Christine Caine Passion Update _ The Broken Pieces ( Jan 12, 2018 )

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ah kick hell I just quite like that's myself but that's alright that was like made for people I mean you okay I'm just having a nice chat with your worship team y'all okay this is a two o'clock I'm not preaching again until what time Oh perfect we got four hours okay so perfect don't tell your pastor he's in Uganda that's okay so turn with me to the book of Mark chapter chapter six this is a trick preachers dream Church man you just start preaching Sunday morning and you don't stop until Sunday night so Knicks hoping by the time I get home I would have used up all my words does anyone think that's going to happen no I'm with you don't worry I'm gonna read quite a lot of Scripture I keep sort of vacillating how much of what to read but we're going to pick it up at verse 30 and read through to verse 52 this will be more Bible than most of you have read all week but that's okay so we'll go to mark chapter 6 verse 30 the Bible says the Apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught then because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat he said to them come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest so understand he's already been having Jesus and the disciples have been having meetings they haven't even had a chance to eat and they're going to a solitary place to get a little bit of rest a little bit of refreshment it goes on in verse 32 so they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place but many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them when Jesus landed and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd so he began teaching them many things they still haven't eaten no in and out anywhere in sight do you have in and out here in LA I try to tell people we got a green card that I live in LA but then we actually live in Orange County and every one of your services has told me that Orange County is not la is that right in fact you all got a little bit of an attitude that I would dare say that I am from LA because I'm from Orange County but I'm just saying it's like you Americans all think we go to Outback to eat and where we do you like or that we're all like the Crocodile Hunter and apparently you are the ones that think that God bless your Americans and it goes on and it says that when Jesus landed he saw a large crowd he had compassion on them so he began teaching them by this time it was late in the day we've had a very long day of not eating so his disciples came to him this is a remote place they're reminding him and it's already very late send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat but jesus answered but he answered them you give them something to eat every one see me you give them something we're in a remote place I know it's La so it was probably some sort of vegan organic alternative kind of they're looking for something some freshly squeezed juice and any type of manner of freshly ingredients one could smoke so it goes on and he says and look at some of you are laughing okay he says it's like did you just say that in church this is the two o'clock you wait till I get to the six o'clock tonight so he says there's a remote place it's already very late send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and then jesus said to him now you give him something to eat then they said to Jesus I kind of think of man this guy's got a long time without food he doesn't know what he's saying pastas going into delirium he's not quite sure what he's on about so they said to him that would take eight months of a man's wages are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat and Jesus turns around he says how many loaves do you have he asked go and see go and see when they found out they said five and to fish it's five thousand people five thousand men in a remote place and they've got between all of these people five slices of bread and two fish then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups in the on the green grass so they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke the loaves then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people he also divided the to fish among them or they all ate and they were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish the number of the men who had eaten was five thousand immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to Bethsaida while he dismissed the crowd after leaving them he went up to a mountainside to pray when evening came the boat was in the middle of the lake and he was alone on land he saw the disciples straining at the oars because the wind was against them about the fourth watch of the night he went out to them walking on the lake he was about to pass by them but when they saw him walking on the lake they thought he was a ghost they cried out because they all saw him and were terrified immediately he spoke to them and said take courage it is I don't be afraid then he climbed into the boat with them and the wind died down they were completely amazed for they had not understood about the loaves their hearts were hardened a lot of Scripture talking here specifically about two great miracles that Jesus performed one is a miracle that maybe even if you haven't been involved in church life you might be familiar with a little boy had a pack lunch five slices of bread two fish and that lunch was to feed 5,000 and then in the next parable there's a little bit of a break and then we get into the next story that Jesus we find out that Jesus does another miracle