Christ For All Nations - Daniel Kolenda

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[Music] the bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks i just want to ask you for the next 30 to 60 seconds i want you just to lift your voice and out of the overflow of your heart just begin to worship him just tell him that you love him come on open your mouth don't be ashamed lord we love you lord we worship you lord you are great and greatly to be praised lord you've been so good to us even in the midst of the storm lord even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we will fear no evil for you are with us your rod and your staff they comfort us you prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies and our cufflink runs over surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives and we will dwell in the house of the lord forever lord your goodness and mercy abounds to us lord we love you we worship you we thank you for the gift of your son thank you for the cross lord lord i pray this morning as we've gathered here together that you would speak to us lord that you would refresh us and that by the time we leave this place we will leave knowing that we have encountered your presence in a fresh in a living in a dynamic way in jesus name and everybody said amen amen come on put your hands together for jesus [Applause] before you sit i just want to say to pastor gary and i think i think all of you can agree with what i'm about to say right now we know what you're going through we know the the difficulties that that have arisen but i can tell you just talking to you this morning and the interaction that i've had with you since the very beginning of this trial in your life that your faith inspires us and listen listen hold on you know anybody can stand up here and tell you how you should live but what you have been able to see those of you that are a part of this evangel temple family what you have been able to see lived out before you is a man who lives his faith in the real world in a way that you can look up to and you can admire and may god give us all the grace to walk with the integrity and the faith that you have pastored and we know that this week is a very important week you're going in for a landmark scan and i know that pastor and all of us are praying but can we just do this together can we just stretch our hands out towards pastor gary right now and i want you just to release your faith toward him just for just for a few moments here come on just begin to pray right now don't don't hold it inside let it out let it out let it out in jesus name we speak to your body in the name of jesus we curse every cancer cell we command it to die right now that cancer will die but you will live and declare the wonders of the lord in jesus name lord i thank you for health and for life and for strength to arise in jesus name and lord i thank you that every report will line up with your word and what with what you have already spoken we declare it so lord we thank you for the full manifestation of that miracle we believe you for it oh god and we thank you in advance in the mighty name of jesus and everybody says amen amen you can be seated this morning what a joy it is to be back here with you at evangel temple this is one of my favorite churches in the world and i really really do mean that i've missed you all so much um the world was a very different place when i saw you the last time wasn't it and since that time so much has happened not only in the world but in our own lives my my dear friend and mentor evangelist ryan harbanke went to be with the lord in december which was a big a big moment for me and i know that so many of us have just in the last six to eight months our lives have been shaken in many different ways but praise god we are still standing the echo comes from heaven and we press forward in jesus name i just want to ask the worship team if they can hear me don't go very far you guys because i'm gonna call you back before you know it i'm not going to preach for a long time this morning and i'm going to say some things different from what i said in the the first service i would encourage you if you didn't get a chance to see it you're probably all getting ready but go back and watch the message from the first service i believe that it's a word from the lord for this moment but if you have your bibles open them with me to the book of first samuel i want to take my evangelist hat off for a few minutes this morning and i just want to talk to you as a brother is that okay you know there are times in life when when you need to adapt your role to the setting you know many of you that are parents your job is to instruct your children and to teach them and to lead them and to be the parent but then there are moments in your life where you've got to just take that parent hat off for a minute and be a friend you've discovered that maybe with someone who's had a they've lost a loved one or they don't need it that moment they don't need you to be a counselor they don't need you to be a great man or woman of god they just need you to be there for them and i i feel like this is one of those corporate moments in the world where we need each other the body of christ we need one another in a way that that is very visceral right now we don't just need people to preach at us we need people that will weave with those that weep and rejoice with them that rejoice and those that will walk with us that's what this thing is the ecclesia we are we are more than just a a group of spectators we are family that walks through these moments of life together in fact i would say that it's these moments that the church was made for the early church was born in a time of great upheaval and persecution and difficulty but they found in the gathering of themselves together a great strength that was supernatural and in fact the lord said to them where two or three of you come together i will literally be right there in the middle of you and i just want to encourage even those that are watching by way of social