know who will come near your house no Tara will come near your dwelling you are bless you can never be cost you are kept by the power of God you are far from oppression now we performed against you shall prosper know what the enemy will prevail over you learn in life sickness disease disaster by the authority of Jesus in your life wherever you are found if we will not prosper if you're a man is louder will destroy the work of darkness we destroy the evil of this world with the italic setups with this man to satanic arrangements assure and I will collect under every tongue shall rise against you in judgment we condemn the tongue no Mon Cala charge against Gaza let's it is Christ that died and yeah he's ready from the day I sure will come Lokhande manifest your parrot manifest your authority we are dairy system around your life i commander stop stop stop financial storm stop merit a storm stop he'll stop stop peace be scale your pocket be healed your might be restored look of your hands are blessed thrive in your place of work if your hand is not oppressive manifestation by chrish receive manifestation by grace if you believe it is done let that women come on a note a final letter go ahead and celebrate it [Applause] is that tell you we'll send up rich I process higher value tonight with my two eyes upon darkness will hear you forever when we walk in the lights even as he is in the light or house of Jacob come and let us walk in the light for he that walketh in the light has no occasion of stumbling the entrance of his rod give that light the word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my there are many days of your life you are darkness will never have the connection it is dun-dun-duh a man a man give him some more praise for 30 seconds [Music] [Music] yosef units are not here I know you're enjoying on social media but you can't compare to what's going on here [Applause] Nando Lucia Gary the gable bubala things are shifting for you things are falling in place every misbehavior is behaving miracles Oliver desires zaga Nevada get a good offer unless Allah the Word of God tonight let's honor Christ less oh no his finished walk let's all know the grace of God in this building thank you Lord Jesus those of you watching on Facebook YouTube platforms Instagram all our campuses this is not the kind of world you hear and just walk away get a good awfulness oh no what crisis made available to us through the word of His grace father we pray for everybody giving tonight in this building on social media in our campuses every offering brought before you tonight we bring you from hearts hearts that has theodor hearts that are generous and hearts that are full of gratitude and i declare that all of these offerings rise before you a sweet smell but the ones in this building and our campuses on social medias your people I give him tonight that this offerings Rises sweet smell before you tonight in Jesus precious name and every believer says that a man or a note of finality hey guys listen was signing you guys off you don't want to miss tomorrow at 6 p.m. GMT +1 and I observed a number of you have been sharing the videos all over social media let's create a buzz on social media share the videos do your own watch parties you watch party watch party everybody create watch party all over let the whole would be full of watch parties everywhere the whole of tomorrow throughout the day just create a bars let's draw men into this light did you hear what I said let's draw men we're into this light let's get it out there let's get it everywhere on the mountaintop in the valley let the whole world know that what Jesus died for was not wasted that there are people out there that most enjoy the fullness of his finish walk we love you guys we look forward to connecting with all of you our campuses we'll leave you in the hands of our coordinators enjoy grace let's celebrate viewers around the world hit it last two eras we celebrate [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,363
Rating: 4.7971015 out of 5
Id: 8fgoM2fRj5A
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Length: 79min 11sec (4751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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