Best of Chris Farley & David Spade Together (w/ Adam Sandler)

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hey MTV top 20 video countdown I'm David Spade and I'm Chris Farley we're here at our friend Bob Odenkirk house hey Bob thanks for letting us use your crib man sure you guys need anything what do you got I got some mustard oh um no thanks we're good yeah it's okay thanks Jesus let's never come back here again he's a weirdo agreed well it's time for the top three all right mustard what we're okay oh thanks what is he on cracker ice all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello Chris Oh David we have to pretend to be friends one more time a little bit yeah I think it went over great nobody can wear a suit like Chris fire [Applause] congratulations we're still here okay now the moment the rest of you have been waiting for nominations for Best Picture give it up Dave the next award is for animated short film Chris stop toying with my emotions David's better this way Dave by the way we got a telegram backstage from David Cassidy he'd like his hairstyle back we want to tell all these young folks at home you better go out there and see our movie Tommy boy instead of going out back in the only way can Dobey [Applause] [Music] although they are literal brothers in the movie that it became these very much like they are brothers I was on site live I've been on there a few seasons not done as much as Chris that's for sure Chris came on and hit the ground running I was kind of a brighter performer would you be a lamb and not smoke but I've done a few things and we shared an office Chris nice Oh Lauren Michaels would watch us around the office and we were like little team hey let's buy now that'll be you and you be the act doesn't change me one iota you know a lot of top boom so much want you Miriam come sure said you go ahead Oh God these are God Cindy can you leave some / oh you guys you guys have been friends for a long time correct yes we've been friends for a while and now it's since the movie in the show we're like an old married couple now and yeah except we sleep in the same bed oh really kidding David you you you it you appear to be sort of the The Guardian here Chris a little perhaps I'm the brain sees the laughs all right in the Oscar go let me help you with that here they forgot David's mother and you're watching MTV's top 20 countdown the next video is from Madonna's bedtime stories album yes it's the title track bedtime story mom what is the Chris Davis something asks you we watch a few seconds in the Madonna video no you can't we have to scream it first can we listen to it well I will decide that later you just finish those dishes well at least talk about the movie go see Tommy Boy everyone now get back to work here's Madonna at number 13 and I hope it's the one with the matador and [Music] there's as I said there there are times when you just feel luck is going your way golly gee whiz I'm all wet five twenty five boy oh that was The Cranberries at number seven it's a good song at least it wasn't Tommy hija hija give me nightmares so stick around for number six coming up on the MTV countdown hey you still wearing a Hawaiian shirt I don't know it looks real so we're on the plane pass the time playing checkers one time and then not David was uh he was beating me and I was getting a little cranky and sauce and stuff like bats and so he got so scared that he started moving his back through and he wasn't conscious moves and I'd be like going jig me now and then I'd be all happy when I start winning I see you guys pretty much hang out together all the time well no no not all the time but I mean I think in the future if everything goes bad for me I can always make money by writing expose books on Chris you know and it was no blockbuster that's the other funny thing people think it made hundreds of millions of dollars it didn't it probably thirty five million but you know what I mean there's some that just make 340 million dollars and nobody really cares so it's more important for me to have something that sticks around Tom's boy was classic it was a really funny comedy Farley was that his height right in terms of comedic abilities you played off him beautifully it was a great movie right and we did black sheep we would have kept doing stuff it would have been great right except he had a problem selfishly he selfish he had himself in by the way what did you think I'm gonna talk to you about the Saturday Night Live reunion exactly but what did you think of Melissa McCarthy doing her tribute uh first of all I think she's great meet Ella she's hilarious and she's good in everything I don't know her well I've seen her in passing she's sweet to me I I have to say I was backstage with Sandler of all people and we looked up at the screen and saw that we both want what the [ __ ] is going on without the context I didn't know what was going on and we both it sort of put us off for a second because I didn't know it was happening because we didn't watch rehearsal we didn't know it was happening but once I heard what was going on and what they did and all that it was fine I mean who cares what I think but I I thought she's so funny and she was putting in an odd position that's a tough thing to do I even heard her talking about I could understand it's just it's weird I think she did a very good job with it all those people doing other people what was it was a an interesting thing to make a show cool you know what I mean right and some work and some didn't I thought she did a great job with it and I heard her saying she wore his coat and she's that that even made me weird out like she said it made her you know because when Varley would put on stuff you put on stuff that said Belushi on the inside right and we would all sit in the room and [ __ ] and go home like god that's a little sparkin really isn't it order we go yes so you would rather I'm trying to really hear what you're saying I think reading between the lines no no I would say it through us at first and you'd rather they didn't do that no no it's okay I mean they did Roseanne rosannadanna and all that it's putting stars you know everyone wanted to be on that show everyone wanted to do something cuz they had hosted or been on it and when you think about there's 600 hosts over the years I mean and so many cast members so even to get a little itsy-bitsy thing on there was a big deal because a lot of people relegated to this spillover barroom so are you saying they weren't even allowed in the audience maybe being diplomatic but are you saying yeah whatever melissa mccarthy did was find yeah but maybe there was so many cast members there who didn't get any time that maybe cast members should have been featured more and is that what you're saying no no no I just shown a clip of no I think that was that was fine they're trying to do different things they're trying to make the show interesting in right that was a big why did it drill you and try to do it so now with you and with Chris Farley yeah yeah yeah there it was there when you I was writing there when you showed up and then Chris Farley showed up and you guys clicked right away yeah I know we shared a little office and then you know Sandler and Chris Rock had a little one necks just ready to walk through ours and Chris was always bored and I was trying to scribble away and write some crummy sketches and uh you know when he'd go even turn around and I go who would say this is Chris Chris yeah and I go if this is fat guy in a little coat it's not funny anymore I don't like it and he goes no it's not I'm working on new stuff and I go and I turn around he had my little Levi jacket on he goes bad guy little coat don't you quit on it I don't know what's worse you can hear the Casey cases were that wig that's not very good I'm trying to make the kids laugh you angry with Farley free sort of not taking care I'm seriously that what a great comedy team you guys were do you still think about it at all or you just sort of passed it no I still think about it I mean because of Twitter and all this stuff it's like feedback that you didn't usually get in the old days you'd have to run into people so you can get as many nice compliments you also get I wish you died instead of Chris Farley you know you get that stuff all the time maybe three times a day but um overall I do think that uh it was a big waste of course but if it makes you think I'm brave I'll take a fall more flatulates - I'm up but I cry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] if we make enough noise maybe he'll hear us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that wasn't the whole video so got this thing's gone whoo-whee come here I gotta take a look at this Darrin thing I think I could get a if I could get a bird's-eye view on this thing I think it could be the console or this other thing is here I need to get get under here for this if anybody has some flowers I think I found a vase well for crying out loud Dave could you get me a hatchet right now those of you on the left side of the plane might see the Grand Canyon no all right well number 18 we got a Bruce Springsteen with murder incorporated I'm glad murder Wynn incorporated started a company they were getting killed in Texas you got that dog here I can't I can't move my head out of it Dave
Channel: Best of Humans
Views: 1,354,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris farley, david spade, adam sandler, comedy, best of, funny, love, friendship
Id: vb3_zRVHMZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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