he walks on water and he ends up in the boat of the disciples but verse 52 actually connects both miracles so it's very important not to look at them separately but to look at them together because after Jesus had done something so profound in the first miracle we get to the end of the second miracle we realize that the disciples never got what the first miracle is about you could be in church life for years you can be around the things of God for years you can go from miracle to miracle and never actually get what the whole deal is about and never walk in the blessing of the miracle because you never understood the one that did the miracle in the first place and all the power that comes to you through Jesus doing a miracle now the deal is most of us live between miracles that's where we live that's called normal everyday life the place between the sensational things that God does now here we go and these guys have been hungry has already been teaching they go to try to avoid the crowds because they need a little bit of rest but the crowds go and it's quite interesting to me that Jesus did not have a Twitter account he didn't have a Facebook account there was no CNN there was no Inga's or you know Entertainment Tonight or whatever you caught there was no nothing there was just Jesus and no microphone on a mountain but apparently there was something so compelling so magnetic so attraction all about this man the thousands thousands came to listen to him and not only did they come to listen but they came beyond the place of being naturally exhausted and naturally hungry they didn't care I mean nowadays if we go three minutes over service everyone's thinking about lunch but these guys didn't care about lunch they were just listening and then the disciples though they cared about lunch because sometimes you can be so familiar with the anointing and so familiar with the man of God then you're like here we go again we already didn't eat the Last Crusade we had now we're having another crusade and we're still not eating I mean seriously Jesus it's good but not that good so we need some food so they say to him look we got an idea why don't we send them all out before all the in an ounce clothes let's send them out so they can get the last meal of the day but Jesus turns to them like he does whenever he's about ready to get to do a miracle he stops and he says what have you got and they're thinking what do you mean what have I got to be able to do this we're gonna need eight months of wages but Jesus cares no I want to know what you have go and see what you have because what you don't realize is the ingredients for a miracle are in your midst you're looking for me to do something but I can't do it yet because I need the ingredients to do it and you have what I need so you'll always start with what have you got but normally what we got what we have are the things that we discount do you notice the scripture tells us that only five thousand men were counted well the truth is there was more than just five thousand men because it says besides women and children in that day and age they didn't count the women and children and I am a woman and I was a child so I would have liked to have been counted but the fact is they did not do that and so it says besides the women and children there were 5000 men when God's about ready to do a miracle I've discovered more often than not he will use the ones that nobody else counts and the ones that everyone else is discounted to provide the ingredients with a miracle that will count God as always looking for the ones that are discounted for the ones that don't count for the ones that everyone else do you might have coming to church today and you might have had a week where people have discounted you you feel nullified you feel like you've got nothing to contribute you know good enough you're talented enough you know eloquent enough you're not connected enough you're not resourced enough all you look at is your lack or you look at is what you don't have enough of but the good news today is God takes those that don't count and makes them count when he's ready to do a miracle and do something supernatural in your life it's just what God does it's what God has always done he's looking and imagine his mother winners packing that lunch that day she's just packing a lunch when I pack lunch for my kids school you never know in the mundane seemingly boring insignificant job that you're doing that you're packing the ingredients for a miracle she was packing a little lunch that was going to go into eternal recorded history you and I so often devalue our normal everyday life and the things we think are not important and the things we think don't matter but if you actually consecrated them to God you would be stunned how much of our normal mundane everyday life actually counts for a lot if it's done with great love so you're little insignificant apparently contribution doesn't matter it does matter we've got a big building program ahead of us as a church so often you can devalue your small little contribution thinking it really doesn't matter imagine if the woman that morning thought you know what he'll be home just soon after lunch she didn't know what the day was going to hold why bother packing him a lunch what's two little fish and five slices of bread what difference is that really going to make imagine if the disciples thought what's the point of bringing this these loaves in these fish before Jesus that's all we've got it's not going to do much there is no way that this is going to feed 15,000 people she so often we never bring to