Special Guest: Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

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come on let's lift our hands and lift our voices to the lord let's give him a wonderful shout of praise lord we love you we glorify you we magnify you in this place king of kings and lord of lords it's all about you lord jesus and father i pray this morning that you would have your way in this place that you would speak to us that you would change us lord that you would cause us to leave this place this morning looking more and sounding more like you i pray in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen you can be seated this morning come on can you just put your hands together for the worship team what an amazing team you guys have i think you're so you're so spoiled you don't even realize how good you have it here at evangel temple um and you know pastor said in that video that he you know he thinks that i'm home i feel very much at home in your midst and uh just looking around the room at so many of your faces i love you so much some of you you know i've seen the lord do incredible things in your life and the best is yet to come amen in jesus name i want to just also say to pastor and uh to the whole wiggins family that are watching right now online um thank you so much for having me here i wish that you would just go and enjoy your vacation and stop watching us but we love you and we send you um all of our greetings and our love and um i also want to just um recognize everybody that's watching online because that's such a big medium now especially in this time and so for those of you that are watching at home no matter where you are in the world i want you to know we love you and the same presence and power of the holy spirit that is here in this place we believe is going to invade your home or your car if you're driving your living room your bedroom wherever you are in the mighty name of jesus amen let me just mention a few things before i get too far into the things i want to say to you today sometimes as a preacher i get so carried away right at the beginning and then i i forget to say a lot of things that i meant to say and so i want to remind you that we've brought a resource table for you out there in the lobby i believe it's stephanie and lorraine that are out there two wonderful ladies that are part of our ministry are out there manning that resource table i don't make any money from that actually we bring it just to be a blessing to all of you but since i've been here last time there's several things that we have developed that i think are especially meaningful during this season the first one is a set it's a small book and a cd called god's promises for hope and healing and what this is is it's packed with scriptures the cd has beautiful music instrumental music and then there's two cds in the pack one of them is just the music the other one pastor bonki and myself are reading healing scriptures and so if you're struggling with with something in your body or your mind put that on and just let the word of god saturate your soul the bible says that faith cometh by hearing the word of god how many of you know it's time to start putting the word of god into our hearts and into our minds in jesus name also there there's a book out there brand new called conquering fear this is from evangelist banky and myself and it's a book that we put together especially for this season and i believe that it's going to be a great blessing to you just speaking encouragement the bible says that god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind and we as the people of god have something that the world knows nothing about and i believe that in times like the one that we are in the distinction and the difference between those who serve him and those who serve him not should be clear as day we should not be struggling with the same things that the world is struggling with because we have the answer in jesus name and then um this book has been out since early last year slang dragons but we've released a new um edition of it there's only about a thousand copies of this in the whole world but we brought a few for you made them available today and of course last time i was here i gave out a whole bunch of these dvds called a tale of three dreams and what this is is it's really a prophetic vision that the lord has showed me about how this this baton of evangelism will go on from generation to generation we're not selling this but if you'd like a copy if you didn't get one last time we have some there for you free of charge we'd love to just bless you with that and then one more thing is we are having an amazing conference that's going to take place in a couple of weeks in orlando which is not too far from you guys so i would like to personally invite you that's going to happen on january the 28th through the 30th and i'm going to be ministering there along with some amazing men and women of god people that you know some of them have been here before like todd white like michael coulianos like eddie james sean floyd uh eric gilmore and many many others brian guerin and we're going to have an amazing time in the presence of the of the lord incredible worship amazing ministry and we're calling it the comeback because i believe it's time for the church to come back to come out of hiding it's our time to shine as never before in jesus name and we also have some really exciting things that we're going to be announcing and and i don't want to tell you too much but but i want to invite you if you want more information you can go to the website it is fireconference.org that's fireconference.org and you can get all of the information there and by the way we're doing something this year we've never done before which is we're hosting a simultaneous kids conference so in the one room is going to be for the adults in the other room we're going to be taking care of your kids and we believe you know as somebody said that there is no junior holy spirit there's only one holy spirit and we believe those kids are