media i know that there are people watching on facebook maybe on youtube other social media outlets and it's nice to be able to sit in your pajamas at home in comfort and safety with a donut in your hand and watch church i get that but there is something very special about being here together with the family of god that cannot be replicated in any other way listen to me it cannot be replicated i don't care how good technology gets have any of you seen any of those funny like skits online about virtual reality church and have you seen that where you can like choose the outfit and the style of music and you know who knows what's coming in the future but i promise you no matter how sophisticated the technology becomes nothing will ever replace the gathering together of the saints and i don't know if you can feel it i can feel it there's something about being here isn't that true and those of you that are watching online i'm glad you've joined us but there is something about being together in the room we are drawing strength from one another the apostle paul was a prolific writer how many of you know that he wrote two-thirds of your new testament he was a master of the the media of his day which was the written word he was constantly writing to his churches all over the ancient world but he said to him to the believers i believe it was in the roman church he said i have longed to be with you listen to this i'm longing to be with you that i might impart to you a spiritual gift that will establish you you see the apostle paul who wrote scripture including two-thirds of your bible understood that there was something that he could impart in person that he could not impart any other way isn't that amazing and so i would admonish you especially those of you that are watching online do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together you say daniel it's scary out there exactly that's why you need to be here amen now we're going to be reading from the book of first samuel chapter 7. and all of that that i just said was was uh for free by the way that had nothing to do with what we're going to talk about this morning but before we get to that passage i need to just give you a little bit of context there is a fascinating technique that is used by hebrew teachers especially in antiquity that was designed to help their students retain things that they were learning in the classroom you see these teachers had had realized that if you simply state a fact most of your students will forget it right away are you listening to me see just saying things can be kind of boring and the teachers knew that and so what they did is they came up with a style it's called remez a ramez teaching style what it's designed to do is this they don't tell you what they want you to know what they do is they lead you right to the point of a revelation and then they back away and let you make the discovery for yourself because they know that if you discover it for yourself you will never forget it you will own it you it will become a part of who you are and not only did rabbis use this but many of the biblical authors themselves used this remez teaching style style and you'll notice like for example in the new testament the book of john the gospel of john is full of these little hidden easter eggs these little treasures these little nuggets they're not obvious but they're hinted at and if you pay attention you will make revelation discovery hour after revelation discovery some of you will think a little bit less of me after i tell you this but every year at easter time um we do our family i have five kids uh and four dogs by the way only one wife which is probably watching by the way sweetheart if you're watching i love you and i miss you but we do easter egg hunts and this last year we moved to a to the country and went to a little bit bigger piece of property it's not too big about a little over three acres and so you know coming from uh a neighborhood with a very small yard our easter egg hunt became just epic you know just just a lot of space to explore and we had so much fun and in fact i think the the final easter egg was only discovered in july or something it took it took months to discover it and i think that just as as hebrew teachers in the ancient world use this remez method i think actually the holy spirit uses it too because when you read the bible it's amazing even if you've been reading the bible for 50 years every day you find a new treasure every day you can find a new easter egg if you just look if you just pay attention they're all just scattered around there it's so beautiful and one of the books in the old testament that just is replete with these holy spirit easter eggs is the books of first and second samuel and so i'm just saying that i'm trying to whet your appetite a little bit you know i want you to love the bible not just on sunday morning but on monday morning and a tuesday and wednesday and thursday i want you here's a challenge for you go read the whole book of first samuel this coming week it will be one of the most enjoyable experiences it's an amazing book and so at this time in the history of israel the season is a very difficult one the nation had fallen into one of its normal cycles of depravity and idol worship they were going after asteroth and baal and they were worshiping in the groves and the high places if you know anything about the history of the old testament this was normal for israel they would serve god god would bless them they would get cocky then they would begin to go after these pagan gods the lord would hand them over to one of the hostile surrounding nations they would go into captivity they would repent god would bless them and it just kept happening over and over again and in this in first samuel as we joined the story even the priesthood the bible says had become corrupt and i know you're in chapter seven but just look at this i want to show you one of these interesting easter eggs in chapter three it says in in chapter three looking at verse one it says that the the boy samuel