Daniel Kolenda Live | Covid-19 Prophetic Panel

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] this [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] we're live welcome to this broadcast today from christ for all nations here in orlando florida i'm daniel kolenda and i know many of you are just scrolling maybe endlessly nervously through social media right now i just want to encourage you to stop wherever you are because the next hour or so is going to be the most fascinating interesting entertaining powerful anointed uh hour of your entire week who knows maybe even your entire life we've got an incredible uh program lined up for you today and uh i know that many of you right now are locked down all over the world i know many of you are feeling maybe a little bit claustrophobic at this moment in time but i want to bring to you a word today that i believe is going to just encourage you i want to rip the mask off of some of the anxiety and fear especially fear of the future that you may be feeling at the moment i really believe that god is just going to set you free today many of you in a really extraordinary way and then i've also got a panel of prophets that are going to be with me today and i'm going to be asking them some really important questions about the current crisis that we're in some of these prophets you'll know very well like patricia king like brian guerin who's been on the program many times like elizabeth timefuke that i've had on the program as well and i'm going to ask them some questions about what's going on in the world and i'm going to ask them some very pointed um some very frank questions i think you'll enjoy it because one of the things that i want to ask them is where were the prophets you know this this whole epidemic that's happened this this pandemic is something that has affected the whole world and one of the things that i've heard some of you saying is how come the prophets didn't warn us about this this seems like the kind of thing that the prophets should have been speaking into and i want to give them a chance to answer that question i can't wait to hear it i think it's going to be fascinating and enlightening and encouraging for many of you so you'll want to stick around for that i've also got roy fields here roy love you man good to see you again it's this has been fun hasn't it it has been fun i don't think i've ever seen you as much yeah as now usually roy and i whenever we see each other it's somewhere in the world other than at home so it's been nice nice to see uh roy a lot more and a lot actually a lot of people more including my own wife and kids so uh it's it's a you know it's a season that comes with the good and the bad and i pray that we all just are able to glean the good out of it um and i've also got a special guest that i'll introduce to you shortly who's going to be preaching the gospel so what i want to encourage you to do at this point is to go ahead and to share this broadcast share it as widely as you can because i know that it's going to be a great blessing to many people especially i want you to share it because when the gospel is preached i'm believing there's going to be a great altar call that people are going to get saved that healing is going to flow today and by the way we have a team of intercessors that are here in the studio and spread out all over the place around the world that are praying for you live as you comment today with your prayer requests so if you have something that you need in your life maybe it's a physical healing maybe it's financial provision maybe it's something else who knows put it in the comments section our prayer team is going to be praying for you live on the program today and we're believing god for some mighty miracles in your life um i also want to just encourage you to subscribe if you're watching on on youtube just hit that subscribe button if you're watching on facebook instagram uh if you're following on twitter whatever it is just follow like share subscribe all of those good things i know it's going to be a very big blessing to you so let's just begin i want to come right out of the gate tonight and i want to teach on fear and i want to unmask fear for you because for a lot of people this is a big issue you know i released a series on social media and on email called immune to fear and every day for 60 days since the beginning of this pandemic we've been sending out this email um newsletter with just daily encouragements and scriptures to help you overcome fear we've got incredible feedback on it and i've realized this is a major issue in the world so i want to unmask fear for you today and i've got a really interesting illustration so i'm going to invite some of these boot camp students to come come on guys just come line up over here and these good looking men and women kathy ferguson joshua hall eric dykes joe franklin these are some of our incredible boot camp students that are here in orlando with us guys how is where's the microphone give me a microphone how has uh how has bootcamp been so far it's been powerful good yes life-changing excellent what do you say eric um i love it it's just been really really um great to learn and lean from daniel kalanda and just being equipped and going out and evangelizing in this time we love it yeah and and just so you know this boot camp is six months of intense am i right guys is it intense intense training and then it culminates with a three-week initiation trip to africa where these guys are going to be ministering in dozens and dozens of outreaches and crusades every single day and they're going to lead literally hundreds of thousands of people to the lord well what i want to do is i'm going to i'm going to ask these boot camp students to help me with this illustration i think this will be one of the most interesting illustrations that you have ever heard regarding this subject of faith fear and unbelief let me see there we go praise the lord so i want to start today just by reading a scripture to you from the book of matthew chapter 14 and we're going to look at verses 22 through 2-33 and this is a very famous passage of peter stepping out of the boat but i want to show you something here it's a it's a secret it's a powerful key to unmasking fear and becoming immune to it and so immediately it says that jesus caused the disciples to get into a boat and to go before him to the other side and while he was dismissing the crowds and after he dismissed the crowds he went up on the mountain by himself to pray but when the evening came he was there alone but the boat by this time was a long way from the land so the disciples had gotten in the boat and they had gone out into the sea of galilee and suddenly a storm arose and it says beaten by the the boat was beaten by the waves for the wind was against them and in the fourth watch of the night jesus came to them walking on the sea but when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified and they said it is a ghost and they cried out in fear but immediately jesus spoke to them and said take heart it is i do not be afraid now we're going to come back to this in a moment but i want you to notice something right here in the beginning of this passage the disciples out on the sea of galilee it's the middle of the night they had just come from a great church service the presence of god was there jesus was teaching i would say if jesus was teaching it was a good service wouldn't you say so now they're in the middle of the sea a storm arises they're being beat by the wind and the waves it's a night it's dark it's probably a pretty scary situation and they lift up their eyes and they look and what do they see but a figure walking on the water now up to this time they had never seen jesus walking on the water they didn't know this was something that he could do and so you'll notice i want you to notice the response that peter and the rest of them in the boat have this is what they say it is a ghost it is an apparition and here is why this is interesting to me these were religious jewish men whose worldview was was informed entirely by the scriptures by the tanakh by the pentateuch by the torah they study the scriptures for their worldview and if you study the bible if you look through the old testament if you look through the scriptures that these men would have known very very well you'll discover there is no place in the scriptures for a worldview that it that includes the possibility of ghosts so where did they get this idea why was that the first reaction that they had when they saw this thing out on the waters well i think there's a couple things that are really important to realize the first one is that obviously they had been very influenced by the pagan roman system that they were a part of at that time and i think sometimes we don't realize how much the system of the world gets inside of us you know i recently wrote a book called uh slang dragons it's about spiritual warfare and one of the chapters in this book which by the way i would really suggest especially in this season that you get a hold of that book you can find it on our website you can get it on amazon or anywhere else it's about spiritual warfare but one of the things that i show in that book is that spiritual warfare is not just limited to prayer meetings it's something that is involved in the everyday aspects of our lives one of the chapters in that book is called the zeitgeist which is a german word that has made its way into english and the word zeitgeist literally means time spirit or the or literally the spirit of the times or maybe the biblical way to say it would be the spirit of the age one of the things that i have i show in that book is how the the perspectives of the world are often permeating the church and the people of god to the point that we have adopted the systems of thinking that the world has and we don't even realize i've seen it even within worship songs in the church i've listened to the lyrics and i've heard within the lyrics of worship songs in the church concepts that come straight from the pit of hell they're they're things that have come into the into the church through the world and believers have adopted them without even realizing where such world views come from and i would i would just caution all of us and i would just exhort you right now in this season where there is so much confusion where there is so much um anxiety in the world in this season more than ever because you see when the disciples were out on the boat it it caused their their normal ways of thinking to be short-circuited and they started going to these easy ways of thinking that they had inadvertently adopted from the culture around them we all need to be careful that in the season that we are basing our worldview we're basing our confidence we're basing our perspective on what god is saying what god is speaking on what the word of god reveals and not what we're getting from the culture not what we're getting from the news not what we're getting from the pundits but what we're getting from god's word i would i would just say it this way if you are spending more time watching the news then you're spending reading god's word your perspective has become shifted and it has become tainted and the zeitgeist of the world is entering in and you better be careful because in a season like this where where there is so much instability more than ever we need to lift up our eyes and we need to think like god thinks but there's a second reason that i believe these disciples began to think about the idea of ghosts again where does this come from for it for a jew for a religious jew the idea of ghosts wasn't anywhere part of their world view but see you have to remember that they were in the middle of the sea and the sea and the ancient world was a terrifying place it was a place where large terrifying mythical monsters lived sea monsters and leviathan was in the sea monstrous squids and and huge octopi roamed in the sea it was the realm of the monstrous you know even today think about it here we are 2 000 years later and even still today the sea is a pretty terrifying place today we have all kinds of tools that are meant to make the sea a much more uh accessible place we have scuba diving equipment we have huge you know underwater lights submarines that can go down to the deepest places in the ocean we have we have ships that are the size of cities that float on the water we we feel like we have mastered the sea that that those pagans that those uh superstitious ancient people knew nothing about now we've mastered it but do you know that to this day 95 of the world's oceans are still unexplored 95 even today 2000 years later the sea is still a terrifying place and there are still people that have lots of superstitious ideas about the sea you know there are still people that believe there's a monster in loch ness here we are 2 000 years later and still superstitions abound imagine what it was like in the ancient world when no one had ever seen videos or pictures of what it looked like on the ocean floor when these creatures even natural creatures like whales and like octopi and like like squid were completely unstudied and the unknown and totally mysterious in the days before commercial fishing had removed some of the you know some of the largest specimens from the sea and there really were sea monsters in those days imagine the tales that came back from the fishermen who had seen these incredible inexplicable enormous things out on the waters it was into this world this ancient world that jesus called peter to step out onto the water of the sea it was in this world it was on this mysterious terrifying dark sea that jesus himself was walking and now you might not be able to relate to the terror of the sea maybe you love the sea maybe you're a fisherman maybe you love to boat i was just out on the water today with wayman who's going to talk to you in a few minutes you might see the sun burn on my face i actually love to see maybe you can't relate to that feeling of being terrified but actually it's not such a foreign concept i mean imagine you know we were out on the on the a river today and of course the water where we were was so crystal clear you could see to the bottom you could see in every direction you could see fish swimming around it was beautiful and i often jump in the river and i swim and i love it it's cool it's refreshing but i have to be honest with you if i'm being completely transparent if i swim into a part of the river that's deep and dark and murky and we live in florida by the way where there's large alligators once i can't see the bottom anymore once i feel the ground beneath my feet disappear suddenly my mind takes