God what we need to bring to him because we discount what he counts because we don't think that it's important and so if we understood the power of the small and the what's in your hand right now we would do so much more because they brought it to Jesus and then Jesus said I need to divide them all up into groups of 50 s and a hundred I loved this little detail in the text I loved it because they were hungry and Jesus could have done the miracle any way that he wanted he could have just fed them all he could have done whatever but he said hang on a minute we need to take a little bit of time because it takes a lot of time to organize fifteen thousand people into groups of fifty and a hundred they were hungry they were thirsty they wanted to have their needs met immediately but Jesus is not driven by our need he isn't driven with the by the urgency of what we want and when we want it he has an appointed time and he puts a system and a structure and form in place so that when he's ready to do the miracle there's an infrastructure ready to facilitate the miracle that God wants to do but so many of us don't want to go through the process of coming under submission getting put into groups taking our place embracing our place so that we are poised in position for what it is that God wants to do in our lives and we're off chasing the miracle and God says I can't feed you because you're not in your group and we say I don't want to wait I want it now and so when I prepared and we confuse our what we put a due date we say God we want this by now and he says I don't have Donna dudu dates I do juice seasons and a pointer times I'll set things when I want to set them God I'll go to church and I'll stay morally pure for two weeks but you better find a guy for me and if you don't I'm gonna go to the nightclub and find my own and God's like gee I'm scared you're freaking me out wow what a threat I'm so intimidated it's amazing to me how he says no no no no you got some preparation God why has it taken so long to feed them because I need to prepare you you need to get into your groups you need to get it under authority you need to get into submission you need to begin to serve I need to prepare you for what I've already prepared for you you need to understand and miracles coming but there's order system structure and God will not bypass that and then Jesus did them currently distributed to the disciples and the disciples took it out to the people it's so amazing so for now I just want to get straight to Jesus I don't want to go through Miley I don't like how he's distributing the miracle I don't know what I don't like that disciple I don't know what it looks like I don't like what it looks like in Jesus's now could have given you the bread myself but I've chosen to use people to give it through them and your leaders and if you don't get in submission and get under Authority and take your place you're going to miss the miracle because I'm only distributing the miracle through my disciples very quiet in this Presbyterian Church and so we move on and so it goes on and then they bring it to Jesus the scripture says in taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks so how I love this Jesus always blesses what is never enough they brought him what was not enough it wasn't enough but what did he do he took the not enough and he gave thanks see we often take the not enough and we curse it it's not enough I don't like this house I don't like this apartment I don't like this job I don't like what my husband is right now I don't like where my kids are right now but if you would stop cursing and stop murmuring and grumbling and complaining and say you know what God it might not be everything that I need but I'm giving thanks for what's in my hand right now I'm giving thanks for where I am right now I'm thanking you for what's going on right now he always blesses what starts as never enough so rather than focusing he could have said was that all you brought five loaves and two fishes fifteen thousand people here let me tell you what I don't have I don't have fourteen thousand loaves and another five thousand fish and I don't have this and I know that's all we ever do I don't have this and I haven't got that job and haven't got that part I haven't got this and I haven't got this time and while we look at his lack and what I don't have and what isn't happening and what they're not doing and how I'm not being satisfied and Jesus says if you would learn to give thanks in all things then I will begin to bless you and multiply you and prosper you if you would learn to give thanks in everything in everything so the Bible says he took and He blessed it and then here we go the miracle is always in the breaking and he broke the loaves then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people he also divided the two fish among them all they all ate and was satisfied all of them they all ate and was satisfied so he gave thanks for what was never enough there was the blessing but the miracle is always in the breaking because when he blessed it he had five loaves of bread and two fishes but when he broke it that's when we begin to lose count that's when we don't even know what was there anymore that's when every time he just blessed and broke blessed and broke blessed and broke blessed and broke and fifteen thousand people and then some were fed because he continued to break it most people will never be blessed because they'll never allow themselves to be broken and what we try to do is avoid the breaking so God can't bless you because you think I've got it all together I'm good