Christine Caine Passion Update _ Equip & Empower : Lost And Found ( Feb 20, 2018 ) TBN

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beautiful cathedrals and churches many standards reminders of revivals of the past or pinnacles of movements now forgotten but the church was never meant to become an ancient relic the church was meant to be a constant living thriving move of God changing lives and setting the captives free it's time to get back to being the church we were meant to be I'm Christine Caine and I have a personal mission to equip and empower people just like you to connect with your god-given purpose and potential I'm so glad you're joining us today let's dive right in [Music] you know guys's solos Nick and I absolutely love to travel and so because of all of our work with a21 we get to be in Europe frequently and one of the amazing things is all the huge cathedrals in Europe and now when they built a building to house God they kind of knew how to build it I mean the domes are humongous you walk in and the whole intention of a cathedral is that you feel small like we are and God is huge like he is so we were in Florence as suffering for Jesus and so I went in and there was this huge Cathedral and I remember we were walking around and there was a staircase leading to the top of the dome where you could overlook the whole city and so you had to pay five euros to go in and climb this staircase I said to Nick you know let's go so we went up and there were these tiny little winding stairs I mean you're exhausted you did all your step count on you watch for the whole year and she kind of went up those stairs and we got to the top and I remember when I got to the top I looked around and I just saw there was dozens and dozens of people everywhere and they were all taking photos it was obviously the number one tourist attraction in the city this was the place where in the city it said your best view of the whole of Florence is from the top of this Cathedral now when we've been walking around the bottom it was stunning to me because the the whole church itself probably in its heyday would have sat about 6,000 people I mean it was a huge sanctuary the artwork on the walls was literally priceless some of the most beautiful works of arts of in Christendom absolutely stunning and then here we are at the top and now there's this huge dome there's this beautiful city and what you've got is dozens of people with their camera out taking pictures of what is now the top tourist attraction in Florence and I remember as I stood there I just started to cry and Nick kind of looked at me and he knows like I'm not overly hormonal you know so that's like a little bit odd and he said Christine what's wrong and I said Nick cannot believe this he said what do you what do you mean I said there were people here taking photos this is the number one tourist attraction in the city we paid five euros to get to the top of this steeple I said downstairs is a sanctuary that seats about six thousand people there's artwork that is priceless on the wall do you think the people that gave to the building of this church were giving to something that would become in a few hundred years the number one tourist attraction in the city do you think when they were giving to the building program when they were putting the artwork on the walls when they built a century do you think they were building it so that people would come to faith in Christ so that marriages would be restored so that bodies would be healed so that people would be developed in their faith do you think they were giving to that oh they were saying I'm going to give to build a church so that a couple of hundred years from now it's going to become the biggest tourist attraction in all of the city and I thought what was once built as a huge Cathedral to testify to the greatness of God right there in the middle of the city where church should be right smack bang in the middle of the city a place of light a place of hope has now become a dead empty monument a tourist attraction to what God once did and I remember saying to Nick you know I come from a church whose worship music you know is the Sun all around the world how do I know that 200 years from now people are not going to come to Sydney Australia and line up around our beautiful church building which is a modern-day Cathedral and they're not going to pay five euros to give will they'll pay five dollars if it's Australia too to walk into a building that has now become a museum to what God did where people say I'll remember at that church where they used to line up around the building remember that was the church where they made all this music that got sung all around the world I said in the same way that we have given to building programs so that the gospel of Jesus Christ can go around the world that's what these people did and I realized right then I felt the Holy Spirit say to me Christine says what happens when the church stops being the church and the church starts doing church when we bureaucratized when we creedal eyes when we institutionalize our christianity when we make our christianity more about rules and regulations and form and ritual rather than being in the world as the salt and the light of christ rather than being christians we start doing christianity and i am while everyone's taking photos i don't know what they must have thought about me but i am crying and I'm saying to the Lord Lord let that not be our testimony let that not be our legacy in our generation let us be a generation that is the church not that we go and do church that it's being followers of Jesus Christ in a lost in a broken world that we carry the light and the grace and the mercy and the truth and the justice and the love and the compassion of Christ into a lost in a broken world and we do not reduce our Christianity to a bunch of rules and regulations because once something becomes ritualistic once something just becomes built on rules what you can do and what you can't do then you lose all of your passion for your faith I mean I have