over and it begins to populate that dark empty space beneath me with monsters imagine what it's like in the middle of the night you hear a banging in a in a room and you jump up out of bed and you go into that room and it it's dark and you can't see what's there and what happens your brain plays tricks on you it begins to populate that dark empty space with monsters you know i have a i have a tree in my backyard it was a tree it's been cut down and now the the root has been hollowed out the stump has been hollowed out and there's a big gaping hole that goes down into the earth i know not how far and you could not pay me a thousand dollars to stick my hand down into that hole why because the darkness of that hole in my mind has been filled it has been populated with monsters and this is how fear works you see fear populates the darkness with monsters the reality is that most of the time there is no monster there but the mind creates the monster somebody somebody said it this way they use the word fear as an acronym fear is false evidence appearing real f-e-a-r false appearance evidence appearing real and that's very often what fear is often it's it's nothing at all often it's like a mirage that in when it's from a distance away it seems very real but the closer that you get to it it begins to evaporate and disappear ultimately all of these fears that we have are actually just intimations of the ultimate dark empty space which is death itself and it's interesting that just as the sea was used as a symbol in the ancient world of this terrifying place where monsters roamed where the leviathan lived it was also the metaphor of death itself because you see death is that ultimate empty room interesting that in the new heavens and the new earth that we read about in revelation it says there's no sea that i don't know if that's literal i don't or if that's metaphorical but we know that the darkness is gone there is no monsters to populate the unknown we just celebrated recently resurrection sunday one of my favorite times of the year when we celebrate the resurrection of jesus christ i say this every year it's that the resurrection is the most single most important event in the history of the world even more important than the crucifixion and the death of christ itself why do i say this because the apostle paul tells us if christ is not raised then your faith is in vain and you are stealing your sins without the resurrection the crucifixion was just an execution but jesus rose from the dead what did jesus actually do what is the significance of that event i'll tell you what he did my friend he went he did not just die he went into the darkest place to the ultimate empty space populated with the ultimate terrifying monsters into the bottom of the sea itself and he conquered death he conquered hell he conquered grave and he came out again victorious and he says because i live you shall live also it's as though what he did is he went into that empty room he switched on the light he came out and he said it's okay i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and what you have to understand is that all these fears that you have fear even of your base of your financial situation maybe you lost your job and you're afraid what's going to happen in the future maybe when you go to the to the store you put a mask on because you're afraid of contracting your disease all of these fears no matter what they are physical mental emotional fears of the future fears about what's going to happen to our families all of these things are just intimations of the ultimate fear which is the fear of death itself and here's the reality my friend that jesus conquered fear listen to what it says in hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 but we see him jesus who was made a little bit lower than the angels namely jesus crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death so that by the grace of god listen to this he might taste death for everyone for it was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many sons unto glory should make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering skip down to verse 14. listen to this so amazing this is christianity i rarely hear preachers talking about this i wonder why because it's so wonderful since therefore the children share in the flesh and blood he himself likewise took part of the same things that through death listen to this he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil and deliver all of those who through the fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage did you know that the fear of death is a bondage do you know why it's bondage all of the fear that the world is experiencing right now is just an intimation of the ultimate fear of death that jesus died to deliver us from you do not have to be afraid of death anymore jesus conquered those monsters in the darkness and he said because i live you will live also so in light of this coming back to our story here it seems pretty significant that peter said this to the lord he said lord if it is you call me to come to you on the water and this is interesting to me because peter knew jesus very well they were close friends some of the closest friends in the world there were there's very few humans that ever knew jesus the way peter knew jesus and when peter heard jesus say do not be afraid it is i peter knew i can put this to the test if it's really jesus the jesus that i know will call me to come to him into the unknown you see peter knew that it is the nature of jesus to call us into the unknown it is the nature of jesus to challenge us to do the impossible if it's really jesus he will ask us to do the same he will ask us to follow him into this thing and you have to understand that for peter stepping out on that water was not just a risk of looking stupid it's not just like if i don't walk on the water i'm gonna fall in and get wet it's not just like i might get cold and wet for peter you have to understand that by stepping out onto the water onto the sea in the ancient world this deep dark place in the middle of a sea where there might be a ghost in front of me to step out onto the water meant that he was putting his entire life into trusting the word that came from jesus you want to know what faith is my friend i heard somebody say faith is spelled r-i-s-k risk and that's good but i have a better one faith is spelled t-r-u-s-t trust faith says like job though he slay me yet will i trust him faith says that the sea may be dark and it may be frightening and it might be bottomless because if you've never seen the bottom it might as well be bottomless but if jesus called me i will i will risk my whole life to step out of the boat and walk on his words that's what faith looks like and here's where we come to the baskets because you know you may you may not know this about me but actually i i went to college not for theology although i did that too but actually i went to college for business i was a business major and so a popular idiom in the business world is this don't put all of your eggs into one basket and so what that means in a business context is this don't put all of your in all of your money into one investment because if that investment goes belly up and all of your money is there then you're going to lose everything and so it's wise and it actually is wise from an investment standpoint to diversify to put your eggs so to speak in different proverbial baskets and i've discovered that this same wisdom that we apply to finances we apply really to many different areas of our life even spiritual i've discovered that what we have is in our lives we have these baskets we have for example the govern government basket the government how many how many people have put their eggs in the government's basket right now we have the the doctor basket we have our self basket and we also have a god basket if you're a christian you've got to have a god basket that's kind of required and so what we do in our lives is that we we have these metaphorical eggs and we we say that we trust god but what we really do is we diversify we put a few eggs in the government basket in fact right now people are putting a lot of their eggs in the government basket they're waiting for that stimulus check to come through they they think that the government is their source my friend can i tell you something the government is not your source that stimulus check is not your source god has a much deeper pocket than donald trump some people put their eggs in the doctor basket you know you're just hoping that somebody comes up with a vaccine for this thing quick and the doctor is more than just the doctor it's the whole medical community we live in a in a culture that is that worships science worships science if if a doctor says it if a scientist says it if it was done in some double blind study we believe it my friend you know what that is that's faith because you don't you don't understand the stuff they're talking about you believe it on their authority that's called faith and then there's always the self basket because you know especially for some of us that are especially strong and independent we know that if the government fails us we still got our guns if the doctor fails us we're tough we've been through one or two trials we put some best we put some eggs in fact we put a lot of eggs maybe all the most of the eggs into this the self basket and then you know because we're christians we we go ahead and throw god a bone we say lord i'm gonna put an egg or two in your basket as well that is my reasonable service my friend if you live your life in this way the world will call you wise but i will tell you something one day you will live to regret it because i'll tell you one day i don't care who you voted for republican democrat independent i don't care who what's your political affiliation i don't care who's president who's in the white house who's in the local government i'll tell you one day a shaking is coming and we've seen we have seen just in this season how one little scare has brought the governments of the world to their knees and people don't know what to do about it and a shaking comes and you see what happens when that shaking comes the eggs fall out of the basket well we always have the doctor basket don't we we have science yeah but i tell you what i don't know about you i'm i'm old enough to remember i don't know about you guys i'm old enough to remember when they used to tell people that eating eggs talking about eggs here when eating eggs was bad for you they said don't eat eggs it'll raise your cholesterol and then after that they said no no eggs are actually really good you need the good cholesterol and then they were bad and then they were good again and i don't know where we're at now you guys know are eggs good or bad i can't i don't remember you know is this where you want to now listen when it comes to if the doctor tells you to take your meds take your meds i'm not telling you to ignore the doctor but what i'm telling you is do you want to put your eternal soul in the hands of a system that can't figure out eggs and butter there is a place for trusting science but one day i can promise you something one day you're gonna sit in that doctor's office you're gonna look to him and he's gonna say i'm sorry there's nothing else i can do for you you know everybody in the cemetery not everybody but most of the people in the cemetery went to a doctor before before they arrived one day the doctor bask is gonna shake and whatever eggs are in there they're coming out government will fail you medical community the scientific community will fail you and you know what you say well at least i've got myself i can trust myself but if you really trust yourself you haven't lived very long or you're just very naive because it doesn't take much experience to realize that even you will let yourself down it's like the apostle paul said the things that i want to do i don't do the things that i don't want to do i do and sooner or later you're going to realize that even the basket of your own self your own initiative your own discipline your own work ethic your own physical stamina your strength your intellect whatever it is that you're trusting in it's not going to hold but there is one basket my friend that no matter how much you shake it no matter how much it rattles no matter how much it rolls it will not break do you know why because guys hold up your baskets let them see the bottoms hold on see all the world's baskets have holes but there is one basket that has no hold my friend listen hundreds of generations throughout history have come and gone and their testimony is this that jesus never fails and that's why i would encourage you today wherever you put your eggs take them out i'm not saying you don't do what the doctor tells you to do i'm not saying don't catch the stimulus check if it comes in but what i'm telling you is your faith your trust your life your soul your all put it in god's basket because that's the only basket that's going to last thanks guys you can go back i appreciate you and wherever you're sitting just give a put a hand together for these guys what peter did that day was that he stepped out of the boat onto the water he put all of his eggs in jesus basket now listen he did begin to sink and a lot of people criticize him for that but i admire him for being the only one willing to get out of the boat i want to just read to you because i i feel this is in my heart right now for us for in this season especially in light of what i just illustrated to you with the eggs in the basket from hebrews chapter 12 verse 18. the writer of hebrews says for you have not come to the mountain that might be touched and that burned with fire nor into blackness or darkest tempest to the sound of a trumpet the voice of the words which which when they heard they asked that it would not be spoken to them anymore so terrible was the side in verse 21 that moses said i exceedingly fear and quake but then it talks about how we've come to the heavenly zion the new jerusalem to the general assembly of the church of the firstborn to jesus the mediator of a new covenant look at verse 26 whose voice shook the earth but now he's promising yes once more i shake not only the earth but also heaven and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain wherefore we receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our god is a consuming fire what is he saying there is a shaking coming and everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that only what cannot be shaken will remain my friend some of you have already begun to feel that shaking as roy comes back i'm going to close in just a second