enough I'm talented enough I'm resourced enough and God says if you would just allow the breaking process to make you then you will be able to be a greater blessing to everybody else I don't know if you've ever been broken but I've been broken God is a good God and God does good but there is an enemy of our soul that wants to steal kill and destroy our destiny I was left in a hospital rejected unnamed and unwanted I was abused for many years and very much marginalized because of my ethnicity and gender and so there was a lot of breaking there was a lot of shame there was a lot of guilt there was a lot of condemnation there was a lot of anger there was a lot of bitterness there was a lot of forgiveness and unforgiveness I'm sorry there was a lot of brokenness and I don't know if you've ever been broken I don't know if you've ever had your heart broken I don't know if your body's ever been broken I don't know if your finances have ever been broken I don't know if you've ever your dreams have ever been broken I don't know if it's anyone else but me that has experienced brokenness but I'm telling you if you don't let it take you out God will work together for good all things and all things he will work them together for good if you love him and are called according to your purpose and we will stand like Joseph who looked at his brothers and he said you meant this for evil against me but God has worked it together for good to save many people alive and the everything that the enemy wanted to use to destroy my life with is what God is now using to save many people alive to his glory and for his grace that's what Jesus does it's in the breaking he feeds through the breaking if you will allow that to be redeemed by God to be redeemed by God there is so much so many that can be fed through those broken places that you've walked and there's an exponential growth that you can't even keep up with and I look at Jesus who rescued me he's allowing me and affording me the privilege of rescuing others and I look at what he's doing and I could be like the little boy looking at the lunch going I can't quite believe what's happening with 8:21 I am no one is more surprised than me no one with what God is doing but I feel like the little boy looking at Jesus going okay you take everything everything that was broken and you continue to bless that you continue to multiply and I'm looking at what he is doing you know some of the most amazing men and women of God that I know that God is using powerfully on the earth have been just so broken I sat last week with Joyce Meyer at hood at her birthday dinner and oh gosh every so it just gives me chills to tell you but as we're sitting around the table I'll never forget this until I die I'll never forget it she goes you know I in a larger context of a conversation but one part of that was I'm really glad that my what's happening my life has happened and she was raped by her father more than 200 times the most horrific abuse I personally have ever heard of from anyone if you take the layers off that story it's just horrific and she goes because I wouldn't be the person that I am today and who God has made me and she by the grace of God I'm just on television alone has a potential audience of more than 4 billion people every continent on the globe it globe in over 50 languages all over the earth gives tens and tens of millions of dollars of years to missions the most innovative creative missions social justice food programs on the earth today a woman that was raped more than 200 times by there should have been a statistic there should be in a mental institution or should be dead or should be addicted to anything that woman because she allowed those broken pieces to be useful his glory has been poured out as a drink offering to billions on the earth and brought healing and hope and restoration the miracle is always in the breaking you know that thing you thought would kill you that person that left you that person that offended you that person that violated you that person that hurt you when all your dreams seem shattered when you seem to lost that thing that you thought would kill you if you put it into the hands of God it could give you a life beyond your past and bring hope and healing to everyone else and you might have walked into church this afternoon and you might have thought your whole life it seems like it's coming to an end so many things have happened and you're facing such adversity and such challenge and you thinking how am I gonna make it let me tell you something honey you are here and the fact that you're still here means you've still got breath and there is still hope and let me remind you that the devil on his best day didn't take you out on your worst day you are still here you're still here there's still hope so the blessing and the miracle is always in the breaking but the power is not in the breaking the power is then the broken pieces the Bible says and the disciples picked up the twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish of broken pieces what what on earth why the fragments why the broken pieces why the fish bones why the the bread scraps why the broken pieces they picked up twelve basketfuls one for each disciple the equivalent of that but the power of the text it's not in what they ate but it's in what they had left the whole power of the bridge between the two miracles is not what Jesus did necessarily just that they ate that one off time so they were no longer hungry but it's in what was left over for the disciples to take with them because the bridge between the miracles is always what