two daughters a 15 year old and an eleven year old I remember when they were little the surest way to get my little girl to do something I didn't want her to do was to tell her not to do it it's like you have this this huge button this big red button and if all all the time I would say to Sofia don't push the red button don't touch the red button don't do it you know what is she gonna do like anyone what I'm gonna and I think a lot of times we've reduced our Christianity to don't do this and do this and here's ten rules and here's five rules and so people like you know what there's no passion there's no zeal and as I travel around the world and truly for the last three decades of my life people say what do you do I do laps of the globe and so I literally do taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every continent on Earth and I realized we're in some places like Asia and South America and regions of Africa where the gospel is spreading like fire and then I go into other parts of the Western world where you go where is the passion where is the zeal people are just kind of like you know I'm a boring I'm a Christian I'm socially dysfunctional I'm beige I have no personality and I've had a lobotomy and I'm a Christian and so you've got to go where is the passionate I'm Greek so I'm very passionate we all know that is like I wake up out of you know it out of my sleep like this my poor husband I go to bed like this people like go Christine tone it down I go I am this is me in a coma and so I try so you know Greeks are just highly passionate and it's just the way that we are but I think what has hit a lot of the church and maybe some of you watching this right now is what I call a a passion deficiency syndrome somewhere along the line you used to be on fire for God you used to have a passion for the things of God but life happens discouragement happens disappointment happens disillusionment happens and I think sometimes we get hurt sometimes we just get weary and we get tired and we've lost our passion now passion is an essential ingredient for our Christian faith now do you notice when Mel Gibson made the movie The Passion of the Christ he did not call it the boring religious obligation of the Christ he got the Passion of the Christ and you know we how many people saw the passion that's right all of us and we're all so moved and you're like you have to brace yourself to watch it because it is just so painful when you realize what Jesus did for us and after that movie was released maybe it was about two or three weeks later I was speaking at a church in Baton Rouge Louisiana and we went to lunch with the pastors after this happened and so after the service and I remember turning up and I'm not normally starstruck but as we sat down to lunch I looked across the restaurant and Jim Caviezel was sitting across the restaurant now this was just a few after the movie sir I was already highly emotive and I I was so in all extremely inappropriately loudly I yelled at Nick I went oh my one Nick there's Jesus okay now Nick sort of grabbed me it started striking and said sweetheart you would think you might know the difference okay that's a no-no that's Jesus The Passion of the Christ that's Jesus and the man that was next to me was so embarrassed he said Christine I know him and the person that's with him would you like to meet him I was like in or I get up and I'm like I'm going to meet Jesus I'm going to meet Jesus and so we get to him they take me to the table and I'm standing and he was sitting and we were the same height and so he looks at me and and my friend said to him he didn't tell him what he did he just said you know Jim this is my friend Christine and she's from Australia and he just looked at me and all I could see was his eyes and I'm thinking there's eyes they were in the movie and they must have used filters because your eyes are just awesome anyway so this is happening and he started to to preach the gospel to me and he started talking to me about Jesus and his death and his resurrection and his Redemption I mean he was so passionate I did not have the heart to tell him I was a Christian and I had already decided 15 minutes into this thing if he was gonna ask me to pray the sinner's prayer on my knees I was going to pray passion there's a lot to be said about passion where you are what you do and who you know they can all be a part of the Divine Plan God has for your life and in her brand-new series Lost and Found Christine Caine reveals how to reawaken your passion for the power filled purpose God has given specifically to you the world is desperate for answers and God doesn't want you to spiritually sleep until the rapture his desire is for you to go in power and baldness and make disciples of all nations those were his last words while on this earth and through Christine's i opening messages you are going to discover why so in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN we want to send you your very own copy of Christine Cain's empowering series Lost and Found you're going to bless others through CBN as you reawaken the passion for your god-given purpose and help save a lost world call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG / lost-and-found to share your gift and request your very own copy of lost and found [Music] and the final thing that Jesus Christ said to us before he ascended into heaven out of Matthew 28:18 and 20 he said therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am with you always to the very end of the age it is astounding to me that Matthew's last recorded words of Jesus before Jesus ascended into heaven were these were last words are very important if someone's doing a last will and testament it's very important the last thing someone says to you before they go it's very important the last thing you say to your kids before they go off to school or whichever whatever it is your your spouse you know before they go off to it's very important because it's the last thing that you remember and I think a lot of us have lost our passion when it comes to