some of you have already begun to feel that shaking in your life in your finances in your family some of you you know what happens when a shaking begins is that any fault lines any weaknesses in in architectural structures are suddenly exposed things that never were seen before when the earth begins to move suddenly you see the structural compromise and i feel like what has happened in this season is that for many of you you've suddenly become aware of weaknesses in your own life and your own soul in your family in your job and your finances in your spiritual life some of you listen to me i'm speaking to you right now as a brother in the lord and and take this as a loving rebuke but for some of you you know when this pandemic happened you're so thankful that you can get online and watch church on sunday morning because you wouldn't know how to lead your children and your family in devotions if you weren't able to watch a pastor preaching on sunday morning my friend that's a that's a fault line and as the shaking has come you realize that your spiritual life your family life has begun to shake some of you you know you haven't you've been able to stay away from your wife or your husband for so long that you have forgot you you have you have been able to gloss over the fact that you've drifted apart and now that you're being forced to spend more time together you're fighting with each other and you're realizing there's a fault here there's a crack in the foundation because as the shaking has come it's been exposed some of you in your own business and your dreams and your finances you've realized that you've been building on shifting sand that you've been investing into earthly things into carnal things and now that the shaking has come you've realized that it's all built on shifting sand and my friend if that's you i want to challenge you today to build upon the rock to build your life on something that is more solid the rock of god's word put all of your eggs in god's basket listen you don't have to be afraid here's the amazing thing if you're afraid if you're concerned if you're worried if you're anxious you don't have to be afraid anymore all you do is you put your eggs in the basket of the one that already conquered fear or to conquer death already conquered hell already conquered grave already went to the darkest place already walked on the sea already went to the depths of hell and came up and turned on the light and said because i live you shall live also i want to just pray with you and then roy's going to lead us in worship but father i just pray for my brothers and sisters that have been so paralyzed perhaps by fear lord that the unknown the darkness the monsters populating that space have threatened them have caused them to have sleepless nights father i thank you in jesus name that as your word says you have not given us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind and i bless you with that and i pray that you would just in this moment that the lights in your spirit would be switched on that suddenly you would realize that the darkness the monsters that your brain was populating that empty space with they have been conquered you have nothing to fear you don't even have to fear death itself because jesus is alive and lord i thank you that you help my brothers and sisters to put their eggs into your eternal dependable unfailing basket and that they'll never be afraid again in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] to you oh lord i bring my worship [Music] an offering of love to you surrounded in your holy [Music] presence all i can say is that i love you you [Music] are [Music] in my spirit here the crying in my heart release my soul to freely [Music] worship i was made to give [Music] you [Music] you are [Music] release my soul [Music] release my soul [Music] release my soul to worship you to honor you oh release my soul [Music] you are holy holy holy [Music] release my soul to you oh lord i bring my worship [Music] an offering of love to you surrounded in your holy presence all i can say is that i love you you are [Music] [Music] oh release my soul [Music] release my soul release my soul [Music] oh release myself to honor you to give you all the praise release release my soul release my soul to lift you higher and higher and higher jesus to lift you higher and higher and higher i must go lower and lower and lower to lift you high above everything release my soul release my soul [Music] release my soul come on just tell them at home right now i worship you [Music] and i give you all the praise cause you deserve the glory and on the other lord i fear nothing at all because you are with me you are with me pure gold fears no fire all my love jesus you're mine you're my desire [Music] and i worship [Music] oh [Music] find me in the river find me on my knees i've walked against the water [Music] now i'm waiting if you please [Music] we've longed to see the roses [Music] but never felt the thorns [Music] and bought a pretty crowns [Music] but never paid the price find me in the river find me there find me on my knees with my soul laid back even though you're gone and i'm cracked and dry find me in the river i'm waiting here for you [Music] and find me in the river find me on my knees [Music] i've walked against the water now i'm waiting if you please we didn't count on suffering oh no no no we didn't count on pain but if the blessing's in the valley then in the river we will wait oh find me in the river find me there find me on my knees with my soul laid back even though you're gone and i'm cracked and dry find me in the river hold on cause i'm waiting here for you find me in the river find me there find me on my knees with my soul laid bare and even though you're gone and i'm cracked and dry find me in the river oh i'm waiting here for you i'm not going anywhere else i'm gonna stay in the river i'm waiting here for you [Music] find me in the river find me there find me on my knees with my soul laid bare even though you're gone and i'm cracked and dry find me in the river oh i'm waiting here for you [Music] today we're going to be talking about a lot of the things that are very relevant right now in the world things that you would like to know about things that people are asking questions about and more all over we just want to get a feel for what's happening within the prophetic world what god is speaking to the prophets we have some amazing friends that are on the the line today patricia king elizabeth timfuk brian guerin jamie galloway and of course i'm here in our studios in orlando florida and i just want to ask these guys some questions i want to get their feedback and what we've decided is this is going to be a very free-flowing informal conversation this isn't going to be like a typical interview i want them to also ask one another questions and we really just want to get a feel for what god is saying in this hour so first of all let me say to all of you our guests on the line thank you so much number one for your friendship and number two thank you for being willing to take the time to come on the program today um i i know that many of you are probably more busy now than you've ever been before i don't know about you but when this whole thing started i kind of thought that when when my calendar got cleared and all these events got canceled i thought well this is going to be nice this is going to be kind of like a little vacation and instead what ended up happening was all of these zoom calls and skype calls and online interviews have been scheduled and now i honestly think i'm more busy giving you know more hours a day than i was before every day i'm on radio on television on you know something online and so i know that if it's that way for me it's probably even more intense uh for you guys because you're the prophets and right now everybody wants to hear what the prophetic community is saying so thank you first of all for for taking the time to do this and also i just want to say at the beginning i i know if your experience has been anything like mine you probably have heard the same questions in these interviews that you've been in asked over and over and over again i know for myself i can tell you almost i can predict with like 80 accuracy the questions that are going to be asked and so it just kind of gets a little bit boring and to be honest you know i'm a bit of an introvert so i love stimulating conversations nothing annoys me more than small talk so what i'm really hoping that we can do today is dive into some stuff that's probably a little bit deeper a little bit more substantive maybe even a little bit controversial i want to really engage with you guys and i'm hoping that i can ask some questions that other people aren't asking maybe some things you haven't been asked yet is that okay with all you guys absolutely yeah absolutely okay so if i say something that's out of bounds you feel free to correct me but i i think i'm just going to go ahead and jump right in i know we have a lot of viewers that want to hear what you have to say so i hope that all of you guys take this with the respect and honor that i intend it but i guess my first question again especially since i'm talking to profits is this where have the profits been you know now that this whole crisis has started now there's lots of prophetic words people have lots of opinions but where were the prophets five six seven months ago before this was a big a big worldwide issue i mean even when it started at the beginning i know many of you guys realize there were some prophetic voices that were coming along and actually what they were saying was things like this is going to be over in a few weeks and this is just going to be a blip on the radar things are going to go back to life as usual so not only was there sort of a deafening silence uh from from the prophetic community but the ones that we did hear got it wrong and i guess i'm saying this i i want you to understand i'm kind of being devil's advocate here i'm not your enemy but i know i hear people saying this and i want to give you guys an opportunity to respond to this and by the way you're not the ones we're talking about here you're on this because i trust you guys and i know that you guys have uh there are trustworthy prophets that i love and i respect and i admire but i i'm just asking like for the prophetic community as a whole this was not a small thing i mean right now the jobless rate in america i think is is what it was during the great depression the entire world has been literally brought to a standstill for the first time in the history of the world it seems like this is something that the prophets should have picked up on and i'm just wondering is it that we are living in a season that where the word of the lord is rare like in the times of of samuel is it that uh the prophets were speaking and most of us just weren't paying attention until you know this happened is is it that the lord didn't want us to know about this maybe elizabeth can i point this one at you first and just say what do you think what what what went on here yeah well actually daniel in january i called my pastors i was in prayer and the lord spoke to me and said call them and tell them that something is going to happen and it's going to hit the whole usa to get the intercessors ready and i think sometimes when you have things happen like this and people are praying and the prophets are still praying god may still want to touch the world and so for me um this past month while i've been in prayer again asking the lord because i've purposely not listened to a lot because i wanted to hear the clear word from god and so the lord spoke to me i woke up one morning and just ended like an urgency i felt like to start praying and so i started praying and i heard the lord say this is a divine reset so we've as you know you go around preaching a lot on the harvest i've been for the last two years everywhere i go we've been preaching on the harvest maybe the church hasn't heard stop you have to get ready for this great harvest coming in and so if this is what god said it is a divine reset maybe god has stopped us long enough people are back with their families again um we are talking about souls coming in you know even before the program started we were asked you know they were asking jamie galloway was asking you know have we heard i've heard more people being saved on the internet that haven't been in church for so long so maybe god is readjusting for this great harvest coming in um so so that's a little bit of my take on that does anybody else have something they want to add to that i would like to chime in on that one daniel um because i think we're all in process and we're all asking the same question i don't even know if we have the correct answer but one of the things that i do believe um that the prophets were sensing and declaring was that it was a change of era where things would be would be uh changing and i personally i mean we can all look at the different layers of stuff that's going on but we've looked at 70 years prior to 2020 of um a continued escalation of manifestation of the blessing of god the focus on his mercy his goodness his kindness his love um the gifts of the spirit the um the saints being empowered and and blessed under grace so we've had 70 years from 1950 through to 2020 post-war until now until probably from 48 through and all of a sudden we feel that there's a a change in tone but the thing is what what what my read on it is i feel that we can get prophetically lazy when we've been on a a current of grace and that current is there and you're hearing the word of the lord on us in in a certain stream you're on this this occurred with the lord and so all those words are true they are yes and amen but in it if you do not go directly into the presence of the lord as a prophet and say lord i know what i'm picking up in the spirit on this environment here what you've been speaking in this last stream but what is to come what is to come and i feel that um that god is awakening many things and one of the things is in the prophetic community honestly i feel that one of the issues and of course i'm not speaking for everyone but i'm speaking like in some general terms that there was a laziness because we were so used to to receiving the word of the lord in a certain way or seeing him move in a certain way and you can almost just get in the current rather than getting the clear the clear word from god from his presence um so that's one thing um so we sensed a change in error we sensed that there was going to be an alignment needed to change into the new era but i'm wondering too and this is a question that maybe others could answer as well if