ministered before to the lord before eli and look at this the word of the lord was rare and precious in those days and there was no frequent or widely spread vision now look at what the next word says the next verse at that time eli whose eyesight was dimmed so that he could not see was lying down in his own place do you see the connection that there was a spiritual blindness that had settled upon the land that began from the leaders eli was physically blind but there was also a spiritual blindness that the writers wanted you to understand that it started at the top it started with the leader of the nation and that blindness had gone and filtered down to the people so that there was no widespread vision and the word of the lord was rare in those days here's what i want you to understand this is again not what i came here to talk about this morning but this is very important because when the leaders when the spiritual leaders are blind then the people that they lead will also find themselves in a famine of the word of the lord and i'm going to say something that may sound harsh it may sound unloving but i want you to know better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy that's what the book of proverbs says and and i think that one of the things that has been exposed in this season is that the church who has become very good at lots of outward shows has found ourselves wanting and the spiritual blindness of the highest places is being felt not only by the church but by the world at large what you see happening in the world right now don't blame it on bill gates don't blame it donald trump don't blame it on black lives matter don't blame it on the chinese don't blame it on bill gates they're not the ones it's our fault we are the ones that are supposed to be leading the way we are supposed to be the ones with vision we are supposed to be the ones with the word of the lord i had an interview with a group of prophets right after the pandemic started and i i was actually in asked by them to come on their program and there was a whole panel of these prophets that were going to talk about what god was saying in this season and i guess i guess prophets they don't always know about evangelists apparently because now i'm supposed to ask them questions and here was my question where were you a few months ago when we needed the word of the lord why should we listen to you now now that i i don't mean that harshly but what i do mean is to say if we are not standing in the gap when it's important why does the world care what we have to say afterwards and this is what was happening in the time of samuel the word of the lord was rare that's not corona by the way and then eli who who is who is blind he is a picture of the blindness of the nation the bible says that he has two sons hoffney and phineas the bible literally calls them worthless men what were they doing the bible says they were committing fornication within the walls of the tabernacle breaking the law of god within the house of god not only that the bible says they're stealing food out of the sacrifices that people are coming to offer to the lord and i won't get into the details but basically they're stealing from god under his nose in the tabernacle completely brazen defiance of the almighty and eli the father he doesn't restrain his sons and you see later that eli gets punished because he doesn't restrain his sons and some people may think that that's a bit harsh that god judges eli because of the sin of his sons but there are more easter eggs here because you see the bible tells us that eli was a fat man and in fact in the end he falls off his chair and breaks his neck because he's so fat why does the bible mention that he's fat why does that matter in this story because something tells me that there was a reason he wasn't holding his son's back he may not have been stealing the food himself but he was getting some on the side and it's easy to point our fingers at the ones who are committing the sins but what you have to realize is those that benefit from the sins are equally culpable i won't i won't stay there i'll keep moving so the story goes on that the philistines come up in battle against israel the philistines defeat them the israelites regroup they're confused they're supposed to be the chosen ones god's people but now they've been defeated by these pagans and here come hoffley and phineas those two worthless men but by the way they're also the preachers they're the men of god how often have we seen this just because someone is called a preacher or a pastor or an evangelist or a man of god doesn't mean that they deserve that title so here's hoffley and phineas and they they suddenly have become spiritual now they say we've got an idea for you let us go and get the ark of the covenant and bring it out ahead of us into the battle thinking that they could live the way that they had been living but then when they need god's help he's just going to show up for them they can use him like a good luck charm and abuse him and throw him away when they're finished and god isn't having it they take that arc of the covenant they go out into the battle and guess what they're defeated in battle the ark of the covenant is stolen and hopefully and phineas die these are dark dark days in israel the bible tells us something it's all the way back in chapter two you probably wouldn't have even noticed verse 26 a little glimmer of hope it says but samuel was growing see even when things are at their darkest god is working god has his men god has his women he is never thwarted he is never confused he is never caught on the back foot my friend listen to me this whole thing may have caught us by surprise but our father was not caught by surprise and i want you to know something that he was preparing for this since before the foundation of the world and there are things that have been growing that you don't even know about yet that they're about to come to fruition now in this season and when we look back we're going to realize that the saying the scripture was true that he