the things of God is because we have no longer made Jesus's last commandment our first priority and the day that we actually get back to understand the last thing Jesus asked us to do it was not putting a boring religious obligation on us if it is that important that Matthew listed it as the very last thing that Jesus that it was worth Jesus taking a pit stop on earth before he went to heaven after he ascended from the dead to say to us go into all the world and make disciples perhaps that would be our primary purpose as Christians and I wonder if as Christians we've gotten away from our primary purpose and when you get away from your primary purpose you get away from your primary passion because passion fuels your purpose and I think so many of us out there trying to discover who our true selves is I want to be my best self and yet we're not even taking the Great Commission into the equation we're not bringing it into the equation and yet this commandment from Jesus was so important he didn't just come to deliver it to the navy seal elite Christians that's just for the Chris Cain's that's just for the joy - that's just for those people that are anointed no no no he said to all of us as followers of Jesus Christ that after he was crucified on the cross after he was separated from the father and died for three days rose again from the dead instead of bypassing everything and going straight to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father he took a pit-stop here on earth he walked amongst us and the final thing he said he said this is so important I'm coming back from the dead and on the way back to my father in heaven I'm going to tell you that I need you to go into all the world and to make disciples baptizing people in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and somewhere along the line we have said this is just for the elite Navy SEALs of the Christian Church this is just for the evangelists this is not for every believer but this mandate is given to every believer and the purpose of our series together over the next couple of weeks is that we are going to talk about what it is to make Jesus's last command the church's first priority how we can go from no longer just doing church to actually being the church we get back on track with the purpose that Jesus has left us here on earth and then you will find fulfillment you will find joy you will find strength and I think you will regain your passion some of you and watching this and you're sitting in your lounge room wondering why why am I not passionate about the things of God it's because you've gotten away from your primary purpose and when you're away from your primary purpose then you forego the passion that we are created to live with you know it is amazing when you're passionate what you will be able to do because you do what you want out of passion but you do what you have to when it's an obligation and for many of us our Christianity is an obligation we just have to go through the motion hi ho hi ho it's off to church I go and I go to my little church and I listen to my little sermonette and I do my little pirouette and then I just go home it and so the point is that Jesus wants our Christian life to be way more than listen to a little sermon and just attending church once a week and just kind of going I've done my obligation he wants us to be the church not to do church but to be the church and to take this great gospel this great news of Jesus Christ into our lost and a broken world you'll do anything I remember when I met my husband now my husband is the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet Earth he's pretty awesome sorry girls he's taken but he is quite amazing well we met at Bible School now we were the same age but Nick went to Bible School after me and I was asked to go and do a relief lecture in the evangelism course this one day and at our Bible College at the time now you know I was born when the dinosaurs were around so this is now 23 years ago at our Bible school there was a rule that students could not date each other but there was no rule about students and teachers and so when I went in to teach my husband says this he fell in love with the teacher and so I walked in and I started doing a lecture on community-based evangelism and reaching the last and Nick decided then and there that he needed to have further consultation with the teacher because he wanted to learn all of a sudden much more information about community-based evangelism and so he made all of these appointments to come and see it see me well anyway the appointments eventually led to coffee and coffee eventually led to lunch and lunch you know here we are 21 years later married and two girls so it's worth taking your teacher out is what I'm trying to say and so in the in the midst of all of that I remember during one of those early dates Nick found out from my best friend Kylie that I swam at our local swimming pool every morning at 6 o'clock in the morning now I had been doing this for a solid year never once in that solid year had I ever seen Nick down at the pool but then all of a sudden after that class I would go to our local pool and there is Nick already doing laps up and down the pool before I got there so after about a week he accidentally on purpose came into my lane as I was swimming up the leg and as I came in he bumped into me and I went on you know Nick what are you doing here and he kind of got very very defensive he's like what do you mean what am I doing here I'm always here at six o'clock in the morning I love swimming at six o'clock in the morning it's my favorite fitness exercise well all I want to say to you is I have now been married to Nick for over 21 years so you could do the math 21 times 365 plus one extra day every leap year okay so we've been married for a lot of days I want you to know that never once not ever not once not one morning in all of those days in 21 years has my husband ever got up at 6 o'clock in the morning to go swimming in any swimming pool so what is my point my point is you do what you