prophets actually did speak up in in the last era where everything was you know more grace motivated um uh you know a demonstration of the love of god all that if prophets were to say hey everyone there's gonna be a pandemic it's gonna hit the world everyone you know all the nation's economies are gonna flatline and uh it you know it's gonna be horrific you won't be able to come out of your houses i wonder how many people would have even believed it and i wonder if it's part of god's wisdom to just do a shock and awe because we could not prepare for this one this one is what uh um some prophets are calling the black swan event where you know it just came by surprise it took us by surprise it's a catastrophic event but what it's doing is awakening and i'm wondering if that if that shock wave is actually what we needed to to transition us into the new era because we've had and we've got to be honest about this i mean we've got things to clean up on many different levels and um and i'm just speaking boldly right now but i i know that one of the words i got last last summer was we have to have divine alignment we have to bring in alignment to the word of god there has to be a cleaning up of the body and of course a lot of the prophets right now are calling the body to prayer in fact we've had all these global prayer meetings that's been phenomenal but if my if my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land and so i feel that through this shock and awe that's taken place in this whole whole thing is that we are okay god we're listening um we need you to speak into our lives we need to align we need to stop being lazy we need to stop just going with the current and really get into a vital relationship with with jesus christ face to face because it is going to depend on that in these coming days and i don't personally think it's um necessarily in the world i think we're going to have waves of some more of this stuff but the main thing is is that we are close to jesus and i think that's what he's shocking us and i think the prophetic community um it just hasn't been perfect i mean there's been a lot of great people in it a lot of people uh doing their best to seek the lord to be diligent to fast and pray and do what's needed in the life of a prophet but there's been a lot that has just been under grace so easy and i think god's shocking us out of that into a new season i i appreciate your um your transparency and humility with that that's and you know i didn't i don't mean to again i was kind of playing devil's advocate the reality is under the new covenant we all are expected to hear the voice of god as god's people so it's not like the prophets are on the hook for this and the rest of us get off maybe maybe it's that we've had it too good for too long and the whole body of christ has become a little bit lazy especially in the west and and we've gotten used to this just dependable system around us and we've allowed ourselves to become so integrated with the world that we we somehow were on the wrong frequency i don't know i don't know what to say i just let me put it this way i feel within my own heart like something wasn't right with us and what i said i'm not talking about us on this call but i mean with the body of christ it's like we miss something here or god is god is trying to show us something through this and i'm just praying that we pick up on that and we learn the right lesson i agree uh patricia when when this whole thing started it's interesting that we're here uh you myself brian are all on this call together because when this whole thing started we were actually together on a cruise which come to find out now was like the worst place to be during a pandemic yeah yeah i mean it's actually the timing is amazing had that had our crews been delayed by i don't know two or three days we we might have been sitting on there for you know weeks because that's what happened to some some of those cruise ships afterwards but um patricia when this happened i remember that you were kind of saying some things like it just didn't feel right to you and of course it was very still early on in the process i haven't had a chance to talk to you since that have any of those feelings that were that were just beginning in that time have they taken any more shape have you gotten any more clarity on what you think is happening yeah i really i mean i think it was a shock to all of us and in the spirit you could definitely feel that something had shifted and that there there there feels to be more behind it than what the public knows and i do believe that and i'm not a conspiracy person or anything like that but i feel like we have to so walk close to god right now because there's um there's there's other things you can just feel it so what i was feeling there daniel was an unsettling and i remember thinking there's more to this than what meets the eye and there's more behind this and what we know and i still believe that i don't have any specifics on it but i just feel like we have to draw so close into the lord bringing light into the darkness and order into the chaos and see what god is going to do in this because everything that can be shaken will be shaken and it is it is being shaken right now so that's a good thing but we're of a kingdom that cannot be shaded so i believe that we're going to see i just had a vision a few days ago of a uh like a big fireball it was like a bomb that just came down into the u.s and it and it um exploded corruption there was a a pocket of corruption and it exploded it and i feel that one of the prayer points right now is that we need to take dominion as believers and bring his fire into corruption and whatever that means because that corruption could be exposed even in the church in areas of government economy all kinds of things that are going on behind the scene but i really feel that um god wants to expose a lot of those things in luke 12 in the passion translation it says it says everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed for the facade is falling down and nothing will be kept secret for long whatever has been spoken in private will be public knowledge and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear and so i've and and then it goes on to say the answer is to fear god to fear only god and i i really keep feeling that pursuit in my spirit to pray for the body of christ to come into a true revelation but also encounter of the spirit of the fear of the lord the awesome respect for god and uh for corruption especially first in the church to be exposed and uh to be dealt with properly and um i feel that you know the prophetic as you mentioned we've seen it kind of come under some discipline and some exposure um of our of our shortcomings as prophets but also i believe it's going to hit the apostles too where um things haven't been properly dealt with or disciplined properly it's kind of like eli and his son sort of thing allowing things to go on and not properly disciplining i feel like we're gonna see more of that but there's things going on behind the scene um that that there's more to it than what we're seeing right now so we'll see what happens wow it's it's interesting that you you bring up the eli thing because i i haven't mentioned samuel and i i've felt that there's something to that in this season as well you know when you mention the shaking and of course this is definitely a time of shaking and when when there when shakings happen one of the things that you see is fault lines weaknesses get exposed weaknesses that may have been much more easily hidden when everything was going well suddenly they come to the surface and i feel like the lord is maybe in his mercy allowing us to see some of those things even within the body of christ i'll just give you an example one of the things i've seen that to me is like a serious problem is what would so many of our families be doing right now if they couldn't go online and watch church services on sunday and when i see the reaction of some people it's like do the fathers have we not have we created a system that is so reliant on church leaders on paid professional clergy that our people don't know how to lead their own families in family devotions and teach their kids at the family altar have we have we become so dependent on this structure and on the system that we've actually become anemic and um i'm just wondering even in the midst of all this uh and i'll just throw this open to anybody who wants to comment on this but have you seen anything that you're saying that you feel like the lord is putting his finger on it and saying this is something that that again maybe it's part of his mercy that he allows us to see these things so that we can uh do better has anybody had any of those uh feelings i i can say to that effect you know um so one of the things is you know that's been prophesied in it and it's partially fulfilled in john the baptist we see the spirit of elijah and the restoration of elijah in the prophetic community is what is happening right now because elijah comes to restore the hearts of the fathers of the children hearts of the children back to the fathers he says the lest they come and shred the earth with a curse and so you know right now i would qualify this as an earth curse when we're sit what we're what we're dealing with and and you can you know talk to different people about that and they'll they'll say well pray it away or this or that and i don't think it's something that you can easily pray away i think it actually has to be dealt with relationally and so there's a restoration of the hearts of the fathers back to children hearts and children back to the fathers and and the same with the mothers and and the daughters it's it's a reconciliation between the generations and it's a forced thing because you're seeing family have to get together again right you're seeing family sitting down at the table you know taking taking time to appreciate each other and all of those things that i think for a long time father's been absent mothers you know the because of culture are are being forced to be absent there's sort of like these dynamics going on in the home and so what god wants to do is he wants to lift the earth the earth curse off of it off of us and the way we're going to see that happen it's not through you know this high level of intercession all that type of stuff it's actually through the restoration of the hearts of the fathers back to the children and vice versa and so what is the pr what is the earth curse well what we know about the earth curse is it's a premature death spirit and so you know one of the promises is if you honor your father mother it'll go well with you and you'll live a long life and so the premature death spirit comes in as a result of a lack of the generations coming together and so we see this and that's what you know whether it's abortion or or or different forms of sickness and disease being prevalent and being unable to be dealt with you know and so we're seeing something right now that that doesn't have uh it's not being challenged and so we have we don't have the ability to challenge it but i think right now if if if parents fathers mothers in their house can step up and say hey look as for me and my house we're going to serve the lord they're going to see such a restoration of not just the gifts but a restoration redemption process that happens in their family that couldn't otherwise happen and so we're seeing that today and it's a forced thing that i think people are are are being you know right now you see domestic violence on the rise you see these different issues well we've got to be the answer for not weird the answer but we've got to present an answer for these situations that that are dealing with whether it's mental illness domestic violence things that are happening at home that are really really sensitive and so i think the restoration of elijah among the prophets is one of the prescriptions the requirements for that to happen i tell you if i was a pastor and i'm not a pastor now but i have pastored and i think if i was a pastor right now seeing what i've seen i think one of the things that would be striking my heart is this i have got to make sure that my people are equipped that if there is a pandemic or a tragedy where they can't come to a church service and just be spoon-fed you know inspirational talks from the stage that they have got the internal strength and they have a relationship with god and they have a relationship with his word that is solid enough that they can weather these things what would happen what would we be doing right now if there was no internet what would most christians be doing you know they would just be sitting there like a goose in a hailstorm we need so desperately and this is what discipleship is after all brian you're one of my dearest friends and i always have so appreciated the way that at different times in my life the lord has given you words dreams pictures whatever and so i've really come to appreciate and treasure those things i wanted to ask you and many of our viewers also love you and know you very much what what do you feel is happening right now what is your what is your main sense at the moment yeah no i mean it's a great question and obviously love you to know and honor you big time such an honor to be on here um i completely agree with elizabeth patricia jamie everything they're saying with me personally it was funny like you said we got off of the cruise ship and i was like blown away there's face masks and i just was like this is real you know by the way didn't the lord show you that the cruise was going to be okay yeah i think the lord i actually had saw a vision because you you remember we had like a huge contract on the event and so it was enough to at least hold before the lord and i saw the coronavirus as these two little they were probably some i'm not very you know good on all of what that is viruses but there were these two objects and i saw them floating through the air in a vision and they stopped and froze and the spirit spoke to me that they would freeze during our event we would all be okay and fine but i knew by the spirit too when the event was over it would pick up momentum and continue didn't know what to what extent and such a great point you made on the prophets man just not you know being up to par i take that personally and completely agree we did see things but i think with me like we were praying on the ship with eric and michael and i saw a vision that actually the nba was shut down and it didn't even sometimes things are so in like two days later it happened but i think sometimes with me at least these things are so far-fetched you've never seen them