Christine Caine: Finding Revival in Chaos | Better Together TV

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i think the lord is using this period uh to make sure that each and every one of us have an opportunity to be able to stir up that gift of faith a hunger for him again a hunger for his presence again a hunger for his power again and i think we don't want to miss the opportunity i mean during this whole kind of 2020 i said to my children just last week i said covert 19 sickness disease pain loss grief is not going to be the banner over our home in 2020. the banner over our home is jesus and revival that we are going to have our first love all over again that god has given us an opportunity to be able to uh be home to be rested taking some things out of our schedule that um and distractions and travel delays and you know all of those things are taken out because when you can't travel you know you're not going to be delayed at the airport and so things that used to take hours of my life no longer take hours of my life anymore and so i've got one of two choices i can either sit and murmur grumble and complain and think about man i thought 2020 was going to look like this and i thought but i decided from day one i said i think i said it once i'm better together i want to get an a-plus in this season when we come through and so i started then in i'm going to go for walks and you know where wherever we are if maybe walk around the block if you live near an ocean walk around an ocean if you live near a park walk through a park but i remember i started with me psalm 85 where the psalmist says revive us again o lord and i started right then back in march i'm like lord this is going to be my revive me again i've been walking with jesus for 31 years i never wanted to be a professional preacher or a professional teacher i wanted to be someone that is a fully devoted lover of jesus christ and so i got to tell you you know we're coming into the second half of the year um there is more fire in here than there was uh in march and some people go chris is it possible because we thought you were going to implode anyway because you're like a walking revival wherever you go i'm going oh no nothing compared to where nothing compared to where i am now because um i've made a decision and you can't pump this stuff up you have to allow the holy spirit to do a deep work in you all revivals are preceded with repentance and i think i've had an opportunity to look at my own life to ask the holy spirit examine me start with me create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me show me where things i've had other distractions show me perhaps where other things or people have become idols in my life unintentionally show me where i had a plan that wasn't your purpose and god's kindness leads us to repentance it's so beautiful it's not like this condemnation judgment it's like chris let's get rid of this so there's more room for me and i'm telling you that revival that starts in me i am ready to take this fire around the world it's just unbelievable what's happening in the world today and it's like god is calling his people his his his children the kingdom of god to rise up declare who he is prophesy to these dead bones like you said lisa he assessed the dry bones and god said what do you see what do you see right now speak to it and i love that opportunity because it is an opportunity it's a gift for us to speak life into our homes to speak life over our children to speak life over our our our jobs our provisions our everything that god has given us in our hands to speak life into it chris and i think that's so vital today no it has to be because that's the defining uh factor that we create the world with the words that we speak and i think because of social media and the media if you listen to the wrong voices you're going to think about the wrong things you're going to end up saying things that we need to not be saying in this season i always say because the world is going cray-cray does not mean we have to go crazy we can stay but we have to be able to hear the word of the lord and you know scripture says uh be still and know that i am god now listen the whole earth has been stilled for like the last six months but not everyone knows that he is god this is going to define whether we can hear the voice of the lord whether we know the voice of the lord and then the scripture says those that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength you know we'll mount up on wings like eagles we will run and not grow weary we will walk and not faint so this is a season of stillness and waiting but what you do in your stillness and your waiting season will determine whether you have your own revival and where the revival comes out of you now if you're being still but wasting that stillness or you're wasting that way waiting isn't like sitting in a room you know in a yoga position arming our way way i'm waiting for god i'm like no no no no it's like a a waiter at a restaurant is saying you know can i take your order well would you yeah now i'm doing my little yoga pose but that's like um you know what would you like and i think this is a time where we have to seek the face of god you know you you can't by god you can't manipulate god you can't twist god's arm but you can seek him and those that seek him will find him and i i just want to tell somebody in our audience right now that you're feeling in a dark place you're feeling dry you're feeling barren you're feeling like you have just had loss and grief but i want to remind you that our god is faithful and he is our very present help in our time of need jesus has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and if we can find his presence which is all around us in us in this season you will find you actually have access to everything you need to get through this season and like isaiah says we can run and not grow weary in 2020 we can walk and not faint in 2020 we can mount up on wings like eagles in 2020 and we can soar above the fray my family nick and i we have said this over our family over our ministry over our children since this started and by the grace of god here we are in the second half of the year yes there's been challenges yes it's been difficult yes there's been some heartache and loss but we are running by god's grace and not growing weary we are walking and not fainting and i think that is a great testimony that is a sign of revival in the midst of it that the world looks at us and goes hang on a minute why when everyone's going cray-cray you're still peaceful why do you still have joy why do you still have love why are you being kind when all the world on social media is really mean why are you being good in a bad world why do you have self-control when the world is spiraling out of control so part of revival in this season is that we have the power to exhibit the fruit of the spirit and that is the power of god working through our lives in the midst of a cray-cray season so i think that even during this dark and challenging time i think actually this is our opportunity alex to to shine the light of christ even brighter than ever hi everybody i hope you enjoyed this video subscribe today and you'll never miss a new upload thanks for being a part of our better together community
Channel: Better Together TV
Views: 5,040
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine testimony, christine caine anointing and gifting, christine caine sermons, christine caine, spiritual awakening, revival, chaos, christine caine passion 2019, christine caine passion 2020, christine caine dr anita phillips, christine caine body language, christine caine elevation church, christine caine unashamed, better together, better together tv, better together tv full episodes, laurie crouch, tbn, BTTVTBN, B2T8, B2E3T8, T8E3R7, L5C2, 2020, women's ministry, hope, seek
Id: 9uqTwwDxwmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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