causes all things to work together for the good of them who love him and are called according to his purpose you cannot fail when you love jesus you cannot fail when you prioritize the kingdom of heaven let me just encourage you if you're in a season where things are looking bad for you financially one thing you better not do don't stop giving don't stop prioritizing the kingdom of god because he's got an answer for you when this whole thing happened our ministry we had to cut back we had to cut back on salaries we had to cut back on all you know all the expenses but there's one thing i told my accountants i said one thing you better not cut and that is our giving we're going to keep giving to the people that that the lord has asked us to give to because that is the key to the breakthrough and the blessing god has those answers and so here we come now to samuel chapter 7. samuel now it's 20 years later he's grown up during that whole dark season where israel was conquered by philistia samuel was growing and growing and now the time has come for god to display his power and so here is what happens chapter seven and we're going to begin with verse number three and samuel spoke to the house of israel saying if you will return to the lord with all of your hearts then put away your foreign gods the ashtaroth the female deities from among you and direct your hearts to the lord and serve him only and he will deliver you out of the hand of the philistines so the israelites put away the baals and the ashtaroth and served the lord only i tell you there is coming a cleaning to the house of god there is coming a cleaning to the house of god it's not that we're going to be better in the end just because that's how it goes but i believe god is sweeping out his house he is you know we talked about cleaning the swamp the swamps we talk about judgment begins in the house of god that means you clean the swamp in the house of god first now samuel said gather all israel to mizpah and i will pray to the lord for you so they gathered at misplan they drew water and poured it out before the lord and fasted on that day and said and said there we have sinned against the lord and samuel judged the israelites at mizpah if you would judge yourself then you would not be judged now when the philistines by the way i hope you understand this i'm trying so hard to keep going and not to get sidetracked every five seconds there's so much that's so beautiful here when the philistines heard that the israelites had gathered at mizpah the lords of the philistines went up against israel and when the israelites heard of it they were afraid of the philistines and the israelites said to samuel do not cease to cry out to god for us that he may save us from the hand of the philistines so samuel took a suckling lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering to the lord and samuel cried to the lord for israel and the lord answered him imagine this scene israel gathered there on the on the top of the hill they're repenting they're praying is samuel's judging them they're crying out to the lord he's offering sacrifices and the philistines hear that israel is gathered there and they begin to ride out in their war bands to go subjugate those israelites again and make sure they know who is boss and there they are in the distance they're riding closer they can hear the sound of the hooves they can see the dust kicked up by the horses the israelites know that the philistines are getting closer and closer and closer and they say to samuel samuel don't stop keep praying keep offering that sacrifice don't stop and the lord heard samuel isn't that amazing that may be the greatest line in this whole passage the lord heard the cries of his people verse 10 is samuel was offering up the burn offering the philistines drew near to attack israel but the lord thundered with a great voice that day against the philistines and threw them into a great confusion and they were defeated before israel and the men of israel went out for mizpah and pursued the philistines suddenly the hunters had become the hunted suddenly the abusers had become the victims suddenly the pursuers had become the pursued as god turned the tables on israel's enemies and israel instead of being the underdogs instead of being the the whipped cowards hiding in the corner they became the conquerors chasing down their oppressors slaying them to the last man and they smote them as far as below beth carr then samuel took a stone here's where i wanted to get this morning samuel took a stone and said it between mizpah and shen and he called the name of it ebenezer or stone of help saying hitherto hath the lord helped us samuel would then judge the children of israel he would be the priest in the place of eli and the sons it was the beginning of a glorious era in the history of israel but right there at the beginning samuel does something really beautiful he says to the children of israel this great victory has just been wrought he said before we go gather some stones and begin to pile them up there and the children of israel begin to take these stones and begin to pile them up they create they build this monument to the lord and they call it ebenezer which means a stone of remembrance and they erect this monument right next to the road between mizpah and shen the road that goes to shiloh where the people would worship every year and why did he do this because samuel wanted to make sure that future generations remembered what had happened in that place and so decades later a family would be on their way to shiloh to worship the lord it was a a yearly ritual and as they approached as they got closer a son a boy would look over into the field that they were walking past and see this big pile of rocks and he would tug on his father's tunic and he would say dad what is that and the father would say son let me tell you a story and the rest of the journey would be filled with stories of exploits long ago of big fat eli and his two naughty boys and how the ark of the covenant was taken and the stories of the the