Why Posh English Gentleman Converts to Islam In 17 minutes 'LIVE'

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[Music] [Music] you were just passing and uh if i very kindly agreed to tell us a little bit about christianity because i asked you could i ask you a question about christianity uh i said are you a christian are you atheist and you said you're a christian you're all right yes yes that's right you're a christian and um and your name sorry is honest your name is ernest are you from england earnest yes london you're from london you're a londoner okay right born and brought up in london yes okay excellent that's really good that's that's excellent and uh what do you do and if you don't mind me asking for departments and work and pensions you work for the department of work and pensions which is a government department so a civil servant yes a senior civil servant a civil servant you're a civil servant working for the government at the department of work and pensions okay and you're a christian and uh what i mean muslims watching this what could you tell us about what could we learn about christianity well i believe in a god a superior being watching down and guiding us excuse me sorry yes okay so you believe in a superior being a god that's watching us okay and you believe in jesus yes okay the question really muslims want to know is what do you believe about jesus do you believe he's god or somebody sent by god somebody sent my cause okay you believe he's somebody sent by god but that's what muslims believe yep that's right we believe that jesus is somebody sent by god he is the messiah we also believe he is the word of god kalimu god says in the quran earnest and we believe after jesus god sent another prophet another messenger are you aware of that no yeah that's right and we believe that was the prophet muhammad peace be upon him oh yeah you've heard of him obviously yes okay that's like excellent and we believe that prophets of god like abraham and moses and jesus and noah david solomon muhammad were all given miracles to prove they were sent by god jesus brought the dead back to life as i'm sure christians believe yep and he healed the leper and healed the blind with god's power after jesus god sent the prophet muhammad we believe peace be upon him peace be upon jesus as well and muhammad peace be upon him was given the miracle of the quran the quran is the miracle as well as the message prophets were usually sent with messages to give to mankind uh and they were they were also given miracles like jesus was given but the miracle given to the prophet muhammad peace be upon him it also contains the message and that's the quran itself now i'm not trying to be rude to you and i hope you're not offended but if you believe he is somebody sent by god that's jesus that's really the muslim belief so from our point of view we're very happy that you're actually rather closer to islam than to christianity we would suggest i'm not sure whether you're offended by that um no similar similar beliefs yeah that's right yes we are very very similar believe so we think you're rather closer to islam than christianity because you believe jesus is somebody sent by god and if we look at the bible we think it's consistent with the bible yes so what you believe about jesus is we believe consistent with the teachings of jesus jesus can't be god we would suggest because no because what sort of christian are you by the are you are you're a church of england england of england christian okay uh that's probably the biggest denomination in britain probably yes that's right church of england anglican uh and the queen is the head of the church of england yes yes that's right started by henry viii ah i think so yeah yes yes okay it's a very it's a big religion in britain of course all over the world a protestant religion that's right now we believe that prophet muhammad was another prophet of god of the same god the god of abraham and uh and he was given the miracle of the quran and uh i'd like if you don't mind then is i'd like you to have a look at the reasons why the quran is a miracle and if you don't mind telling me what you think here there are about 14 or 15 reasons why the quran is a miracle on this leaflet there are 11 written and then the newer leaflet would have 14 15 reasons the first reason is the quran earnest is a book 1400 years old 1 400 year old book about approximately 600 years after the prophet jesus peace be upon him and it's a book that's remained unchanged in the arabic language so it's in the arabic language it's unchanged obviously you have translations of quran in different languages but in arabic language is unchanged and it's 1400 years old first reason second reason is the quran talks about a diverse number of subjects about the observable universe the quran talks about embryology i assume you know what that means that's right yes uh the quran talks about how the universe started from a singularity or a single lump the quran talks about how the universe is expanding the quran talks about how gravity works and the quran really alludes to the presence of ex-boson particles you've heard of those yes the quran talks about how mountains are constructed and the effect on the surface of the earth what we today we call plate tectonics or tectonic plates oh yeah yeah the quran talks about how the water cycle works in several places third point is the quran although it talks about diverse number of subjects it doesn't make a single scientific error in its statements it's scientifically accurate 100 obviously there are things it talks about with science cannot prove or disprove like angels or heaven or hell or day of judgment or god quran talks about those but i'm really talking about things within the universe not the metaphysical things yeah the quran is an easy book to memorize millions and millions of people have memorized the quran off by heart earnest all over the world and most of these people don't even speak arabic that's right there are about 1.8 billion muslims in the world about 400 million of them i understand speak arabic 1.4 billion don't speak arabic and that and yet many of them have memorized the quran of my heart do you find that surprising yes yes that's right and they memorize the whole quran it's the whole quran of my heart completely from right from the first letter right to the end this is one of the miracles of the quran it was given the quran was given to a man earnest a man who couldn't even read or write muhammad peace be upon him essentially a shepherd later on a merchant in his life never read anything couldn't write anything this was part of the plan and yet he came with his words which he claimed were from god he claimed they were they'd come down through the holy spirit the rohul goods or the spirit of truth which christians believe in except the