God has done in your past and the same thing that God did then the power that was involved in order to bring you this far is the same power that will take you to your destiny it's not the manifestation of the miracle it's the power behind the miracle and it's it lies in who Jesus is the only thing that will sustain you between the miracles is the broken pieces the only thing we live for experience to experience accolade to accolade limelight to limelight none of that trust me none of that will sustain you contrary to the nice little culture that we live in and the city in particular that you live in that is built on all of that which is just smokes in mirror mirror and smokes whichever way you say that but the fact of the matter is that as soon as God's done something amazing in your life immediately the test will begin immediately the Bible says they didn't sit around to celebrate well look what God did Bible says immediately Jesus put him on a boat immediately and sent them to the other side now here's the Omni City and God he knew exactly what was going to happen he knew that he was sending him into the storm because that's pretty much what life is it's full of storms because he wanted to see whether they got the point of the miracle whether he sent them into the storm with a full stomach or an empty stomach really was irrelevant they went in with a full stomach but it wasn't the full stomach he was sending them in with he was sending him in with the broken pieces because he wanted to know did they understand what he had just done because so many of us could sit in church service after church service and we can come to conference after conference and be in in church pit after church but and never really get what the whole deals about and just kind of live for the experience in the manifestation and the touch but he wants to know do you know that He is God do you know what his identity really is in this case the disciples still hadn't got a revelation that this was the Son of God he was Jesus he had done some miracles he was a prophet they were following him but most of them didn't have a clue yet that he truly was the Messiah that he truly was God incarnate and so they go the storms come and Jesus is up praying on a mountain and he can see them the Bible says that about the fourth watch of the night which is about 3:00 a.m. so he could see them and he's watching them and the Bible says he sees that you know they have been struggling with the oars because the winds coming up it's really dark it's really dangerous because the waves are crashing who knows where the moonlight was but they're freaking out and they're wondering what is going on why are they out in the middle of a storm going from one place to another and I'm imagining what Jesus would be like as is praying and looks over and he knew that they were in trouble he knew that there was a huge distance between him and them and he knew that they had a challenge and Jesus always does he knows when you've got challenges he knows when you've got obstacles he knows when you've got hurdles he knows when you want to give up he knows when we've got no strength left he just knows and he's watching them and there's a gap between where he is on the land the Bible says there's a gap there's a distance gap between the land and the middle of the lake there's a danger gap between the land in the middle of the lake there's a darkness gap between the land in the middle of the lake and so often when you're feeling isolated and you're feeling alone and you're feeling in the midst of it it seems like it's really dark and you're wondering where God is this seems to be a great distance between you and God this seems to be a whole lot of danger and you're wondering how is God going to find me in the midst of this turmoil how is God going to find me but you know the thing that I've discovered after 23 years of following Jesus is that when he's getting ready to come to you honey he's not gonna go and hire a boat because he begins to walk on the stuff that you think is about to drown you he begins to walk above that water he begins to walk above those circumstances and he says I'm coming to get you and just when you think you're going to be pulled under and drowned by the obstacles and the hurdles and the challenges and the storms he says I'm walking right on top of that and I'm coming to you but you've got to recognize that it's me so that I can get in your boat cause the Bible says he came and almost passed them by because they didn't know who he was they thought it was a ghost and oftentimes the storms that we go into they're not to take us out or to destroy us but they're there to reveal an aspect of Christ that we'd never known before and he'll often come in the midst of those storms in a form that we don't recognize and we are fearing our very Savior that will bring healing and restoration to our lives because he doesn't come packaged how we think he should so he comes on the water and he waits because he'll wait until he's invited into your boat before he can steal your storm you've got to ask him in and they didn't recognize him and they were fearful and then when he spoke the Bible says teaches us that my sheep know my voice are they knew the voice so he gets in the boat and he gets in there with them and it's pretty interesting because when he invites them in this is what it says immediately he spoke to that he said take care judges I don't be afraid then he climbed into the boat with them and the wind died down they were completely amazed for they had not understood let me make sure that I'm just because I