want from passion no one has to make you get up at 6:00 in the morning no one has to make you get up and read your Bible no one has to make you stay morally pure no one has to make you obey the Word of God no one has to make you go to church no one has to make you tithe no one has to make you be kind no one has to make you be generous no one has to make you be merciful no one has to make you be forgiving knowing no one has to make you be loving no one has to make you be gracious what we've done is we've turned our Christianity into something we have to make you I have to do this because I'm Christian and Jesus is saying if you would get the Passion of Christ back on the inside of you then you no longer would have to be a Christian you get to be a follower of Jesus Christ and there is a big difference between how to and get to and when you get to do something it becomes a joy it becomes a natural outflowing of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you and there is too much have to in our Christianity there is too much works based in our Christianity where I have to be good and I have to follow the Bible but passion is the fuel that keeps us going that the Greek word is enthusiasm and fails in God and you know what when we are in God filled with the Holy Spirit of God what is in us will flow out of us we have a dark world we have a desperate world there is so much chaos there is so much terror there is so much crime and violence and heartache there is so much torment and fear in the world around us this is the time for the church to stop doing church and the time for the church to be the church this is a time for us to step up and into a lost and a broken world and with a spirit of joy and with an enthusiasm that is enthused and infused with the Holy Spirit of God we are to go ye into all the world and to make disciples and what is in us will come out of us if the Holy Spirit is residing on the inside of us then the fruit of the Spirit his love his joy his peace his kindness his goodness his long-suffering his self-control is what flows out of us into a lost and a broken world and then you change everything from I just have to be a good nerdy Christian to I get to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a follower of Jesus God does not want us as Christians to get saved and then just hang on until the rapture I really don't know what I'm gonna do hurry up Jesus I need the rapture he wants us he came that we might have life and life more abundant God loves the world God loves what he created and he has called us as followers of Jesus to be stewards of the world we are saved and called to go and to make disciples so that means we have to have God's heartbeat for a lost and a broken world I've called this lost and found because I think in many ways that some of us have a lost our passion and we're about to find it in Christ some of us have lost our purpose and we're about to find it in Christ some of us are lost because we're not even in relationship with Christ and we're about to be found in him and by him and find our purpose through him in a lost and a broken world I want you to know our world is cray-cray I don't know if you've noticed that our world is cray-cray but just because everyone around you is going cray cray doesn't mean you have when you and I understand our purpose and we are fueled with the passion of Christ for a lost in a broken world we're going to stop running from the world and we're going to run to the world and we're going to bring the life and the hope and the love and the grace and the mercy and the truth and the forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ into a lost and a broken world he is the one you are looking for he has found you even if you have yet not been found by him hang on keep joining us because I know that you are going to find life and hope and truth and answers and purpose and passion in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ in Jesus name Amen amen and amen hey there I'm Christine came and I am so excited you tuned in today I believe God has so much in store for your life he is good he does good and he desires to work all things in your life for your good he has an awesome plan for your life and I am so grateful you are connected with this ministry and with your gift today I'm going to send you my newest teaching series that I believe is going to have a profound impact on your life don't wait call or go online now and your gift will not only get you this resource but also bless others through TBN god bless you where you are what you do and who you know they can all be a part of the Divine Plan God has for your life and in her brand-new series Lost and Found Christine Kane reveals how to reawaken your passion for the power filled purpose God has given specifically to you the world is desperate for answers and God doesn't want you to spiritually sleep until the rapture his desire is for you to go in power and in boldness and make disciples of all nations those were his last words while on this earth and through Christine's i opening messages you are going to discover why so in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN we want to send you your very own copy of Christine Cain's empowering series Lost and Found you're going to bless others through CBN as you reawaken the passion for your god-given purpose and help save a lost world call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG slash lost and found and searched until you found it maybe you even asked your friends family or a neighbor to help you look that's the way God feels about lost people he longs to see them come home to be found and he won't stop until each and every one is I'm Christine Cain and I have a personal mission to equip and empower people just like you to connect with your god-given purpose and potential I'm so glad you're joining us today let's dive right in [Music] I am so excited to be back and talking about really what is the essence of my ministry and life which is the whole subject of being lost and found and being passionate about