going to get marked by the presence of god in such a way that they will never forget it for the rest of their lives and um and of course we've got a lot of fun stuff too it's not just going to be all serious but i know it will be a wonderful and a life-changing experience amen that's the end of my commercial but uh i really felt in in thinking and praying about what to talk to you about this morning i really felt in my heart that it was that i just needed to encourage you how many of you could use a little bit of encouragement in in this season how many of you could use some good news well guess what you've got an evangelist this morning and evangelists preach good news and i'm afraid that no matter what is going on in the world no matter how bad it gets no matter how much the news media wants you to think that the world is going to hell in a hand basket i cannot get off the good news what god is doing in the world is too good to be drowned out by the secular news media that's trying to to us with fear how many of you know the news agencies are businesses and bad news is what sells and they have perfected the art of keeping you on the edge of your seat looking for what's coming next but we the people of god are not at their mercy because we are part of a kingdom that has already won you don't have to look at the news to see what's about to happen just open the book flip to the end you'll make a discovery the victory is one the king of kings the lord of lords he died he rose he is seated on high and he's coming back again say amen i i tell you what you know evangelist monkey is to say we are condemned to victory and when you get the kingdom mindset let me tell you how you can tell if you're thinking kingdom or you're thinking worldly you want to know how you can tell the kingdom of god is full of righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost when you are thinking kingdom you can't wipe the smile off your face and it doesn't matter who is in the white house it doesn't matter what's happening in the government it doesn't matter what facebook and twitter and instagram are doing it doesn't matter what apple and microsoft and all these other companies are doing when you're thinking kingdom you just can't get the joy out of your heart because you are part of the family of god and my friend if you're full of depression and anxiety and fear and turmoil i want you to know something that is not from the lord he has not given us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind and listen i know it's important what's happening and i know that it's important that we stand and that we make our voices heard but don't forget who you are and don't forget whose you are one of the things i feel is part of the way god wired me is when i come into a place i always feel like like the lord gives me a message that leans against the wind of everything else that's being heard and so sometimes you might you might not like what i'm saying but i believe that god wants us to maintain a radical balance yes we need to stand for what's right but we also need to remember that we belong to the kingdom of god and you can fall off both sides of a horse or you can fall into a ditch on both sides of the road let's stay right on the straight and narrow in jesus name amen and so all of that i got carried away again i'm sorry all of that was just i wanted to tell you about some of the things we're seeing in the world you know 2020 should have been a very bad year for us because you know let's face it there's two things that are very important to our ministry if you know maybe you don't know who i am i'm daniel i i lead a ministry called christ for all nations where we do these massive open-air evangelistic campaigns we've had up to 1.6 million people in a single meeting in lagos nigeria that happened and we see regularly hundreds of thousands over a million people coming together in one place at one time i have seen things that you would not believe if i told you i've seen entire nations shaken by the power of god i could tell you story after story after story but you know for for a ministry like ours there are two things that are very important to us one is travel i travel constantly yes domestically but also across the globe and the other thing is we gather huge crowds of people together and they stand in close proximity for long periods of time so need i explain to you why both of those things were a little bit off limits in 2020 and so if ever a ministry or an organization should have been brought to a skidding stop it was ours and yet i can tell you with all honesty before god we had one of the most amazing one of the most fruitful one of the most victorious years we've ever had in the history of our ministry the lord gave us a divine strategy that we started back in 2017 and launched in january that allowed us to get around every obstacle the devil had set up in our way and guess what he tried to stop us he made it ten times worse for himself because usually we do seven or eight campaigns a year but i wanna i wanna just give you some statistics from 2020 and this is going to blow your mind okay so think about this usually we do seven or eight campaigns a year in 2020 we did 1148 campaigns we worked with 1159 churches we saw in 2020 733 855 decisions for christ we held 106 personal evangelism seminars in local churches how many of you know evangelism is not just for the preachers on the platform it's for all of the people of god so we were training people how to win their friends and family and neighbors and in 106 of those seminars we trained 5150 people as evangelists and then in in tanzania we had 74 organizers between them they spent 2590 days preparing for what culminated with five gospel crusades in five cities simultaneously over a two week period and we saw tens of thousands of people every night getting saved that happened in 2020 isn't that amazing and then in addition to all of that on the during that campaign in tanzania we passed a milestone that i think i think the lord was saving it until it looked from the natural