happen in your life and so i i like shy away sometimes beyond to be honest i'm not typically the one that's going to go hey this is what the lord showed me you know but eric reminded me we had seen it so but we need to be better but i would say when i got back i was in prayer and this summed it up for me i've seen things since then and even a vision this morning that to me was very encouraging but it was very interesting i went to this vision where i saw a snake coming out from the side view in a hand which i believe was the hand of the lord and this may be a little touchy or controversial for some people theologically but i'll do my best and i just love the bible but i saw this snake come in and the hand of the lord grab it and actually pull it over to the side like you would to get the fangs and get an antidote from the snake very very interesting it surprised me i knew this was the corona virus and something the lord was doing in the midst of it the yellow top on the jar it was yellow and all this and so he began to speak to me that this is what i believe again amidst so much that the other voices are saying patricia jamie elizabeth and many others but i believe this time is a mere definitely a shaking i've been feeling a haggai 2 hebrews 12 shaking for sure that like is such a precious thing from the lord because when he allows shaking at this level i believe it touches it shows people that think they can never be touched you can be touched if you're not adhering to the kingdom you know you've got a neighbor down the street who works for delta pilot i mean you'd never think their jobs would be affected and they're completely shut down you know some other day i'm thinking wow but i think one thing that shaking is doing is allowing people to realize real quickly what they really have a hold to and if it's not the kingdom get rid of it quickly and start adhering fully to the kingdom the fear of the lord his word like patricia said but i believe this coronavirus window we're seeing is just a small window of more to come i'm not a doom and gloom guy at all i am a bible guy and it's really clear matthew 24 it'll be as though we're in the days of noah and i think this is only a small window as partly of the goodness of god as an antidote for those that would hear him and really hunker down into his presence and know him intimately for when the real shaking comes it will be like an answer though and we'll be prepared if that makes sense and so i felt like the hand of the lord while yet it's definitely from the enemy no doubt i'm not i know people get touchy when you talk about god's judgment or not and it was at the enemy or whatever i believe it's definitely from the enemy i feel like the lord in his goodness though can use it as well in the shaking and as an antidote that if we would really begin to shift things now and adhere to the kingdom that which cannot be shaken when greater things come will be okay if that makes sense yeah very very much so i and i i think that there's um an application of that that's spiritual i think there's also a natural implication like for example i was just thinking talking to somebody on the way here today about uh you know they were saying that this could all be part of getting the world ready for something and i i said well it may it may backfire if that's the case because people have after this whole thing is over i think people are thinking a lot more about what is worth the uh that you know the taking away of my liberties and my my rights and my job like people never thought about these things before and like like patricia was saying it sort of took us by surprise and everybody has been very reactionary but now that we've gone through this the next time there is something i wonder if people are going to have the same reaction um so you know there's a who knows what's going to come out of this but one of the things that i've heard and uh i'll direct this towards you elizabeth but i've i've heard many people say this now that they believe that once this is over the world will never be the same and of course we we've experienced that even in our lives i know for me 9 11 was one of those experiences where it was a moment in time that changed the world and you know from then on you know somebody that travels as much as me you know it affects me a lot you know every time you go in the airport you got to take off your shoes you got to do all this stuff all of that goes back to something that happened on september 11th do you believe that number one do you believe that the world is never going to be the same and number two if so do you have any sense of what that means or how how what that looks like yeah for me i feel um i feel like the for profits have been saying the business won't be as usual so i think we're stepping into that but also it's like the argentine revival the argentine economy went down and the greatest move of god happened out of it and we see this so much in history i believe that if we embrace and you know you said we can talk a little bit controversial even in the prophetic ministry i you know like i work with a lot of streams some of the stuff i was seeing behind the scenes uh as you you know many of us could really if we really want to be real talk um is some of the stuff that's not you know like honoring jesus and like patricia said you know things are being shaken and god is going to reveal some of the stuff going on i know people that i've been building their own platforms and promoting and doing stuff like that all of that's being shaken in their life right now and god is trying to get to the heart of us again and so with that i personally believe that god there's had to be some kind of a shaking going on to see a global revival things we've been preaching for and believing for um going on now do we do we hate that so many people have passed away in the middle of us absolutely my heart goes out to everyone that's passed away during this virus but at the same time in the middle of that the nations are being shaken and it's our time to go god you know it take anything out of our life if we have apathy if we have any kind of we need repentance in any part of our lives you know lord we want to embrace that because there has been an apathy i don't know in other nations but over the american church the god is really dull i've seen people reading their bibles more i've seen people like you talked about the internal the core part of you being strong patricia teaches a lot on the internal and having your core strong so if our computers if we didn't have internet these are times where people would be forced to get in the word they'd be forced you would have families going into revival you have cities gathering together wanting to be with each other revival i there's so many prayer like areas that people didn't even ask for prayer before they're asking for prayer like the msnbc there are things going on that people are are wanting to know what god's saying and so in the middle of that i believe there's going to be a great move of god and you know i've been studying revival we all grew up in revival together you know brian you me and so in the middle of some of this we were you know we've heard steve hill talk about all these moves of god there was shaking going on and then god just came on the scene and so for me i believe it's harvest time i believe that this is a time that we're gonna see people that maybe were apathetic in this past season and you know but you should talk about the new era we're gonna see those people come alive and they're gonna be some of the greatest harvesters you know because in the middle this time they go that doesn't matter anymore that doesn't matter anymore you know i'm focused again i'm not too busy i'm focused on the lord so i believe there's a great awakening that will happen globally because of this to your to your point i was on a television program yesterday and the host showed me a picture i guess it was from their local bookstore or whatever maybe it was walmart some really big store and the whole aisle in this bookstore uh where the bibles were being sold was completely empty and all the bibles have been bought you know it's like it's like the like toilet paper you know people need it they want it when has that happened in recent memory i certainly can't think of something maybe 9 11 was the last time we saw that kind of spiritual hunger but patricia i want to ask this direct this one to you because i'm an evangelist i have not been able to go to the nations now for several weeks fortunately interestingly you know i know that i said that we're not i'm not a prophet i'm an evangelist and i i try to stay in my lane but we had actually felt from the lord to do something we'd never done in the history of our ministry before and that was that we we end loaded our crusades after september we did a couple right in the beginning and then all the rest we pushed to the end and we kept the whole middle of the year open we just felt we were supposed to do it that way we didn't know why and it looks like not one of our crusades are going to be affected that's 13 crusades in a year will also be the most we've ever done in a year and not one of them as we're hoping will have to be canceled so far nothing's had to be cancelled but one of the things patricia that i've seen happen over and over again in africa is that we we've had to shift around a lot because of i mean i'll give you an example i was in uganda when the ebola plague was sweeping through and i was right in the place where it was like the hot zone and i mean ebola has a huge huge death rate way more than what we've seen from any of these other viruses so we've had to shift around many times we've had to postpone crusades we've had to cancel crusades but one of the things that i've noticed is almost every time when we have to postpone a crusade in one city we had and then we come back a couple months later it's actually a bigger and better crusade than it would have been because there's this pent-up desire for it and so do you sense anything for the gospel especially for evangelism in this next season do you feel like we're heading into something extraordinary and one of the reasons is is because there's so such a huge fear element um that's why god's shaking it out of the church that we would get our eyes back on him and repent from the natural fear we would have about our future the circumstances around us because we've got to be ready to give the word to the lord and to present or to to the masses rather and to present the lord to them and so i'm feeling that once gatherings are allowed again people are going to swarm in they're going to swarm in and when you've had a freedom taken away from you and it's given back you love it all the more and you just go heavy into it so i believe absolutely but the other factor in it daniel is that never before have we seen such a rallying to prayer yeah i mean i don't know how many prayer meetings i've been involved with since this since this virus has been out but it's like 24 hours 24 7 prayer meetings hosted by different ministries around the world and leading the masses in prayer and a lot of them are bilingual and everything and it's like they're just going for it and praying for the harvest and praying for the power of the holy spirit to touch the nations and i believe that that is the key even right now if i can speak a little bit of prophetic exhortation here is that we cannot let our guards down and we cannot not get our eyes on ourselves right now we have to continue this prayer because we're giving birth to something that i think that we've never seen i do believe that the greatest move of god in history is at hand if we will continue to give birth to it through intercession and prayer but never before has there been i mean this virus that just called everyone to the internet which is a great harvest of net to prayer and praying for the harvest to come in and i believe that when freedom comes back people are going to be swarming in and and we'll see even how things go in america with um how they're gonna allow uh the gatherings to go because i'm thinking what would really be awesome if they pulled all the plugs and everybody was just allowed to meet again i guarantee you that people would be swimming in it might be a different dynamic if they make us go real slow it might be a different dynamic but if they were to pull the plug and let us all allow to meet i tell you it's going to be huge and i believe that um it'll it'll it'll be the time for the church to invite people into the presence and i know that that's going to happen in crusades i think daniel will get ready for bigger and better i mean it's going to be powerful and i also feel um i've felt this since last fall in this era we're gonna see mark 16 15 go go into all the world preach gospel to every creature with signs following and matthew 28 18 to 20 mary the discipleship and and the um and the preaching of the gospel marry together and there's going to be very big strategies for the discipleship of nations coming forth but again we've got to give birth to this in prayer so for all of your viewers that are watching i just said come on host prayer meetings if you have to on facebook with your family or you know gather a few intercessors together and pray pray pray pray and uh because you know you can just feel the momentum in the spirit that's giving birth to something so beautiful for the kingdom of god yeah that's so good you know we we had uh some meetings i know you know about them we we did the send in brazil uh a couple months ago and we had i think how many people was it rob like 200 000 people or almost in over the three stadiums which i thought was incredible i've never seen anything like three simultaneous stadiums i appreciate three stadiums over an eight hour period it was like what in the world is happening well then we just did an online version of the send for brazil this last weekend and they said something like 6 million people watched and so what we've seen is like there's this exponential increase that i don't think we even realize yet how significant this shift is even for our ability to reach the world with the gospel it's kind of forced the body of christ to use this this tool you know that the world has used so well and and we've kind of just used it when we wanted to and now the church has been forced to use uh this tool in a much more dramatic way and and i i think this is one of the things that's never going to go back uh to normal after this let me share with you something fun daniel and i'm going to take prophetic license here please i've never heard of that but there's no grace here but in revelation 14 6 john pens and he says and