our relationship with Jesus Christ and taking the good news of Jesus Christ into a lost and a broken world now what does it mean to love the lost what does it mean to be a lost ologist christine that's not even in the dictionary my goal is at the end of this series we might put that in the dictionary but I think there is a you know there is a a study of the lost in Luke chapter 15 and that whole world the ology Suffolk's it's derived from the Greek word and it means the study of a specialty in and I want us to be specialists in understanding the lost so that we can reach the lost we are called to reach this world with the love of Christ and I don't know that we've ever been in a more urgent hour and I think because of the advent of the internet and I think the fact that social media we have access to world news immediately that through one scroll of of Twitter you're in every continent of the world and every natural disaster every great tragedy every terrorist attack I mean those things would have taken sometimes weeks or months to get to us they're there in an instant and it's almost like we've become so desensitized because we don't know what to do because we were never created to be able to understand and filter that kind of tragedy and information in such a short span of time and so I think what has happened to our hearts is we've lost our passion not because we've wanted to but because in order to survive you just kind of tried to numb yourself just to get through your own life and it's my intention and my prayer in my heart that the Holy Spirit infuses these messages so that we take a passion for the lost into our workplaces into our communities into our schools into our home so Luke 15 I think is the lost ology chapter in the Bible so if you would turn with me there the Bible says in Luke 15 chapter 1 now the tax actors and sinners were all drawing near to him and the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled saying this man receives sinners and eats with them I love Jesus because he really didn't care what anybody thought he's like you know what we're just going to go there so he told them this parable what man of you having a hundred sheep if he has lost one of them does not have the ninety-nine in the open does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the one that is lost until he finds it and when he has found it he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing and when he comes home he calls together his friends and neighbors saying to them rejoice with me for I have found my sheep that was lost just so I tell you there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance I mean let's just pause there more joy in heaven when was the last time you heard a sermon about more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than ninety-nine that need no repentance and God is obsessed with the lost it gets better and then we go on in verse eight or what woman having ten silver coins if she loses one coin does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it and when she has found it she calls together her friends and neighbors saying rejoice with me for I have found the coin that I had lost just so I tell you there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents I mean this is how it's important it is to God this is how much joy there is in heaven sometimes we think if if I'm just a good little Christian err and listen to my sermon err and do my little pirouette God's going to be happy and God says yeah I'm happy but I'm even more happy when one person repents it gets even better I'm telling you people to think the Bible is boring don't read it okay so and he said there was a man who had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the of property that is coming to me and he divided his property between them not many days later the youngest son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country and there he squandered his property in reckless living and when he had spent everything a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in need so he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country who sent him into his fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate and no one gave him anything but when he came to himself there's something about coming to yourself but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread but I perish here with hunger I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you I am no longer worthy to be called your son treat me as one of your hired servants and he arose and came to his father but while he was still a long way off his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him and his son said to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you I am no longer worthy to be called your son but the father said to his servants bring quickly the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son was sorry for yes for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to celebrate so we see that God rejoices and the man rejoices when he finds one lost sheep when he finds and when the woman finds one last coin and when the father's lost son returns home so we see a constant thing we see one chapter of Scripture now I know for many of you I just read a lot in that chapter that's kind of more Bible than you've read all year so it's okay I've just caught you up on your Bible reading plan for the week so you say you're fine you're caught back up now but here's the deal that there's a lost sheep there's a lost coin and there's a lost son one chapter of Scripture you won't find this anywhere else in the Bible one chapter of Scripture speaking about one subject in three different ways from every single angle I'm telling you Jesus wants us to be lost ologists because he understood the lust and in this passage of Scripture he's explaining how people end up lost and he says ultimately it really doesn't matter how they end up lost the point is they're lost and I think sometimes we have missed awesome opportunities because we have ascribed to people motives that they never