like everything was in the worst possible position he saved for us this big victorious moment and we passed the number of 80 million documented decisions for christ 80 million in the last 33 years in fact let me give you the exact number 80 million 29 661 decisions for christ in 33 years come on that deserves a shout out praise to god louis thank you [Applause] and so we're getting ready to launch these what we're calling satellite boot camps for the training of these evangelists in every region of the world in every major language of the world to train 20 000 evangelists over the next 10 years to usher in what i believe will be the greatest harvest of souls in the history of the world i tell you these are not the worst days for the church i don't care what they tell you out there this is our finest hour so shake off the gloom shake off the weariness get yourself girded up and suited up and ready for battle because we are about to invade and the bible says that the gates of hell will not prevail say amen i want to play just a short video for you because some things you just got to see with your own eyes to believe and then i'm going to come back and minister to you the preparations are going the stage is coming up the sound tower is coming up but there is a big excitement in the city everywhere you go the people are talking already about the crusade about what god's going to do and we're believing for thousands upon thousands to make the decision to give their life to jesus [Music] [Music] i preach you in the wonderful name of jesus and i come here tonight with good news that today is your day of salvation [Music] you were deaf in the right ear for 15 [Music] years [Music] god is gonna do something powerful right [Music] [Applause] here [Music] now is your time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have come to the right place [Music] for us [Music] lord we thank you for what you have done in this place lord we thank you for every miracle for every salvation for every deliverance what great things you have done and greater things you will do in the mighty name of jesus maybe that gives you a little taste of why i'm so happy and i hope it is contagious this morning some of you are looking at me like this cheer up jesus is lord amen and i really just wanted to share that with you i think we need that perspective you know we need to see what god is doing and when we see what god is doing and when we have our eyes fixed upon him he makes everything better he makes everything different i know maybe some of that footage looked familiar to you i know you had nathan morris here a few weeks ago right he was one of the evangelists that we invited to minister with us there and um so thankful that god is allowing us to partner and to collaborate and to multiply for the sake of the harvest amen if you have your bibles turn with me to the book of hebrews chapter 11 this morning in the in the earlier service i kind of i kind of just went off and i'm going to try to be a little more well behaved this morning but maybe you don't want that of course if you know about the bible at all you probably are familiar with the book of hebrews chapter 11. it's a very famous passage of scripture that has often been dubbed the hall of fame of faith and the reason for that is that when you read through this chapter you read story after story albeit in very truncated form of great men and women that god used in the past mighty men and women men and women of exploit and the bible constantly says that whatever they did they did through faith everybody say faith and i just want to talk to you about faith for a moment because i think in the western world there is often a misunderstanding of what faith is i heard an atheist once that was uh you know an intellectual who was debating a christian and the atheist said that faith is irrational because it is belief without evidence and he said anything that is without evidence must be rejected and that's why faith is irrational and of course the person he was debating didn't seem to pick up on the the fallacy of that statement because it is true that believing in something without reason is irrational but when we say that we have faith when we say that we believe god we're not talking about belief in his existence yes i believe that god exists and i have very good reasons for that and guess what i'm not alone even the devil believes that god exists and he trembles but when i talk about faith i'm not talking beli about belief that god exists i'm talking about a trust that has been placed in him you see you've got you've got to have the belief that he exists settled already before you have faith yeah that's what the bible says he that cometh unto god must believe that he is you don't even get to approach god until you've got that matter settled but guess what the bible says that even the heavens declare the glory of god believing that god is should be the easiest thing in existence but trusting him is another story and what i've felt in my heart even just over the last year or a little bit more than a year since this whole pandemic has started and there's been so much upheaval and there's been so much uncertainty in the world is i've been looking at the church to see if they really believe what they say they believe or if it was all just hype if it was all just emotion if it was all just clouds and wind without rain if you believe god if you trust god then none of this stuff out here should bother you but if in the moment when you sense things beginning to shake when in the moment you sense that there is disruption in the world if your faith begins to falter then my question is did you ever really believe at all some people are tempted to throw away the lifeline in the moment when they need it most my friend nothing could be more irrational in this moment we need to cling to him like never before this is not the time to panic this is not the time to start figuring out what you really believe this is the time to hold on and to endure to the end we need some of this just good old-fashioned faith