difference is we believe the holy spirit or spirit of truth is a creation of god that does god's works an angel of revelation and not part of the trinity that's the difference the words of the quran have an effect of changing people's lives in a powerful positive way this book was revealed a little bit at a time earnest according to situation circumstance and time and yet it fits together beautifully uh there are no contradictions in it and god says that in the quran that that has it god says in the quran that had it came from other than god surely people would find many contradictions in it the way the arabic language has been used earnest it's unique it's powerful and it's inemitable it's the way the words have been constructed the sentences have been put together the paragraphs the chapters it's it's it is quite amazing then this leads on to god's challenge within the quran in the quran god puts forward a challenge and god says that no one can ever produce one surah that's chapter like it and the shortest surah shortest chapter is only three sentences so it's really one paragraph so god's challenge within the quran is no one can ever produce even one paragraph one surah um three sentences like the quran now that as you can imagine as i'm sure you would agree would be a very arrogant statement to make for a human being that my book is so brilliant that no one can produce anything like it we would suggest only god can say it and he has said it in the quran this book earnest has today produced the largest practice religion of 1.8 billion followers and also the fastest growing religion that's that those are 11 reasons 12th reason is the quran talks about lots of historical events that's right that happened before the prophet muhammad peace be upon him and the quran gets everything right the quran talks about things that would happen in the future prophecies and he gets everything right the quran talks about other religions judaism and christianity and he gets everything right and accurate the quran talks about diverse subjects including economics for example and a social system and a family system 1400 years ago and it's still relevant today we've got a book that would have really prevented the credit crunch because that's right because it forbids the giving and taking of interest we believe in a free market economy but we don't we don't know what we're not communists but we do believe in an interest-free banking system when you had these 14 or 15 things about the quran ernest would you agree it's a powerful book yes yes okay sorry sorry excuse me one i've got a little bit of runny nose i'm afraid it is rather cold here i do apologize yes i haven't been to china or anywhere so when you add these things earnest you'd agree it's a powerful book yes would you agree that it's a book beyond human ability to produce i don't think so yeah yes if you agree with that then really earnest you're agreeing that the quran is from god yes you agree with that yeah if you agree it's from god then really you'd have to i'm sorry but you have to accept prophet muhammad peace be upon him as a prophet of god right yeah are you prepared to do that i think so yeah then really i'm sorry to say this but really that means you're muslim right do you find that surprising yes fine well okay to confirm that you'd need i would suggest say two sentences that's what we believe the first sentence is i bear witness that means i'm sure i'm a witness nothing should be worshipped except almighty god this is the god of abraham the god of moses the god of jesus almighty or powerful without a beginning without an end all knowing all seeing all hearing no beginning no end everything has been created by him from nothingness everything is an originated thing which he created from nothingness at the beginning there was almighty god and there was nothing else whatsoever everything else has been made by him very very powerful being this is how the old testament describes him and new testament that's how jesus described him and this how the quran describes him a very very powerful being so you agree that you will only pray to this being second sentence is muslims believe you should say i would say if you don't mind is that you agree that muhammad is a prophet of god and the proof of this is the quran are you happy to say those two sentences yes then you become a muslim right thank you will you be happy with that yes good you say uh okay let me just tell you one thing before i go into that is earnest we believe that jesus is not god but somebody sent by god which is what you believe we believe that jesus is the way to god the only way to god at the time of the prophet jesus peace be upon him and if we look at the lifestyle of jesus jesus prayed by putting his head on the ground in the garden of gethsemane that's how muslims pray ladies that follow jesus all the female disciples of jesus they all used to cover their hair including the virgin mary and that's how muslim ladies dressed today jesus used to have a beard jesus was circumcised jesus used to eat kosher food and never ate pork which is what muslim eats halal food and halal food and kosher food the animals are killed in the same way jesus fasted for 40 days from dawn until dusk the same way that muslims fast in ramadan jesus says in the bible that he submits his will to the will of god and the word submission in arabic is islam the word muslim means a submitter to the will of god that's right so you can see all this points to the fact that jesus was really following we are following jesus and jesus was really teaching the muslim religion according to the bible yes that's what also jesus didn't complete his message where does the quran fit in now where did the prophet muhammad come in jesus didn't jesus didn't complete the religion because jesus says i have many this i'm quoting the bible jesus said i have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now when he the spirit of truth that's the holy spirit comes what he says won't be from himself but what he hears that's what jesus said the implication is what he hears from god and we believe these words of god have come down through the holy spirit spirit of truth to the prophet muhammad peace be upon him and these words are collected together in the quran which you've already agreed is a book that's from god so you can see it all fits together yeah you're surprised by that yeah i'm a bit yes it's good that's good so are you happy to say the words yes okay so you say uh i bear witness i bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship there is nothing worthy of worship accept almighty god accept almighty god and i bear witness and i bear witness that muhammad peace be upon him that muhammad peace be upon him is his servant and his messenger is his servant and his messenger i know in arabic you say oh by the way are