i saw another angel the word angel there means messenger in mid heaven now of course in john's day he didn't know what cyber heaven is right he didn't have the cyber realm that's where i'm taking some prophetic license here um because we can apply this um this the the essence of this too today i saw another angel flying in mid heaven having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people so just what it was three days ago or so i was on a live stream called preaching my testimony in the gospel to india and pakistan where pastors i guess were translating it and sending it out all over the place this is too much fun and then in verse 14 it says then i looked and behold a white cloud and again prophetic license here is that john didn't know the cloud as we know it today but on this cloud is sitting one like the son of man having a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand and the sickle is for harvest and then another um angel out of the temple cried with a loud voice declaring set the sickle in and reap for the hour to come has reaped and i just want to say is i really believe the lord has been preparing us to put this net out and as the internet being one aspect of it um this is just one little piece of that but it's being powerfully used and even as you said you know hosting over six million people come on that that cannot be taken lightly are you kidding we cannot take that for granted even um but um we we need to work clothes yet day because darkness can come when no man can work and we never would have thought that we would have the ability not to meet in churches taken away from us overnight because of a virus but it happened so we want to make sure that we are always constantly on the edge with god and using everything that he gives us to do and make every hour count because he is worthy yes amen well our time is getting close to the end i want to do a little lightning round here in a second and i'll just open this up to everybody but before we do that jamie i thought i'd just ask you to elaborate before we went live you were sharing about um the framework of the prophetic has lost his footing would you just touch on that a little bit and share your heart in that yeah for sure daniel you know within the framework of the prophetic we sort of have have to learn how to navigate and you know it's sort of like a stream without without uh a boundary if it doesn't have a boundary it's actually not going to go anywhere and so the prophetic has sort of lost its effect because it doesn't know what the aim is and and after a while you start to hear this repeated over and over uh you know in different communities prophetic communities around the us in in the us you know has has for better or worse become very influential when it comes to the world and how the world gauges the prophetic ministry and so for for me right now i believe that this moment is for us to get back into alignment and recalibrate with the the main priority of jesus it which is the salvation of nations and so within the framework of the prophetic we can hear all these amazing things but it has to ask it has to ask the question of us okay so how then do we touch the nations how do we what is our strategy what is our prophetic strategy with discipling nations we're leading them to jesus and so we have to see the partnership come back into the prophetic and the alignment of it come back to to actually uh touch the nations with the gospel with the good news of jesus and so that's the ultimate goal but what we're finding right now you know going back to one of your earlier questions daniel which was you know where was the prophetic community and where was all of this you know going on and and i think it i think it was really the prophetic community was sort of scared of speaking out the honest you know revelation that they're having about world issues and and things that are about to take place and because where we sort of see this uh mediocrity creep into the prophetic where it it sort of becomes like uh you know case test of suspicion if we say anything outside of everything's going to be a-okay swell right and so you know that's that's not actually faith that's more suspicion than faith and so we're we're operating out of fear if we actually don't tell the honest revelation that we're having and then in the midst of that speak faith to it in the midst of that say hey yet cry you know if god is for us who can be against us and so that's where we have to really reframe our understanding of the prophetic and so for me you know uh going back a couple years i was thinking about the timeline uh one of the revelation that i was carrying in my heart and i and i actually wrote sid roth about this i i i sort of put it out there in a conference there was a major conference i was doing and i said i believe and and this is partial revelation i was operating on a partial revelation but i said i believe that in a very short time we're going to be at war with an asian nation and we're going to see a war with an asian nation and i don't know what that means but in a very short time well that type of talk and that rhetoric sort of gets put down because we don't know how to have faith in the midst of that and believe god to go out and touch the nations and like in the midst of this quarantine see an even greater impact for souls see an even greater impact we think that it's going to happen when there's abundance we're all running around it's actually going to happen when when when there's hardship and difficulty and i don't think it has to but i feel like we need to have faith and yet not sort of downplay the honest revelation that we're getting about situations nations all that stuff and for me this is a recalibration for the prophetic community to get back to the heart of the gospel that's our mission is to see people know jesus yes that's really good do you still think there's going to be a war with an asian nation yeah i think i for me the prophetic revelation that i'm i'm i'm kind of flowing out of and operating from and and in the midst of that i'm praying and having faith but i believe that there will be i don't know that's this year next year or whatever but i believe that there will be and i saw different alliances america forming an alliance with different nations and i saw uh the nations coming together to deal with an asian nation and then in this encounter that i had a couple years ago uh the the i actually was on the ground with this asian nation was was literally getting bombarded with with uh from from the sky getting bombarded with uh missiles and all sorts of different stuff and i was on the ground in this encounter and i turned to this asian looking man and i said what is this and he turned to me and he told me this weird mystery that i'm still sitting on to to today and he says this is adam's uncle ezekiel and so i i came out of it like in utter shock and and so i began to pray about that asking the lord what's going what's about to happen i wrote to sid roth that we're going to see one of the things i wrote to them and i actually got this back i said we're going to see major cities shut down and literally like power outages and all people can do would be sit there and pray together and hang out in the in in their homes and and so some of this stuff i i see is parabolic and that's the hard thing when you're talking about this stuff it's not always literal but you need to feel it with the other prophetic community i think really honestly one of the things that this is doing daniel is it's actually bringing the prophetic community back together to actually field our revelation with each other because i'm just a small drip and a big pond and elizabeth or patricia or brian or yourself when we come together we get a bigger picture however in the midst of all of that daniel we're going to see the gospel go out that doesn't change the gospel's effectiveness and in fact it postures us to be more with greater impact and be a greater voice in this hour than ever before wow um i've only got a couple minutes left here and i know i know several you have to run but let me ask some lightning round questions anybody can answer these let's try to keep these pretty short if we can just so i can get through like three or four more questions here um and this is going to be some practical stuff so i hope if if you don't have anything to say about this feel free to say i don't know but do any of you have any sense of timing for example how long this is going to be a major world issue anything specific along those lines that any of you have heard or seen on the coronavirus yeah sorry that's probably obvious all i i know like i'm saying this morning i saw a vision to me was super encouraging you know there's not exact details with it but all i could see i was in prayer and i slipped into this vision where i saw this very dark canopy and it was very close to the end which i know will probably apply differently in different states countries regions but nevertheless what i thought was amazing was when this dark canopy when you came out of it it was beautiful like instant transition that's what patricia was saying it wasn't progressive which i thought was really amazing so i believe like she said there will be a and i just want to encourage people with that to not rest under what i believe the enemy would want to keep a fear on them to slowly progressively come out of it in insulin which went dark canopy i believe we've been under in the quarantine like season two just bright beautiful transition instantly and it was right kind of the light at the end of the tunnel type vision it was very close i'll say that wow what okay so next question lightning round what do you think is coming next um either for the world as a whole or for the body of christ any any feeling about that i'd like to just share an alert regarding the upcoming election in the usa because i believe it's going to be a pivotal time for um for the world not just for america but that lots needs to be prayed in right now i believe from now until the election there are going to be tensions and some tumults and some some uh things that will bring confusion and that we need to pray it through and i i feel that from now until november in particular we need to pray through i also feel that at pentecost this year the end of may um there's going to be like a revelatory portal open for people to receive a connection to god in a new way that's really good and speaking of so on the heels of that there's going to be a lot of deception and probably a lot of confusing things what is some advice that any of you would have for the ordinary believers sorting through all of the chaos during the season sorting fact from fiction even a lot of the prophetic stuff every pundit every prophet's got opinions how do we sort through this and make sense of it all i think we have to be rooted and grounded in love you know in the midst of all of this we've got to find our our footing we've got to be rooted we've got to be grounded and so when the shaking comes that we can still stand and right now i think that there is a window of mercy a window of grace for us to get rooted and grounded in the truth and both the word and the spirit and so right now i believe that if we can stay in that place you know it interesting enough if you if this was a dream like what would it mean you know you think about this pandemic and everything like that right it comes out of a socialist nation and so what is now the hot topic socialism socialist nation if this was a dream what it would mean it would mean that there is a socialist virus trying to take effect over the whole world and so what we need to have is rooting and grounding in the kingdom because socialism is really a counterfeit of kingdom and so we've got to be rooted in ground in a kingdom knowing how to reach out to our neighbor and not let the privilege of that fall on to only the government or or or just some form of uh you know i and i'm i'm i'm i love i pray and i support the government in the right healthy ways but i believe the kingdom of god is expanding beyond the government's capacity right now and so i think it's time to get rooted and grounded and know who we are in this hour and really be a voice for that type of hope yeah okay one more question and then we'll be done um so i you guys are all prophets and you're very well connected within the prophetic community and i know people we always know our colleagues i know hundreds of evangelists i'm sure you all know hundreds of prophets and i know the prophetic doesn't work by consensus however is there something that you're hearing in the prophetic community that you're hearing over and over and over again it just seems like this is something god is saying broadly it's almost like the whole community is there is there one thing that maybe rises to the surface yeah one of the things i've heard daniel is everything's being shaken i think everybody's we are all in agreement that things are being shaken right you guys all agree with that statement 100. yeah yeah and and so what is there any you have anything to add to that i mean i mean we know that there's a shaking but are we saying that that's that the lord is sending this or that it's a season of that for the church what what is the i think god is i think god is getting the church and all of us back to the basics we're getting back we're taking off all the stuff we build that's not kingdom and it's all of it's been shaken off of us and we're going to get back to the true like jamie said the true gospel um but prophetic movements sometimes have gotten away from that and so i think coming back saying like what is god saying you know just the clarity of the gospel again well clarity of the gospel is a something that's close to my heart that's a great note to end on guys thank you so much for your time again i know that you're all so busy in this moment but the fact that you've took taking this time just to share your heart with us it's been very encouraging and enlightening to me personally i know all of our viewers thank you very much we love you guys [Music] jesus i've forgotten the words that you have spoken [Music] promises that burn within my heart have now groaned him with a doubting heart i follow the paths of earthly wisdom forgive me for my unbelief renew the fire again [Music] christ have mercy lord have mercy on me lord and mercy christ have mercy lord and mercy on me i have built an altar and i've worshiped things of man i've taken journeys that have drawn me far from you now i am returning to your mercy's ever flowing pardon my transgressions help me love you again oh lord have a mercy christ have a mercy lord have mercy on me lord have