preaching sometimes you need to be comforted sometimes you need to be coddled and helped along and to be told that you're doing good sometimes you need a good slap on the back and you need to say come on brother come on sister it's time for us to rise up it's time for us to stand up this is not the time to bow down or back down or cry or weep or hesitate it's the time to push on in jesus name and all of these great men and women of god that we read about here in romans 11. every one of them if you look down the passage verse 4 by faith abel verse 5 by faith enoch verse 6 verse 7 by faith noah verse 8 by faith abraham nine by faith he sojourned and all on and on it goes by faith by faith by faith by faith they didn't do it because it was easy they didn't do it because it was comfortable they didn't do it because it was profitable they did it by faith and i want to say to you men and women of god let's do it by faith let's do it by faith you know you know how you can tell i'm getting off track again these are the moments that expose us these are the moments that reveal what we really believe i remember i was just thinking about this the other day i was invited to preach at a at a church early on in my in my ministry and the ministry was very small in those days i was basically surviving on whatever the the church would give and whatever offering they would give and so i had a pastor that was from another state i won't mention the one he invited me to come out there it was a pretty long journey and um and i said don't don't worry about the plane ticket don't worry about the hotel room i'll i'll pay for it all myself i said all i'm asking for is that you let me share my heart with the people and take up an offering because i was getting ready to go to pakistan to do a crusade and i knew that if people could hear the fire burning in my heart for the loss to be saved i knew they would help me get there there was no doubt in my mind and he agreed to that so i paid for my own plane ticket with the very little funds that i had and paid for the hotel room and i got to the church and and i was just about to get up and preach my heart out and the pastor said you know what we're going to do it a little bit different this morning he said i'm not going to have you talk about your mission i just want you to preach and he said we're not going to take up an offering but the church will we'll give you something and bless you and i said okay well praise god pastor whatever you say and i thought well he he must have in mind something really great you know that they're they're not even going to take up an offering they're just going to take a step of faith and bless us so i preached my heart out i did everything i knew how to do at the end he handed me a check i said thank you pastor i walked out to my car i got in the car the rental by the way opened up the check it was 150 it didn't cover one way of my flight and and i felt i'm telling here's why i'm telling you this by the way i want you to know this church is one of the most generous hospitable godly character churches i've ever come across and and you need to appreciate your pastor and yours and the staff and the team so much they're amazing but here's why i'm telling you the story when i pulled that check out and i saw 150 and i realized i didn't this didn't even pay for one leg of my flight i felt something come over me like a cloud and i it was a cloud of fear it was a cloud of worry of anxiety has anybody felt this before and all the things began to flash through my mind how am i going to pay my rent this month what am i going to do and i began to to start in the in the carnal in the natural to figure out what am i going to do now what am i going to do now trying to come up with solution after solution and i felt the holy spirit slap me across the back of the head like i'm trying to do to you right now and i heard him say you stop this right now that man is not your source that building is not your source that is not your provider i am your jehovah jireh i am your source i am your master i will take care of you and you know what i did i went back into the church i said pastor i said if you would allow me i want to take you and your wife and the entire church staff out for lunch and i took them to the most expensive restaurant in town i emptied my bank account paying for them to have a beautiful lunch they didn't know why i was doing what i was doing but you know what i did in my heart is i said i refuse i refuse to let this spirit of stingy get on me i refuse and i'm gonna make a statement right here before god and before everybody and before the devil that i will not bow and can i tell you something the lord took care of me and he's still taking care of me and he will take care of you but when the trial comes when the test comes when you feel the heat of a battle burning on your face that is not the time to tuck tail and run that's not the time to get wishy-washy that's the time to dig in trust god believe him and be prosperous amen can i tell you something i have heard more stories of supernatural provision from the last 12 months that i've ever heard in my entire life i was just with a missionary a few days ago a missionary who who lived basically at the poverty line for 25 almost 30 years he had moved i think was 38 different times in the in that period of time always going from one rented place to another he was never focused on the money he was serving god and then the coven 19 pandemic came and he was getting evicted from his house again he had nowhere to go and this is a man of god he said i've been serving the lord my whole life and now in this moment suddenly it looks like i'm going to be homeless sleeping under a bridge with my family and then out of the blue he gets a call from a businessman the businessman said i'm sending you a check to buy a house for 1.5 million dollars he bought a house free and clear let me tell you something my friend our god is not hand tied he is not sitting in the corner trembling wondering what he's going to do about coronavirus he is seated on