want to jump in from this to that for they had not understood about the loaves their hearts were hardened so when Jesus got into the boat he was not disappointed because they had been scared of the storm he was disappointed the Bible says because their hearts have been hardened and they didn't understand the miracle of the broken pieces they didn't understand the miracle that had just happened however many hours before six or seven or eight hours before in fact I like it in the King James it says for they had they considered not the miracle of the loaves they considered it not I think a lot of us in church life consider not the miracle the loaves that we get into this and he's thinking you didn't get what this whole thing was about it wasn't about a full stomach or the manifestation of a miracle I sent you into the boat with the fragments of the miracle I had just done ice brought me in there with you because when the storm came when the obstacles come I want you to look down and I want you to see the fragments and the broken pieces of what I'd done in your past because I want you to remember the same God that did that he's able to deal with this whatever God did back then God is able to do now because it's not about the miracle that I did see a lot of us we get good with now we get comfortable with now we don't want to take any risks now we don't have a heart attack if Jesus turned up in the storm as well because we wouldn't recognize it because we become so confident in our own gifts our own talents our own provision and what we do and we've forgotten the fragments we've forgotten the broken pieces we've forgotten that what got us here is not our gift it's not our talent it's not our ability it's not how connected we are it's not who we know it's all about Jesus the same God that did that is the same God that will do this the same God that brought you through that is the same God that will bring you through this it's all in the fragments it's all about the fragments he says it's all about that it was never you anyway you I broke the bread I divided it up I multiplied it I just used you and got it through you to everyone else what made you think it was you just because God uses it this in the miracle doesn't mean we are any more capable of doing the miracle than we were when we started when God first did what he did with 8:21 through us you know what I don't need to be freaking out of it oh no you know God but what about the next one the next three in the next four it says miraculous for the next five as it was for the first one I had no clue then I have no more ability now I've just got to remember he's the one blessing and he's the one breaking I just gotta go get it through my hands get it through my hands God and you'll keep building what you want to build I don't want my confidence to be coming my gift my talent or my ability or what Awards we get or how many traffic is going to jail I want my confidence to be what it started on it started on Jesus I tell you what when I'm facing a storm in my future I'm not looking at where I am now I'm not saying my confidences in my ability to speak or where I'm invited or what God has built or what God has done my confidence is in the fact is when I was nobody when nobody knew me when I was a broken abused unnamed unwanted go God found me he came in and he put his hand on my life and he mocked me and he raised me up and that same God that did that will do this that same God you take into your future what God has done for you in your past that's where your strength is not what is done now we as a church have got a building ahead of us but you know what's sitting in this building today is as miraculous as it's going to be sitting in that building tomorrow and the same God that did this is the same God that will do that if we continue to bring our loaves and fishes to him God will be able to do it if we remember that it's all about him I wanna ask you have you got anything in your boat has God brought you out of anything has God done anything for you did he did he make a way where there is no way has God delivered you through some kind of storm did he bring you out of some kind of test I don't know what he's done for you but that's your fragments that's your story that's your broken pieces that's your leftovers and that's what he wants you to look at he wants to say to you you know what I brought you this far I'm gonna be the one that's going to take you the whole way it's not about you Paul says this for I'm convinced of this very thing that he Jesus who started this awesome work of salvation in us is the one that will complete it through us we can't finish in our own strength what only God started only God started it only Jesus can finish it and what you have to do is get this confidence on the inside of you that says I am NOT going to stay confident on what is happening now a lot of us we know a lot about now we've become slick we become polished we've become connected we become resource we almost don't even need God but God says hang on a minute I need you to stay in the impossible realm I need you to stay in the miraculous realm because impossible is just when God turns up that's where he starts now what most of us don't even need God because we can do it in our own strength we can do it in our own resources we try to manage we put business plans we put everything in place and we need to be good stewards but unless we are in the realm that says it is impossible there's 15,000 people to feed and I've only got five fish how many unified pieces of bread and a couple of pieces of fish there's no way the max