mercy christ have mercy [Music] i have longed to know you and all your tender mercies like a river of forgiveness ever flowing without any heart before you in the goodness of your presence your grace forever shining like a beacon in the night oh lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy on me lord mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy on me lord and mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy on so just so you know we are here praying for you behind me there is all these evangelist intercessors they are reading through your comments right now and responding to many of you we're watching this is this is live and we want to interact with you we want to pray for you um i'm seeing right here kathy ferguson oh she's she's here praying um wendy the root of this pandemic is witchcraft you see there's a lot of things coming out when we begin to talk about these prophetic things a lot of things are stirring even within many of you um let's see here granny burberry was on roy you know her good to see you granny linda townsend good to see you she'll be happy you mentioned their name that's pretty cool she's in england i i love her i see her online all the time sweetheart yes she is ella porter uh gracie maxey ronnie reelin linda townsend um so many of you just writing in with your comments from literally all over the world from canada from singapore i've seen germany all over africa so it's so good to see all of you and we are pranks so comment if you want to know how do i get prayer just type it in the comment section right there where you're watching and um we're going to be praying for you so roy um you know i i know you're here to do worship but you one thing i've seen over the years is you're a pretty prophetic guy yourself um what does anything stir in your heart we're gonna we're gonna have women come and speak in a minute but any any thoughts that you have yeah like um well i've told you man i've told you quite a few things over the years um about things that i felt impressed in my heart you know it's interesting as i watch that whole panel that you guys just got you just talked with brian and patricia and all that 2001 all the way back to 2001 i woke up after having a dream i won't tell you what the dream was but after i had the dream i heard the lord say watch out for china i heard that you said that a lot like trump china china i heard watch out for china no i'm just kidding listen i i actually heard that you know i got to be taken seriously sometimes too okay and i i have no political connections i'm not even interested in 2001 political things but i heard the word of the lord say to me personally watch out for china right after that one of our spy planes they got a hold of our blueprints i don't remember that that was 2001 after the towers went down so i heard that and i park it i put it away i didn't get on the internet and email and throw it out there but then to fast forward way up almost 17 years later in 2017 really 15 the lord began to speak to me about everything that's kind of happening and it's so easy to say this now that's why i never promoted it or put it on my facebook or anything i'm not a prophet but i do believe the lord speaks to all of us individually and here's what i saw so much so that i kind of i'll be honest i panicked and i freaked out about it i was in the uk in 2017. uh no i'm sorry my wife told me 18 2018 and i had flown there to do a cruise and i did this uh these meetings with like uh lance wall now and and all these guys and i had a dream and i saw drones flying all over new york and all over all these major cities in america and i saw as the wall was going up that trump was building that it wasn't to really keep people out it was actually to keep people in and i also saw all travel completely shut down so much so that i thought it was real that i freaked out called my wife and flew her instantly with my daughter and my aunt beverly out to the uk i was crying i was weeping i was freaking out because i actually thought it was happening in 2018. and i never understood it and everybody looked at me like i was nuts i thought i was nuts i thought i was losing my mind so i totally get brian when he says you know sometimes you see these things and they just feel so like so out there that you don't want to say anything i'm going to say this right now with you here because i've been telling you this since 2015. trump is going to get elected it doesn't matter what happens and that's not you're you're not endorsing him you're saying i can care less who the opponent is or who's who's the person going for presidency what did i tell you in 2015. you told me he would win and i said you're nuts yeah and everybody said i was nuts and this is way before people came out i had lance walnut on our program and everything but again you had asked me and some friends last year what do you think now i said i don't think anything i really know in my spirit god has shown me he's going to be elected i don't need to hear any prophets god can speak to us individually he did to the disciples you were mentioning on there about how if we didn't have the internet what would you do the disciples had to hear from the lord where to meet yeah so hopefully the internet doesn't replace hearing from the spirit yeah it's true so that's kind of where i'm going i've been seeing these things a little bit and i don't it's it's it's kind of nerve-wracking to say them because i've been wrong yeah but but you know what you're saying is a really good point and i i so appreciated that even though i gave that very um actually a little bit of a assertive maybe even confrontational question to those prophets i said where were the prophets and i i was so thankful for the way that they responded with humility saying you know yeah we kind of missed it that's awesome and um and and we're learning you know and and i think we can all relate to that we're all learning and we're all learning to sense the lord and another thing is kind of what you were just saying roy in some in some ways it was such a big thing and so out of the scope of what anybody was anticipating that even people that were sensing it or had dreams or seen things thought well that must be symbolic of something else or it must be way off in the future it's no way that could happen so soon but one of the things that you've seen and again i'll come back to this i've said this several times we're in a season that the bible told us about 2 000 years ago listen you don't need a prophet to tell you right that a shaking's coming the word of god told you that john said 2000 years ago the apostle john little children this is the last hour and i've been saying this over and over again if that was the last hour this is the last second of the last minute of the last hour so it's time to wake up i want to i want to introduce you to somebody very special wayman come on up here man this this man that i'm about to introduce you to is a great evangelist a powerful man of god preaches the gospel all over the world what i want you to do right now is i just want you to click share because i'm going to ask wayman just to share the gospel i believe people are going to get saved born again the power of god's about to flow through the screen right now so right now wherever you are just click share share share share share because we want this message to go out we're quarantined right now women and people are stuck in their homes but god knew this was going to happen and in god's wisdom there is a medium whereby even though you are shut in the gospel is not shut out and the gospel is going to go out right now i was online a few days ago we did we did a thing for the brazilians descend right right online yeah and i think we had something like six million people that watched over the course of the day wow so um it's an incredible time that we're living in and wayman before you minister what's on your heart i want to ask you to do something that may be a little bit uncomfortable but i really just felt it in my heart as i was sitting there as roy was leading i thought you know there's something that you have to say right now to a lot of people that are watching and it's going to be uncomfortable for you to say it but i feel like you need to i want them i want you to tell them a little bit about your story about what's happened to you the last few months and what the lord has done in your heart and and i believe that what god has done in you what a lot of people are going to see is if god could do that for you yeah in your situation right then we can all enter into that freedom and that joy so will you do that love you man thank you thank you thank thank you i just want to thank you for watching i just want to ask you two to share this and also like cfan uh follow us and and guys i want to say that about um about 11 months ago i was in prayer and fasting to go to a nation and and i was in my daily routine and just seeking the lord and my wife had gotten the car taken our children to dance and her name was jasmine and as i was waiting for her to come home about 9 30 at night i got a knock on the on the door and i went to the front door and i opened the front door i didn't know that as i i opened this door as i turned this knob i had no idea that my whole life was about to change sometimes doors open doors close but i want to say that this day i had no idea that my life was going to change in such a way and as i opened the door i opened the door and i looked through the the doorway and it was a police officer and he said wayman i have some really bad news and as he walked in the house he said sit down i want to talk to you and all of a sudden i'm like what's going on what's wrong you know and and he says please sit down and and he said wayman he said i just left a car accident and um i just i just pronounced your wife dead now granted i was in prayer i was seeking the lord and and i had no idea that when i opened that door my whole life was literally about to change the love of my life the woman that i had found and would rejoice over and had children with the woman who traveled the nations with me was gone just like that brothers and sisters i just want to say that life is short we don't know you know we don't know like as we've been this whole shaking of the nations right now we we realize that there's nothing stable in the nations except jesus and i just i just want to encourage you like we only have one life and fully live it for jesus and and as he said he said wayman i just pronounced your your wife dad i said are you are you sure and he says i know her uh she she was dead upon her rival she was coming back from dance with my daughter and son and a truck driver was not paying attention and ran through a red light and hit her head on and my children were in the car as well and as i was kind of in shock i yeah i just remember like everything was shaking like everything my whole life as i opened that door and and i just remember i remember i was like what should i do and i asked i said what what about my children and he said i don't know he said i know it's bad because they've lifted them and taken them to the hospital and so i didn't know what to do except i went up to my room and the officer's like hey you need to go with me and i told him i said hey i need a minute and i walked up to my room and i fell down on my knees and as i was on my knees i didn't even have words to say but i lifted my hands and i just began to exalt god i began to worship as tears were flowing down my face i had no idea that that was going to be the last time that i would see my beautiful wife here on earth and as i began to to weep i said god i just worship you i praise you i magnify you in the midst of this struggle in the midst of what i'm going through this pain i worship you ladies and gentlemen i want to say many of us are being shaken in this hour and i want to say that many of us economically all these things are going on all around the world and the only way is jesus the only one that is stable is christ jesus said i liken this one to a foolish person who hears my word it doesn't act upon it he said the storms will come the rains will come they will come jesus said these things he said but but if you're not built on the rock and you're built on sand many of us our lives have been built on sin and these shakings come these things happen these struggles happen as many of us are witnessing in this hour and if we're we're not built on the rock great is our fault but the bible says jesus says i liken this one to a wise man who hears my word and acts upon him he says the storms will come the rains will come the floods will come the waves will come and beat against your house but i'm here to testify that you can do all things in christ who strengthens you i'm here to testify that even when the storms come if you're built on the rock i'm telling you you will not fall though the storms come and i want to just plead to you tonight i want to tell you that you are a king you are a priest you are a royal priesthood you are a child of god the bible says that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever shall believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life and he says i sent my son into the cosmos into the world not to condemn the world but through him it would have life there's life available jesus is the way jesus is the truth and jesus is the life jesus said to nicodemus you must be born again you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven tonight will you give your life to jesus will you come and be not conformed anymore to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind see i want to tell you you are created to shine you were created to be a sign and a wonder the enemy trips us up he fools us he blinds us but in christ there is life and as jesus went up on the cross for you and i he took beatings and tortures and stabbings from the thorns and they mocked him and cursed him and the blood dripped from calvary see many of us we've thought we've been distant from god many of us have been ashamed of the life we've lived or where we come from but man i want to tell you the bible says we've been drawn near by the blood that we're no longer pushed away but we've been drawn near we've been drawn near by the precious blood of the lamb and i want to tell you there's no life like in him and today i want to ask you to give your life to jesus because in him there is life and we only have one we're here one minute just like my beautiful jasmine and we're gone the next and i want to ask you what are you doing with your life because you have been created in the image of god you are created in christ for good works not bad not evil man