had we go they're just an evil sinner they're just a really horrible and they're like just caught up with life just caught up with life and then of course we have the woman with the lost coin well the coin didn't wake up and get lost by itself the woman somewhere along the line she was the one that she lost the coin she somewhere dropped the coin it wasn't the coins fault the coin didn't go and lose itself she somewhere must have been careless at some point and the coin was lost well you know we have a generation on the in the world where a lot of the generation above them that should have parented them well that should have steward the well people in positions of authority people in every sphere of life whether it's government whether it's education whether it's media it's been very careless with a generation very careless and they've ended up lost when I was lost before I was found in Christ it wasn't that I was necessarily yes of course I was born a sinner but it wasn't that I was willfully anti God people that should have looked after me were careless with me and I ended up far from God you know I have a 15 year old daughter and an 11 year old daughter when I look at what comes out on social media or on the internet and what messages this generation is being bombarded with people are being careless with young women people are being careless with the body image of it you're telling them you are not good enough unless you are this skinny unless you are this beautiful and you have this kind of work done to your physical body no one's ever going to love you you are not going to be good enough you're not thin enough you're not smart enough you're not educated enough and a lot of people you're watching this on the other side of the screen and people have been careless with you people have told you that you're not good enough a teacher has said that you are dumb you are stupid that you're never going to amount to anything and you've believed the lie from the enemy you have believed the careless words from a teacher that said you won't make it perhaps a parent that said they wish you were never born that you were just a mistake that you were just an accident somewhere along the line the enemy has gotten into your mind and you believe the lie of the abuser the abuser that says you are worth nothing the abuser that lied to you and said if you say anything that bad things are going to happen to you and you have believed the lie that you are worthless that you are hopeless that you are useless you've believed the lie that because you have made mistakes in your own life you can never recover from them you've believed the lie that your failure is final someone was careless in the lie that they whispered to you you've allowed that lie to identify you and you have been limited and constrained in your life because you believe the lie of the enemy and God brought me right here onto your screen right now to break the curse of that lie over your life in the name of Jesus Christ and to let you know that God loves you and what happened to you is not because there was something wrong with you it was because we live in a broken and a fallen world people are flawed people are broken people are hurting and hurting people hurt people the people that abuse me in their own life they had so much pain and so much tragedy and it's not for a long time I believed you know when I first started being abused I thought what was happening to me was wrong but over time I started to think there's something wrong with me that's why it's happening and that mantra became the mantra of my life there's something wrong with me there's something wrong with me but just like in this parable the coin was lost because someone was careless with the coin not because the coin intentionally got lost you have found yourself far from God not because of you but because of something that was done to you someone was careless with you and I'm here today to tell you that you can stop running from God you can come back to God Jesus loves you and has a plan purpose and destiny for your life and he can wipe away the mess of that past he can give you a brand new start and a hope for the future I am living proof today that you could start that and you can finish good in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ that's what God does in your life where you are what you do and who you know they can all be a part of the Divine Plan God has for your life and in her brand-new series Lost and Found Christine Kane reveals how to reawaken your passion for the power filled purpose God has given specifically to you the world is desperate for answers and God doesn't want you to spiritually sleep until the rapture his desire is for you to go in power and in boldness and make disciples of all nations those were his last words while on this earth and through Christine's i opening messages you are going to discover why so in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN we want to send you your very own copy of Christine Cain's empowering series Lost and Found you're going to bless others through CBN as you reawaken the passion for your god-given purpose and help save a lost world call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG / lost-and-found to share your gift and request your very own copy of lost and found [Music] some people are lost and they act broken because they are broken because someone was really careless with their life and sometimes we look at them and we just judge and go well they're just a drug addict well they're just acting out well they're just you know living in morally well they're just you know addicted to this substance or they're just not committed to anything and what we do because we've lost our passion and our compassion to understand that somewhere along the line someone was careless with their life and they ended up lost and I think rather than judging and blaming we need to cross the street and go and embrace and love and do exactly what this woman did she turned that house upside down until she found that coin and I think when