the throne and he's looking at you and he's saying will you trust me will you keep your eyes on me will you put your hope in me i got you covered stay under the wings wow jesus i'm preaching to myself sometimes sometimes we encourage ourselves in the lord by faith they subdued mountains my kingdoms then we come to the end here i i got to hurry up and after all these incredible stories great exploits mighty men mighty women by the way god wants to use the women in this hour i believe that with all of my heart in our evangelism boot camp where we're raising up crusade evangelists i'm not talking about just people that like to share the gospel one-on-one i'm talking about mighty preachers to multitudes half of our students are ladies and can i tell you something i hope there's not none of the male graduates listening right now but the ladies have so far been the stars i'm talking about god is doing something with the women that is blowing my mind i think that he's going to do it on purpose just to confound the wise and if you're one of those guys that says women aren't allowed to talk women are allowed to preach you're the one he's confounding in this hour i tell you what even the rocks will cry out jesus name i'm getting controversial now keep my keep my politics to myself so here we go and then in verse 32 of chapter 11. the writer at the end of this list this incredible list he says what shall i more say for time would fail me to tell of gideon and of barrick and of sensa of jephthah david also of samuel and of the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness and obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong waxed valiant in fight turned to flight the armies of the aliens women receive their dead raised to life again i mean let me tell you my friends you are part of a story that is the most amazing story one day in eternity i think the lord's gonna sit down and play a six 000 year movie for us and it's going to be the most amazing movie you've ever seen because it's going to be the story of what god did through people like you and through and like me and the writers saying i don't have time to tell you all these amazing stories of what god did just think of all the exploits think of all the miracles think of all the salvations and the risks that were taken and richly rewarded and then suddenly in the middle of verse 33 oh sorry verse 35 he switches gears and this is what he says and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection and others at trial of cruel mockings and scourgings yea moreover of bonds and imprisonment they were stoned they were sawn asunder they were slain with the edge of a sword i don't hear anybody shouting now they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and mountains and in dens and caves of the earth and all of these having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise you see i don't know if you enjoy a good story there's a certain characteristic that all good stories have there are many different kinds of stories throughout history but you'll never read a story that goes something like this once upon a time there was a beautiful young lady named cinderella and one day she met a handsome prince they fell in love and the next day they were married and they lived happily ever after the end you know why you would never read a story like that you would never bother with a story like that because it's boring it is the minor notes in the symphony that make the music interesting it is these moments of tension and of conflict in a story that make it pull us in so that we want to know what's about to happen we stay glued to the very end without the moments without those great crescendos in the story of the story would be meaningless and i want you to know god is a master story writer and let me tell you something you american fellow americans i'm going to pick on you because i'm one of you is that okay we americans thought that our story was supposed to go like this once upon a time there was a good christian man and he was born in the united states of america into a middle class family he got married he had a very nice job a white picket fence a dog a house two kids he went to church faithfully every sunday until he died at a ripe old age and went to sit on a cloud and play a harp for eternity the end let me tell you something that story bores me to death i don't want anything to do with that story you can take your easy life you can take your american dream you can take your lily-livered penny-wasted gospel you can get it out of my face i came into this world the lord sent me here on a mission i am here to live for the kingdom i want to be part of the story let me enter into the battle get me in the fray i want to fight i don't want to sit on the sidelines i don't just want to read about the exploits i want to be one of those that is used for the glory of god come on is there anybody else like that maybe it's just me maybe i'm weird i want to be in the battle i want to be part of the story and sometimes being in the middle of the story things get hairy anybody ever seen lord of the rings the story will keep you on the edge of your seat to the very end but guess what in the end we win and we already know that so buckle up don't let go he that endureth to the end will be saved that's the message and listen sometimes they have their women raised to life again i have literally seen people raised from the dead in front of my eyes but other times they buried their husbands and they wept for them and they had to wait to see them again one day sometimes they shut the mouths of lions and other times they were devoured by the lions peter walked on the water but paul was shipwrecked three times you see being in the middle of the story doesn't mean you have a guarantee that every conflict is going to go your way sometimes we hurt sometimes we suffer sometimes we pay a price when i say in the end we win i don't mean that at the end of this month you win i mean that if you endure to the end you'll be saved and you'll be part of the story and we need so