two the tumors and the rats that were made all these things if you know the story it's fantastic stories and they would remember what the lord had done how the lord had delivered them how the lord had brought about a great victory and the whole family's hearts would be turned to the lord you know there's so much power in remembering what god has done and i think especially in these days i know i know that many of you have been going through a season of just difficulty you've been walking through a valley but don't forget what the lord has done for you this is one of the places where we draw our courage and when we find our strength when we remember his goodness and his faithfulness in deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 15 the lord said you will remember that you were a slave in the land of egypt and the lord god brought you out of there with a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm don't forget what he did for you in fact the lord said through moses he told the children of israel watch out deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 9 watch out be careful to never forget what you yourself have seen do not let these memories escape from your minds as long as you live and be sure to pass them on to your children and your grandchildren listen instead of telling your grandkids about how horrible it is instead of talking to your children about how how bad things are in the world right now begin to tell them stories of the times that god has been so good to you of the ways that he's delivered you the times he's provided for you encourage them to remember what the lord has done but why do we remember what is the purpose of remembering you see that ebenezer that stone of remembrance on the side of the road was not just there to remind the children of israel what god had done for them that was part of it but there was a greater purpose because you see when they learned and when they remembered and in future generations were taught what god had done for their parents and their grandparents and their great grandparents long long ago it stood as a monument and a reminder that if god would help them in that place then he will also help you where you are right now and sometime long in the future many many years after samuel and eli and hoffy and phineas were dead and many generations had gone by future generations would still look at that monument and they would remember what god had done and whatever situation they were in if they had been conquered by foreign armies if they were suffering in famines or in plagues they would look at that stone and they would say hitherto hath the lord helped us and they were remembered to return to the lord and to put their trust into him if he was faithful to us then he will be faithful to us now brothers and sisters listen to me if he was faithful to you before corona he will be faithful to you during corona and he will be faithful to you after corona the same god that delivered you before is gonna deliver you now and he's gonna deliver you in the future the same god that blessed you before is gonna bless you now he's gonna bless you in the future the same god that forgave you before we'll forgive you now he will forgive you in the future he was god before coronavirus he is god during coronavirus he will be god after coronavirus because his word is true it never changes he is the same yesterday today forever his promises are yes and amen in christ jesus come on say amen he's a good god he is a good god lord we remember this morning i was just thinking you know pastor your mother was in a accident this morning i don't know if you know this but the last time that i was here with my family we were in an accident did you know that it was a glorious service i remember my oldest son elijah he was mightily touched by the lord in fact we carried him out of the building unconscious put him in the the the passenger seat of the vehicle brand new vehicle by the way i had it for about a week we drove to the hotel got our belongings getting ready to go home pulling out of the downtown area a driver in a jeep going probably 70 miles an hour blew a red light came through the intersection and slammed into the passenger side vehicle of the vehicle full blast that he never touched his brakes never even saw us right where my son was still raptured in the glory of god still unconscious weeping sitting there in the side suddenly that door and no other door smash all the airbags deployed the whole vehicle tipped over on the side can i tell you not one of us had a scratch [Music] [Applause] i tell you i really believe pastor i believe the devil was trying to take my boy out because he knows when god i'll tell you something the devil is so much smarter than us sometimes he knows when god's got a hold of somebody's life and he's always been into abortion let me tell you something abortion is not new the devil's always tried to abort the purposes of god when jesus was born he killed all the two the the the children under two remember that when moses came into the world they killed all the children god the devil loves to try to abort the purposes of god but he failed he failed in jesus name and pastor i want to say over you that this season that you're in right now is going to be an ebenezer for this church because the plan of the devil is going to fail and all that he has done is erected a glo a monument to the glory of god that will be remembered by this house for generations to come in jesus name hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh things that we could recount and recall and remember oh my friends i could tell you stories for days of the things that i have seen of the miracles do you know that i've seen people literally rise from the dead you know i've seen every imaginable miracle body parts healed recreated blind eyes open deaf ears open i've seen it all i remember the goodness of god i remember the lord's provision i remember one day early in ministry i was a pastor i just planted a church and i we had a car a very kind of old vehicle we were