Jesus said I want you to go into all the world and make disciples this is what he's talking about he says how about we just stopped judging everyone at work and everyone at college and everyone at school and our neighbors because they live differently to us or because they might believe differently to us and how about we have the compassion and the passion of Christ begin to build bridges and start to understand that's what a lost ologist is it says I'm going to understand wow there's probably something fueling that behavior there's probably something that may have happened to you or some lie that you believe somewhere along the line and someone was careless with what they taught you someone was careless in the way that they raised you someone was careless in the Friendship Circle that they were hanging out with and then once you start to understand then it helps you to love and it helps you to be full of grace and full of mercy and full of truth and full of goodness and we need Christians to be good in a very dark world and I'm not talking about being good about behavior modification I'm talking about the goodness of God into a lust in a broken world or goodness comes from God God is good scripture says and God does good and God works all things together for good but a lot of our world does not know that God's good because often we can be so legalistic so judgmental so critical so apathetic or so indifferent they think that's what God is like and so what we need to do is be like this woman that says I am going to turn my house upside down and I'm gonna find this coin I am gonna understand that you know what we live in a really really broken world and people have been careless and especially you know I don't want to get on a soapbox but I really do I think a lot of the lies that come to this generation through the media and often through the Education Department gets into the thinking of young people and it's like we who should be protectors of their hearts and their minds have been careless with them and many parents have abdicated their responsibility of raising their children and we've left the television and the Internet raise our kids rather than speaking the truth of the word of God and if we do not speak the truth of the word of God they won't know about the love or the grace of God they won't know what their identity is supposed to be in Christ and they're going to forge their identity from the media they're going to forge their identity from Facebook or snapchat or Instagram or Twitter or they're going to forge their identity from the latest magazine or the latest pop star or the latest sports star and we don't even look at what kind of lifestyle they're living and because we're being careless so what we need to do is stop being careless step into the gap rise up and be the men and women of God that we've been called to be to talk about the truth of God and the love of God and the grace of God and help a generation to understand that their great-grandfather was not a cockroach but they were created in the image of God filled with god-given purpose god-given destiny God loves them God has a plan for their life and when they get on track with their god-given destiny and purpose then they're going to rise up and be all that God's called them to be and they're going to do all the cards call them to do in their life that is what we need to do and then of course there's the story of the lost son and a lot of us we have a lot of difficulty with this because we think is well well Christine what do you mean I'm supposed to love those people that just go off and squander everything they knew better Christine they were in church they did the Bible reading plan they went to all of the youth camps and then all of a sudden they just started to turn away and live their own life they just wanted to live an immoral life or they just decided that they weren't going to live for Jesus anymore well what do you mean we should be loving to them as well well I think what happened in this story is I think that the son simply miscalculated he assumed that our life without the father would be better than a life with the father and I think a lot of times and this is for some parents that are watching this right now your children and you have been in deep heartache because your children have gone off track at whatever age that might be and they're living far from God and you're thinking what did I do wrong Lord your word says that if you raise a child up in the way they should go when they are older they will not depart from it I want to speak to you and say don't give up right now the Hound of heaven he is chasing them down God loves our kids even more than we love our kids if that is possible and sometimes rather than judging them and trying to punish them and ostracize them and you come in this house because you've got this kind of lifestyle and I'm not going to talk to you because you're and we judge them we push them away rather than understanding that they've miscalculated and they will come to themselves you see I love that scripture it says that when he's in the pit now the father didn't go running to the pit and go I'm gonna sit in the pit with you and we're gonna have a pity party together right here in the pit and I'm gonna condone your lifestyle and it's all no I'm not talking about that I want you to understand this we do not throw out the truth in the name of love but we have to get better at speaking the truth in love and so if they have not yet come to themselves it doesn't mean we change our theology to accommodate certain lifestyles that's not what I'm talking about but I am saying that we continue to believe God and we have an open door policy that says man I am loving you I'm not going to jump in that pit with you you've chosen the pit I'm not getting in that pit but boy I am gonna love you and be grace-filled and merciful and when you are ready to come home when you have come to yourself oh you're gonna have the finest robe and you're gonna have the best ring and we're gonna have the fatted calf and there's