desperately in our american christian evangelical culture to get some grit into us and i tell you the days are coming i believe i'm not prophesying this i'm just telling you what i feel i believe days are coming where wheat and chaff will separate and we will figure out who is who there are some people that were sitting next to you in the pew you're going to discover when it gets a little bit hot when it gets a little bit tense they're gone and there's a lot of other people that already have one foot out the door they won't even come unless they can watch it on facebook now i'm not criticizing anybody who's watching on facebook i love you but what i'm saying to you i said it when i was here last time i'll tell you again do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together this is not just about watching good sermons you can do that on youtube anytime this is about being with the family it's about community it's about partnership it's about support it's about accountability we need to preserve that in our midst you know right now we hear we hear people saying things that that are kind of uh ominous it sounds like there is actually the possibility that we could one day as believers have our voices taken from us that is very possible that if you would have told me that two years ago i said nonsense that's never going to happen but today if you said they're they're going to shut down your facebook account i'd say that could happen he said they're going to shut down your youtube account that could happen you said they're going to shut down your website that could happen these are realistic scenarios now you all understand what i'm saying but guess what they are never going to silence my voice because i'm going to preach this word i'm going to preach this gospel i'm going to do it the old-fashioned way i'm going to do with fire i'm going to do with the holy ghost i'm going to go into all the world i'm gonna get off my couch i'm gonna get on a plane i'm gonna go preach say amen [Applause] and guess what they can stop one or two big voices but they can't stop all of us they can't stop all of us listen to me it wasn't ah you know what i feel like i feel like some of these things that the devil means for evil god is behind the scenes working it all for good and we're gonna discover this was all part of his plan all along his desire was never to create a youtube church you think when the apostle paul talked about this great glorious church you think when jesus talked about that church that was gonna that was going to prevail and the gates of hell wouldn't be able to stand against it do you think when he said that he was envisioning somebody laying on their bed in their pajamas eating a donut and watching church services on their phone i don't think so i think he was imagining hundreds of millions of blood-bought saints who have laid their lives down they have said we don't care if we live we don't care if we die if we live it's for the glory of god and we are going to preach this gospel until he comes [Applause] god have mercy on us give us grace jesus all these having obtained a good report through faith everybody say through faith receive not the promise god having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect what does that mean it's so confusing listen to this this is so amazing are you listening to me you guys are never going to believe what this is saying think of all the great stories that have gone before us samson jephthah david samuel the prophets rahab joseph abraham moses all of these great stories you know what it's saying that they are all in heaven right now and they're sitting there watching the story as it plays out to the end and they're all biting their nails because their story has not yet finished it says that they without us should not be made perfect in other words the story that they were a part of the story that they had a role in that story is still being written now but they are no longer the antagonist they are no longer the protagonist they are no longer the hero they are now spectators sitting in a stadium the bible calls it a great cloud of witnesses encompassing around this scene that's playing out there this race that's taking place and do you know who it is that's playing the game it's you it's me and you know to be honest at first this can be a terrifying thought that that in the end of the story at the last lap of the race that god would put all of us in you know you pull your best players out at the end don't you you you don't you don't put in all of your delinquents at the end when it's most important you put in your stars can i tell you something that god you serve is no fool he knows exactly who you are and he knows exactly why he made you and he intended you for this moment for this hour you were created for the 1800s the 1600s the 1500s you were created to live right now in this moment of history you have a part to play the gifts that are inside of you the dreams that are inside of you the anointing inside of you the faith inside of you the calling the dreams that are in your heart they have been put there by god for this hour and i say to you rise up in jesus name god could have let smith wigglesworth be alive right now if that's what the world needed was smith wigglesworth he'd be here john g lake could have been born right now amy simple mcpherson could have been alive right now jonathan edwards and charles finney could have been alive right now but they're gone and instead you are playing the game can i tell you i believe i i i'm honest about this this is not just me spouting off i hear people say all the time that when they get to heaven they're going to run up to the apostle paul and ask him what it was like or they're going to run up to peter and ask him what it was like to to see jesus preach and all that you know what i believe i believe that when i get to heaven paul's going to run up to me and he's going to say daniel i couldn't wait to talk to you man i've been watching this thing what was it like to preach to a million people at one time and see thousands