driving down the road actually i was coming coming or going to the church one of the two and suddenly the car broke down on the way i pulled off to the side of the road it wouldn't even turn over anymore i think it had thrown a rod or something it was just completely totaled and i'm standing there i remember this moment i'm standing there on the side of the road traffic flying by me florida heat just causing the sweat to drip i had to take my jacket off and i'm standing there in the ditch on the side of the road and i'm just saying god what what now what will i do and with god as my witness my phone rings i answer the phone and somebody on the other end says daniel the lord just spoke to me i'm going to buy you a car. i remember another time in bible school coming down to the end of the semester i had to make a deposit on the next semester and i needed two thousand dollars in order to be able to go back i had to pay before the weekend was over i went and looked at my bank account and there was two hundred dollars in the bank account now listen two thousand dollars isn't a whole lot of money unless all you've got is 200. then it's a mountain it's an impossible need and so i went to my room i began to pray i said lord your word promises that you'd meet all of our needs you'd supply our needs according to your riches and glory in christ jesus and the lord speaks to my heart as i'm sitting there kneeling you see sometimes the lord will tell you he'll show you the what the secret is to the breakthrough in your own situation sometimes we say lord will you do this for me and he says first i need you to do something so the lord speaks to me and this is what he said if what you have in your hand will not meet your need it cannot be your harvest it must be your seed suddenly i realized i needed two thousand dollars i had two hundred i had the tithe of the amount that i needed see the bible says that he gives seed to the sower well you thought that meant he'd give seed after the harvest why why would he do that that doesn't make any sense no he gives you the seed before the harvest and he gives you the choice will you eat it or will you plant it and so i said lord okay i understand what you're saying but where do i plant it i'm praying and as i'm praying in my room a knock at the door i answer the door and it's one of my friends there from bible school he's weeping he said i just wanted to say goodbye i'm leaving i'm going home i said why what's wrong he said i was supposed to put a deposit down in the dorm rooms today and i don't have the money and he said i'm not going to be able to come back next year so i'm just going to go home now i said how much money do you need he said well the deposit is 300 and i only have 100. i said my friend i think i have the other 200 for you i wrote a check i gave it to him he went away rejoicing and i got back down on my knees and i said well lord almost facetiously i said now there's plenty of room in my bank account and later that day i had to go to the library to check my email back in those days you know i didn't didn't have a laptop and i went to the public library to check my email in those days and so i pulled up my email account there's an email from my father and this is what it said a family friend who by the way i hadn't seen for many years just sent a letter to us in the mail it's a check for you for two thousand dollars for your school bills unsolicited i don't even know how he knew listen i could tell you stories not all of them have been that dramatic sometimes the lord let me wait to the very last second but i can tell you one thing he's always come through he's always been good he's always been faithful he's always been true he's never let us down yet even the times we thought he let us down we discovered in the end he'd actually saved us a world of heartache and hurt because he's so good to us my friend don't forget the goodness of god in the difficult times courage yourself in the lord can the worship team come back i would be completely missing the mark if i didn't mention the greatest ebenezer of all time because you see 2 000 years ago god built his own ebenezer it wasn't a monument made out of rocks it was a monument made of flesh and blood a bleeding man hung on a cross and in fact you know we have these communion elements i'd like for the ushers just to go and pass these communion elements out all over the place oh jesus in the book of first corinthians chapter 11. paul gives us instructions about the lord's supper and i want you to listen to what he says here it's amazing he says in verse 23 for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread listen to this did you hear what he just said did you hear what he just said he said then the night where this happened where the lord cut this covenant with us the bread and the wine the body and the blood of the lord jesus it was the same night he was betrayed paul is careful to mention that because you see what he wants you to realize is that this wasn't jesus best day on earth in fact this was the day when man did his worst when man spit in the face of god when men literally betrayed the very one who had been so gracious and so kind when man did his worst that same night god gave us his very best [Music] this is the monument the apostle paul in chapter eight of romans one of my favorite verses he says what should we say to these things if god is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things what is paul saying he's saying if you ever wondered about the goodness of god if there was any doubt in your mind look at the cross look at that ebenezer that timeless memorial that god erected for all of humanity to see that if god would give his son for you if he would give to you the only thing that cost him anything he could have given you a million dollars that would be nothing to god god could god owns all the wealth in the entire world he owns everything even if he gave you a planet it would be meaningless he can just create another one with the words of his mouth there was only one thing god could give