not gonna be judgment and there's not going to be condemnation and I'm not gonna keep you locked up and I'm not gonna keep reminding you of your past and I'm not gonna keep speaking about all the things you did wrong because this is how people their passion because you cannot go forward looking through a rear-vision mirror and some of us especially if we're women we have an unbelievable ability to remind everyone of what they did 24 years ago where they were standing when they did it and what they were wearing when they did it and especially if it's our husband but what we have to understand is Jesus is saying from this look look I'm a lost ologist and I want you to love and understand the lost and whether it's a lost sheep that was just preoccupied understand that a lot of our world is broken because they're just trying to make it they're not like big bad sinners evil and you know we objectify people we other people and we keep them at a distance rather than loving them understanding man they're just preoccupied okay how how can I reach them with the love and the grace of Jesus Christ rather than understanding that man someone was careless with that person's life and that's why their thinking is so skewed or their life is so skewed because we were careless and how can I begin to care how can I begin to love how can I begin to build a bridge to the gospel of Jesus or you know what maybe they just miscalculated at this point they've lost their mind they think being away from Jesus is going to be better than being with Jesus how do I keep a branch open but without jumping in the pit with them I'm not going to change my theology or try to make the Bible say something it doesn't say just to make people comfortable no I do not want to throw out the truth in love I want to learn how to speak the truth in love with grace and mercy I love what the Bible says in John 3:17 for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him I think it's so important that we as Christians stop giving God a bad rap God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world and therefore we shouldn't judge or condemn what we need to do is to love with the grace of God but understanding that we stand for truth and we stand for justice and we stand for mercy but God loved the world for God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ into the world God is a lost ologist he understands the lost better than us and I think for a long time the church has not understood the lost at all we've run away from them we're scared of them or we've misunderstood them or we've judged them or we've objectified them we've done everything but love them and so we have to understand that God is not angry with you God is not mad at you he is mad about you there is no greater love that anyone can have them to lied lay down his life for a friend that's how crazy about you Jesus is I don't know where you've been I don't know what you've done and you might be watching this today going man how could God love somebody like me Chris you've got no idea the kind of stuff that I've done in my life the kind of places that I've been the things that I've done and you're right you know I've got no idea what you've done but let me tell you something 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ died on a cross rose again from the dead so that you and I could have forgiveness for our past a brand-new start today not just one day when you go to heaven but today and a hope for the future and if you surrender your life to the lordship of Jesus Christ you can receive the love and the grace and the mercy and the forgiveness of God and get on track with your god-given purpose and your god-given destiny God loves you he's got a planned purpose and destiny for your life and there's nothing that you've done that is too big to separate you from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus simply open up your heart to Jesus today receive his luck receive His grace receive his mercy and you can have a brand new start in Jesus name Amen hey there I'm Christine Kane and I am so excited you tuned in today I believe God has so much in store for your life he is good he does good and he desires to work all things in your life for your good he has an awesome plan for your life and I am so grateful you are connected with this ministry and with your gift today I'm going to send you my newest teaching series that I believe is going to have a profound impact on your life don't wait call or go online now and your gift will not only get you this resource but also bless others through TBN god bless you where you are what you do and who you know they can all be a part of the Divine Plan God has for your life and in her brand-new series Lost and Found Christine Kane reveals how to reawaken your passion for the power filled purpose God has given specifically to you the world is desperate for answers and God doesn't want you to spiritually sleep until the rapture his desire is for you to go in power and in boldness and make disciples of all nations those were his last words while on this earth and through Christine's i opening messages you are going to discover why so in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN we want to send you your very own copy of Christine Cain's empowering series Lost and Found you're going to bless others through CBN as you reawaken the passion for your god-given purpose and help save a lost world call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG / lost-and-found to share your gift and request your very own copy of lost and found [Music]
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 6,898
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine sermon, christine caine tbn, christine caine shame, christine caine hillsong la, christine caine's testimony, christine caine strong, christine caine finish strong, christine caine anxiety, christine caine prayer, christine caine 2018, christine caine press on
Id: yJmFtO1QgQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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