of miracles and salvations i saw i saw the holy spirit poured out on hundreds you've seen it poured out on hundreds of thousands what was it like i believe our generation is the most privileged generation in the history of the world and you are worried about some glorified flu you're worried about who's in the white house you're worried about what's going on with the economy wake up shake yourself greater things are yet to come this is our finest hour church of jesus arise hallelujah jesus and then it continues on in chapter 12. of course you know in the original text there was no break between chapter 11 and 12 right this is one constant stream of thought so when he says god having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect he goes into this next thought wherefore seeing that we are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses wherefore seeing that we are on the field running this race in the last lap therefore he says let us lay aside every weight and every sin that so easily besets us and let us run the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith before the prize set before him endured the cross during the shame and it sat down at the right hand of the throne of god listen to that looking unto cnn looking unto congress see this is our problem you start looking at the wrong things you start getting the wrong impressions i know i know i'm talking evangelicals i know what you're looking at stop stop it in jesus name shame on you get your eyes back on jesus lift your eyes back up put them on jesus let me tell you something any i i am all for you know representing political interests that especially things that are you know in scripture that we fight for we contend for because we're christians that is all fine and good but if you are contending for anything from a position of not looking at him you are going to mess it up you're going to make it worse than it was before the world's a complicated place you think just by getting out there and spouting off and raising cane you think you're going to make the world a better place let me tell you something get at your bible read the sermon on the mount put your eyes back on jesus and remember the time that jesus was living in was just as turbulent as yours the time that the apostle paul you know the apostle paul had caligula nero think about the things that were going on in the roman empire at that time things that are so horrific i could tell you stories but actually there are things i could never say in a pulpit what the world was experiencing on that at that time and you don't see paul politicizing you see him talking about the gospel the power of god into salvation for all that believe you see no matter what is happening in the world there are some things that remain true and i've decided i'm going to stay focused on those things earlier in hebrews it says that there's coming a time where he will shake not only the heavens but the earth and everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that only what cannot be shaken will remain now again i'm not prophesying i'm not a prophet i'm an evangelist but i'm telling you what's going to happen whether it happens tomorrow or five years from now or 10 years from now or 20 years from now that the shaking is coming and the shaking is not going to get less it's going to get more and there are going to be a whole bunch of christians who go down with the shaking you know why because they were holding on to stuff that wasn't solid they're going to lose their faith they're going to lose their passion they're going to lose their fire they're going to fall away the great falling away that the bible talks about happens because there's a whole bunch of people who were sitting in the church pews but they were hanging on to things that were not eternal and when the shaking came they went down with the ship but there will be some of us that are going to cling to jesus we're going to cling to the word of god we're going to cling to the gospel and no matter what happens in the world we will not sink we will not go down we will stand we will survive and in the end we will still be here praising god would you stand with me i want the worship team to come back i'm going to give you a little time but i want to show you what it says here and if listen if i've said something that offended you please eat the worms spit out the germs like popeye you know it's getting so hard i feel for every pastor especially pastors because nowadays no matter what you say somebody's going to get offended by it you just can't that you cannot possibly you honestly nowadays put yourself in the position of a preacher the only way i could get up here and say something that would offend nobody is if i just said nothing that mattered and i just can't do that i'd rather go sell cars i'd rather just retire or something i have no interest in just getting up here and wasting an hour of your time so again if if something's been said that offends you i would recommend two things number one don't take it personally number two just let it examine you because sometimes the very thing that offends you is the thing you need to hear reinhard used to say to me sometimes daniel you hit the nail on the finger but i want to show you one more thing and then we're gonna we're gonna pray here aside it says every weight and every sin everybody say weights and sins say it again weights and sins you see in the church world we focus a lot on the sins you're a lot of preaching about the sins but you don't hear very much about the weights because the weights are things that are not always bad things they're not always sins sometimes weights are good things did you know that you know you can get weighted down by good stuff i'll tell you what this little contraption here is an amazing thing it's an amazing tool it's got they tell me there's more computing power in this than there was on the space shuttle that landed on the moon okay it's a good thing but it can also be a weight some of you sit there four hours a day doing this there are a lot of things in