you happy with the word allah for god yes that's right arab christians use the word allah for god they have no other word jesus didn't obviously speak english he spoke aramaic in the aramaic language the word for god is allah and the word allah comes from the word allah in the hebrew language which some scholars say jesus also spoke the words used for god are elohim and eloha elohim eloha or elohim sorry elohim and elohi are actually also words for god in fact they're the feminine plural versions of the word allah so it's again the same god so are you happy with the word allah for god yes okay so i would say that you say i bear witness i bear witness there is nothing worthy of my worship there is nothing worthy of my worship except allah accept allah and i bear witness and i bear witness that muhammad peace be upon him that muhammad peace be upon him is his servant and his messenger he's his servant and his messenger in arabic you say exactly the same thing it's better to say it in arabic because it was revealed in arabic you say ashhadu allah [Music] that's it congratulations you're a muslim it's a very very big thing allah has chosen you because allah says the quran no one can believe except with his permission because as a christian you had this connection with almighty god with allah already and you were a unitarian christian so you had a stronger connection with almighty god because you're following the bible the teachings of jesus and moses and abraham in the bible but now you've accepted prophet muhammad who is predicted in the bible especially the quran predicted or prophesied by the prophet jesus peace be upon him you become a true follower of jesus and moses and abraham and muhammad peace be upon him and ultimately all muslims will go into paradise it means now you've said the words earnest it means all of your sins are washed away you're like a newborn baby now oh that's right are you pleased about that yes it's rather good isn't it yeah sounds great yes it is so it's are you surprised that you became a muslim in a few minutes yes you're surprised okay do you live in you live in london obviously earnest do you actually live in this area no sorry case syracuse that's sort of south you live in south london but now here we're in north west london so why are you in this area came to get a book from smith's you came to w smith which is a bookstore to get a book and almighty god has given you the best book the quran yes sounds like a quite quite a good deal sounds great sounds great congratulations again thank you congratulations congratulations you became a muslim congratulations allah has chosen you as others favored you and the important thing is i would suggest earnest is to take things gently the important thing is um you already pray to god the important thing now is to concentrate on the prayers and we pray by putting our head on the ground as you as i mentioned earlier like jesus and moses and abraham in the bible and we pray to one god that's the most important thing praying to one god thanking him asking forgiveness asking guidance because we're getting older we don't know when our life is going to end and their life's very very short even if we live for 70 80 90 years very very short we come to an end and even the rich and famous aren't happy people no that's right as we've seen people committing suicide famous people committing suicide or attempting suicide and god says in the quran only in the remembrance of god do hearts find peace and satisfaction that's the only happiness so if we want to be truly happy we need to connect with god and you've got this connection with all muslims have and all human beings have to some extent but as a muslim got a strong connection and uh don't try and do too much concert on the prayers i would suggest and then build on that if you can try and avoid alcohol oh yeah uh i assume you drink at the moment i don't really drink a lot of alcohol not really no okay i would suggest if you don't mind me suggesting the services you've said the words you're muslim now take things gently you don't need to tell anyone or yes that's right the important thing is that it's our spirit spirit are you a spiritual person yes you are that's why allah's guided you then because islam is about spirituality and a spiritual person so you've got this connection with god anyway and you've got a stronger connection and uh if you don't mind me suggesting this take things gently uh concentrate only on the prayers don't worry too much about the rules and regulations just the prayers and the best position to pray in the prophet muhammad told us is to put our head on the ground because we're humbling ourselves to god and he told to spend more time in that position let's make more prayers in that most applications in that position more prayers in that position and and he also told us we're very very close to god and we're closest to god as we can be in this world and uh congratulations you know muslim we can look forward to paradise rivers of milk and honey and wine beautiful partners to live with no hassle no stress no depression no anxiety no panic attacks no prozac no benzodiazepines sounds good yeah that's right and there's something greater than paradise there's something greater than the things in paradise do you know what that could be it is to see the face of our creator to see the face of allah are you looking forward to that yes it would be rather good wouldn't it yes yes i think so as well so congratulations again all right earnest you came to northwest london to get a book and almighty god allah has given you the book which is the quran sounds pretty good to me congratulations again thank you thank you so much thank you you're welcome how do you feel uh quite happy good that's good that's good that's good we're very very happy as well congratulations thank you assalamu alaikum have you heard of assalamu alaikum it means peace be upon you we say to muslims so islam alaykum peace be upon you and welcome to islam welcome to a large a family of 1.8 billion people right thank you very much [Music] [Music] l [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: DawahIsEasy
Views: 57,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street Dawah, Street Preaching, Islam, Muslim, Convert, Converts, Atheists, Dawa, Dawah, Nasheed, Christian, Nude, Sex, Porn, Love, Ed Sheeran, Purpose of Life, Proof there is a God, Conversion, funny, comedy, Jesus, mufti menk, nouman ali khan, omar ali, scientist, Atheist, dr zakir naik, proof of god, popular music, merciful servant, iloveuAllah, Zayn, kygo, love songs, dr shabir ally, agnostic, GOD, Pornography, sexy, loveallah, Allah, sadness, quran, mishary al fasi, loneliness, iERA, dawah training, happy
Id: RlWyVjlwLac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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