that cost him and it didn't just cost him it bankrupted heaven it was the sinless lamb of god his own son he gave him for you and my friend the reason that we love the cross the reason that we have it in our churches the we reason we preach about it the reason we wear it around our neck is not because it's a great fashion symbol it's because it is a memorial of the greatest gift that was ever given it was god's own son and we don't just we don't just want to remember that it happened it's great that it happened but here's what it means if god would do that for you he will do anything else that you need every other prayer request every other need that you have every other difficulty is nothing compared to that ultimate gift that he's already given could you stand with me before we partake of these elements i want to give you a chance first of all you if you are not living for the lord if you have not surrendered your life to jesus you should not partake of this in fact the apostle paul goes on to say in this passage that i was reading in first corinthians that if you eat or drink of the body and blood of the lord jesus christ unworthily you bring sickness unto your own body so you don't want to do that however do you know what it takes to be worthy surrender before you before we partake of the elements you can be born again you can be qualified to partake with every head bowed and every eye closed i want to ask you a question how many of you in this room would say daniel i need to surrender my life to jesus i need to get right with god i'm away from him maybe you've never surrendered your life and today you want it to be the day let me see your hand wherever you are i want to pray with you all over this place just lift your hand nice and high i can't call you forward because of restrictions but i want to see your hand sorry so i can pray with you wherever you are those of you also thank you thank you thank you thank you i see those hands i also for those that are watching online right now this does not exclude you if you want to surrender your life to jesus just just do something do something it doesn't even matter what get on your knees stretch your hand towards your phone whatever it is and i want for us to pray together we're all going to pray together in support of those that are praying that prayer of surrender are you ready say dear lord jesus christ i come to you today a sinner needing salvation lord jesus i cannot save myself but i surrender my life everything that i am everything that i ever hoped to be i lay it at your feet and i said jesus christ son of the living god have mercy on me forgive my sins wash me in your precious blood make me a child of god as of this day i belong to jesus and jesus belongs to me i believe it i receive it and i confess it in jesus name lord i pray that you'd fill them right now with your holy spirit wherever they are whether they're in this room whether they're watching online right now fulfill fulfill from the top of their head to the soul of their feet lord baptize them immerse them in the very person of the holy spirit let them go in and never come out again lord may they be transformed into your image from glory to glory i pray in the mighty name of jesus lord and for every one of my brothers and sisters here lord we just ask you to wash us afresh come on would you do that before we partake of these elements if there's sin in your life if you just felt like you've gotten lazy if there's something between you and the lord just deal with it right now come on in the quietness of your own heart just say lord wash me wash me forgive me lord i repent of my sins the bible says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness lord we thank you for the cross we thank you for the blood in jesus name and so the apostle paul for i received of the lord that which i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when it was given he gave thanks and he broke it and he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do ye in remembrance of me can we partake of that bread together thank you jesus by your stripes we are healed isaiah in the old covenant said that by your stripes we are healed but peter in the new covenant said by your stripes we were healed glory lord we thank you for that healing virtue that by your stripes every sickness every infirmity must leave right now in the name of jesus i speak to your body right now and i say be healed in the name of jesus pain get out in jesus name rheumatism go in jesus name every bondage be broken in the name of jesus if there's somebody in this room that's depressed suicidal anxious afraid i rebuke that darkness and come at it to leave you right now be set free in the name of jesus he took those stripes for your healing and after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sucked he said this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me let's partake of the cup together [Music] for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup [Music] you do show you do remember you do memorialize the lord's death until he comes or thank you for this great ebeneezer thank you for this rock of remembrance lord thank you that when we see the cross and we remember the body and blood of our lord and we say hitherto have the lord helped us the same god that gave his only son how will he not with him also freely give us all things [Music] thank you jesus do you guys know that song can you try it i sprung this on them this morning but i love this old song how many of you know come thou fount you know that old song i told you i'm an old soul i said that this morning come on let's just sing it come thou found every blessing to my heart to sing thy grace [Music] is [Music] dealing with come on sing this verse
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 6,551
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: evangel, temple, garry, wiggins, online church, jacksonville florida, jesus, church
Id: qTck3ILiZkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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