you are created you are a new creation in jesus in jesus who the son sets free is free indeed maybe you're like me you're a slave to sin depression and anger and worry and fear and addictions drugs and alcohol pornographies lust of the flesh and there's just shame i want to tell you you can come to the cross today you can come to jesus because the bible says that in christ we're no longer slaves to sin but that we're slaves to righteousness to right standing with god to innocence with god see we're no longer missing the mark that's what sin means to miss the mark we're no longer in christ we're no longer missing the mark but now we hit the mark we please god with faith in jesus come on you're beautiful you're smart you're gifted and god has plans for you to prosper many of us have been shaken in this hour many men and women have come before us great men and women of god who've changed nations who've led revivals but i want to tell you in this hour it is our time it is your time i'm telling you a great move of god is happening right now be a part of it be a part of what god is doing in this hour and i want to ask you to give your life to jesus today jesus said a seed must fall on the ground and die before it can produce fruit we must die we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven jesus came and he hung up on the cross and he died and now look at the fruit that has been born all over the world the church the beautiful bride of christ the beautiful and glacia which you're a part of and today pray with me pray with me right now the bible says all those who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved not might be not maybe be but you shall be saved tonight your sins will be washed away your past will be erased like a number two pencil that's what it means david says blessed are the ones whose sins have been erased your past will be erased see we break identity with the enemy tonight we break identity with our addictions tonight we break identity with the enemy tonight and we come into relationship with jesus we come into a right standing mindset that we're sons and daughters of god we're leaving the old man the old nature the sinful nature tonight that addiction to sin we're leaving that the bible says that in christ it says we were crucified with christ on the cross it says that we were buried with him in baptism and we were raised in his likeness no longer identify with your old nature you are a new creation so pray with me tonight say jesus i give you my life i give you my life tonight i believe that you died on the cross i believe that god rose you on the third day forgive me i give you my life tonight fill me with your presence fill me with holy spirit tonight in jesus name tonight i believe that that i am saved in jesus name amen tonight if you said that prayer i want to encourage you to send a message in to cfan send a message in and let us know that you gave your life to jesus i want to welcome you i want to say man wow wow what a day it is oh what a great and glorious day it is it is it is a new season like your old self has passed away because the bible says if anyone be in christ he is a new creation the old man has passed away and all things has become new see it's no longer you and i it's no longer waiman it's no longer any of us but it's christ in us in you the hope of glory let me pray for you today father i pray every person that said this prayer lord i pray for the power of the holy spirit o holy spirit that you would feel them that you would set them on fire god that they would be a light to the nations oh god i pray you would send them out to the nations in this hour to be such a light oh god fill them with passion with new identity lord that they would see who they are in you and lord i pray the blood all the blood over you tonight and lord i pray for those that need healing tonight all those that need physical healing i pray in the name of jesus for divine supernatural healing in jesus name tonight in jesus name god bless you tonight thank you now roy is going to lead us with a little more worship [Music] thank you for the crush lord thank you for the price you be bearing all my sin and shame and love you came and gave amazing grace thank you for this love lord thank you for the nail pierced hands wash me in your cleansing flow now all i know is your forgiveness and embrace worthy is the lamb seated on the throne crown you now with many crowns you raid victorious high and lifted son of god [Music] the darling of heaven crucified [Music] worthy is the land worthy is worthy is the lamb [Music] seated on the throne we crown you now with many crowds you reign victorious high and left jesus son of god the darling of heaven crucified [Music] worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb [Music] worthy are you there of god thank you for that roy jesus is worthy the lamb who was slain may he receive the reward of his suffering you know we're talking a lot in this season you heard it on the prophetic panel about this moment that we have to reach the nations you know this broadcast will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people just imagine that the gospel that just went out will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people and you might ask well what are you guys doing during the season you're an evangelistic ministry actually you know it's amazing the lord gave us wisdom at the beginning of the year that we scheduled all of our crusades this year unlike any other year in our history we scheduled crusades in the beginning and crusades at the end nothing in the middle we felt from the lord to do that and so none of our crusades have been canceled our next one is in september we've got 13 more crusades before the end of the year we have teams on the ground in africa right now preparing those we've got evangelists that are ready to go out it's going to be amazing we have seen since 1987 just over 30 years almost 80 million people make documented decisions for christ and when i say this i don't mean that they just raise their hand this is not an estimation these are people that came to the gospel crusades they heard a clear presentation of the gospel they received christ as their savior counselors went to them prayed with them collected names addresses and phone numbers and they were ushered into local churches to be discipled and those are the only ones we count because jesus didn't say go and make converts he said go and make disciples so we only count the ones that are being ushered into those local churches and that number my friend 80 million almost 80 million just a few thousand short of 80 million in just over 30 years and what the lord spoke to me in 2017 is that this decade would be a decade of double harvest that we would actually see those numbers double over the next 10 years what we saw in the past 30 is going to double in the next 10 and i believe that even that is just the beginning of an even greater harvest i want to ask you if you have a heart for the harvest for evangelism for the nations as we do my friend this is the moment this is the season this is the time to rise up and seize it for eternity say glenna ravenhill said the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity and i want to invite you if you have a heart for the lost i want to ask you to stand with us to partner with us in fact i want to be so bold as to ask you not just to give a donation but i want to ask you to become one of our monthly ministry partners our monthly partners are people that have said we want to stand with you in an ongoing way in this harvest and through through our prayers through our support we're going to stand with you and we consider our monthly ministry of partners to be more than just donors we consider them to be part of our team and we invite our donors to come with us our monthly ministry partners to go with us to africa to see firsthand what their finances are helping to accomplish they sit right there on the platform with our team and we consider them to be part of the cfan family i want you to sign up and become one of our monthly ministry partners i'm going to tell you how to do that in just a moment but i want you to watch this testimony this incredible story of a man named muhammad that had a life-changing experience in one of our gospel crusades in ghana watch this [Music] my father my mother you all are muslim [Music] i was born i was muslim i know at this moment i'm sitting down here anybody who know me will know that after today and yesterday my life has changed a lot of things yesterday happened to me i was deaf calling me to give me something i have to hit me i can't hear i spend a lot of money because of medicine for this my ears saturday morning i came to accra to visit my own brothers so after visiting them i was coming back to go there it was very late and the train left so i just went and slept at this place in the name of jesus deaf ears open in the name of jesus i wake up and i heard my he want my ears sound and i was healed that immediately i was healed [Music] i went to the people i said no let me testify this i was deaf [Music] my name is mohammed i i have a problem for my ears for almost two years i want to speak i don't understand i can't hear very well so i have this problem for two years so i'm not even trying to come here i came from tama i came to canadian by going to take a train i make late so i say let me come to the independent square is it i came to independence square i was sitting down here just here i did not even pray i did not do anything so i i wake up and i i can't hear and the es was telling me i can hear people who know me can testify that i am very happy i think he says he's he's a he said jesus is is a god he understand me i was not born to be dead i was not born to worship a god that i did not know i'm telling you i am standing here i can hear i can be able to speak again i will walk again for my work and then i will feel very very nice i thank god hallelujah hallelujah thank god you know who has healed you he is messenger of the lord almighty god what's his name jesus jesus and then i know that even the quran tell me that if you are muslim and you do not believe in jesus christ you are not a movement you are not muslim so i i believe that it's like that yeah i thank all i thank god to i can hear i i can't feel it i my ears is good i thank god i thank you jesus hallelujah listen my friends he is not just a messenger he is the son of the living god yes is the way and the truth and the life say amen yes i present anybody who know me and see my face my name is muhammad and i came from gambarga let me tell my wife that jesus is the son of god and let him tell him that i am here i am now a christian and i believe that jesus is the only one person that man supposed to worship if i have opportunity i could tend to pastor and then i'll open my own church or i'll be preaching in the streets when you you know the truth the truth must surely set you free so my friend i want you to think about this muhammad that you just witnessed there is one person out of a multitude in that crowd i didn't even know he was there that night when i was preaching roy you remember i sent you i texted you the one camera shot of that testimony the night that happened the night you were there yeah yeah i remember getting it i showed it to everybody at the the dinner table yeah i said look at this just came from africa daniel sent this to me i watched it i was like wow yeah that was so awesome yeah amazing so awesome and this is what we're seeing week after week month after month year after year once again it's worth repeating this we have seen since in 1987 nearly 80 million people that have made documented decisions for christ and been ushered into the local church follow-up system to be discipled that is what christ for all nations does and i want to ask you boldly because this is not for me this money's not coming to me it's not coming to roy we don't we're actually not being paid for this we're doing this because we want to we want to bless you but i want to ask you to sow into the harvest and so what i'm going to ask you to do is to become one of our monthly ministry partners not just to give a one-time gift but to join us let's do this together ongoing prayer support finance support let's do this and i want you to come to africa and sit on the platform and watch it and experience it for yourself i know that you will be incredibly blessed right now the information there are many many different ways to give the top uh way right there in the description is the monthly ministry partnership option if you would like to join us in that way just click on that otherwise there are many different ways that we've made available for you to give just to make it convenient for you if you want to become one of our monthly ministry partners i want to show you how to join watch this let today be your day to take life to the next level by partnering with a genuine soul winning ministry as a monthly ministry partner go online and click the partner button as a partner your prayers and faithful monthly support is something we can count on to help us budget responsibly plan fearlessly and work tirelessly in the mission of soul winning and together we share in all the blessings of ministry partnership that god promises in his word become a monthly ministry partner with us today [Music] and so once again if you have taken that step to partner with us in any way on any level large or small let me be the first one just to say thank you so much you're giving your praying your support really really does make a difference we love you so much and we appreciate you i just want to say to everybody here in the studio the entire crew to the evangelists here that have been praying for you literally all night as we've been doing this just on that live stream feed commenting taking your prayer because praying for you thank you to you guys thank you to wayman dotson who preached such a powerful gospel message thank to my entire prophetic panel that was there and the incredible insight that they gave us and to everyone who has helped to make this night so special most of all to you our wonderful viewers all over the world wherever you are whether you're shut in or not let me just say we love you so much we're praying for you we're believing god that this next week is going to be an incredible week you're going to see many wonderful miracles in your life and until next time we love you god bless you bye-bye [Music] this [Music]
Channel: Daniel Kolenda
Views: 14,903
Rating: 4.9171376 out of 5
Id: vCc5W7zbjWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 39sec (9279 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.