your life that might not fall into the category of sin but if it's keeping you back it's holding you back if it's keeping you from stepping out into the fullness of what god is called to it is time in this hour to drop it to get rid of it to loose yourself from it so that you can run this race that god has put before us what if the devil understanding the wisdom of god looking at the church in this hour realizes that this is the greatest generation of christians ever to be born the generation that was destined to change the world and what if the devil said there's no way i can stop them so i'll distract them just get him fighting little petty fights that don't matter i'll get him on facebook every day in an argument with somebody i'm gonna get him even fighting with their mom and dad their uncles and their aunts their children i'm going to get them just fighting fighting fighting distracted confused perplexed and they'll waste all of that energy fighting battles that don't matter i say we lay aside the weights church and the sins but the weights too in jesus name can i just pray with you come on worshipping let me hear you with every head bowed and every eye closed i want to ask you this question first of all it if you know that you have been distracted and weighted down by whatever it is i don't know there's a million different possibilities but if you if you're feeling that today that you need to just break free from the weights that have come down around you maybe it's fear maybe it's anxiety maybe it's unbelief maybe it's just survival that has so weighted you down that you have not been spending time with the lord whatever it is if you say daniel i need to get set free from the weights that i'm carrying today and i want this day to be the day that it changes let me just raise your hand i want to pray for you father i pray so many of us lord i thank you that you by your holy spirit you speak to us lord that you are the one that convicts of sin of righteousness of judgment and lord you're convicting our hearts this morning lord and i pray that we would now lay aside every weight and every sin that so easily besets us so that we might run with patience the race set before us in jesus name lord i pray for grace upon your people i pray for deliverance from every weight i cut it loose in jesus name i rebuke every demonic ploy and strategy to steal away your fruitfulness for the kingdom of god jesus name now put your hands down i want to ask another question keep your heads bowed i want to talk to the one or the two the few that are here this morning this afternoon and you have never surrendered your life to jesus my friend listen to me we are entering into a season of time where you better know that you know that you know that you belong to him that he saved you that he's washed you that he's redeemed you and that you're on your way to heaven you are gonna be need you are gonna need to be filled with the holy ghost in this hour this is not the time in these days to go out into the world unarmed i'm speaking spiritually here you understand you need to be clothed in the armor of god you need to belong to jesus if you here this morning say i want to give my life to jesus i want to be saved i want to get born again i want to pray for you just lift your hand wherever you are i'm not going to call you down to the front but i'm going to pray for you just lift that hand high so i can see thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right here's what we're going to do we're going to pray a prayer together we're all going to pray this prayer in support of those praying for the first time are you ready come on let's shout this out say dear lord jesus christ i come to you today a sinner needing salvation lord jesus christ i cannot save myself but i throw myself at your feet and upon your mercy jesus christ son of the living god save me now i put my trust in you and from this day forward i belong to jesus and jesus belongs to me i believe it i receive it i confess it in the name of jesus and everybody said amen come on just take your hand i just want you to take your hand and just put it on your head right now i want to pray for you lord i thank you that you fill your people right now with the holy ghost fill them fill them fill them fill them fill them lord fill them in a way that they've never been filled before lord fill them with a fire that they've never received before lord i'm asking you for a new wine for a new wine for a new hour in this earth lord that you would fill them with the holy ghost in such a way that no matter what the attack of the enemy no matter what the strategy of the enemy that you will guard their hearts that you will guard their minds in jesus christ lord i thank you that you have not given them a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind lord i thank you that in these days they will be more than conquerors through him that love them lord i thank you for supernatural trust and supernatural faith and supernatural provision and miracles of healing and miracles of deliverance and miracles of blessing in jesus mighty name and i rebuke sickness right now if you are sick in this building i curse that sickness i command it to get off of your body get out of your body right now out of your blood out of your bones out of your internal organs be healed right now in the mighty name of jesus and lord for those who have loved ones at home that are sick lord the bible says you sent your word and healed their disease so lord just like you did with the centurion lord i thank you send your word into their home into the hospital across the ocean into into jail cells lord all over the planet which you send that healing power of god to touch your people raise them up and set them free in the mighty name of jesus amen
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 7,055
Rating: 4.8914027 out of 5
Keywords: evangel, temple, garry, wiggins, online church, jacksonville florida, jesus, church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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