does not work out Jesus goes awesome now we're in the impossible realm that's where I show up you didn't need me for that you could have managed your own life you can make your own miracles happen you could open up your own doors you can make your own connections but when you get to the place where you are at the end of yourself and you can no longer do it yourself then Jesus shows up and he says I'm here to bless I'm here to break I'm here to multiply I'm here to do a miracle I will do what you could never do in your own strength it's where he starts it's where he starts this is not a natural faith it's a supernatural faith it will never make scientific rational empirical sense don't try to put him in a test-tube how can an infinite God ever make sense to a pion finite minds if you want to know what I'm really thinking I'll tell you later whatever you're going through don't leave to you gather the scraps don't leave till you pick up your basket for and remember the same God that did that is the same God that will do this if you bring it into his hands and allow him to bless and multiply the broken pieces there's no end to his multiplication there's no end to what he's able to do in and through your life if you keep putting it into his hands and don't try to manage it in your own friend I wonder if you know this God that I'm talking about in Scott of the miraculous the Scott of the abundance the Scott is that is able to take nothing and turn it into something it's what he does from the beginning of time he created something out of nothing and then he takes nobodies and makes somebody's out of them because that's what he's done from before the beginning of time I don't know what your story is I don't know what brought you into a church on Wilshire Boulevard it two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon some of you maybe you're on your way to somewhere else and just kind of ended up here don't quite know some others of you your friend lied to you said they're taking you to a club brought you here you've got a five foot nothing cheeky Yellin at you like what is this a Monty Python show my still tripping from last night you've got no idea no idea but let me tell you you're not here by accident you're here in the divine timing the divine plan and the divine purpose of God God has brought everything together to bring you into this place so that you would hear the greatest message you could ever know that he loves you that he has a plan for you and a purpose for you there's a reason you here much bigger than anything you could ever imagine if this is all there was then we'd all be toast it's sucks but there's so much more so much more and Jesus Christ took this kid that was left in a hospital that doesn't even have a a name on my birth certificate my birth certificate simply says child's name unnamed number-2 5:08 of 1966 abused for 12 years he took that check that should have been addicted to something on my second or third marriage gay or at the very least confused about my gender identity it's normally what happens to people that have been so hurt and damaged and broken Jesus Christ wiped away the mess of that past it gave me a brand new start and a hope for the future and that same Jesus is in this room today and if you would just give him the fragments of your life no matter how messed up you think it is he has this uncanny way of making a hole what is broken and making more than enough of what seemed to be never enough he laughs you friend he loves you this afternoon there are many of you that need to make your peace with God to allow Jesus to come deep into the innermost recesses of your heart and bring healing and wholeness and restoration forgiveness and transformation Christianity is not a behavior modification program it's a heart transformation program Jesus changes us from the inside out and allows us to connect with our god-given purpose and our god-given potential I want every head bowed and every eye closed wherever you are in this auditorium this afternoon and I just want to ask a very powerful but simple question friend are you living for Jesus and if you're not right here right now right we're sitting I want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put Jesus Christ first either for the very first time you've never done that and this afternoon this is your moment of destiny to step over the line and put Jesus Christ first in your life or maybe you once did that but if you're honest today you've been away from God cold in your heart maybe even back slin today you're gonna make a decision to stop running from him to come back to him to make you peace with him to put Jesus Christ first in your life and if you say Chris that's me I want you to pray for me to have a fresh start with Jesus Christ then I want to pray for you riding that seat right where you're sitting just say yes to Jesus you want a fresh start today to live your life for him and if you want me to include you in that prayer if you want to say yes Chris include me in that prayer I want to say yes to Jesus
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 18,885
Rating: 4.8364778 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine shame off you, christine caine possessing the promise, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine story, christine caine propel, christine caine passion 2014, christine caine november 2017, christine caine single and confident, christine caine healing, christine caine, christine caine tbn
Id: aF9AZ4b9p18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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